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Sarah Is Humiliated By Megan

"Sarah is spanked by Megan and then has to give her tongue sex as an extra humiliating punishment"

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Sarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.

Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah mused

Dillon was the twenty-two-year-old son of Sarah’s step-sister, Michelle, who Sarah liked to refer to as the ‘Bitch.’ She was ten years older than Sarah and they had never got on. Michelle was manipulative and controlling and whilst Sarah usually loved it when she was manipulated and controlled by women her mum’s age or younger women in their late teens or early twenties, she could never bring herself to submit to her step-sister.

Sarah had always wanted to get her own back for the way Michelle had treated her and she saw a way of doing so with Dillon. So, when two days ago her hubby was out and Dillon had come over to Sarah’s to pick a book up for his mum, and he and Sarah had had a couple of drinks, Sarah decided to show Dillon a couple of the photo shoots her husband had taken of her. Some were of Sarah in her bra and knickers but later on in the shoot she was naked and after that was on a couch squeezing her taut nipples and then stretching her pussy lips apart and then masturbating. Sarah saw that Dillon was initially embarrassed but quickly realised it was a come on from Sarah.

When Sarah suggested to Dillon with a wicked come-on smile that he could order her to get undressed he did just that and watched Sarah step out of her dress bra and knickers and stand in front of him naked. When Sarah asked if Dillon wanted a blow job he quickly agreed and soon his shirt trousers and underpants were on the floor.

Sarah looked at the naked Dillon and his huge manly penis and said with a mischievous smile and as submissively as she could, “Tell me to suck you off, Dillon.”

Dillon smiled and was wide-eyed as her commanded, “Give me a blow job, Sarah.” Dillon deliberately left out the ‘Auntie,’ word he usually used when addressing Sarah.

Moments later Dillon was sitting on a dining chair with his legs apart and Sarah was kneeling in front of him. She kissed his inner thighs working her way towards his quickly stiffening penis which was firmly erect by the time she started to lick the sides of his penis.

Dillon groaned as Sarah engulfed his penis in her mouth sucking and licking and sucking again as he was brought closer and closer to an orgasm. Suddenly he couldn’t hold back any more and he let out a massive groaning gasp as he filled Sarah’s mouth with his cum.

Sarah loved sucking a man’s erect penis and had done it to most of the men in her department at work where she was well-liked but had the dubious reputation of being known as the office slut. She hadn’t made a move before on any of the men in the family that had adopted her but today she just couldn’t stop herself with Dillon mainly as revenge against her step-sister but now she was sucking his penis she loved it when his warm oh so tasty cum filled her mouth.

Dillon smiled at Sarah as she knelt back and looked at him and he saw her swallow his cum before wiping the back of her hand across her mouth smearing his cum across her face.

Sarah and Dillon had another couple of drinks and then Dillon looked confidently at Sarah and ordered, “Suck me off again.”

Sarah didn’t object and once again knelt between Dillon’s thighs and made him cum a second time. Sarah and Dillon had had a couple more drinks before he collected the book and with a very self-satisfied grin left Sarah’s house to go home.

It was the following day that Megan had messaged Sarah and she had agreed to go over to Megan’s house the day after that at 4 o’clock.

Sarah wore a summery floral sleeveless dress with a low neckline showing off her perfectly sized breasts which she knew so many women were envious of and so many men craved to suck. She always liked to dress and look sexy and enjoyed the envious looks she got. Sarah had been calm during her walk to Megan’s house playing over in her mind the fun that she had had with Dillon two days ago, but as she walked up the path to Megan’s house at one minute to four she started to wonder just what kind of surprise Megan had for Dillon and was suddenly worried that maybe Dillon had told Megan about what they had done.

Megan opened the door with what Sarah thought was a forced smile and saw that Megan was wearing a red vest top and very short shorts that showed off her gorgeous figure and her light brown hair flowed beautifully over her bare shoulders. Sarah had a sudden feeling of desire for Megan but told herself to temper that desire if she could. After all Megan had quite a temper on her, Sarah knew.

“Come in, Sarah,” Megan said with her forced beaming smile.

Sarah thought for a moment how similar Megan was to Michelle as she certainly sounded as demanding as her step-sister. Once again she reminded herself that whilst Megan looked like butter wouldn’t melt the truth was rather different. However, Sarah put her concerns and comparison to one side as she walked in to the hallway and was directed in to the living room.

