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#WeTwo - Part Two

"A sister gets involved in a scandal."

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On the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"

The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something chic and sexy although she didn’t have clothes like that. Her stepsister did and Janice was more than happy to help her sister dress for the occasion.

Penny looked dazzling when Kirk brought her to the club. A band was playing smooth music that reminded her of the songs her dad played when she was a child. Most of the guests were middle-aged or older although several college-age girls were there to mingle with and flirt with men known to have deep pockets. Their wives were not shy about showing off their wealth. They were dressed to kill with jewels that sparkled even in the dim light. Kirk wore a tux. Penny felt ill at ease until he told her that she was the prettiest and sexiest woman there. She didn’t feel much like a woman and thought people were staring at her. They probably were. She was young and looked like someone’s granddaughter.

At the bar, the bartender asked her, What’s your poison?” She didn’t understand and looked up at Kirk.

“She’ll have a glass of rosé, please, and put an ice cube in it. I’ll have pinot noir, straight up.” The barkeep laughed. The only wine Penny had ever tasted was at communion and that hardly counted.

Kirk and Penny sat at a small table to talk a little before Kirk introduced her to a few people he knew.

“How did you get invited to this, Kirk?” she asked.

“I work as an intern to a film producer. He thought it would be a good idea for me to come here and get my name known before graduation. Networking is a big deal in this industry, so I’ll be working the room. You might be left on your own for a while.”

“But I don’t know anyone,” Penny anxiously replied.

“Don’t worry. They’ll come to you. They always gravitate toward the most beautiful girl in the room.”

Penny blushed then asked, “Why is that?”

“It’s because they want to find out who the competition is.”

And that is how the evening went. Kirk introduced Penny to some friends, then went off to introduce himself to those he thought might influence his career. Just as Kirk had predicted, Penny was a popular guest, especially among the men who always offered her a drink. She usually said, “Rosé with a cube of ice.” But once to sound sophisticated, she said, “Rosé straight up,” and that always produced a good laugh.

Penny danced with Kirk trying to do slow dancing. He taught her a few steps then she waltzed with George, Tyler, Baker, Sandler, and so on and so on. None of them was under the age of forty. By the end of the evening, she had perfected ‘waltzing.’ She didn’t try the jitterbug. It was a crazy dance and Penny couldn’t believe old people could move that fast.

When Kirk drove her to his apartment, she was lightheaded but deliriously happy. She had mingled with the rich and famous and felt like a princess or even a queen. Either way she was royalty and couldn’t wait to tell Janice all about it.

“What time is it?” Janice asked in a woozy voice only half awake when Penny got home.

“I don’t know. Late I guess.”

“Geez, Penny, I was worried. You should have called if you were coming home late.”

“I almost didn’t come home except that Kirk said I had to leave his apartment before the cleaning lady got there. So here I am.”

“Are you drunk? Your face is red, and your lipstick is smeared like you couldn’t find your mouth when you put it on.”

“Well, Kirk took me back to his apartment and you know.”

“I know what?”

“Shit, Janice, do I have to draw you a picture?”

Janice laughed. “I see. You lost your virginity again. How was it?”

“Fantastic!” Penny enthusiastically replied. “This time was so much better than before. Kirk ate me out almost like you do me. That made me insanely horny, then he showed me different ways of fucking. One he called the doggie, and another was cowgirl. I really loved cowgirl because I was on top and in control. After a while, I kind of got dizzy and I was breathing so hard, it was if I was running, and running and running and couldn’t stop. I could feel his cock start to pulse inside me and fill me with his hot gooey cum. That was so good.”

“Did you cum?”

“I don’t think so but almost.”

“So, he didn’t wear a condom. I think you need to protect yourself. Hopefully, you aren’t pregnant yet.

“Look, Sis,” Janice continued, “do you remember Aunt Dorothy at our Christmas party? She’s a physician and got me on the pill. We need to get you an appointment with her and soon!”

“Can’t Mom do that?

“You know Mom. She’s very protective and wouldn’t like knowing her teenage daughter is sexually active. We should keep this between ourselves”

Before curling up and falling asleep, Penny told her sister all about the party and how everyone was so dressed up like being at a royal ball.

Then Janice talked about her night with Aaron and a friend of his.

“We did some bar hopping then went back to his apartment with a friend we met. I think Aaron drinks too much,” Janice told her sister. “This ‘friend,’ I can’t remember his name, was about Aaron’s age and really hot. I think Aaron mentioned the guy had been in several movies and worked for a famous film producer. He had an accent that sounded Italian. When Aaron passed out, he took me into the kitchen, kissed me, pulled down my panties and we had a quickie on the kitchen table. I didn’t cum but he sure did. I’m still dripping,” she said with a lecherous grin. “I’m beginning to think Aaron was just faking it for his buddy.”

