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Hotel Massage

"He never expected her to be masseuse"

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There have been rough days at work before, but this had to be the worst of the worst. After leaving at seven, an hour later than usual, I stopped at a local watering hole across from my hotel. The food was passable, the waitress was pretty and the beer was cold. Good enough for me.

I entered the hotel and noticed that April was the receptionist on duty. It seems that she only works one or two afternoons a week while I'm there, but she is worth the wait. She is by far my favorite because we always seem to enjoy each other's banter. Perhaps that statement is a little altruistic. April is a very pretty young woman in her early twenties. Her silky blond hair falls to just above her shoulders when she lets it down. Most of the time, she has it in a ponytail making her look even younger.

“Hi April, how’s it going?” I asked as I neared the desk.

“Good, Hank,” she said looking up from her computer screen and then adding, “Oh my god, you look terrible! Is everything alright with you?”

“I suppose so,” I replied rolling my head around on my stiff neck, “just a really nasty day at work. Nothing a hot shower and a good night’s sleep won’t cure.”

“Would you like for me to call Arnie in and send him up to your room to give you a massage? He can probably be here in a half hour or so.”

“No, nothing against Arnie, I'm sure he’s good at what he does, but I really don’t like a guy touching me like that, you know?”

“I know what you mean. It's too bad though. He has this herbal oil in the spa that the ladies tell me starts to radiate a nice gentle heat as he rubs it in and it has no smell. They say it is so relaxing for their muscles that they sometimes start to fall asleep.”

“Thanks for the thought, April, but if Arnie was named Annie and was a woman, I might think twice about it, but as he isn’t, no thought necessary.”

“Tell you what. I'm here for another half hour. If I can find someone before I leave, do you want me to send her to your room?”

“Only if she's as pretty as you April,” I replied with a little grin.

She sat back in her chair and said, “Hank, that was just about the corniest thing you have ever said. Sweet, but corny!”

“Why, thank you for that. I was aiming for endearing, but sweet and corny are okay with me.”

We both smiled and I headed for the elevator, fully expecting that that was the end of our interaction for the night. Once in my room, I got out of my clothes and fired up the shower to get the water warm. Sometimes it could take a while, but tonight it was running hot in just a couple of minutes. I washed thoroughly, from head to foot and then just stood under the warmth. It felt great to just let my shoulders sag and have the hot spray warm the tired muscles in my neck.

I was still luxuriating in the warmth when I thought I heard a knock on my door. I could not believe that April had actually found a pretty woman who was willing to massage a sixty year old guy in his hotel room. She knew I was sixty because we had many discussions about age.

Turning off the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and padded to the door. I thought of the times April and I discussed age and recalled her saying that age was just a number. She told me she liked older men because they know how to treat a woman properly. I had never given her statements much thought and was shocked as I looked through the peephole to see April on the other side of the door.

“April?” I intoned as I opened the door. “Is something wrong?”

“Can’t I visit one of my favorite guests in his room?”

“Of course, come on in.”

April had several towels and a bottle in her arms as she crossed the threshold.

“I see you were in the shower. Did it feel as good as you hoped?” April asked.

“It did. In fact, as you can see I'm still all wet. If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I'll get dried off and dressed and then we can talk if you like.”

“You go get dried off, but when you come out, don't bother getting dressed, just wrap that towel around yourself again. I have the oil that Arnie uses.”

“You mean you're going to give me a massage?”

“Why not? Don't think I have the muscles?”

“”I'm sure you do, but I didn't think you would do something like that.”

“Like what? I just figure I like you and you need some relaxation. So, I'm going to give you what you need.”

I returned to the bathroom, closed the door and began drying myself. To say that having this beautiful young woman on the other side of the door was having an effect on me would truly be an understatement. She was in my room and was about to give me a massage. I was beginning to grow in both thickness and length. As I wrapped a dry towel around my waist, I looked at myself in the mirror. My bulge was plainly visible.

Oh dear god, what would she think if I walked out into the room with the beginnings of a boner showing under the towel? It took me a few minutes thinking of pigs rolling in shit to lose what had been beginning to show.

Satisfied that I was presentable, I opened the door and walked out. April had turned down the bed completely, removed the pillows and laid the towels out for me to lay on so the oil would not get on the sheets.

April rose from sitting on the bed and patted the towels before saying, “Now you just lay face down here while I go change into something that I won’t mind getting oil on, okay?”

