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The School Governor Submits

"The class teacher disciplines a school governor"

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Mrs Stone walked into her daughter's school. Her daughter was out on a school trip for the week as was the whole of her class so Mrs Stone hoped to get to see the class teacher without her daughter or her classmates seeing her.

Mrs Stone was thirty-seven-years-old. She was wearing a sleeveless black and white checked dress with a hem halfway down her thigh. Her dark brown hair flowed down her head and ended a few inches below her shoulder line. It was summer and she had bare legs. 

Miss Dawson was in her classroom and heard the tentative knock on the door. That was strange as she was expecting Mrs Stone rather than a pupil. " Come in," Miss Dawson called out. 

The door opened and Mrs Stone walked in, closing the door behind her. "Hullo, Miss Dawson," Mrs Stone said politely.

Miss Dawkins was equally polite and pointing to the chair to the side of her desk said with a smile, "Hullo, Mrs Stone. Please do take a seat."

Miss Dawson was an experienced teacher. She was thirty-eight-years-old. She always dressed for school in a white blouse and a dark blue skirt. It was summer and she wore short sleeves. She wore stockings throughout the year. 

Mrs Stone had always thought Miss Dawson to be one of the scarier teachers though. She was after all, on the discipline team.  In fact, whenever the Headmistress was away it was Miss Dawson who disciplined any of the girls who were sent to her. The school was for sixteen to eighteen-year-olds and was well known in the area for its discipline. Although led by the Headmistress, Miss Dawson never baulked at dealing with a string of girls who had to queue in the outer office to the Headmistress's Study waiting for their turn to go in for a spanking or the cane. 

Mrs Stone was one of the Governors of the school and was on the committee, which helped to set the discipline regime. So, Mrs Stone and Miss Dawson met regularly to discuss discipline in the school. 

Today though, the meeting wasn't about discipline. It was about Lucy Stone, Mrs Stone's seventeen-year-old daughter. In fact, more specifically, it was about Lucy's project that was going to be the deciding factor in which University she might end up going to. 

Mrs Stone asked how the project was going and expressed her concerns. Miss Dawson simply said Lucy was doing better than anyone else in the class and so Mrs Stone should not worry. 

"That's good, Miss Dawson," Mrs Stone said.  

However, Miss Dawson thought that Mrs Stone didn't sound as though she was so happy about the answer. At least Mrs Stone didn't show any inclination to leave. "Is there something else, Mrs Stone?" she asked. Actually, she rather hoped there wasn't as she had given half an hour for the meeting and so she could use the time before her final meeting of the day to do some marking. Rather, not a meeting but a punishment session in the Headmistress’s Study.

Miss Dawson thought Mrs Stone looked like she was thinking. There seemed to be something that she wanted to say but was having difficulty phrasing it, perhaps? She looked questioningly at Mrs Stone to try to force her to articulate whatever she wanted to say.

Mrs Stone was indeed having trouble. She knew that Lucy was doing well and was sure that she would get to the university of her choice. She asked for the meeting for a quite different reason. She had always had a bit of a crush on Miss Dawson if the truth be known. She kept it to herself and never let on. However, she always looked forward to the one-to-one meetings she had with the teacher to discuss discipline. She loved listening about the various punishments Miss Dawson had given the schoolgirls. Hand spankings on knickers or bare bottoms, the cane on dresses or knickers or bare bottoms, and even the cane on the girl’s palms. She loved discussing them all and Miss Dawson was happy to discuss them as well.

Miss Dawson didn't want to press Mrs Stone too much. She was a governor after all and so she showed her the necessary respect to reflect her position. She also had a bit of a crush on Mrs Stone. She never told anyone and certainly hid it when they met together. She was just happy to answer any questions Mrs Stone's had about discipline. Well, corporal punishment anyway. After all, she was speaking with a governor who had quite some way in which discipline was handled at the school.

As much as Miss Dawson was willing to discuss discipline in the school, she had sometimes wondered about Mrs Stone's interest in corporal punishment. It wasn't as though Lucy had ever been subject to it. She was a prefect in fact and often held the prefect's detention. Miss Dawson even started to wonder if Mrs Stone had an ulterior motive for discussing discipline and even questioned whether Mrs Stone wanted to discipline her. Could that be why she was so happy to discuss it, she wondered?

