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Sarah’s Humiliation at the Hotel

"Sarah is humiliated on her way to a business conference and at the Hotel"

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Sarah had her nose pressed against the wall and was rubbing her bottom having been spanked really hard by Yvonne, her very dominant work colleague and lover. Both were married but that didn't stop them making love in all different places around the office and more lately at Yvonne's house when her husband was at work. They both loved the surreptitious affair although several of their friends knew about it.


Yvonne was thirty-eight-years-old and one of Sarah's many office liaisons. Yvonne was a sexy looking lady with long flowing blonde hair and a curvy full figure who worked for the same company as Sarah but was on the sales team. She and Sarah had made out together dozens of times on company time and outside as well. As usual, Sarah kept her sexual liaison with Yvonne a secret from her husband. Her husband was sometimes suspicious of the number of times Sarah got home late from the office but believed Sarah when she explained it was a meeting that over ran each time.


Yvonne loved to dominate Sarah who in turn revelled in submission and humiliation by whatever means Yvonne decided upon. That meant humiliation in private as well as with an audience.

Yvonne had spanked Sarah on their first date together. They had been out for lunch together although neither drank much. The conversation quickly turned to extramarital affairs and their respective sexual desires. Whilst they both loved tongue sex Yvonne was turned on by making her lovers do things to humiliate themselves.


When Sarah said how she loved to be spanked Yvonne took her to the ladies and made her remove her knickers and pull her dress up above her waist. Yvonne spanked her even as other diners came in for a pee. Sarah was quickly reduced to tears even though she was aware of the women who came in and saw her being spanked. Her walk back to the table afterwards without her knickers was even more humiliating as she heard the comments and saw the pointed fingers. However, once seated Sarah was smiling at Yvonne and made a point of returning to the toilet to make out together in one of the cubicles before leaving.


Right now, Sarah was in the bedroom she was sharing with Yvonne. So far as the office was concerned they had booked two singles but they shared a double room. They were lovers so it made sense. Yvonne was annoyed with Sarah as when they were on deckchairs by the pool a friend of Yvonne’s doing a similar job in another company came over and Sarah was pretty offhand with her. Yvonne's friend, Abigail, was clearly annoyed and made her view clear to Yvonne.


Abigail was sixty-one-years-old and Sarah was actually a bit daunted by her and had not meant to be offhand which was actually most unlike her. Although Yvonne knew that Sarah was rarely rude to people she still used it as a reason to humiliate Sarah and as usual, Sarah went along with it knowing that although likely to be painful it would also lead to some great sex.


Yvonne made out she would reprimand Sarah for what she had said. At that time Abigail was not aware of the kinky sexual relationship Yvonne and Sarah had and just assumed that HR would be involved.


Yvonne had other ideas which Sarah knew was the case and as Yvonne led Sarah by the upper arm back to the bedroom Sarah knew she was in for a spanking and got exactly that. She walked into the bedroom wearing her g-string thong bikini which she loved to wear as it showed off her gorgeous bottom cheeks and perfect breasts. Of course, she looked deliciously sexy when wearing the bikini but moments later she had followed Yvonne's order to take it off. Once naked Yvonne sat on a chair and ordered, "Get across my lap, my girl."


Sarah looked towards the bedroom door knowing Yvonne had left it open. It wasn't just ajar but fully open but Sarah knew from the smirk on Yvonne's face there was no chance that she would shut it before spanking her.


Yvonne said sternly and loudly so that her voice carried out into the corridor, "You need to learn not to be rude to my client's, my girl."


Sarah scrunched up her face as she watched Yvonne sit on the dressing table chair also dressed in a bikini and she looked gorgeous with her long flowing blonde hair, fiery smile, full breasts flattish tummy and long legs.


Sarah caught her breath as Yvonne pointed to her lap telling her to get across her knee. Sarah glanced at the open door but was already reconciled to being spanked and was used to Yvonne finding new ways to totally humiliate her. As she lowered herself across Yvonne's lap and felt her bottom being rubbed she knew anyone passing along the corridor would hear the spanking and would be bound to look and sure enough as the spanks started to land on alternate bare bottom cheeks she saw a series of bare legs coming into the bedroom as well as murmurs of conversation.


