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Karly's New Job Chapter 2 Revelations Part:1

"This is the first part of Revelations"

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Karly stood up from her seat and extended her greeting to Rose, who shook her hand and welcomed Karly aboard. Their hands lingered together, fingers entwined, as both stared into each other's eyes.

Rose bit her bottom lip and said, "Welcome aboard, Karly. I hope you will fit in nicely here in this department. I will keep an eye on you since this is your first day on the job. If you have any problems with anyone, come see me straight away."

Karly smiled, staring into Rose's eyes, "I will remember that, Rose, and thank you for putting your faith in me, and giving me this opportunity. I promise you won't regret it.''

Karly slowly took her hand away from Rose's. Turning around, she started to sway her ass back and forth, her heels clicking against the marble floor. She stopped for a second to look back at Rose, who blew her a kiss for good luck on her first day at work. Karly smiled, and turning the door handle, walked out of her office and leaned back against the door with a sigh of relief.

Karly said to herself, Oh, my god, I can't believe Rose is also my boss and neighbor. I don't know how I am going to be able to control myself around her. She is beautiful, gorgeous, sweet and from what I can gather, she seems like one of the most reasonable people I've ever met. But I must be professional around Rose. I do have a girlfriend; I don't want to make things more difficult than they already are.

Karly took a moment to collect herself as she began to walk towards her desk. Pulling out her chair, she sat down, slowly crossing one leg over the other as her skirt rode up, exposing her bare, smooth thigh.

She began to look up all the files for the past two weeks and was disgusted at what she saw. Rolling her eyes, Karly began to fix other people's mistakes, rearranging the input numbers and output numbers back into order.

Correcting some typos and errors, Karly said to herself, Jesus! how did half of these workers get here? It's not because of their work ethic, from what I see. It seems like a bunch of workers were lazy and took the easy road out. I have half a mind to show this to Rose or Layla, but I won't rat or be a tattle tale. So, what should I do?

Sighing softly, she leaned back in her chair and wiggled her foot around a few times, contemplating what she should do. Should she inform Layla or Rose? She didn't have the answer, so Karly left it alone for now and continued fixing the simple input and output mistakes that she found.

Layla came over because she had been watching the whole time and noticed that Karly was in some discomfort. As the administrative supervisor, she asked what was wrong.

"Karly, sweetie, what is going on? You looked like you were in some discomfort about something. I was concerned. Would you tell me what is wrong so I can help you?"

Karly panicked momentarily but, started to calm down as she looked up at Layla. She smiled politely and replied, "Oh, I am fine. Thank you for checking up on me. I was just having trouble with these input and output numbers. I think you have a few incompetent workers who are making careless mistakes."

She nodded her head and asked Layla to come and see for herself. She pointed at the computer screen, showing her the simple mistakes people were making and how she had fixed them. Everything had been mixed up and in the wrong place. Input numbers were where output numbers should be.

Karly told Layla, "I was fighting with myself whether I should tell you or Rose about these, but I didn't want to be known as a tattletale or a rat. You know what that’s like, right? I have heard some whispers and gossip from other girls from other companies. Once a rat, you will never be liked nor trusted."

Layla placed her hand on Karly's shoulder to reassure her that everything was going to be okay, and said, "Don't you worry too much about that, babe. You'll be fine here. It’s true what you said about tattle tales, but you look like the type that wouldn't say a word about anything or anyone. Sometimes it can be an advantage and a disadvantage."

Layla smiled softly, her hand still resting on Karly's shoulder. She began to stroke and rub her shoulder gently. With a soft moan escaping from her lips, Karly forgot where she was. This was the first time in three months she had been touched or rubbed this way.

Watching from the window in her office, Rose looked displeased with Layla's advances towards Karly, who noticed the discontent in Rose's eyes. Feeling a little bad, Karly did not want to make trouble for Rose. She removed Layla's hand from her shoulder.

Karly looked up at Layla and said, "I think we should be professional around each other. I do not want to make trouble or cause any discomfort between you and Rose. I do know you two both like me. It is very obvious, so in the meantime, let’s be professional. Is that okay?"

