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Sarah Disciplined at the Bridge Evening

"Sarah is humiliated, sexually used and disciplined at an evening non bridge event"

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Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.

There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do with them what they wanted. Sarah liked to be passed around usually was.

Sarah loved on these evenings to be given to the older women who were her mum's age or even her grandma's age and given a bare bottomed spanking paddling and strapping. Sarah loved to be dealt with like a child by someone much older than herself who would give her a maternal discipline spanking and then passed on to the next woman to be dealt with.

Everyone knew that Sarah loved to be disciplined and reduced to a blubbering tear-filled eye and tear-stained face with a blazing red bottom and even bruises produced by wooded-backed paddle hairbrushes or leather straps.

Tonight Sarah had been expected to go with Sandra, her close friend, and with who she often had loving, erotic tongue sex sessions. When they went together to the "Bridge" evenings, they were always allowed an extended session together before linking in with others. Sandra would always make Sarah strip fully and then give her a very long and hard spanking before Sarah licked and sucked Sandra's wet pussy lips bringing her to several orgasms. Of course, all of this was carried out in the main room, and it was a popular sight for those attending.

Sarah loved those oh so humiliating sessions in front of so many people she knew and some she didn't.

Sarah walked the few doors from her house to Sandra's and rang the bell and already had a smile on her face as the door opened. Her smile turned to a look of surprise when the door opened and Vanessa, Sandra's sixteen-year-old step-daughter, stood there looking like she was ready to go out.

Sarah looked beyond Vanessa expecting to see Sandra in the hallway, but she wasn't to be seen.

Vanessa looked sternly at Sarah and explained, "Mum has had to go to a work event only arranged today, so she asked me to go with you."

Sarah looked at the teenager who was really prettily dressed in a sleeveless light pink dress showing off her toned arms, and with a very high hem showing off her toned legs which were bare as it was so hot. Sarah did have feelings for Vanessa who had spanked her once at a party in front of lots of people, but they had also made out once in Vanessa’s home, but no one else knew and certainly not Sandra that made Sarah wonder what might happen at the "Bridge" evening.

"That's a nice dress, Sarah," Vanessa said with a smile which made Sarah relax a bit. She was in her favourite sleeveless light blue dress with a more sedate hem halfway down her thigh and also had bare legs. She knew Vanessa would be the one to turn heads today though with her long flowing hair.

"Thank you, Vanessa," Sarah replied with a real smile.

Vanessa smirked as she explained, "I hope you and I will have our own session. I loved the way you gave me tongue sex the other day."

Sarah remembered being with Vanessa when Sandra was away for a couple of days and had ended up spending the night together. The age difference was huge with Sarah being thirty-four-years-old, but it didn't stop either of them.

"I'm sure that we will," Sarah replied feeling even more relaxed. Tongue sex with the sixteen-year-old sounded okay to Sarah. She thought that after she had tongue sex with Vanessa, she would be spanked by one of the older women. She had her eye on Elizabeth who was seventy-five-years-old and her grandma's age. It would be awesome to get a discipline spanking from her today, Sarah mused.

Vanessa closed the door, and she and Sarah walked towards the house where the "Bridge" evening was being held. They hadn't gone far though before Vanessa said, "I've got my hairbrush which I will be using on your bottom, Sarah. I heard how you argued with Mum on the phone yesterday and I will be punishing you for that. Mum said I should on her behalf as she can't be here tonight so no arguing, Sarah, or else."

Sarah gasped. She didn't mind being humiliated at these evenings, and after all, Vanessa had spanked her once before, but Sarah had since masturbated multiple times playing over in her mind that spanking and wanted Vanessa to spank her again. Not at the bridge evening though. She thought being spanked by a teenager in front of so many adults would be far too humiliating even for her. However, Sandra had full disciplinary control over her and supposed that she could not argue with Vanessa if she took over that role this evening.

Vanessa continued, "Anyway, that means you won't be needing your knickers so take them off and hand them to me for safe-keeping please."

