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"Two friends buy an inn together"

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About a year ago, I bought an inn with Lynn, my best friend and business partner. My name is Alex and I’m a tall middle-aged guy, with light red hair that has yet to fade.

Lynn is the same age as I am though she looks ten years younger. She is a stunning brunette with a strong athletic frame, large breasts that she’s had perfectly framed years ago after having children, and beautiful dark eyes that rouse the attention of almost every man she meets.

I’ll admit it right now and be upfront with it, I’m totally in love with Lynn and always have been. I know she loves me too and we are very close, but not close in the sexual sort of way you might expect.

More than a few people who have met us have assumed we are a couple, but the reality is, we just aren’t and we both agree we are so much better the way things are now.

Lynn and I had a short fling many years ago, but honestly, I couldn’t hold her attention. She gets so much attention from men, that she’s literally got thousands of men connected to her in her Tinder profile. For me, I don’t want that sort of pressure to constantly compete against every man on the planet.

What we have instead is an incredibly close relationship that is everything that a romantic relationship has less all the hard parts. Her mother confessed to me once that she thinks of me as her son-in-law. We work together, we share everything we own together, and we take care of each other.

However, we both have our own spouses.

Two years ago, we rented an inn to do some business planning together away from the city. Nestled in the heart of wine country, it was the perfect retreat. Lynn fell in love with the place instantly and convinced the owner that if he ever wanted to sell the place, to give her a call. And that’s basically how it came to pass that we bought the Inn together.

The Inn is seasonal. Vineyards and wineries are not destinations in the middle of winter in our part of the country, which makes for a slow period. Just as we were taking over the Inn, the previous owner introduced us to an interested tenant – Amilee.

Amilee was from France and was looking for a place to stay over the winter in this area and had stayed at the Inn many times before. Lynn and I met with Amilee one afternoon.

“We understand you are looking for a place to live this winter?”

Amilee responded in perfect English but with a strong French accent, “Ah oui, I love this place. I’d like to have one of your rooms for three months.”

We opened a bottle of wine and the three of us got to know one another as we negotiated the terms.

Amilee was several years older than Lynn and I, but she was still a very attractive blonde. She was shorter than Lynn, but shared the trait of large attractive breasts.

After a few glasses, the conversation was more open. Amilee looked at Lynn and asked her, “Why are you and Alex not together? He’s attractive, non?”

Lynn and I get that a lot. Even the local media once wrongly published a story about us being married, much to the chagrin of my fiancée.

We laughed and chatted a bit more and then parted ways agreeing to the terms of the lease.

A month later in the dead of January, Amilee arrived to check in.

“Welcome, Amilee!” I greeted her as she came in from the cold. “Let me help you with your bags.”

Amilee's move-in was easy and it was nice to have company around the large old property. Lynn and I had been trading off stays at the Inn to manage it during the winter. There was the odd guest here and there, but generally speaking, we were just keeping an eye on the place.

We all became fast friends and for Amilee, she enjoyed having the mixed company. Girl talk with Lynn. Business and wine talk with me.

One Friday night, Lynn and I had planned to spend the weekend together at the Inn to do a few renovations while it was slow.

It was one of the white-knuckle drives from the city to the Inn in the middle of a snowstorm. A drive that normally takes less than an hour, took over two.

When we arrived, we were surprised that Amilee had prepared a hot meal for us. It was so very kind of her and much appreciated.

I retrieved a few bottles of red wine from the cellar, and we all enjoyed the meal together. Lynn and I sat on one side of the long dining room table and Amilee on the other. Lynn had found old church pews to use as seating for the dining room table and she had them modified to make them feel like our guests were sitting in a cozy dining booth.

After the third glass of wine, as one might expect, the conversations were fluid.

Amilee pressed us again, “Why aren’t you two together again?”

Lynn and I shared our reasons, each listing one reason after another why being friends has worked better for us than being lovers.

Unsatisfied with the explanations and being a pushy French divorcee herself, Amilee then asked, “Have you two ever slept together?”

Lynn and I have only rarely disclosed to anyone that we have slept together. Neither of our spouses know about those crazy nights in our past despite various inquisitions. I will never say a word, but I looked at Lynn, who by this time was rosy and bubbly when she took the question, “Sure, we’ve been together, but that was years ago.”

Amilee leaned back in quiet enjoyment, “Mon Dieu! I knew it!” Feeling her instincts were as sharp as ever. With cocky French confidence she added, looking at Lynn directly, “You know he’s in love with you too!”

“I’m right here you know.” I feigned a weak protest, but didn’t refute one word of her statement.

