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The Writers Workshop

"I try a Writers Workshop and am pleasantly surprised"

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I love getting feedback from people who read my stories. It is even better when a person or people allow me to read my work aloud to them. That is why I joined a local writer's club. Once a month they would get together and read from their latest work, seeking suggestions for improvements.

The first meeting I attended, the leader had us all sign in with our email addresses and then, when we had all gotten settled, she asked us to tell everyone what genre we normally wrote in. Although there we only two other guys in attendance, everything from non-fiction to westerns and science-fiction to mysticism seemed to be represented in the twenty or so people.

When it was my turn, I announced, "Good evening everyone. My name is Hank and my genre is eroticism."

The leader, a very cute young woman named Lisa, asked, "What exactly do you mean by eroticism? Do you mean like 'Portnoy's complaint' or something?"

"No, I wouldn't dare compare my work to Phillip Roth. I only wish! I write semi-autobiographical or at times truly factual accounts of situations that I have been involved in. My work is very graphic and I leave nothing out."

"Unfortunately," Lisa said, "we have some high schoolers in attendance and I'm afraid that you won't be permitted to read your work to us. We do hope you'll stay and help us with our work though. Will you?"

"I would be happy to," I replied after hearing low groans from some of the younger people there. "Perhaps we can arrange an adults only night?"

"Well, we can certainly vote and see how many people would be willing to participate. Your genre has a fairly narrow audience that would approve, but I promise that I will bring it up in the future, but it won't be tonight."

"Fair enough. I do hope we can work something out."

Many of the folks who read that first night were very nervous. It takes a little getting used to, but when you read aloud to an audience, flaws in our work become painful and obvious. Throughout the night I was very honest in my praise, criticism and suggestions. In the end, Lisa and I became the two people readers would ask specifically what we thought.

After everyone who wanted to had read, Lisa stood and said, "I hope you all enjoyed this evening. I've tried this before and the group seemed to wither after only two or three months. I really want to make this a rousing success. I know that I can do better in my writing with your help, and I think we all have room for improvement. So, if you all would, please take a moment before you leave and jot down any suggestions you may have that will help us make this fun and informative for all of us. You can hand them to Trisha, my sister at the back there as you go out. Thank you all for coming tonight."

We all applauded our beautiful leader and set out to writing some suggestions. Both Lisa and Trisha were standing side by side at the door as I approached. Both young women were quite pretty and, as I got closer, I could see that they might even be twins. They were in their early thirties and both had ash blond hair. Their piercing blue eyes seemed to have lives of their own.

As the person in front of me spoke with them, my thoughts and eyes wandered over them. I noticed the ring on Trisha's left hand and saw that Lisa wore nothing on her ring finger. Both were relatively tall and slim with cheerleader-like bodies. Neither was very well endowed, but both were absolutely stunning to look at.

"Lisa, thank you for putting this together," I said handing her my suggestions.

"Thank you, Hank, and thank you for all your wonderful comments tonight."

"You are going to have an adult's night, aren't you, sis?" Trisha asked.

"Well, if some of the comments we've gotten as people left are any indication, we're going to have to have one. Hank, you seem to have become a person quite in demand."

"Really?" I asked. "What are people saying?"

"Well, the consensus is that we can should meet in two weeks if I can put it together."

Trisha said, "Great, how many said they wanted to come to it?"

"About a dozen. Do you think Jim will let you go?"

"Who gives a rat's ass what my husband thinks? I'm going to invite him anyway. Maybe he'll learn a thing or two, or six or nine," she said with a chuckle.

"Hank," Lisa said turning to me, "I have your email. If I can put this together, I may need to ask for a donation from each of you to pay for the room. Would that be alright with you?"

"Not a problem, just let me know."

We said goodnight to each other and I went out to my car. Two days later I got an email from Lisa asking if I was available for the night that had been proposed and if ten dollars sounded too much. I responded that I was and that ten would be just fine. Now all I had to do was choose which story to tell. Rather than read my current project aloud, I decided to read one that had already been published on Lush. My choice was 'A Night With Fran' and I thought to fill the evening I would read both parts.

The two weeks passed rather slowly. I so looked forward to reading to them. One of my steamiest nights, which I have yet to write about, was spent cuddling with my date and lover at the time, reading to her as though it was a bedtime story. I never imagined the effect it would have. I never got the chance to finish the story because she was all over me about half way through. Now I know better and I was anxious to see what kind of effect it would have on the folks in the group.

The night finally arrived. With both parts printed out in double spaced format, I entered our meeting area to see about ten people waiting. Lisa hurried over and welcomed me.