Mrs Stone favoured discipline in schools but sometimes wondered how come Miss Dawson spoke so much about it. She was a senior disciplinarian, but she went into so much detail about the punishments she gave. She described how the girls cried out, particularly when caned, and how marked their bottoms were after, 'Six of the best.'  She would also say how she made the girls push down their knickers and how embarrassed they got even though it would only be the two of them in the Study. 

Mrs Stone did make the comment once that she suspected the girls got all tense when made to queue outside the Headmistress's Study and watch the girls before them come out crying.  
Miss Dawson now really did wonder if Mrs Stone had a hidden intent. It was as though Mrs Stone was so enthusiastic about corporal punishment that maybe she wanted to try giving some. Maybe even giving some to her. 

Mrs Stone wondered how come Miss Dawson was such a strict teacher but never spoke about discipline outside of school. She did ask her once. "Do you think you would spank your own children, Miss Dawson?" was the question. Miss Dawson blushed but avoided the answer. She wasn't married and so hadn't really thought about it was the way she answered the question. 

Miss Dawson was still waiting for Mrs Stone to say what was on her mind. 

Mrs Stone saw the almost demanding look Miss Dawson was giving her. It was quite a scary look and would certainly test a schoolgirl, she reckoned. It also tested her. She blurted out, "Do you go easier on girls you cane for the first time, Miss Dawkins?"

Miss Dawkins was surprised at the question. However, the answer was quite straightforward. "No, I don't, Mrs Stone. Do you think that I should?"

Mrs Stone replied, blushing, "Oh no. I just wondered if you did. I agree that if the punishment is earned then it needs to be given properly." She so wanted to ask the one question she had come here to ask. She wanted to ask Miss Dawkins out on a date. It was a simple question but she could not bring herself to ask it. However, Mrs Stone could see that Miss Dawkins was getting annoyed with her. It triggered pushing her towards her asking the wrong. "Have you ever been caned, Miss Dawkins." As she asked it she was horrified and hoped she had not upset Miss Dawkins. 

The question shocked Miss Dawkins. That was it, then. Mrs Stone did want to cane her. To be fair she had often wondered what it would be like to be caned. Would she cry like the schoolgirls she wondered? What would it be like when leaving the Study and walking away probably rubbing her bottom knowing that anyone seeing her would know that she had been caned?  Then sitting down again, or more likely only after staying standing for quite a while because her bottom would be stinging. 

Miss Dawkins did have all of these questions and had had them for quite a while. She even supposed that if anyone were to cane her then Mrs Stone would be a good choice. She was a school governor and so in a way was her boss.   

However rather than voice her thoughts she just replied in her school teachers firm voice, "No I haven't been caned so I do not know what it is like to receive the cane, Mrs Stone. Have you?" She was immediately horrified she had asked the question and hoped she had not upset Mrs Stone. 

However, Miss Dawkins thought that it looked more and more as though Mrs Stone was actually going to ask to cane her. Mrs Stone probably thought that anyone who gives the cane should at least know what being caned was like. Maybe even she should agree because actually, it made sense. She had no real idea if she was caning too hard or too lightly. She could tell from the girl’s reactions and in particular their crying out that the cane hurt, but should it hurt more or less?  It might even give her a better understanding why discipline worked so well in the school. So, Miss Dawkins sat there and thought what she would say if Mrs Stone asked to cane her. Would she say yes or no?  She was beginning to think that she should say yes. 

Mrs Stone had the question ringing in her ears. Had she ever been caned?  Was that what she wanted. To be caned?  Certainly, she found Miss Dawkins authoritarian attitude forbidding but also very sexy. Oh my gosh, she thought. She had just told herself what she had fantasised about so often. She had a schoolgirl crush on a teacher. Not just any teacher but Miss Dawkins. Was it a desire to make love to her or to be disciplined by her? Maybe both? 