Sarah smiled at Vanessa and liked the idea of being knickerless and said with a smile, "I'll get them off as soon as we get to the house."

Vanessa had a wicked smile when she ordered, "No Sarah. I mean give them to me now."

Sarah gasped again and looked around her and saw several people walking along the street. If she had to take off her knickers now, then several of those people would see her do it, and most likely some would get a good view of her pussy as she stepped out of her knickers. However, she was quite taken by the dominant attitude of Vanessa and taking a deep breath slipped her hands under the hem of her dress and inside the elastic of her knickers and pushing downwards stepped out of her knickers as quickly as she could. She did glance up and saw two women looking aghast as she stood back up and handed her knickers to Vanessa and felt really humiliated when she saw Vanessa turn to the two women.

"She wet them, I'm afraid," Vanessa said in an apologetic-sounding tone.

Sarah felt herself blush a deep red as she brushed down her dress hem and certainly felt uncomfortable as she followed Vanessa along the pavement. She heard one of the women say to the other, "She didn't seem young enough to wet her knickers, but it must be so embarrassing for her, poor thing."

"Too right," came the heartfelt reply from the other woman.

Sarah could not stop herself smiling as she thought again how sexy Vanessa was in her dominant persona and reckoned she could get even more dominant during the 'Bridge' evening. In fact, Sarah was reflecting on how she wanted a proper discipline spanking from Vanessa and had day-dreamed about it since Vanessa had spanked her but dared not ask her or her step-mum. Maybe though tonight Vanessa wouldn't need asking to give her that discipline spanking. Sarah reckoned getting Vanessa to spank her really hard overrode the humiliation of being spanked by a teenager in front of all of those adults.

Sarah and Vanessa arrived at the house and were met by Janet, a woman Sarah's grandma's age and a woman who had spanked her fairly often during these events.

Janet looked at Vanessa with some surprise as it wasn't so normal to have girls so young at the events.

Sarah saw the look and explained, "Sandra can't come and asked Vanessa to come in her place."

Janet asked Sarah, "Sandra had told me that she was going to spank you so do you need someone else to step in?"

Vanessa replied firmly, "No as I'll be doing it for my mum."

The quick reply took Janet by surprise, but she didn't argue. "Oh, I see. That's okay then," she replied as she stepped back to let Sarah and Vanessa in.

The room was already pretty full with about fifteen mainly women there.

Janet announced, "The first item was going to be Sandra spanking Sarah followed by their usual tongue sex. However, it seems that Sandra couldn't come and has sent her daughter in her place," Janet explained glancing towards Vanessa.

Vanessa smiled. "Step-daughter actually but otherwise that is correct."

Janet was taken aback to be corrected but liked the dominant attitude Vanessa clearly had and told herself to be careful or else she might risk being spanked by the teenager herself.

Vanessa saw the spanking chair that Sandra had described to her and went over and sat down. Her very short dress hem rode right up her thighs, and she had always intended that Sarah get across her bare lap. She glared at Sarah and ordered, "Get your dress off please."

It was well known that Sarah was one of those women who liked to be spanked fully naked. She also loved to be humiliated and that by itself could give her an orgasm. She took a deep breath and unzipped the back of her dress and slid it down her arms, pushing it down to the floor and stepping out of it. She loved the gasps of surprise and the several comments of, 'Look, no knickers,' from around the room.

Vanessa happily explained, "I made her take them off in the street on our way over here."

That brought more gasps, but most people were also smiling and perhaps wished they had been there to see it.

Sarah stood up and was now only in her bra as she looked at Vanessa and waited for the next instruction.

"Now your bra," Vanessa ordered.

Sarah was getting more and more aroused by undressing one item at a time in front of so many people. She put her arms behind her back and unclipped the bra and let the straps slide down her arms and caught the bra before putting it with her dress.

There was silence in the room as everyone admired Sarah's naked body. She had such perfect breasts, an almost flat tummy, well-toned legs and just a small square of hair above her pussy lips. She knew her nipples were already taut as she stood being looked at with so much envy.