After the Showstopper Gala with Kirk, Penny began to seriously date him. In fact, they became inseparable over the next month. While they were wrapped around each other on a chilly spring night after he fucked her with another potent creampie, he sprang a surprise on Penny.

“Guess what, Penny? We’ve been invited to another party.”

“Really? Do I get to get dressed up again?”

“No, Penny. It's an after-party."

"What's an after-party?"

“Our final performance of Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest is on Saturday followed by a cast party for the performers, directors, producers, stage crew, etc. We are honored to hold it at my mentor’s mansion, the producer I told you about.”

“Did I meet him at the Gala?”

“I think so. His name is Wendell DeLaurier. You couldn’t miss him. He wears these wrap-around tinted shades like in Hollywood. They’re so dark you can’t see his eyes. We’re never are sure what he is thinking. And he has a French accent.

Penny took a deep breath. “I don’t remember him.”

“I’ll get you a ticket to the play if you want, then you can meet him at the after-party.”

“Sure. That would be fun. I’ve only seen plays at our high school. What would you be doing?”

“I’m in charge of the lighting.”

Penny liked the theater’s atmosphere but not the play. She didn’t understand British humor. Kirk and she met in the lobby after most of the audience had left.

“How did you like the play?” Kirk asked.

“It was okay. It was a little hard to understand.”

“Yeah, Victorian satire isn’t for everyone.”

“Choir? I didn’t see a choir.”

“No, Penny, satire. It’s a type of humor. Let’s go party!”

“Great. I sure could use a glass of rosé,” Penny giggled.

“Maybe you’d like to try something stronger this time like gin and tonic.”

“Okay. That’s what my mom drinks.”

The place was crowded. The bar was busy. Kirk ordered her the gin and tonic with double limes, then he left to work the room like a politician.

Penny didn’t mind being left alone. She enjoyed meeting new people, especially since they were closer to her age and weren’t the usual high school cliques. One woman who was a drama coach remembered Penny from the Gala and told her how pretty she was. There was a guy she recognized from the play and congratulated him on his performance.

“Well, thanks but I wasn’t the lead. I was only the butler.”

“Penny smiled at him and said, “But you were a very good butler.” He thanked her and asked if she wanted a refill. She said, “No thanks. I can do it myself.”

Penny ordered a second drink, with double limes just like Kirk had ordered. She thought the limes were the best part of the drink.

Searching the room, Penny spotted a distinguished-looking man with slightly disheveled silver hair and a well-trimmed mustache. He had the sunglasses Kirk described and was surrounded by several college girls.

The gin and tonic was doing its work and she joined the cadre of ladies vying for his attention. Finally, giddy and a little lightheaded, Penny was bold enough to introduce herself to Mr. DeLaurier.

“Hi, I’m Penny,” she said with a wry smile that was copied from a character in the play.”

“Oh my God!” he exclaimed. “You’re my Gwendolen!”

“Well thank you, Mr. DeLaurier, but my name is Penny.”

“Yes, but you would make the perfect Gwendolen in our play. Do you act?”


“Penny, you are as lovely as the first rose in spring.” He said it so theatrically, Penny felt like she was actually in the play.”

She blushed and said, “Thank you, sir.”

“My enemies call me sir. My friends call me Wendell. Are you in theater?”

“Yes, I was in the theater tonight,” she said a bit confused.

“I see but do you work in the theater like in makeup or costumes?”

“No. I’m with Kirk.”

“Wonderful boy. Did he show you the house?”

“No. He’s talking with friends.”

“I need to rescue us from these self-centered conceited actors. Let me take you Far from the Madding Crowd.” He chuckled at his quip, but Penny had no idea why.

Wendell took her to his study where there were all types of plaques and awards hanging on the wall. “Did you know I worked with Martin Scorsese on The Wolf of Wall Street?” Wendell wasn’t shy about pointing to an autographed picture of Leonardo DiCaprio. He didn’t wait for Penny to answer.

Then he took her by the arm and showed her his home theater in the lower level with a 110-inch Samsung HDTV “I do a lot of screening here and like to watch the latest films. To be honest, I could do a better job of what I’ve seen recently.”

He pressed her closer to him and said, “Penny, you remind me so much of a young Brigitte Bardot.”


“A French film actress before your time.”

“Was she pretty?”

