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Pictures of Lily - Part 1 Of 2

"Young tenant finds old photos of his mature landlady"

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Jeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major.

He had been applying for many positions in different locations, and it was a great relief when he’d been offered and accepted a position in the marketing department for a large pharmaceutical company. It was a great load off his mind for a number of reasons, but primarily because it would get his old man off his back, he’d make some decent money and he could afford to get out of his parents’ house once and for all. After four years living on his own while away at school, living back at home had become a major pain in the ass.

The job he’d accepted was in a city about three hours from where his parents lived. On the Saturday before the Monday, he was to begin work he loaded up his fifteen-year-old Volvo wagon with all of his stuff and was ready to drive to his new city. The plan was to get a cheap hotel room at first and he would scope out the local area for a place to rent. He was hoping to find a reasonable place that was furnished.

His mother Dana came out to his car to say goodbye. His dad was off playing golf.

“Now, drive safely, Jeremy, and call me when you get settled in and let us know where you’re staying,” Dana said. “And I’ll scope around on-line for some rentals and I’ll send you any that look interesting.”

“Okay Mom, thanks. I’m sure I’ll be able to find something before too long. If not I’ll just pick up a chick in a bar and go home with her!”

“Oh, stop! I’m sure a tall, handsome young man like you would have no trouble doing so, but I hope it doesn’t come to that!”

“Don’t worry, Mom, it’ll work out,” Jeremy said and hugged her. “Goodbye, and say bye to Dad for me.”


Jeremy drove the three hours and checked into a Red Roof Inn about a mile from his office. After getting situated in his room he called Dana as requested and then went out to eat. His plan was to get a Sunday paper and drive around to learn the area. Then on Monday morning, he’d start his orientation and training.


A couple of days later Dana was on the phone with her friend Mary, who lived a couple of blocks away with her husband Jim and their two children. Dana was forty-two, and although Mary was seven years younger, they got along well and shared many of the same interests. They’d met at the country club, played tennis regularly, and socialized quite a bit.

Dana told Mary about Jeremy’s new job in the city and his need to find a place to live.

“You know something, Dana?” Mary said. “My mother lives not far from there. And she has a good-sized property with a pool and a garden and an outbuilding that is an old garage but it has a nice little apartment above it. My father used it as a studio before he died.

“Anyway,” she continued, “We’ve encouraged her to rent it out, just to have somebody else around, but she never has because she didn’t want to risk getting some lunatic in there and then she couldn’t get them out! But it would be perfect for one person.”

“Really?” Dana said excitedly. “Do you think she’d rent it to Jeremy?”

“She might, I’ll ask her. It’s full of junk and will need some cleaning up, but it’s a nice little place. It has a kitchenette and bathroom and one extra-large room. And it’s only ten or twelve minutes from downtown.”

“Wow, that sounds great. And it would save him a lot of stress too, I’m sure!”

“I’ll call her tonight. I think she might go for it, I will encourage her to, anyway. I’d feel better knowing she had someone else around. Plus she knows you, so that should help. It will probably come down to whether or not she really wants somebody around.”


Mary called back that night and told Dana that she’d talked to her mother and she was open to the idea of renting to Jeremy, but she wanted to meet him and interview him first before making a decision. Dana agreed that that made perfect sense, she would do the same.

“My mother said to have Jeremy call her and they’ll arrange a time for him to come over. I think it might work out, Jeremy always makes a good impression.” She gave Dana her mother’s cell number.

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Mary! I’ll call Jeremy right away, I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic. He’s been so busy with the new job I know he was not looking forward to apartment hunting.”

They said their goodbyes and hung up and Dana immediately called Jeremy’s cell phone. He didn’t pick up, which was absolutely normal for him, but she left a specific message and he called back in a few minutes. He said thank you very much, and to please thank Mary too. He said he’d call in the morning.


Jeremy made the call the next morning and left a voicemail. She called back around lunchtime. He recognized the number.

“Hello, is this Miss Lily?” he answered.

“Why, yes it is, but please, just ‘Lily’ will do. Formalities are not necessary. Is this Jeremy?”

“Yes,” he said.

“My daughter tells me you just started a new job nearby and need to find a place to live.”

“Yes, that’s right. I just started Monday and I’m staying in a hotel until I find something. Your place sure sounds convenient.” He went on to tell her all about the new job he’d landed.

“Well, I have a small apartment above the old garage. It’s not much and will need to be cleaned out, but it would work for a single person. I’ve thought about renting it for some time but just never seemed to get around to it. And of course, I need to make sure I have a good tenant!”

“I assure you, Lily, I would be an ideal tenant. I’ll pay my rent on time and you’ll probably hardly hear a peep out of me; they will have me working pretty long and hard at the office for the foreseeable future!”

“You sound like a bright young man. Your employer has a reputation for hiring the sharpest young recruits. Why don’t you come over and we can talk and I will show you the place? How about tomorrow evening?”