Vanessa ordered, "Put your hands on your head."

Sarah did as she was told and the submissive position made her even more aroused.

Vanessa looked at Janet and asked, "Can you check how aroused she is please?"

Janet knew what that meant and went and stood behind Sarah slipping her hands under Sarah's bent arms and covered each breast with one hand. As Sarah gasped, Janet moved one hand downwards stroking Sarah's body as she aimed for her pussy lips. Janet ran her fingers several times up and down Sarah's pussy lips which were already so damp while squeezing her nipples time and again. As Sarah gasped erotically, Janet then edged two fingers inside Sarah's pussy and flicked her taut clit.

Sarah found being played with like this so humiliating but so erotic at the same time. Her nipples were particularly sensitive and she could cum just by squeezing them and so having Janet caress her pussy lips and enter and flick her clit were just so much more erotic that she climaxed almost immediately. This was done to her so often at the office where her reputation as the office slut was well known and she was humiliated in the same way so often as well at these 'Bridge' evenings usually by Janet or one of the older women who would then give her a maternal discipline spanking. It looked like it would be very different today though with Vanessa spanking her instead.

Sarah climaxed three times in all as Janet kept on playing with her nipples and clit and the audience loved watching it. Sarah was always such a spectacle at these events and always worth watching.

The audience still gasped with though surprise when Vanessa ordered, "Right, Sarah. Get across my lap."

Those watching had assumed that Janet would be the one to spank Sarah and had quite missed the fact that Vanessa was sitting on the spanking chair and giving the orders. The age gap made Janet giving the spanking more naturally a maternal spanking. Instead, they all now realised that a teenager was going to spank thirty-four-year-old Sarah. However, they saw no surprise or look of horror on Sarah's face and instead a look of acceptance.

Sarah heard the instruction but was still smiling at the way that she had been brought to an orgasm so many times. She knew that most people in the room would have loved to have been in her place but would not be able to take the humiliation of being brought to an orgasm like that in public.

Vanessa repeated the instruction to get across her lap.

Sarah did a  double take as she realised she was being given an order by Vanessa.

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She normally was spanked during the bridge evenings, but usually by someone her mother's or grandmother's age. Occasionally she was spanked by women her own age. This was going to be the first time that she was going to be spanked by someone so much younger than herself. She knew it wasn't the first time that Vanessa had spanked her and that, deep down, she was more than happy to give Vanessa disciplinary control over her. So, she really didn’t mind once again going across the lap of a sixteen-year-old for a spanking.

Sarah heard whispers around the room from those watching saying that they were surprised that a teenager was being given the authority to spank a woman in her thirties. Several of those watching, like Sarah, enjoyed being spanked or giving a spanking. It was usually for sexual reasons even though sometimes there was the suggestion that discipline was involved. No one could see how Vanessa spanking Sarah could end up sexually today though.

Sarah did hear one person say, "If she deserves to be spanked then it really doesn't matter what age the person is who spanks her. Frankly, she acts rather like a tart, and if that were my daughter, I would certainly want to give her a good thrashing."

So, with that Sarah took the few steps across the room to stand by the seated Vanessa. She looked down at her lap and saw her gorgeously toned bare thighs. Sarah wanted to smile as she was quite excited about going across Vanessa's lap as Vanessa was a particularly dominant young lady and when they had been alone just those few days ago making out had even asked Sarah what it was like to lick someone's bottom. Sarah had been quite taken aback but reckoned that Vanessa had asked the question for a reason. It was after that that Sarah had imagined herself first of all across the teenagers’ lap for a long and hard spanking, and then being forced to lick her bottom. She doubted that would happen today, though.

Vanessa gave Sarah a glaring look and ordered for the third time, “I told you to get across my lap and now do so."

