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Monica – More Than A Cleaner

"Monica cleans for Jeff who seems to have submissive tendencies which Monica explores"

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Monica arrived at Jeff’s house to do her normal twice a week cleaning job for him. Monica was nineteen years old, and Jeff was forty-eight years old and divorced. Monica had cleaned for Jeff for several months already and he enjoyed having the teenager around the house.

Monica wore her usual skimpy vest top with a bare midriff and tight cotton shorts. She always found that they were the most appropriate clothes for cleaning so that none of her better clothes got stained. She knew that Jeff tended to gawk at her as she carried out her work, but she never minded that, and rather liked the attention.

Things did change slightly when, one day, Monica was making Jeff’s bed and she saw quite a large stain on the sheet. She knew that it meant Jeff had masturbated in bed, and she joked to herself wondering what he fantasised about.

After that first time, Monica saw a similar stain each time she made Jeff’s bed. Soon after that, she discovered a second secret when putting a jumper away in one of Jeff’s drawers. She saw the corner of a magazine, and, shifting the clothes almost hiding it, she saw that it was actually a magazine about people being spanked. The third secret she discovered was when tidying up Jeff’s cupboard. She saw, right at the back of the top shelf and having to stand on a chair to see it, a long cane. Putting all these things together, she was now pretty sure that Jeff fantasised about discipline when masturbating.

What Monica didn’t know was whether Jeff was into disciplining others, or having someone else discipline him. She certainly didn’t want to ask any questions until she knew the answers to those questions, because there was no way that she was going to have Jeff, or indeed anyone, discipline her. 

On the other hand, Monica quite liked the idea of disciplining Jeff. She did like him, and if he was looking for someone to discipline him, she joked to herself that she could always add that into the work she was doing for him. Still, she didn’t suppose it would go anywhere but was aware of how she felt flutters flying around her vagina at the thought of using that cane on Jeff, and she also felt her taut nipples pushing at her bra.

After a few more visits and Monica noticing that he had bought a new magazine regularly, Monica worked out a plan to at least establish if he was a submissive or a dom. She was still not expecting it to go anywhere but it was a bit of fun for her. She wore a particularly tight vest top and made a point of walking into the room where Jeff was on as many occasions as she could. She noticed that he was definitely gawking at her more than usual, no doubt because the shorts were even shorter than usual and didn’t quite cover her bottom cheeks. 

However, after an hour, she asked Jeff, “Do you want a coffee? I really do fancy one.“

Jeff happily said, “Oh, yes please, Monica.“

A few minutes later Monica and Jeff were both sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee. After a couple of minutes, Monica blushed as she said, “ I’m sorry I was a few minutes late today, but my mum asked me to give my younger brother a spanking. He is eighteen years old and still gets spanked, but mum was out, and he needed one urgently. I didn’t mind, and have spanked him several times already.” 

Of course, it was all a lie, as whilst her brother was really eighteen years old and was still spanked, it was only their mum who spanked him, but she was trying to find out which direction Jeff was taking so far as discipline was concerned.

As Monica gave the explanation she glanced at Jeff and saw that he was blushing and looking down at his hands and swallowing hard. She still wasn’t sure what Jeff was thinking and so she told another lie. “The women are definitely in charge in our house. Mum doesn’t just spank my brother but also spanks my dad. In fact, he gets spanked even more often than my brother. I get to watch her spank them both, but I haven’t yet spanked my dad myself.“

Jeff eventually asked in what he tried to make an innocent sounding tone, “Does your brother cry when you spank him?”

Monica replied in a purposely stern tone, “Isn’t that the point?”

Jeff stuttered, “Erm err, well, yes, I suppose so.”

Monica then demanded but in a less stern tone, “Have you ever been spanked?”

Jeff blushed again and was obviously embarrassed as he squirmed around on his chair, but replied, “Only once, and that was at sixth form college by my form teacher and I never told my parents.”

Monica asked, “What was the teacher's name?”

Jeff was still blushing but looked like he was picturing his teacher in his mind as he said whimsically, “Miss Watson.”

When Monica saw Jeff licking his lips and still blushing, she asked, “A woman, eh? I don’t suppose you like women being in charge of men?”

Jeff was still blushing as he answered, tentatively, “Well, I’ve never seen what’s wrong with a woman being in charge. Miss Watson was strict but fair. My wife had a dominant personality and I never minded that.”

Monica pressed Jeff, letting out a short laugh first, and then asked, “How come your wife never spanked you?”