“Yes. Pretty and sexy like you,” and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Penny blushed again as they sat alone in his library. Wendell DeLaurier did most of the talking bragging of the many famous actors he knew. She liked how everything he said sounded so dramatic.

“What are you doing next Thursday?” he asked.

“I can’t say right now.”

“Well whatever it is, cancel it. I want to take you on my boat for a short cruise.”

“Did you mean me and Kirk?”

“Of course. I’ll talk to Kirk before you leave,” and he gave her a longer and more serious kiss.

Two gin and tonics were enough to make her dizzy and she asked Kirk to take her home. They stopped at his apartment for a quickie before she got home in her bed.


Janice teased her in the morning, “Another late night with Kirk taking your virginity again?”

Groggy and hardly awake, Penny said, “Yeah, and I have a headache.”

“Tell me about it.”

“The headache or last night?”

“Funny girl. Did you fuck him again?”

“Yes, but that’s not all.” Then she told her sister about the play and meeting Wendell DeLaurier, the French movie producer at the after-party. “When he kissed me the second time, it turned me on. I don’t know why because he’s older than my dad. Maybe I always fantasized about being romantic with dad.

“Maybe he’s a father image like Bernie Sanders.”

“Who’s Bernie Sanders?” Penny asked.

Janice gave her a look of disbelief.

“Anyway, when Kirk took me to his apartment, I ripped off my clothes like a crazy person. I guess he was horny too because we did it on the living room rug and never made it to the bedroom. I’m sure I had an orgasm because my whole insides seemed to be bursting.”

“Hey Sis, that’s really great.”

“Thanks. And as I said, the gin and tonics made me feel really really relaxed. We did everything you can imagine, plenty to keep Father Joseph entertained at confession this week.”

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“That’s funny Penny.”

“And you know what? Kirk wanted to do anal.”

“Did you let him?”

“Yeah, I guess. It was okay but it really turned him on. It took forever for him to get inside my ass but once he got started, oh my God did he ever go at it! He banged so hard into me, I thought I’d pass out. Of course, it could have been the gin too. When he finally finished, he made noises that didn’t even sound human.”

“Wow!” was all Janice could say.

“And that’s not all, Janice. Mr. DeLaurier invited Kirk and me to join him on his boat on Thursday.”

“Thursday is a school day!” Janice reminded Penny.

“Not this week. We’re off because of teacher meetings.”

Penny’s mind wasn’t on school at the start of the week. All Penny could think about was Wendell DeLaurier and his boat. As it turned out, it wasn’t just a boat. It was a yacht. The second surprise was that Kirk was happy to take her to the harbor where the yacht was docked but said he had an important interview that day and couldn’t be with her.

This left Penny with Mr. DeLaurier and the skipper, a handsome muscular young man in his late twenties, together on a picture-perfect day. His name was Guido and wore a European style bikini, apparently because he was Italian. Penny thought he was the sexiest man she had ever met, especially how he filled out the tiny strip of cloth that could hardly be called a bathing suit. She could feel the moisture building inside her loins the moment she laid eyes on him. She wanted him and made sure he knew it.

But first, there was Wendell to consider. He offered her a drink. She asked for lemonade.

They talked about the beautiful weather and Wendell showed her around the yacht. It had everything, a bar, a jacuzzi, a full kitchen, a beautiful dining room, two bedrooms and of course, a small movie theater.

After the tour, DeLaurier said, “Let’s go for a swim.”

“I didn’t bring a suit,” Penny objected.

“There’s no need for swimwear on this boat. Everyone prefers skinny dipping. Is that okay with you?”

Penny was reluctant to agree but how could she tell an important man, no? She just nodded and Mr. DeLaurier told Guido to guide the ship to a quiet bay. Within minutes they anchored in a serene private cove. The sun was warm; the water was azure blue. The tide was in. The water was cool but invigorating in a quiet sea.

Penny was exhilarated but exhausted from their swim when they climbed back on board. She laid on a blanket and dozed off until she woke startled. The silver-haired man was between her legs greedily munching on her pussy.

At first, she wanted him off her, but he was good at what he was doing, very good. She especially loved the tickle of his mustache on her pussy and decided to enjoy it as he sucked her clit and fingered her tight pussy.

“Oh, my darling mermaid,” he said while straddling her chest. “Your sweet pussy is so wet and is as delicious as a sweet French wine. Let me fuck your bountiful tits.” He said it in a way that made Penny feel like she was a movie star and didn’t stop him.