Yvonne was now smiling as she happily turned Sarah's bottom deeper and deeper shades of red. She loved having Sarah across her lap and whenever she could made her fully undress first. Usually, it was when they were alone but it felt even better now that other hotel guests were coming in and watching. Most were smiling and making comments about how sexy Sarah's bottom was with its red hue and even how beautiful Yvonne was. To Yvonne's delight, there were even a few sexy comments from two women about how they would like to be spanked by Yvonne and she made a mental note of who made the comments.


Sarah was crying as the spanking continued although could make out most of the comments including the ones that said she no doubt deserved the spanking. She also knew all too well that those watching would know her face but she would not know theirs and so when walking around the hotel she wouldn't know whether anyone she met knew she had been spanked. It would make almost every conversation humiliating, she knew.


Yvonne kept on landing spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks and then after several dozens spanks landed spank after spank on the same bottom cheek and then the backs of each leg.


Sarah was expecting to find it challenging to sit down for dinner later although quickly forgot her concerns as she kicked her legs and squirmed around on Yvonne's lap throwing her head back and yelling as spank after spank continued to land on bottom cheeks and legs.


Yvonne finished the spanking with several dozen spanks with her wooden backed hairbrush. It was an implement Yvonne used with a flourish and it left Sarah's bottom bruised on top of the redness which was how Yvonne loved to leave Sarah’s bottom after a spanking.


Sarah knew tears were running freely down her face as they always did when Yvonne spanked her with that dreaded wooden backed hairbrush although she loved to be submissive to her dominant lover and would never ask her to stop until she was ready to stop.


Once the spanking stopped those watching were giggling and making comments about how much fun it was to watch. The last person closed the door and straight afterwards. Yvonne ran her fingers along Sarah’s wet pussy lips and brought her to an orgasm.


In return, Sarah slid off Yvonne’s lap and helped her step out of her bikini bottoms. She eased her head between Yvonne’s legs kissing her inner thighs as she made her way towards Yvonne’s stretched pussy lips. Sarah then licked and sucked Yvonne to her own groaning moaning orgasm.


Once Yvonne had recovered she ordered, “Press your nose against the wall, my girl, and think about how rude you were to my friend Abigail. You do need to show more respect to ladies her age” Yvonne always made Sarah face the wall after a spanking as extra humiliation and Sarah found the sight of the wall just an inch from her face so degrading.


Yvonne loved turning Sarah's delicious scrumptious bottom cheeks dark red with blue bruising as she reduced her to blubbering childlike crying. She loved it when she disciplined an adult like a child and Sarah was her best and most willing submissive ever. She enjoyed spanking her the most particularly in front of an adult audience but she made her do so many humiliating things as well. When with friends she delighted in berating Sarah in front of them, making her undress one item at a time, and then put her across her lap and spank her. She even ordered Sarah across her friend’s laps for a spanking knowing she and Sarah would disappear afterwards for half an hour and make out together. Of course, Sarah would stay naked as she walked out of the room with Yvonne and was still naked when they came back making Sarah humiliated once again as she had to get dressed in front of everyone.


Sarah would smile to herself as she got dressed knowing the men and women would all be admiring her body. The men would get erections she could see pushing out their trousers whilst there was envy in the faces of so many of the women as they looked her up and down.


Mind you, only a few envied the red and bruised bottom cheeks Sarah had to show off and fewer relished being undressed so publicly. However, none objected to watching as Sarah was spanked and otherwise humiliated nor to seeing her so sexy and beautiful body.


The same applied at the workplace. Yvonne was always finding ways to humiliate Sarah which turned them both on. Sarah would often have to go knickerless around the office. She not only had to go knickerless when in meetings with other staff but also in meetings involving visitors and even when only Yvonne and Sarah knew it was a turn on. Afterwards both would often go to the toilet together and make out. They were toilet cubicles with sinks in and so were large enough for the two of them and they were relatively sound proof and so hid their groaning orgasms. They used the toilets allocated to staff only as the visitors had toilets closer to the meeting rooms. Even so quite often when they left the cubicle there would be other women looking in the mirror with a look of surprise on their faces which quickly turned to blushing embarrassment. However, within the office, Sarah's reputation as the office slut was well known and so it was never too much of a surprise.