Layla smiled and nodded her head, asking Karly, “Are we still on for our coffee date like you promised? Just between co-workers, of course."

Grinning, Karly slowly nodded. "Of course we are still on for coffee, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh, Layla, would it be alright if I invited Rose along with us because you both need to hear about my personal life."

Layla's eyes flickered for a moment, startled that Karly would ask if Rose could join them; she wanted her for herself. Layla composed herself though and nodded her head. Yes, Rose could come along too.

Karly stood up to give Layla a soft, friendly kiss on the cheek, and walked off, skipping towards Rose's office. Layla rested her hand against her cheek where Karly had kissed her and smiled softly, thinking to herself, oh my god, Karly has such beautiful, moist, sweet lips. I hope to kiss her for real some day. But I am surprised she asked if Rose can come too. She must never find out about Rose and me. I don't want her to think badly of me.

Layla stood there daydreaming on what it might be like to kiss Karly on the lips. The image in her mind was breathtaking, as she quickly walked to the women's washroom to relieve herself.

She walked to the stall and closed the door behind her. Leaning back against the door, she slid her hand up under her skirt and moved her fingertips up and down her slit.

Not realizing how wet she actually was, Layla continued to slide her finger up and down herself, back and forth, her moans becoming more intense as they echoed throughout the washroom. Layla started to moan Karly's name.

In pure ecstasy, she imagined, "Mmmm, fuck! Yes... ugh, Karly, mmm fuck, don't stop. Oh, god that feels so good. I love the way you feel inside me."

Opening her eyes, Layla looked down, moaning louder, wishing Karly was fingering her. She couldn't stop moving her fingers. As she was almost ready to cum, her juices began to flow down her thigh.

Layla's chest began to heave in and out, her breath ragged and husky. Almost at her limit, she slipped a second finger inside her, sliding her hips back and forth. Panting, she let out a huge scream most of the building could have heard. As she came, she slid down to the floor.

Trying to collect and calm herself down, Layla stood up to smooth out her skirt, fix her hair and her blouse. Opening the door, she walked towards the sink, washed her hands, and looked into the mirror. She smiled happily to herself, If only it was Karly fingering me, I think I'd still be in there. She could easily make me cum more than Rose ever could.

Karly looked towards the washroom since it was easy to figure out what Layla was doing. She laughed and behaved as normally as she could, and went on about her business.

Karly walked up to Rose's door, knocked twice, and waited for an answer while fixing her hair a bit. Rose opened her door and smiled at Karly, "Yes, Karly, how may I help you? Is everything going okay working for me? Are you fitting in? I hope Layla wasn't hitting on you too much. She usually does when a pretty new face enters this office."

Karly giggled softly, putting her hands up to calm Rose down with her questions.

"I am fine, Rose, really! Everything is going okay, I promise. I was having trouble, idiotic workers were being lazy and incompetent which makes my job harder. The input and output numbers were mixed up. For veteran workers, they aren’t really that good if a rookie like me can catch their simple mistakes."

Karly asked Rose another question, "Um, Rose, I wanted to invite you to go for a coffee with me on break if you are interested? I mean, Layla is already coming so I wanted you to be there to hear my story as well. You know about Priscilla, and I don't know you well. If you join me, I'll fill you both in on how we've come to know each other."

Rose smiled happily and jumped at the opportunity. She nodded yes. "Of course I'll go on a coffee break with you and Layla. That way I can keep an eye on her. I should protect my best interest."

Tilting her head to the side for a moment, Karly asked, "What do you mean, to protect your best interest? What makes me any different from your other lady co-workers? I am nothing special, Rose, I am just me. Also, don’t give me any special treatment just because you know me outside of work."

Smiling back softly, Rose licked her bottom lip, making it moist and wet, and replied to Karly's two questions, "Well, how can I put this? You are a talented woman, beautiful, sweet, and very kind. You seem to know your way around office work. It's like you know what to do without anyone telling you."

Rose continued answering Karly's next question, "I was watching you while you worked. I was impressed at how well you carried yourself. I have to admit I was excited that I hired you.

