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Contest for Contessa

"That's it! Like that! Fuck me... fuck me... fuck me!"

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It was a very quiet night as I walked the sidewalk of downtown Mohinta. The laser sign still blaring brightly, "open" made me stop. I never could pass up the opportunity to go into an adult store when I saw one, so this one was no different. I always just wanted to look around. Sometimes I saw things I should not see. Other times, I saw the same things. But it never failed for there to be at least one guy standing with his hard cock sticking out of his pants getting ready to cum on the floor.

I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. The music playing on the intercom was seductive and soothing. The walls were covered in a soft red velvet cloth which corrugated in waves along the perimeter. The floors were shiny and well waxed and maintained to a very high degree. This was nothing like the ones I was used to going into. I knew I was not going to see any guy with his cock out. This adult store was sophisticated.

There were separate sections for men and women. The women's section was delicate and discrete. Sexy lingerie and costumes hung from apparel racks in order of sizes and items. The cases were all full of vibrators and dildos and strap-ons of all sizes. There was even a life-like replica of Peter North's cock for which the ladies to use. I wondered if it blew loads like he could. They make them to do that, but it kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me. I'm sure that real cum beats fake cum any day.

On the men's side, the clothes racks were filled with sexual apparel and in the cases, there were butt plugs, cock rings, ball extenders, fleshlights, and even a silicon replica of Jenna Haze's pussy for guys to use. That would be as close as I'd ever get to seeing her real one. And I had to say, if the replica really was indicative of her pussy, Jenna Haze sure had a nice one!

But those items were not the one thing that caught my eye. No, the one thing that did was a sign upon a box sitting on the checkout counter that read the following: "Contest for Contessa." My curiosity got the best of me and I had to read further. So, I walked over to the counter to take a closer look.

I read, "If you're reading this, chances are you know Contessa. You are standing in an adult store after all! Who doesn't know 'The Fountain Lady' right? Ever been with a woman who can squirt? If not, wouldn't you love to be? Well, here's your chance! Contessa has agreed to let one lucky winner experience the flood! That's right! Enter here and you could win a chance to enter her! You know what that means! So go ahead, get your pens... um, your penises out... You could be just a squirt away!"

Just as I finished reading about the contest for Contessa, the shop's employer came from the back. She was dressed the part of an adult store employee as well. Tall, skinny and dressed in a lace lavender chemise complete with garters, matching stockings, and the shadows of her most intimate parts just showing through the fabric.

She smiled and said, "So, gonna try and get soaked by Contessa huh?"

I looked at her and said, "This can't be for real. This has to be a joke I'm sure."

"No joke. It's true. The sexual human fountain herself verified it. We knew this was going to happen. Here, watch this," the adult store operator said and picked up a remote and pressed play.

My attention turned to the television mounted in the corner. Contessa appeared on the screen. Amazingly enough, she had on clothes and she was smiling.

"Okay, so you're standing in 'Authmn's Den' and you just read about the contest for me. Now you're wondering if it's true or not. Probably asking yourself why would Contessa do this? Well, it's true. It's my way of thanking my fans. But of course, only one fan will walk away the winner, not to mention, wet! So, don't you want to be that lucky guy? Go ahead and fill out that form and good luck!"

"Damn," I said.

"No, fuck, because that's what you will be doing until she pours on the waterworks!" The young woman said and laughed.

I started filling out the contest form knowing all too well that I would never win. I thought it would be fun to try though.

As I filled out the entry form, the young lady said, "I could not imagine cumming like that. I mean, I get wet to the point my pussy drips, but I've never created a fountain like Contessa."

I put down the pen and slipped the entry form into the box and turned to her. With a smile I said, "Well, there's a first time for everything."

"Yeah, I guess. Maybe you'll be the guy to experience that."

As I headed for the door, I turned back to her and laughed, "Not hardly!"

I exited and went on my merry way back to my apartment. Once there, I found the bed and fell asleep and never gave entering the contest another thought.

Two weeks had since passed and my lunch hour had just started and just as I took a bite of my sandwich, my cell rang. It was a long distance number and usually I never answered numbers I did not recognize. Today was different though. I punched the button and said, "Hello," and I immediately dropped my sandwich from shock. I was talking to Contessa. I was speechless. I did not know what to say to the "Fountain Lady". She was calling to tell me I had won the contest to make her squirt. The contest I had actually forgotten I entered.

"Well Mason, aren't you going to say something? Anything?" Contessa asked.

"Holy fuck," was all I could muster.

"Yeah, that's what we will be doing," Contessa said with a laugh.

"I never thought in a million years that I'd win that contest. I entered it on a whim and forgive me Contessa, but also because I thought it was funny. I walked out of that adult store just laughing because I just knew it wouldn't be me."