Today Sarah and Yvonne and a third work colleague, Mandy, were on a work trip and as Sarah stayed facing the wall in the hotel bedroom she ran over in her mind what had happened since getting in the car first thing this morning.


It was supposed to be a bit of a jolly for Sarah who had done particularly well at work running the Accounts team. She was on her way to the hotel for an overnight stay before the conference tomorrow.


The hotel was the best one in town and across with a great poolside area. Sarah aimed to be at the hotel by lunchtime which would leave the afternoon free to enjoy the facilities and the sun.


Sarah was being driven by John, the Company driver. John was forty-six-years-old and had been at the Company some years. Sarah liked him and had often been taken to meetings by him. He was a good laugh and rather handsome as well.


Yvonne was also in the car as she too had a good year and the jolly was a thank you from the Company.


Mandy was fifty-two and in HR. It was a jolly for her as well and she knew of Sarah's reputation as one of the office sluts but also that she was by far the sluttiest.


Sarah was wearing a red vest top and a short white skirt. Mandy was wearing a sleeveless floral dress and Yvonne a short-sleeved white blouse and blue summer skirt. They all had bare legs as it was the middle of summer. John was in a dark blue suit.


Sarah loved Yvonne for the way she controlled her. Being humiliated remained a major turn-on for Sarah and Yvonne was masterful at it, just as she was today when they stopped at a motorway service station.


Yvonne announced, "I'm going to the shop. I want you to give John a blowjob as he is such a nice guy."


Sarah could see from the look on Johns' face that he wasn't expecting what Yvonne said. She looked towards Mandy in the back seat and could see that she too was shocked. However, as always Sarah knew she had to do what Yvonne told her. She had done so so many times before in the most humiliating of ways but like all those other times felt herself getting aroused by what she had to do.


John and Mandy were speechless as Yvonne opened the car door and got out closing the door behind herself. They just looked at each other and John looked as embarrassed as Mandy. The car had blacked out windows and so on the plus side, they all knew they wouldn't be seen from outside but equally could see people walking passed the car.


Sarah made out that she recovered first and said, "We have to do it, I guess."


"Oh, erm, right," John spluttered as he shuffled around in his seat.


Sarah moved her hand and feeling along Johns trousers found his zip and pulled it downwards. She undid the top button after that and smiling at John motioned for him to sit up so she could lower his trousers.


John froze as he watched Sarah unzip and lower his trousers and ease her hand inside lowering his underpants as well and exposing his already erect penis.


Sarah could sense Mandy's discomfort and loved it that she seemed reconciled to watching the blowjob. Even John seemed to accept what was going to happen although reckoned in his heart of hearts that it was just a joke and that Yvonne would come back into the car and call a stop to it.


Sarah knew Yvonne wasn't coming back just yet and didn't mind at all. She had given a blowjob to so many men in the company. She didn't know how much Mandy knew but supposed she would know for sure after this.


Sarah grasped Johns penis and ran her hand up and down his erection a few times before easing herself down and encircling his penis with her mouth.


John gasped as he felt Sarah's lips kiss his penis and her tongue lick him up and down before engulfing his penis in her mouth. He had never had a blowjob before as his wife didn't like the idea of him cumming in her mouth but could see that Sarah thought differently as she groaned erotically as she sucked and licked his penis.


Mandy was pretty uncomfortable as she sat at the back but had to admit that she found watching quite a turn-on. She could not resist leaning forward and easing her hand down the front of Sarah's vest top and cupping her bra covered breast. She became more confident when Sarah didn’t resist and remembering Sarah’s office slut reputation ordered, “Take your vest and bra off so I can caress your breasts.


Sarah looked up and seeing the serious look on Mandy’s face she knew she needed to obey her so she stopped sucking Johns penis and sitting up pulled her vest top over her head and after throwing it onto the back seat unclipped her bra and threw that on top of the vest top. She then lowered herself again and took Johns still erect penis into her mouth and groaned as Mandy cupped her breast in her hand and caressed her and squeezed her nipple.


John was lost in the new exquisite and exciting feeling of being sucked. Sarah had the double enjoyment of sucking an erect penis and having her taut nipple caressed by Mandy.


