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Justice At Last - Chapter Two

"Helen has to get her punishment letter dealt with and asks her girlfriend"

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Helen Thomson was rubbing her bottom as she took the punishment letter from Georgina. She had tear-filled eyes and knew she also had tear streams down her face. She was still surprised she had actually cried during the caning as very few of the girls she caned at school did cry. Well, not unless they got nine or more strokes anyway. Still, she half smiled at Georgina and said, "Thank you for spanking and caning me. I deserved it. "She saw the momentary look of surprise on Georgina's face which quickly turned to a self-satisfactory looking smile as her ex-pupil turned and left the Punishment Room.

Once the door closed Helen supposed she felt the same relief the school girls felt after being punished and then left alone to get dressed. She quickly stepped back in to her knickers although in her haste forgot how tender her bottom was and gasped as the elastic scraped the wheals. She waited a moment and caught her breath before stepping in to her dress and sliding the straps up her arms and doing up the zip at the back.

Helen checked herself in the mirror and smiled as she saw her very pretty party dress. She so loved the thin straps and low cleavage line that showed off her full breasts. Clearly it was not something to wear in class but it made her feel so good when she wore it when socialising with her girlfriend, Diane. She took a deep breath knowing she would now have to leave the Punishment Room and hoped she didn’t see anyone else before leaving the school. She still needed the toilet to wipe the tears from her face, and of course deal with the orgasm she was still on the verge of experiencing.

Looking around and Helen knew she had to tidy the room up first. She put the cane back on the hook on the wall and the Punishment Log back in to the drawer. She then went to the door and listened carefully. She knew she would be coming out of the room by herself and would prefer it if no one saw her. As she opened the door a crack she saw the corridor was clear and walked out, closing the door behind her. She made her way to the staff toilets and went in to the ladies.

Fortuitously there was no one else in the toilets and Helen went up to the mirror washed the tears from her face. She never wore make-up at school so that wasn’t a problem. Her eyes were still red but she knew that they would clear in time. Then she did what she should have done in the Punishment Room. She raised her dress above her waist, turned, and looked at her bottom. She gasped at the six raised red wheals as well as at her reddened bottom. It was far redder and the wheals far fiercer than when she disciplined the school girls. No wonder she cried she told herself. It made her feel better now that she saw the state of her bottom.

After getting over the initial shock Helen ran her fingers along the wheals. It felt good, she thought. Equally, the stinging whilst persistent still had an erotic feel to it matched by the quivers deep in her pussy. She told herself that she really was still aroused by being disciplined.

So, keeping her dress up above her waist Helen went in to one of the cubicles. She was definitely feeling so aroused that she didn't want to wait until she got home particularly as she didn't know what reaction she would get to the punishment letter. She locked the cubicle door covered the toilet seat with toilet paper as she always did and then sat down on the toilet. She parted her legs and ran her fingers along her pussy lips. She was so wet and she started to gasp after just a few times running her finger up and down along her very damp pussy lips. She eased her fingers inside herself and found her taut clit and after just a few flicks gasped even more erotically and then let out her final long fantastically erotic gasp as she came so wonderfully.

Still breathing heavily but remembering where she was Helen listened carefully for any sounds of anyone else maybe in another cubicle. There weren't any. She decided to stay where she was for a few minutes and savour the continuing stinging all over her bottom. She stood and ran her fingers along the still raised wheals and pictured herself in her mind being caned and how she saw Georgina holding the cane as she glanced sideways at her. It was a gorgeous memory for her to take home. She even wondered if she would ever be caned again.

Helen heard a noise outside which jolted her back to the moment. She looked at her watch and knew time was pressing. She had told Diane, her girlfriend, that she would be a little over thirty minutes late. Well she knew she had been in the toilet the best part of fifteen minutes already and so straightened out her clothing and taking a deep breath she unlocked the cubicle door and walked out in to the general area. One of the trainee teachers was there and they smiled at each other. Helen hoped that her party dress wasn't too obviously not her school clothes but the trainee didn't say anything about that.