So, Mrs Stone licked her lips and blushed as the question was asked. 'Have you?' Well, she had never been caned but had often wondered what it would be like. All the times she met with Miss Dawkins to discuss discipline in the school, she pictured the teacher standing behind a schoolgirl who was bent across the caning table with her bare bottom on show about to be caned. She was sure that the schoolgirl would be petrified whilst Miss Dawkins would stay resolute as she must, of course. It was important to maintain school discipline and Miss Dawkins had proved to be an asset to the school particularly in the area of discipline. All of that was right, but she could not stop telling herself she had a crush on Miss Dawkins, who had just asked the most direct question as though she could read her mind. 

Mrs Stone blushed as she replied, “No, Miss Dawkins, but I think I should be to see what it is like."

Miss Dawkins wondered if she had misheard Mrs Stone. She was so sure that she was going to suggest that the governor cane the teacher and not the other way around. Should she clarify, she wondered or just assume that she got it right. After all she had all but convinced herself to accept the caning if Mrs Stone had asked her. Now though, should she agree to Mrs Stone's request or send her packing? She was a governor, though and so she couldn't do that. Anyway, she still fancied her.

"You want me to cane you, Mrs Stone?" Miss Dawkins asked, trying to keep her voice level and not to sound surprised. 

Mrs Stone took a deep breath. She had asked the question and was pleased that she had. Of course, it wasn't the experience of being caned she craved. At least not until today. However, with the issue of caning being raised, buy her in fact, she suddenly realised that it was something she wanted to experience. It was quite specifically being caned by Miss Dawkins. The sexy and very stern school teacher, Miss Dawkins. 

Miss Dawkins kept a level voice. "Well, if you are sure, Mrs Stone then in a few minutes I need to go to the Headmistress's Study where there will be three girls waiting to be caned. I could cane you after them." Miss Dawkins was aghast that she had actually agreed to cane Mrs Stone and just as shocked that Mrs Stone had asked to be caned. Should the caning take place in the school? Should it take place at all, Miss Dawkins asked herself, feeling unsure about any of it. 

Mrs Stone seemed relieved that she had asked the question and the response Miss Dawkins gave was so positive. The thought of three girls being caned conjured up all sorts of images in her head. Should she ask to watch them being caned?  No, she thought. She had had another vision and expressed it. 

"Actually, Miss Dawkins, it would add to the anticipation if I sat in the outer office to the Study and watched each girl troop in and then come out again no doubt in floods of tears and rubbing her bottom.

Miss Dawkins knew that it did indeed get the girls more and more concerned as their turn got closer and they saw the reaction of the girls before them. So even though she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she was going to cane a governor, she said flatly, "Then you can come with me and sit in the outer office. I will deal with you last.”

Mrs Stone took a deep breath, taking in what was about to happen. 

Miss Dawkins saw the almost thankful look on Mrs Stone's face and knew the die had been cast. She momentarily wondered if she should ask Mrs Stone to cane her as well but immediately poo poo'ed the thought. There was no need and clearly Mrs Stone's only interest had been to request that she be the one that was caned. Miss Dawkins even smiled to herself that she had even considered saying yes if Mrs Stone had demanded to cane her. 

Miss Dawkins looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Right, Mrs Stone. We need to get to the Study as I have three girls to cane." After a moment, she added, "Well, four actually."

Mrs Stone swallowed hard at Miss Dawkins's self-correction, knowing she was the fourth girl referred to. Anyway, as soon as she saw Miss Dawkins stand, she did as well and waited for further instructions from the stern teacher. 

Miss Dawkins reverted to being in charge and dismissed all the submissive thoughts she had had a few moments ago. "Come with me, Mrs Stone," she ordered. In fact, she now quite liked the idea of dealing with Mrs Stone. She still had a crush on her albeit as it turned out, it was going to be more like a teacher's crush on a schoolgirl rather than a crush on her boss. It was still a crush she told herself quite looking forward to seeing Mrs Stone’s bare bottom. 

As Mrs Stone walked with Miss Dawkins toward the Headmistress's Study, she was aware she was not walking as an equal anymore. She was under Miss Dawkins's authority. However, she glanced at the stern-looking teacher as they passed whole classes of schoolgirls in the corridor who were so respectful and if catching her eye, nodded and said, "Miss." One girl was asked a question by Miss Dawkins and she said, "Miss," after every sentence.  