It was Mandy who said, "Go slut."


Far from being upset, Sarah took it as a compliment.

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She knew that as much as she felt humiliated when she started to suck John with Mandy watching in the back seat that now they were both as turned on as she was. Seeing all the people walking past the car as she sucked John and Mandy squeezed her nipple was exciting as well. There wouldn't be many people in the car park making out for sure.


John was gasping as the sucking and licking took him closer and closer to an orgasm and when he let out a loud orgasmic gasp so Sarah's mouth filled with his cum which was something she so loved. It didn't matter to her that her own pussy was damp but untouched. She knew that both John and Mandy would reflect on what happened in the car and whenever they saw each other at work the two of them would smirk at her and Sarah would feel humiliated and degraded. However, they would be two more people who would have experienced the office slut.


As John recovered Sarah kept licking and gently sucking his penis until Yvonne came back to the car and was immediately aware of Mandy's arousal. Yvonne looked at Mandy and asked, "Want the same?"


Mandy almost choked and couldn't speak but managed to nod her head.


Yvonne looked at Sarah and motioned for her to get into the back of the car.


Sarah nodded knowing she had to do what Yvonne ordered and clambered over the seat and into the back as Yvonne sat in the front.


Mandy quickly raised the hem of her dress up above her waist and pushed her knickers down to her ankles and took them off. Sarah eased her head between Mandy's legs and kissed her inner thighs and her wet pussy lips.


Yvonne ordered, "Let’s go John."


John was smiling at the memory of his orgasm as he set off towards the hotel. He could make out in the mirror Sarah giving tongue sex to Mandy although could only see the back of her head and Mandy's happy face as she was taken towards her own orgasm.


Yvonne smiled to herself knowing the authority she had over Sarah. She knew that Sarah was submissive almost as soon as they had met. Sarah was new to the firm at the time but made it pretty clear she was game for sex. Yvonne understood and tested Sarah almost immediately by having her leave her knickers in the men's loo. She was always in the office first so that wasn't a problem. Sarah and Yvonne both saw the wondering looks on the men's faces as they tried to work out whose knickers they were. Yvonne and Sarah made out in the ladies’ toilets twice during the day as they were turned on by the looks on the men's faces and then a third time that evening at Yvonne's house. It set the scene for their future together.


Sarah was still sobbing and had tears streaming down her face as she played over the day’s events so far in her head as she stayed facing the wall in the hotel bedroom and very sure that her humiliation wasn't over yet even though so many of the hotel guests had seen her being spanked. She was right.


Yvonne ordered, "Put your bikini back on and we will go and see Abigail."


Sarah winced at the instruction. She was wearing a rather revealing bikini. The top was low cut and showed off her breasts to perfection. Worse though were the bikini trunks. In fact, they weren't trunks but thong string bikini bottoms which showed the whole of her bottom cheeks as well as her well-toned legs. The g-string thong worked well as Sarah’s pussy hair mound was almost fully shaven except for the small square above her pussy lips. However, given her bare bottom, Sarah knew that everyone would see her heavily spanked reddened and bruised bottom as she walked around the hotel which would leave nothing to the imagination but raise lots of eyebrows as people wondered how come a woman her age had been spanked.


Nevertheless, in her usual submissive way, Sarah picked up her bikini and stepped back into the g-string thong bottoms. Of course, there was no danger of anything rubbing along her sore and stinging bottom as there wasn't any material covering her bottom which was great for now but would be an embarrassment very soon. She slipped her bikini top back on and looked at herself in the mirror. It was all good from the front but as she turned and looked at her back in the mirror she saw that the bruising on her bottom was clear for everyone to see.


Yvonne went and stood behind Sarah and looking at the very satisfactory results of the spanking she gave her landed a hard spank on each bottom cheek to enforce her authority. "We need to go and see Abigail," she ordered.


Sarah gasped at the spanks but felt her usual flutters whirling inside her pussy at the dominant approach of her lover. She so wanted to have tongue sex again but knew that instead, she would be making the walk of shame through the hotel and out in to the pool area.