"Well, who's laughing now? Are you ready to come to Hollywood?" I could hear Contessa ask with a smile.

"To be with you, of course I am!" I answered.

"Good. All the arrangements have been taken care of. You leave in the morning. My agent will be waiting for you at the airport. See you sometime tomorrow."

"I can't wait," I answered like a horny teenager.

I scarfed down my lunch and ran to my boss. What the hell was I going to tell him? He was very understanding, but I seriously doubted I could tell him that I was going to Hollywood to fuck a porn star because I won a contest to do so. I am sure he would laugh in my face.

He looked at me and knew I was about to ask off. He could tell. I didn't have to tell him anything which was a good thing. I had not devised an actual excuse to tell him and was actually ready to tell him I was going to be with "The Fountain Lady" It was the truth whether he believed it or not.

I packed as soon as I got home. I put anything in my suitcase I could. Then I went to my closet to see what I could wear to meet Contessa. It had to be modern and self-assuring, but also not to overbearing. The navy blue slacks paired with the light blue silk shirt would do it. And I'd take my matching blazer as well just in case. I wanted to show her I did have some class other than frequenting an adult store sometimes.

When I was done, I poured myself a nightcap and then found the bed. I honestly did not think I'd get any sleep. However, I drifted off to dreamland in no time.

I jumped out of bed when my alarm clock rang. I immediately showered and put the clothes I had picked out on and called a cab. I did not feel like leaving my vehicle in the airport parking lot.

As I sat and waited for my ride, I began to think of meeting Contessa. What was I gonna say? Talking to her on the phone was one thing. Talking to her in person was another. Was she gonna be as pretty in person as she is on film? Who was I kidding? She was going to be even prettier. And I was going see her naked. And then it hit me that she was going to see me naked. Was I really ready for that?

I was no looker. I was just an average guy. I did not compare to all of the guys that Contessa had appeared with on film. My cock was nothing compared to them. I mean I was not small, but I was not huge either. I was not able to get hard on demand. I could not cum on command. It was safe to say that I would never ever have a life as a porn star. I was just too simple. Directors would never be able to film me because my body just would not react the way they needed. They'd get bored with me very quickly. Like I said, I was just a very ordinary guy.

As I was lost in thought, I was startled by the doorbell ringing. I got up and opened it and there stood my taxi driver. I grabbed my bags and before I knew it, I was boarding the plane.

When I entered the airport terminal, I must have had that look because Contessa's agent picked me out before I could look for my name.

"Mr. Fidello, Contessa is waiting for you. May I take your bag?"

"Of course," I answered and followed him to the limo waiting. The driver opened the door for us and we piled in the back. Her agent sat across from me and all I could do was just look around the inside of the limo. It was the first time I had ever been inside one. It was safe to say that I was definitely in hog heaven.

As we traveled down the highway, I looked at all of the scenery. Hollywood was definitely more to what I saw on the television. It was absolutely beautiful.

Suddenly, we began to slow and we turned and stopped in front of a gate. The gate opened and we pulled through it. The elegant house that came into view made my palms sweat. I was about to meet Contessa, "The Fountain Lady" herself. I was not sure I was really ready. But I had to be. It was going to happen.

The driver stopped and got out to open the door for her agent and me. I stepped out and looked around. I just had to take in the moment for a minute. I began to pop sweat even more.

"Follow me, Mr. Fidello," Contessa's agent said. I fell into his footsteps until he showed me to a room filled with photographic mementos of Contessa's porn career. The one that stood out most was the photo hanging over the fireplace. It was the most fantastic shot of Contessa with her legs spread, her pussy pushing outward, and a stream of her cum flowing generously from her soft pink spot. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I was still staring at it when I heard, "Hello Mason," and I turned around. Contessa, dressed in a yellow sun dress that swayed around her thin body, was smiling. She had on a touch of makeup that highlighted her features, but not enough to make her look gaudy. I could see her gentle curves under the dress and her breasts poked out slightly. She was absolutely beautiful. Now I was shaking.

Contessa walked over to greet me with a hug and kiss on the cheek and I said, "It's an honor to meet you Miss Contessa. You look very nice."

"Aww, but you are thinking that I will look better that way," she said and pointed to the picture I had been staring at, "And please, no 'Miss.'"

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous."

"I know. I felt you shaking. There's no use to be nervous. I only bite a little," Contessa said smiling devilishly. "Here, come sit. Let me tell you what I have planned."

I walked over and sat beside her, but it was obvious what was planned and going to happen. I also knew it could not just happen like that though. It was a moment that we had to build.

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And Contessa was doing it well.

"Your bags have already been taken to my room."