Mrs Stone was almost relieved when they got to the outer office. Once inside, she saw the three girls sitting on a row of chairs leading to the door of the Study. All three girls looked concerned as Miss Dawkins walked in. 

Miss Dawkins looked at the school secretary, Mrs Groves who was in her fifties, and said, "Mrs Stone wants a chat, but I will deal with the three girls first. I will buzz you when I am ready for the first girl."

Miss Dawkins disappeared into the Study. 

Mrs Groves gave Mrs Stone a quizzical look as she directed her to a chair on the other wall. It was very strange as normally a meeting with a parent and certainly, a school governor took priority schoolgirls waiting to be disciplined. Still, Miss Dawkins had been quite clear. 

There was silence in the outer office except for the girls shuffling anxiously on their chairs. Maybe they were already anticipating very sore bottoms that would be soon be so hard to sit on, Mrs Stone wondered. 

The silence was shattered by the intercom and Miss Dawkins saying, "Send the first girl in please, Mrs Groves.”

The girl closest to the Study door stood up and knocked on the door. There was a clear command to, "Come," and the girl disappeared into the Study. The other two girls shuffled up one chair each closer to the Study door. 

Mrs Stone found the waiting quite tense. It didn’t matter that she wasn't with the other two girls. She was still waiting her turn to be caned. Then she realised what she was doing. She was squeezing her thighs together. She was horrified to realise she was actually masturbating as she was waiting. That was when it all made sense. She had a crush on Miss Dawkins and a desire to be caned by her. She wanted to give Miss Dawkins authority over her. It was so clear now. 

There was a cry from inside the Study. The two girls looked at each other, knowing that inside the Study the schoolgirl was being caned. 

Two more cries followed and then silence. Only four strokes, Mrs Stone registered. It was most likely a first-timer. 

It must have been a whole minute before the Study door opened and the girl came back out. She was red-eyed and was rubbing her bottom. 

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Mrs Stone looked at the girl and only after a few moments realised that she had squeezed her thighs again as she looked at the crying school girl. 

Still crying, the schoolgirl looked at the girl sitting on the chair closest to the door and motioned her towards the Study. The other girl stood up and disappeared inside closing the door after her 

The third girl shuffled up to the chair closest to the door. Mrs Stone knew what was going through the schoolgirl's mind as similar thoughts were going through her own. The caning was getting closer.

The schoolgirl who had been caned was standing by Mrs Groves desk as she was writing. Mrs Stone presumed it was a record of the caning. As it turned out, it was but Mrs Groves also gave the girl a form. Mrs Stone knew it was a form to be shown to the girl’s parents and would mean a spanking for her that evening. Mrs Stone suddenly wondered if she would get the same form and if so, who would spank her?

The sound of more cries came from inside the Study. Mrs Stone also heard the thwacking sound, which she reckoned was the cane hitting the girls bottom. The cry came immediately after the thwacking sound and she wondered why she hadn't heard it with the first girl. She decided it must have been that the first girl was caned over her knickers or even her dress and this girl was being caned on her bare bottom. 

The cries were certainly louder this time and got even louder as each stroke landed. Mrs Stone also realised that whenever she heard the thwacking sound and the cry, she gasped herself. Only it wasn't in pain but arousal. She looked open-eyed at Mrs Groves and the remaining schoolgirl and was sure neither had heard her. She focussed to make sure she didn't gasp after any of the remaining strokes. Six in all, she counted. 

Another minute passed before the door opened again and the schoolgirl came out. She had red eyes just like the first girl and had her hand on her bottom. She seemed to have coped much better than the first girl even though her cries had been louder. Mrs Stone assumed this wasn't the first time the girl had been caned. 

The third girl looked up and when she got the nod stood up and disappeared into the Study. 

The second schoolgirl waited by Mrs Groves desk until she was handed her form and then left the outer office. 

Mrs Groves looked across and caught Mrs Stones eye and gave a smile. "Not long now, Mrs Stone," Mrs Groves said although that must have been pretty clear from the time it had taken to cane the first two girls. 

The first thwacking sound and following cry was heard soon afterwards. Mrs Stone looked at Mrs Groves who was focussing on some papers on her desk.  Mrs Stone supposed this happened all of the time and Mrs Groves was probably immune to the pain being suffered by the girls just on the other side of the door. 

