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Ben’s Learning Curve

"Ben is talked into being spanked by his girlfriend"

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Ben was sixteen-years-old and Emma was twenty-two-years-old.

Much to Ben’s amazement, Emma was his girlfriend after they had met at a friend’s party. Emma was the older sister of someone else invited to the party and a few older brothers and sisters were there. Emma struck up a conversation with Ben and at the end of the evening, it was Emma who asked Ben out.

“You were the best of a bad bunch,” Emma joked.

Ben didn’t mind the joke as he thought Emma was so gorgeous looking and he was more than happy to go out with her.

Their first date was going to a dance where Emma was in a sleeveless dress with a hem that only just covered her bottom, showing off her great legs, and well-toned arms and Ben loved how her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders, and he got a hard-on just looking at her.

Ben was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and thought he looked good.

However, Emma told herself she would have to teach her new young man a thing or two about dressing, particularly if they were going to be out with her friends as they were all so fashion conscious.

During the date, they got on very well. Emma was chatty and Ben felt relaxed even though he still couldn’t get over having a twenty-two-year-old girlfriend.

Emma and Ben saw each other every few days and became closer and closer until Emma decided after a couple of weeks that Ben should now meet her friends as he was dressed more suitably and she was ready to show her young boyfriend off to her friends. It was a Friday evening and they were going to Sarah’s house after dinner and most of her friends would be there.

Ben saw Emma as she opened the door and was blown away by how fabulous she looked in a vest top and skirt. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as her bare arms had a sensual look whilst her low-cut vest top showed off her curves, her flowing hair was film star-like, and she wore a really short skirt and her bare legs were downright sexy.

Partway through the meal, Ben talked about school. Emma wasn’t worried as she was still in education, albeit in the first year at Uni, instead of only in Year 11 as Ben was. Still, that was still no particular issue for Emma who felt an increasing attraction for a boy only a few years younger than herself believing, she could teach him a thing or two about life.

After dessert, Ben was feeling ever more confident about having an older girlfriend, and to show off he announced with a tone of bravado, “I got a detention yesterday.”

“What was the detention for?” Emma asked casually. It didn’t sound like it was going to be that interesting, she thought.

Ben said, “My form teacher complained that I was a nuisance in class and a bad influence on the others, and so gave me the detention.”

Emma shot Ben a surprised look and asked, “Are you a bad influence?”

Ben gave a cocky laugh as he replied, “I play about a bit as lessons are so boring.”

Emma wasn’t impressed and asked, “What do the others do?”

Ben didn’t realise that Emma didn’t like the fact he messed around in class and smiled as he replied, “Some laugh, although of course, there are lots of goody-goodies who look annoyed and don’t like it that the lesson is disrupted.”

Emma admonished Ben, saying in a sterner tone of voice, “Well, I can understand that, Ben, as they go to school to learn.”

“Tough, huh?” Ben replied arrogantly.

Emma wasn’t happy that her boyfriend was disruptive at school as a couple of her friends had younger sisters in Ben’s class, but now she realised that when told there was someone in their class that was disruptive that it was in fact Ben, so Emma asked, “Did the detention teach you a lesson?”

Ben was surprised by the question and maintained his, ‘I don’t care about the rules,’ tone as he replied with a scoff, “No, as what detention teaches you anything? There’s nothing the school can do to make me change the way I act, is there?”

Emma gave Ben a thoughtful look, and said, “There is one thing.” After a moment's pause, she added, “You could have got a good spanking.”

“Yeah right,” Ben replied in a tone that told Emma he was making fun of her.

“I know plenty of guys who still get spanked. In fact, girls and boys that is,” Emma said flatly.

“Really?” Ben laughed and said, “If my teacher tried to spank me, I’d resist and I’m too strong to get forced.”

Emma didn’t like the attitude Ben was showing and replied again with a firmness in her voice, “Actually, Ben, a good spanking might wise you up a bit.”

“Who’s going to do it then?” Ben asked in a testy tone, still enjoying showing his older girlfriend he knew more than her.

Emma glared at Ben and, putting her hands together on the table, replied, “Maybe me,” she said aggressively.