"Enjoying the play?" the trainee asked.

"As good as ever," Helen replied with a forced smile.

The trainee went in to a cubicle and Helen walked out in to the corridor. She knew to make her way outside as quickly as she could and was taken somewhat by surprise to bump in to Georgina and Amy. She exchanged as few words as possible but took on board Georgina's comment about enjoying this evening. Helen wasn't sure she would but had already decided she would present the punishment letter to Diane and ask to be spanked.

Helen didn’t meet anyone else as she walked out of the front of the school. She only lived a hundred yards away and was soon home. She unlocked the front door and walked in.

Diane came out of the living room and looked pretty annoyed.

"I hope you have a good excuse for being so late," Diane demanded.

Helen looked at her girlfriend. She was two years older than herself but still looked attractive with her short slightly greying hair, and she was wearing a lovely patterned summer short-sleeved dress with a hem halfway down her thighs with bare legs. She was already picturing herself across Diane’s lap but knew she had to focus with the discussion that she was now bound to have.

Helen took a deep breath and explained. "Well it was something slightly different. I was on my way out but got caught by one of the mums. Well, not actually a mum but more the guardian of one of the girls at the school. This particular lady was one of my pupils when she was at the school. I had caught her one time trying to skip out of school instead of attending a school play which all the school girls were supposed to attend. I took her to the Punishment Room and spanked her bare bottom." Helen stayed silent for a moment as she watched Diane take in what she was saying.

Diane asked in a surprised tone, "Surely you're not saying that this lady took you to the Punishment Room and spanked you?"

Helen replied in an apologetic tone, "Just that. I had to accept a bare bottom spanking and then six strokes of the cane."

Diane sounded indignant. "How come you didn't object and walk away?”

Helen swallowed hard and she replied more firmly, "You will remember that I have been caught twice missing mandatory events. If I got caught a third time I would definitely have been sacked."

Diane saw the sense of that and was rather more conciliatory. However, she still asked, "But if you were spanked by a girl you used to teach then she was rather younger than you, wasn't she?"

Helen had worked that out long ago but replied, "Well I don't suppose that age really matters now. It's not as though she was one of the current school girls."

Diane seemed to agree with that answer. She was still annoyed at missing dinner and the theater but now smirking she asked, "Well we can rush dinner and get to the theater or is your bottom hurting too much to sit down?”

Helen took another deep breath and held out the punishment letter. "You are right that my bottom is stinging. Even so, instead of going out we could deal with this?" Helen asked tentatively.

Diane looked suspiciously at the folded paper. "What is that," she asked.

Helen explained. "When a girl is disciplined at school, so every time she is spanked or caned, or both, then she takes a letter home and that asks her parent, or guardian, to give her another spanking. The letter has to be signed and returned in the morning. If unsigned then the girl gets a repeat punishment at school including a double detention and so a caning then as well. So, most parents spank the girl and sign the letter."

Diane realised that she had heard Helen describe the letter before. She was now acting annoyed as she said in an offhand tone, "Well I am neither your parent nor guardian. So, what do you do now?"

Helen was hoping that Diane would be more helpful but kept calm as she explained, "Well it isn't usual for an adult to be disciplined at school so this is an unusual example. However, I was, and although not my guardian you are my girlfriend and Georgina said that you could sign the letter." Helen looked hopefully at Diane.

Diane understood and smirked again. "You mean I should spank you? At your age?"

Helen pointed out the obvious although was unsure whether Diane was just being difficult. "Like I said I have been spanked and caned today. At my age."

Diane kept smirking. "That's true." She waited a moment before asking, "What's to stop a parent giving just a few smacks and claiming it was a full spanking?"

Helen shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's a matter of trust but the feedback we get is that the parents are generally in favour of the system. The girls can hardly complain at being spanked again because the letter has come from the school. So, it works for the parents who quite often insist on reinstating spanking at home as well for when the girls are naughty there."