When Sarah entered the living room she was surprised to see half a dozen young women sitting on the armchairs and sofa.

Megan saw the surprise on Sarah’s face and expected it and said in an easy sounding tone, “These are friends of mine who I asked over to help with the surprise,”

Sarah felt more relaxed with the explanation although less at ease being a good twelve-years older than anyone else in the room but staying calm and smiling at Megan said, “Okay. No problem.”

Megan directed Sarah to a dining chair and Sarah sat down and looked around the room. The young women were all dressed for summer in sleeveless dresses with very short hems, or sleeveless tops and shorts, and there was lots of bare skin and low cut tops showing off a variety of cleavages leaving little to the imagination. Sarah certainly thought there were a good selection of very attractive young women looking at her and she wouldn’t have minded tongue sex with any of them. Mind you, she recognised two of the girls as daughters of friends of hers which was a little off putting for her. Mind you that didn’t change her desires for all of the girls in the room.

“What kind of surprise do you think Dillon would like, Sarah?” Megan asked with her forced smile on her face again.

Sarah blushed remembering what she and Dillon had done together just two days before. She shrugged her shoulders and replied still blushing, “Oh I’m not sure. Have you asked his mum?”

Sarah glanced around the room and Sarah sensed Megan was working her and so decided to throw out a couple of suggestions herself. “Maybe tickets to a football match for him and a couple of his friends or even tickets for dinner and the theatre for you and him?”

Megan gave a, “Not quite what I was thinking,” Megan said, “I was thinking of something a bit more personal.”

Sarah smiled to herself although was feeling tense as she remembered how personal she had been with Dillon. “Like what then, Megan?” Sarah asked but could not stop herself blushing. She thought it was reminiscent of some of the times at the office when she was questioned about something she had done and ended up being spanked. Of course, that was because she was the office slut and most people had experienced a blow job or tongue sex from her whilst others loved to spank her first. Sarah even wondered what it might be like to be spanked by Megan but then not in front of her friends not least because some were the daughters of friends of hers. That led her on though to thinking about Sandra and her sixteen-year-old daughter Vanessa and the fun they had had together.

Megan broke in to Sarah’s thought process with, “You know what helps me think, Sarah?”

Sarah looked surprised at the question but could not stop herself asking, “What, Megan?”

Megan gave Sarah a harder stare as she replied, “I love having my pussy licked.”

Sarah looked shocked but judging from the looks on everyone else’s face she reckoned that they were expecting it.

“Pardon?” Sarah asked sounding and being shocked.

Megan said flatly, “Like you did to Dillon the other day. Remember?”

Sarah was flummoxed as of course she remembered but still wasn’t sure how to react to Megan’s request. Or was it a demand, Sarah wondered?

One of the other girls, Emma, said, “Actually, Megan, I reckon if Sarah had a stinging bottom when she gave you tongue sex that would be even better especially if one of us was spanking her with a leather belt as she licked you.”

Megan looked as though she was surprised by the suggestion but nodded her head in agreement. “You know, Emma, that is an excellent idea.” Megan then looked at Sarah and said firmly. “I trust you won’t object to any of this, Sarah?”

Sarah was dumbfounded. The first thought flashing through her mind was horror but that was soon replaced with the memory of the number of times that that had exactly happened to her at the office. She didn’t mind it happening to her when at work so why object now, she reasoned to herself? There were young women Megan’s age at work who watched her being used so again there was no real difference here either. She had also fantasied about being spanked by Megan so the reality might also be welcomed. She didn’t even mind the humiliation of being spanked in front of so many delightfully attractive young women. Should she agree though, she asked herself?

Megan again interrupted Sarah’s thought process with a firm, “It wasn’t a question, Sarah. Now get undressed as I think you need to be naked for your spanking and tongue sex and beating.”

Sarah was shocked but aroused at the same time. She so loved to be humiliated in public and except for the fact that Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend it was almost a perfect scenario for her. She may even get to give tongue sex to more than one of the girl’s which would be really nice, Sarah thought.

So, Sarah submissively and obediently stood up and without a word slipped the straps of her dress down her arms and pushed the dress down to the floor stepping out of it and scooping it up and putting it on another of the dining chairs. She then put her hands behind her back unclipping her bra and sliding it down her arms and caught it and put it with her dress. Finally, she pushed her knickers down and stepping out of them put them with her other clothes. Sarah was now as naked as she so often was in front of a crowd of people.

Megan turned one of the other dining chairs in to the room and sat down.

