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"Dave’s girlfriend wanted to spank him, but didn’t believe that ever actually happened."

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Nineteen-year-old Jessie was fed up with the way Dave, her boyfriend, put himself first all the time. She liked him a lot and was sure he liked her although it did seem a bit strange because he was forty-two years old. One of Dave’s most annoying features was that he was constantly late when he and Jessie were due to meet up.

Jessie was so annoyed one time because Dave forgot all about that they were supposed to be going out to dinner, she blurted out, "I think that with your lack of memory I should give you a good spanking."

Dave laughed and said, "That’s crazy talk, Jessie. Girls just don’t spank their boyfriends.”

Jessie said firmly, “I bet they do.” She didn’t know any of her girlfriends who did, though, to be fair.

Dave said with a smirky smile, “Anyway, what with our age difference shouldn’t it be me spanking you?”

Jessie replied sternly, “Our age difference isn’t the issue, Dave. You need to remember better and I reckon me spanking you would do it.”

Dave laughed again and was so confident that he suggested, “Well, if you can find someone your age who spanks their boyfriend my age then I will let you spank me.”

The following weekend, on Jessie's recommendation, they went to a restaurant called, "Eat or Else." 

Dave joked, "Which I guess really means eat and behave?"

"That’s the idea,” Jessie replied. After a moment, she added with a wicked sneer, “But I do know they have a spanking area for those who don’t live up to their girlfriend’s expectations." 

Dave laughed and said, "Well you had better behave, or else you might find yourself across my lap, young lady."

"I'll certainly bear the threat in mind Dave," Jessie replied hiding her smile as she had other plans. 

As they sat down Dave looked at the menu and asked Jessie what she wanted but hadn’t really looked around the restaurant to see the activity that was happening.

"Look at that Dave," Jessie said pointing at a table close-by. 

Dave saw a man of about his own age standing at a table chatting happily to a girl who looked about twenty years old who was seated. What was noticeable was that the man was rubbing his bottom. Dave showed signs of concern when he saw a man doing the same at another table, and even went over to the man and asked, “Why don't you sit down?"

"I can't," he laughed blushing, adding, “I’ve got a sore bottom."

"How come?" Dave asked. 

The man answered in a surprised tone, "Don't you know about this place? They have a spanking room. In fact, several."

"I thought the waitresses took some of the diners there if they wanted to be spanked?" Dave asked warily. 

The man looked quizzically at Dave as he replied, "No. However, my girlfriend just took me and so I can’t sit too comfortably now as she gave me a proper spanking.” After a moment the man asked, “Don’t you get spanked at home?”

Dave swallowed hard and replied, “No.”

Just then another man who looked Dave’s age came back into the restaurant and was rubbing his bottom and Dave looked quizzically at him and then glanced at Jessie.

Jessie could see Dave was learning and watched smiling as Dave went over to one of the other men who was standing at a table occupied by one girl who looked the same age as her and was seated.

Dave explained, "This is the first time I have brought my girlfriend to this restaurant, and whilst I knew about the spanking area and thought it a good idea, I thought only those who wanted to get spanked got taken there."

"Well, you got that wrong, chum. We get dealt with by the one in charge, and in our relationship, it's my girlfriend," he replied ruefully. 

Jessie could see Dave looking more and more downcast as he realised she had produced exactly what he had never expected which was to find boyfriends spanked by their girlfriends. Worse actually because he could see several men standing and rubbing their bottoms whilst their girlfriends were all sitting comfortably on their chairs, showing the girlfriends had spanked their boyfriends already.

As Jessie watched Dave speak to some of the other men who were standing, she played over in her mind just how they had come to this particular restaurant. Jessie had been feeling more and more isolated from her friends as there had now been so many occasions when she had made arrangements to see her friends but Dave was late. They even missed theatre or cinema starting times which her friends were fed up with and had made it clear to her she should dump him or get him to arrive on time. Slowly but surely, Jessie lost her friends because of Dave, and found more and more solace with online girlfriends.

Years ago, Jessie had been late pretty regularly. However, discipline was a feature of the household and she had been regularly spanked when she been late. Now Jessie was with Dave she could see how wrong she had been and that being spanked had worked.

Jessie had discussed this with some of her friends on social networking sites. A number of them had been in a similar position to her and they had decided that they had to alter their boyfriend’s approach to them. Some had done this by agreeing with their boyfriends that if they were at fault then they should be entitled to give their boyfriends verbal warnings and if that did not work, they should then, as a last resort, be entitled to give them a spanking. It was clear that several of her friends on the social networking site had indeed spanked their boyfriends, however, none lived close by and Jessie knew that it would be impossible to convince Dave about this simply by reporting what was said on a networking site. 

