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The Layover, Chapter 1

"A diverted flight leads to a diversion of another kind!"

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This wasn't part of the plan. Tom figured he would leave his hometown of Chicago and travel the four and a half hours and 1,750 miles to Los Angeles relatively incident free. He had, after all, made this trip a number of times. His corporation had the main office in Chicago, where he worked as a regional manager, but they had just opened another office, their third, in Los Angeles, and he had overseen the expansion. So he was the obvious choice now to go and see how they were doing.

He didn't mind the trip either. He liked the Gold Coast and had even thought about putting in for a transfer there, once they got up and running steady. He was tired of Chicago's cold, windy weather and especially the bitter winters... it would be nice to wear a business suit in January for a change instead of a heavy, bulky overcoat!

With his flight scheduled to take off at 10:00 am, he had to be at the airport at least an hour early so he could get checked in. This was a business trip, so he only had one suitcase and his laptop. He planned on checking the suitcase and taking the laptop as carry-on since it had all his work on it. He wanted to go over things on the flight so he would be as current as possible when he spoke to the L.A. office. The day before he was to leave, he had spent the afternoon making sure he had the final draft of his presentation and of all the related figures, charts, and other information. This was his chance to get in good with the boss and he wanted to blow them away with his professionalism and performance!

Tom was sitting at Gate 4 waiting for his boarding call when he heard the gate attendant over the airport speaker system:

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the boarding call for Flight 119 direct to Los Angeles. We will begin boarding passengers now at Gate 4. Please have your boarding passes ready. You may begin boarding now. Thank you."

Tom got up from his chair and made his way down the jetway to board the L1011 aircraft and found his seat; row 21A, a window seat with two seats next to it. He had paid a little extra for this particular seat. Not only was it a window seat, but it was also right in front of a bulkhead wall, giving him a few more precious inches of legroom. Since the flight wasn't supposed to be all that crowded, it really wasn't all that much more. He thought it would be worth it when he bought the tickets.

Candy had just spent the last two weeks in South Bend, Indiana visiting her parents and as much fun as that was, she was very happy to be on her way back to Los Angeles and home. It had been hot and humid. Hot was okay, South Bend could get hot. But the humidity was killing her. She had taken a Greyhound bus from Gary, Indiana to Chicago because she hated the little "puddle hopper" flights. She wasn't real comfortable on big planes, but absolutely terrified of the smaller ones. Her bus had taken just over an hour and a half to travel the 95 miles from Gary to Chicago and now she had the flight to L.A. to get through and she would be back in sunny Southern California.

She had slipped into the ladies room as soon as she got to the airport and removed her bra. It was far too hot and she really wasn't fond of wearing one, but her parents were pretty old-fashioned and would think a woman was pretty slutty and loose with her morals if she didn't have one on. Thankfully, Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was considerably more tolerable than anything she had seen in South Bend. She was enjoying the coolness of the air conditioned airport terminal building, when she too, heard the boarding announcement. Candy boarded the plane and started looking for her seat; 21B.

For a short time Tom had harbored the hope that no one would take the seat next to him. He was going to use it to put the laptop on so he could do some work on the flight. That hope was short-lived, however, when Candy came down the aisle with a carry-on bag and her purse. She was reading the seat row numbers and stopped at his row. Tom noticed she was dressed in a tight knit mini-skirt and high-heeled sandals. Being a devoted tit-man, he appreciated her well-formed breasts, not small but not overly large, and very well-framed in the generous neckline of her dress. The way those breasts were bouncing and the way her nipples were poking at the material of her dress, he thought that they might not be restrained by a bra.

She had a small carry on bag that she wanted to put in the overhead compartment, but before she put it up there, she wanted something out of it. She had brought a book with her to keep her busy and keep her mind distracted during the flight. She put the carry-on bag in her seat, and while still standing in the isle, bent over in his direction to dig in the bag for it. While she was bending over, he had a very nice view all the way down her front. His first guess had been right. There was no bra. He had a wonderful view of two very nice breasts with their very sexy erect nipples. It was cold on the plane, and her nipples were very stiff and pointed. She didn't seem to be able to find what she was looking for, so while she looked in her bag, he enjoyed the view. Finally she gave up and just put the bag in the overhead compartment and closed it.