Sarah looked at Megan’s lap and was turned on when she saw she would be going across her bare thighs as she loved the feel of her own bare tummy on the spankers bare thighs.

One of the girls said, “I like the small triangle of pussy hair above your shaved pussy lips.”

“Thank you,” Sarah replied and did enjoy the compliment. She wondered if she would be asked to stretch her pussy lips apart which she loved to do in public, but that order was given.

One of the other girls said instead, “I think a hairbrush will help you think about Dillon’s surprise a bit better, Megan.”

“A good idea Amy,” Megan agreed with a straight face. She looked up at the naked Sarah and pointing said, “I have one in the top drawer over there.”

Sarah grimaced as she went over and retrieved the wooden-backed paddle hairbrush which she knew would be extremely painful and handed it to the waiting Megan.

“Get across my lap,” Megan ordered.

Sarah eased herself down across Megan’s lap and as her face came to within a few inches of the floor she once again experienced the feeling of humiliation and submission she loved just prior to an over the knee spanking. She didn’t mind being spanked or otherwise humiliated by women her mums age nor women in their late teens or early twenty’s and so this group of onlookers qualified easily. However, as Megan rubbed her bottom Sarah still had the nagging thought that Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend who clearly knew of his sexual acts with her and that Dillon was Michelle’s son.

Sarah’s concerns were interrupted by Megan landing the first spank on Sarah’s bare bottom and then spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks. The spanks were quite easy to cope with initially but as usual the stinging intensified and soon Sarah was gasping as each spank landed. As she looked sideways and saw several bare legs she once again felt the humiliation of being spanked by a woman who in Megan’s case was twelve-years younger than herself but supposed that was better than being spanked by Michelle who was ten-years her senior.

The spanking continued without any stopping for further bottom rubbing and the stinging continued to intensify. It was a more and more intense spanking and Sarah no longer supposed that Megan was thinking at all about any surprise for Dillon but was focussing on making the spanking a hard one.

Megan was smiling to her friends as she spanked Sarah which in her mind was the least punishment Sarah deserved for her sex session with her boyfriend. It was the realisation of a fantasy though. Dillon’s mum had told her how Sarah had the reputation at work for being a slut and loved to be used sexually including being spanked and Megan had masturbated fantasising about spanking Sarah so actually carrying out her fantasy was so cool. That was no reason to go lightly of course and in fact the opposite was more true and so she landed spank after spank trying to make the spanks harder as she went. She knew that spanking the backs of Sarah’s legs would be even more painful and as she intended this to be a disciplinary spanking she saw no reason not to and as expected the spanks were producing louder and louder gasps from Sarah.

Sarah was more used to sexual spankings intended to turn her on more than the more occasional intense discipline spanking Megan was now giving her. However, Sarah still found the sensation of being across Megan’s lap and being spanked by her a turn on especially with so many young women watching her being spanked. She even reconciled to herself that actually she fully deserved to be spanked as she had drawn Dillon in to the sexual acts by deliberately showing him her photo shoots to turn him on because he was her step-sister’s son. Maybe it was exactly right that his girlfriend spanks her and makes sure that it was a really hard spanking.

Megan decided her hand was stinging too much and so picked up the hairbrush and started to land spanks with that making sure they were hard and painful. Seeing Sarah kick her legs and squirm around on her lap and cry out so loudly told her that Sarah was definitely feeling the fully intended pain.

Sarah knew her eyes were tear-filled and she could not stop herself from crying which she knew would happen as it did every time she was spanked with a wooden-backed hairbrush. Even though it hurt crazily she still reckoned Megan was right to spank her and of course once she accepted the spanking was justified she knew that it had to be painful. She even accepted that whilst Megan may have got her to the house under false pretences and manoeuvred her just like her Bitch of a step-sister that in all fairness Megan was right to have done so just as the spanking was well-deserved and needed to be given. She did think it strange that at thirty-four-years-old she still thought it right to be spanked but she knew she would masturbate herself to sleep once she got to bed tonight, albeit that she would be sleeping on her tummy for sure.

Megan kept on spanking Sarah until several blue bruises covered her bottom which went well with the rest of her bottom and the tops of her legs which were glowing red from the spanking.

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She gave another dozen even harder spanks before putting the hairbrush down and without saying anything she started to rub and squeeze Sarah’s bruised bottom cheeks.

