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Unexpected Result

"Tom is caught lying by a teenager and is disciplined, which was his long-held fantasy"

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It really hadn’t been what I was expecting.

I knew I had submissive tendencies, and for years had looked at women with the sole thought of going across their laps and having my bare bottom spanked. I never really focused on their age, but more on whether I thought they looked strict. I loved seeing women’s bare arms and imagining them rising and falling with her open palm on my bottom, and also loved seeing women’s legs in short skirts, or of course swimsuits, or shorts, and imagining myself across those bare thighs looking at the backs of their upside-down legs.

Of course, all my fantasies took place in the privacy of a home, and with only me and the woman spanking me, or, sometimes, one or two other women who were watching. Again, their age wasn’t what I focused on.

I am a fifty-seven-year-old single man and have never been that good with the ladies, which I have always put down to seeing them as the very superior sex. I always thought that that was part of my submissive nature. Even as I got into my thirties and forties I never quite felt on a par with women. That started to feel strange when I was with women ten or twenty years younger than I, but I still inevitably bowed to their point of view.

Then I met Hannah, a lovely woman of fifty-three, and we seemed to hit it off. She had a lovely face, and I found her lines attractive, with her blonde hair, which she told me was grey but coloured. She had lovely batwing arms, a slightly protruding tummy, and fleshy legs. When she wore a low-cut top I saw that she had full breasts and a deep cleavage. In fact, for a man my age, Hannah was the perfect woman.

Hannah was divorced and we had several dinner dates and went to the cinema and theatre together, and then she asked me over to her place for dinner. That was lovely, and as we were alone we didn’t have to be so discreet when chatting.

We were definitely getting serious, and I went to dinner at Hannah’s and two of her closest friends were also there. I felt I was a bit on show, but stayed calm, which was unusual for me when in the presence of women. It was during dessert when we had all had a few glasses of wine, that we started to chat about one of the friend’s granddaughters, sixteen-year-old Lauren. Her mum, Jessica, was telling us how one of her classmates, Dan, had deliberately spooked her in the corridor and his friends, all boys, just laughed hysterically. Jessica said that the matter had been reported to the headmistress, but no action was taken.

I recalled my own schooldays and said, “Well, in my day I would have got the cane.” I was blushing, I knew, but more because I had never been caned and it had been another of my unlived fantasies.

Jessica, though, immediately said, “He should have been. I think it’s a real shame that corporal punishment was made illegal.”

Hannah and Jessica’s sister, Diane, both murmured their agreement, but I realised that they were also blushing, and silently wondered if they had the same fantasy as mine. I realised that that was unlikely, of course, but reckoned I would still masturbate in bed imagining them being caned with me watching.

It was when Jessica said, “I agree. In fact when I was in the sixth form, so we were sixteen-years-old, a few of us asked the headmistress to reintroduce the cane and give us that instead of Saturday morning detentions.”

Hannah berated her daughter. “Now you know Mrs Foster couldn’t reintroduce the cane on her own.”

Jessica blushed as she replied, “I know, but we still voted for it.”

The discussion was redirected away from caning, and soon afterwards, Diane and Jessica left, leaving me alone with Hannah.

We had another couple of glasses of wine before Hannah brought the conversation back to caning. “You are right, Tom, and I agree that discipline has deteriorated since the cane was stopped.” She giggled and blushed as she added, “I’ve often wondered why the cane couldn’t be used at home, though. I would think that adults should have the freedom to discipline each other.”

I pointed out, “Yes, but that is still deemed illegal.”

Hannah asked wickedly, “Yes, but if there was a formal vote and everyone agreed, then that might stand up in court.”

I knew that Hannah was only joking and soon afterwards we started kissing and cuddling and made our way upstairs to her bed. I really think that Hannah was more aroused than usual as her nipples were so taut as I unclipped her bra, whereas normally it took lots of kissing and sucking and my finger right up her vagina before she started to get that aroused.

The next day I phoned Hannah to thank her for a lovely evening. She told me how she also enjoyed it, and we chatted for a while. After a couple of minutes, I happened to mention that I had a problem with my computer. Hannah was effusive in recommending I ask Lauren to look at it as she was very good with computers. I didn’t have anyone else to go to, other than where I bought the computer six years ago, and so I thanked Hannah and asked her to arrange for Lauren to come over.