Ben was surprised at Emma’s forceful tone and looked warily at her, and although she looked angry, she still looked gorgeous as well, but wondered how to respond to her threat, and asked tentatively, “What do you mean, Emma? Are you saying you would spank me?”

Emma kept glaring at Ben with her hands clasped together firmly, and replied, “That’s right, Ben. Some of my friends have brothers and sisters in your class and I didn’t realise when they told me there was a disruptive boy in the class who was really annoying and childish, that they meant you. So that means they will be upset with me if I go out with you and you still disrupt their siblings' classes.”

Ben didn’t want to break up with Emma as he had become a bit of a, ‘Big I am,’ amongst his friends having a girlfriend so much older than himself, and in an anxious tone asked, “You don’t mean it, do you, Emma?”

Emma stayed resolute, replying firmly, “I do mean it, Ben. We are set to go and see some of my friends this evening and I know they will make some pretty pointed comments, but, at least if I have spanked you, I can say you are sorting yourself out.”

Ben was worried as he replied, “But if you say you spanked me what will your friends think of me?”

“That’s true,” Emma admitted, but quickly continuing, “So, what if I spank you but don’t tell my friends because I can still say we have discussed it and you will do better. How about that?”

Ben thought that was a bit better, but, even so, it still meant his girlfriend spanking him, so he asked almost pleading, “Do you have to, Emma? Can’t I just try to be better?”

Emma didn’t expect to actually spank Ben, but was pressing him to scare him into changing, and so decided to push him further as she said, “I would feel a lot happier if I taught you a sharp lesson.”

Ben groaned glumly but was weighing up whether he should accept the spanking to keep his girlfriend.

Emma could see Ben was actually thinking about taking a spanking and was astounded because for her it had all been an act. Sure, her friends had told her that someone was disruptive but none told her it was Ben nor asked her about sorting it out. It was just finding out that set her off, but more as a joke just to wind Ben up.

Ben licked his lips and asked, “How many spanks, then, Emma?”

Emma was about to tell him it was a joke but suddenly thought it might be a lot of fun putting her boyfriend across her lap, so she said with just an edge of impatience, “That’s my decision, Ben, when you are across my lap.”

Ben scrunched up his face and said, “OK, then, Emma, I’ll take the spanking.”

Emma kept a straight face as she sat on an upright chair and pointed to the floor by her side, glared up at Ben and ordered, “Get over here, Ben.” 

Ben walked over and stood exactly where Emma pointed.

“Get your trousers and underpants down,” Emma then instructed.

Ben undid the button and zip of his trousers and, catching his underpants with his thumbs, quickly lowered them both to his knees, and looked at Emma who he thought momentarily looked like she was enjoying his embarrassment, but he didn’t say anything as her face hardened as she tapped her thigh.

Emma fought hard to keep a straight face and almost lost her self-control as she watched Ben lower his clothes, however, she recovered just in time and now Ben was easing himself down across her lap.

Ben looked at Emma’s bare thighs as he started his manoeuvre to get across her lap and it just then struck him how his penis was going to be directly on Emma’s bare thighs. This was going to be the first time his penis would be touched by a woman, which was sensational, and indeed was the most fantastic feeling as he lowered his full weight onto her thighs and so pressed his penis down onto her bare skin.

Of course, the sexual feeling lasted only a few moments and that feeling soon disappeared as he felt Emma’s hand rubbing his bottom.

Emma said sternly, “Don’t even think about getting up, Ben, and I’m going to give you a spanking until your bottom is bright red.” She let the comment sink in and then added, “I used to get spanked when I was your age, Ben, so I know how to give a really hard spanking.”

Ben was surprised by the comment and asked, “What for, Emma?” Ben wasn’t expecting a discussion when across Emma’s lap, but knew it certainly made him focus.

Emma smiled at the back of Ben’s head as she explained, “I was at boarding school where I was one of the goody goodies you mentioned, and the house mistress used to spank us girls and boys because a test mark was too low. It was the incentive I was given to make sure I worked hard and I bet it worked and that my marks were higher than your marks would be,” Emma teased.

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“I don’t get great marks in tests,” Ben admitted.

