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They Lived Spankily Ever After

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Author's Notes

"Huge thank you to the uber-talented author, MojaveJoe420, for collaborating on this fun spanking story about George and June. And anyone who thinks I might bear a likeness to June is, well, mistaken. George, however, was entirely based on MojaveJoe. (giggles)"

“June!” George hollered into the kitchen one Saturday morning. “Where’s that little bag of screws I bought last week? It was on my workbench.” 

“I haven’t seen it, George.” His wife was busy cleaning out the pantry and wasn't too concerned with helping him find the latest thing he had lost.

“You moved them somewhere, my workbench is cleaned up again, and it wasn’t me.”

“Well then, they should be where they are supposed to be!”

“And where is that? I’ve asked you a million times not to clean up my workbench!”

“George, don’t raise your voice at me! Look in the drawers.” June poked her head out of the pantry shooting laser beams with her eyeballs in the direction of the bellowing voice.

George mimicked her mouth with his lips and shook his head. She didn’t see him doing that, of course. Looking in the drawers, he cursed. "Fuck!" There they were, in the drawer with the other screws and bolts and nuts.

Goddammit. Why can’t she just leave my shit alone? The garage is my domain! Can’t I have a domain?

After hearing his expletive, June walked to the garage door. “Did you find them, dear?”

He sighed heavily. “Yes, June. But I do wish you could leave my things alone.”

“If you kept your area clean then I wouldn’t have to do it." She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I don’t know why you’re in such a foul mood.”

He turned and muttered quietly, “Probably because we haven’t had much sex lately.”

“What was that, George?”

Shit! How much did she hear? Do I want a fight right now? 

“Nothing, dear,” he sighed, figuring that discretion was the better part of valor.

“Oh, I think it was something. Tell me.” She smiled sweetly now, so he let his guard down.

George stared at his wife. Even though she pissed him off he couldn't help thinking she looked really good in her little pants and blouse. 

He put the bag of screws down and faced her. “I said, 'I’m probably grumpy because we haven’t had sex in a while'.”

Without missing a beat, she replied, “We would have sex more often if it lasted longer than thirty seconds, and maybe if there was some foreplay, too.”

Ouch! George scrunched his face as if she had just smacked it. “Thirty seconds? Come on, June.” 

“Okay, maybe ninety. Tops!"

Satisfied with her comeback, she did that hair toss thing coupled with a "Hmph!" that she knew infuriated her husband. Adding the exclamation point, she turned up her nose and marched past him. As his wife's prissy ass walked by, his hand unexpectedly reacted and swatted her ass cheek hard. A resounding Smack! echoed in the garage. 

She stopped dead in her tracks and spun around in a fury; he stood his ground, jaw set. To his shock, her face then morphed into an entirely unexpected and unreadable expression. 

Their eyes locked, neither saying a word. After a few moments of weird silence passed, June slowly turned and walked back into the house. George was left alone adjusting his very uncomfortable cock, wondering what the fuck just happened.


George and June steered clear of each other the rest of the morning. When they did pass one another in the hallway, heads were down, eyes averted. There was a big, fat elephant in the house. 

June tried to busy herself with laundry, but couldn't forget what happened in the garage; George had spanked her. And if she was honest, she liked it but had no clue why. 

George couldn’t forget what happened either; his cock refused to go down on its own, so he retreated to the bathroom to take the matter in hand - literally. Although originally intending to pull up his go-to blowjob porn on his phone, he found himself searching for an adult spanking video. He had never spanked a woman until today. Surprisingly, he startled himself more than June when he spanked her. At first, she looked mad, but then … he wasn't sure she didn't like it. 

The video started and he couldn't peel his eyes off the sexy ass sprawled across the man's lap. George had always been more of an ass man than a boobs man, for sure. 

He pulled out his cock and began stroking his rigid staff while watching the man rub the woman's ass. She was quite vocal while sprawled across his lap causing George's cock to lengthen even more. 

Damn, this is hot! Never had he considered spanking his wife. When the man began spanking the woman in the video, he timed his strokes with the spanks. 

"Fuck!" He groaned as he rapidly neared his release. His balls tightened and he came hard as he watched the video vixen wiggle, squirm, and squeal during her spanking. 

Temporarily sated, he was able to think clearly again without all the lustful thoughts addling his brain. 

I need … we need to talk about this. We can’t go on avoiding each other. This tension is killing me. But, I better think about how to approach her.

He went out to the front yard and arranged the cars so he could wash his pride and joy in the shade. Certainly not a difficult task, but it was one he enjoyed due to the satisfaction gained from a job well done. It also afforded him time to think, time to sort through things.  After two hours, his car gleamed and sparkled in the sun, and George had concocted a semblance of a plan for talking to June. 

He walked into the house but didn’t immediately find June. He was hungry, craving a beer, and felt a bit hot and sweaty. 

Beer, then a shower, then we will worry about something to eat, he told himself.

He cracked open a cold one and headed to his bedroom walk-in closet to shed his dirty clothes. He was surprised to find June sitting on the floor of the closet. She looked like she had been crying.