Candy knew full well that he had been looking down the front of her blouse a few seconds after she had bent over, but decided what the heck, he's cute, and she let him look. She actually considered it kind of a compliment that he made an effort. Her breasts were a bit larger than average size, but she was proud of the way they stood firm and proud. The combination of the soft knit dress rubbing on them and the cool air in the plane teased her thick sensitive nipples and made them very hard and ache a bit. She always thought her breasts looked better and sexier when the nipples were stiff. Her dress was just cut low enough and the way she was bent over, he was probably getting one hell of a view of her chest. She couldn't find the book she was looking for, but stirred around in the bag a little longer than necessary to give him a real eye full.

Tom now had a rather obvious hard-on. He moved around in his seat to try to hide it, but knew he hadn't been very successful when he noticed the smile on her face as he moved.

She had indeed seen his predicament and was quite pleased with herself for having caused it. Clearly the extra time she had spent bending over had been worth it. It was time for her to introduce herself and find out who owned the uncomfortable erection she had just created.

"Hi, I'm Candy," she said with a smile.

"I'm Tom. Nice to meet you, Candy."

"Nice to meet you too, Tom. So are you headed to L.A. for work or pleasure?" she asked, trying to start up a conversation. Candy was nice enough looking and they would be sitting there for a bit, so he accepted the invitation to chat.

"I'm headed to L.A. for work. I'm the regional manager of Costco Systems and we just opened up an office there. I am going to check on it and see how it's doing and what I can do to help it get established," he said.

"Oooh, regional manager... sounds impressive!" she said.

"I don't know how impressive it is, but I am the one who is heading up the project so I get the joy of flying back and forth to make sure it gets going," he said.

"So you hate flying then too?"

"No, I don't mind flying. I actually enjoy it, really. And I like Los Angeles, it's just I have other things I'm working on that have to be put on hold for this trip," he said.

"I see. Well, I hate flying myself. It scares me to death every time. I'm just heading back home to L.A. and this is the quickest way home!" she said.

Tom put his hand over hers. "Well, I have flown this route many times. It'll be fine. I'll keep you company if you like, so you don't have to be afraid."

She looked up into his soft brown eyes. "I'd like that very much," she said. Actually that was a bit of an understatement. She thought her new travel buddy was rather attractive. He was well built with what appeared to be a trim muscular body under his casual suit. He had a handsome face with a bright sparkling smile, short brown hair, and those eyes! She had liked the looks of him the first time she laid eyes on him. That was why she had let him have a good long look down her blouse. She had learned years ago that that really got a guy's attention. And as she looked at his "attention", she found herself secretly wanting to see if what she saw was as impressive as it would seem to be!

The plane took off on time and as the wheels lifted off the runway, Candy let out a small gasp and closed her eyes tightly. Tom took the opportunity to take hold of her soft hand and held it firmly in his. Without opening her eyes, she covered his hand with her other one and clung tightly to him until the plane had gotten some altitude and settled into a more gradual climb. She opened her eyes slowly and caught him looking at her with a wide grin.

"Sorry... I told you I hate flying!" she said, looking at him sheepishly.

"It's quite all right. I'm just glad I was here for you to hang on to," he said.

"So am I," she replied.

They talked and flirted as they settled in for the trip. Tom was becoming very infatuated with her the more he talked to her. He was having a hard time taking his eyes off her. He was horny and he found himself wondering what she would look like undressed. It was cool in the plane cabin and he noticed her nipples poking at the material of her blouse again. He was dying to see what they would look like with nothing over them. He wished he lived in L.A. so he could ask her out, and she was hoping that somehow his trip would have to be all business! It looked like lust at first sight, but neither one was sure how to proceed to the next level. But fate would give them both a hand. Just over two hours into their flight, the captain came over the plane's speaker system.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Captain Williams, your pilot today. We have been informed by Denver flight controllers that the Los Angeles area has experienced a rather significant earthquake and it is unclear if the airport has been adversely effected. For safety reasons, they are diverting all traffic from the area airports until they can determine the extent of damage. We have been directed to land at Denver and hold there until the problem can be diagnosed and repairs can be made. Denver is not affected and is fully equipped to handle our safe arrival and, as soon as conditions may permit, for departure on to Los Angeles when it is determined to be safe.