As Megan rubbed the backs of her legs Sarah calmed down even more and when Megan eased her fingers between her inner thighs Sarah started to think about an orgasm.

In fact, Megan was smiling as she ran her fingers up and down Sarah’s wet pussy lips and then eased her fingers inside Sarah’s pussy knowing she was working her up to an orgasm but that was part of her plan to gain control over her, and judging from the increasingly erotic gasps that Sarah was making it was working.

Sarah gyrated her thighs as she got closer and closer to an orgasm before letting out several loud orgasmic gasps and thought how wonderful Megan was to give her a finger orgasm after her discipline spanking.

Megan let Sarah recover from her orgasm before picking the hairbrush up again and said to the back of Sarah’s head, “naughty girl,” and started to spank Sarah again on alternate bottom cheeks until she had reduced Sarah to the same blubbering state before she gave her the orgasm.

Megan looked at her friends who knew exactly how she was humiliating Sarah by giving out such differing signals and were enjoying the spectacle of watching a woman Sarah’s age being manipulated and punished. Several of the girls had their hands between their own thighs and were caressing their own pussy’s and were aiming to reach orgasms as well.

Sarah didn’t resist the further spanking as she was thankful Megan had given her the orgasm and now was happy to submit to Megan’s whims. Megan landed twenty spanks on each bottom cheek before stopping but this time didn’t rub Sarah’s bottom and instead ordered, “Get up Sarah and stand in front of me and do not rub your bottom or you will go back across my lap for another spanking.”

Sarah eased herself up from Megan’s lap and whilst crying inconsolably was desperate to rub her stinging bottom but had heard Megan’s threat and had decided her bottom stung too much to take another spanking just then so she folded her arms in front of her and held them tightly to make sure she didn’t rub.

Megan smiled wickedly and triumphantly as she saw Sarah struggle to prevent herself rubbing her bottom which must be stinging crazily she knew though not from her own experience as she had never been spanked but as a prefect had seen many a classmate spanked by irate teachers in sixth form college and so she knew how to give a hard spanking herself. Well to be fair the teachers didn’t spank as hard as she just did but she was mad enough with Sarah just to do what the teachers had done but much harder.

Megan enjoyed listening to Sarah sobbing with tears still running down her face but wasn’t sympathetic at all as she knew she was in the right to have spanked Sarah and so hard. She was just thinking about ordering Sarah to start licking her pussy when Emma said, “I’ll use the belt on Sarah as she licks you.”

Megan saw the look of horror on Sarah’s face presumably because Sarah had forgotten she was going to be spanked again while she gave Megan tongue sex. Megan just smiled and said, “That’s good with me,” before pointing to the floor in front of her and ordering, “Kneel down there, you slut,”

The order confirmed to Sarah that Megan knew of her office slut reputation. In a funny way that made Sarah feel better because what was happening now had happened to her at the office so often. She hadn’t been thrashed with a belt whilst giving tongue sex before but maybe it would be a new experience she would want to repeat she wondered as she knelt down on the floor in front of the so dominant Megan.

Megan eased herself up and slipping her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers she pushed her knickers down to the floor and picked them up. She then leaned forward and placed her hand on Sarah’s cheek and loved the wetness of Sarah’s tears.

Sarah thought that Megan was being friendly by gently rubbing her face until Megan pulled her hand back and brought it back slapping Sarah’s face very hard.

“Bitch,” Megan almost spat out as Sarah gasped with the stinging that the face slap had caused. Megan leaned forward again and Sarah winced expecting another face slap but instead Megan was still playing with her emotions and ordered, “Smell my knickers and you’ll see I came when spanking you.”

Sarah had no choice but to breath in with Megan’s knickers pressed against her face. This was a new experience for her and she loved the smell of Megan’s cum that had soaked in to her knickers and it made her look forward to licking Megan’s pussy as the perfumed smell would be even stronger then. She reckoned Megan would think it was humiliating to have her wet knickers rubbed in her face but for someone like Sarah who loved to be humiliated she certainly didn’t mind.

Megan pulled the knickers away from Sarah’s face and said firmly, “Now get going and make sure I cum.”

Sarah was again in a situation she knew well and she knew to kiss the inside of Megan’s thighs first working her way towards her pussy lips and going from there. What she once again forgot was Emma and the belt because as Sarah kissed Megan’s inner thigh Emma gave her a very hard lash with the leather belt she was holding.

Sarah cried out and partly sat back on her haunches until Megan ordered, “Hit her again as she stopped kissing me.”

