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Summer Camp -Chapter 3

"The teachers happily cane the youngsters who are aroused when disciplined"

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Emma and Kate were reflecting on how the day had gone for them as they waited to go up onto the stage in the hall to be caned in front of the rest of the camp. 

They had both certainly enjoyed spanking the two teachers. They also had great fun making out again in the bedroom in the hut where they gave each other three marvellous tongue sex orgasms. They reckoned that the two teachers gave each other a similar number of orgasms judging from the gasps and groans they heard through the thin wall. Of course, they realised that the teachers would have heard their orgasms as well.

They supposed that they had been in the hut for about forty-five minutes. When they all left the teenagers and teachers were almost the best of friends and gave each other kisses on the cheek as they parted. However, Miss East made a point of saying, "What happened in there doesn't mean you have got away with being caned. In fact, you had better make sure you are at the hall on time. I have had a text to say that Miss Roberts and I will be the ones who will cane you.”

Emma and Kate smirked at the two teachers, and Emma replied, "We will be there alright. Actually, we both rather want to know what it is like to be caned." 

Kate saw that both teachers had thoughtful looks on their faces and wondered whether the two teachers also wanted to know what it would be like to be caned. However, what was certain to Kate was that the two teachers would be caning her and Emma.

Once they parted Emma and Kate made their way back to where they had left Dan and Lana. When they got there, they were surprised to find that they were both crying freely although hugging each other. Both were still naked below the waist. Their clothes were piled up on one of the blankets.

Emma asked incredulously, "Have you been spanked for the whole time that we have been away?"

Dan replied unhappily, "No. We were spanked and given the belt just like both of you were. The teachers then both left us and walked away. Lana and I consoled each other but that only got us aroused and before long we were back making out."

Although still sobbing Lana added with a smile, "I got another mouthful of his cock which was wonderful. It almost made the spanking worthwhile."

Emma laughed and asked, "So how come you are still crying if you made out again?"

Dan replied more seriously "We had both cum when two more teachers appeared. We were still undressed so they could see that our bottoms were bright red and even slightly bruised from the belts. However, they told us off for making out and we both ended up across their laps getting another very hard spanking."

Lana jumped in with, "The spanking seemed to be very much harder because I think our bottoms were so sore from the first spanking. The teacher who spanked me was very serious as she took me by the arm and led me to the blanket. She sat on the ground and I saw she was wearing the same tennis skirt as the other teachers and so her thighs were bare. She pulled me down across her bare lap. I suppose it was nice having skin on skin but once she started to spank my bottom I forgot all about that. She was landing spank after spank on the same spot and she never stopped for a rest. She just kept on spanking me and it hurt so much."

Dan said, "I had to watch with the other teacher holding me by the upper arm. Lana was spanked really hard. I could see her bottom getting darker and darker red and Lana was crying out as each spank landed so I knew it hurt much more than the first spanking. I kept thinking I was going to be next and even so I was getting an erection. I reckoned at the time that it was seeing Lana's bare bottom but it may have been the thought of the spanking I was going to get."

Lana added, blushing, "I also got aroused watching Dan being spanked and wasn't sure why either. I am beginning to think it was the spanking as well. I got really close to an orgasm and was squeezing my thighs together to get those flutters going. I would have cum if Dan's spanking hadn't stopped."

Emma and Kate both laughed. Kate responded, "You are definitely right, both of you. We have both spanked each other, then made out, and then spanked each other again. We actually liked the second spanking because it does make a bottom sting that much more than the first spanking. On the plus side, it also means that when we make out again the orgasms are much much more intense."

Emma and Kate could see Lana’s taut nipples sitting so proud of her ample breasts and knew that she was getting more and more aroused by the memory of the spanking and by seeing Dan’s growing erection. 

Dan and Lana looked thoughtful as they continued to rub their bottoms. Neither seemed sure although Dan was getting another erection and Lana was licking her lips as she looked at Dan's stiff penis. 

Lana accepted, " I guess it was the spanking then so maybe we will spank each other again. Anyway, that must be why we both wanted to make out again as you girls arrived."  

Emma saw how both Lana and Dan were getting more aroused and said smirking, "We don't mind watching if you both want to make out again. However, you better think whether you mind being spanked for a third time if you get caught again."