Diane had a thoughtful look on her face as she commented, " So spanking happens in most families where the girls attend your school then?"

Helen replied truthfully, "Well, we reckon only about twenty per cent of the girls earn a spanking or the cane so it only applies to that kind of percentage of homes. But yes, it tends to become standard in those homes."

Diane said with a smirk, "So you would fall in to the twenty per cent then?"

Helen knew she had feared Diane coming to that conclusion. She knew what was inferred but didn't know if she wanted Diane to have disciplinary control over her. She had to accept though that she was always happy to let Diane decide what they did. She was always so busy at school and most nights brought home work to mark or she had to prepare for a class the following day. On the other hand, Diane had a nine to five job and could leave everything at the office. So, it was easy to hand control of the social diary to Diane and let her make all of the decisions. She knew she was also often short-tempered with Diane and wondered whether she had ever wanted to give her a good smacking. So on reflection Helen realised that their scenario was pretty much in the same way a parent had control of the school girl’s diary and maybe dealt with her bad behaviour. So maybe it made sense as well that she should be dealt with like a school girl as well, Helen reasoned?

When Helen didn't reply Diane pressed her. "I mean if you need me to sign that letter of yours then I need to know where we stand on this kind of thing, don't I?"

Helen knew she could ask Diane just to sign the letter and not spank her. However, she also knew from this afternoon how aroused she got and wanted to know whether Diane spanking her would give her the same flutters in her pussy. She knew she was getting aroused by the discussion already and that was a good indication of what a spanking would do to her.

So, Helen supposed she had no choice but to agree with Diane, "I guess you are right and that would put us in the twenty per cent of families where spanking at home is the standard discipline regime."

Helen could tell from the look on Diane's face that she had not expected her to concede so quickly, and maybe not at all. However, she had and Diane was looking thoughtful. Helen stood waiting for Diane's decision much as she made the school girls wait for her decision so often. In fact, she loved creating the self-pitying feeling of suspense in the school girls which was just what she was now feeling. It was a horrible feeling she now knew but erotic as well. She really was learning so much today she told herself.

Diane looked as though she had made her decision. She glared at Helen in a strict maternal way and said, "Well, we certainly have the time now that you were so late. If you were my daughter I would want to give you a spanking anyway for being so late." She held out her hand towards Helen and added, "So give me the letter so I can read what it says. I will deal with you and then sign the letter. Make no mistake though, I will be one of those "trusted," parents who will only give a very long and very hard spanking."

Helen wasn't sure whether she should be worried or relieved that Diane had agreed to spank her. At least she would be able to put behind her the threat of being reported to the headmistress for missing the mandatory attendance for the third time. She could now at least focus on what was likely to be another painful not to mention humiliating spanking which this time was going to be given by her girlfriend.

Diane unfolded the letter and read it. It explained that the parents were expected to participate in the disciplinary regime for their daughters and not to expect the school to have the sole responsibility for discipline. The parents were therefore expected to give their daughters a very long and very hard spanking when receiving one of these letters. They should not hold back. Discipline was an essential part of bringing up their daughter and if the parent was to play a full part in that process them they must instil in their daughter that discipline happens both at school and more particularly at home.

Diane could see that Helen was becoming more and more tense as she read the letter but she did not intend rushing reading it. She was enjoying watching the increasing look of concern on Helen's face.

Helen could tell that Diane was going to read the whole letter and from the look of her eyes she seemed to be down to where the tick boxes were. Helen knew what the questions were. Most of the questions were new. Originally only one question was asked. Did you give your daughter a spanking? However, in order to make the system more pressured for both the parent and school girl additional questions were asked. Did the spanking take more than ten minutes? Did you turn your daughters bottom bright red as well as the backs of her legs? Did your daughter cry uncontrollably? Did your daughter apologise and agree that spanking should become a standard form of discipline within the household and in particular for her? Notwithstanding the answer to the previous question, will you be introducing spanking as the standard form of discipline when your daughter misbehaves at home?