Yvonne smiled at Sarah and leaning forward gave her a kiss on the lips edging her tongue inside her mouth allowing their tongues to intertwine for a few moments before pulling away and still smiling ordered, "Let’s get your butt outside, my girl."


Sarah smiled back knowing the stares she was going get but turned and walked ahead of Yvonne.


Yvonne walked behind Sarah smiling every time she looked at her bruised bottom. She also listened out for the gasps of surprise, whispering and pointing, and then the louder comments.


Sarah was also very aware of the stares and pointing and whispering. She loved it of course as the more she was aware that she was the focus of so many people the more turned on she was. There were very few derogatory comments as everyone was there for the conference or just a holiday and were generally relaxed. There were smiles and winks and saucy looks and questions like, "I wonder what she did wrong to deserve that?" and of course plenty of, "I bet that hurts."


As they got out to the pool area Sarah heard, "Isn't that the woman who was rude?" and the reply, "You are right and it looks like she got what she deserved."


All the comments added to Yvonne and Sarah's arousal which was exactly what they both loved.


Abigail looked up as Yvonne and Sarah approached her.


Yvonne smiled and said, "Well I dealt with her."


Abigail looked at Sarah and didn't see anything different about her although maybe a tear or two on her face. "How?" she asked in a surprised tone.


Yvonne grasped Sarah's upper arm and turned her around and loved the gasp that came from Abigail.


"I see you did at that, Yvonne." Abigail swallowed as she was turned on by the sight of Sarah's punished bottom. After a moment, she asked, "You really spanked her for being rude to me?"


Yvonne was matter of fact as she said, "Of course. She earned it and I told her never to be like that with you again."


Abigail was still quite taken by what she saw and just thinking aloud said, "I bet it hurts."


Yvonne knew Abigail wasn't being malicious but took advantage of the comment and looking at Sarah ordered, "Take your thong off and get across Abigail's lap so she can see my handiwork close up."


Sarah was horrified as there were so many people standing around who would see her later on at the conference and once again she felt so humiliated. However, she knew she had to follow Yvonne’s orders.


There were several gasps from those close-by and looks of wonderment as Sarah untied the thong g-string and let it fall on a chair before stepping over to Abigail and without waiting eased herself down across her lap. She did love the feel of her bare tummy on Abigail's bare thighs as Abigail was wearing a one-piece swimsuit that left her lap bare. Sarah loved it when Yvonne had bare thighs as well.


Abigail was quite smitten by the submissive way that Sarah was doing as she was told and even started to feel sorry for her. However, that didn't stop her looking up at Yvonne and hovering her hand over Sarah's bottom and asking, “May I?"


Yvonne smiled and said, "Of course," and knew Sarah would love the feel of Abigail’s hand on her bottom.


Sarah looked at the back of Abigail's bare legs which she found just as much a turn-on as always when across a woman's lap and groaned erotically as she felt Abigail's hand on her bottom.


Yvonne knew Sarah’s liking to be spanked by a woman her mums age and knowing the added humiliation such a public spanking would suffer she looked at Abigail and said firmly, "A few more spanks would do her some good if you want."


Abigail smiled at the offer. She had only wanted to rub Sarah’s bottom and spanking a grown woman had never crossed her mind but now she had a gorgeously sexy woman across her lap who was clearly used to being spanked so she shrugged her shoulders as she raised her hand and brought her open palm down hard on Sarah's bottom. The gasp made her want to spank her again which she did landing spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks.


Sarah struggled with the spanks which were stingier than usual given the heavy spanking she had been given just twenty minutes earlier. She squirmed around on Abigail's lap and was soon kicking her legs and crying out and the tears quickly started to roll down her face.


Abigail kept on landing spank after spank not really aware of the pain she was causing but revelling in the act of spanking a grown woman. She knew that Sarah and Yvonne were work colleagues and that both were married and could see how exciting it must be for two married women to have an affair at the office.


Sarah was crying out with the pain but was also being turned on by the spanking. The pain always turned her on and she felt the flutters flying around her pussy. When Abigail rested and started to rub her bottom Sarah eased her legs apart and was delighted when Abigail started to rub the backs of her legs and then her inner thighs. She gasped as Abigail ran her fingers along her pussy lips and wanted Abigail to keep doing that.