Sarah swallowed hard as she eased herself down across Vanessa's lap. She loved the feel of her bare tummy resting on Vanessa's bare thighs, and as she looked at the back of Vanessa’s legs and saw her own dangling on the far side of the chair. She knew that most people in the room would be questioning how come she was allowing herself to be spanked by a teenager. They wouldn't have known, that Sarah wanted to give Vanessa disciplinary control over her, was acting as though she had, and so could not object to being spanked by her even in front of this audience.

Vanessa was smirking at she rested her hand on Sarah's bottom and started to run in circles as she remembered that first spanking she had given Sarah. Since then she knew it would be a most satisfactory and erotic sensation to give another spanking to a woman who was nearly twenty years older than herself. She knew that her step-mum regularly spanked Sarah and so the spanking itself would not be particularly any more humiliating for Sarah than any other spanking she was given but knew that the age difference would be what was humiliating to Sarah.

Vanessa took a deep breath as she raised her hand and brought her open palm down hard on Sarah's bare bottom. She loved hearing Sarah's grunt and then further grunts as she landed spank after spank on alternate bare bottom cheeks, turning them both deeper and deeper shades of red. Vanessa was sure that she could keep on landing spanks time and again without any need to rest her hand. She went to the gym regularly using weights as well as the machines, and so had the strength and the perseverance to give Sarah a spanking she was unlikely to forget very quickly.

Sarah coped well enough with the first few spanks but realised that Vanessa was spanking her rather harder than most other people did. She didn't mind because she loved having her bottom stinging after a spanking and didn't even mind when the tears started to well up in her eyes, and the first tear ran down her cheek. She realised that once again she was going to end up crying and blubbering but knew that she had to leave it to Vanessa to decide how long and how hard the spanking was going to be.

Sarah did look around the room from her upside-down position, and while she mainly saw legs there were one or two women sitting, and she could see them smiling back at her although without any sympathy. She did liken it to them being like siblings or friends of siblings who are watching her being spanked by a parent for something that she had done wrong. She was also very aware that there were likely to be others around the room who had not previously thought about being spanked by someone as young as Vanessa, but now that they were watching how it might happen they could well be thinking how much they would like the same to happen to them. Sarah knew however that it was all about how much humiliation you were happy to take and knew that for her humiliation by itself was quite often enough to give her an orgasm and so that humiliation together with a bottom stinging spanking was even better.

Sarah had spotted the hairbrush on the table behind Vanessa as she walked over to her. She was not surprised therefore when after just the smallest of gaps she felt the two light taps of what was clearly a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush on her bottom. After only a second more she felt the first stinging spank with the hairbrush which made her yelp. She wasn't surprised as she let out louder and louder yelps as Vanessa continued to spank her with the hairbrush on alternate bare bottom cheeks.

Vanessa continued to land spank after spank with the hairbrush with relish, knowing that Sarah’s bottom must be stinging really badly. However, as her step-mum had asked her to give Sarah a disciplinary spanking given the conversation that they had had yesterday and Vanessa fully intended doing that. It didn't worry her that she was just a teenager spanking someone much older than herself in front of an audience all of whom were much older than herself. She was the one giving the spanking and not anyone else, and it was therefore up to her to decide how long the spanking should be and in particular how hard. She had determined when walking towards the house that it was going to be very hard spanking indeed.

Sarah has now reduced to the tears and blubbering like she always expected to be reduced to as the spanks continued to rain down all over her bottom. She knew that she was squirming around on Vanessa's lap and kicking her legs. However, she also knew that she wanted to accept Vanessa's disciplinary control both today and in the future. She loved her "Do as I say or else," tone of voice and general dominant attitude and knew that she would be strict with her. She wasn't so sure about tongue sex afterward because she would find that even more humiliating than ever if she had to give tongue sex to a sixteen-year-old in front of such an audience. She wouldn't know that, though, until Vanessa had finished spanking her.