Helen was again getting more and more concerned as she watched Diane’s face as she was reading the letter.

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However, once again she reminded herself that she enjoyed making the school girls wait knowing that they were becoming more and more tense and worried. That was again exactly what was happening to her and she could feel how unsettling it was. That meant she would keep on doing it to the school girls. Once again, she knew that she was learning so much from today's discipline. As she thought that she realised that she was now feeling even more aroused by the wait. The tension aided that sensuous feeling. That, and the fact it was her beloved girlfriend who was in charge and who would decide exactly what would happen.

Diane looked up at Helen with a wicked smirk and a gleam in her eye and decided not to discuss the matter anymore at that time. What she noticed for the first time was that her position of authority was actually quite sensuous. She hadn’t thought before that domination was sexual but there were all those times she felt used as she looked after the always busy Helen. She was shown love in return but there were times when that didn’t quite do it. Like all the times dinner was spoilt because Helen stayed on at school too long. Like today. Maybe this was the answer, she wondered? Give her a good spanking when she needed it. Even at her age. So, feeling increasingly aroused she motioned to Helen to follow her as she walked over to the dining table.

Helen watched as Diane put the letter on the dining table and turned a chair into the room and sat down. Helen could see that Diane’s dress had mainly risen right up her thighs which were now pretty much bare. She thought Diane had lovely legs.

Diane looked at Helen and ordered, "I see that you are wearing one of my dresses. I don't want it to be creased and so please take it off." Diane was well aware that the dress did not allow for wearing a bra.

Helen didn't argue and did what she did earlier that day. She unzipped the back of the dress, let the straps slip down her arms, and then pushed the dress down to the floor, stepping out of it. Helen folded the dress and placed it on the table.

Diane ordered, "Your knickers as well."

Helen again followed Diane’s instructions pushing down her knickers and stepping out of them. She placed them on top of the dress.

With Helen now naked Diane shuffled around and pulled her dress right up her thighs. She liked the idea of having the naked Helen across her bare thighs.

Helen saw Diane pull her dress right up leaving her thighs bare. The thought of lying across her bare thighs sent more flutters through her pussy. She tensed her thighs to help the flutters along.

Diane saw Helen massage her pussy. She had seen Helen do it before particularly when watching her take a shower or a bath. Diane liked Helen tensing her thighs as it gave her another feeling of control. She would watch and then decide when to make Helen stop effectively masturbating by putting her own hand between Helen's legs and running her fingers along her already very wet pussy lips. Invariably Helen immediately reacted by doing the same to Diane.

Helen was breathing deeply which was another sign Diane recognised that she was aroused. So again taking control she ordered, “Get across my lap, Helen.”

Helen eased herself across Diane’s lap, enjoying the feel of her bare tummy on Diane’s bare thighs. They were thighs she had kissed so often before. Well the insides of Diane’s thighs as she edged her tongue towards Diane’s pussy lips.

Diane enjoyed the sight of Helen across her lap. She loved in particular her bare bottom looking up at her and she loved the softness of her bottom cheeks as she rubbed in circles. She particularly liked rubbing the raised red wheals on Helen’s bottom and started to imagine how they were made. Of course, she knew it was the caning but that was now part of her imagination and as she imagined so she felt the flutters criss-crossing her pussy.

Helen looked at the backs of Diane’s legs and saw her favourite toe nail polish both on Diane’s toes and her own which she saw under the far side of the chair. It helped her stay calm as her bottom was rubbed knowing that she would very soon suffer another pain-filled spanking. She felt worried knowing about the pain but also humiliation being across another woman’s lap today. The humiliation was greater given she was nearly fifty-years-old but was being disciplined like a child.

Diane nodded her head as she pursed her lips and raised her hand and brought her open palm down on Helen’s so beautiful bottom cheek. She felt a flutter deep in her pussy when she heard Helen gasp as she watched her bottom cheeks cascade as a reaction to her palm.