"Your room?" I asked in a very surprised voice?

"Well yes Mason. That's where we will be tonight."

It was really beginning to set in after Contessa said that. We were going to fuck tonight. She was not wasting any time. I should have known that though. The contest I won to make her squirt was on her terms. It was definitely going to be a true one night stand.

"But first, I need to shower and get ready. You can shower after me if you want," Contessa said as she got up and smiled.

"That will be nice."

"I'll let you know when I'm through. Just continue to make yourself at home."

I got up and smiled to Contessa as she exited. I walked around her porn star mansion. It was more than I ever would have, but it sure was nice. The Olympic size pool in the back was colored a delicate pink instead of blue. I knew why. Anyone would know why if they knew Contessa. It was obviously a natural choice for her when she decided she wanted a pool.

The rest of the house was just as spectacular. It was very apparent that she made a very good living spreading her legs for the world to see. However, most of the world only got to see it on film. Later, I was going to see it for real. Not only see it, but also experience it for real. The thought of that now had me becoming even more nervous. Knowing me, I’d be so nervous, I would not get it up. How bad would that be?

I returned to the same room I was shown when I first arrived and sat down. As I did, Contessa came down the stairs. I heard her and looked. She was dressed in her pink plush bathrobe. I smirked a little because it was pink. Imagine that.

“Your turn Mason,” Contessa said with a sly smile. “Come on up and I’ll show you the way.”

I got up and climbed the stairs, falling in behind Contessa. There was a new hitch in her walk and I knew why.

“Here we are. This is my room. The bathroom is over there. Everything is ready for you,” Contessa said as she pointed.

“I’ll pick out your clothes and have them ready for you. You go ahead. I can’t wait for tonight,” Contessa announced.

As I headed into the bathroom, I took one last look at her and before I closed the door, she had the robe off and all I could see was her whole backside. I quickly closed the door.

When I was done with my shower, I walked into Contessa’s room and she was standing there in front of the mirror putting on the last bit of her makeup. She had on a black satiny dress that hugged her curves and fell just below the line of importance. Her hair was wavy and fell along her shoulders in layers. She was just a sight to behold. It was hard to believe that later, she would be more of a sight to behold.

“Well, don’t just stand there draped in the towel. Go ahead and put your clothes on. I’ll go and let you have some privacy,” Contessa said and got up to walk out.

She had picked out exactly what I had planned to wear. It seemed that I had good taste. Well, good enough taste for her anyway. As soon as I was dressed, I headed down the stairs. Contessa was standing ready.

“Shall we go?”

“By all means Miss Contessa,” I said and smiled.

The dinner was over before I knew it and we were back at Contessa’s house. As soon as we were inside the door, Contessa dropped her purse, turned around, and kissed me. I was surprised. Honestly, I did not know what to do. Really, I didn’t.

Somehow, I managed to wrap my arms around her body as she kissed me long and hard. Her lips tasted like the Merlot we had during our dinner. It was a very nice taste. As Contessa kissed me, I managed to move my hand around to cup one of her breasts through the dress. The heat of her breast filtered through the fabric and I even felt her nipple rise against my palm. Contessa began to moan from my touch.

Then I felt her hand slip inside my pants. Her hand slid against my skin as the waist of my pants held her hand tight there. Her fingers slid over my shaved skin that led to my cock now getting hard.

“Oh my, a man that shaves his cock. That is so fucking hot. I love a bald penis. So smooth, so delicate, so sensitive. I’m gonna make it ready to turn me into a fountain!”

And as Contessa finished, my cock became rock hard. It was throbbing feverishly as her hand circled it. Little by little, her teasing had me wanting to bust through the zipper without putting it down. Contessa could tell also. She removed her hand and pulled away from me and began coming out of her dress.

I watched as her black dress hit the floor and she stood in front of me in nothing but her tiny thong that barely covered her pussy. Then she started undressing me. As soon as she had me down to nothing but my boxers, she giggled a playful giggle as my rock hard cock jutted out of the buttoned seam in front. It was quite funny actually.

Contessa took her thong off and threw it on the couch. Her pussy was shaved smooth and her slit hid what was inside. It looked nothing like it did on film. It was much more tender and inviting. Contessa’s pussy was just so beautiful. It was hard to believe that it could squirt like a fountain.

Contessa pulled me upstairs to her room. As soon as we were in there, she laid on the bed and spread her legs wide and said, "It's time you actually win this contest, Mason."

Her pussy opened a little revealing the soft pink plushness where so many men had already been. The wetness began to actually leak out of it. My cock began to throb hard. I knew Contessa could see it pulse wildly.

"Mmm, Mason, you are so fucking hard. Plunge it deep inside my hot wet pussy."