Lauren arrived on Friday afternoon and obviously was a regular visitor and knew her way around the house. She must have come straight from school as she was wearing her uniform of a short-sleeved gingham blue-and-white-checked dress with a blue belt, and with white ankle socks and dark blue leather buckle shoes. She was very cheerful as she came in. She went straight to the computer but chatted as she worked on it. “So, you like Granny Hannah, do you?”

I was a bit shocked at Lauren’s reference to Granny Hannah, as she wasn’t her granny, but then assumed it was the friendly way she referred to her. Either way, I also felt a bit embarrassed talking to Lauren about my relationship with Hannah, and found her, ‘Do as I say,’ tone of voice reminiscent of the women I found it difficult to relate to. I was surprised, given how old Lauren was, but I found myself stuttering as I spoke.

Lauren was working on my computer and fell silent for a few moments, and looked like she was going to say something, and then stopped. I looked at the screen and there was a list which Lauren cleared before I could see anything closely enough. However, Lauren then looked like she focused on the computer as she asked casually, “So, I hear you agreed that the cane should be reintroduced?”

I was thrown again and suddenly suspicious. I didn’t know much about computers but did know that there was something called, ‘history,’ but didn’t know what it held. The thing was that, being single, I quite often went onto naughty websites, and, because of my fantasies, they were quite often spanking sites. I hesitated a few moments before stuttering my reply, “Well, erm, err, I thought it had its benefits.”

Lauren was still focused on the screen when she asked, “Were you ever caned?”

I knew I was blushing and so thankful that Lauren wasn’t looking at me. “No,” I answered honestly.

Lauren was quiet for a few more moments, and then asked casually, “Did you ever think about being caned?”

I wondered why Lauren was persisting, but her tone of voice was even more, ‘I want to know, so tell me, or else,’ and I found myself replying honestly again. “I suppose I have.” I quickly added, “Occasionally, anyway.”

Lauren then asked, “There are some sites on the internet. Have you checked them out?”

I had, but again couldn’t admit that. “No.” I knew I didn’t sound all that confident or truthful.

After another short period of silence Lauren suddenly asked, “Do you have a cane?”

I was shocked at the question. How could she know that I bought a cane? Anyway, I couldn’t tell her the truth now and replied, “No.”

Lauren was still looking at the computer when she asked, “Should you get the cane if you lied to me?”

The questioning was getting me really stressed now. “Probably a detention,” I replied.

Lauren pressed on with, “What about a double detention?”

At least she had moved away from questions I had to lie when answering. “Yes, that was the norm.”

Lauren fell quiet for another short while as she worked on my computer. Then she said in what was now a, ‘Don’t dare lie to me,’ tone, “I see that, in fact, you ordered a cane a month ago, and it was a repeat order. Did the previous one splinter?”

I gasped. I definitely deleted the order and email advising when the order would be delivered, so how could she know? I didn’t know what to say and there was an awkward silence.

Lauren then said, “I see you have looked at spanking sites as well. Hours of time, actually, and as far as I can see you have focused on women spanking men.”

I couldn’t get my mind around being told what I was looking at on my own computer, and what I had purchased.

Lauren ignored my silence and said, “So, two lies means two detentions and the cane.”

I gasped and wanted to grab the computer and tell Lauren to leave, but knew that, if I did, that she would most likely tell Hannah who would cut me loose.

Lauren interrupted my thoughts with, “Nice story about Granny Hannah spanking and caning you.”

I was horrified that she had found that file as I definitely deleted that. I was at home and thought I would try writing about my fantasy. I knew I deleted the story straight away, so was again at a loss as to how she could read it.

Lauren then gave what sounded clearly like a jubilant sigh as she leaned back and nodded towards the screen.

I looked and saw my usual opening screen. “Is it all done, then?” I asked, glad Lauren would soon be leaving.

Lauren replied, “Yes, all done.” She looked at me with a wicked smile before adding, “So, we just need to work out what you owe me.”

I looked, and was, surprised. “Owe you? Hannah didn’t say there would be a charge, but, of course, tell me how much.”

Lauren smirked again as she said, “Well, you got a double detention for lying. Then there is the extra for not telling Granny Hannah about your likes.” Lauren smirked again as she asked, “Unless you are okay with me telling her?”

