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Noah's Whore - Part 5

"Nancy shares her story with a close friend and a plan is hatched."

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The flaming affair between Nancy and Noah had been going full throttle for a little more than eight months when Nancy received a telephone call from an old friend. Tiffany Hanson was a woman she had met at her first job out of college. They had remained close through the years.

Tiffany had gone through a divorce two years back and Nancy had spent many nights helping her friend adjust to being single. When the woman would get depressed, Nancy would have her come to her home so that they could drink and cry together. Tiffany had found that her husband had been cheating on her and immediately filed for divorce. Once it was completed and approved by the court, she had regretted her hasty decision.

When the receptionist told her that Tiffany Hanson was on the line, Nancy was immediately embarrassed. It occurred to her that while she had been spending all of her free time with Noah in orgasmic bliss, she had neglected to check in on her friend. “Tiff,” she said as she picked up the phone, “I was just getting ready to call you.”

“You lying bitch,” her friend responded with a smile that Nancy could feel. “I don’t know what the hell you’ve been doing for the last year, but you haven’t bothered to call me.”

“Oh really,” Nancy shot back. “Did your phone stop making outgoing calls?”

There was a pause before Tiffany answered. “That’s a good one. I’ll have to remember it. But really … I haven’t heard a peep from you in a long time. Have you been working day and night? Is everything OK at home?”

“Work is fine and everything at home is great,” Nancy answered. “Why don’t we get together for a long lunch and I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing and you can tell me WHO you’ve been doing. I’m betting a beautiful single woman like you has been spending a lot of time on her back.”

“Oh, I have,” Tiffany replied in a sarcastic voice. “Naked on my back holding a red rabbit vibrator between my legs and wishing it was a hard cock.”

“When can we meet for lunch?” Nancy asked.

“Let me look at my calendar,” the friend said as she clicked on her computer. “My schedule for Wednesday is very light. Could you get away for a long lunch? We could meet at that cute little place across the street from the courthouse.”

“That would be perfect,” Nancy told her. “I could be away from the office quite a while on Wednesday and no one would notice. Is noon a good time for you?”

Once their arrangements were made, the two friends both looked forward to the meeting. Nancy began to wonder if she would confess her affair to her old friend. Since it had begun, she had kept her mouth shut as tightly as a bank vault. This might be her opportunity to share it with someone.

Just as the broadcaster on the radio announced the time was noon, Nancy pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant where she was meeting Tiffany. Before she could open her car door, Tiffany pulled into the spot beside her. The two old friends hugged and laughed, both excited to see the other.

“It’s been way too long,” Nancy said, giving Tiffany another tight hug. “I miss our nights drinking and crying together.”

Waving her hand as if pushing something away Tiffany replied, “I miss the drinking together part, but not the crying. A little of that shit goes a long way.”

Standing back away from her friend, Nancy said, “Girl, you look great! How can you not have men falling at your feet? With tits like yours, there must be a waiting line.”

“Oh don’t even go there,” Tiffany answered. “Remember me? I was there when you had your tits customized and I know what great tits look like. On the other hand, you look so good I wish I was gay.”

The two laughed their way into the restaurant and asked for a table away from the crowd. Nancy told the waiter that they planned to sit there and talk for a long time, but that she would tip him well if he just kept their glasses filled.

The women were on their second glass of wine before the topic of sex came up. Once again, Nancy insisted that no woman as beautiful as Tiffany could possibly have a vibrator as her only sex partner.

“I wish it wasn’t the case,” Tiffany said with a frown. “My standards may not be quite as high as yours, but I’m still pretty selective about the men I want between my legs. As you might guess, there are men at work that are always making suggestions, but we both know how unwise that would be, right?”

Nancy just nodded her head.

“I’m too old to do the bar scene,” Tiffany complained. “Over forty people think of you as a cougar if you’re prowling in a club. That whole thing just sucks. I’ve tried a couple of dating websites, but they’re just trying to get your money and it feels like an on-line meat market. For every man listed on those sites, there are at least twenty women.” She took a drink and continued, “Look at me, Nancy. I’m just a little over forty, I’m still in good shape and the more times I get myself off with that fucking vibrator the more I want to hold a hard dick in my hands.”

Nancy was dying to say something about her own good fortune but forced herself to remain quiet. “The good news here is that you are doing well in your profession and don’t need a man to take care of you.”