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Not only are you my new co-worker, but it will be great having you as my neighbor too. You are very important to me. I was jealous of Layla gawking over you, touching you. It did make me mad when she was rubbing your shoulders."

Rose blushed as she looked away, still biting her bottom lip, which teased Karly.

Karly looked into Rose's eyes and watched her tongue run back and forth over her bottom lip. Karly leaned in, licking the tip of her tongue against Rose's, and said, "That is what you get for teasing and tempting me, Rose. You should know better than to do that when we both are desiring each other."

Forgetting where they were for a few moments, they gazed into each other's eyes, becoming lost in the moment. Then, staring at each other, and taken aback at what they just did, Karly immediately apologized, saying it was improper and wrong of her. With a soft, honest smile, Rose snickered, realizing Karly wasn't as innocent as she let on.

Karly quickly added, "Oh, my god! I am sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. You are my boss as well as my neighbor. I've already told Layla that I will not do this sort of thing." Flustered, Karly continued to give reasons why they shouldn't be like this, but it was difficult not giving in to the urges that she was feeling for Rose.

Even though she considered Layla too, she had never before been in a situation where two ladies were seeking her affection. She knew Layla wanted pleasure from her, but with Rose, the feelings were more affection and admiration. Karly looked into Rose's eyes and smiled, touching the side of her cheek.

Calmer now, Karly said, "I'm aware you and Layla both like me. It's very apparent that you do. There are reasons why I won't try something. I am with Priscilla and you're with Megan. I have to be fair. I said no to Layla. It wouldn't be fair of me saying yes to you and no to her. I hope you understand, Rose."

Rose nodded her head, pressing her cheek against Karly's palm, stroking it up and down. Adoring the feeling of Karly's soft hand, she leaned in for a moment, kissing her palm softly.

Karly moved her hand away from Rose's face, blushing like an ember at what they were almost about to do.

Rose smiled at Karly and said, "Yes, I agree. We have to at least try to keep ourselves calm. Yet why is it so bloody hard to do? I've never felt this way about any co-worker, even though you're my neighbor as well. No one knows that about us."

"I am not sure why it is so hard," Karly answered. "I guess it's because we feel a certain fascination for each other, and for me, it’s not just about your looks. It's the way you carry yourself as a woman and a boss. I already fancied you from the moment you first said hello to me today. But I think it is best we don't say a word that we are neighbors. Some might think you pulled favors to get me hired here. I don't want any lies, stories, or bullshit starting to surface."

Rose giggled softly, finding it cute hearing Karly curse, if only mildly. It was pretty hot in her mind. Karly started to laugh too. She wanted to question Rose about why Layla seemed worried, but didn't want to step out of order, nor did she want to make trouble for Rose and Layla. She asked anyway, assuming it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

"Um, Rose, if I may ask... When I threw the intention to invite you for coffee, Layla seemed startled. Is there anything I should know concerning you two? I really don't want to make trouble for you both."

Rose looked down at the floor, nodding her head up and down. Yes, something did happen between Layla and her. Looking back into Karly's eyes, they both got lost in each other's gaze. Rose softly bit her bottom lip again, and lightly moved her tongue back and forth along her lips, hoping to lure Karly again.

Quickly breaking eye contact, they once again tried to keep their urges in check, but their sexual temptation was growing harder to control. Neither wanted to admit that fact yet, for it was too soon for them to be feeling like this.

Rose tried to answer Karly's questions confidently, without letting on that she was troubled not by Karly, but by the memories of what she and Layla had done.

"Layla and I did have something going on for a time. We had an affair that went on for a year when I first became the boss here. It was not planned. One day, on a business trip together, we did have amazing sex. It continued, and we made love in my office as well,"

Rose continued to tell Karly more, "Megan doesn't know. You are the only one I've told. I trust you, Karly; I put a stop to it eventually because I didn't want it to get out around the office. It would have ruined my career. Layla never did get over me."

Karly nodded her head, now realizing why Layla was hesitant about asking Rose to accompany them for coffee. Feeling bad for not understanding the situation at the time, Karly fluttered her eyes up then down at the floor, speculating she may have annoyed Rose by asking such a dumb question.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I shouldn't have asked something that was a personal matter between you and Layla. Can you forgive me?" Karly pleaded with that sad, puppy dog look, fluttering her eyes up and down while pouting her bottom lip.