Jeremy said that would be fine. He was excited about the possibility unless the place turned out to be a dump. With a little luck, he might have a place by the weekend.


They had set it up for seven p.m. With Daylight Savings Time in effect, there would be plenty of daylight left in which to see the place. Jeremy found the property easily. It was much larger than he’d expected, perhaps two acres or close to that. There was a long driveway leading up to an old, brick ranch house. There was an attached two-car garage, and he could see another building about fifty yards behind the house. It was two stories with bay doors. He figured that was where the apartment was.

He rang the bell. Lily answered the door promptly.

“You must be Jeremy!” she said enthusiastically.

“That’s me. And you must be Lily!”

“The only and only! Come on in and let’s sit by the pool and get acquainted. I have a pitcher of iced tea!”

Jeremy followed her. She looked much younger than he expected, and he was quite surprised by how attractive she was. He knew Mary was a few years younger than his own mother, and Lily had to be in her mid-fifties anyway, but she looked ten or fifteen years younger than that. She was maybe five-five, with a healthy, sturdy look. Her hair was shoulder-length, light brown with a narrow streak of gray. You could tell she took care of herself. She wore blue denim cut-offs, had a shapely butt, and her white t-shirt hugged her upper body. Her breasts weren’t large but were perky.

“Please forgive me for the way I look,” Lily said. “I spent some time working in the garden when I got home from work.”

They walked out onto the screened lanai and sat in lawn chairs while Lily poured tea. Jeremy glanced around at the kidney-shaped pool, at the fountain of water splashing into it, and at the adjacent hot tub.

“You have a beautiful home!” Jeremy said.

“Oh, thank you, Jeremy. It’s kind of big for just one person though, and a lot of work!”

“And it looks like your garden is pretty big!” He could see it out back and it looked huge.

“Yes, that’s a hobby of mine. I love to garden and I love seeing it grow and then picking the vegetables and canning them. I eat my own vegetables all year long! I rarely have to buy a vegetable at a grocery store.”

They made idle chatter for a few minutes while they sipped their drinks. Jeremy liked Lily already, she was very down-to-earth and easy to talk to, which didn’t really surprise him because Mary was the same way. But he was very relieved that they were already so relaxed with one another.

“So, would you like to see the apartment? Lily asked.

“Yes, I would love to.”

“Okay, let’s go.” As they walked Lily told him what to expect.

“Now, don’t expect too much, Jeremy. It’s a mess and needs a thorough cleaning, so I hope you can see past that. It’s full of junk, most of which can be moved downstairs into the garage, and some I’m sure can be thrown out. But it has a full bath, a small kitchenette, a nice-sized closet, and a very large room. And there are a few pieces of furniture which you are welcome to use, although you will need to bring your own bed.

They reached the building and climbed the outdoor stairway to the second floor. They entered the apartment, and it was about as good as Jeremy could have hoped for. True, it was full of stuff that had to be moved—stacked boxes, old exercise equipment, record albums, odds, and ends—but it would more than suffice for his needs. There were a small sofa and chair, an end table, and a table with three chairs. The kitchen was equipped with a sink, small fridge, a two-burner stove, microwave, and toaster oven. There was a large walk-in closet—also full of stuff—and a small bathroom with a shower stall.

“You can see why I put off renting it!” Lily said. “It will be a lot of work cleaning it out!”

“I can take care of that,” Jeremy said.

“I will need to determine what gets tossed and what gets stored downstairs. And it needs a top-to-bottom scrubbing!”

“I’d love to rent it from you, Lily! How much?”

She gave him a number which seemed more than reasonable.

“The utilities are on the same meter as the house, but it shouldn’t be that much, so I won’t worry about that unless it gets out of hand. And you can help out in the garden.”

“Okay, that sounds fine. But I don’t know anything about gardening.”

“Can you pull weeds?”

“Sure, I can pull weeds.”

“Can you turn on the hose?”


“Fine, you’re hired. The place is yours.”

“Oh, thank you, Lily, thank you. What a relief. You won’t be sorry!”

“Glad to have you, neighbor. Come over Saturday morning and we’ll get to work. We could have you in by Sunday night.”


Jeremy arrived at eight a.m. Saturday and Lily was already in the apartment filling boxes and green garbage bags with loose items that were sitting around. Jeremy carried the bags and boxes down the stairs to the garage and stacked the keepers on a pallet and the disposables in the far corner closest to the bay door. Then he started carrying down the stationary bike, a small treadmill, and boxes of record albums.

Lily started looking through the stacked boxes one by one to see what was in them. Then she told Jeremy which ones were to go on the pallet and which ones were to go in the corner. Much of the stuff belonged to her kids and they would have to come and deal with that in the future.