As the second and third strokes were clearly heard, Mrs Stone focussed on Mrs Groves. It seemed strange but whereas Mrs Stone pictured herself being caned by Miss Dawkins, she came nowhere close to the same vision involving Mrs Groves. As she was thinking, she realised that once again, she was squeezing her thighs but only as she pictured Miss Dawkins. It was proof if proof was needed that her desires were focussed on Miss Dawkins 

Mrs Stone counted the sixth thwack and cry, followed by too large a gap for there to be another stroke and knew her caning was even closer. In another minute, the door opened and the red-eyed schoolgirl came out. She too was rubbing her bottom as she walked over to Mrs Groves desk.

Mrs Stone was looking at the sobbing schoolgirl, wondering if she too would end up crying. Surely not, she told herself as she was an adult. Her thoughts were diverted when she heard the Study door open and Miss Dawkins appeared and looking at Mrs Stone said, "Please do come in." Miss Dawkins went back into the Study, leaving the door ajar.

Mrs Stone walked towards the Study door as the schoolgirl was handed her form and left the outer office.

As Miss Dawkins was about to go back inside Mrs Groves said, “You will remember Miss Dawkins I need to leave now to go home?”

Miss Dawkins replied, “I do remember, Mrs Groves. Do enjoy your evening.”

Mrs Stone sighed with relief. She had realised that if Mrs Groves were in the outer office, she would hear her being caned and wondered how that would work out. Still, she was thankful as she closed the door behind herself after entering the Study, albeit suspecting Miss Dawkins remembered that the whole time. As Mrs Stone closed the door, she saw Miss Dawkins sitting behind the desk and sat herself down on the guest chair opposite.

Miss Dawkins glared at Mrs Stone and ordered. "Please stand up, Stone. You are here to be disciplined and not for a friendly chat."

Mrs Stone was shocked by the reprimand but supposed Miss Dawkins was right. She was here to be caned after all.

Once standing Miss Dawkins said sternly, “I did know Mrs Groves was leaving early. I should have told you, but you know now.”

Mrs Stone reckoned it was part of Miss Dawkins exercising control over her.

Miss Dawkins continued in her strict school teacher tone of voice, "You are due to be caned for your bad behaviour, Stone. I have a note you are to get nine strokes."

"Nine strokes, Miss Dawkins? How come not six?"

Miss Dawkins decided to enjoy herself and continued reprimanding Mrs Stone.  "I warned you, Stone. Be respectful. First you will address me just as "Miss," and not Miss Dawkins. Second, I will address you by your surname only. Thirdly, this school prides itself in discipline. There is none of this 'Six strokes tops.' You get what you deserve and for you, that is nine strokes."

Mrs Stone certainly did not know about this 'Tops,' rule but realised that she could not discuss that now. It would have to wait until their next meeting. "Yes, Miss," she replied obediently and when she did, she actually liked her now submissive schoolgirl stance. She also liked the way Miss Dawkins had told her off.  She felt more flutters fly across her pussy even without tensing her thighs. Cool, she thought.

Miss Dawkins knew there was no such thing as the ‘Tops,' rule but wanted to give Mrs Stone more than the maximum tariff of six strokes. She would admit her error later. 

"So, Stone. Step out of your knickers and put them on the chair and then roll your dress hem up above your waist."

Mrs Stone swallowed hard as she pushed her knickers down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She scooped them up and lay them on the chair she had momentarily sat on.  After that, she rolled the hem of her dress right up above her waist.

Miss Dawkins enjoyed watching an adult do what she had seen so many schoolgirls do ending up naked below the waist.  Mrs Stone's legs and waist were far curvier than the schoolgirls and far sexier, she also admitted. She was actually getting aroused by the thought of disciplining an adult.  Of course, not just any adult but one she had quite a crush on. Admittedly that was when she saw Mrs Stone as a strong-willed woman rather than the submissive one she now had before her.  However, she was still rather sexy and very fanciable, she told herself. Maybe even more so as a submissive, she thought.

