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Don't Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 2


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Saturday 25th August 2018, Breakfast time


It was a month after since I’d last met him in person, the day after Malcolm, Jill, Veronica, and I had all shared a bed for the first time. My head nodding a yes to his question, the smiling black face topped me up, the aroma of steaming Colombian blend reminding me why this was my favorite time of the day. The aroma complementing the early morning quiet, disturbed only by the chorus of birds singing to each other, their purpose unclear but still a beautiful sound with which to start the day.

I looked across at the still smiling black face, marveling that he was up so early when his was very much a late-night business. I guess that was the benefit of having quality staff to delegate to – Jill and Malcolm being prime examples of the principle. Both of them still sound asleep at what to them would have seemed an ungodly hour of the morning. Sound asleep and in different beds, in different parts of the city. Jill looking so alluring and beautiful as I’d kissed her goodbye before driving the hour across town from Coral Gables to Delray Beach.

“Luther, it’s always nice to catch up, but I have to admit to being curious as to your invite at this time of day. And an invite to me rather than Jill or Jill and me.”

My voice was calm and inquisitive, these last few weeks having slowly worn away any residual anger I felt at how Luther was involving himself in our lives. Sure, sometimes my anger bubbled back up, but on the whole, he was too charming and too good at playing the game for me to be angry for more than a few hours.

Invited for a Saturday morning breakfast and ‘powwow’, I had a distinct feeling I was about to be witness to another example of Luther playing on my weaknesses, as he toyed with me and Jill like a puppet master playing with his favorite marionettes.

“Always straight to the point, no beating about the bush,” he beamed back at me. “Dave, I have a proposition for you, one I hope you like.” And with that, he pushed a plain white envelope across the table to me.

Feeling an immediate and sharp rise in my nerves, I picked up the envelope, tore it open, and started reading.

‘Dave, I told you right at the beginning that I love helping people explore their sexuality. Since Jill started working for me, the last couple of months have been great for all of us. I know you’ve loved watching Jill with Malcolm and the development of their relationship in a way that respects boundaries and means you’re not going to end up in the same mess as before. And I know that you cherish how things are going with Veronica and with Haley.

Well, last time you had to go to L.A., you and me agreed and played a fun game. And unless my calendar’s off, I think you’re off back to L.A. this coming week. So I’d like to suggest another little game. But like all good games, this one’s a bit hotter than the last one. After all, what’s life without progress?

Assuming you’re going on Tuesday night, I’d like you to agree that Jill can stay with Malcolm just like she did the last time. And as you’ve been such a good sport, I was planning to give Veronica a few days off work. She and Haley have had a hard last few years and I was going to pay for them both to go across to L.A. They’ll enjoy the break and seeing all the fun things in California, and you’d not be lonely, so I think it’s a win-win. And just so you’re fully in the picture, the other thing I’d want to mention is that a few of our old army buddies are in town and I was planning to let them stay with Malcolm in the company house while they’re in town. They arrive Wednesday and leave Monday, and it would be great if you were happy for Jill to show them around town with Malcolm.

Does it sound like a plan? Of course, it goes without saying that Veronica would bring the iPad with her so you can keep tabs and make sure you’re okay with everything.

What do you think, buddy? Luther

I looked across the table – that beaming smile hadn’t budged an inch. I really didn’t know what to say. He’d hit me with so much – such a big step and big ask. I just stayed silent, the cogs in my brain already whirring.

“Tell you what, Dave, why don’t you head on back home and give it some thought. Talk it all over with Jill, see what she wants as well. Then maybe later today or tomorrow let me know your decision.”


I had three hours all to myself, thinking about Luther’s proposition before I felt the seductive and sexy touch of my wife’s arms around my neck. Her boobs pressing into my back as her still sleepy form smiled at me and asked me if I’d be a love and make her breakfast – although brunch would have been more accurate given the time.

As I stood cooking Jill’s breakfast, I’d still not reached a decision. Three hours wasn’t enough when my poor brain was assailed by such conflicting and powerful thoughts and emotions. My brain like some battle scene from one of The Lord of the Rings epics. My addiction and excitement entering the battlefield from the left, ready, and willing to do battle with the otherworldly giants that were my fears and trepidation at how things were developing, fears made more real and powerful by my memories of how I’d felt when things got so painful with Chris.