Emma gave Sarah another hard lash with the belt and as Sarah cried out she launched herself at Megan’s inner thighs and kissed feverishly hoping to prevent any more lashes from the belt. It didn’t though and Sarah had to get used to the belt landing across her stretched and reddened and bruised bottom every few seconds as she kissed Megan’s inner thighs, and then licked her very wet and actually lovely smelling pussy lips before edging her tongue inside and flicking Megan’s taut clit.

After about a dozen lashes with the belt Sarah’s eyes blurred again as the tears welled up but she was also starting to think the intense stinging was making her more amorous towards Megan who even above her own cries she could hear groaning erotically and it gave Sarah the encouragement she needed to lick Megan’s pussy lips and clit even more firmly until she could hear Megan’s orgasmic groans and could tell by the tenseness of her thighs that she had cum.

Sarah stayed between Megan’s thighs even after she had cum and kissed and licked her pussy lips some more. It didn’t stop the lashes with the belt and Sarah continued crying with mixed emotions of pain and humiliation and eroticism and knew she had to do this again, maybe at work as she gives one of her male colleagues a blow job.

Megan recovered and smiling at Sarah once again held her face gently in both her hands.

Sarah again thought that Megan was being nice to her until one hand was pulled back and landed firmly on her face, not just once but twice and then a third time.

As Sarah cried out with each slap she heard Megan say sternly, “Leave my boyfriend alone. Understood?”

“Yes,” Sarah replied crying again uncontrollably but still feeling that Megan was right to discipline her.

Megan ordered, “Now get up and go and press your nose against the wall whilst I decide if you have been punished enough. Put your hands on your head and don’t dare rub even once or I will start all over again.”

Sarah stood up and stepped across the room and pressing her nose against the wall was actually thankful to be told to put her hands on her head which although once again was humiliating it stopped her trying to rub her bottom. Sarah was very conscious of the intense stinging pain cascading right across her bottom now and tensed her thighs knowing that it would send flutters across her vagina. However, it was too obvious and moments later she heard a movement behind her and then felt the belt being spanked on her bottom again and again.

“No more of that either,” Emma ordered.

Sarah whimpered as she kept her nose pressed against the wall and knew she had deserved those spanks with the belt as well. It seemed that Emma was as strict as Megan which she supposed was no bad thing anyway.

After listening to Sarah sobbing Megan ordered, “Go and lie on the sofa and spread your legs wide apart.”

Sarah was sniffing and sobbing as she did as she was told and lay down on her back on the sofa spreading her legs knowing her pussy lips were stretched open. She saw Megan pick up her knickers from the dining chair with her clothes on and come over to her.

“I think you are whimpering too much,” as she pressed Sarah’s knickers up and down along her wet sex juice soaked pussy lips. “Now go back to your naughty spot,” Megan ordered.

Sarah got back to the wall but Megan followed her and grabbing her by the arm turned Sarah to face her and waving the knickers in front of her face said sternly, “You can hold your knickers in your mouth to stop your whimpering. It's nicely soaked with your sex juice so I hope you like the taste.” Megan eased the wet knickers inside Sarah’s mouth and when happy Sarah had clasped her teeth down on to them took her by the arm again and turned her face towards the wall and pressed the back of her head until her nose was touching the wall and then gave Sarah a spank on each bottom cheek before going back to the other women.

As Sarah calmed down but kept her nose pressed against the wall she heard the young ladies laughing and joking about her very red and blue bottom and the fact she had been spanked even though she was more than ten years older than every one of them. As she listened she also reconciled herself to the full justification of being disciplined. She did after all knowingly target Dillon because he was her step-sisters’ son and Michelle had always been so horrid to her. She loved his huge penis but then she liked men's penis's and women's vaginas equally as well as being humiliated by strong-willed women. She even reckoned that she fancied Megan because she was so much like Michelle. Mind you unlike Michelle Sarah would love to give Megan tongue sex again she told herself and definitely wouldn't mind Megan doing her in return. Michelle couldn't object to that she reasoned as Dillon and Michelle weren't exclusive to each other although she supposed that Dillon wouldn't be so happy. However, as she had shown Dillon her holy grail maybe he would let her off, she thought naughtily and smiling to herself.

