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Losing My Virginity to My Mother's Best Friend - Part 2

"A teen continues to expand his carnal knowledge; was he caught?"

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 2 of a multipart story. To gain a sense of where this story started to get where it is headed, please read Part 1. If you've read Part 1, I hope you enjoy."

Sunday morning was a late wake-up. I slept in until ten in the morning and didn’t want to get out of bed. I would have stayed in bed if it weren’t for my bladder telling me that I really needed to go to the bathroom. I sat up, my cock hard with morning wood but knowing I really had to go. I grabbed my football shorts and slipped them on before making my way to the bathroom.

I almost ran into my mom as I opened my bedroom door and entered the hall. She was clad in her thick long white terry cloth robe cinched at the waist and in her bare feet; her hair was tousled as if she had just been fucked. She smiled at me and quickly looked me up and down, I know she couldn’t miss my straining cock in my shorts as I hadn’t gone soft yet and then, as if nothing happened, she spoke. “We didn’t see your car when we pulled in last night. How was the party?”

I was caught off guard. “I, uh, didn’t get to the party. After checking on the girls, I called the Martin’s house. Mrs. Martin said Mark and everyone had already left. So, the girls and I played Rummy until they racked out. By the time I got home, I just made my way to bed and was out like a light.”

My mom looked me straight in the eyes and smiled. “I hope you had a good evening then.”

I reached for the bathroom door and opened it, flipping on the light and turned back to her and responded, “I was pretty tired anyway.“

Mom smiled back and made her way back to the kitchen as I closed the door to relieve myself. It took me a few minutes before my morning wood subsided enough for me to relieve myself. By the time I finished, I could tell mom had the coffee started.

I decided to take a shower and get ready. I didn’t really have anything special to do on this particular Sunday with the exception of washing my car. By the looks of the weather outside, I figured I would have to wait till later in the afternoon. Out of the shower and back to my bedroom to change into jeans and a Cleveland Browns t-shirt, I could smell the coffee brewing. Dressed, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice. Not really hungry, I knew my mom was back in their bedroom getting a shower. She would be out soon to get her first cup of coffee and my stepdad would sleep for at least another hour. I jumped when the phone rang.

I answered the phone, “Hello?”

I smiled hearing the response, “Is that you this morning Tony? Is your mom there? It’s Abby.”

“Good morning Mrs. Johansson. I think she’s taking a shower but I’ll tell her you called. Do you want me to leave her a message?” I asked.

“Thanks, Tony, just ask her to call me when she’s out of the shower.”

“No problem Mrs. Johansson. I will.” I hung up the phone and finished my orange juice.

I rinsed my glass out and left it in the sink. Looking out the kitchen window to the west, I noticed some storm clouds appearing to form. I might not get my car washed today if it ends up raining all day. My mom walked into the kitchen and made a comment, “Lost in thought?”

I nodded my head yes and turned around. She had showered and dressed in a pair of white shorts that were tight and mid-thigh, a light blue tank top that accentuated her full breasts, her nipples hard in the lace bra poking the tank top’s thin material. Her hair was blown dry and brushed. She didn’t have any makeup on this morning. “Mrs. Johansson called while you were in the shower. She asked that you call her back.”

She smiled back at me and reached up into the cupboard to grab a coffee mug. In doing so, she stretched, giving me an awesome view from behind, before turning to the coffee pot. “I’ll call her right back. Thanks.”

She took a sip of her coffee and walked over to the kitchen phone where I had been standing near the sink. She took the handset off of the cradle and began dialing the number to the Johansson’s. I made my way toward the stairs before she realized I was going to head downstairs to watch television and motioned to me as the phone was ringing in her ear. She motioned for me to move back to the upstairs living room, “I need to clean up down there this morning before anyone else goes down there. I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

I nodded OK and turned around to move back into the living room before Mrs. Johansson answered the phone on her end. “Abby, I was told you called. How are you and Bob this morning?”

My mom laughed at Mrs. Johansson’s response causing me to pause on the other side of the doorway, out of sight. Mom laughed a couple of times before commenting, “Abby, you were so right about them. Will their wives be there next week?”

There was a pause, then my mom added, “I’d like to, you know, all of us. I didn’t realize they were out of town until…” a pause in the conversation.