This took a few hours. When all the boxes and other miscellany had been removed, and all that remained was the furniture Jeremy planned to utilize, it was almost one o’clock and Lily announced it was time for lunch. They went to the house, washed up, and she served a huge salad—all from her garden—tuna sandwiches and iced tea. They ate ravenously and soon were back to work.

The walk-in closet was full of boxes too, and garment bags on hangers. While Jeremy carried the garment bags down to the garage, Lily went through the boxes one by one and determined that they were all papers and items related to her husband’s business, which had been defunct for a few years since his death. By the time Jeremy had carried them all down to the garage and piled them with the disposables, it was getting to be late afternoon.

“Well, it looks like we got quite a lot done today!” Lily exclaimed as she removed the sheet covering the sofa and plopped down.

“We sure did,” Jeremy said, sitting down beside her. “Thank you so much. You worked hard!”

“So did you. But I’ve been meaning to clear this stuff out for ages. I’m glad you came along; I appreciate the help.”

“If it’s okay, I’ll come by tomorrow morning and clean,” he said. It’s really not bad at all, just windows and floor and kitchen and bathroom.”

“That’s fine, you can move in tomorrow,” she said, and walked to the kitchen and handed him a key. “I’ll worry about getting rid of the junk downstairs some other time.”

Jeremy took the key and followed Lily out the door and down the stairs. They walked past the garden to the side of the house.

“Thank you, Lily. I appreciate what you’re doing for me and I look forward to being neighbors.”

He hugged her before he got into his car and drove off.


Jeremy showed up Sunday morning with his cleaning supplies and got to work. He knocked down a few cobwebs, and then cleaned the kitchen counter and cabinets. Then the bathroom, which wasn’t too bad: the commode needed a good scrubbing but the shower looked like it had rarely been used. He mopped the floors. The windows were the worst; they looked like they’d never been cleaned and were covered with years of grime. But after a few hours, he was done, and more than pleased with the result.

He was walking to his car to start moving all of his things into the apartment when he saw Lily on her knees in the garden. He waved and walked over.

“How’s the cleaning coming, Jeremy?” Lily called.

“All done. Going to move my stuff in now,” he said, admiring her thriving garden, lush growth in what had been a very dry summer. “Man, Lily, your garden is amazing! With the dry season we’ve had, most gardens are barely hanging on and yours is flourishing! How do you do it?”

“Pig shit!” Lily said.

“What?” Jeremy said, laughing. It was funny hearing her curse.

“Pig shit. That’s the secret. That plus weeding and watering. Most people spend small fortunes on fancy fertilizers and sacks of cow manure and miracle this and that. Me, I call this old farmer friend of mine and he brings over a big truckload of pig manure—he loves having someplace to get rid of it—and dumps it here. And I shovel it and till it and plant and weed and water and this is what you get. Hell, sometimes I grow things I didn’t even plant!”

“Wow, that’s one I never heard before.”

“You heard it here first!”

“So when I’m weeding the garden I’ll be kneeling in pig shit?”

“Yep, so don’t wear your Sunday best!”

Jeremy laughed and said, “Well, I’m going to unload my car and move my stuff in. Tomorrow when I get home from work I’ll do some weeding.”

“We all need something to look forward to!” she said.


Jeremy moved in and got situated. He made notes of what he needed to get to stock the kitchen. Fortunately, it was equipped with some plates and bowls and cups and glasses and silverware and a couple cooking pots, so there was no urgency there, but he would need to shop for a few things. And he needed a bed; he’d be sleeping on the sofa until he could get a bed delivered. Plus, he would need to get home to his parents’ house sometime soon to get more of his belongings that would help turn his new apartment into a home.

Over the next few weeks, he got to know Lily better. They spent time together in the evenings and on weekends in the garden and they would talk while they worked. They even shared some meals together. More and more Jeremy found himself watching Lily, admiring her body and graceful movements. When she worked in the garden she often wore shorts which accentuated her tanned legs and held snug against her butt and t-shirts that showed off her toned arms and would cling to her breasts when she perspired. After dark, she would disappear into her house and then reappear a few minutes later in a swimsuit, and in the dim light, she would swim a few laps in the pool, then sit in the hot tub for a while, then dive back into the pool and swim a few more laps. Then she’d go into her house and the lights would go out.

On a Friday after work, he drove to his parents’ house. He spent the night and then on Saturday morning he loaded his car to the brim with more of his things. He drove to his new apartment and that evening carried it all inside.

He decided to hang all of his heavy winter clothing in the back of the closet since he wouldn’t need them for a few months. When he shoved his heavy jackets all the way back he heard something fall to the floor. He stooped down and picked up a one-inch screw. He slid the jackets back and he noticed for the first time a panel about two feet wide that was screwed into the drywall right below the shelf. It had been painted over and was barely visible in the dim light. He saw where the screw had fallen out, and saw five more screws. He removed the screws and panel carefully…it was easy to do because these were the wrong kind of screws for drywall…and placed them on the shelf above.