Miss Dawkins left Mrs Stone standing with her pussy hair on show. She glanced down for a moment and wondered if her pussy hair was glistening as though covered in sex juice? She wasn't sure and would check later on. There were two schoolgirls who regularly misbehaved and who she as regularly caned who she reckoned were actually turned on by being caned and so she knew it was possible. However, she would be surprised if that was the case with Mrs Stone. On reflection, though, she thought maybe not so strange given Mrs Stone's clear desire to be caned.

Miss Dawkins picked up the senior cane on her desk and with a stern look on her face, flexed it in front of Mrs Stone. "Go to the caning table, bend over it, and grab the sides," Miss Dawkins ordered. She added sternly, "Keep your legs apart." She remembered the glistening pussy hair and intended checking that out later.

Mrs Stone licked her lips as she stepped over to the caning table and bending over, grabbed both sides. She felt so vulnerable with her unprotected bottom a clear and easy target for Miss Dawkins cane.

Miss Dawkins knew she was getting more and more aroused by the sight of Mrs Stone bent across the caning table. Remembering the glistening pussy hair, she wondered whether they both be aroused.

Miss Dawkins took up her position behind Mrs Stone and tapped the cane on her bare bottom. 

Mrs Stone felt the light taps and knew they were intended to tell her that the caning was about to start. She grasped hold of the sides of the table in case she tried to get up after a stroke of the cane. She sensed Miss Dawkins had pulled the cane back and knew that in just a moment, she was going to feel her first-ever stroke of the cane.

Miss Dawkins savoured the sight of Mrs Stone's bare unmarked bottom. She then arched the cane downwards and saw it cut a swathe across both bottom cheeks. In the next moments, she saw the wicked red wheal appear and the room fill with the sound of Mrs Stone's loud cry. At that moment, Miss Dawkins felt more aroused than she had for a long time. 

Mrs Stone cried out as the pain raced backwards and forwards across her bottom. The pain was intense, but just about bearable. The next moment the cane landed again and this time the pain was a bit worse. She cried out again and then again with the third stroke. 

Miss Dawkins was deliberately caning harder than she did the schoolgirls. That was evident from the louder cries and howls Mrs Stone was making. 

When the fourth stroke landed, Mrs Stone handled it better than the first three. She was more used to the pain, so by that fourth stroke, she expected more pain than actually occurred. She handled the fifth stroke even better, and also the sixth. 

Miss Dawkins kept the same strength of stroke each time but wasn't surprised when Mrs Stone's cries were more controlled than the first few. She supposed that Mrs Stone was getting used to the pain.  After all, it was sex. Just as the couple of schoolgirls, she caned who she thought enjoyed the pain and found it arousing. Pain and sex so often went together she knew. 

Miss Dawkins rested after six strokes and rubbed Mrs Stone's bottom. She never did that with the schoolgirls, but caning Mrs Stone was always going to be different. As she rubbed, she looked again at Mrs Stone's pussy hair. As she looked, she ran her finger along Mrs Stone's pussy lips and gasped as she felt how damp they were. Just as she recognised that her own pussy lips were damp. Very damp in fact, and with almost continuous flutters flying around deep within her vagina. 

Mrs Stone was savouring the flutters and even the pain was arousing. Her breathing deepened during those moments when the caning had stopped. Now she was so pleased the tariff had been set at more than six. Maybe she even wanted more than the nine strokes set by Miss Dawkins? She did let out an erotic squeak as Miss Dawkins touched her pussy lips. Was it a mistake she supposed?

Miss Dawkins heard the short gasp and bearing in mind how wet Mrs Stone’s pussy lips were supposed she really was turned on by being caned. She saw Mrs Stone relax and un-clench her bottom cheeks and with a wicked smile, pulled the cane back and landed the seventh stroke. She watched the red wheal appear and once again felt aroused.

Mrs Stone cried out when the stroke landed. She had relaxed too much and her mind was starting to move to masturbating or better still tongue sex with Miss Dawkins. Now she was thinking of the pain again as she sucked her breath in and out through clenched teeth and she grasped the sides of the table to make sure she didn’t try to get up as the pain cascaded around her bottom.