Helen was sure the pain of those first few spanks was increased because of the earlier spanking. She gasped as each spank landed.

As Diane landed spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks Helen was quickly dissolving into tears. Even so, Diane knew from the punishment letter that all parents were supposed to spank really hard. Therefore, she decided to continue with only hard spanks even though her beloved girlfriend was sobbing away.

Helen was struggling with the non-stop spanks much as she struggled when Georgina spanked her. She knew this was different because it was her girlfriend spanking her now and she had even wanted to be spanked this time around. She also knew that she wanted to accept Diane’s control over her. Working all hours was only her excuse to allow Diane to make all the decisions at home. Her need to be disciplined would just be another decision that she wanted Diane to make. Maybe it would even be rather more like a strict maternal discipline spanking and that the humiliation of being across her lap simply added to the punishment. Either way she knew she was aroused by the thought of it.

Whilst Diane had never spanked anyone before she knew from conversations that she had with friends who were regularly spanked when younger that whilst initially it was right to spank on alternate bottom cheeks the pain was increased markedly when spanking the same bottom cheek time and again perhaps a dozen or more times. So once Diane felt that Helen’s bottom cheeks were sufficiently redder than before she started to spank the same bottom cheek time and again. This increased the amount of grunts and gasps coming from Helen.

Helen found herself squirming around on Diane’s bare thighs and at the same time she was kicking her legs as the spanks landed time and again on the same bottom cheek. This was so like the spankings she gave the school girls yet she felt that she was finding it harder to cope than most of them did. She couldn't understand that except maybe it was because this was her second spanking within hours. Maybe she would try that at school with a particularly naughty schoolgirl? However, that would be for another day as right now she could do nothing to protect herself from the continuing hard and persistent spanks.

Diane remembered that as well as spanking the bottom cheeks she also had to spank the tops of the legs. As she started to do that she realised that the gasps and cries and grunts coming from Helen were far louder than when she was spanking her bottom cheeks. Still, she knew she had to continue spanking her legs in order to make this the long and hard spanking that she was expected to give. Although Diane knew that as a girlfriend it wasn't absolutely necessary to keep totally to the punishment letter, it seemed to her that as Helen had brought the letter back and made a point of giving it to her she must have expected the long and hard spanking described in it. She also knew that as Helen had so often given the same letter to her pupils she knew exactly what was expected of the parent.

Helen struggled even more with the spanks to the backs of her legs just as she knew the girls at school did when she spanked their legs. She only did that to the particularly naughty girls but she never minded listening to their very unhappy grunts and gasps.

Once Diane was happy that Helen's legs were as red as her bottom cheeks she surmised that she had given a hard-enough spanking. So she stopped and listening to Helen's persistent crying rubbed her bottom cheeks and gave maternal shush shushing sounds. As Helen calmed down Diane extended her calming rubbing to the backs of her legs and edged her hand down between her thighs. When she saw Helen spread her legs she knew for sure that she was aroused but didn’t know whether it was the spanking or the rubbing or maybe even both.

Helen realised that she was calming down very quickly once the spanks stopped. She loved the way that Diane was rubbing her bottom and then the backs of the legs. It was an unconscious movement to part her legs but when she felt Diane’s hands rubbing the inside of her thighs the erotic flutters deep inside her vagina started again with a vengeance. She now had no doubt whatsoever that she was aroused by being spanked.

By the time Helen parted her legs Diane was no longer surprised to find that she was aroused by being spanked. She had seen so many signs already. What did surprise her, though, was that she also felt aroused by giving Helen the spanking. She actually enjoyed making the spanking as painful as she could, knowing that Helen actually welcomed it.