"Hank, the response from everyone was great. I'm so excited. We're expecting two more to join us and then we can get started. Do you always read from paper? How many stories are you going to read? Do you like doing this?"

"Lisa, slow down. I guess you are excited. Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry. I running at the mouth. Come on, let's join the group."

She took my free hand and walked over to where everyone was watching us. Her hand was warm and soft and felt very nice in mine. She was strong and soft at the same time. It was a very nice feeling for a woman to take my hand expectantly that way and I reveled in the experience. It was almost as good as the first time I held a girl's hand when I was in high school. I was so shy back then. It took me weeks to work up the guts to ask if I could hold her hand. Now, I'm older and wiser, but just as horny.

Lisa took some time handing out name tags. There was only one other fellow there besides myself. The rest were women who ranged in age from mid-twenties to one lady who looked to be about sixty. I took a chair and moved it out in front of the group, facing them.

I sat and said, "Well, first of all thank you, Lisa, for putting this together. I rarely get the opportunity to read my stories aloud and it's a real pleasure to be here. Secondly, I want you all to know that the story I am about to read has been published on a very well-known erotic story site on the web called LushStories dot com. It's a great site where you can read just about anything your fantasies take you to. I encourage you to check it out."

"Now," I continued, "if anyone has a comment or suggestion, please interrupt me during the reading. I like to do this by printing out my story and writing the changes I want to make in red, just like an old time editor. Your suggestions, criticisms and comments are very welcome, whatever they may be. And don't worry about interrupting the flow, I'll go back a little and pick it back up as we go. Are there any questions?"

Amy, a woman in the front asked, "How long have you been writing?"

"About fifteen years."

She followed up with, "Has all of your work been this sex writing or have you written anything else?"

"Erotic prose," I corrected and continued, "To tell you the truth, I was absolutely miserable in English in high school. I hated writing, primarily because I had very little to write about, or so I thought. At some point in my life I started getting into crossword puzzles and writing status reports for my bosses and I enjoyed entertaining them by using words they normally wouldn't come across. Then, I started thinking back to when I was in my late teens and early twenties and had a crush on a woman that I was close to. We shared some experiences and I thought that if I wrote them down and put as much effort into that as I did my status reports, it might be fun. It took me almost two years to write my novel about my crush and edit it, reread it, edit it again and finally publish it as an erotic novel on Amazon as a self-published work. So, the short answer is all my work has been erotic prose."

"Okay," I said after a short pause, "I present to you 'A Night With Fran' by Hank Franklin. Hank had always liked Fran. He liked her a lot. They had a great platonic relationship..."

By the time I got about halfway through the first part, after they have removed each other's bathing suits and gone naked into the pool, everyone was just staring at me in rapt attention.

During the shower scene, I noticed that a few of the women had crossed their legs and their hands were folded in their laps.

When Fran lifts Hank's head and prepares to make love to him for the first time, I looked up to scan everyone's' faces. Lisa sat slightly slumped in her chair off to the side. She had on very tight blue jeans and I swear I could make out a small wet spot in her crotch. Her hands were crossed across her belly and her nipples were making themselves quite visible through the material of her blouse.

Amanda was sitting directly in front of me. She had a dress on that looked to be about knee length. She was sitting back in her chair with her hands folded between her legs. I could see the material moving as she rubbed herself.

Trisha sat next to her in nicely fitting slacks. Her hands were clasped above her head. Her knees were moving in and out, but I detected nothing between her legs like her sisters little wet spot.

Jim, Trisha's husband sat next to her with his legs crossed. He had one elbow on his knee and his chin in the palm of his hand.

Betty was next to him. Her legs and arms were crossed and her foot was bouncing like crazy.

Everyone in the group seemed enthralled in one way or another.

"...Oh Christ, I'm cumming she shouted as her body felt like it folded in half."

"Oh, oh," I heard as I continued reading.

"He knew that he had blown an epic load..."

"... Sleep took them in its arms and thus began their lifetime affair together. Ultimate friends with benefits. The end."

"Oh my god," exclaimed Lisa. "That was so hot. Are you two still together?"

"Remember," I said, "this is semi-autobiographical. No, we are not together. Does anyone have any comments or suggestions about the story?"

"I am wondering," said Jim, "when you write a story like this, does it have any effect on you?"

"When I've finished writing one of my stories, I feel an immense sense of pride," I said, knowing I was not answering his question.

"No," Jim said with knitted eyebrows, "what I mean is do you have... Do you... Is or do you have any physical reactions?"