Lynn smiled broadly, turned to me, “Of course, he tells me all time.” She leans into me, and we kissed each other on the lips holding the kiss for perhaps a second or two longer than you might for two friends.

Lynn and I are totally comfortable with each other and always have been, so Lynn didn't make any attempt to restore the separation between us on the bench. My hand naturally fell onto her upper thigh and she didn't flinch any objection whatsoever.

“Why are you single, Amilee?” I asked in an attempt to re-exert balance to avoid a conversation of incrimination.

Amilee openly discussed her own divorce and disappointment with men and relationships. She came to America to get a new start and get away from all the French bullshit, “There are so many affairs of this man and that woman or that woman and another man or sometimes groups of people where I come from. I played along with the French laissez-faire approach to sex, which is fine, until emotions get involved and someone gets hurt. Quelle dommage!” She paused for a moment, then translated, “Such a shame,” she added looking upward as if remembering something.

It piqued my curiosity further and I asked her, “What was the craziest thing that happened back then?”

Amilee shared how she and her ex-husband had once had an open marriage. She was free to take on a lover as much as he was. The arrangement was predicated on openness and trust which required full disclosure on the extra-marital trysts each were engaged in.

Her marriage came crashing to a halt when one day she came home and found her husband fucking her sister in their bed.

Lynn and I went pale with that confession – wrong question to have asked.

“And that’s why I’m no longer married to him,” Amilee stated as a brave matter of fact, but the small tear in the corner of her eye indicated this was a sensitive topic.

Thus followed an awkward quiet moment that we all sensed sucked the vibe from the room. Amilee didn't want the evening to go in that direction and reposed the question to Lynn and I, “What is the craziest thing the two of you have done together?”

The question alone struck my mind like a bolt of lightning and flashbacks of Lynn and I in the backs of cars, offices, bathrooms, hotel rooms, hot tubs and even once at a sex club. We both knew the sex club was the pinnacle of our ridiculous escapades, but neither of us have ever dared speak of it to anyone.

My hand gently stroked Lynn’s thigh as if to say you say it, I’m not answering that question, or at least not entirely or honestly.

But if you get to know Lynn at all, one of the things I love about being with her is that anything goes. The two of us don’t have a filter after three glasses of wine.

Lynn went on to tell Amilee the whole story about us flying to New York for a conference. I had rented a one-bedroom condo, which Lynn had not objected to at the time. We had finished the sessions, had a few drinks in the hospitality suite and were ready to go out in the Big Apple in a big way.

We had always joked about going to a sex club, but for whatever reason, the thought had occurred to us both at the same time.

Lynn and I took turns giving our impressions of the club, its patrons, and its activities.

“But did you do anything?” Amilee asked impatiently awaiting the good stuff, ”Or anyone?”

Lynn’s own hand was on my thigh this time passing the verbal baton to me to finish the story. Whether that was because I remembered the details better than she did or she just wanted to give me a chance to tell my perspective.

“The short answer is yes,” I replied to a disapproving chorus of boos from Amilee.

“I don’t know if I want to hear the rest of this,” Lynn says, “plus I have to pee.”

Lynn slid out from the pew and vanished to the facilities.

“Que-ce que se passe?” Amilee asks now slipping in out of French more frequently with each glass of wine. “What happened?”

I tell Amilee that after an hour or so of just watching the antics of the various club venues that Lynn and I were sitting on a sofa together when we start fooling around. It began when I parted my towel and showed Lynn my half-hard cock to which she wrapped her fist and then her mouth around to thicken it fully. From there, Lynn and I just let go with each other and gave into our inhibitions – in the pool, in one of the rooms – just her and I, no one else, but total trust in one another.

By the end of the story, I notice Amilee’s foot was rubbing up and down against my calf.

As Lynn returned to the dining room, Amilee proclaimed, “I love that story!”

Lynn looked at me and said, “What did you tell her?” to which I just smiled.

Amilee gave the cliff notes version of the highlights and hearing it from someone else’s perspective interested Lynn and she snuggled in next to me, placing her hand into mine on the table.

Amilee finished her rendition with the statement, “If you two want to sleep together while you are at the Inn, you can count on me, I will never speak a word about it with your spouses.” As she said that, Amilee’s toes were crawling up my leg underneath the table which sent shockwaves through my groin.

Lynn laughed nervously at the suggestion and lamely refuted, “Alex and I have been there in the past and done all that. He’s getting married soon and maybe I will too.” Lynn tried to dial down the sexual tension building in the room, but neither Amilee, nor I, wanted to turn it down quite yet.

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Amilee asked in her plain French way, “Have either of you ever been in a menage-a-trois…together as three people?”

The suggestion caught Lynn by surprise and she squeezed my hand in shocked reaction. Each of us sheepishly shook our heads.

