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Thigh High Hose -Part 1

"Two workaholics find they can enjoy more than just work together"

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I have been a computer consultant for many years.  So many that I seldom get to do any of the programming that I love, but spend most of my time designing computer landscapes.  While the pay is great, especially when I can get a gig on my own, the people I need to work with are most often in management and are acutely aware of sexual harassment issues.  Thus, unlike earlier in my career when fun banter was had by all, now things were practically sterile.
Remember that I said most of my client’s people.  Several month ago I got a call from an old client of mine, Jack Ingram, who had moved to and now ran a moderately large new company.  He told me that his new company needed my assistance and that he had it all arraigned for me to begin working as soon as I was available.  I was to work with his CIO, Jill Daniels.  He described her as a very competent individual, about our own age, who enjoyed the work but seemed to be a real hard-nose and far too dedicated to her career.
Jill and I worked rather closely for over a month scoping out the company’s current situation and designing where I thought they could get to over a several year period.  Jack was right about Ms. Daniels.  I would have said Jack was right about Jill, but that just seemed stupid.  Jill was anything but stupid.  While she was indeed a workaholic, she must take time outside of work to do things.  I took several opportunities to slyly admire the trim form that surely took time to keep in shape.  Her shoulder length blonde hair always smelled freshly washed.  Not that I would perv out and bury my nose in her hair, but on occasion while we worked together on something we would be side by side and opportunities presented themselves.  She always dressed professionally, naturally, after all as the CIO, she was constantly meeting people.  Her favorite outfits seemed to be mid-thigh skirt suits or dresses and thigh high hose.  She spent more than a few meetings with me making sure the hem of her skirt or dress covered the top of her hose.
The day of my presentation to the board came quickly, but with Jill’s help I was well prepared.  I started out with a short power point that merged Jack Ingram’s name with Jill Daniels’ to show the company’s best relaxation tool, Jack Daniels.  There were some groans, but the joke seemed to lighten the mood just a bit.  I then went into my actual presentation which lasted about an hour and a half.  We took a break and then the final two hours of the meeting was spent on questions and answers after which I left the board room for my desk so the board members could discuss my proposal in private.
About a half hour later, as I formalized the pricing structures and worked on some other details, I saw Jill coming toward me.  Her long legs, God her legs, satin smooth in her ever present stockings, begged me to admire them.  Her trim hips swayed gracefully and demanded as much attention.  Then there was her chest, forever hidden beneath a suit jacket that she almost never took off.  When she did give us a chance to see her feminine form, her bounties were obvious.  Not huge as some would have loved for them to be, but just enough to tickle my fancy.  However tempted I was to eye her from nylon covered toe to well-coiffed hair, my eyes begrudgingly stayed above her neck.  Her beautiful face gave nothing away as Jill approached me.  Neither smile nor frown crossed her beauty.
“Six o’clock – my office.  Bring your computer,” she demanded in a whisper as she passed.
“You got it, boss,” I replied in kind, now free to admire her swaying ass as she continued to her office.
As six approached, I began to wonder what Jill had in mind.  The meeting went extremely well so that could not be it.  Perhaps, now that they had their plans in hand and the direction was set, they felt free to let me go.
At six, laptop in hand I knocked on Jill’s office door.
“If only,” I thought to myself as I entered.
“How did the rest of the meeting go?” I asked.
“Wow, right to the point.  Sit, sit,” she instructed motioning toward a chair at her small round conference table.
“Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about you, you like directness and you don’t waste a lot of time,” I replied.
“Yeah, I know that my reputation is that I’m a workaholic,” she intoned as she crossed from behind her desk to take a chair next to me.  “I’m not really like that all the time you know.”
“I can safely say,” I responded pretending to look at my laptop, but really glancing sideways at her legs, “that in the time I’ve been here, you’ve been very work oriented, all the time and every day.  That kind of defines workaholic, wouldn’t you say?”
 “I would, but in the next two years, I dare say you’ll discover some other aspects of me that to date have been hidden from you.”
“Two years,” I asked as I began to log in to my computer.  “What’s that mean?”
“It means,” she said resting her hand on my back, “that the board has authorized me to offer you a two year contract at your current rate plus ten percent.  Are you interested?”
“Hell yes!” I exclaimed.
“Good,” she said pulling down on the hem of her skirt to cover the top of her hose near the chair.  “I’ve taken the liberty of getting your new contract prepared.  Here, take a look and you can sign it at your leisure.”
I started reading the contract over.  From the corner of my eye I could see Jill looking at me the entire time.  Her focus was not just on my face, but seemed to roam.  As I read, there were two other times that she tugged on her skirt.  I began to wonder if she was doing it just to annoy me.
She put her hand on my back again and began to move it slowly back and forth across my shoulder blades.   I wondered what would happen if I did that to her.  How fast could she run to a lawyer to file a sexual harassment suit?  She need not worry about that from me.  Sexual harassment?  Bring it on!
“Is everything you need in there?” she asked.
I decided to up the ante a little, so I said, “Everything I need in the contract is in the contract, but that certainly is not everything I need.”
“Is that so,” she said with a sardonic little grin that told me she knew exactly what I was doing.
“Before I sign, there is one thing that I need you to do for me.”
“Name it,” she said moving her hand to her skirt again.
I put my hand on hers stopping her and said, “Jill, if you’ll stop yanking on your hem every day to cover the half inch of stocking that I get to see occasionally, I’ll sign the contract.”
“That you get to see?”
“Yes that I get to see.  That little sliver of your leg is one really fine distraction and you keep covering it up.  What do you say, half an inch of leg, and I‘ll sign.”
“Only if you agree to my one demand,” Jill retorted.