I smiled and wondered, after sitting there hiding his own boner while I read a story about fucking and sucking, why he could not ask me if I got a boner too.

"Sure," I said, "I often get a hard-on while I'm writing. I'll even leak a good amount of pre-cum too. In fact, just reading the story has been exciting for me."

I stood and smoothed down my slacks. My cock was at about 80% and laying off to one side.

"See, it seems I enjoyed reading as much as you all enjoyed listening."

Lisa was still slumped a little in her chair and the wet spot between her legs had grown quite a bit.

She sat upright and said, "No way. You have something in your pocket don't you?"

I took a few steps to Lisa's chair and said, "No, that bulge is all me. Feel it if you like."

Lisa raised her hand very tentatively and touched my pants with a finger. She then placed her palm on my cock and rubbed it back and forth a little.

"It sure is all him. Damn."

I wanted her to keep rubbing me but she took her hand back.

Shaking her head a little, she seemed to be trying to shake herself out of something before saying, "Does anyone have anything else to say or ask?"

Amanda, the one sitting in front of my while I read, "Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I want the name of that web site you're on again."

"Oh, sure. It's LushStories dot com and my user id is BillFrank1955."

"Does it cost anything?"

"You can subscribe, but it is free to read as many stories as you like. It would be better if you subscribed though. If any of you decide to join the site, please send me an email on the site and let me know."

"Okay," Lisa said standing. "Hank, was this a comfortable setting for you to read in or would you like to change something for next month?"

"How open and honest do you want me to be?"

"Please feel free to be yourself."

"Okay," I said knowing that what I was about to say might kill the entire thing. "Let me put it this way. The way I am most comfortable is in the nude. We can't do that here, obviously, but if I had my ideal setting, that would be it. I'm a nudist and am always naked when I'm at home. My home is too small for a group like this, so I guess that wouldn't work."

Lisa smiled and looked me straight in the eye while asking, "Would you want your listeners to be nude, too?"

"Not if they didn't want to be. I know some people are uncomfortable being in mixed company without clothes, so it would be up to each person. I wouldn't encourage it, but I wouldn't discourage it either."

"Let's see," Lisa said.

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"Show of hands, how many people would not want to join us again in a month if we had a clothing optional reading?"

Four hands went up.

"In keeping with the democratic way, the majority rules. I'll make sure we have a home to go to..."

Amanda interrupted, saying "I know my housemate will say okay. She wanted to come with me tonight, but already had plans. Figure it will be at my place. Lisa, send me everyone's email and I'll send out directions."

"Well," Lisa replied, "that's settled. That'll also mean we won't have to charge for the meeting. It's agreed then. Four weeks from tonight we'll meet at Amanda's place at the same time for a clothing optional reading or Erotic Prose from Hank here."

"Or anyone else who wants to try their hand at it, so to speak," I added.

Everyone exited the meeting. Some were in a plain hurry. Trisha and Jim practically ran out of the room hand in hand. Lisa had a hard time getting to the doors fast enough to say good night to them all. I walked over and stood next to her as the last of my listeners left.

I thought of the diner down the street, and wanting to prolong my night with Lisa asked, "Are you hungry? There's a di..."

Lisa had pulled the doors shut and locked them. Just as I asked her if she was hungry, she threw her arms around my neck and brought her hot moist lips to mine. Her sweet slippery lips pressed to mine and I opened my mouth just a little to invite her in. She took no time is responding and her tongue slithered into my mouth seeking its new partner. Seek and ye shall find. Our lips and tongues touched and swirled. She bit me softly - I sucked her gently. Our breathing was hard and fast because she wanted me as much as I wanted her. There were no pretenses here, only pure unadulterated lust. I could smell her heat and she could feel mine.

I could feel her entire body against mine. I felt her breasts with their hard nipples pressing into my chest. I felt her hips grinding mercilessly against my hardening manhood. I felt her stomach as she breathed hard. Most of all I felt her passion through her lips and tongue. Her arms disentangled from behind my neck and she brought her hands to my face. My hands were being a little more naughty, feeling and massaging Lisa's ass.

She broke our kiss grabbed my hand from her butt and said, “Not here in the doorway. Come."

She quickly led me to a back room. She flicked on the lights as we entered. There was a broken down sofa and the floor had wall to wall carpeting. As soon as we were through the door, she slammed it and once again took my face in her hands. My hands were on her hips. Slowly I slid them up her body until I found her bra strap. I turned her slightly so that I could put my one hand on her back and massage her breast with the other. Her nipple was as hard as a little rock under my palm.

Lisa again broke our kiss to again look into my eyes with her steely blue gaze.