“If you say so. April, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Absolutely. I want you to feel good tonight. You had such a bad day, it would be a shame not to cap it off with a good massage and change your mood from bad to good.”

After laying down on the bed, I was tempted to turn my head and see what she changed into from her normal frumpy hotel provided skirt, blouse and blazer. She was always behind the counter, so tonight was the first time I had ever seen her from the waist down. Her hotel attire could not completely conceal her lithe, toned body.

I heard the bathroom door open and felt her climb onto the bed. Resisting turning my head to look at her took almost all the willpower I had.

“Hank, why don’t we just open the towel you're wearing and drape it across your butt?” she asked while pulling the sides of the towel out from under me.

She left it draped across my ass and then promptly straddled me, sitting on my cheeks. Stunned that I was laying naked on the bed with April sitting on me, my erection once again began to emerge. I felt her reach for the oil on the bed stand and then heard her rubbing her hands together behind me.

Her soft hands came to rest on my shoulders and she began working the oil into the skin on my neck. She was soft, but seemed quite strong as her fingers worked the muscles beneath my skin. Her body rocked back and forth on my ass as she massaged my tired muscles. I could feel the warmth of the oil.

“April, I'm beginning to really feel the warming effect of the oil.”

“Yeah, Hank. I feel it on my hands too. Does it feel good?”

“It's wonderful. You're wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this. I can't tell you how good it feels.”

“I'm glad you're enjoying it. Maybe later you can rub some on me so I can see how it feels too.”

“It'd be my pleasure,” I replied thinking that the only way I could give her a massage is with a cock cage on that would cause me pain if I even started to get a woody. I was already on my way to stiffness just with her sitting on my ass.

Her hands were working their way down my spine and then up my sides now. Her fingers danced across my ribs as she spread the oil over my entire back. I felt her lower herself onto my calves as she moved the towel lower with her. The cheeks of my ass were completely exposed to the air and her eyes if she cared to looked.

More oil was dripped onto my cheeks and she began to knead my ass as though I was a loaf of bread. She spent quite a bit of time on my lower back and ass before lifting herself off my calves and raising the towel up my body. She must have folded it in half and then half again because the tops of my legs were now exposed as well as my lower back. I think only my buns were covered at that point.

“Hank, spread your legs a little so I can kneel between them and do your calves and hamstrings.”

“April, I'm not wearing anything under the towel.”

“No duh! Are you afraid I might see something?”

“Not afraid, but, well you know.”

“Oh, don't be such a fuddly duddy. Spread ‘em.”

I spread my legs and felt her kneel between my ankles. I was sure she could see my balls, but luckily my hardening cock was between me and the towels on the bed. She rubbed both of my calves at the same time for a while before starting to move up my legs. Her hand ran up the insides of my thighs, up over my ass and then back down the outsides of my legs. She changed her hand movements and began running her thumbs up the inside of my legs with her fingers on the back of my legs in both directions. Each pass of her hands brought her thumbs higher and higher up my legs. She changed her hands again and pointed her fingers down toward the bed as the rode up my legs. Before long, I felt her fingers grazing my balls as her hands explored me.

I could feel that I was more than halfway to a full blown boner when she got up from between my legs and opened the towel.

“Okay, buddy boy, time to let me do your chest. Roll over.”

“Um, April, I have a, well, a bit of a …”

“A hard on? I should hope so. If you didn't I think I'd start to worry about you.”

“So, it's…”

“It's fine with me if it's okay with you. Just roll over will you?”

I rolled over and saw April for the first time after she went into the bathroom to change. She had on an almost transparent white one piece bathing suit. It was tight and mashed her breasts into her chest, but it did nothing to hide the beautiful half inch aureole of each breast. Her nipples strained against the material with each breath. I must have stared at her chest for half a minute.

“I take it you like what you see?” April practically whispered.

“My god April. Under those stupid clothes you wear, you've been hiding the body of a goddess! You're absolutely gorgeous!”

“Wow, thanks. You're not in bad shape yourself, and if I may say so, you've got a pretty impressive lump down here.”

That last sentence she emphasized by grinding her crotch against my cock.

“I think if you were any bigger, Hank, there wouldn't be much use for the towel.”

Finally working up the balls to say what I felt, I said, “Well, we could just do away with it if you want.”

“Aren't you the bold one. Okay,” she said lifting herself from me, “let's just see what I've been feeling under here.”

She pulled the towel from between us and looked at me. It never felt so good to be considered with such intensity by such beauty.