“And what pray tell would that be?”

“That from now on, you are brutally honest with me and that you won’t think any less of me because of my questions or answers to questions you ask.  Is it a deal?”

Rather than say anything right away, I clicked my pen and signed the contract.  Jill then signed on behalf of the company and put the sheaf of papers into a folder.  As she did, she crossed her legs and displayed all of her stocking top to me along with a little delectable skin.

“Hank, we’ve been working hard together for a while now.  We’ve spent more than a few late nights and more than one working dinner together, right?”

“And almost every minute has been a pleasure, so?”

“Why haven’t you tried to put moves on me instead of just looking at my legs?”

“Because you’re the CIO of my friend’s firm and a sexual harassment charge is the last thing I need.”

“Do you think that just because a woman works hard that she might not have needs outside the office?”

“I’m sure you do, just as I work hard and have needs too.  Not many women want to mix it up with co-workers though.”

“And if I said that I would prefer to mix it up, as you say, with you rather than anyone else, would you be reluctant or upset?” Jill asked.

“I would be very happy, that’s what I would be.  I would immediately ask you to dinner to celebrate and then we could go to either my hotel or to your place and celebrate a little more.”

“Was that an invitation?”

Assuming nothing for the moment I asked in return, “Was your question that included your preferences really a question or was it a postulation?”

Her eyes remained glued to mine, her face expressionless and impossible to read.  At last, she said, “it was a postulation.”

“Jill, I’d like to take you someplace nice for dinner to celebrate my new contract and the boards acceptance of my proposed action plan.  Would that be okay with you?”

“Give me a moment to freshen up and I’ll meet you at your desk.  And Hank, please choose somewhere quiet.  I have a lot of things I’d like to ask you and I want to hear your answers.”

I left Jill’s office with euphoric enthusiasm coursing through my veins. Aside from the obvious windfall that was coming my way monetarily, thoughts of steamy showers, naked romps and the company of a sexy, smart and sophisticated woman stirred my loins.

When she returned, something in her demeanor had changed.  I realized that a facade had been removed and that she was far more relaxed than I had ever seen her.  I suggested a restaurant nearby which was known for soft music, elegance, excellent food and service, and above all, discretion in its dimly lit atmosphere. She decided that we would take her car, a convertible, and leave my rental at the office.  

As she drove, we spoke of inconsequential matters.  She said that she wanted to wait until we were seated at the restaurant to begin trading questions.  Since it only took us ten minutes to reach the place, that was fine with me.  She left her car with a valet and she calmly took my arm as we strolled in.  Her hand was warm and felt like a mere feather as it rested in the crook of my arm.  My euphoria continued unabated.

We were seated off to one side and presented with both wine lists and menus. Once we had made our choices and the waiter and sommelier disappeared, Jill asked the first question.

“Have you ever dated someone from work?”  She asked.

“Many years ago, I did.  It was very early in my career and she broke it off with me when her ex-boyfriend got out of prison and wanted her to move in with him.  She said later that she expected me to fight for her, but I had been given the advice not to chase someone who wasn’t sure that they wanted to be with me but sought to make a decision later.  I took the advice as sound and let her go.  I believe it was for the best.  My turn.  How did you become so successful at such a young age?”

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“I fucked the boss.”

My mouth must have hit the table just as she began to laugh and then said  “No, seriously and honestly, a hell of a lot of hard work and regretfully using some people along the way.  It hasn’t been easy, but I know what I’m doing, I’m really good at it and I am a really good judge of people.  When you said that you, or men in general have needs outside the office, what exactly were you referring to?”
“Well,” I said, “aside from the usual company of friends to watch a game or socialize, men, or I should be specific to me, I like to read to expand myself and I have sexual needs.”

“And how do you satisfy those sexual needs?”  She queried. 