Jessie asked whether anyone knew how she could prove to Dave that some girls did spank their boyfriends. One of her friends told her about a chain of restaurants that had in them a spanking area. The intention was that girlfriends could take their badly behaving boyfriends and give them a spanking to teach them a lesson before bringing them back to their tables. Of course, the same happened if it was the girlfriend was the naughty partner and needed to be spanked by the boyfriend. However, Jessie knew she was the one who would be giving the spanking in their relationship.

Jessie researched the chain of restaurants on the Internet and fortunately discovered a restaurant within the chain that was located close by. It was clear that the most local of the restaurants said the spanking area was intended to be used by girls, in particular, to spank their boyfriends although it was made clear that no man could be forced to accompany their girlfriend to the spanking area. It could only be done when both the girl and her boyfriend, or husband, agreed that that was what was needed.

So, when Dave said testily to Jessie that he would accept a spanking from her if she could show one other man who accepted being spanked by his girlfriend, Jessie knew her game plan must be to get Dave to go with her to the restaurant so that there would be undoubted proof of men being spanked by their girlfriends. 

It wasn't even that easy for Jessie to make the arrangement because she made two bookings which Dave cancelled at the last minute because he had something, "important,” to do. Jessie was angry because on the second occasion Dave cancelled so that he could watch a football match on television and even expected Jessie to sit and watch it with her, so she hatched her plan whilst sitting there watching although Dave never suspected.

However, on the third occasion, Dave accompanied her to the restaurant. Jessie was tense because she knew this could be a crucial point in her relationship with Dave but she did have to smile to herself though as they approached the restaurant because she knew that Dave was totally unaware of why that specific restaurant had been chosen. She had dressed, though, hoping for success with a sleeveless red and white very short dress and with bare legs because if Dave was going across her lap, then he may as well have a good view of her legs, she reckoned.

Having now spoken to so many men who had been spanked Dave realised that he would have to honour his promise and went over to Jessie. He noticed that she had a rather smug look on her face so she knew what he was going to say. "I guess you have proved your point, Jessie, so we had better go to the spanking area."

Jessie looked pointedly at Dave and asked in a stern voice, "Just to be clear Dave, you are asking me to take you to the spanking area so that I can give you a spanking?"

"I am,” Dave replied sullenly, adding, “I have to keep my promise.”

Jessie stood up with that same smug look, pointed towards the spanking area, and commanded, "Come with me Dave and I will put you across my knee and give you the spanking you deserve so much."

Dave knew that Jessie had spoken loudly so that those around the restaurant would hear and as he walked towards the spanking area, he was aware of the sympathetic looks from the men but wicked smiles from several of the girls and was quickly coming to realise that this would not be the only spanking that his girlfriend would be giving him.

Jessie opened the door to an empty cubicle and closed it after Dave walked in. 

Dave looked around and was surprised to see the wooden paddles on the wall as he had assumed it would be a hand spanking which he reckoned he would easily cope with, but he wasn't so sure about the array of implements that Jessie could use on him, though. 

Dave turned and looked at Jessie and thought how young she looked as she was still a teenager and therefore so much younger than himself yet she was acting so confidently with an air of maturity about her that surprised him. So, as relatively young as she was, he was about to be put across her lap and spanked. Dave thought momentarily about the other men in the restaurant and now knew that a man being spanked by his girlfriend was something that really did happen to others and now to him. 

So, as he watched Jessie sit down and pout her lips before ordering him, "Get those trousers and pants down Dave." He was ready to accept the spanking which he now knew he really had earned as his own arrogance and disregard for Jessie’s feelings was a justifiable reason to be spanked.

Of course, he remembered being spanked by one of his female teachers at college fairly regularly when he was younger and now Jessie was taking on that instructive role herself. He also now knew that he needed a strong woman to discipline him just as maybe every man needed, and this young woman was certainly about to do just that and it didn't matter that she was only nineteen years old as she had earned the right to spank him and for all the people in the restaurant to know it.

Dave also now knew that that was always the intent of the restaurant and actually it was a really good service to offer for both boyfriends who needed to be disciplined and their girlfriends who were forced to take on a disciplinarian role within the relationship. 

Moments later Dave lay across Jessie’s lap and felt her hand rubbing his bottom, and, he looked at the backs of her legs, and once again he reminded himself that although only nineteen years old she was the right person to discipline him just as he was now sure that each man in the restaurant rubbing his bottom also needed to be disciplined by their girlfriends. 

"I can't tell you how much you deserve this Dave," Jessie said firmly. "I hope it teaches you a lesson that you will remember."

Next moment Jessie raised her hand and brought it down hard on Dave’s bare bottom. She gave the handprint a satisfying nod as she landed her next spank on Dave’s other bare bottom cheek and continued to land harder and harder spanks all across Dave’s bottom turning both bare bottom cheeks a darker and darker shade of red. 