Lana winced at the advice, and, scrunching up her face, said to Dan, "Maybe we should give it a miss. We are going to be making out before we get caned anyway, and who knows what tomorrow might bring as well?"

Dan agreed and said, "I guess you are right, Lana. So, I suppose that we should get dressed and make our way back to camp."

Emma and Kate watched as Lana stepped back into her knickers and shorts. Dan stepped back into his underpants and shorts. The four of them then walked off chatting happily enough as they made their way back to camp. All in all, none of them minded so much having a stinging bottom although Lana in particular was getting more and more concerned about the caning. 

Those due to be caned had to congregate at the back of the hall. Kate Emma Lana and Dan stood there with six other pupils. Four were girls and two were boys. 

Five teachers were there and one teacher took each pair to the nurse’s station where there were half a dozen rooms. That was where they each had to give their partner an orgasm before their caning. 

Emma and Kate were supervised by Miss East and Lana and Dan were watched by Miss Roberts. Emma and Kate didn't mind as they were used to Miss East now. Lana and Dan were less easy but they knew both teachers were going to cane them and so closed their mind to Miss Roberts being there.

Miss East and Miss Roberts watched as the teenagers made out and listened to the increasingly loud orgasmic groans. They were getting aroused themselves helped by their still stinging bottoms but focussed and made sure they didn't cum themselves as they had other plans in mind.

Lana happily took Dan's erect penis in to her mouth and sucked and licked as Dan licked and sucked her pussy. They both put the caning to the backs of their minds and just enjoyed making out even with Miss Roberts watching. As they both had their orgasms they stayed in position licking and kissing the others privates until they were told to stop. Lana enjoyed swallowing Dan’s cum and Dan kept sniffing Lan’s perfume smelling sex juice.

Emma and Kate had no qualms as Miss East watched them make out. They were used to friends watching them just as they watched their friends make out so having Miss East watch them wasn't so different especially after spanking each other and then making out in adjacent rooms in the hut this afternoon. So, Emma and Kate happily licked and sucked the others pussy bringing each other to an uninhibited orgasm.  

Once they all congregated again at the back of the hall they waited to be called up on to the stage. All the pupils felt uneasy knowing they would be caned in front of the whole camp. However, it was just the fact they would be caned so publicly that was the issue. None other than Lana were uneasy about the caning itself. 

The first two pupils were called up to the stage. A boy and a girl. As they disappeared the others heard over the PA system, "Six on the bare."

As Emma Kate Lana and Dan stood in line waiting to be called to the stage they still managed to have self satisfied looks on their faces. They were each thinking about having made out just a few minutes before and actually all four were now thinking it was going to be interesting to see if they were turned on by being caned. In fact, all four were getting aroused as they heard the cane land on the two pupils on the stage and listened to their cries. 

The boy and girl returned to the back area and both were rubbing their bottoms and had tears streaming down their faces.

"Six on the bare," was heard over the PA as two of the girls disappeared up the stairs. 

The six pupils still back stage listened as the cane came down time and again and the girls cried out louder and louder after each successive stroke. 

Dan could feel his penis stiffen and push his shorts out and started to get concerned that everyone would see his erection when he lowered his shorts and underpants. Even so he still could not stop himself stiffening. 

Lana felt similarly aroused. She told herself that if anyone had told her before today that she would get aroused waiting to be caned she would have scoffed at them. However, as well as the flutters in her pussy she could feel her taut nipples pushing out her vest. She wanted to run her fingers inside her knickers and along her pussy lips but knew she couldn't with everyone watching her. She still thought sucking Dan's cock was the real turn on but she couldn't get the thought of being caned out of her mind and it did turn her on as well. Her concern about being caned was still there but tempered with a new interest in finding out if it would also be a turn on.

Emma and Kate were both pensive but anxious to get up on stage. They would have been far happier getting caned in private but in front of everyone was still okay. They loved to perform so in a way this was the same thing and would certainly be a talking point amongst their friends. 

The two girls came back down the stairs and just like the previous boy and girl they were rubbing their bottoms and crying. It made Lana a bit more concerned as she was expecting more strokes. Twelve in fact because she and Dan had been caught twice. 