The sommelier returned with our wine which I approved and then waiter arrived with our salads.  We toasted to my contract and to the two years we would spend working together.

After the toast, I continued, “Most of the times, I just masturbate and release that way.  Occasionally, I go to what’s known as an AMP and get a massage and let them masturbate me.”

“Don’t you ever go to a bar or something and pick someone up for some fun?”

“No, I guess I’m just too afraid of getting something incurable. I’m disease free and intend to stay that way.  What about you, what did you mean by needs?”

Jill swallowed some salad and said, “Pretty much the same as you, and my recourse has been the same.  I haven’t slept with anyone for years, and it’s beginning to really get to me.  Do you mind if I’m blunt?”

“Of course not,” I replied.

“I don’t care what kind of toys a woman has at her disposal, there’s just nothing like a real live hard penis and a talented tongue.  Do you have both?”

“I like your kind of bluntness, but are you always so clinical?”

“I don’t have to be,” she said.  “Now, answer the question.”

I smiled and said, “My cock gets plenty hard when treated right and I’m told my tongue and fingers are a gift.”

“And if I were to reach under the table right now, unzip your fly and reach in and touch your cock, what would I find?”

“Relaxed but ready to react to your touch.”

She smiled and rather than follow through on her words, she continued to eat and asked, “And would your fingers reciprocate?”

“They would.”

“You said you liked to read and expand yourself.  What do you read?”

“The usual technical journals, some spy novels, some horror novels, and one website that really gets me expanded.”

“A porn site I suppose the way you said that,” she postulated.

“Yes and no,” I replied.  “It’s a site called Lush Stories.  Fictional stories relating author’s fantasies.”

“I love that site,” Jill replied startling me.  “A girlfriend introduced me to it years ago and I’ve been addicted ever since.”

We traded usernames and immediately opened the site on our smartphones and friended each other.

“I’ve only read the stories,” Jill said, “but you’ve written quite a few.  I’ll have to get busy reading them.  Are they your fantasies?”

“Fantasies for the most part.  Some have a base in reality with some fantasy added on.  You may notice that I’ve also written and published an erotic novel under the pseudonym William Franklin.”

“I have an idea,” Jill said.  “Would you mind reading it and them to me and then letting me guess which are which?  Which ones have a fact base and which are purely fantasy?”

It took me a moment to come out of the reverie I was enjoying, thinking of the hours we could spend naked in bed reading to answer, “I think that would be a great idea!”

Our dinner arrived and we spent the next half hour enjoying our meal and trading more mundane questions than those I’ve written about. Both of us were full at that point so we skipped dessert.  I settled the bill and we went out into the fresh summer air for her car.  

While waiting for the valet, Jill asked, “what’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done in a car?”

“I’ve had sex in my car and sometimes, if I have trouble sleeping on a hot summer night, I’ll put my wallet in my robe, get in my car, strip out of my robe and drive around naked for a while.  It’s really thrilling in its own way.”

“No way!” She exclaimed, “I love doing that!  I adore putting the top down and letting the warm air caress me.  It’s so freeing, so, natural.”

“I have to admit it, Jill.  I’m so pleasantly surprised by you tonight.  Things I never imagined about you.  Things that brighten and truly excite me!”

“Ditto,” she said as her car arrived.

The first thing she did before putting the car in drive was to lower the top of the car.  She drove to a park on the way to her home and pulled into a secluded section.  It was dark by then and I was beginning to wonder if she wanted to ‘park and spark’ for a while.

“Come on,” she said excitedly as she unbuckled her seatbelt, “let’s get naked for the rest of the drive!”

“Your not kidding,” I said as she leaned forward, removed her jacket and asked me to unzip her skirt.

“No, I’m not kidding.  Now hurry up before some kids come along.”

As instructed, I hurriedly stripped, balled my clothes up and put them on the floor in front of my seat.  She did the same and it was then that I got my first real look at her.  A goddess.  And that is absolutely not an exaggeration.  Her face, framed by her golden locks glowed in the dim moonlight.  Her neck, thin and long begged to be nibbled and kissed.  Jill’s breast’s were as I had always imagined, pert, firm and natural, tipped with small aureole and perfect eraser sized nipples.  Her thin waist accentuated her thin hips and legs.  There was no trace of pubic hair from what I could see which suited me just fine.  More than just my horizon was expanding as I took in her delights.

While I visually examined Jill, she did the same to me.  Both of us quietly evaluating and enjoying the others physical form.

“Do you shave your pubes too?” She asked with a smile.

“Every third morning.  Today was the day,” I answered.