“Mm,” she said settling herself back down on my manhood, “you look just as good as you felt down there.”

“Gee, thank you. You know it always gives me a boost when a beautiful young lady gives me a compliment about my penis.”

“Do you get many,” she said beginning to massage my chest. As she did, her barely covered vagina rode up and down my cock, dry humping me toward oblivion.

“Actually, you're the first, but it felt, no it feels wonderful.”

“Mm, it certainly does.”

I placed my hands on her perfect thighs and began to massage her as she was massaging my chest. April had closed her eyes and was making soft appreciative sounds when she sat up straighter and stopped moving her hands.

She looked down at me and said, “I think I better massage your thighs before I lose it altogether.”

“I think I might just like that.”

“What,” she asked, “me massaging your thighs or me losing it?”

“Yes,” was all I replied.

She smiled and changed position to kneel between my calves. Her sensuous hands began rubbing my thighs, from my hips to my knees. Her thumbs traversed up my inner thighs and she teased my balls with each pass. Her eyes never left mine when her one hand cradled my balls and the other began slowly rubbing up and down my totally engorged rod. She took me in her fist and began to milk my cock. She squeezed as she lifted and relaxed on the down stroke.

April asked, “Do you mind if I try something?”

“Anything, do anything you want with me.”

“Lift up your knees,” she said.

I did as I was told and bent my legs at my knees with my legs splayed apart.

“Now, grab behind your knees and pull them up to you, but keep your legs apart. And don’t let go of your knees, no matter how much you want to.”

Again I did as she told me to. She grabbed a pillow and put it under my back. It made it very easy to stay in the position she had moved me into. I was wondering if she was going to start fingering my ass hole, but she had something else in mind. She placed her palms on the insides of my legs and began rubbing her thumbs up and down my perineum, between my ass hole and my ball sack. She pressed in when rubbing up and then softly stroked back down.

Each time she went up, I thought my head would explode off my cock.

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I was harder that I ever imagined I could be. Her fingers were magic.

“Oh my god, April. God that feels good.”

“I've always want to try this. What are you feeling?”

I told her how hard I was and how great it felt. Talking sex with her was a whole new realm and it was just as good as her hands for my mind.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, her head disappeared between my legs and I felt and heard her blowing on my anus while she rubbed me. Then I felt her tongue begin to run circles around my hole.

“Oh Jesus!” I squealed.

Her tongue left my rim and started moving up to my balls. She took each of my nuts in her mouth and sucked on it while flitting her tongue across it. She wrapped her hand around my staff as she sucked my balls and she slowly stroked me. She took my hands away from my knees and held them out to the side.

I let my legs fall to the bed. April licked up the underside of my cock as she took my balls in her hands and slowly massaged them. Her mouth came to the tip of my primed pussy pounder and she poked her tongue into the little slit at the top before sliding off to the side. Her mouth surrounded my head and she gave me short quick sucks on my head. She kissed my cock and then took me whole into her mouth.

Her warmth and fast moving tongue were driving me nuts. Even as she had almost all of me in her mouth her tongue still swirled played with the bottom half of my cock. I heard her take a deep breath and then felt her push me into her throat. She swallowed, and swallowed again, stroking my head with her throat. She lifted from me to take a breath, strands of spit hanging from her mouth to my cock. She took me again and swallowed several more time, each time bringing me closer to the orgasm of my life. She held me in her mouth as she stroked my cock with both her hands.

“Oh god, April, I'm cumming, I'm gonna blow!”

Her hands squeezed my rigid cock as she sucked up and down, keeping my cock in her wonderful mouth. I could hold back no longer. I felt the ropes of cum shooting through my cock into her sucking mouth. Gush after gush blew from me and she took it all. Every drop went from my cock into her mouth and down into her stomach.

I was cleaned and empty when she crawled up and lay on top of me.

“Now, Hank, did you enjoy that as much as I did?” She asked.

“Oh, you know it. That was the most intense orgasm I think I've ever enjoyed. That thing you did between my balls and my ass was great.”

“My sister was having a baby and the doctor told my brother-in-law to give her a perineal massage every day. She said it drove her insane. I was wondering what it would do for a guy.”

“It drove me insane with lust, that's for sure. I'll tell you what, let me go wash my hands while you get comfortable and I'll let you feel the heat of the oil and if you want, I'll give you a perineal massage too.”

“You got a deal,” she said.