Rose tilted Karly's chin up and looked into her eyes. "Of course I forgive you, silly. I could never stay angry at you for very long, with those eyes of yours. How can I be, when you turn on that cute charm? You are probably the only one who can make that work on me."

Karly enjoyed how Rose comforted her. She closed her eyes, feeling Rose's soft fingers caressing her chin. Softly nibbling her lip, Karly moved her cheek into Rose's hand, rubbing her face against Rose's palm.

Forgetting they had girlfriends, Rose continued to stroke and caress Karly's face, brushing her thumb over Karly's lips. Karly responded, moving her face inches away from Rose's lips.

Panting rapidly, they cupped each other's faces as Karly's lips smoothly brushed against Rose's. Rose returned the kiss, moving her lips up and down Karly's. Her tongue entered Karly's mouth, caressing and massaging Karly's tongue back and forth, and Karly matched her tongue play, pulling Rose's tongue between her lips.

Karly moved her hand down to unbutton and loosen Rose's blouse, softly caressing her fingernails on her chest. Rose moaned, enjoying Karly's soft, passionate touch. She never experienced this from anyone, not Layla nor Megan. It excited her to her core.

Karly loved how soft Rose's skin was, far softer than Priscilla's. She moved her lips towards her chest, grazing Rose's breasts with soft, light kisses. Rose moaned breathlessly, "Oh, Fuck! That feels heavenly. I should have fucking skipped work today and come over to your house, to umm... ask for a cup of sugar."

Karly looked up at Rose with her piercing light blue eyes. Rose stared back, quivering, as she bit her lip.

"You should have come over. I was mesmerized by how gorgeous you looked in your outfit, but you'd look even better with your hair down. I wanted to spend the morning making you moan and squeal."

Rose giggled and squeaked hearing Karly's desires. Never expecting her to be so bold and fearless, Rose clenched her legs together tightly as she held Karly close to her. Feeling Karly's hand about to move down between her thighs, Rose's eyes lit up in anticipation. Breathing hard, she opened her quivering legs, but... a knock at the door interrupted them.

Both snapped out of their embrace, looking quickly at the door, wondering who it could be. Karly saw in Rose's eyes that she was pissed off by the interruption. Raising a fist and shaking it at the door, she growled to herself, Oh, fuck off, Layla. I was about to have Karly all to myself!

Karly blushed, "Don't be mad. I was happy just to kiss you for a few moments. You have been on my mind since this morning. I guess we gave in to our, um... urges, huh?"

Rose smiled back, "I guess! This is going to be harder than we thought. Oh, gracious, I completely forgot you and I both have lovers—me with Megan, you with Priscilla. Fuck!

The knock on the door persisted. It was Layla. "Karly? Rose? Are you both coming for the coffee break?" she asked, respectfully.

"Just a moment, Layla. We will be right with you. Will you meet us in the employees’ room?" Rose answered. Karly smiled and stepped back, helping Rose button up her top a little to get her dressed.

"Am I going to have to help you get dressed each time I come to your office, boss?" Karly said with an angelic smirk.

Rose looked at Karly and said, "Oh, shut up, you! That was your fault for using that damn cute charm of yours and teasing me!"

Turning and walking towards the door, Karly looked over her left shoulder, smiling at Rose, and said, "You have very soft lips, by the way. I really loved the way they felt against mine. It was just a friendly kiss, right? It is exactly how I say hello. Be informed, when I say farewell, it's even more intense and thrilling."

Ushering Karly towards the door to make sure that they both met Layla on time for the coffee break, Rose reached for her purse and followed her out. Smiling at Rose, Karly waved her forefinger back and forth as she opened the door for her, saying, "After you, Ma'am. Beauty before age."

Rose was thrilled that Karly had said something so sweet to her. Her eyes twinkled and her lips curled. She walked calmly through the door, acting composed and formal in front of the other workers. But Karly was making it rather difficult for her. All Rose could think about was how Karly would say goodbye!




Written by Blue_Eyed_Lady
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