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Dave stayed across Jessie’s lap knowing he could get up by force but also that as each spank landed, he was telling himself that he must be more aware of her needs and that as she had had to put up with his poor timekeeping for so long what she was doing now was justice. He also wanted to keep on going out with her, and maybe even marry her, as he so loved who she was, and reckoned this was a small price to pay.

Jessie was initially surprised that Dave stayed across her lap as she spanked him, but the longer the spanking went on the more confident she became and the harder she spanked. Once she saw that Dave’s bottom was a lovely shade of red, as were the tops of his legs, she leaned across and picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush she had decided would be right for her to use. Indeed, once she had landed several hard spanks of the hairbrush on Dave’s bottom, she became more determined to keep disciplinary control in the future.

Dave on the other hand seemed happier and happier to accept the intensifying punishment. Having seen the men in the restaurant chatting so happily with their girlfriends who had just spanked them he had started to become jealous of what seemed to be a far happier relationship than he had had with Jessie, and if the acceptance of disciplinary control by Jessie over him was the deciding factor, then he wanted to accept all of that in return for a more fulfilling relationship. Once again, he told himself that had she been his age he would still most likely be under her control albeit probably verbal rather than physical. However, given that Jessie was just nineteen years old her having physical disciplinary control over him made good sense.

Jessie reminded herself that the reason she had picked this particular restaurant was that some of her online girlfriends had already taken disciplinary control over their boyfriends. Those friends had told Jessie how their relationship with their boyfriends developed and they were far happier than ever before, and, now spanking Dave, she was convinced that if she maintained that control then she too could experience a far happier relationship.

Jessie continued to land spanks with the hairbrush until Dave’s bottom was glowing bright red. She was also very conscious of the fact that Dave was crying uncontrollably and had been squirming around on her lap and kicking his legs and yet was still obediently submissively across her lap. So, hopefully, she told herself, learning from the experience of her online friends, she was now more confident than ever that she would be able to maintain disciplinary control over Dave, and that he would become a far more thoughtful boyfriend because of it. So, with a flourish, she landed a further dozen spanks all over his bottom before deciding he had taken enough punishment on this first occasion.

Looking at Dave’s head and seeing the tears running down his face and his chest heaving she said in a more relaxed tone, "Okay Dave, you can get up now."

Dave eased himself up from Jessie’s lap and stood looking submissively at her whilst rubbing his stinging bottom feverishly.

Jessie was still worried Dave might be angry with her, but as he was still busily rubbing his bottom several moments later and he remained silent, except for his sobbing, she reckoned he was simply waiting for her instructions. She also saw his erect penis which she had not noticed before which made her wonder whether he was aroused by the spanking? Then, thinking about it, she realised her knickers were damp and she wasn’t just elated at having spanked Dave but the adrenalin had really lifted her spirits.

"Did you learn your lesson, Dave?" Jessie asked.

Dave replied between sobs, “I did Jessie and I will definitely do much more to consider your needs in the future as I really do want to have a full relationship with you and I can see that you having the right to spank me when I fail is exactly what I need."

Jessie kept a straight face as she listened to Dave but was delighted with his attitude. Even so and maybe because of it, she said firmly, "So just to be clear Dave, whenever you fail to do the right thing, you will accept my decision to put you back across my lap and to spank your bare bottom?"

Dave felt his penis stiffen even further at what Jessie had said as he told himself that he had learned several things today including that men who accept their girlfriend’s disciplinary control can actually be far happier than those who think they should retain control. His own erection proved it so he looked at Jessie with new respect and even though she was just a teenager he would now much rather accept her even very strict disciplinary control than continue as he had been. “Yes, Jessie, that is exactly what I agree to,” he said submissively.

"Get dressed then Dave," Jessie ordered. 

Dave happily pulled up his underpants and trousers but was still rubbing his bottom and looked at Jessie waiting for her next instruction. 

Jessie went over to Dave and put her arms around his neck, kissed him passionately, and said, "I think we will be fine Dave, now you accept my disciplinary control."

"I think so too," Dave readily agreed, and blushed as he added, "Probably a vast improvement actually."

"I think you are right there, Dave," Jessie agreed enjoying watching Dave keep on rubbing his bottom. 

Jessie and Dave left the cubicle and saw another cross-looking young girl with a worried looking older boyfriend outside and clearly the cubicle was about to get new occupants for another spanking. 

Jessie and Dave went back to the seating area of the restaurant. Jessie sat at the table and watched as Dave went over to speak to another man who was standing rubbing his bottom and soon they were both smiling as they chatted.

A girl came over and sat down next to Jessie. “First time here?” the girl asked. “I’m Melissa by the way.”