I went into the bathroom and washed my hands. I almost couldn't believe that this gorgeous young woman was about to expose herself to me. When I went back into the bedroom, April was face down on the bed, completely naked. What a dynamite body she had. If she were anyone else other than my hotel’s receptionist, I would be lifting her hips and plugging her cunt, pounding her into next week. As it was, it was all I could do to leave her cunt alone for a while, and satisfy her needs. After what she did for me, I felt I owed her that much.

The oil was on the bedstand, so I grabbed it, straddled her ass down low and poured some into my hand. It was a little cold, so I rubbed my hands together to warm it up. My spent cock was nestling very nicely between her cheeks, almost like they were made to cradle my now limp, but still a somewhat swollen dick.

I returned the oil to where it was and started in on April’s shoulders and neck. Her skin was far more hydrated than mine because the old seemed to spread rather than soak in.

“Ooh, I can feel the warmth of the oil, it feel wonderful,” she said as I massaged her back.

“I know. I'm so glad that you brought it. In fact, I'm really glad that it was you that brought it,” I replied.

I tried to mimic the way and time she spent massaging me. When it came time to do the backs of her legs, she wasted no time spreading her legs so that I could kneel between them. I started with her calves and worked my way up toward her absolutely perfect young ass.

“April, lift your hips and let me put a pillow under them. I don’t want to miss anything.”

I folded a pillow in half and slid it between her and the bed. Her ass was now lifted in the air and gave me a perfect view of her vagina. What a sight it was. Her lips were already swollen and red, just waiting for my tongue. But she would have to wait. I grabbed the old and drizzled it onto her cheeks and then made sure some of it ran down across her ass hole and cunt.

There was a lot of time spent rubbing the insides of April’s legs and getting right up to her lips, but not her cunt itself. I turned my hand over and using my fingers like Mr. Spock I teased her pubic area unmercifully. Her hips were moving up and down with my hand after a while, so I figured it was time to flip her over.

“Okay, sexy. Turn over for me,” I told her.

I didn't move except to move the pillow off to the side. To accommodate me, she put one leg to either side of me. Her tits were the most amazing tits I have ever seen. The only word that comes to my mind to describe them is perfect. Just perfect. And her pussy! God what a sight to behold!

“April, you have the sexiest, most perfect body and face I have ever seen.”

“You really think so?”

“Without a single doubt. Everything about you is, well, you're just perfect, it's as simple as that.”

“Mm,” she moaned spreading her legs just a little wider.

Her nipples were just a little puffy I noticed as I began to massage her chest. As time went on, they puffed out more little by little until it was hard to resist not sucking on them. Her belly was tight as a drum and, as I worked my way down her body I found her mound to be completely hairless. No stubble, no razor burn, just as hairless as the day she was born. And she was swollen.

I went down to her shins and started to work up. I could see juices running from her cunt. She had folded her hands on her flat tummy, but as I neared the tops of her legs, her fingers splayed and she began rubbing her stomach softly.

“Okay, baby, time for you to grab your knees.”

Without a word, she lifted her knees and held them while I slipped the folded pillow under her back. Her legs were open. Her lips were open. I could see straight to the center of the universe. And the universe was wet.

Starting with the insides of her thighs, I used my thumbs just as she had, but I just kept a constant pressure. I wanted so badly to dip my fingers into her gash, but I hoped she would let me taste her in a few moments. Her breathing became stilted the more I rubbed below her vagina. I could see she was beginning to squirm a little and I figured she was getting close. I lowered my head to her ass and began licking her little brown knot. When I switched from licking to running it with little circles she moaned loudly and brought her knees together. She rolled onto her side and I saw her tweaking her nipples between her fingers.

As her breathing returned to normal I said, “Okay, on your back again, we’re not finished yet.”

“I am,” she said. “I just had my orgasm, or didn't you notice?”

“One of many young lady. On your back.”

April rolled to her back smiling at me. Her ass was again on the pillow. I massaged her thighs some more and moved to just below her belly button. I left one hand there and began giving her another Mr. Spock massage. She was soon moving with me again, rocking her hips in rhythm to my hand. She was still very wet and leaking more clear fluid from her pussy. I could see it coming out because she was so open. It was as if she had just finished with a huge dildo.