There were two boxes, each about eighteen inches wide and six inches high. He carried them out to his table and sat down. Inside both boxes were dozens of brown manila envelopes. On the upper right of each envelope, by a neat hand was written the word ‘LILY’, followed by a number. The envelopes contained photos. Lots and lots of photos. Sexy photos. Nude photos. Nasty photos.


He went through the envelopes numerically, and soon after he started he knew he should stop and pack them back up but he couldn’t help himself. The photographer was good. All of the pictures were of a much younger Lily, perhaps in her early twenties, at first by herself in different stages of erotic undress. But with each envelope, he opened the photos became more and more daring, sexier, dirtier and more graphic.

There was Lily on a mountaintop; you could see mountains far off in the distance behind her. She was dressed in only short cut-offs and a skimpy halter. Photo by photo, as her pose pivoted and moved, a nipple was bared, then a tit, then another nipple, and soon the halter was gone, then the snap on her shorts was undone, and the zipper lowered inch by inch, exposing her bush, then her pants were off, and the last ten prints showed her young naked body in various views, front, rear, silhouette, touching herself.

She was in a studio wearing a long, sheer dress, almost transparent, with nipples hard and a wind blowing the fabric this way and that, showing off her figure and exposing her private parts.

One envelope was 48 prints of her with a shiny dildo in varying depths of insertion in her mouth, her pussy, and her ass. Another set showed her doing the same with a carefully chosen selection of phallic fruits and vegetables: a cucumber, a yellow squash, a plantain, a banana, a zucchini, a fat carrot.

There were two sessions of just kissing: one with a handsome, shirtless man, the other with a hot Asian chick.

Another set she was with a slim, blond guy, both completely naked, their genitals never exposed, but always hidden. He was on his knees in front of her, his back to the camera, his head in front of her crotch, hiding it from the lens; then she was doing the same for him. He was behind her with a hand covering each breast and her hands hiding her snatch, then she was behind him with her hands on his penis.

There was an extra-thick envelope of her with an athletic-looking black man, both naked. Numerous shots of them kissing, him sucking her breasts, her licking his hairless chest, then his navel, and southward to his hardened cock, and it was huge. The tip of her tongue on the tip of it, then licking it, then it was in her mouth and inch by inch it disappeared. Then they were lying on the floor, him on top of her, his muscled ass taut, and it didn’t look like they were faking.

There was a stack of her with an attractive blonde woman on a couch, kissing, touching, shedding clothes, and eating pussy. Another set was with another woman, a brunette, on the same couch in the same scenario. But when the brunette’s dress came off she had an erected, seven-inch cock, which Lily sucked, and then they sixty-nined their way through to the end of the roll.

That was just the first box.


Jeremy sat back in his chair and took a deep breath. He was sweating and had a hard-on. He looked at the clock and it was getting late. He felt like a heel for looking at all of the photos, but once he’d started he couldn’t stop. This was hot stuff, and very professionally done.

But now what was he going to do? He couldn’t just go to Lily and say, ‘Oh, Lily, by the way, I found all these racy photos of you behind the wall in the closet, and sorry I looked at them, and they made me so hard I wanted to jerk off!’ She’d never trust him again. He couldn’t tell her he found them but didn’t look at them; that would be a lie and she’d never believe it. But she must know they exist, but the photos were taken so long ago, perhaps as long as 35 years, would she want to know they were there?

He didn’t know what to do, so he would do nothing. He packed the boxes and put them back into the cache in the wall and screwed the panel in place.


Jeremy couldn’t get the photos out of his mind. He thought about them when he was at work, and when he went to bed at night. He thought about them when he would weed the garden, and of course whenever he was interacting with Lily. He found himself eying her more and more, admiring her body, a trim, matured version of the body in the photos. He had a new view of her, a sexual view. He now saw her not as his landlady, but as an attractive, libidinous woman.

But he’d become uptight around her, he knew it, and Lily noticed it. She asked him a couple of times if something was wrong, and he told her, no, everything was fine. She knew something was amiss but didn’t press the point. As the days went by and things became more awkward, Jeremy knew he’d have to tell her. His conscience wouldn’t leave him alone. He hated to risk damaging the relationship he’d already cultivated with her…and perhaps losing his new residence…but he felt he had to be honest with her.

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The next Saturday morning Jeremy went out to pull some weeds. He’d been at it about fifteen minutes when Lily called to him from the lanai. She told him to take a break, she’d just pulled some blueberry muffins out of the oven. So he got up, washed his hands with the hose, and went into the kitchen and sat down. The muffins smelled great. Lily served him one, poured his coffee and sat down across from him.

“Okay, talk to me,” she said. “Something’s bugging you, so don’t deny it, just spit it out. What’s wrong?”