It was now two months since Jill had started working full-time for Luther. Ostensibly things were going well. Jill was certainly enjoying her job, and despite the way that our respective work hours hardly meshed together we’d worked hard to achieve a tolerable level of time together as a couple. Mondays and Tuesdays were Jill’s two days off and I’d managed to get home early and avoid travel on these days. This time added to our time together before Jill worked Saturday and Sunday had become the bedrock of our relationship. And in a strange way, aware of the time we spent apart and its stresses and risks, we worked harder as a couple to make our time together special.

But the other times of the week, when Jill was at one or other of the three clubs she managed, was a bit of a black hole to me. Luther still rationed me to only having video feed for one of the five days Jill worked for him when he’d let me see the security camera feeds from the club where Jill was that night.

During the other four nights, I was totally in the dark. Totally blind-sided and unaware of what Jill was doing - from when she left before eight in the evening until I woke up at six in the morning. Always waking with a nervous start, turning to my left to see if Jill was there with me.

And I’m pleased to say that she was always there by my side, allowing me to start each day with a huge sigh of relief. At least it had done, until two weeks ago when Jill had suggested and I’d agreed to a slight change. That one day a week she was allowed to sleep over with Malcolm and I was allowed to sleep over with Veronica. We’d had two such ‘sleepovers’ now, both of which had been on Thursday nights, just before the clubs started getting busy for the weekend. Real triple-edged swords, if that’s a thing. I loved the closeness and excitement of going to sleep with Veronica and waking up next to her, and I loved the bittersweet pain I felt in my gut knowing that Jill was experiencing the same pleasures with Malcolm. But the fear and the worry was the third blade, and even after only two such nights the blade cut deep, and hurt bad. After everything that had happened with Chris, how could it not?


As I handed my still sleepy-looking wife her coffee, juice, and breakfast I kissed her softly, wondering just why she had a particularly smug look on her face this morning. Three mouthfuls and two slurps later she deigned to enlighten me.

“I know you’re going to say yes, honey,” she said with a tender and loving smile, “why don’t you save yourself some stress, worry lines, and a couple of ulcers and get it over with. You know I’m right, that when all’s said and done, you’re going to say yes.”

I looked hard at Jill, part of me a little peeved at the slight smugness I saw in what was an otherwise loving smile. But the more she just confidently returned my gaze and smiled at me, the more I knew she was right, and the more I felt that deep-rooted love for the playful side of her.

“How’s V? How’s your girlfriend?” she asked, gently teasing and tweaking me from another angle. Ours had become a truly strange relationship these last few months, my wife now calmly asking me how my ‘girlfriend’ was. But it seemed to work for us. I knew that Jill and Veronica often talked. Right back at the start of our new lifestyle, Jill had been the one more insecure and fraught at the idea of me with another woman. But first with Gemma, then with Dee and now in the most significant way of all, she seemed totally relaxed about how things were between me and Veronica. I’m sure this was in part as it assuaged her own guilt about her feelings for and relationship with Malcolm.

At the outset of their physical relationship, fresh with the scars and wounds from Chris, when Malcolm had told Jill that she was ‘special’, not just another of his ‘booty call’ relationships, she’d warned him not to expect anything more than a fun physical relationship and casual friendship. And although I rarely got to see the two of them together, all my instincts and all the other thousand odd little day-to-day clues told me that their relationship had already deepened, already way passed the casual friendship that was all Jill had initially wanted. The thought of this both terrifying and exciting me like a perfectly weighted pair of old-style kitchen scales.

“You know Veronica would love that trip to L.A. – and Haley would love it even more. That’s one reason I know you’re going to say yes, honey. You’re too nice a guy to say no, to deny the two new ladies in your life that trip that would make them so happy.” That smile again. “That, and the other less kind and more kinky side of you. Excited at the idea of me and Malcolm together all that time, and what we might get up to. Excited even more by what your naughty little wife will let Luther and Malcolm’s old army buddies get up to with me.”


Tuesday 28th August 2018, Late afternoon

I loved that totally excited look on her face. And I loved the nearly as excited look on the face of her mother. Jill had been right, there was no way I could have denied these two the pleasure that was beaming out from every pore of their pretty faces.

Jill and I had worked hard and been blessed by the good fortune that had allowed us to build a good life. A life that allowed us great vacations and memories with our kids. I had no doubts that Veronica had worked just as hard, if not harder, but life had dealt her a less cushy set of circumstances and maybe some of her early life choices had acted as training weights around her ankles, making every move up or step forward several times harder than it had been for Jill and me.