The last two girls went up the stairs. The PA announced, "Six on the bare," so the same as the previous two girls. 

Emma Kate Lana and Dan listened as stroke after stroke landed and two louder and louder gasps and grunts were heard. It struck Lana that there was no cheering or clapping by those watching. That seemed strange she thought as she would have expected there to be quite a bit of noise. She was still wondering that as the two girls came back down and like those before were rubbing their bottoms and had tears streaming down their faces.

"Emma and Kate," the teacher ordered. 

The two girls looked at Lana and Dana before going up the stairs. 

"Eight on the bare," they heard over the pa. 

Lana had expected more for Emma and Kate so her hopes looked up.

The cane strokes were again easily heard back stage. The grunts were just as loud as with the others so both girls were struggling with the caning. Lana was anxious to see how they both looked though when they came back down the steps. She counted out the strokes and when the final stroke landed and the final grunts were heard she looked at the steps expectantly. 

As it turned out Emma and Kate didn't come back down the steps. However, the teacher ordered, "Lana and Dan."

Lana and Dan both gasped at the sound of their names but gave each other an encouraging smile as they made their way up the steps. When they got close to the top they heard over the PA "Twelve on the bare." Lana scrunched up her face as she had expected more than six but actually hearing the number sent her trembling with anxiety. 

Dan was more accepting of his fate. He had enjoyed the blow jobs and saw it as a penalty worth paying. 

As Lana and Dan got to the top of the steps they saw Miss East and Miss Roberts by the two caning desks. Emma and Kate were to one side of the stage and they were rubbing their bottoms and had tears streaming down their faces. It wasn't clear though why they were still on the stage. 

However, the most surprising thing to Lana was that the hall was empty. That wasn't expected at all.

Miss East saw the surprise on their faces and explained, "Although we threaten that you will be caned in front of the whole camp, in fact that is not the case. It was just intended to increase your wariness of breaking the rules. We told each person who had been caned that if they told you as they left then they would receive a further four strokes each."

Dan and Lana were obviously relieved although knew they still had to face up to bending over the caning desks and being caned.

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They also knew that they would both go going to get the twelve strokes that they heard called out on the PA system.

Miss East smiled at the looks of concern on Dan and Lana's faces but still ordered, “Both of you go and stand by one of the caning desks. Bare your bottoms and bend over and stretch to grab hold of the far end of the desk."

Dan went over to the first desk. He didn't look towards Lana although knew that she had got to the other desk. He lowered his shorts catching his underpants and pushing them down to his knees. At least he felt he didn't have to take his clothing off this time. He did then glance towards Lana and saw that she had lowered her knickers and shorts to her knees.

Dan and Lana both bent over the end of the desks and grabbed the far end. They both knew that their bare bottoms were on show. 

Dan felt the cane whisk between his legs and heard the order, "Place your legs apart." He moved his legs apart until caught by his underpants. He knew that his ball sac would be clearly on the show to both the teachers and to Emma and Kate. However, he supposed that that was of far less concern than the pain he was about to receive from the caning. Having said that, as he looked behind and saw Miss East position herself he actually found himself getting aroused by the prospect of the caning although he couldn’t work out why because it was going to be so painful.

Lana had had similar thoughts to Dan as she lowered her knickers and shorts. She too had to part her legs and knew her pussy lips were stretched and would be seen by those watching. However, she was also less concerned by that knowing the pain she would get from the cane. She turned her head and saw Miss Roberts position herself with the cane in her hand. She gasped and she turned back and knew then that she was going to regret making out and earning the cane. 

Miss East and Miss Roberts looked at each other and nodded. They both pulled their arms back and together brought the cane down across the two bottoms perched so tantalisingly on the caning desks.

Dan cried out with the first stroke. He had never been caned before and it hurt much more than he had expected. It certainly hurt much more than the belt had. However, he again looked behind and saw Miss East readying herself for the second stroke. Although he knew it was going to hurt he actually felt aroused because he realised that he enjoyed the fact that a woman was dominating him. Not just that, but she was one of his teachers and so was a woman already with authority over him.