Jeremy took a deep breath. “I’m afraid you’ll hate me,” he said.

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“I did something I shouldn’t have done. But, I couldn’t help myself. I don’t want to jeopardize the trust we’ve built together so far.”

“For God’s sake, Jeremy, what’s going on?”

“In my apartment. I found some pictures,” he said.

Lily turned pale and put her butter knife down with a clank. She clutched the edge of the table with her hands.

“Oh, My God!” she rasped.

“I’m so sorry, Lily. I should have told you about them right away!”

“Oh, My God!” she said again.

“I hope you can forgive me. I feel terrible, that’s why I’ve…”

“I told him to get rid of those thirty years ago!”


“My husband.” She sipped from a glass of water. “Where did you find them?”

“In the back of the closet. There is a panel on the wall. I was hanging my winter clothes and the panel came loose. I was curious… I’m sorry…”

“That used to be his darkroom. He promised me he’d gotten rid of them.”

“I wanted to tell you sooner. I didn’t want you to hate me, or not trust me…”

“It’s not your fault, Jeremy; it’s my dead husband’s! He was supposed to destroy them so no one would ever know about them! My kids don’t even know about them! I was young and stupid and I did a lot of things for him I didn’t want to do, you must believe that. I’m just sorry you had to see them.”

They were quiet for a moment. Jeremy sipped coffee as Lily stared at her untouched muffin.

“I’m not,” Jeremy said.

“You’re not what?” Lily asked.

“Sorry I saw them. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you as soon as I found them, but I’m not sorry I saw them. They’re very good. Your husband was a good photographer. And you were very good in front of the camera. You were beautiful. You are beautiful.”

Lily’s eyes rose to meet his.

“I had an erection,” Jeremy said.

Her eyes expanded into two shiny pools.

“When were those photos taken?” he asked.

“My early twenties, over a three or four year period. But when I had little kids I put a stop to it. I begged him to get rid of them for years. He told me he did.”

“I’d bet you had no idea at the time that you would be giving your tenant a hard-on thirty years in the future!”

Lily let out with a sad chuckle. “You’re the only one who knows about this, Jeremy. It has to stay our secret.”


“I want to see them.”

“Of course. They belong to you.”

“Are you busy tonight?”

“No plans.”

“Okay, let’s have a little party, you and me. A picture party. We’ll have a drink, look at the pictures, and I’ll burn them. Sound good to you?”

“Sure, whatever you’d like. It’s up to you.”

“Okay, it’s a date. Come over around seven and bring the photos with you. And don’t try to sneak out and make copies!”


Right at seven p.m., Jeremy carried the boxes down to the lanai where Lily was waiting. There was a pitcher of what looked like iced tea on the table along with an ice bucket and two glasses. Next to the table was a fire pit with a bed of kindling and an artificial fire log in it. He placed the boxes on the table and sat down.

“I hope you like this,” Lily said, pouring Jeremy a drink. “It’s iced tea with a kick!”

“Long Island Iced Tea?” he asked.

“I don’t know about those things. This has tea, vodka, rum, and lemon juice. Maybe a Short Island Iced Tea!”

Jeremy took a sip and smacked his lips. “Good!” he said.

“I agree. But be careful, they’re stronger than they seem!”

Lily picked up the first box and placed it in front of her.

“So, shall we get started?” she said.

Jeremy nodded. “The envelopes are numbered. Chronologically, I guess.”

“Yes, he was always very organized,” she said, picking up the first envelope. She was going by the numbers.

Lily opened the first envelope, the pictures with her on the mountain.

“Ah, Emory Peak!” she said. “Big Bend National Park. I was nineteen. We camped and woke in the dark and hiked to the peak for the sunrise. It was beautiful. We could see the desert and mountains of Mexico and Texas in all directions.” She leafed through the photos quickly and holding one of the nudes added, “I had a pretty good body in those days.”

“Yes,” Jeremy said. “You still do! Your body looks about the same now to me.”

Lily looked at him dubiously and said ‘Thank You’. She struck a match and lighted the fire log at each end. Once the log was ablaze she fed the photos into the flame two or three at a time. When she started to open the next envelope Jeremy noticed there were two photos left on the table that didn’t get burned.

Lily pored through the photos of her wearing the see-through dress, dwelling on one here and there before tossing it in the fire.

“I remember it was freezing in that studio that day!” she said. “It was cold outside. There was no heat and he had a four-foot-wide fan blowing full blast and he kept walking around shouting ‘Do this, do that, turn this way, try that!’ Look at my nipples in this one!”

One picture remained unburned on the table.

Next were the photos of her with the dildo. With a sour look on her face, she went through them pretty quick and dumped them in the pit. But she chuckled when she opened the envelope with the fruits and vegetables.

“My introduction to gardening!” she laughed and took a big swig of her drink. She went through these more slowly and burned them one by one, all but two of the more tasteful ones: kissing a cucumber and sensually eating a banana.