“It is. I’m Jessie,” she replied smiling happily at the friendly-looking girl.

Melissa explained, “I’m nineteen years old and was worried at first but my boyfriend quickly got used to obeying me and we really do have a great relationship now.” After a moment Melissa smirked and added with a knowing grin, “The sex after a spanking is something else as well as we both perform much better when he has a sore bottom, actually.”

“Really?” Jessie asked surprised. However, she thought again how damp her knickers were and Dave’s erect penis, and she really did want sex right then.

Melissa continued, “I give him two types of spanking. One type when I want sex and we both enjoy those spankings, but the second though are disciplinary ones. I have a set of rules he has to keep to or else earns him a spanking. I got them from a website and then I added loads of ones specific to him, and now I spank him maybe once a week but he says he is happier knowing the boundaries I have set for him. In fact, I’ll email my list to you and then you can add your own rules, and it is really useful to have a long list as then your boyfriend won't complain if he breaks a rule and you spank him. Either way, you can reckon on spanking him twice a week for quite a while and maybe more often until he learns, and then it should settle down a bit. Also, make no mistake that it's hard work maintaining strict discipline and it can be really tiring spanking him but you must persevere to get the best results. Still, we have sex after both types of spanking and the sex is really great."

"Hey thanks, Melissa, that sounds like great advice, particularly imposing the set of rules," Jessie said enthusiastically. 

When Melissa went back to her own table Dave came back over and bent down and gave Jessie a hug. "I've been chatting to some of the other men. They all say the same, Jessie, that you need to set out some rules so I know what I need to do to avoid a spanking."

Jessie smiled and replied, "Sure thing Dave, I'll have a set of rules for you tomorrow." 

"Great Jessie," Dave replied smiling. He added blushing, "The others reckon I'll get spanked twice a week for a while but I said I would be better behaved than that,"

Jessie smiled confidently. "Time will tell Dave, but either way I'll be very strict but fair and you can be sure that I will spank you only when you deserve to be spanked."

"I can't ask for more than that," Dave said smiling. 

When Dave was looking eagerly around the restaurant Jessie looked over towards Melissa and mouthed, ‘Thank you.’

As Dave went off to talk to some of the other men who had been spanked today Jessie got out her tablet and took the opportunity to go onto the social networking site and report back to her online friends that she had successfully given Dave a bare bottom spanking reducing him to tears but also getting him to accept she had disciplinary control over him from now on. 

Several messages came back congratulating her on her success whilst others said that they were encouraged to find ways to do the same themselves. It was clearly a growing movement amongst women who believed their own lives would be improved greatly if they could hold over their boyfriends or husbands the threat of a spanking. All the girls knew from experience how that worked at colleges that retained corporal punishment and so knew the same could apply so easily at home with them being the ones in disciplinary control. 

Dave came back over to her smiling while still rubbing his bottom and happily pointed out to her which men had been spanked in the spanking area today, and he even pointed out some men who had told him how their girlfriends spanked them on a regular basis and how that had helped improve their relationship. Dave explained happily, “It was based upon the confidence that they were spanked only when they had fully deserved to be, and they all said that was the case.”

He added after a moment, “There was a mixture of spankings. Mostly they were when they broke the rules and they were more like proper discipline but they still had sex afterwards as the men were, like, good boys again. However, it turns out that on other times the women spanked their boyfriends or husbands because he asked her to as it turned them on. That would be OK as well, Jessie,” he said awkwardly but Jessie could see the bulge in his trousers.

It was then that Jessie told herself she would definitely give Dave both types of spanking and then have sex afterwards. She was looking forward to getting back home tonight, in fact, as she was staying over at Dave’s.

Jessie heard raised voices behind her or rather one of the girls telling her boyfriend off as she took him by the arm and lead him to the spanking area. Jessie smiled and noticed Dave was also smiling just like a sibling happy he wasn't the one about to be spanked. 

Dave looked thoughtful as the girl led her boyfriend towards the spanking area and pictured in his mind looking down at Jessie’s lap knowing that he was about to bend down across it. He knew that even with the threat of being spanked there would be many an occasion when he failed to do whatever Jessie would tell him to do and that he would no doubt make that same trip across her lap time and again. However, he trusted Jessie only to spank him when he needed to be spanked and so knew that he would be happy with the new discipline regime. 

Jessie could see how Dave was already of the mindset to accept her control which she reckoned wasn’t half bad for a nineteen-year-old and was ever more confident that she had the makings of a happy future ahead of her, albeit that it was going to involve putting her forty-two-year-old boyfriend across her lap time and again so that she could spank his bare bottom every time he deserved to be spanked by her. Maybe, though, it would soon be Dave her husband she was disciplining, and she hoped so.

Written by Peter242
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