The more Sarah thought about what she had done and the very painful penalty she had just suffered the more she also knew that she would be unlikely to resist making out with Dillon again and when she did she risked being disciplined again but as she loved to be humiliated even painfully she supposed in all reality that she didn't really care how often she was spanked. She just wanted to rebel against Michelle and even thought she should make out with Dillon again and make sure Michelle found out about it. If she did and Michelle disciplined her then so what, Sarah told herself? She would know she had got one over on Michelle and no matter how hard a spanking or other disciplinary action Michelle imposed on her it would not obliterate the fact that she had had sex with her son. The more Sarah thought about it the more she wanted to have sex again and again with Dillon because he was Michelle’s son and it didn't matter that she risked suffering the humiliation of being disciplined once again as she relished being disciplined. It made it a win win for her, some incomparable erotic fun for Dillon, and one huge kick up the bottom for Michelle.

Sarah heard movement behind her and felt her arm pulled to make her turn around. Megan was glaring at her and before Sarah could object Megan was running her finger along her pussy lips. Sarah gasped as she was so turned on thinking about Dillon but as Megan eased her finger inside Sarah's vagina she heard Megan say sternly, “You must love being spanked as your pussy is all wet again.”

Sarah knew how much she loved being spanked and that she revelled in the humiliation and so was delighted that Megan had discovered that she was indeed turned on by the spanking. She so wanted to be forced to give tongue sex to Megan again or one or more of the other girls and maybe even get another orgasm of her own and so even now felt at ease as Megan scolded her.

Megan took the knickers out of Sarah’s mouth and took her face in both her hands and smiling at Sarah kissed her on the lips for several gorgeous seconds and then said even quite kindly, “Actually, I like you Sarah. I know you had sex with my boyfriend but that is passed now. Dillon and your hubby are going away this weekend for the football and I think I will come and stay over with you. I’ll arrive at 4 o’clock on Friday and stay until Sunday morning so will get away before Dillon gets back.”

Sarah was at ease even as her bottom stung and smiling back said, “I’ll check my diary and,” but before she could finish Megan pulled her hand back and slapped her hard around the face.

Megan held Sarah’s face in both her hands and said sternly, “I didn’t ask, Sarah. You will sort out your diary but will be at home when I get there. I will be in charge the whole time. We will make out and have tongue sex lots of times and when you don’t do as I tell you I will spank you and you can expect to be spanked several times. Understood?”

Sarah was tearful again as her face stung from the slap but was so taken by how dominant Megan was being and once again saw the similarity between Megan and Michelle. She knew though that Megan would use her at the weekend and wanted her to. “Yes, Megan,” Sarah replied submissively knowing the other women were smiling about how meek and obedient she was being.

“Good,” Megan said with a broad smile. “Now get dressed but I’ll keep your knickers. I will get Dillon to smell them and ask if he knows who’s cum had soaked them.”

Sarah even smiled and wondered what Dillon would say. After all he had certainly tasted and smelt her sex juice often enough during their sexual adventures together. Now though Sarah focussed on the dominant Megan and next weekend.

Sarah got dressed and when wanting to say good-bye to Megan saw she was talking to two of her friends. “Megan,” Sarah said trying to get her attention.

Megan looked up and glaring at Sarah asked, “Do you want your face slapped again?”

Sarah sniffed and blushing replied, “No,” although thought at the same time that it wouldn’t be so bad if she did.

Megan said, “So go home, Sarah and I will see you on Friday. You won’t need any clothes and I will be bringing the hairbrush.” Megan then turned back to her friends.

Sarah slunk out of the house feeling as though she had been summarily dismissed and made her way home. It was only a short walk but as she walked so she felt more and more aroused by how she had been humiliated today and would be for much longer at the weekend. By the time she got home she couldn’t wait to lean against the wall in her hallway yanking her dress up and fingering herself knowing it would only take seconds to cum. As she subsided back to normality she told herself that she really was looking forward to spending so much of the weekend naked and being used by the gorgeously dominant Megan.

However, Sarah also told herself that she would go with Dillon again and if Megan found out, which she hoped she would, then she would delight in the humiliation Megan was bound to heap on her and the undoubted orgasms they would both have together. She wasn’t just going to be the office slut in future as being the family slut was going to be as much fun, except if Michelle wanted to deal with her, she reminded herself. However, she still reckoned that there was very little chance of that. It was going to be the lovely gorgeous dominant Megan who would be dealing with her for sure and as she thought about that she sat in an armchair with the footrest up, her legs apart and her fingers running up and down her pussy edging herself quickly to her second orgasm.

Written by Peter242
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