Once Diane had parted her legs and raised her bottom Diane almost naturally ran her fingers along her already wet pussy lips. The gasps and groans coming from Helen told Diane just how aroused Helen was. However, as the flutters raced around her own vagina she knew that she was getting aroused as well. She held back her own sexual enjoyment though as it was Helen who had suffered the pain and humiliation of a bare bottom spanking, Diane had no compunction in edging her fingers inside Helen's pussy, finding her clit, flicking it, and bringing her to an orgasmic climax. She left her fingers inside Helen’s pussy even after that climax knowing it would help bring her back to a climax later on.

Helen settled down as she lay across Diane's lap looking albeit through her blurred vision at the backs of her girlfriend’s legs. She now knew that it was a feeling of humiliation that she savoured and wanted to experience again.

Diane could see that Helen had recovered although she fully expected her bottom to be stinging for many hours and no doubt well into tomorrow. Even so, she said lovingly, "I think it should be an early bedtime for you, my girl."

Helen eased herself up from Diane’s lap and as soon as she stood up she started to rub her bottom feverishly. She looked dolefully at Diane and said, "Do I really have to go to bed early by myself?"

Diane kept a straight face for a few moments before breaking out into a smile and saying in a forced stern voice, "I've just given you the best orgasm so I expect to come to bed with you and you give me the same."

Helen beamed a smile back as she continued to rub her bottom. That was music to her ears and she could already feel herself getting aroused at the thought of making love to her girlfriend.

Diane looked seriously at Helen and asked, “I definitely enjoyed what we have just done. Is it a one off or should I tick that last box in the letter?"

Helen replied smiling, "Please do tick that last box. You can set all of the rules and give me a hard spanking every single time I break one. I think this will make our already loving relationship last forever."

Diane leaned forward and kissed Helen on the lips. She smiled as she took a pen from the sideboard, went back to the table, ticked every single box in the letter including the last one, and then signed the letter.

Helen knew she would put the letter in an envelope and give it to Amy in the morning. Actually she would no doubt exchange it with one from Amy signed by Georgina.

Diane led a still sobbing and naked Helen up the stairs and into the bedroom. She guided Helen to the bed told her to lie on it. On her side and not her back although she supposed Helen would realise that soon enough. She then proceeded to slip her dress down her arms pushing it down to the floor stepping out of it and putting it on the chair. She unclipped her bra letting the straps slide down her arms, catching it, and putting it on top of the dress. Finally, she pushed her knickers down towards the floor, stepped out of them, and put them on top of her other clothes. She turned and stood looking down at Helen savouring the thought of making love.

Helen lay on the bed wiping the tears away from her eyes as she watched as best she could Diane undressing. As Diane stepped out of her knickers and stood back up Helen felt even more aroused than before at the thought of making love. She was now certain that the stinging cascading around her bottom increased her feeling of desire for what she now lovingly saw as her dominant partner.

Diane eased herself down on to the bed and cuddled up to Helen. Smiling, she pressed her lips against Helen’s and kissed her.

Helen opened her mouth and welcomed in Diane’s searching tongue, entwined it, and kissed her back.

They each caressed the other, kissing and sucking the others breasts and taut nipples, caressing the others tummy and back, even kissing the others bottom. In particular, Diane loved kissing Helen’s hot and whealed bottom. Helen equally enjoyed Diane kissing and licking her stinging bottom.

Diane knew that she was aroused by spanking Helen. She now saw it as a natural progression to her position within the relationship. She knew that Helen would want to continue to be the busy working partner whilst she was happy to take all the decisions within the household. Now that decision-making was extended to discipline. She knew that she would be happier knowing that if Helen was late for dinner, or left her clothes strewn over the bedroom floor, or did any one of innumerable other things, that she would be able to ease her own tension by taking Helen across her lap and give her a thoroughly hard and long spanking. She also intended buying some canes so that she could use them on her. She was pretty sure that Helen would welcome that as well.

As Helen and Diane manoeuvred themselves around and were each happily licking the others wet pussy lips, pressing their tongues inside, and bringing the other to orgasm, both knew that the new element of discipline within their relationship would work well for both of them.


Written by SusanHarper
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