This was getting worse and worse. I even thought it would be better to tell Hannah and let her spank and cane me. It immediately struck me, though, that that was exactly what I would like to have happen but was too scared to ask.

Lauren didn’t give me a chance to say anything. “So, a bare-bottom spanking and six strokes. Agreed?”

I closed my eyes and had such mixed emotions. Of course, Lauren spanking and caning me was out of the question. She was only sixteen years old for a start, and the granddaughter of a friend of my girlfriend. On the other hand, I would get to experience the cane. Then, on the ‘other other,’ hand, Lauren would be bound to tell Hannah or her friends or someone, and then my secret would be out.

Before I could answer, Lauren’s phone buzzed.

Lauren looked at her phone and smiled at me. “It’s Granny Hannah.”

As Lauren reached out for her phone I said in a panicky voice, “Don’t tell her. Please, Lauren.”

Lauren lost the smirk and looked sternly at me, “So, it’s a spanking and the cane. Okay?”

I was lost for words but desperate, so winced as I nodded my head.

Lauren said a satisfied, “Good,” as she put the phone to her ear and said, ”Hi, Granny Hannah.”

I only heard half the conversation. “Yes, all done ... it doesn’t take long. Just close everything down and restart it ... yes, I still need to set it all up again so reckon another hour ... bye, then, Granny Hannah.”

Lauren clicked off her phone, waved it at me, and ordered, “You had better get your cane down here, Tom.”

It felt strange being addressed by my first name by a teenager, but after a few moments, I thought more about what I had agreed to. I knew I could tell her to leave, but that would probably also end my relationship with Hannah. I thought again about my fantasy, and in a moment of madness said, “I’ll get the cane, then.”

I thought as I went upstairs, that Lauren didn’t even look surprised that I just agreed to get the cane. How could a girl of sixteen years be so knowledgeable and confident? Yet, she just seemed so matter-of-fact about everything, and she managed me so well. Her threat as she was about to speak to Hannah meant I had to make an instantaneous decision, which I did, and now thought it was the right decision, if it kept my relationship with Hannah, anyway.

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I retrieved the cane from my cupboard and looked at it with its hook end and reminded myself how I had used it on my own bare bottom so many times. At least, not so many with this one, but certainly when taking into account the earlier cane I had purchased and which eventually split.

I knew I couldn’t delay any longer, turned, and made my way back downstairs. I walked into the living room and went over to Lauren. As I handed her the cane I noticed one of the dining chairs had been turned into the room and then looked pensively at Lauren.

I watched as Lauren, with a stern look on her face, stood up and went over to the dining table. She put the cane on the table and then sat on the dining chair, but instead of flattening out her dress she yanked the hem up so her thighs were bare. She then looked up at me and commanded, “Take off your trousers and underpants, Tom.”

I swallowed hard but knew things had gone too far to turn back. I nodded my head and undid my trousers and pushed them to the floor, catching my underpants on the way. I stepped out of both items of clothing, quickly folded them but not very well, and put them on another chair. I then went and stood by Lauren, looking down momentarily at her bare thighs.

I was about to bend over her lap but saw Lauren looking at my tummy with a smirk. I followed her gaze and, to my surprise and humiliation, I realised that she wasn’t looking at my tummy, but at my erect penis. I blushed, and decided it would be best if I was across her lap instead of having my erect manhood on show, so I bent down across her bare thighs. I caught my fall with one hand on the floor, and then the second, and lowered my full weight onto her thighs, realising that my erect penis was pressing down on them, but again thinking that at least it was out of her view.

I didn’t have much time to settle before I felt Lauren’s palm rubbing my bottom in large circles. It felt rather pleasant, actually, and I spent a few seconds enjoying the touch of her hand, and also the rather special upside-down view of her legs. The fact she was in ankle socks reminded me that she was in her school uniform, and I pretended that she was a prefect and I was in prefect’s detention. In fact, the double detention she gave me. I even smiled to the floor as I repositioned myself as maybe being a teacher who deserved to be spanked by the head girl.

I was enjoying building up the scenario in my head, but those thoughts were interrupted when I realised that Lauren had stopped rubbing my bottom, and I saw her leg muscles tense. The very next moment Lauren landed the first spank on my bare bottom, and I was reminded that I wasn’t in for a fun time, but a painful one, which became clearer as the spanks continued.