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We are sorry for the inconvenience."

A rather alarmed hubbub of conversation in the passenger cabin followed this announcement, and Tom and Candy looked at each other. Candy had a frightened look in her eyes and Tom reassured her.

"It's okay, Candy, we are all right and we can land in Denver with no problem. I have flown into Denver before and it is perfectly fine. Do you have any family in Los Angeles?" he asked.

"No, all my family is back in Indiana, thankfully," she said.

"Well, that's good. As soon as we land though, you should call back there and let them know that you weren't involved in the earthquake. I'm sure they are worried about you," he said.

"Yes, of course. Thank you, Tom, for being here. I would be a mess right now if it weren't for your calmness," she said gratefully.

About then the p.a. clicked on again:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Williams has turned on the seat-belt sign for the beginning of our descent into Denver. Please return to your seats, fasten your seat belts, extinguish all smoking materials, and return your seat backs and tray tables to the upright position. If you have removed any carry-on luggage from the overhead bins or from under the seat in front of you, please stow it back away at this time and prepare for landing."

The plane landed safely in Denver and they waited until those who were really in a hurry got off the plane. She was ahead of him in the isle and he took the opportunity to admire her shapely ass and legs as they left the plane. "Well", he thought, "it could be worse - at least I have this lovely thing to while away the time with!"

She thought she could feel eyes on her bottom as she walked down the isle, so she walked by placing one foot almost directly in front of the other. It made her bottom wiggle more than it normally would.

Once they got inside the terminal building, Tom went to speak with the airline desk while Candy sought out a pay phone to call her parents and let them know she was okay. When she had reassured her parents that she hadn't arrived yet when the earthquake had occurred, she came back and caught up with Tom who was waiting for her.

"Bad news, Candy. The airline said we are going to be stuck here in Denver at least overnight. They can't even begin to assess the damage until tomorrow morning. They have got their hands full with emergencies. Once they have gotten the people rescued and everyone is safe, they can see what can be done to open up the roads and the airport," he said.

"Oh, no! What are we going to do?" she said, "I have to get home! I have to get back to work next week!"

"Well, from what I have heard from the airlines and the news, nobody is going anywhere for a while," he said. "I'm going to get a hotel room - I don't feel like sleeping on these terminal chairs for the next night or two. I've done that before and it's no fun!"

"Oh, that would be nice," she said, pouting, "but I can't afford to get a hotel room - this trip has already cost more than I had planned."

"Well, you are welcome to stay with me if you like. It would be nicer than those seats at the airport, I would think. I have a few things to do there, like get out of these stale clothes, but afterwards we can go get a bite to eat if you would like to."

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do all that!" she said.

"Oh, it's okay - I have an expense account so my hotel and meals are on the company. It's no problem. I'll just call you a potential client!" he said, smiling broadly.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" she asked.

"Well, I can't exactly leave you sitting here in the terminal stranded - what kind of a knight in shining armor would I be if I did that?" he said, with a grin.

" Yes, that does sound a whole lot better than staying here at the airport," she admitted.

"Good, it's settled then," he said, taking her by the hand.

So the two of them went to baggage claim to get their bags. The airline had offloaded everyone's bags because they turned the plane back so it could go make other flights. Everyone from the Chicago flight was left in the terminal until they could proceed on to their destination or make other travel plans.

It took a little time for the baggage carousel to begin turning and another couple minutes before the bags started showing up. Everyone from the plane began to crowd around the carousel and started looking to see if they could spot their bags. Candy moved closer, trying to jockey for a position up front and Tom moved in right behind her.