Monica saw Jeff swallow hard again before he replied, “She wouldn’t.” After a second it was as though he realised what he had said, and tried to retract it by saying, in a stuttering tone, “I mean, erm, not that,” but his voice trailed off as he blushed even more deeply.

Monica was smiling as she watched Jeff struggle with his answer. She knew she shouldn’t really do this to her employer, but she was into it now and was enjoying herself too much. Anyway, Jeff could stop the discussion at any time if he wanted to. So, she pressed again by saying, “I made my brother’s bed today and saw that there was the same kind of stain on the sheet that you have. I phoned my mum to tell her and that’s when she told me to give him a spanking. So, why shouldn’t I give you a spanking for staining your sheet?”

Jeff was wide-eyed as he asked in a very surprised tone, “You spanked him for masturbating?”

Monica kept a stern look on her face but found it quite funny that here she was, just nineteen years old, and discussing masturbation with a man in his forties. However, she was having too much fun to stop and replied, sternly, “My brother knew if he stained the sheet he would get a spanking. It was one of the rules. It’s because he also stains the mattress and those stains don’t come out.”

Jeff was looking down at the table as he replied, “My wife never set any rules for me.“

Monica said in an even sterner tone, “Well, I’m guessing from the way you are looking you would’ve been quite happy if she had set that as a rule, and probably several others, and spanked you whenever you broke a rule. Is that correct? Answer me now."

Jeff never could deal well with women in authority and he was floundering as he replied submissively, “I guess so.”

Monica then demanded, “So are you telling me she never used that cane in your cupboard on you?”

Jeff really wasn’t handling it at all well as he replied, “No, I’ve only used it on myself.”

Monica almost gasped seeing that Jeff winced as though regretting giving that answer as well, but held her stony stern look as she replied, “I think I should use it on you now to teach you not to stain your sheets and your mattress.” After a pause, she added, “Presumably you are imagining yourself being spanked and caned as you are doing yourself in bed?”

Jeff winced again as he replied, “That’s right.”

Monica then demanded to know, “How many strokes do you give yourself when you are doing yourself in bed?”

Jeff blushed an even deeper red as he said, “I don’t count. I just keep going until I have cum.”

Monica then pressed with, “Well, I think that I should give you a very hard bare bottom spanking first and then twelve even harder strokes of the cane. That should stop you needing to fantasise about it in future."

Jeff saw the sense of Monica’s suggestion and, looking at her with a smile, asked, “Would you really do that for me?”

Monica liked the idea of punishing someone Jeff’s age and said, “Of course. Mind you, it will add at least half an hour to the time I need to spend here. Therefore, I won’t have time to finish everything.”

Jeff was immediately cooperative and replied, “That’s no problem at all.”

With everything settled, Monica stood up and turned her chair away from the table and into the room, and sat down again. She glared at Jeff and ordered, “Take your trousers and underpants off.”

Jeff licked his lips at the thought of undressing in front of such a young woman. However, he really did want to experience what he fantasised about and could hardly expect Monica to spank him over his jeans. He, therefore, took a deep breath and then proceeded to undo his jeans and push them down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, pushing both down to the floor and stepping out of them, scooping up both, and then placed them on another chair. He was blushing, he knew, by the time he turned around and looked down at the very strict looking Monica.

Monica had seen plenty of girls undress before but hardly any men and found it arousing to watch Jeff undress, knowing that his penis would be resting on her thighs. In fact, she did get a bit of a surprise to see that Jeff’s penis was now erect, confirming--if confirmation was needed--that he really was aroused by the thought of being disciplined by her.

Monica allowed herself a few moments lingering at the sight of Jeff's erection before ordering, “Now get across my lap.”

Jeff had so many different emotions as he went to stand by Monica’s side and looked down at her lap and then eased himself down. On the one hand, he had fantasised about being spanked, but that would always be by an older woman and so was concerned that Monica was still a teenager. He reconciled though that, as he got older, he pictured that woman being closer and closer to his own age, and finally settled on his wife spanking him even though she was two years younger than him. Once she left him, he started to picture himself across the lap of a lady who lived across the road, and she was a similar age to his wife. 

Admittedly, from time to time, he also pictured himself across the lap of the daughter of another neighbour who he reckoned was about twenty-five years old. So, whilst he was concerned about Monica’s age, his fantasy women were getting closer and closer to her age, and so by the time his full weight was across her lap he wasn’t so concerned at the age difference between himself and Monica.