His cock was firm but not as hard or as big as Kirk’s while he stroked the valley between her cavernous breasts. His breathing became labored; his face turned florid and Penny was afraid he was having a heart attack. Then he cried out, “Ahh, oh ahh, ahh, ahh.” He came suddenly squirting jizz on her tits and neck. If he wasn’t exhausted from the swim, he was totally drained by the exertion of his second physical activity. DeLaurier closed his eyes and fell asleep on top of her.

Finally scooting free from his slumbering body, Penny asked Guido where she could take a shower and clean up. He took her to a shower room that included a hand shower head and bidet like in Europe. Guido offered to join her, but she said Wendell wouldn’t like that.

After showering and toweling off, Penny decided to put on her thong but leave her top exposed. After all, she reasoned, it might be good to get a little sun on her lily-white boobs and she knew how much the Wendell loved looking and touching them. Maybe Guido liked them too.

The sun was warm but not hot when she went to the top deck to sun herself. She was alone for an hour when Wendell joined her saying it was time for lunch. Guido served an Italian pasta along with a bottle of Chianti.

"You have outdone yourself, Guido. Your spaghetti bolognese is exquisite!” Wendell said.

Penny joined in, “Yes, Guido, and it’s delicious too.”

Wendell chuckled and said, “That’s funny. You sound like Gracie on the Burns and Allen Show.”

She didn’t mean to be funny and had no idea what the Burns and Allen Show was.

"Did I tell you, my dear, that Guido has also been in front of the camera. Would you like to see something he has done back in Italy?”

“Yes, of course,” Penny replied a little too eagerly.

After lunch, they sat in the yacht’s small theater waiting for the titles to disappear. It was all in Italian, but it took no time for Penny to realize the video was porn staring Guido among others.

The graphics made it clear that the movie was taking place in Sicily and it involved the Mafia. There was some gunfire followed by a well-endowed woman weeping over a man that had been shot. A policeman tried to comfort her and that is when the action began. Guido was the cop taking her into the back room of the stazione di polizia, the police station. They talked and hugged. He kissed her deeply, then each of her brown nipples. She fell to her knees and took his cock in her mouth. It was Penny’s first chance to see Guido’s assets. It sent ripples down her body and between her legs. It was everything she had imagined. DeLaurier whispered that the woman was the cop’s sister-in-law and his brother, her husband, had been shot. The scene ended with Guido ejaculating on the widow’s face.

That was followed by a few minutes of dialogue, then Guido and another man checked out a brothel that was known to harbor the mafia. They were there to make an arrest but were sidetracked when they met a woman looking like Sophia Loren. This was followed by a very intense threesome. Before the scene was over, they had fucked her in every hole, two at a time.

Guido was in the next scene with a gorgeous girl not much older than Penny and with a great tight ass. He spent half the scene paying attention to her prodigious rack. She followed by deep throating him before they fucked for what seemed to Penny for hours. She couldn’t wait to see him cum. They did everything that Kirk had taught her and one thing more when they did a standing sixty-nine. His ejaculation wasn’t a disappointment when he creamed her mouth.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Mr. DeLaurier who had his hands all over Penny’s tits, then under her tiny thong.

“Darling,” he said. “You are dripping wet. Would you like to do a scene with Guido?”

She pretended to be unsure and said, “I don’t think so,” although the wine and porn flick had made her less self-conscious, so she said, “Well maybe. Do you think he wants me? I mean, I’m not an actress and don’t have a body like the women in the video.”

“Oh, my dear, you have the most glamorous body I’ve seen since Kim Novak. You are my ethereal countess.”

It was another name she didn’t recognize and had no idea what kind of countess was ethereal.

“Guido join us in the suite. Penny is going to do a scene with you. Will that be alright?”

Si,” Guido said respectfully and the three of them made their way into the dimly lit bedroom.

“We’ve been watching your work in the theater,” DeLaurier said, “so my darling girl is primed and as wet as a French whore. Make her dance with joy with your magical baton.”

Guido hugged Penny and pulled her long blond hair back as he kissed her with a deliciously deep kiss. Then he picked her up with his muscular arms and put her gently on the bed. Wendell DeLaurier sat on a plush armchair wearing his signature wrap around glasses watching as if he was planning on directing the proceedings.

Guido was immediately aroused and fully hard. Penny did her best to deep throat him like the girl in the movie, but he was too big.

The flow of his precum along with her dripping wet pussy were the ingredients for a lively fuck scene. She laid back waiting for him, wanting him, lusting for him. Her heart was in her throat as when he spread her legs, rubbing her clit with his cock, then easily penetrating her.

Every one of his strokes hit a special spot that she had never felt before. She loved it when he banged into her all the way, deep and powerful.