“I guess I could find some old coot, but I want to feel a pulsing cock in my mouth and hear that wonderful growl he makes when he cums inside me.”

Tiffany finished her wine and motioned for the waiter to bring two more. Turning back to Nancy she asked, “Is Russell still a quick roll in the hay once a week?”

“Like clockwork,” Nancy replied.

“I hate to think that’s all you’re getting and I’m humpin’ myself with a toy,” she said in disgust. “There’s just something wrong here.”

Nancy couldn’t stand it any longer. “Actually, Tiff, I’ve found a solution to my problem.”

After the waiter put their fresh glasses of wine down, Tiffany whispered, “Please tell me it’s something more than watching porn and masturbating.”

“Oh sister, what I have is miles better than that,” she confessed. “After watching 10,000 hours of porn I decided one day that I was going to find a way to experience all those wonderful things I’d been watching in real time.”

“Did you give Russell some LSD and a year’s supply of Viagra?” she quipped.

“I knew that wouldn’t work,” Nancy replied. “Russell is a wonderful man and I do love him, but he just doesn’t care about sex. I decided to put my business mind to work. I wondered how I would solve such a problem if it was something I faced in business. So, I did some analytics. I wrote down all of the things that I wanted to do and what kind of man I wanted to do them with, pardon the bad grammar. I knew that I wanted someone handsome, kind and well hung.”

At that remark, Tiffany laughed. “I should hope so.”

“Then I decided that I needed a man that I could trust. It would be of the highest importance that I find someone that would keep his mouth shut and just enjoy what he was getting.”

“Oh, good luck with that, babe. Men love to talk about their conquests more than women do,” Tiffany added.

“After a lot of study, I settled on the perfect man and just had to determine how I could get him.”

“You actually had a candidate in mind? Did you bring him in for an interview?” Tiffany laughed.

Nancy took a drink and looked around to make certain there was no one listening to their conversation. “I decided to do something I had heard at one of the sales meetings I attended at the boss’s insistence. The sales force was given this direction: Plan your work and work your Plan. I thought about that advice and decided to put it into action.”

“So Nancy,” Tiffany said showing her excitement. “Who is this perfect man?”

Smiling sweetly, Nancy told her, “I think you met him last year at the Christmas party at my house. His name is Noah Brady.”

“Wait a minute,” Tiffany said holding up her hand. “I remember him. As I recall he was maybe six feet tall, handsome, broad shoulders, killer smile and a little gray at the temples, right? But he works with your company. You couldn’t possibly be thinking of fucking someone who works for your company.”

Nancy showed her smug smile. “At that Christmas party, I overheard his date telling another woman that Noah had a great cock and he knew how to use it. I heard her tell the other woman that she planned on spending the night with him and fully expected to be fucked silly. Those were her exact words… 'I’ll be fucked silly.' So, Noah immediately moved to the top of my prospect list.”

“But honey,” Tiffany pleaded, “He works for your company. That’s just not wise.”

“No Tiff,” Nancy replied. “I thought it over. It’s perfect. He has a lot more to lose than I do if he ever lets the story get out. We never, well… almost never fool around in the office.”

“Do you mean to tell me that you are already involved with this guy?” Tiffany demanded.

“We’ve been hard at it for better than eight months now. And I do mean hard!”

Tiffany sat back with her mouth open in amazement. “What did you do, just walk into his office and tell him that he was your perfect candidate for a fuckmate?”

“I was a little more discrete than that, but not a lot more,” Nancy confessed. “I went into his office one day and dropped a pair of my panties on his desk. He picked them up and noticed that they were very wet. I told him that I had been masturbating at my desk thinking about him and said I wanted to be his whore.”

“A whore?” Tiffany almost shouted. “Why would you suggest that?”

“It was a part of my plan,” Nancy announced proudly. “Can you imagine a man not being flattered by a woman that tells him she wants to be his personal whore? I told him to use me in any way he wanted. I would subject myself to his wishes and his needs. I also reminded him how important it was that we keep our activities a secret.”

“And he agreed?” Tiffany asked, still rather shocked.

“He called me in my office about thirty minutes later and told me to come to his house that night and said that I should come naked.”

“And you did that?” Tiffany asked in a whisper.

“I certainly did,” Nancy said with a big smile.

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“And Tiff, I got the fucking of my life that night. It was absolutely glorious. We get together at least three times a week. Some weeks it might be more often. He does have a beautiful cock and I’ve checked off almost everything on my bucket list.”