Jeremy was enjoying watching her and was putting a large dent in the pitcher of drinks. They were going down easy as Lily plowed through the pictures.

Lily went through the photos of the kissing sessions one after the other, usually with no more than a nanosecond of a glance. All but one went into the pit. She was standing naked, looking away from the camera, with her arms crossed over her breasts and the blond guy was seated in front of her blocking her lower body.

Jeremy noticed a pall come over Lily’s face when she opened the pack with her and the black guy. She went no further than the first picture. She took a healthy gulp of her Short Island Iced Tea and threw them all in the fire.

“I’m sorry you had to see those,” she said. “That was my husband’s idea. I hated myself for months after that.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because of the things he called out for me to do. And because I did them. And because I enjoyed it.”

They both stared at the fire pit as the flame flared and the pictures were reduced to ash.

“We need more of this!” Lily said, picking up the empty pitcher. She went to the kitchen, whipped up another pitcherful, and returned to fill their glasses.

The next batch with Lily and the blonde chick going at it were quickly burned.

“His idea again, he egged us on,” Lily said. “I’m not lesbian or bi. She was a bitch and smelled. Ugh.”

When she got to the pictures of her and the transsexual, Jeremy could almost feel the air go out of her lungs.

“Aw, poor Trixie,” she sighed. “She was sweet, but so messed up. She was my husband’s first affair.” She looked into Jeremy’s eyes and said, “I can’t believe I’m telling you this! I’ve never told anyone.”

“Maybe you needed to tell somebody,” he said.

“Yeah, maybe.” She didn’t look at any other photos in that envelope, she just burned them.

It went on like that for the next hour or more. Lily would open an envelope, look at the photos—some more than others, some not at all—and toss them in the pit, the glossy coatings always causing a momentary flare-up.

Halfway through the second box, the envelopes became skinnier and lighter. These contained all the negatives, and all went into the fire.

When Lily was done burning it was ten o’clock. The log was nearing its end, and all evidence of the past was in the ashes, except for seven photos she’d saved.

“You know what, Jeremy,” Lily said. “I feel better. This has been hanging out there for so long, but now it’s finally resolved. I’m glad you found them. I’m glad you told me. I’m just sorry you had to see them.”

“It’s okay, Lily. You were young, so what? I’m just glad you still trust me.”

“Of course I do. But this is our secret, right?”


The fire was down to cooling embers so Lily poured what was left in the ice bucket into the pit and it hissed its dying breath. Then they carried the pitcher and glasses into the kitchen and placed them in the sink.

“Thank you for a fascinating evening, Jeremy!” Lily said as she turned to face him.

She put her arms around him and gave him a hug. Jeremy put his arms around her. He could smell a faint whiff of the fire in her hair and felt her nipples press against him. When Lily broke the hug and started to back away Jeremy held her. He looked into her eyes and she looked into his. He could no longer look at her as his landlady. He looked at her now as a woman, a woman who had bared her embarrassed soul to him and shared something with him she’d never shared with anyone. A woman who looked fine in the pictures from thirty years ago, but who also looked fine in the flesh right then, standing before him. He had no idea where his nerve came from, but he leaned his face to hers and kissed her lips.

It was not a long kiss, but it wasn’t a peck either. It was full-on, and Jeremy pressed his lips against Lily’s’ and absorbed their softness.

“I didn’t expect that,” Lily said when they parted, her eyes widened. Jeremy still held her.

“Neither did I,” Jeremy said.

Then he pulled her in and kissed her again, this time with more force. He slipped his tongue between her lips and it met teeth, although only briefly. Her mouth opened into a narrow slit to accept him and they tasted tongues for the first time. ‘What am I doing?’ Lily thought as she put her arms back around him.

Jeremy smiled when they finally broke their kiss. Lily had a thoughtful look on her face and she gently touched his cheek with her hand.

“Wow, you are just full of surprises, aren’t you?” she said.

“I’m sorry, Lily, I…”

“Sssh, it’s okay. It was nice. But I think it might be time to say good night.”


Lily cleaned up in the kitchen, then went into her bedroom and put on her bathing suit. She swam a few laps in the dark and then eased her body into the hot tub. As she soaked she thought about her night and what had happened. She thought about the long lost pictures. And of course the kiss; she thought about the kiss.


It was too early to go to bed and Jeremy was too wound up to sleep anyway. He sat on the sofa and tried to read a book, but concentration would not come. His mind was too preoccupied with Lily. He wondered if he’d screwed up again and gone too far by kissing her. He thought, ‘What’s the big deal, it’s just a kiss, we’re both adults’. But what would she think? The truth was he’d thought a few times about what it would be like to kiss her, but he never thought it would happen. But she had shared things with him that she had never shared with anyone so it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. And she didn’t really resist, did she?