He turned her over to fuck her doggie and she tried to be the girl in the video squealing and moaning although it didn’t really take much acting. DeLaurier demanded that Guido do her reverse cowgirl so he could watch his turgid cock slam deep into her cunt making her boobs bounce and swing wildly.

All the time Wendell was stroking his dick with the rhythm of the lovers in front of him. Finally, he left his director’s chair to join them. After rearranging themselves, she was surprised when Wendell found a second tight hole with which to pleasure himself.

The two men delivered their manly juices almost simultaneously. First was Wendell cumming with a sharp grunt followed by Guido groaning as they filled Penny’s holes with multiple shots. As the jets of their cum filled her insides, she felt she had played the scene as well as a porn actress. It ended abruptly as all three lay in a heap on the bed.

Later, Wendell brought to the room a chilled bottle of Champagne. “It’s time to celebrate. This has been a wonderful day. Penny, you are a remarkable girl. I’d like you to come to a party I’m giving for the Duke of Hampshire next month. He’s an old friend. We met in London a few years ago and he is a great supporter of the theater and film. I hope you can be there to help me welcome him.”

There was less than an hour for Penny to wash and dress before Guido docked the boat. Mr. DeLaurier’s chauffer was at the harbor to pick her up and take her home. She arrived before her sister, Janice. While she waited, Penny could hardly wait to tell Janice all about her adventures that day.

As soon as Janice walked in the door, Penny started jabbering like she was talking in fast forward. Janice couldn’t get a word in edgewise and patiently waited for Penny to calm down, then said, “So you did DP with them.”

“DP?” Penny answered. “What’s DP?”

“It’s what you, Wendell and Guido were doing, double penetration.”

“You mean like, at the store, ‘buy two, get one free’?”

Janice almost doubled over in laughter, “Sort of.”

Finally, Janice caught her breath and said, “I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I’ve got some bad news. Apparently, your Wendell DeLaurier exploits young women for sex. It’s been in the news all day. A guy by the name of Kirk Sanford works for him to procure girls for sex parties. I think he’s the guy you’ve been dating.”

“Oh no, Janice, not Kirk. He’s too nice to do something like that.”

“Was he on the yacht with you today?”

“No. He said he had an important interview. I mean, Kirk drove me to the yacht and left.”

“So, it was only you and Mr. DeLaurier, right?”

“Well, yes, and Guido.”

“Who is Guido?”

Penny explained how Guido works for DeLaurier as the ship’s pilot and cook.

“And he does more than piloting and cooking?”

“I’m getting to that, Sis. Guido is really hot.” Penny described him with Janice realizing he was the Italian she fucked on the kitchen table. Penny went on, “Wendell showed me a racy video that Guido made in Italy.”

“You mean porn.”

“I guess. Anyway, it sort of turned me on and I wanted him so bad. Wendell suggested Guido and I do a scene together.”

“What kind of scene?” Janice asked.

“I guess you could call it a sex scene. Guido was amazing. He was even better than Kirk. Guido lasted and lasted until I had an orgasm and I think it was a megagasm like you get with Aaron.”

“What about DeLaurier? Where was he?”

“At first he just watched still wearing his signature glasses. Eventually, he joined us, and we finished as a threesome as I said. Wow, I’ll never forget making two men cum in me like that.”

“Did Wendell force you into any of this?”

“Oh no, Janice. He’s so kind and I totally love his French accent. In fact, he even invited me to a party next month to meet the Duke of something. I can’t wait.”

“You haven’t been listening, Penny. The man is a predator and uses girls like you. The reason he volunteers to work with the drama department is to find girls for his sex parties. The girls are usually charmed and allured by his notoriety. Most think it’s a good way to get into films.”

“I’m going to Wendell’s party to help him welcome the Duke, not to a sex party.”

“Did he tell you that he uses a pseudonym when he produces those Italian films starring Guido? He’s produced at least a dozen porn videos. There’s a chance he wanted you to be in his next one.”

“That can’t be true,” Penny objected. “He doesn’t do pseudonyms. He produces films.”

“You’re not catching on. A pseudonym is, oh well, never mind. Look, he’s been accused of sexual misconduct. There won’t be a party for the Duke or anyone else. Mr. Wendell DeLaurier will be meeting a judge, not a Duke.”

Only later, but not much later, Penny understand about sexual misconduct, her own. She preferred older married men because they treated her like a daughter. Her favorites were grandpa figures like Wendell because they took her to the best restaurants, the best hotels and paid better.



Written by xhardx13
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