I slipped two fingers into her and then quickly followed with a third. I found the ridges on her front wall and began slowly teasing her, feeling my cock begin to find its strength. Her breathing instantly became erratic again. As soon as I started rubbing her g-spot with a little pressure, her arms flew to the bed where she grabbed the sheets and she she convulsed. She treated my hand to a load of white cream as her orgasm rolled through her body. I eased off a little until her shaking subsided and then started in again, this time rubbing her clit with my thumb as I tried to rub my own palm from within her.

“Oh Christ!” She screamed as her body was wracked with convulsions and she ejaculated a small amount of cum on my arm.

It took her almost five minutes to regain some semblance of composure. During that time, I had the pleasure of tasting her cum and cream. She was delicious.

She began to turn on her side to get off the bed, but I held her knees and rolled her back, spreading her legs so they were once again on either side of me.

“I can't do any more,” she protested looking at my erection. “Believe me, I want to fuck you, but I don't think I have it in me.”

“Oh, sure you can. Let’s try this.”

I laid down between her legs. The aroma was spectacular as I brought my lips to hers. I lifted her legs and put my arms behind her knees. Now, I could eat her creamy pussy and play with her magnificent tits and nipples at the same time. I wanted to bury my cock in her pussy and fuck her with abandon too, but I thought she would like this better.

Her hands found their way under my arms to my head. She pulled my face into her and ground against me as I tongued her still open cunt. Her nipples were hard and standing tall against my palms as I mashed her tits, one in each hand. I could hear her moaning again, so I got her nipples between my thumb and fingers and rolled them back and forth. The entire time, I licked her insides. She started to hump my face, so I figured it was time to treat her clit. Lifting slightly, I lifted her hood with my tongue and began sucking on her little nubbin.

You would think I lit a fire under her ass. Her body started to jump and squirm all over. Luckily I was able to keep my mouth on her clit and play her into another shattering orgasm that seemed to roll up and down her torso several times. Her pungent pussy exploded cum all over my face, drenching me and my hair in her best ejaculation yet. I was quite literally completely soaked with her juices.

I climbed up next to her and laid on my side. My heavy blood filled cock pressed into her hip.

“Oh shit!” She exclaimed totally spent. “That was magnificent. I've never cum like that. Never!”

“I'm very glad I could be of service. What did you like best?” I asked taking one of her nipples in my mouth.

“Your mouth, definitely your mouth,” she said lifting her head to look at me. “Oh my god, look at you! You soaking wet! Was I so much work that you sweat like that?”

“Damned, babe,” I said letting her nipple slip from between my lips, “that's not sweat, that's your cum.”

“My what?”

“That last time, you squirted all over me.”

“That came out of me?”

“You'd better believe it. The second time you came you squirted a little on my arm, but that last time you came like a gusher.”

“I've heard that girls can cum, but I never did before today.”

With that, she lifted my face to hers and began to kiss and lick my face. Her hand went between us and she felt my erection. She took me in her hand. Her lips finally found mine. Her lips spread and she kissed me passionately, playing games with our tongues.

She broke the kiss and said, “I like the taste of me. I like the way you taste better, but I like it.”

I smiled and told her to wait a moment. I got a water from the minibar, opened it and gave it to her. I told her it was important to stay hydrated. She drank almost the entire bottle before putting it on the bed side table.

“Come on,” she said standing and taking hold of my inflated cock, “we need a shower.”

I was happy to let her lead me into the shower, pulling me by my rod the whole time. She did not let go of me as she got the water running and positioned us in the tub. She then took the soap and washed every square inch of my body, up, down and in between. Last but not least, she spent a lot of time and soap on my still hard cock until it was squeaky clean. I was preparing to wash her, but she went to her knees and kissed my head.

She was very gentle, almost reverential at first, but soon she had me in her throat and started her swallowing trick again. I loved it, but what sent me over the edge was when I felt a finger probing my ass hole. She was tentative at first, but she was into me a knuckle or two and swallowing my dick with her magic throat in no time. I held her head after she caught her breath and pushed my rod as far as it would go. She took all of me and fucked me with her mouth until I blew another load into her stomach. She had the best mouth of anyone I have ever known.

We finished by me washing and drying her. I dried myself as she got dressed in her frumpy clothes. She retrieved her sheer bathing suit and stuffed it in her purse. I led her to the door. I was about to open it when she put her hand on it to keep it closed.

She looked into my eyes and asked, “When you come back next week, can I stay here the night with you?”

“Of course, you can be with me all you want.”

“Good, because I fully intend for us to fuck like bunnies.”

Written by Billfrank1955
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