He had a great view of her stocking-clad legs and ass shifting under that tight little dress. He couldn't resist. He very lightly placed his fingertips on the small of her back just where it began to swell towards her perfect ass. He let his fingers gently run down her back and over the upper swell of her backside and down the curve. He felt her stiffen at his touch, knowing what he was doing. Tom's fingers wandered lazily over the tight fabric covering Candy's well-rounded ass and it thrilled him knowing that he was touching this stranger while she kept her calm and acted as if nothing was happening in front of the crowd.

Since he didn't meet any resistance to touching her, Tom got a little braver and repeated the motion, only this time he went further down her stockinged thighs. She shifted her stance, moving her legs a little further apart and a little less demure. Tom traced his fingers over the curve of her ass and down to the crease under her buttocks, then he placed his palm flat on her round cheek and gave it a bit of a squeeze. He cupped her soft ass cheek, playfully caressing it and smiled to himself when she began ever so slightly pushing back against his advances.

It was so exciting, openly fondling a stranger in a public place while they were surrounded by so many people. But as thrilling and naughty as fondling this woman was, Tom wanted more of her than just a quick, clandestine feel of her ass through her dress. And from the soft panting and pressing back against him that she was doing, he was pretty sure she wanted more as well. There weren't too many people left to get their bags by now and he had just picked up his checked bag, so as soon as Candy spotted hers, he stepped around and snagged it, hefting it off the carousel for her.

Once Tom and Candy had picked up all their luggage, they walked to the entrance of the terminal. Tom hailed a cab and they went to the hotel they would be staying overnight at. On the way to the hotel, Tom continued playing with her.

He had gotten her interested with his flirting with her during the flight. Then waiting for the bags he had really gotten her heated up with his teasing touch. She could feel she was already damp and that old familiar itch was present once again, letting her know that her pussy was hungry. It had been a long time since she'd had a man between her legs and she really wanted that right now. Masturbating with her fingers and using her plastic boyfriend only got a girl so far. There was nothing like the real thing.

And there was something about this man... something she couldn't put a finger on, but she just knew that she liked him. She was starting to have fantasies about what it would be like to be in bed with him while she waited for the bags. What it would be like to have him eating her, sucking on her nipples, and to finally have him between her legs. She was having such a good time in the fantasy that she thought she felt herself starting to get wet.

Tom, too, found himself more than a little aroused, and as he sat in the cab stroking Candy's thigh, he tried finding a comfortable way to position his growing hard-on. He tried shifting himself in the seat, but nothing seemed to help. Candy saw his discomfort and knew that she was partially to blame. But he had started this, so didn't feel too bad about it. Besides, she hoped that she would get a chance to relieve some of that tension when they got to the hotel!

Suddenly, Candy had an idea. Tom wasn't the only one that could play the tease game! She knew now that he was interested in her, it was time to see how interested she could make him! She reached over with her French-manicured fingertips and gently raked her nails along the length of his bulge. Tom's jaw dropped even as his cock jumped at the attention. She looked up at him very coyly as she bit her bottom lip. The look worked as he felt his heart race and his breathing becoming more labored. He wanted this woman and he wanted her now!

Mercifully, the cab pulled up in front of the Holiday Inn just a short distance from the airport. The pair got out and the cab driver helped them get their bags out of the trunk. Then they went inside and checked in to get their room.

"Here we are, Room 223," Tom said a couple minutes later as they stood in front of the room door. He used the cardkey to unlock the door and pushing it open with one hand, they stepped inside. Candy found the light switch and turned on the room lights. It was a decent room - nothing fancy, but then they would only be there one night, they hoped.

Once inside, they quickly set their luggage on one of the two double beds. The other one... well they wasted no time. While Candy went into the bathroom to "freshen up a bit", Tom proceeded to get undressed. Both of them were so excited and so horny, that everything else was put on hold until they satisfied their primal lusts.

Tom had just gotten out of his jacket shoes and shirt when Candy came out of the bathroom. Still in her dress, she saw him standing next to the bed without his shirt. She was right in assuming he was well-built and muscular - Tom kept himself in good shape by hitting the gym at least twice a week and his efforts weren't in vain. Candy's breath caught in her throat as she turned the bathroom corner and saw him standing there.

"Oh my God!" she thought to herself. Her heart skipped a beat and her panties got soaked as she saw what was waiting for her...

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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