Miss Dawkins decided to end the caning with a flourish. She pulled the cane back again and focussing on where she wanted it to land, whipped it down and watched Mrs Stone’s bottom cascade as the cane buried itself in her cheeks. Then without waiting, she pulled the cane back and whipped it down again the very next split second for a double stroke. She rarely did that with the schoolgirls but knew it significantly intensified the pain.

Mrs Stone cried out when the double stroke landed and gripped the sides of the table like never before. She wasn’t expecting that at all and as she again sucked her breath in and out through clenched teeth her mind was racing. It was the last stroke she knew, but the pain swirled around her bottom so she no longer wanted any more strokes. However, after a short while, she realised the pain subsided and was now at a manageable level. After a few more moments, she was getting aroused again as the pain sent quivers racing around her vagina. In truth, her mind was in a spin.

Miss Dawkins rubbed Mrs Stone’s bottom and loved the feel of the raised wheals. As she rubbed, she could hear Mrs Stone’s breathing recover, so she ran her hand down the backs of Mrs Stone’s legs and then after a few rubs there rubbed her inner thighs. Mrs Stone reacted by parting her legs even more and raising her bottom, which Miss Dawkins took as a sign to run her fingers again along Mrs Stone’s wet pussy lips. She did and after just a few moments got the expected erotic gasps and then a longer gasp and then an orgasmic gasp. Mrs Stone had cum.

Mrs Stone relaxed after her orgasm and her mind was again running wild. That was the best orgasm she could ever remember having. Pain surely did go together with lovemaking.

Miss Dawkins kept rubbing Mrs Stone’s bottom and legs and thighs and leaning over she whispered into her ear, “Are you okay, Stone?”

Mrs Stone could not control her reply. “Oh my goodness, yes, yes, yes. That was just the best. You must cane me again Miss.” 

Miss Dawkins smiled broadly at the ecstatic and still respectful response from Mrs Stone. She replied, “I think you need to say a thank you first, Stone.” She also kept to addressing her more formally.

Mrs Stone kept a firm grip of the table but looking around, said in a questioning tone, “Thank you, Miss?”

Miss Dawkins laughed and ordered, “Get up and follow me.”

Mrs Stone eased herself up and rubbing her bottom, followed Miss Dawkins, who stood by an upright chair. Mrs Stone wasn’t sure what to expect until she saw Miss Dawkins push her knickers down and take them off before pulling her dress up above her own waist before sitting down with her legs spread well apart. 

Miss Dawkins smiled as she looked up at Mrs Stone and said, “Like this is better.”

Mrs Stone eased herself down on to her knees manoeuvring herself, kissing the inside of Miss Dawkins thighs and then ran her tongue up and down her pussy lips. As she heard Miss Dawkins increasingly erotic sighs, she edged her tongue inside her vagina and licked deep inside, bringing louder and louder gasps until Miss Dawkins let out long orgasmic gasps. Lovingly, Mrs Stone kept licking the wet pussy lips until she heard Miss Dawkins recover.

Miss Dawkins opened her eyes and smiled at Mrs Stone. “Thank you, Stone,” she said with a smirk.

Mrs Stone responded with her own smile and replied, “Thank you, Miss.”

A few moments later both were standing, clinched, and kissed each other on the lips. Miss Dawkins tongue edged its way inside Mrs Stone’s welcoming mouth and they kissed emotionally for several moments, their pussies caressing the others.

Miss Dawkins pulled herself away but was still smiling. “I will give you a form to be signed by someone who has authority over you confirming you were spanked tonight.”

Mrs Stone looked questioningly at Miss Dawkins. “I don’t have anyone I can ask, Miss?” However, when she saw Miss Dawkins was still smiling, she realised and blushing, asked, “Unless you will please, Miss?”

Miss Dawkins replied, still smiling, “Exactly. You will come to mine and I will spank you after dinner. I will then put you to bed.”

Mrs Stone smiled back but was hoping for more. However, she knew she had to leave that to Miss Dawkins.

In the event, Miss Dawkins responded. “I will be joining you in bed.”

Mrs Stone was exuberant. There would be some things to work out such as how to tell her daughter, but that would wait until her return from the school trip.

Certainly, the respective positions had been established with Miss Dawkins very much the dominant partner and Mrs Stone her submissive. Her willing submissive in fact. Both were very happy with that.


Written by Peter242
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