“I know, right? Really? I’m wet already.”

Another pause while Mrs. Johansson was talking to mom.

My mom’s voice got a little softer but I was still able to hear her. “I was getting pounded by John and I happened to look over at the hallway for an instant, when I saw Tony in the shadows, his hands on his cock watching us. Damn Abby, I was cumming like crazy and when I saw him standing there rubbing his cock as John’s meat kept slamming into me, I just kept cumming. I couldn’t get enough.”

Another pause and my mom responded back. “I know. I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I bumped into him when I got up this morning. He was heading to the bathroom and in those football shorts he wears. He had his morning hard-on. I really don’t think he noticed that I saw him.”

I took the opportunity to make my way to the television and turned it on. I wanted to make sure my mom wasn’t concerned with me listening to her conversation. Making my way back to the doorway, I heard her again.

“Abby, you’re incredulous!” My mom giggled.

Another pause.

"I have to go downstairs and clean up after us from last night. I left the blankets and pillows scattered in the middle of the floor. No, no…no, no rubbers. I’m glad I’m still on the pill. You know, Stan licked out all the cum he could afterward. I am a happy girl!”

More pause and mom giggled again.

“Abby, I’ll check and let you know. Chat with you later.”

When mom hung up the phone, I quietly made my way back to the sofa and waited to see if she would check on me first or head downstairs, like she said, to clean up from the night before. Seeing that she didn’t come in, I knew she had gone down the steps. I pondered whether I should go down to help her but thought better of it.

I replayed the part of the conversation I heard my mom say, 'I was getting pounded by John and I happened to look over at the hallway for an instant when I saw Tony in the shadows, his hands on his cock watching us. Damn Abby, I was cumming like crazy and when I saw him standing there rubbing his cock as John’s meat kept slamming into me, I just kept cumming. I couldn’t get enough.' Wow! My mom did see me last night and she noticed my morning wood in the hallway. What does that mean? She liked it? I know I sure did. My mind raced.

Twenty minutes later, she came up the steps into the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee. She carried the cup into the living room where I was sitting watching television. She watched me for a few moments to see if I would react to her presence before she spoke.

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“I started a load of laundry downstairs. If you have anything, take it down now and I’ll get to it today seeing that it looks like a rainy day. If you could, can you take down the hamper from the bathroom?” She was watching me for a reaction.

I turned to her and smiled, “Sure mom, no problem.”

I got up and made my way back to the bathroom to grab the hamper when my stepdad came out of the master bedroom, freshly shaved and showered, a smile and surprisingly, slapped me on the back as he went past me to get his cup of coffee.

I followed with the hamper and as I made my way to the steps, my stepdad looked at my mom and said, “Dear?”

She smiled and nodded her head, which I figured must have meant that she had already been downstairs to clean up after the previous night’s fuckfest. I assumed, from his actions, he didn’t know I saw them when I came in last night. I assumed correctly. Of course, I wasn’t sure until much later.

At the bottom of the stairs and into the hallway, I made my way to the laundry room and opened the door. The washer was running. There were four piles of clothes laid out on the floor to be washed; jeans, towels, whites, and mixed colors. It was when I noticed mom’s very flimsy black bra and bikini panties in the mixed color pile I got intrigued to see whether her panties were as sexually arousing to me as Mrs. Johansson’s had been the night before. I wasn’t disappointed.

I pulled out the bra first, imagining my mother’s luscious orbs being caressed by the soft material. Flimsy as the bra was, I could imagine mom’s nipples poking proudly for an erotic view. I picked up her black matching bikini panties and found her gusset still soaked. I looked closer to find globs of semen, still wet. Had she been fucked before they had gotten home as well? Was it my stepdad? How many others? My mind raced and my cock twitched immediately at all of the wicked thoughts of my mom getting her pussy filled with cum.

I put her panties and bra back down in the pile and messed the clothes in with others from the hamper to be washed. My, I was hormonally charged and my mind would not get out of the gutter.

I walked back out into the hallway and peered into the family room to see it neat and clean. No visible sign of their tryst only a few hours before. I grabbed the hamper and walked back up the steps.

“Mom, Stan, I‘m going to head over to the high school to see if there is a pickup basketball game. I’ll be back by dinner.”