“Hey? Hey, are you alright? Come here…” He set his beer on a shelf, then held his hands out and lifted her to a standing position. She slowly lifted her head and looked sorrowfully at him.

“I don’t like us fighting. It’s tearing me apart, George.”

He wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “Me neither. Come with me.” He led her into the bedroom where they sat on the edge of the bed, facing each other.

"I don't think you appreciate me - all I do." She sniffled, eyes red. 

"I know all you do, honey, and I do appreciate you."

"Lately, I've felt more like your mother than your wife, just cooking and cleaning, picking up after you."

George eyed his wife's beautiful breasts tenting her blouse. "June … baby … in no way do you remind me of my mother." 

He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. "And I don't want you picking up after me. That's part of the problem I think. You treat me like a child sometimes, instead of a grown-ass man, with your fussing and all."

Okay, let’s just put the rest of this out there, George thought.

"I didn’t mean to upset you. But you know I'm a prideful man, June. You need to know that you pushing me away in bed hurts me - that makes me feel like less of a man, too."

His eyes squinted with pain; her heart ached with guilt. 

"When's the last time you touched my cock, June?" He sighed. "I mean, foreplay goes both ways, you know."

She lowered her head, knowing he was right. "I guess, well, I just felt like you weren't appreciating me. And weren't there for me, so why should I give you any attention?"

George studied her face. Her anger had been replaced with concern and sadness.

"You have been paying that damn car more attention than me."

"That damn car doesn't fuss at me … or stab me with its eyeballs." 

With that comment, they both laughed. Realization finally hit two very hard heads that they were both part of the problem. 

June squeezed his hand with a new understanding.  "I think we both became-"

"Selfish," they said in unison. 

"I love you dearly, George." 

"I love you too, June." He pulled her against him in a tight, long-lasting hug, then raised her chin so he could see her beautiful face. 

Bowing his head, he kissed her. They lovingly kissed this time, not the small pecks of late, but an open-mouthed, tongue-swirling kiss. 

June was the first to pull away and smiled at him. "I am going to the kitchen to whip up your favorite meal, honey. We kind of skipped lunch.”

She stood up and took a step forward but George grabbed her by the hand. 

"Where do you think you're going, my dear?"  Still sitting on the edge of the bed, he spread his legs and patted his left thigh. "I still need to spank you for getting into my stuff."

June's eyes widened. Was he serious? 

"What did you just say?" 

"You heard me. I said I'm going to spank you." 

His firm-set jaw told her he was serious. Shivering with both apprehension and excitement, she slowly turned back towards her husband. 

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Once standing before him, he hooked his fingers in her waistband and lowered her pants and panties down past her knees, baring her shaved private area. His cock immediately strained against its confines. 

Even though we haven’t had sex in a while, George, I still keep myself ready for you. Do you appreciate that?

“June, you're so beautiful, my God, look at you!”

She blushed and smiled. I guess maybe you do appreciate me.

She looked into his eyes and before she could speak, George started caressing her ass, gently rubbing and massaging it before he gently pulled her down so she was bent over his knee. 

Her upper body pressed into the comforter and he hooked an arm around her waist to hold her in place against his side.

"Trust me." 

Those were the only words she needed. She glanced over her shoulder smiling at George before her fingers twisted hold of the bedding. 

His eyes raked over his wife's gorgeous ass propped up over his leg. "I had forgotten how sexy your ass is, June. We got stuck in missionary where I wasn't getting a good view." He caressed his fingertips over her round cheeks, squeezing and rubbing. "Damn, I almost hate to make a mark on these perfectly white cheeks - almost."

Spank! The sting of the first spank made her jump. 

George tightened his grip around her waist. Spank! Spank! Spank! She wiggled and moaned, feeling the stinging now. But, her pussy responded by dribbling onto his leg. Her ass twitched, trying to shake the sting off. 

He loved watching her reaction. Taking advantage of her position, he rubbed her pinkening cheeks, then spread them. 

"George..." She moaned as he slid his thick fingers down her crack to her pussy. Without warning, he slid two digits into her slippery sex and finger-fucked her hard. 

"George! Oh, God!"

His cock stiffened even more. It had been a while since he had gotten an "Oh, God!" from June. Her response encouraged him. Removing his fingers he resumed his spanking, giving her a solid ten or twelve whacks all across her bottom. Those slightly pink cheeks now glowed a soft red, heat radiating from them.

June writhed across his knee and her small hand reached back and grabbed his dick through his pants. 

Fuck! Soon I'm going to bury my cock in her so good, he thought. 

Feeling confident, he spread her ass again, and slid his finger down, stopping at her forbidden hole. You know the one. 

"Mmmm, wonder what this button does, darling." He slid a wet finger just inside her tight ring. 

"Whoo! George!" June raised her head, panting. "What are-"

He interrupted her. "I think I found a new toy to play with." His finger retreated and playfully traced circles around her asshole before pushing in again. 

"Whoo!" June squealed again. She pushed her ass towards his hand, burying his finger deeper.

George slid a hand underneath her to pat her clit while he worked her asshole.  His wife squirmed on his lap, whispering and muttering dirty words he didn't even know she knew. 