The first several dozen were on alternate bottom cheeks and I supposed I coped okay with them and enjoyed looking at Lauren’s bare legs, and my own dangling under the far side of the chair. Then, Lauren changed to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again, and I wondered if she had looked at the same websites I had about how to give a spanking. What I did know was that the stinging intensified and my legs kicked and tensed and I started to squirm around on her lap.

I still looked at Lauren’s bare legs and was feeling really submissive as I knew that I could force myself up, but I loved the thought that I was remaining obedient to a sixteen-year-old girl. Mind you, as the spanks continued I was forgetting her age and just thinking that she knew well enough how to give a good hard spanking.

My legs tensed and kicked even more and I knew I was crying out when Lauren started to spank the backs of my legs. I knew those spanks were supposed to hurt more, but she spanked the back of the same leg six or more times so I was ready to scream out. Then I realised that I was already crying out as each spank landed, but the noise was unintelligible to me.

It was even with some relief that the spanks stopped and I felt Lauren rubbing my bottom again in circles, as well as the backs of my legs. I once again found the sensation of having my bottom and legs rubbed rather nice, and when she ran her hand down the inside of my thigh I automatically parted my legs and, as I had unconsciously hoped, she ran her fingers along my ball sac. I almost came, which I now know would have been about as humiliating as anything could possibly have been, unless I was across Hannah’s lap I later worked out.

It may have been coincidence, or intentional, but after just one rub of my ball sac, Lauren ordered, “Right, Tom. Get up and bend over and grab the seat of this chair. You need to be caned.”

I think that, on balance, I was relieved that Lauren had taken the decision to make me get up. As I eased myself up from her lap I took a last close-up glimpse of her bare legs before putting my hand on her bare thigh and leveraging myself up. I loved the feel of her thigh, but was thankful her skin was warm but dry which meant that I hadn’t cum.

Once I was standing straight I started to rub my bottom.

Then I heard, “Stop rubbing or six becomes twelve strokes, Tom.”

I knew then that Lauren was a very strict young miss. Still, I immediately stopped at her order, but knew I was getting another erection, which I wasn’t expecting. Still, I did stop and, as Lauren got up, I went and stood in front of the chair and bent over, grabbing each side firmly. I eased my legs back so my bottom was sticking out more, and again as the websites said, I lowered my tummy so my bottom stuck out even more. I found placing my legs apart more comfortable, although, as I did, I realised that my ball sac would be easily visible between my parted legs. Still, that was best, I thought, and so stayed that way.

I looked at the floor behind me and saw Lauren’s bare legs positioning themselves. After just a bit of shuffling, I could see that Lauren was now standing still and I felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across my bottom. I gasped at the feel of the cane, knowing my moment of truth was almost there when I would get my first ever cane stroke given by someone else. I had experience of caning myself, quite hard I thought, so I was prepared, but now wondered if the real thing would match up to my hopes and dreams?

I was still looking at Lauren’s bare legs when I saw her muscles tense. This was it. I clearly remember holding my breath and tensing my bottom, but most vividly remember the pain as the cane landed and sliced into my bottom cheeks. It was so much more painful than I had imagined. Of course, whilst I had thought it would be more like the cane strokes I gave myself, I now knew that was a silly supposition. There was no getting away from the fact that being caned by someone else is much, much, much, worse than caning yourself.

The second stroke hurt even more and I know I yelped and shook my head from side to side. As the third stroke landed I bent my knees and shook my bottom from side to side and hissed in and out through clenched teeth. Surely Lauren was caning me too hard, as though it was some judicial caning, and I reckoned that my bottom would be covered in blackened welts by the time she had finished.

Interestingly, if that was the right word, I found the fourth stroke a bit easier to take. Was Lauren letting up, or was I getting more used to it, I wondered? I was looking at her bare legs as they tensed and when the fifth stroke landed I was sure that she was caning just as hard and that I was coping better now. The sixth stroke was harder to take, and I reckoned that Lauren was just making the last stroke the hardest, and I again hissed in and out through clenched teeth with my eyes tightly shut and I also raised one leg to try to cope with the intense pain.