I moved in between her legs, taking them into my hands and spreading them a little more. I glanced at her pussy again and it puckered in anticipation of my cock. Contessa's labia were plump and moist and I positioned the head of my hard cock in between them. The heat from her pussy felt good on the tip of my hardness. The moisture that leaked onto it was hot and inviting. Before I entered her, I moved my cock up and down through her hot slit.

"Mmm, that feels so good. Put it in me. Now!" Contessa screamed and squeezed her breasts with her hands.

Not hesitating, I shoved myself into Contessa's soft body. Her pussy was so hot and so wet, I had no problem sinking into her pink depth. I was amazed at how tight she was. I felt her pink supple walls grip me with a gentle tightness that was so pleasurably securing.

Thrusting into her with even strokes, Contessa began to moan with sounds that I had only ever heard her make on film. It was a most satisfying sound; a sound so much better in person, but yet, still sounded the same as on the speakers of my surround sound. Contessa was a true porn actress. There was definitely no faking here or on any of her films.

"Pound me... pound me... pound me," Contessa said through heaving breaths, and I quickened the pace. I felt her sexual lips double over on themselves as I pulled and pushed quickly. Our bodies slapped each other and the sound reverberated off the walls of her room.

"That's it! Like that! Fuck me... fuck me... fuck me!" Contessa yelled each time I fell deep inside her and our bodies connected to each other.

My erection, surrounded by her hot moist love tunnel, slid in and out of her with ease, but with enough friction to feel oh so good. I was so rock hard inside her, it felt as if I could stand and hold Contessa up with just my hardness alone. It was a feeling I know I will never forget.

"Oh God... oh God... keep going... keep going... keep going!" Contessa shrieked and gripped the sheets. Her body was beginning to tremble. I knew what was about to happen. I had heard her scream those same words on film.

I kept pounding into her now quivering pussy that was about to gush. It was hotter than it had been and began to grip me tighter as the spasm formed. Contessa's body began to tense and she gripped the sheets so hard, her knuckles turned white.

"Now! Pull out... pull out... puuuullllll oouutt!" Contessa yelled.

I did and rolled myself to side a little as Contessa loudly moaned, "Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Contessa's pussy protruded out a little as she pushed and in a high jetting arch, she squirted her orgasm that landed several feet off the edge of the bed and left a trail on her teal colored sheets to where it first came out.

I looked at Contessa and she was shaking uncontrollably and groaning a sound like a cat's purr, but with more reverb. It seemed she was in her own euphoric trance. It was one of those most intense moments where the orgasm was mutual, but best enjoyed in her own little world. I certainly could see why.

When Contessa entered back into reality, I was still kneeling beside her. She looked over at me and smiled and grabbed my rock hard erection and stroked it slowly. It was more than I could handle. Seeing that I was extremely hard and watching her squirt like she did, the tingling began and I could not stop it. On Contessa's fourth stroke, I grunted, and from her experience, she knew what was going to happen.

"Cum for me Mason. Cum for Contessa. Let's finish this contest," Contessa said as I entered the point of no return and just a little pre-ejaculate emerged then the nerve jolted inside me and my cum was propelled out in a force that made my first spurt shoot across the bed and land on the hardwood floor in a loud splat.

Contessa then kept stroking me until I had emptied myself in a series of hot spurts that landed in several places on her bed. When the last drop emerged, Contessa circled the tip of my now softening cock with her tongue and sucked in the remainder that dripped out. For a moment, I actually felt like I was in a porn movie with her since she sucked my cock's head with precision she had learned from her career path.

Contessa then lay softly on her bed, her naked body so beautifully glowing from the moment of spending herself from an intense orgasm. She smiled and said as she patted the side of the mattress beside her, "Here, lay down beside me Mason."

I did as she said and she turned to me and laid her hand on my chest. I knew she was being nice and caring and nothing would ever come of it. I never expected that anyway. It was just a byproduct of winning the contest.

In a quiet voice, Contessa said, "A nice contest win I shall say."

"I couldn't agree more, Contessa. God, that was amazing. I'll remember this night forever. I'm glad I entered that contest now."

"I'm glad too. You know how to fuck like a porn star," Contessa said as she ran her hand over my bare chest.

I laughed and said, "If I was to say that to you, it would be the truth. I couldn't justify it for real."

"Then justify it the way you feel," Contessa replied.

I thought for a moment then answered, "It was more than winning a contest. It was real. It was a moment that we were both into and I would not have thought about it any other way."

Contessa smiled and closed her eyes. I turned to her and wrapped my arms around her and closed mine. We were letting the contest end on a bright note.

Too bad I would be on an airplane back home in the morning.

Written by SensualDesires83
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