"Now, who was saying they weren't getting enough foreplay?" He grinned in satisfaction seeing his wife uncontrollably writhe and squeal from his touches. 

He withdrew his hand and lifted it high into the air, bringing it back down with a resounding Crack! 

“Aiieee!” June yelped, surprised not only by the pain but by a rush of excitement that flowed through her body. She thought it might be adrenaline or endorphins, but it didn’t matter; her pussy was on fire just as much as her bottom cheeks.

“Again,” she panted. “Do it… again, George... Please.”

Excited beyond belief, George spanked her harder this time, eliciting another shriek from June. His left hand, underneath her stomach and tickling her clit, moved faster and he sank his fingers inside her. His right caressed her red-hot ass cheeks, squeezing them and easing her pain until they settled once again on her asshole. He leaned his head over her and dropped a large saliva glob onto her ass, just missing her asshole by an inch. He rubbed his spit over her asshole in gentle but slightly firm circles.

“George,” June whispered. 

“Yes, my love.”

“I’m glad we had our argument today.”

“I’m glad it worked out the way it did.”

“I love how you have taken charge of me. And I want you to know—Ow!” June squealed as George surprised her with a very hard spank. Again, his fingers tightened on her clit as he spanked his wife’s ass in a firm rhythm. 

The combined sensations of pleasure and pain overwhelmed June. She was nearly crying in agony while her body was climbing towards an orgasm. 

“George!” she cried out, her body confused and her mind whirling. “George I… I don’t… I can’t… you’re making me… I’m going to… it’s coming…”

Her body stiffened as her orgasm exploded through her. George stopped spanking her and sank fingers from both of his hands inside her flooded pussy, June let out a high-pitched squeal, followed by a full-fledged scream as her body collapsed in surrender. 

June’s mind floated in a sea of pleasure and bliss, the likes of which she had never encountered before. George spanked her again, making her stiffen as her orgasm came back with a vengeance. She rode that wave as it crashed over her for half a minute until George gave her another single spank, square on her dripping pussy. 

What a smokin' hot view! From this position, he saw a different side of his wife as she orgasmed. Her ass cheeks flinched, her legs quivered, and her engorged pussy spit cum all over his lap. Damn, how he wanted to fuck her now!

When her normal breathing finally resumed, he lifted her up, pulling her against his chest. 

"George-" She sighed a melodic sigh. "That was one of the best orgasms you have ever given me." 

Music to his ears! He raised her chin to look into her eyes. Gone was the fussiness of late. Now her eyes sparkled with renewed passion. He kissed her lips, fully exploring her mouth with his tongue. They both moaned in each other's mouth as she started grinding her sopping pussy against his hard bulge in his pants. 

"And now, my dearest wife, your husband is going to fuck you." 

Her eyes widened and she scrambled off him, getting into a missionary position. 

"Oh no, you don't." He spoke with a low, commanding voice. "Get on your knees, I want to look at that cherry-red ass while I fuck you."

She excitedly rolled over, on knees and elbows, ass up. He stood up and her eyes widened as he removed his clothes and his fat cock sprang towards her. 

"Now, you lay your head on that mattress and let me fuck you. I'm in charge here." 

She bowed her head and he stroked her ass with his fingertips, making her wait for it. She impatiently wiggled her rump back and forth. 

George chuckled, parted her cheeks, and guided his fat cock in between her legs. He slid his shaft up and down her lips, deliberating tapping her clit with his head. 

"Oooooo … George." June moaned into the bedding and bucked her hips, shoving her rump back against his abdomen with a Smack!

He pulled back and guided his cock inside her hungry pussy - just the tip. But, she wasn't satisfied with the tip. His impatient wife thrust backward immediately stuffing her pussy with the entire length of him. 

Ah, fuck, she feels good! 

Her desire drove him crazy, but he wasn't going to give her what she wanted just yet. 

With painful patience, George inch-by-inch pulled his cock back out of his wife's pussy before slowly pushing back inside, giving a hard thrust once buried deep. He settled into this pattern and June grew needier with each push. 

"George! Fuck me - hard!" June screamed, baring her teeth. 

"But, what was it you called me? Oh yeah - thirty-second man, right?" He withdrew all the way again. "So, I'm fucking you nice…" He pushed back in. "And slooooow."

"Damn it, man!" She rutted her smarting ass back against him, trying to quicken his pace. "Fuck … me ... harder! Fuck ... me ... faster!" She smashed her ass against his pelvis, emphasizing each word. “George! Fuck… my… cunt!

Having had his fun, George smiled with satisfaction, then grabbed hold of her hips, and fucked his wife with everything he had.


A few days later, June walked past his workbench and noticed a bag from the hardware store. Habit taking over, she reached for it to put his latest purchase wherever it belonged. Suddenly, a voice inside her head stopped her, reminding her how much that annoyed George. 

Recent events, however, shushed that good voice, and June had a different thought - a naughty thought. She subconsciously rubbed her rump as she had a vision of her irritated husband pulling her face down across his lap. To her delight, her panties moistened in response. Smiling a wicked smile, she grabbed his bag and hid it in the back of one of his drawers. 














Written by KimmiBeGood
Contributing Authors
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