We both smiled and she dropped the car into drive.  I caught her more than once sneaking a peak between my legs.  She seemed to have a habit of driving with her left hand, allowing her right to rest on the gear shift.  Rather than making her settle for glimpses of five or so inches of almost flaccid cock, I lifted her hand from the gear shift and placed it between my legs.  She was not inexperienced. She spread her thighs in response, inviting me to join her in digital exploration.  She was already slick with wetness as I explored with my left hand.  Her deft fingers played with my balls and dick and brought me to full readiness, maximum length and girth in record time.

“If your tongue is half as good as your cock,” she shouted above the wind, “were going to have some real fun!”

“I am so fucking turned on right now!” I called out.

“Me too.  One more mile.”

She pressed the button for her attached garage and the door slid up as we rounded a corner and drove up her driveway right into the garage.  The door lowered behind us and she practically jumped out of the car.  I did the same and we met in front of the car. Our lips met in heated passion.  We devoured each other like animals in heat.  She tore herself from me.

Leaning over the warm hood of the car she spread her legs wide and cried, “Fuck me!  Fuck me now!  Gimme that cock!”

“I don’t ha..” I started.

“I don’t give a shit.  Just take that cock and ram it into me.  For God’s sake, fuck me!”

I was hard as a rock and had to bend my knees to get my cock down to her.  I slid it slowly up and down between her wet swollen lips.

“Cut the crap and fucking fuck me already!”

Smiling, I found her wet tunnel and jammed into her with all the force I could.

“Jesus,” she cried.

Holding her hips, I slid backward until I was almost out and then pounded into her again, and again and again.  She was hot.  She was tight.  She was close.

“Fuckin’ ass.  Oh.  Oh Hank.  Again.  Shit, I need you.  Oh fuck!”

Every one of my senses was on high.  I watched as my cock slid into her wet hot pussy.  I heard our slapping together each time I pounded myself into her.  I smelled the wonderful aroma of our sex.  I heard her juices sloshing between her begging and grateful pleas to do it harder.  I felt her gripping me with unseen muscles, milking me and holding me at the same time.  I felt her legs begin to quiver as I felt my balls getting ready to explode.  I felt her bucking as her cunt clamped down on me and caused me to erupt.  

“Oh fuck!  Fill me!  Give it all to me,” she whimpered before becoming silent as every muscle in her body joined me in our first orgasm.

Spent of seed, I pulled myself from within her and knelt at the altar of her ass.  Our mixed revelry began to seep from within and run down her legs.  ‘Leave nothing to waste’,  I said to myself as I licked us off her legs.  She tilted her hips and opening herself to me, I cleaned every drop of our sex from her lips.  She was still open and inviting my tongue to enter.  How could I resist?  Holding her cheeks apart, I started at her little balloon knot.

“Oh yes!”  She cried.

I spent a short time treating her to a rimming before moving down and tasting more of ourselves.  Without warning, I clamped my mouth on her cunt and drove my tongue it as far as I could.

“Ooh,” was all that came from her.

I was not positioned right. I wanted her to blow another cork.  Standing, I lifted her onto the car and turned her to face me.

“Lay down,” I commanded and she obeyed.

Lifting her legs onto my shoulders, I entered her twat with two fingers and massaged a perfect breast with the other hand.  I played with her nipple, twisting it between fingers as I searched inside of her.

“Oh fuck,” she whispered.

I found it.  Lowering my face to join my hand in her crotch, I spread her hood with my tongue and rasped it’s length across her swollen and standing clit.

The word “Oh” escaped her several times as I toyed with both her triggers.  Inside, with fingers.  Outside with tongue, lips and teeth.  She grabbed my hair and pulled me tight to her body when she started trembling again.  I knew I had her when her body crunched into a ball and she couldn’t breathe.  This orgasm was harder and longer than the first.  I managed to stay between her legs and was rewarded with a small stream of hot sweet ejaculate. She pushed me away.

“Stop, stop,” she cried breathlessly, “I’m too tender right now.”

Her breathing slowed to normalcy as she laid spread eagled on her convertable’s hood.  A few moments later, she joined me sitting bare-assed on the fender.

“Jesus, Hank.  That was wonderful.  I’ve never, I mean I’ve never cum like that.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been that hard in my life. You are so beautiful and you taste so sweet.”

She stood between my legs, took my face in her hands and brought her lips to mine.  Perhaps she tasted herself on me the way I tasted her, no, the way I tasted us on her.  I don’t really know.  This time her kiss was soft and yielding.  I had never really felt a kiss like this before.  Her lips felt as though she was caressing me.  Her tongue, our tongues, languidly slid across each other as our lips slid slowly from side to side.  No heat, no playfulness now, just a tender passionate acceptance. Once more she separated from me.

“Let’s grab our clothes and go in and take a shower together,” she half whispered tenderly.  “And don’t plan on putting them back on until tomorrow.  The night is ours.”


Written by Billfrank1955
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