Amilee continued, “You’ve never had the pleasure of two women at once Alex? And you…” looking directly at Lynn, “have never shared your petite chatte with another woman?” Translation not required, Lynn blushed.

“It can be a very sensual experience, particularly for you both, because you aren’t technically a couple.” Amilee's tone of voice deepened and sensualized.

Another moment of silence but we felt the sexual tension around the table.

Suddenly, there was the tiny sound of something metal hitting the ground underneath the table.

“My ring!” Amilee exclaimed, lifting her hand as evidence she had dropped it. We heard it rolling around on the hardwood floor below. Without thinking, I looked under the table for its whereabouts.

I tracked it and leaned down to pick it up but was stopped in my tracks by what I saw.

Not only was Amilee stroking my leg with her foot, she was stroking Lynn’s leg with the other. As I followed her legs up to the apex, her legs were spread far enough apart that I could see Amilee’s bare naked chatte and her skirt hiked up, her other hand lying on her upper thigh and her fingers dangling over a tiny landing strip defining an otherwise hairless region of her body.

“Can you see it?” Amilee asked from above as I attempted to retrieve the object.

I called back from under the table, “Yes, it’s more under you Lynn, can you get it?”

Lynn maneuvered along the bench to reach under where she was sitting. “Where is it?”

When Lynn's head dipped below the table's surface, I caught her glance and my eyes referenced her gaze across to the other side of the table. She looked at me with a gaping mouth.

“I’ve got it!” Lynn declared rising from under the table and passed the ring back to its owner.

We resituated ourselves around the table, no one immediately said anything until Amilee broke the silence, “So?”

“So…” Lynn repeated nervously.

Amilee said without a hint of shame, “So would you like me to join you both tonight in bed?” further eliminating any shred of doubt of her specific proposal.

Sensing Lynn’s hesitation, Amilee assured her, “I know you will like it and if you don’t, we can all laugh about it tomorrow, non?”

I knew what Lynn was thinking, we were going back to a time when we had nothing to lose. However, we now had more to lose and both of us had the same sort of reservations. But there was something so sensual about the evening. Lynn and I had lived by JDFI and look at where it had gotten us.

Lynn replied in a shaky voice, “Let’s go to the Red Room. It has the largest bed.”

The three of us slid out of the pews and plodded up the creaky old staircase to the guest rooms with Amilee in the lead.

As we entered the Red Room, I wrapped my arms around Lynn’s midsection and she responded by turning to face me and draping her arms over my shoulders. We then shared an intimate kiss together.

It had been years since we had kissed each other that way, our lips parted, our tongues twisted, our heads screwed against each other.

In the meantime, Amilee turned down the bed and removed her dress. Amilee crossed the room to join us.

Running her hand up my shirt buttons, she tugged gently to pull my chin lower to meet hers. We too shared a kiss with loose lips and wandering tongues as Lynn looked on.

Amilee turned her attention and posture to square against Lynn to repeat the feat. I’m sure Lynn had kissed women in the past, but I had certainly never witnessed it.

Amilee undressed Lynn, unzipped her dress from her neck down to her lower back. Her dress fell away to the floor and Lynn stepped away in only her underwear.

I watched as the two women unclasped their bras and slipped out of their panties. Amilee took Lynn’s hand and guided her to the edge of the bed and playfully pushed her into the center. Amilee crawled onto the bed beside her. Posed on her elbow, Amilee looked down on Lynn. Her fingers traced the muscle groups of Lynn’s body one at a time.

Amilee paused her touch around Lynn’s nipples and lightly circled each one making them pert. Leaning in, she wetted them slightly with her moist lips and made them glisten in the low light of the room.

Amilee plunged her fingers south, splitting Lynn’s center. Lynn spread instinctively and I watched her eyes roll back and her lids close just as Amilee’s light touch teased her seam.

“Are you going to join us?” Amilee asked me, momentarily looking in my direction.

I was undoing buttons, loosening belts, and losing any extra pieces of clothing that would be typical of a dark and storming evening such as this. Amilee watched with particular interest as my briefs fell away to reveal the aspect of me of greatest curiosity to her.

My cock stood full and hard, pointing perpendicular to my body, like a divining rod and pointed to the wettest place for drilling in the room.

I entered the bed from the other side and positioned myself on the opposite side of Lynn. Lynn turned her head toward me instinctively and I leaned in to kiss her again.

Amilee meanwhile planted a row of kisses between Lynn's breasts and the apex of her legs. I could tell when Amilee reached her destination as Lynn's mouth gaped again midway through our kiss. A low, involuntary, guttural moan came out.