They were sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and chatting; both of them chuckling before turning to me and nodding. My mom chimed in, “Ok, don’t be late. Dinner at six.”

With that, I grabbed my gym bag and threw in my basketball shoes, shorts, t-shirt, socks, and jockstrap. My toiletries were in my locker at the gym. On my way out the door, they barely noticed me leaving.


I can remember the school week being pretty hectic. Three tests and track practice kept me extremely busy and I was looking forward to partying with my friends that Friday night. When Friday night came, we all ended up at the local pizza parlor before heading to the Martin’s house. Mark’s parents were away, and therefore, teenagers will play. We had Boone’s Farm wine, some cheep 3.2 beer and played loud music before calling it a night. I was glad I had spaced out my drinks. I had a make out session with Becky Harrison, one of the cheerleaders. We were both handsy, and boy could she kiss. But as usual, I was left hard and still hadn’t cum. But, Becky had potential. She even told me so.

That Saturday morning was a beautiful early spring day. Mom asked me if I had anything I had to do that morning and when I said no, she asked if I could take a cake pan back to Mrs. Johansson before I went about the rest of my day. She made sure I remembered they were going out with Johansson’s and friends again that evening.

After showering, I dressed in old faded tight Levis, a high school football t-shirt, my green Converse suede basketball shoes that I wore off the court, and a light jacket. I grabbed my keys from the corkboard key rack at the door, picked up the cake pan, and made my way outside to my Camaro. I was at the Johansson’s in just a few minutes after my car warmed up. It was ten-thirty in the morning.

The garage door was open and the family station wagon was gone, but the burgundy 1972 Lincoln Mark IV was in the garage. The front door was open but the storm door was locked. I rang the doorbell and waited to see who was home.

It took a few moments, but Mrs. Johansson finally came to the door. She noticed it was me standing there with the cake pan in my hands. She unlocked the storm door and motioned for me to come in before she headed back to the kitchen.

My eyes followed her as she walked back to the kitchen and picked up the phone. I walked behind her carrying the pan. Mrs. Johansson was dressed in her white tennis outfit. If it wasn’t the one from the weekend prior, it sure looked like it. There she stood, dressed in her white tennis skirt, her matching top, white tennis socks with pink pom-poms on the heels, and tennis shoes, leaning forward on the counter on her elbows talking on the phone. Her hair was pulled back in a long red ponytail with a white hair clasp holding the ponytail in place. Her body was to die for in the pose she displayed. Her legs were tight as she leaned forward at the waist. I thought she was unconsciously wiggling her ass as she spoke, turned slightly away from me. I just watched her talk.

She giggled a couple of times as she listened to who ever was on the other end of the line. “I sure will," she said.

She straightened up and turned to the wall to hang up the phone. Turning back to me, she cocked her head to the side and looked me over. “Well, Tony. I wasn’t expecting you to bring the cake pan back this morning. I thought your mom was going to drop it off when she went out this afternoon to the grocery. I didn’t really need it until tomorrow.”

I smiled back at her and responded, timidly. “Mom asked if I would drop it off on my way to the high school. I was going to play some basketball with some friends. We usually have a pickup game on Saturdays in the spring and summer. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Were you heading out to play some tennis today?”

Mrs. Johansson smiled at me and I could see her eyes sparkle. “I usually play tennis on Saturdays, I thought you knew that. We play at the indoor courts in town.”

Her tennis bag was sitting on a chair near the kitchen/mudroom garage door. I handed her the cake pan and she placed it on the sink counter. She turned back toward me and smiled again. I asked her where the girls were since I didn’t see them or Mr. Johansson.

“You still want me to check in on the girls tonight, since you all are going out again this evening, right?”

“Yes, Tony. Bob and the girls are visiting his sister for a couple of hours today. He had a few errands to run and she asked him if he had some time to help her husband move some furniture at their house. They’ll be gone until late this afternoon.”

I responded, “No problem. I’ll drop in and check on them like usual then. I’m not sure if we are going out to a movie or doing something this evening or not yet. I guess I’ll know more after basketball.” I turned to head out to the front door and called back to her, “See you later Mrs. Johansson.”

I got to the door just about to open the storm door to go out when Mrs. Johansson called out to me, “Tony, one more thing, please?”


To be continued...




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