Yvonne bit her lip to stop herself smiling too much as she watched Abigail run her fingers along Sarah's pussy lips as she knew they would be especially damp and sure enough there was a look of surprise on Abigail's face as she realised that too.


Abigail looked up at Yvonne with such a questioning look but it was clear to her that Sarah was actually being turned on by the spanking.


Yvonne saw that Abigail was of two minds whether to continue so explained, “When a friend of mine was sixteen-years-old she told me that she got spanked at school by her form teacher. When she told her step-mum she expected sympathy but her step-mum told her that if she was spanked at school she needed to be spanked again at home and gave her a very hard second spanking. I think that should happen again with Sarah and I think that is what you should do.


Abigail thought for a moment and reckoned that as she was enjoying giving the spanking so much she should take up the suggestion. She smiled again looked at Sarah's bottom and this time she fully intended giving a long and painful spanking knowing that Sarah was so turned on as well. She also made a mental note to ask Yvonne about what she got up to with Sarah after a spanking.


Sarah didn't see the exchange of looks between Yvonne and Abigail but savoured the spanking. Whilst she loved Yvonne and other women close to her own age spanking her and saw it as foreplay to sex she loved it when she was spanked by a much older person and especially a woman. She lost herself in thoughts of a maternal discipline spanking being given to punish her for misbehaving rather than foreplay. This spanking was hurting her much more than her usual spankings because it was so soon after Yvonne had spanked her but equally she would imagine it was just like being across the maternal lap and being given a long and hard spanking which was just what so many naughty adults needed.


Abigail became slowly conscious of Sarah's loud sobs and that she was squirming around on her lap albeit she was staying obediently in position. However, she gave a few last spanks with a delightful flourish before reluctantly deciding the spanking had to end. She had so enjoyed spanking Sarah because her bottom was gorgeous and it was a delight having her almost bare body across her own bare thighs.


Yvonne knew it was time and gave the order, "Get up, Sarah, and count yourself lucky you aren't still being spanked."


Sarah eased herself up from Abigail's lap and as she stood she rubbed her stinging bottom and stepped from foot to foot. Her eyes were tear-filled but she looked at a blurred Abigail and said through her sobs, "Thank you for spanking me. I know I deserved it."


Abigail liked the respect Sarah was showing her and relenting said, "You are forgiven."


"Put your thong back on," Yvonne ordered and once again smiled as Sarah did as she was told knowing so many people were watching her.


Yvonne took Sarah by the upper arm and guided her to the two deckchairs they were using before she had marched Sarah back to the hotel room. She made Sarah sit down on the deck chair knowing she would gasp with pain, which she did.


Sarah winced but eased herself around onto her side so she could rub her stinging bottom albeit knowing that meant her bottom was on show to lots of people. She sobbed for a while and kept on rubbing her bottom listening to the comments still being made all around her.


Once she recovered a bit, Sarah leaned across to Yvonne and said, "I came so close to cumming when Abigail ran her fingers along my pussy. I still need to do it, though."


Yvonne smirked wickedly knowing she had another perfect chance to humiliate Sarah and ordered firmly, "Go on then. Make yourself cum here."


Sarah was shocked as she realised she shouldn't have said anything but now she had she had no choice but to do what she was told. She looked around and saw so many faces still looking at her in amazement. She was quite used to masturbating in front of other people and even small groups. This was more degrading though as she was going to be seeing most of the people watching her during the conference. However, as she slowly turned herself on to her back and eased her fingers under her thong bikini bottoms and ran her fingers along her very wet pussy lips she became once again became more and more aroused the more degraded she was and this was certainly humiliating for her. Even with so many people watching her masturbate and although she was horrified at the humiliation she was suffering she took her time masturbating enjoying every moment but eventually did reach her orgasm with long erotic groans and squirts of her cum which covered her fingers with her own sex juice.


After recovering, Yvonne leaned across and said, "I reckon you will have be someone’s slut tonight."


Sarah knew that Yvonne would set her up with someone wanting to use her body tonight. Sarah started to look around and wondered who Yvonne would choose for her and was getting aroused with the hope that whoever it was would have some new degradation for her.


Written by Peter242
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