I glanced in Amilee’s direction and watched her head slowly nodding up and down between Lynn’s legs. Lynn arched her back, giving Amilee fuller access. I took Lynn’s leg and pulled it backward and exposed her fully and completely to Amilee’s hungry tongue.

I slid to the edge of the bed joining Amilee and she paused her work momentarily giving Lynn a moment of relief. Amilee welcomed me with her warm open mouth and we shared another kiss with her lips coated in the taste of Lynn. She then offered me a turn.

I lapped hungrily at Lynn’s folds, splitting the seam, and the tip of my tongue swirled her clit. This was something I missed sorely over the years and had fantasied about often.

“Oh my god, that’s so good,” cried out Lynn. “Please don’t stop!”

Amilee and I took turns coaxing Lynn’s clitoris to swell. Amilee rose again onto the bed and straddled across Lynn at the hips. She settled herself lower and I watched from inches away as her own throbbing pussy pushed down on Lynn’s.

I cupped my palms around Amilee’s ass and plunged my tongue into her own dripping mess. She moaned her appreciation and I went back and forth between sucking the two of them as they ground against each other's pubis.

Both of them extracted their pleasure as I sucked one and massaged the other. I felt Lynn’s clit engorge and had witnessed what happens next many times years ago.

Lynn was the first to give up, letting out a loud moan and her body trembled. I knew I had about five seconds to keep going to drain her completely before she became too sensitive to touch.

Amilee too wanted to free her orgasm. Lynn grabbed her ass with both hands pulling her against her. Amilee was on her edge.

Lynn’s body reached that highly sensitive state where I had to cease licking her, but I knew from past experience that fucking her could further sustain the second wave of her orgasm.

Rising, I took the steely shaft now dripping in precum and smeared it against her velvet sliver finding her warm, wet, wanting wallet. I pressed myself against her and it coasted inside her until fully deposited.

Amilee had a certain image in mind she wanted confirmed before she would succumb. She dismounted Lynn and sat next to us, her legs spread, one above Lynn’s head and the other going under Lynn’s leg.

“Do you like to fuck your best friend Alex?” Amilee told us more than asked in rhetoric. She rubbed her clit with two fingers. “And do you like having the two of us licking you Lynn?” she said as she starved for Lynn’s hungry eyes to look upon her.

Lynn was unable to speak as she was being fucked thoroughly across the bed. She mustered an affirmative groan. Lynn’s hand reached out to touch Amilee. Amilee gladly accepted, taking her hand, she folded away a couple fingers and inserted Lynn's middle two inside her glorious gap.

Lynn and I looked back at each other. Our look conveyed a combination of oh fuck, we did it again, with a dash of I can’t believe this is happening, with a boatload of there is no one else in the world I would do this with.

I pressed and held my hips flush against Lynn as she squeezed herself around me. From deep within Lynn, I flooded her with one creamy white silky rope after another. My eyes were wild as I grunted carnal release inside her.

Amilee’s fingers rubbed over her clit in a blurred frenzy as she tilted her head back and thrust forward on Lynn’s fingers. Her thighs spasmed and in rapid succession one wave of pleasure was followed by another and one more for good measure before she relaxed and Lynn’s fingers fell away.

The three of us breathed heavily and looked emptily at each other. The nothingness of our orgasmic releases slowly faded over the next few minutes and brought us gently back to reality.

We smiled at each other. Then one of us laughed and then all three of us laughed.

By the time the giggles subsided, we were all lying in bed together. I was in the middle with Lynn and Amilee on each side of me. Lynn reached down and pulled the covers over us and closed her eyes. A second later, she was asleep.

Amilee turned on her side to face me. “You are both lucky to have each other the way you do. It’s so obvious to anyone how much you love her.”

Amilee was quiet for a few more minutes. The two of us just watched each other.

Then she continued, “Tomorrow morning, I want you to wake up with her and make love together. Not what we did here tonight. This was, um how do you say, erotic… yes, erotic pleasures. No tomorrow, you both need to make love to each other because you may never get another chance.”

With those words, Amilee gave me a short, sweet kiss. She gathered her clothes and returned to her own room down the hall. Moments later, I fell asleep as well.

The next morning, the storm had passed and there were tiny streams of sunshine creeping into the room around the corners of the blinds.

I rolled over to check the time and there on the nightstand covering the clock was a single cue card. I picked it up and squinting in the dawn light, it was enough to make out the initials “JFDI” with a heart after it.

I smiled at Amilee’s perceptiveness.

Just Fucking Do It.

I rolled over and wrapped myself around Lynn. Lynn responded by pushing herself further into my embrace. A few minutes later, we made love to each other.

Written by ForeYou
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