What he also knew was that he did respect, and was emotionally a little scared of, women who had, “Do as I say or else,“ tones of voice; and Monica certainly had one of those. It was very similar to Miss Watson’s voice, the teacher he thought about so often who spanked him when at college. Both before and after that he had had a schoolboy crush on her and was worried about the same thing happening with Monica. He would certainly have relished an affair with her, but he was concerned that she would not want an affair with someone of his age. Mind you, as she had now told him that she had spanked both her younger brother and her dad, maybe that was the route through for them, with her in charge of him when here to do the cleaning?

As Jeff lowered his weight onto Monica’s lap he realised that his erection was pressing down on her bare thighs. He had to admit that he did like the feeling but hopefully wouldn’t cum whilst he was across her lap. Once the whole of his weight was lowered onto her thighs, and his hands were resting on the floor, he also liked the upside-down view he had of Monica’s bare legs. He looked up and saw the underside of her thighs as well and had an immediate desire to kiss them. However, all of that stopped when he felt Monica’s hand rubbing his bottom in circles.

Monica enjoyed watching Jeff lower himself across her lap, and, in particular, the feel of his stiff penis pressing down onto her thighs. She loved to give her boyfriends blowjobs, and so enjoyed the feel of an erect penis in her mouth, as well as the taste of her boyfriend's cum filling her mouth. Of course, she also enjoyed her boyfriends giving her tongue sex and was always complimented on the taste of her own sex juice. She could even feel flutters flying around her vagina as she rubbed Jeff’s bottom, and knew that she was getting more and more aroused by the prospect of giving him a spanking. 

Monica put all of those thoughts to the back of her mind as she focused on Jeff’s bottom and was now more concerned about giving him an effective spanking. She did have to face the fact that she had never actually spanked anyone but had promised Jeff a hard spanking. Therefore, pursing her lips, she raised her hand and brought her flat palm down as hard as she could on Jeff’s far bottom cheek. 

She did like the way that his cheek surrendered to her hand and then bounced back and wobbled around, although she didn’t stop and immediately landed another spank on Jeff’s near bottom cheek. Having watched the same reaction as from the first spank, she then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, enjoying how they surrendered to her hand, wobbled afterwards, and turned darker and darker shades of red.

Monica was concerned that Jeff was just lying across her lap and not seeming to react even though she thought she was spanking him very hard. Her first thought was that she still wasn’t spanking him hard enough, and so she landed harder and harder spanks. She did get the occasional gasp, which encouraged her, but she found that her hand was starting to sting and wondered how much longer she could continue to spank him. 

However, she was surprised, but also delighted, to find that as she continued to spank his bottom and turn it darker and darker shades of red, her hand seemed to sting less. She wondered if that was because her hand was becoming immune to the stinging, or just that she was coping better than she thought. Nevertheless, she now happily continued to spank Jeff on alternate bottom cheeks. 

Monica did remember from watching one of her friends being spanked that her mum started to spank the same bottom cheek time and again for a while. That seemed to cause her friend greater and greater stress. So, using that memory, which was less than a year ago as her friend was eighteen years old at the time, she proceeded to land several spanks in a row on Jeff‘s far bottom cheek and, for the first time, saw that he was starting to squirm around on her lap. 

After about a dozen spanks she then changed cheeks and landed a further dozen spanks on his near bottom cheek and, once again, Jeff continued to squirm around on her lap and even seemed to tense his legs and arms. She now reckoned that she was actually having more of an effect on Jeff than she had thought.

Jeff loved the fact that Monica was spanking him, having reconciled both her age and the fact it was his long-held fantasy. So, as the spanks continued, he looked at the back of Monica’s legs and saw that her muscles tensed and, in his mind, became even more kissable. He didn’t think the spanks were particularly hard, though, but put that down to the fact that Monica was just nineteen years old and maybe didn’t have the strength of an adult. However, once the spanks started to land time and again on the same bottom cheek, he realised that probably wasn’t true, and the successive spanks on the same bottom cheek meant the spanking was more intense. 

He was certainly struggling a bit more as he was finding it increasingly painful. However, it wasn’t so painful that he wanted Monica to stop, and was more and more enjoying his submissive role with a woman who was well under half his age.