“Are you clean?" she questioned breathlessly.

“I'm clean, D&D free. Are you?"

“Yep, me too," she replied in short breaths. “I'm even protected. God almighty, you've made me so fucking horny."

I did not let her say anything else, but covered her lips with mine while I began unfastening her jeans. She had my belt, waist button and zipper opened in a flash. I lifted her blouse over her head and unfastened her bra while she unbuttoned my shirt and shucked it off my arms. Both naked from the waist up, our bodies slammed back together again as we wrapped our arms around each other. This time it was my turn to end the embrace. I slipped to my knees and began peeling her jeans down her legs. She wore a thin G-string that did nothing to absorb her juices. I smelled her heat and looked between her legs as I brought her jeans to her knees. Bald, she had a wonderful, wet, juicy bald pussy, waiting just for me.

Her hands went to my shoulders as she stepped out of each leg of her jeans. Once they were off, I began to work my way up her thighs, starting at her knees and inching, licking and kissing and nibbling her skin.

“Oh god, Hank, don't tease me so. I need you to fuck me. Come on up," she said trying to lift my arms.

But I would have no part in reducing the number of orgasms she was going to have with me tonight. I only allowed her to lift my arms as far as her waist, where I took hold of her G-string and began to lower it. I slipped it past my very active mouth and tongue. As she lifted her second leg out of it, her legs opened wider and I licked up, letting my tongue come to a temporary rest on her outer lips. With my arms now between her legs, I lifted her from the floor and walked on my knees to the couch. She let me lower her to the cushion and push her legs wide.

“Please, please, Hank, not my clit!'

I opened her flower with my fingers and explored every millimeter of her thin outer and inner lips. Her vagina was wide open and begging for me to enter her.

“Oh fuck that feels so..."

I brought the flat of my tongue up across her clitoris. Her hands at first started to push me away, but soon were on the back of my head, pulling me in. I teased her clit with the tip of my tongue and then ran my taste buds across her.

“Jesus, oh shit!'' she shouted.

I brought my middle and index fingers to her opening and slid in effortlessly. I could actually see her puddling inside. Her interior ridges were just asking to be stroked to yield her g-spot treasure and I obliged. I again attacked her with my eager tongue, taking turns licking, flicking and sucking on her clit. I found her g-spot and pulled against it while I rubbed her and tickled her clit at the same time.

“Oh, FUCK!" she exploded.

Her legs closed onto my ears as her body began jerking through her first orgasm. Her juices ran into my mouth and I sucked and drank her nectar from her. It was sweet and warm with a touch of tang that excited me.

It was at least a minute before she released me and I could hear again. Lisa lay with her arms out on the cushions. She was breathing deeply, obviously trying to regain her breath and composure.

“Oh my fucking god, Hank. That was, well, that was just fucking astounding. I feel so warm and full, yet so weary."

'Just relax," was all I could think to say. I do not think anyone has ever told me how she feels right after an orgasm, but it was great to hear.

I stayed kneeling between her open legs and began to massage her supple body. My jeans were at my ankles, but my shorts were still in place. I used one hand to unencumber myself of the rest of my clothing while I toyed with her small breasts and hard nipples with my other hand, mouth and tongue. She massaged the muscles in my neck and shoulders as she felt me moving around above her.

When I stopped, she said, “My turn."

She proceeded to rise from the couch and turned me before pushing me down to my back. Her fingers played up and down my inner thighs, shooting sparks along my nerve endings. She knelt between my splayed legs and took my totally engorged cock in her hands as though she was praying.

“This is beautiful, and you're shaved just like me, too! I love it!' she said before lowering her head and planting a kiss on my helmet.

I sat back and put my hands on my head. She took me in her mouth and continued to slowly stroke me with just the right amount of grip. She used her other hand to fondle and play with my nuts. At first all she took of me was my head, but slowly she progressed to take me deeper and deeper, all the while matching her lips with her stroking hand. She began to twist her hand and she jerked me up and down and lifted her head to spit on my cock for some lubrication.

Our eyes and smiles met just before she pulled me down so that my cock was almost pointing at my knees. Then she took a breath and plunged her mouth down my cock and took me completely into her throat. I felt her neck muscles stroke my head as she swallowed over and over again. Her eyes lifted to meet mine and her tongue stroked the underside of my rod. She lifted herself off of me and resumed stroking me with her hand. Lisa's face disappeared between my legs and I felt her suck my balls into her mouth. She sucked and tugged on me driving me almost insane.