Emma said, “Well, I got spanked to make me work harder.” Emma knew she had never been spanked, although she was a goody goody and hated it if anyone in the class messed about, but used the lie to make her point, though.

“Did it work?” Ben asked looking at the floor.

Emma smiled again as she replied, “It did, as revising for a test knowing a low mark would get me another spanking tended to work. So, maybe the threat of a spanking would get your marks better, and I could be the one to spank you as I am your girlfriend.”

Ben thought about the suggestion and reckoned that if it happened then at least he wouldn’t be the only sixteen-year-old who ever got spanked.

Emma saw Ben’s head drop slightly and reckoned he was reconciled to the spanking which was a spanking she had never intended giving him but, now it was imminent, she saw the upside and even the comic side as how many girls get to spank their boyfriends, she wondered?

So, Emma gave Ben a hard smack on his far bottom cheek, and there was no sign of resistance and, in fact, Ben let out a gasp which indicated both that it hurt and that he was going to stay across her lap, for a while anyway. Emma then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks and enjoyed watching Ben’s bottom turn a deeper and deeper shade of pink.

“You had better learn from this, Ben,” Emma said sternly as she continued to land spanks on his bare and reddening bottom as she reckoned that she should tell him off as she spanked.

“I will, Emma, I promise,” Ben replied between gasps as he started to struggle with the spanks.

Ben looked at Emma’s toes which were painted and he became fixated by them and was focussing on them as his bottom was spanked as it took his mind off the continuing spanks. It worked for a while, at least until his bottom started to sting.

“You’ll stop being disruptive in class won’t you, Ben?” Emma demanded as she continued to land spank after spank, still not quite believing she was spanking her boyfriend but liked the thought that he saw her as being in charge of him.

“Yes, Emma,” Ben replied quickly. “It hurts, Emma,” Ben then complained, as he did actually find the spanking rather more painful than he had expected.

“Good,” Emma replied firmly. “It’s a spanking so it is supposed to hurt, and, in fact, the more it hurts the quicker you’ll learn, just so you know.”

Ben stopped arguing as he knew he was disruptive in class, although he didn’t want to be but it was just that he was near the bottom of the class and some of the cleverer kids spoke down to him, and being troublesome got him talked about in a way he liked. He knew that it was unfair, though, to those who wanted to concentrate and so maybe he did deserve to be spanked, and maybe his teacher was even right to give him a detention, which meant Emma was right as well.

Emma stayed quiet for a while as she continued to spank Ben, smiling as she landed spank after spank as she saw his bottom was getting closer to the bright red she was aiming for. “Nearly done, Ben,” Emma announced.

Ben heard the comment but as Emma kept on spanking him all he could do was grunt as the stinging intensified.

“Just a few more,” Emma teased, but as she did so she spanked Ben even harder and smiled as Ben gasped louder and louder.

With Ben’s bottom suitably reddened Emma stopped and said happily, “All done, Ben. You can get up.”

Ben eased himself up from Emma’s lap and only when he stood up, did he become aware that his vision was blurred and he was crying, he realised.

Emma watched Ben straighten up and, as his hands flew to his bottom and he rubbed fiercely, so it also meant that his penis bounced up and down, and even more so as he stepped from foot to foot doing the spanking dance.

Ben sniffed as he danced and his bottom was stinging far more than he had expected.

Emma didn’t feel all that sorry for Ben and hoped it had done him some good, although, feeling maternal, and to help stop his tears, she stood up and said, “Come here, Ben,” holding out her arms.

A still-tearful Ben happily fell into Emma’s open arms and hugged her as she hugged him, and almost automatically said a heartfelt, “I’m sorry, Emma, and I’ll try to be more attentive in class.”

Emma soothed him, saying, “That would be really good, Ben, and I could even help you get your test results up.”

“How?” Ben asked.

Emma said with a smile, “I could spank you every time you get under a certain mark.”

Ben tried to come to terms with the offer, and asked, “Won’t that mean you keep on spanking me, Emma?”

Emma smiled as she replied, “Yes, but I can set targets you should be able to achieve with a bit of work.”

“I guess,” Ben pondered.