Once Monica had turned Jeff’s bottom cheeks a nice deep red, she then remembered what the mum of her friend did, which was to spank the backs of her legs. She only spanked them a few times, but, after each spank, her friend let out a wail that told her that those spanks were more painful than when her mum spanked her bottom. Therefore, she proceeded to spank the backs of Jeff’s legs alternately and saw that he was squirming around more than he did when she was spanking his bottom. He was definitely tensing his legs and letting out a gasp which told her that he was certainly struggling more with these spanks then when she spanked his bottom, just as her friend had done.

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Jeff knew that the spanks on his bottom were more intense than he had thought Monica would be able to make them, but then, when she spanked the backs of his legs, he realised that did really hurt much more than he had expected. He couldn’t stop himself gasping as the spanks rained down on the backs of his legs but still knew that he wanted to be submissive to Monica, or, in fact, to any woman who would spank him. 

He even started to feel more turned on the greater the pain, although he wondered whether his penis was still as erect as it was when he lowered himself across his teenage cleaner's lap. He was even pleased that he thought of Monica as a teenager and realised that being submissive meant literally accepting whatever punishment he was going to be given, irrespective of the woman’s age, and definitely irrespective of whether she had the strength to keep him across her lap. Clearly, few women would have that strength, he knew, which emphasised the enjoyment he was getting from being submissive.

Monica continued to spank the backs of Jeff’s legs until their red colour matched that of his bottom cheeks. She was then happy that she had spanked him for long enough. She glanced at the clock on the sideboard and saw that she had actually been spanking him for some twenty minutes. The time had flown by but she had to admit that she had obviously enjoyed herself. However, she was now going onto the next stage, as she looked at the back of Jeff‘s head and ordered, “Get up from my lap, Jeff, and get ready for the cane.”

Jeff gasped as he had forgotten that Monica was going to be caning him as well. He eased himself up but could not stop himself rubbing his stinging bottom cheeks and even stingier backs of legs, as he waited for Monica to tell him what to do. He looked down and saw that his erection was actually stiff again, but was even more surprised when he looked at Monica’s thighs and saw the unmistakable evidence of his own sticky cum. Initially, he was horrified at the thought of what he had done but then saw that Monica was also looking at her thighs and was smiling. He wondered what she was thinking right then, but at least she wasn’t looking cross or used.

In fact, Monica was looking down at her thighs and was smiling at the sight of Jeff's cum. It told her that Jeff had enjoyed being spanked as much as she had enjoyed spanking him. She wondered, though, whether the same would apply when she caned him. However, what Jeff’s post-spanking and pre-caning erection also told her was that she needn’t hold back and could give him a seriously hard caning.

Once Jeff stood up, Monica realised that she had not yet got the cane. She was about to go herself but remembered that right then she was not Jeff’s cleaner but someone far superior and actually in charge of him. She, therefore, remained seated, put her hands on her hips, glared up at Jeff, and ordered, “Go upstairs and get me the cane. Just be aware though, you have just sixty seconds to get there and come back or else I will be adding strokes to your caning.”

Monica smiled at the look of concern on Jeff’s face as he turned and walked very quickly out of the kitchen. He was still rubbing his bottom as he walked, but she could see that once he got to the stairs he held onto the balustrade with one hand as he went up the stairs two at a time. She heard him rummaging about in the bedroom, and then quick steps back across the floor towards the door and into the hallway. He once again held onto the balustrade as he came back down the stairs, one at a time this time, holding the cane. He walked quickly into the kitchen and handed the cane to Monica.

Jeff heard the instruction to go and get the cane and the penalty for not doing it quickly enough and realised that he loved the fact that his teenage cleaner had become his dom and was so happily ordering him about. He really didn’t mind the role reversal and told himself that this had to be repeated. He needed to make sure that Monica knew that he was going to obey everything that she told him to do and so made sure that he got to the bedroom, found the cane, and came back downstairs and handed the cane to Monica, just as quickly as he could. 

He also knew that, whilst he was breathing more heavily as he stood once again waiting for Monica to give him instructions, he was even more aroused as he saw her flexing the cane between her two hands, bending it in the middle, and then, holding it in one hand, swishing it twice in front of him.

Monica wasn’t sure at the time why she had told Jeff he had to be so quick but realised as he was jumping stairs and going so quickly, that she found it exciting that she was able to order her cleaning employer around so easily. She felt more quivers flying around her vagina as she heard Jeff rummaging around in the bedroom and coming quickly back downstairs. Then, after he handed the cane to her, she loved the way that she controlled him by flexing the cane between her hands and then swishing it. 