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But seeing the blissful look of happiness on the faces of mother and daughter made all these depressing thoughts seem a long way away. Sure, there were moments of doubt and worry about whether I was building up undeliverable expectations in the hearts and minds of these two people about whom I increasingly cared for. But I forced myself to push these thoughts away and concentrate on making the next five days a time brimming with happiness and wonderful memories. The type of joy and memories that Jill and I had managed to sprinkle so liberally into the lives of our three children, helping make them the people they were today.

The three of us held hands as Haley skipped down the airbridge, no hint of nerves tainting her excitement on what was to be her first plane ride. “Thanks, Uncle Dave,” her young voice genuinely full of gratitude and happiness at the thought of five days staying in a hotel, another new experience for her, and all the different sights and experiences she and her mother had planned out for the next five days. I still had more than enough fears and doubts about what I’d agreed with Luther, but looking into that bright and happy face seemed to help banish my fears to a locked draw at the very back of my brain.

During the five hours of the flight, it had mostly been me and Haley. Initially, Veronica had been sat in the middle, next to her excited six-year-old who had of course taken the window seat. With its chance to see the excitement of take-off and the steady ascent to look down on Miami and then enjoy the cotton wool clouds before they gave way to the ethereal rich blue of the sky at thirty-five-thousand-feet. But Haley had spent so much time talking across her mother to ‘Uncle Dave’ that Veronica and I had decided to swap seats. With the rest of the flight being the Haley and Dave show, while Veronica managed to get some much-needed sleep. Not that I was complaining as I had plans for Haley’s mother when we landed and had got Haley to sleep in the adjoining hotel room.

It was nine-thirty by the time we reached the hotel and got Haley to sleep, an excited little girl who desperately wanted to keep going but whose body clock was telling her it was midnight-thirty as she finally succumbed to the inevitable as her mother and I held our breath to make sure she was fully asleep.

Over the last two months, Veronica and I had seen each other frequently enough that we only shut rather than locked the adjoining door. I was now ‘Uncle Dave’ (which seemed appropriate but not too much) and a fully accepted part of little Haley’s world. Not just Haley’s world, also the world of her mother, who’s large breasts I was happily now squeezing for the first time in five days, the weekend being a no go time for us as it was the club’s busiest time and also the time Jill and I needed to keep our relationship real and current.

“Mmm,” she moaned contentedly, putting her own hands on top of mine, helping me with my milking action that wouldn’t have been out of place on an old-style Amish farm, pushing her butt backward to confirm her suspicion that I was good and ready for duty. She pushed me down to sit on the edge of the bed, slowly removing her clothes in a sultry and pouty way that had me gently rubbing the front of my slacks in anticipation.

As Veronica removed the last of her clothes, I couldn’t help but mentally compare her and Jill, Veronica shorter and slightly curvier, her breasts and hips just a little larger and fuller and making me mentally drool with anticipation. Now totally naked she walked over and straddled my lap, scrunching her bare pussy on my hard erection, smiling in an impish way as she teased me, her arms wrapped around my neck as she playfully gazed into my eyes.

Her hips rotated in the tightest of circles, her little pussy doing a number on me in a way guaranteed to mean my pants would need hotel dry cleaning tomorrow, the glint in her eye daring me to pick her up and do my worst. Just for a while, I let her play her game, resisting the temptation and making her wait. Until I saw the first hint of frustration in her eyes and lips, and then I struck. Grabbing her tight, standing, and swiveling as I threw her to the bed, following her down so she’d feel the weight of my body as I crushed my lips to hers.

These last five days I’d missed this. I’d loved being with Jill, but I’d also missed the second woman who was now part of my life. Ninety-nine percent focusing on kissing her and the anticipation of pushing my cock deep into her pussy, one percent thinking that this must be how Jill felt with Malcolm. Feeling both happy and greedy, smug and self-satisfied at the pleasures of having two lovers in your life. A solid, luxurious and exciting sedan for the weekday commutes and an exciting and pacey little convertible for the weekend, a source of variety and pleasure that only made the Monday return to the sedan all the more pleasurable.

We kissed and played, whispering in her ear how I was going to fuck her good, how I’d missed her, and intended to make up for lost time. This wasn’t really me, the real me was much more conservative and cautious, but I loved playing the part. Loved the way I felt when seconds later I was stripped and my bare cock was balls deep in Veronica’s tight pussy, her tanned legs wrapped like a padlock around my middle, the clearest of messages that she considered me hers now.