Emma had some strange feelings other than the elation of spanking her boyfriend as she leaned back and looked deep into Ben’s still red eyes. “Maybe this will help,” she said tenderly as she leaned in and kissed Ben.

Ben’s breath was taken away by the kiss with Emma and even more when she whispered, “Put your tongue in my mouth, Ben, and you’ll see that it’s a lovely feeling.”

Up until now, they had kissed but only on the lips but Ben had heard about French kissing but they hadn’t done that, until now.

Emma kissed Ben again and this time her mouth was open and she edged her tongue inside Ben’s open mouth and teased his tongue into her mouth and they kissed more firmly as they hugged.

Ben loved the French kiss and it almost made him forget his stinging bottom as he hugged Emma as they kissed and he could feel her full breasts pressing against his chest but daren’t do any more than kiss.

Emma kept kissing as she ran her hand down Ben’s back and onto his bottom and she squeezed a warm bottom cheek.

Ben gasped but didn’t object as he was too taken by what Emma was doing to him.

Emma broke away after a further long kiss and she looked into Ben’s eyes and asked, quietly, “Shall I help you with your tests, Ben?”

Ben blushed as all he could think of was Emma kissing him but knew that he was smitten and wanted to do whatever it took to spend as much time as he could with her, and replied, “I guess so, Emma, and I would like to get better results.”

Emma smiled as she said enthusiastically, “Good, so expect me to push you and definitely expect me to spank you again, but it worked for me and will work for you.” Emma was relaxed about repeating the lie about her being spanked as it helped convince Ben to agree to her spanking him again.

Ben smiled and replied, “OK, Emma. Deal.”

“Cool,” Emma replied, leaning in and kissing Ben again, their tongues intertwined in her mouth.

Emma also realised that she was damp between her legs and so, as well as kissing, she took Ben’s hand and guided it under her skirt, inside her knickers, and onto her wet pussy lips. Once she felt Ben’s fingers on her pussy she whispered into his ear, “Ease your fingers up and down, Ben.”

Ben hadn’t been anywhere near a girl’s knickers before, let alone inside them, and he focussed on her pussy lips as he kissed. This was a new world for him and one he could see himself loving, and that feeling turned to amazement as he heard Emma groaning erotically and as he kept caressing her pussy lips, he heard her let out longer and longer and deeper groans and when she came, he knew it was the first orgasm he had given a girl.

Emma slowly recovered and wondered if she should give Ben a hand job, but thought maybe give him that if they got through the evening with her friends.

Ben had heard girls gave boys hand jobs and wondered if Emma would give him one. However, after a few more seconds of passionate kissing, although Ben wanted to keep on kissing, Emma stopped, and said, “We are going to see my friends, Ben. It’s time you met them and we need to get going. We can wash up this stuff when we get back.”

“OK, Emma,” Ben said albeit reluctantly. “Can we kiss again later on?” He hesitated a moment and then added, “Maybe you could, erm, well, erm,” but he couldn’t say it.

Emma smiled wickedly and said “If you are good then when we get back, I will drink your cum. Okay?” Not waiting for an answer, she added, “Now get your trousers back up and let’s get going to Sarah’s.”

Ben had heard that a blowjob was much better than a hand job and accepted the offer. So, now focussing on the party, said as he got dressed, “We agreed you won’t tell your friends, Emma.”

Emma gave Ben a beaming smile. “I said I won’t and I won’t. You just be well behaved though, or I might spank you again afterwards.”

“What, not just for poor test marks, Emma?” Ben asked in a horrified tone. However, he then remembered the kiss and the promise of a blowjob and thought if he got both after every spanking it wouldn’t be so bad.

Emma saw Ben thinking and knew he had been smitten by her kiss and was certainly taken by the offer of making him cum in her mouth. “You need to do as I say, Ben, as it’s all part of me helping you get better marks.” Emma didn’t know how long she would go out with a boy as young as Ben, but she now reckoned if she got to spank him it might be longer than otherwise, and she knew that the bribe of a blowjob was likely to keep Ben obedient and with her in charge that much longer.

Ben smiled and he bit his lip as he looked at his gorgeous girlfriend and reckoned that maybe giving her control over him wasn’t so bad. He would give it a try anyway.


Written by Peter242
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