He got up and walked to the window. He looked down at the pool. Lily was swimming her laps just like any other night, just like nothing had happened.


Lily felt clean and refreshed after her swim/soak/swim but she couldn’t sleep. She was lying in bed, wearing only her panties, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Jeremy. Thinking about how he had kissed her and the fact that she had thought of kissing him but had hugged him instead.

She thought about him finding the pictures of her, looking at them all and getting turned on. She thought about his muscled upper body that she would steal glances of when he worked shirtless in the garden. She thought about his aroused young cock.

She wondered what it would feel like to lie naked next to him and feel his smooth skin against hers, to kiss him again, to lick his young body, to taste him, to fuck him. She realized her panties were wet with the thought of it.

She got out of bed and looked out the window. The light was still glowing in Jeremy’s apartment. She peeled off her panties, pulled an old sundress out of her closet and slipped it on, then stepped into a pair of sandals. She walked out through the kitchen to the lanai and across the yard in the dark. Quietly she climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.

Jeremy opened the door. He wore sweatpants and was shirtless, his body a sleek, opaque shape backlit by the lamp next to the sofa, his face unreadable in the shadow.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Lily said.

Jeremy took her in his arms and their mouths met in an instant, impassioned collision, and their lips parted in unison and their tongues were already fucking as they stood enwrapped in the doorway. Lily felt his hands on her lower back and her ass as he pulled her into the room and shut the door behind her. She had one arm around him with her fingertips pressed into the muscles of his upper back and could not resist putting her other hand between his legs to fondle his burgeoning hardness. He may be very young, she thought, but she was ready to fuck him, her first time in a long time, God she was ready, and she was going to make it one to remember. She was determined to be the best fuck Jeremy had had in his young life.

They wobbled like a drunken slinky over to the bed, Jeremy unzipping Lily’s dress en route. The dress fell to the floor and they fell onto the bed. Lily had been thinking about Jeremy’s young, hard cock and what it would feel like inside her but she would have to wait. They lay kissing deeply, licking throats, as Jeremy’s hands roved over her flesh and Lily untied his sweatpants and took his cock in her hands. She tried to guide it toward her wet, aching pussy but Jeremy had other plans. He lowered his head and for the next fifteen minutes, Lily moaned with pleasure as his lips and tongue covered every inch of her upper body from the top down—her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, her nutlike nipples, her stomach—licking and kissing, then dancing around her upper thighs as he teased her and eyed her glistening snatch.

Lily screamed, muffled by her forearm when Jeremy finally wrapped his lips around her stiffened clit and sucked. She came immediately, washing his face with her pent-up nectar. But Jeremy didn’t stop and Lily didn’t want him to. She placed her hands on either side of his head to guide him, wiggling his head to jockey his mouth into perfect position on her love button.

“That’s it! Right there!” she said.

Jeremy lick-sucked her in a lilting cadence, finding an easy rhythm, and Lily’s slim, agile crotch blended in seamlessly stroke for stroke.

“Yes, that’s it, that’s good. Oh, that’s good!”

Jeremy took that as enthusiastic encouragement. He held her buttocks in each hand as head and groin swayed in a pulsing duet, Lily grinding her twat into his mouth making sure he tasted her oily funk. She grabbed one of his hands from her butt cheek and brought it to her mouth and sucked on his fingers.

“Put your finger in my ass!” she said.

She wiggled her ass slightly to one side and brought his fingers down to her asshole. Her other hand was still on his head, directing traffic.

“Keep it up, yes, like that,” she said. “Now put your finger up my ass while you eat me. It makes it so intense!”

He slipped his slick middle finger into her asshole about an inch.

“That’s it.” She put her hand on his and pressed it hard against her back door. “Deeper!” she hissed. He eased his finger in as far as it would go. “That’s it!”

He could feel her sphincter tightening around his finger with each pelvic thrust.

“God, that’s good! Now fuck my ass with your finger as you eat me, as you suck me.”

Jeremy stuck his tongue into her salty tunnel as his finger probed her asshole. He wanted to lick his fingertip through her zesty smack.

“It’s so fucking good!”

Jeremy’s dick was throbbing, and he knew he was going to have to stick it somewhere pretty soon, but he kept doing what he was doing. His lips stayed wrapped around Lily’s swollen clit and he tasted her cunt as he tongue-fucked her. Meanwhile, his finger kept digging for gold in her asshole, and he could hear her moans and feel her body swinging in perfect time.

After a few more minutes of that Jeremy’s dick was crying out, telling him it needed to fuck something. Jeremy agreed with his dick. He rose up above her, on top of her, face to face.

“Put me in,” he said softly. She did just that.

Lily grabbed his swelled shaft and fed its head into her drenched opening. She clutched his ass in her hands. Jeremy pushed his full length into her.

“I’ve wanted this,” he said.

“Me too,” she replied.