Lana cried out with the first stroke as well. She didn't have the same feelings as Dan did at all though. She looked behind and saw Miss Roberts ready herself for the second stroke and knew that being caned was not for her. Being spanked had been bad enough and receiving the belt was even worse. She was still sort of aroused after being spanked. The cane though was far harder to cope with and she didn’t feel aroused at all.

Miss East and Miss Roberts glanced at each other after that first stroke. Both savoured listening to Dan and Lana cry out. They also enjoyed watching the first red raised wheal appear on both their bottoms. They raised the cane and brought it down again for the second stroke and again watched as the second red wheal appeared.

The third stroke drew louder gasps. Miss Roberts looked at Miss East and nodded towards Lana. It was clear that she was not coping anywhere near as well as Dan was. In fact, the two teachers had discussed that beforehand. They had both agreed that twelve strokes were excessive and that it was just bad luck that the second set of teachers had passed by just as Dan and Lana were consoling themselves. Therefore, Miss Roberts deliberately landed lighter strokes on Lana’s bottom.

Miss East could see that Dan was coping much better. She knew that this was a test to see whether any of them were aroused by being caned. Miss East looked at Dan and saw his ball sac and reckoned that he was still turned on. That was why she continued to land harder strokes on his bottom.

Miss East and Miss Roberts already knew that Emma and Kate were aroused. After finishing caning the two girls the two teachers had deliberately rubbed the girls bottoms but also ran their hands down the inside of their thighs and along their pussy lips. Both girls had damp pussy lips and had gasped erotically as the teachers touched them so erotically. Emma and Kate were definitely going to use the cane on each other in future.

As the caning of Lana and Dan progressed Miss East looked at each successive raised red wheal drawn in parallel lines across Dan’s bottom. Although he was crying out louder and louder and tensing his bottom with the pain she could tell that he was coping well enough with the caning. 

Dan was finding the caning harder and harder to deal with but that was because the stinging in his bottom was intensifying as each stroke landed. He still reckoned that he liked being dominated by a strong-willed woman and wondered what it would be like to give Lana that authority over him. 

Thinking about Lana so erotically Dan glanced towards her and saw tears streaming down her face and immediately felt sorry for her. He wondered whether he was more responsible than her for the additional six strokes because he was the one who had started kissing and caressing her after the first two teachers had left. However, he knew there was nothing he could do just then.

Miss East and Miss Roberts continued to land stroke after stroke on the two bare bottoms. Miss Roberts continued to land lighter strokes whilst Miss East continued to land harder strokes. They both continued until they had landed all twelve strokes on both bottoms.

Once the caning had finished Miss East ordered, "You can both get up now and rub your bottoms."

Dan and Lana eased themselves up and immediately grabbed their bottoms and rubbed feverishly.

Lana was crying freely as she rubbed her bottom and danced from foot to foot. She looked like a very unhappy girl and one who clearly had not enjoyed any part of the caning. 

Dan on the other hand was also rubbing his bottom and dancing from foot to foot but within just a few seconds his erection was returning. Quite quickly the intense stinging had become rather a pleasant feeling for him and as his erection stiffened he wanted to make out with Lana. He even wondered ever more seriously what it might be like to give Lana authority over him. His erection stiffened as he looked at her thinking about her being in charge of him. 

Miss East and Miss Roberts turned to Emma and Kate and asked, "Our turn, please."

Dan looked in wonderment as the two teachers handed the canes to the two girls and went over to the caning desks. They both undid their belts and pushed down their skirts and knickers as they had done earlier today in the hut. Then they leaned over on to the caning desks and grabbed the far ends and parted their legs and waited. 

Kate and Emma took up their positions and tapped the cane twice on each bottom. 

Emma announced, "Six strokes."

Dan saw both teachers bite their lips and that they looked tense. However, both were clearly wanting to see what it would be like to be caned. 

Emma and Kate glanced at each other and each pulled their cane backwards. They brought their canes down together and landed them squarely across the two teachers waiting bottoms. Both teachers gasped and threw their heads back but settled down again quickly. 

Dan saw the red wheals appear on their bottoms and smiled. His erection stiffened although he knew he was looking at Emma and imagined her caning him. 