After a sip of wine she told her friend, “Not only does he give me everything I want sexually, I can be a different person. I can act the way I want, say what I want and behave like a total whore. I could never do the things I do with Russell that I do with Noah. I can be loud. I can talk dirty to him and he loves it.”

Tiffany was still confused. “So, you’re saying that in the time you’ve been together he has completed your wish list on all things sexual?”

“No silly,” Nancy laughed. “I let him think he’s in charge. I let him think that he’s fulfilling his own fantasies. But in fact, I’m leading him to the things that I want to do and the sexual experiences I want to have.” She took another swallow of her wine. “Come on, Tiff. By now you must have figured out how easy men are to control. You give them a little pussy and they’ll stand on their heads and stack BB’s with their toes.”

“How do you lead him?” Tiffany asked.

Nancy looked up as she was thinking. “Oh, let me see. One night we were hard at it and I asked, ‘Are you going to fuck my tits?’ I knew instantly that he hadn’t thought of it, but I had planted the seed. The next time we were together he put his wonderful cock between my breasts and humped me until he covered my neck with his spunk. I think that’s called a pearl necklace.”

“So, you just plant a seed? You suggest something that you want to do and he does it?” Tiffany asked.

“It’s really that simple,” Nancy laughed. “One day when we were having our lunch break sex, he had mounted me doggie style. It was especially good, but when we were finished and panting side by side I asked him if he thought he could get his big cock into my ass. Two days later during one of my night visits, he had everything ready and convinced me that having anal sex wouldn’t hurt.”

“He convinced you?” Tiffany asked.

“I planted the seed and it grew,” she said with a laugh. “Sometimes you have to help a man know what he wants. Watching porn, I had seen a lot of women take some outrageously large cocks up their asses and they seemed to enjoy it. I was anxious to try it.”

“Did you?” Tiffany wanted to know.

“I loved it, Tiff. Honestly, I loved it. My orgasms in anal sex are much stronger and last longer than the regular kind.”

Tiffany huffed, “I would just like to have an orgasm that wasn’t induced by me.” She stared at her friend for a minute before she said, “And you are really happy with this arrangement?”

Nancy smiled brightly. “I have the best of both worlds. 90% of my life is spent with Russell in our own little world. We make buckets of money and live extremely well. I have everything a woman could ever want except sexual fulfillment.”

“And Noah supplies that,” Tiffany offered as a statement of fact.

There was a moment of silence between the two friends. Finally, Tiffany offered, “Well then, I guess I’m happy for you, Nancy. But I have to admit that I’m awfully jealous. You’ve taken everything a girl could want and then added cherries to the top. And you’ve even checked off everything on your sexual bucket list.”

“Not everything,” Nancy corrected.

“What? Don’t tell me you want to fuck a dwarf,” Tiffany asked and caused them both to laugh again.

When she stopped laughing, Nancy whispered, “I still haven’t had a three-some. That’s still on my list.”

“Have you suggested it to him yet?” Tiffany asked.

“I haven’t. Yet,” Nancy answered and gave a curious look to Tiffany.

It took Nancy’s old friend a few seconds to catch on, but she eventually got there. “Are you suggesting that I should be a part of your three-way?”

“Who better to include than someone you know and trust?” Nancy answered. “You’ve been telling me that you want to get laid and I’m offering the best hard cock in town. Do you see a downside to my idea?”

Tiffany appeared to be deep in thought. “Have you ever had sex with a woman?”

“My freshman year in college my roommate and I fingered each other on several occasions. She had no sexual experience and I only had a little. But that’s as close as I’ve come.”

“Let me understand you,” Tiffany said. “You want to have a sexual experience with a man and a woman at the same time. Do you expect to have sexual contact with the other woman?”

“I want that a lot,” Nancy answered honestly. “One of the things I’ve enjoyed most in watching porn is seeing two or more women pleasing themselves. And being honest, there isn’t a pussy in the world that I’d rather lick than yours.”

Nancy closely watched the expression on Tiffany’s face. At first, she thought she saw shock, but that quickly changed to a countenance that she couldn’t explain. She waited for her old friend to speak.

Tiffany looked quickly around the room before she spoke. “I’m just going to be honest with you, Nancy. On more than one occasion I’ve pleasured myself with one of my toys while I thought about rubbing my pussy in your face. And, I’ve done the same thing in reverse thinking of you on my face. I’ve never had sex with a woman, but I would make an exception for you.”