She also noticed that, as much as she felt aroused by doing it, Jeff got an even stiffer erection as he looked at her. It really was the feeling of power that was driving Monica on, and she felt that she wanted to finger herself there and then. She wasn’t going to though, as she didn’t want to dampen her own enjoyment.

Monica stood up and stepped to one side, kept glaring at Jeff, and ordered, “Bend down and grab the seat of the chair, and make sure you do not let go until I have finished caning you and told you that you can get up.”

Monica again felt the buzz of excitement deep inside her vagina as she gave the terse instruction.

Jeff swallowed hard as he listened to the firm commanding voice that Monica was using, looked down at the seat of the chair, stepped in front of it, bent down, and positioned himself knowing that his bottom was once again unprotected and waiting to be thrashed, this time with his own cane. As he bent over he looked at the floor behind and saw Monica’s upside down legs as well as the end of the cane, and as much as he knew this part of the punishment would hurt much more than anything beforehand, he was just so up for a caning by his teenaged dom.

Monica swished the cane thinking it would help her gauge how hard she should use it on Jeff‘s bottom. After all, she had never caned anyone just as she had never spanked anyone before. However, she was a confident young lady, and, having given what she knew was a hard enough hand spanking, she reckoned that she would be able to cane Jeff hard enough as well. So, positioning herself, she rubbed the cane from side to side across Jeff’s bottom and prepared herself mentally to cane him.

When she was ready, Monica pulled her arm back and brought the cane back down across Jeff’s bottom and saw it cut into his cheeks before bouncing back out. She heard Jeff’s pained gasp and saw the red welt develop. She, therefore, reckoned that she had landed that first stroke with enough strength and happily pulled her arm back for the second stroke. She still decided to add some more power to her stroke and, as that landed, Jeff let out an even louder gasp and Monica could see from the way his knuckles turned slightly white that he was fighting to keep hold of the seat of the chair. Was it because he was scared to let go and was desperate to hold on, she wondered? She hoped so.

Jeff was looking at Monica’s legs when he saw her muscles tense and he knew that the first stroke was on its way down towards his bottom. He heard the thwack and immediately felt the pain which was even greater than he had anticipated it to be. He always supposed the cane would hurt, but even so, he knew that he didn’t want to appear to be a wimp just because his teenage cleaner was caning him, and so focused and held onto the seat of the chair. It was more difficult to keep hold of the chair when the second stroke bit into his bottom as the pain was even greater than after the first stroke. However, he managed it, and once again was delighted that he was being so submissive whilst experiencing his long-held fantasy. He looked again at Monica’s legs and saw her muscles tense and knew that the third stroke was on its way and immediately clasped the seat of the chair in anticipation.

Monica continued to enjoy her dominant position as she landed the fourth stroke and happily watched Jeff struggle, shaking his head and breathing in and out through clenched teeth. She landed the fifth stroke and watched Jeff’s repeated pain-filled squirming movements and gasping sounds, and told herself that she would love to do this again. She landed the sixth stroke with even more enthusiasm and was delighted to see that Jeff raised one leg showing an even more intense level of pain.

Jeff knew he was struggling badly, but was intent on showing his total submission to Monica and, as the seventh stroke landed, he was still managing to grasp hold of the seat of the chair and was less concerned about wiggling his bottom and shaking his head in an almost hopeless bid to retain some element of composure. The eighth stroke landed and he was again struggling but wanted to see Monica’s legs once again. However, as he opened his eyes and looked at the floor, he realised that his vision was blurred and it was then that he felt the tears dribbling down his face. The ninth stroke added to his feeling of crumbling, but still, he wanted to show his willingness to submit.

Monica landed the tenth stroke and watched as yet another red welt was being drawn across Jeff’s already well welted bottom cheeks. She had managed to land each stroke pretty much one beneath the other and so there were ten almost separate welts. She hadn’t quite managed it and saw there were two welts touching each other, and she thought those merged welts looked even more kissable. 

As she landed the eleventh stroke Monica was wondering whether she should insist that Jeff give her tongue sex afterwards as a present, and then, whether she should give him a blow job because of her enjoyment of having a mouthful of a man’s cum. One step at a time, though, she told herself, as she focused and landed the last stroke, making sure it was the hardest of them all.

Jeff had lost count of the strokes but, once there was a gap that was much longer than any of the previous gaps, he supposed that the caning was over. He knew that he was sobbing, which did surprise him because, as a man, he really hadn’t expected to be reduced to blubbering. However, as much as he wanted to stand up and rub his stinging bottom, he knew that he must stay bent over clasping the seat of the chair until his mistress told him he could get up.