Lana smiled as she saw the wheals appear. She was thinking how she would like to be the one caning one of the teachers. She then glanced at Dan and wondered what it would be like caning him. As she did she could feel herself getting aroused again just as she had done earlier in the day when kissing and cuddling him. How much more exciting that could be she thought if she were rubbing his reddened bottom after caning him and kissing away his tears? 

Emma and Kate happily kept on caning the two teachers. They savoured the increasing number of red wheals that appeared across their bottoms. They also enjoyed listening to the increasingly loud gasps and grunts coming from the two teachers. It was particularly satisfying caning them both given that these were the two teachers who had disciplined so many of their friends at school.

Once the teachers had both received six strokes, Emma ordered, "You can both get up."

Both Miss East and Miss Roberts eased themselves up from the caning desks and as soon as they were standing were rubbing their bottoms. Neither looked as though they had particularly enjoyed the caning. 

Both teachers needed several moments to wipe away the tears running down their faces. Neither had expected to be crying so much although both had seen exactly that happen every single time they had caned someone at school.

Once Miss East and Miss Roberts had stopped crying they did start to smile although both were still sniffing back tears. Miss East said, "Well my bottom is stinging so much but I still fancy making out." She looked around and saw that everyone else was nodding their heads in agreement and each quickly pulled up their knickers and underpants, and straightened out their skirts or pulled up their shorts.

"Follow me then," Miss East said as she led everybody out of the back of the hall and to the nurse’s room. Once in there she pointed to three of the doors and said, "There are beds in each of the rooms. How about we give ourselves thirty minutes and then come out and discuss our experiences."

Everyone happily agreed.

Dan and Lana went into one of the rooms. They quickly undressed again and lay on top of the bed. They were kissing and cuddling each other. Dan was sucking and licking Lana's taut again nipples whilst Lana encircled Dan’s penis with one hand as she rubbed his warmed bottom with her either. It wasn't long before they manoeuvred themselves around and Dan had his head between Lana’s thighs and his tongue licking up and down her wet pussy lips edging his tongue deeper and deeper inside. At the same time, Lana had Dan’s erect penis in her mouth and she was licking and sucking away happily. They both came together and once again Lana had a broad grin on her face as she enjoyed the taste of Dan’s cum in her mouth.

Even after their orgasm Dan was still kissing and licking Lana’s wet pussy lips gently and Lana kept kissing Dan’s still partially erect penis as they listened to the gasps and groans coming from the adjacent rooms. They could tell that the two teachers and Emma and Kate were revelling in making out and soon it was clear that all four of them had reached an orgasm. Their first anyway.

As they kissed and cuddled Dan asked, "Did you enjoy being caned as much as I did?" He supposed he knew the answer already.

Lana replied, "I hated it actually. However, I did rather want to cane one of the teachers. I thought that was rather erotic"

Dan replied smiling, "What if we could get hold of one of those canes then? I would be more than happy for you to spank and cane me if we were going to make out afterwards."

"Just what I was thinking would be so cool," Lana replied also smiling.

Dan pictured in his mind about how he would be fully naked and bent over with his legs wide apart and his ball sac on view, whilst Lana pictured herself holding a cane looking down at Dan’s bare bottom. Both got sexually excited at the pictures in their minds and were soon making out again. Both felt very happy and started to kiss and cuddle each other again and before long Dan was kissing and licking Lana’s wet pussy lips whilst Lana had Dan’s erect penis in her mouth again as she was sucking sway.

Dan and Lana were still kissing and cuddling when they heard the order from outside, "Times up kids." It was Miss East.

Dan and Lana quickly got dressed and as they came back out into the general nurse’s area Emma and Kate came out of their room as well. Everyone was smiling and each gave feedback on how they felt.

Miss East and Miss Roberts both agreed that neither enjoyed being caned. They were going to revert to love making and tongue sex.

Emma and Kate both agreed that they enjoyed being caned and giving the cane. They found that even more adventurous than spanking each other before making love.

Dan and Lana explained that whilst he enjoyed being caned, she enjoyed giving the cane so they were going to establish a new dom and sub relationship.

As they all made their way out of the hall they knew it had been an exceptional day during which they had learned a lot about each other and hoped they would continue to learn more in the future.

Written by Peter242
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