She lifted her face and started licking and gently biting up my cock. I knew what was coming, but I was as hard as a rock and wanted to give her the fucking she had asked for at the beginning. Standing, I lifted her beneath the arms and walked, holding her in the air until he back was to the wall. I kissed and licked her neck and jaw and lips. Her feet were off the floor and she put her legs around my waist, locking her feet behind me.

“'God, Hank, please put it in me now. I need your cock in me!”

“Ask no more," I said reaching around and positioning my cock at the entrance to her damp dewy meadow. I lowered her slowly, inching myself into her. I sucked and played with her breasts, running my tongue across her sensitive nipples, first one and then the other.

“Oh fuck, you feel so good."

“How do you want it?" I asked. “Do you want it hard?"

“What the fuck? You mean you're not even hard like that?"

“NO," I laughed. “This is about as hard as I get. Do you want me to fuck you hard and fast or slow and easy?"

“Slow for now. If you were any bigger or harder, you'd be splitting me open."

Slow it was. But I could not hold her off the floor any longer. I put my hands under her ass and carried her to the middle of the room. I slipped out of her as I lowered her to the floor, so she took the opportunity to tell me what she wanted.

“Take me doggy style, please?" she asked getting to her hands and knees.

Like the Godfather, that was an offer I could not refuse. I knelt behind her and slid into her juicy recess to the full nine inches of my cock. I used her hips to pull and push myself all the out and back in again. I was not but about twenty strokes into fucking her this way before she began to shake again. Pounding her harder and harder seemed to throw her over her mountain top and she soon lost her balance and fell to the floor shaking and moaning through her second orgasm.

Have I ever told you reader, that I just adore orgasmic women?

I lifted her from the floor beneath her knees and shoulders and placed her on the couch on her back. I stroked her breasts and kissed her stomach until she seemed to recover. Positioning myself between her wide open legs, I entered her once more. Starting slowly, we looked into each other's eyes as my cock impaled this beautiful creature that was allowing me to pleasure her as she did the same for me. I picked up the pace a little and was rewarded with the sight of her little titties bouncing each time I rammed myself home. Her breathing became long and deep between pursed lips. I could see she was trying to hold back as my meat kept disappearing into her fold.

My balls began to tingle and I felt that familiar feeling in my groin telling me I was getting close. Going faster and harder, making her tit bounce more and more, she could see I was nearing my apex. She reached down to her clit and began to rub it as I mounted my final assault on her body.

“Fucking ass… You are... so tight… Shit.''

Her body began shaking and she lost control of herself just as I loosed a volley of spunk into her gorgeous cunt. Still impaling my beautiful partner, I leaned down and we kissed. My head rested on her shoulder and I could feel myself softening. I could not let her drain of me onto the floor. She had to have all of me.

I slid out of her and down her naked flesh. My hand pressed to her cunt lips, sealing our delights inside of her until I could recover them. I licked into her navel and proceeded to lower myself even further until my mouth was ready to replace my hand. Her cum filled cunt released our juices into my mouth and I savored our taste collecting it all. I slurped one nipple and then the other as I made my way to her mouth. She was smiling at me as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth to accept our gift. I let just a few drops fall into her mouth before covering her lips with mine. We opened ourselves to each other and exchanged the mutual delight of our products.

Again, I rested on her shoulder.

“Hank, you're just as good as your character Hank, aren't you?"

“I like to think so, Lisa. Thank you so much for this evening."

“No, thank you. First for the story and then for the sex and then for sharing that treat at the end. It was wonderful. You know, I'm not a virgin, but I've never had three full blown orgasms in one night."

“I thought we might enjoy something like this."

“Oh really, and what exactly gave you that idea?"

“Well, while I was reading I could see a little and then even more wetness in the crotch of your jeans. Since you weren't wetting yourself laughing, I thought you probably really enjoyed the story."

“You're right, I really did enjoy it. I don't know how it's going to work if we're all sitting around naked though. Trisha would have jumped on Jim if we'd let her. I think next month might just turn into an orgy if we let it."

We were putting our clothes back on as we spoke. We did not mess up the room too much, so it the place was back together in short order. I just hoped that the aroma of our sex dissipated before the morning.

“Lisa, I don't want to wait a month to see you again. Can I take you to dinner this weekend?"

“Oh shit, Hank, I'd love that. But Trisha and I are flying out to see our parents this weekend. Would you be upset if I asked you to wait until next Wednesday night? You don't have to buy me a meal. I'll cook. Deal?"

“Sounds great, I'll bring some wine."

“Are you working on a new story?"

“Yep, I sure am."

“Bring that too, Hank. We'll work on it and have a dry run of next month and see what happens."

Written by Billfrank1955
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