Monica smiled at the sight of the welted and spanked bottom, telling herself that she had done a good job, and one that she had so much enjoyed. She knew, as well, that she was in control of the situation and had to decide what to do now. However, unsure, she at least gave the first instruction, and ordered, “Okay, Jeff, you can now get up. Stand and face me with your hands on your head.”

As Monica watched Jeff push himself up, albeit uneasily, she smiled to herself knowing that he was bound to want to rub his bottom and so making him put his hands on his head would be another symbol of her domination over him. Of course, her immediate worry was that, once this was over, she would once again be the cleaner and Jeff the employer and was suddenly concerned that he might react badly and not just sack her, but refuse to give her a reference for any future employer. What then, she wondered?

Jeff pushed himself up and turned to look at his dominant mistress. He thought she looked wonderfully confident and was delighted that she had dealt with him so strictly. Quickly, though his immediate concern was that she would be disgusted with him and refuse to return to clean for him. He wanted to prevent that happening, but his mind was in a quandary of how to deal with what had just happened.

As Jeff turned around and put his hands on his head, Monica noticed that he once again had a huge erection. That made her feel a bit more relaxed as she knew that he was still turned on, even after having been spanked and caned so hard.

Jeff saw the look on Monica’s face which suggested to him that she was concerned about how he might feel and he knew he wanted to put her mind at rest for so many reasons. He, therefore, said, earnestly, “Thank you for spanking and caning me, Mistress Monica. I know I needed it, and will definitely need it again. What can I do, Mistress Monica, to say thank you?”

Monica didn’t want to take unfair advantage of the situation but wanted to make sure that she still had a job. She knew that she could have asked for more, but, instead, went and sat on the chair again, slipped her shorts and knickers off, parted her legs, pointed to her stretched pussy lips, and ordered with a smile, “Say thank you."

Jeff smiled with relief as he quickly knelt down between Monica’s legs and kissed the inside of her thighs working up towards her pussy lips. He thought the fragrant smell of her vagina was wonderful and the taste of her sex juice so delicious as he started to lick her pussy lips and edged his tongue inside her. He liked the way that she placed her hands on the back of his head keeping him pressed onto her pussy lips. On and on he kissed and licked and kissed again and heard Monica’s increasingly erotic gasps. He kept going until he heard Monica let out a long and beautiful orgasmic sigh that told him that she had had an orgasm and was so delighted as he continued to gently lick and kiss her very wet pussy lips.

Monica knew that she had just had the most explosive of orgasms and was even more delighted that Jeff had done it so willingly. She let go of the back of his head and looked down at him, and saw that he stayed kneeling between her legs and looking up at her.

Jeff felt so at ease but still wanted to assure Monica and said, “Thank you again for spanking and caning me, Mistress Monica.”

Even though she had just cum, Monica felt further quivers flying around her vagina as Jeff continued to be so submissive. She took his face in her hands and kept smiling as she said, “Well, I think what we should do every time I come and clean for you is to decide if you need another spanking and caning. Perhaps, when I come into the house, if you need to be disciplined then address me as Mistress Monica, and continue to do so, but if not, then plain Monica will set the order of the day.”

Jeff was delighted with the authoritative tone that Monica was using and, to show his agreement, he replied with a submissive, “Yes, Mistress Monica.”

Monica and Jeff smiled at each other with both feeling relaxed and knowing they had enjoyed being the disciplinarian and the disciplined respectively. Of course, neither knew how it would work out over time, but then, they told themselves, who did at the start of a new relationship? They both had the right intent and that was the best start.

What transpired was rather different, though. After a couple of weeks it was clear that Jeff wanted to be disciplined every time that Monica cleaned for him, and as he showed increasing signs of submissiveness, Monica suggested, “I think that when I come in future, I will supervise you doing the cleaning of your house, and, if I think improvement is needed, I will tell you but reinforce it with a spanking and the cane.”

Jeff really loved the thought of being even more submissive to Monica, and readily agreed. “Yes, Mistress Monica,” he replied. What better, he thought, than being totally answerable to his teenage cleaner, who would now be his boss, and he got an erection just thinking about it.

Monica never minded cleaning and had other cleaning jobs. However, this would be so different for her and she loved the thought of being the sole arbiter in deciding when Jeff needed to be disciplined, rather than letting him decide.

 Both were now looking forward to their newly developed role-reversed relationship.


Written by Peter242
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