Vanessa was happy with the way Sarah's bottom was now glowing red with huge blue bruises and knew that her bottom would sting for many many hours and more than likely Sarah would be sleeping on her tummy tonight. That would be a very good reminder to her as to why she had to be disciplined. Even though she was now happy that Sarah's bottom was red and bruised enough Vanessa decided to give another twelve spanks to each bottom cheek to make sure Sarah was fully disciplined. As she landed each spank, Vanessa was delighted to see Sarah squirming around on her lap and kicking her legs and letting out louder and louder yelps.

Once Vanessa had landed the last two spanks with a particular flourish she put the hairbrush down on the table and rubbed Sarah’s nicely warmed bottom. She looked around the room and saw several of the women still licking their lips unsure what to think of what they had just seen. One thing was certain though was that Sarah had been taught a very good lesson in discipline and one that any daughter of anyone in the room should be taught in the same circumstance.

Sarah couldn't stop crying and knew the tears were flooding down her cheeks. She was happy that the spanking was over, she knew when she spoke rudely to Sandra that she had earned a spanking. She expected it to be Sandra who gave it to her. Any thoughts at the time about Vanessa spanking her she assumed would be in private or perhaps with only Sandra watching. Having said that, as she calmed down, Sarah knew that her pussy was getting damp as she thought about how humiliating the spanking had been. As she lay across Vanessa's lap, she was more and more sure that she wanted to be spanked by Vanessa again and again and in front of different people she knew each time.

Vanessa could see that Sarah was recovering but instead of telling her to get up she rubbed the backs of her thighs edging her hand down the inside of Sarah’s thighs and as expected Sarah parted her legs. As she ran her fingers along Sarah’s wet pussy lips, she heard the gasps of surprise from several of those watching. She knew there had been a general feeling that she was too young to spank Sarah and so was sure that feeling would be strengthened as she gave Sarah an orgasm. She was pretty sure though that Sarah would love to cum right then and so continued.

Sarah felt Vanessa’s searching hands and parted her legs willing Vanessa to carry on and run her fingers along her pussy lips and then inside her pussy. She was gasping erotically as Vanessa’s fingers found her taut clit and it only took a few more moments for Sarah to cry out at the most amazing orgasm. All thoughts of Vanessa being too young disappeared, and there was a stronger longing to give her tongue sex in return. She was sure of another thing which was as much as she had the reputation of office slut at work she would now be seen as an out and out slut at the ‘Bridge,’ club but she really didn’t mind that at all.

Vanessa wasn’t finished though. She ordered Sarah to get up and as she did Vanessa ordered, “Lick your cum off my fingers, slut.”

Sarah almost came again as she took Vanessa’s fingers into her mouth and licked her cum while Vanessa squeezed one of her nipples with her free hand. She loved suffering the erotic pain while staring into Vanessa’s eyes and could tell Vanessa was really enjoying being so dominant. Sarah decided that she would definitely go home with Vanessa and if she were ordered to lick even her bottom crack, then that was what she would do.

Once Vanessa was happy that she could not humiliate Sarah anymore she withdrew her fingers from her mouth and stopped squeezing her nipple. She looked around the room and asked, “Anyone fancy tongue sex from me?”

There was a hushed quiet until Janet replied. “Yes please.”

Vanessa smiled at the woman old enough to be her great-grandma and stood up. As she did, she looked at Sarah and ordered, “You will stay naked and if anyone wants to use you they can. Understood?”

Sarah grimaced as she rubbed her so sore bottom and thought how much she had wanted to give Vanessa tongue sex but again loved the way Vanessa ordered her about. “Yes, Vanessa,” Sarah replied blushing but hoping that tonight still had plenty of action to offer her.

After just a moment another woman Sarah’s mum’s age said, “I need an orgasm so give me one, Sarah.”

Sarah looked at the woman who she quite fancied and went over and knelt in front of her and saw that she had already raised her skirt up above her waist and her knickers were on the seat next to her. Sarah told herself she was right and that having the reputation of being a slut was going to keep her tongue and lips occupied for the rest of the evening. She still had Vanessa’s pussy to look forward to afterwards, and who knows what else the sixteen-year-old would have in mind for her?


Written by Peter242
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