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Age Stories


Getting Older

thought about the seasons of my life

Although my thinning hair is slowly falling and I am in the autumn of my life and know that winter days will soon be calling, a thought that sometimes stabs me like a knife. And when I see my skin no longer smooth, the wrinkles on my brow, the lines around my eyes, remembering the green spring days of my youth, I chuckle as I listen to my sighs, but then I think of you my lovely friend, my lover, who, like me is getting o...

A Sonnet to My Young Lover

An older man speaks to his young lover

I won’t compare you to a summer’s day like Shakespeare did when wooing his true love, nor say impediments won’t mar the way our two minds meet or obstacles won’t shove our hearts apart and what we share won’t alter. And though I’m old enough to be your father, and you’re my lover, not my daughter, I hope that age will never be a bother, but know it’s natural to have these fears. Who knows for sure, my dear, what lies ahea...

I've spent my whole life being not sure.. doubts and conflicts generally took over my thoughts.. was this ok?.. was that ok?.. I sought approval from others as if confirmation would make it easier.. it never did.. my life has been an endless parade of successes and failures.. mostly the latter when it came to relationships.. I demanded that they live up to my expectations.. while at the same time failing in theirs.. I ass...

At 10 your life begins and you don't seem to have a care..You soar to heights with your first kiss and fly where eagles dare..Then you notice different friends who have so many curves and curls..And wonder at these thoughts you have about so many girls..At 20 just less than man and skilled in social arts..You work all day til the sun goes down and that's when your life really starts..Like a cobra coiled you hunt your prey...