He started slowly, nice and easy, slipping and sliding, feeling the rush of her greased walls. Little by little, he applied more and more force, with more and more speed; he was pounding her eager pussy and her pussy was milking his pulsating cock. His tongue was in her mouth when he felt her fingernails in the crack of his ass, opening him, and he groaned loudly when her finger rammed into his asshole.

This made him fuck harder. ‘Damn, Lily’s right!’, he thought, feeling the increased sensation with her finger up his ass. So he slid his hand under her butt.

“Oooh…ugh,” she moaned when his finger entered her, and just like that he was fucking her from both ends.

Jeremy’s bed had no frame, it was just a mattress and box spring on the floor, so each time he slammed her produced a dull thud that sounded like the bass part in three-part harmony with his moans and her squeals of gratification.

He’d never had a woman stick her finger up his ass before, but now after each thrust of his cock into her pussy, on the backswing, he’d feel Lily’s long, slender finger fuck him deep in the ass. After a dozen more pokes he felt his river rising.

When he came it felt like a pint of his dammed-up sperm flowed up through him. He felt the rush of his cum, almost as if it was in slow motion, as it rose through the shaft of his cock. He grunted loud and low, and with one power-squirt after another, he launched his semen deep into the back of her thirsty snatch.

When Lily heard his guttural squawk and felt the trembles of his release, she humped him harder, knowing she was also close. Then, just as Jeremy’s throes were subsiding, hers began and with a groan of her own, she washed his cock with her cum.


“Well, it looks like we have another secret to keep!” Lily said with a chuckle. She was lying with her head on Jeremy’s shoulder and was circling his left nipple with her fingertip.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said. “I bet our families would flip out.”

“I know my kids would!” she said. “I can hear them now.” After a brief silence, she added, “You’re a good lover, Jeremy.”

“So are you! And you’re a good teacher.”

“Is that what I was doing, teaching?”

“What you were doing was being incredibly hot and sexy and irresistible, and you turned me into an animal! I want to know…and do…all the things that turn you on.”

She looked up and said, “You’re off to a good start in that department!”

They kissed deeply, tongues slashing, hands searching, heading back down the path from which they had come.

“I better go to the bathroom before you get me hard again. I’m halfway there,” Jeremy said.

He got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. In the subtle light, Lily stared at his firm ass until the door closed behind it.

Lily was amazed that they had actually crossed that line. Here she was, a fifty-six-year-old widow, and she’d just fucked this handsome, twenty-two-year-old man-child, and he was her tenant to boot! She was practically old enough to be his grandmother, for God’s sake! But damn, it was good! Mary and Dana had sent him to her, and they would no doubt be appalled, as would anyone else who found out.

The door opened and she saw his slim, naked body in the bathroom light before he switched it off. She licked her lips and watched his cock and balls dangle between his legs as he came to her.

Jeremy slid into bed and Lily’s tongue was in his mouth and her hand was on his cock in no time. They kissed long and hard again as she fondled his meat and quickly brought it back to something close to 10 on the Mohs scale. She kissed his neck, licked his chest, nibbled his nipples, working her way down, his stomach, his navel… With one hand gripping his hard, stretched cock, she placed her other hand into her soaked vagina.

“Did you like my finger in your ass?”

“Oh, yes,” he said.

“Good, get used to it!” Then she rammed her slick thumb into his asshole.

Jeremy had no sooner yelped from the sudden rear-ender when he moaned loudly as Lily took his cock into her mouth.

She lowered her head, opened wide and took him in, then out, then in, then out. She massaged his balls and licked his stiff staff up and down and all around.

“Have to get you good and wet!” she said, then again wrapped her lips around his girth, and inch by inch took his cock into her mouth.

He moaned with pleasure and excitement. It was a feeling he’d never had and never could have imagined. With the pressure in his ass, and the gradual disappearance of his dick into Lily’s siphoning mouth and throat, his body squirmed in anticipation. He thought of the pictures of Lily with the big, black cock and realized that he was getting what that guy had gotten so many years ago. And if that guy had felt what he was feeling now, no wonder he had to fuck her on the floor!

Jeremy’s body writhed on the bed, double-riveted to Lily by his dick and her thumb. His fingers were embedded in her hair as she sucked and fucked him, and his ass and groin volleyed on the intense edge on the pleasure side of pain. He knew his ejaculation was going to be a whopper, and it was near.

He let out a cacophonous roar when he started to erupt. Lily moaned and he felt a little extra oomph from her thumb when his first shot of cum sprang into her mouth. Jeremy shook violently with each surge as he emptied his hose and rope after rope of his cum was released.

When Jeremy finally settled, and his spasms were gentler and fewer and farther between, Lily eased her thumb out of his ass. He watched his dick reemerge from her mouth, and when she smiled the cum that she hadn’t swallowed oozed from the side of her mouth.


Written by jackrussell
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