The two women sat quietly for several minutes sipping their wine.

Nancy spoke first. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Other than masturbating? Nothing.” Tiffany answered.

Nancy smiled and pulled her cell phone from her purse. She found what she wanted, pressed a button and held the phone to her ear as she showed a very devious smile to her friend.

Tiffany could tell that her friend’s call had been answered as Nancy dropped her eyes and spoke softly.

“Hi, baby,” Nancy seemed to whisper into her phone. “Are we on for tonight?”

There was a pause before she spoke again. “Listen, lover, I’ve been thinking about something that I need to talk with you about.”

There was another pause. “Don’t be silly,” she said into her phone. “I am your personal whore and my only interest is in pleasing you. If fact, that’s why I’m calling. I have a beautiful friend that is also a whore. I’ve just talked with her and found out that she is free this evening.”

There was another short pause before Nancy continued. “Well, I was thinking that I’ve been very selfish in keeping you all to myself. You’ve never said anything because you’re so sweet, but I think that you’d like to have another woman in bed with us. I was just thinking that you would love to have one woman taking your cock while another was sitting on your face. I’ve been very selfish and want to make it up to you.”

At this point in the conversation, Nancy looked up at the shocked look on Tiffany’s face and covered her mouth so that no one would hear her laugh.

Turning her attention back to the phone she said, “Yes, baby. I do know her and trust her completely. She has the greatest tits you’ve ever seen. I was telling her what a great lover you are and she insisted that we include her in one of our parties. I’ll be at your house around 7:00. Do you want me to bring her?”

After another pause, Nancy spoke again. “That’s a great idea. I’ll give her your address and have her join us. You won’t regret making this decision, Noah. When you are through with her you’ll probably throw me out with the trash.”

She laughed at whatever Noah said, offered a goodbye and disconnected the call.

Looking across the table at Tiffany she said, “You have a date to get laid tonight.”

It took a few seconds, but a smile broke out on Tiffany’s face. “The idea of fucking some stranger with you has me extremely aroused. The idea of tasting your pussy is even more arousing.” She looked at Nancy for a long moment before she said, “I’ve never done anything like this, but I’m thinking right now that it’s what I’ve been waiting for.”

Just then Nancy’s phone made an odd sound. “That’s a text message from Noah. I generally send him naked pics of me when I’m away from the office, just to keep him interested.” As she picked up her phone she said, “He’s probably going to ask me for a picture of you naked.”

Before Tiffany could say anything, Nancy laughed. Looking up at her friend she said, “He’s asking if you like cum in your mouth as much as I do.”

“Do you really?” Tiffany asked, seemingly surprised.

“Oh, Tiff,” Nancy laughed. “I am just such a slut with him. You’ll get to see tonight. I’ll say and do things you just won’t believe. I don’t think that I’ve ever uttered the word pussy in front of Russell. When I’m with Noah I’ll say things like ‘Fuck my pussy, then put your big dick in my mouth.’ I just find it very liberating to be the biggest slut possible.”

Tiffany’s face lit up with a smile. “This is going to be so much fun!”

“So, what answer do I send him?”

Thinking for a second, Tiffany replied, “Tell him that I’m hoping that you’ll share with me tonight.”

After tapping the answer into her phone, Nancy looked up saying, “You’re going to enjoy being a whore, even if it’s just for one night. But keep in mind… that beautiful, thick cock is mine.”

At 7:00 that evening, Nancy turned her car into Noah’s driveway, opened his garage door remotely and pulled inside his garage. She got out of her car and waited for Tiffany to get out of her car and join her. Nancy hit the button to close the garage door behind them and waited until it had completely closed.

Leaning toward Tiffany, she ran her hand under her friend’s skirt and pressed her hand against her friend’s sex. “I just wanted to make certain that you weren’t wearing panties,” she told her friend. “From now on we are both whores. We do whatever Noah wants. We may have to help him to understand what he wants, but that’s what we’ll do.”

Nancy patted her friend’s ass. “Are you ready for some fun?”

“I can’t believe how ready I am,” Tiffany answered.

The two women held hands and walked in the back door of Noah’s home.

Once inside they heard Noah’s voice. “I’m in the den ladies. Please join me.”

The two friends smiled at each other and held hands as they walked into their newest fantasy.


Once again I extend my thanks to a special friend who provides a second set of eyes and wonderful suggestions. Thanks, ChrisM.

Written by JefferyB
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