I stayed bent over breathing deeply as I waited to see if Lauren was going to cane me again or tell me to get up. To be fair, I wanted her to cane me some more, and was disappointed when I heard her order, “Okay, Tom, get up.” I slowly eased myself up and started to rub my bottom, thinking that might earn some more of the cane. However, Lauren didn’t rise to the bait, and I could see her smiling and that she knew what I wanted, but wouldn’t give it to me. She was a tough cookie, for sure.

Lauren ordered, “You might want to look in a mirror before getting dressed again, Tom.”

I wondered why I hadn’t thought of that, and realised that there was so much to take in with the new experience that I couldn’t cover all the thoughts I wanted to. However, I hoped that during the evening I would remember more.

I quickly went upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I did gasp when I saw my bare bottom. There weren’t the black welts of the judicial canings shown on the websites, but I did have six very clear red welts, and I found it exciting to run my fingers along them. I wondered if Lauren would like to feel them, but was now embarrassed that it had taken a sixteen-year-old to make me experience my almost lifelong fantasy of being caned.

I went back downstairs and into the living room, covering my erect-again penis, quickly went to the dining chair where my clothes were and was too embarrassed to even look at Lauren to see if she was also looking at my penis. With my back to her, I stepped back into my underpants, being careful not to ping the elastic against my bottom which I had learned from the websites, and then stepped back into my trousers, doing them up again.

I took a deep breath as I turned to look at Lauren, and was anxious to know if she hated me or wanted to cane me again. As I did, the house phone sounded and as a phone was almost next to me I answered it. To my surprise it was Hannah.

Hannah asked, “Has Lauren got your computer working again?”

I was surprised and replied, “Yes, Lauren got my computer going, but I thought she told you that?” I was less surprised when I saw the smile on Lauren’s face and suddenly realised that when she answered her phone before there was no Hannah at the other end.

Hannah replied, “I didn’t call before. I was at the hairdresser most of the time and only got back ten minutes ago.” I could feel the smile in Hannah’s voice as she asked, “Lauren said that she would tell me what you usually look at on your computer. Did she find anything I should know about?”

I gasped, but lied, “No, Hannah. Nothing.”

Hannah waited a moment, and then asked, “Are you coming over for dinner? Lauren can come too. Ask her, will you, as a thank-you?”

I lowered the phone and asked, “Hannah wants you to come to dinner.”

To my relief, Lauren replied, “Tell Granny that is very nice, but I have plans already.”

I relayed the message but still agreed to go myself.

Once the call was ended I asked Lauren, “So, Hannah wasn’t on the phone before, was she?”

Lauren smiled. “No, Tom, but if I hadn’t made that up would you have let me spank and cane you?”

Well, I knew Lauren was right and was again taken by how a girl her age had manoeuvred me so skilfully. “I guess,” I admitted.

Lauren wasn’t finished. “So, what will you tell Granny Hannah?” she asked.

I hadn’t thought that out yet but knew I had to.

Lauren helped by saying, “I know she got all annoyed with her last boyfriend because he kept letting her down. She told me that he deserved a good hard spanking. So, I guess, she might well like the idea of being able to spank you if you let her down.” After a short pause, she said with the most gorgeous smirk, “I think she would spank you even if you were good.”

I remembered how Hannah had said caning should be allowed at home between adults just before we went to bed, and wondered if she had meant it.

So, as I walked towards Hannah’s with my bottom stinging from Lauren’s caning, I was thinking hard about what I should say to Hannah. Was I brave enough to tell her about my fantasies and that Lauren realised them today and I wanted Hannah to keep on realising my fantasies? I wasn’t usually brave enough, I knew

Even as Hannah opened the door, kissed me, and told me to walk through to the dining room, I wasn’t sure. That was until I saw the hairbrush on a dining chair turned in to the room.

I turned and saw a stern-looking Hannah standing with her arms crossed. “Lauren called and told me. Well, you lied to me and so I think you need another spanking. Oh, and if we are to stay an item then you have to agree to be disciplined by me if you don’t do as I tell you.”

So, Lauren had called Hannah when I was looking at my bottom in the mirror. I was relieved, though, that she had done what she knew I was going to be too scared to do. However, because of Lauren, I was now entering the relationship I had always wanted, which was having to obey a woman I loved, or suffer the consequences. How cool was that? “Yes, please, Hannah. I agree.”


Written by Peter242
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