We had all night and another four nights, so there was no hurry. I was happy to move in and out at the most leisurely of paces, no earth-shattering orgasms for either of us, just a couple of lovers enjoying the unique closeness of two bodies joined together. Loving the way my cock felt as V’s pussy enveloped and squeezed it, loving the knowledge that I’d soon see her face screwed up in ecstasy and that shortly afterward I’d cry out as I shot my seed deep into her body. A jet of fluid that claimed her as mine, her acceptance of my seed sealing the deal and letting all the world know she wanted to be claimed.

My heart soared as it all came together so beautifully. The feelings in my cock, the soft touch of my woman on the sensitive skin on my flanks. The way my cock and my touch of her boobs and the kisses I smiled down on her made her moan and sigh with pleasure. It was all a meal in perfect synch, eaten slowly by both of us to make the moment last as long as possible. Five days we’d been waiting for this and I knew we both wanted to make the most of it.

After a while, I actually pulled out, just laying by Veronica’s side so that I could touch her face, gaze into her eyes, and kiss her soft lips. Happy for a while to enjoy the woman, undistracted by the mechanics of making love to her body. V got it, her little smile telling me she loved it too, joining me in sometimes being the one to touch and start the soft kisses. Until after a while, her hand squeezed my cock, telling me she was ready for the physical side of our night together to start up again.

I don’t know why, maybe it was the five days apart, but when we finally came together it was one of the most satisfying climaxes we’d shared. I’d lost track of how many times we’d made love now, each Wednesday and Thursday evening spent together as the way she wanted to spend her nights off, the Thursday nights being nights we’d slept together the last two weeks.


We made love one more time before it was time to turn on the iPad and watch the evening’s entertainment from back East in Miami. I was glad that there was no hint of jealousy from Veronica at my focus on another woman. I would have understood and not begrudged her some mixed feelings, but as it was, she seemed almost as excited as me to watch Malcolm and Jill play.

I’ve always been a deeply analytical, unemotional, and realistic person. And while I knew Veronica was happy with the current time we had and the nature of our relationship, I was realistic enough to know that her enjoyment of seeing Malcolm and Jill together might have a large element of ulterior motives in it. It wasn’t that I thought she wished ill on the relationship between me and Jill, she wasn’t that kind of a person. But she knew that the closer Jill and Malcolm became, then the more time and the greater opportunity for closeness for her and me.

It had been a month ago that Veronica had asked me where our relationship was headed and we’d ended up having a long and deep conversation. Both of us experiencing all kinds of mixed feelings during that conversation, as I told Veronica where I was at. That I did have feelings for her, strong feelings, and that these feelings were putting down deeper and more substantial roots in my heart every day. But I also leveled with her that just as Jill had promised that, whatever her feelings for Malcolm might be, she’d never leave me, that was how I felt about the situation between Veronica and me. That I loved the time we spent together, and I was falling for her more and more each day, but that I never saw myself leaving Jill to live with Veronica and Haley.

A month ago, Veronica and I had discussed all of this and I knew she didn’t wish any overt harm to my marriage to Jill, but she’d have been less than human if she’d not thought about the upside for her if Malcolm and Jill carried on getting closer.

As the bright colors of the iPad screen burst to life, I was disappointed to see Luther’s dark face smiling back at me, delivering some kind of pre-recorded message to me.

“Hey, Dave. Sorry to disappoint you man, but I didn’t think it was fair for you to watch what happened between Jill and Malcolm today. I gave them both the day off work and they shared some real special times together. Like you and Veronica, they’re growing closer every day, and without breaking any confidences, today was a kind of watershed for the two of them. So, Dave, I hope you’ll forgive me, but I think it’s better if you wait until tomorrow. Then things will become clearer. So, buddy, until tomorrow.”

The bastard! He’d done it again. He’d cut one string, I was that bloody puppet hanging limp by a single thread, feet dangling inches above shark-infested waters. Every word he’d said calculated to increase my torment.

I reached for my phone and desperately rang Jill’s phone, but there was no answer. Somehow, he or he and Malcolm had connived together to make sure Jill wasn’t answering her phone. I knew it was hopeless, but nonetheless, I tried Luther, Malcolm, and Dee’s phones but they were all equally unresponsive.

The bastard, I’d have to wait twenty-four hours before I’d know what kind of watershed moment had happened between Jill and Malcolm. Veronica looked into my face and I saw ninety-nine percent sympathy, love, and concern. Maybe the trick Luther had played was turning me into a paranoid wreck of a man and maybe I was imagining it – but I thought I saw just a tiny spark of happiness and knowledge in Veronica’s pretty Latina features.

Twenty-four hours was going to feel a helluva long time.

(Thanks to cbears52 for his kind help in checking and editing and removing mistakes.)

Written by rawraw25
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