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Harley and the Hitchhiker - Chapter 6

"Rick surprises Angel with a visit to an adult store."

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When I wake up, it’s a beautiful Saturday morning and not just because of the weather; it’s because I have a beautiful woman in my arms. I watch Angel as she sleeps, her head resting on my chest. The swell of her breast gently rises and lowers with each breath she takes.

It isn’t long, and Angel begins to stir in my arms. Whispering, “Good, morning,” to my beauty, she turns to face me and we kiss and cuddle for a moment. “Feeling better, Angel?”

“Yes Master, I am.”

“I’m happy to hear that, now we need to get dressed. The ride today will be quite long, but before we go, we will stop at Bobs Family Restaurant for breakfast.”

“That sounds good, Master. I’ll be ready shortly.”

She jumps out of bed and scampers into the bathroom. I am very happy to see the Angel I knew before finding out she lost her job last night after the contest. While I’m dressing, I hear my little girl humming a song. Just as I finish dressing, Angel runs over to me, jumps and I catch her in my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist, and she locks her ankles against my back.

“Oh Master, I am so happy. Before we go, can I stuff that magnificent cock of yours inside me one more time?”

Looking at her, I walk over to the wall, pressing her back against it and kiss her so passionately, her response is to hump my hardened cock through my jeans. I feel she is about to cum and break off the kiss. “It’s time to go, my slut,” I tell her.

“Bu--.” she starts to whine her disappointment.

“No buts... you will have to wait until we arrive in Omaha. We need to get going - we have a long ride ahead of us," I tell her.

Reluctantly, though with a smile on her face, she unlocks her ankles from behind my back. My girl goes over to dress and looks over at me, “Master, you haven’t laid out my clothes.”

“My dear, I want you to wear whatever you feel I will like to see on you. Just remember, no bra,” I tell her.

Watching Angel dress takes all my will power to stop from walking over and taking her right there. She looks at me, holding a pair of high cut blue panties and I nod my head, ‘yes’. When she is done, her jeans look painted on, the white crop top is cut so low that there’s not much left to one’s imagination to dwell on.

“My dear, you look absolutely gorgeous,” I compliment her selection. She smiles, happy that she has pleased me.

For the finishing touch, Angel puts on the earrings and pendant that she picked out while in Sturgis. Now that we are ready to go, she takes her place one step behind me to my left with her head down.

Once we are seated at the restaurant, Angel excuses herself and goes to the bathroom. I pull out my iPhone and call my friend Steve, who owns the Green Door Public House.

“Hi Steve, this is Rick.”

“Hi Rick, nice to hear from you.”

“Listen, I don’t have much time. I’d like you to look at the video I’m sending you. Her name is Angel and she is a bartender, I’m hoping you might have an opening for her.”

“Okay, Rick, I’ll look at the video and call you back tomorrow.”

“That works for me, Steve and thanks.”

As I put away the phone, I see Angel walking back. Our waitress comes over and takes our order. When we finish breakfast, the two of us head out on I-90 E. to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Once there, I get on I-29 S. and follow the signs to Omaha, Nebraska. Halfway there we make a stop for gas and to stretch our legs.

The ride was long but smooth, we arrive at the Hilton Omaha at six in the evening. "Master, can we go eat before we settle into the hotel. I'm afraid if I take a shower and get comfortable I won't want to leave!" she says.

"I think that's a good idea. We don't need a five-star restaurant, just some good food. We will go to a diner or something. I think I saw one on the way through town that looked promising... and it's not too far away!" We go eat dinner and then go back to the hotel.

Once in the room, Angel flops on her back, enjoying the softness of the king size bed. I drop our bags and join her on the bed, and as we lay in silence, I hold her hand.

After lying there for a while, I sit up and pull her to me. I reach down and lift her leg, Angel doesn’t say a word as I remove her shoe and sock. She raises her other leg and I remove the shoe and sock from her delicate foot.

"I would really like to take a shower, Master," she says. "I have all this road dust on me and I feel icky!"

"That's fine, I will take mine afterward. I need to call home and check on things anyway," I say. She goes in to take her shower while I call my friend Steve in Dallas again.

"Hey Steve, it’s Rick. Did you get a chance to look at the video I sent you?

"Oh, hi, Rick, I sure did. I was going to call you in the morning about it. She looks great and if you say she's good, then I'd like her to come in for an interview. When do you think you'll be back in Dallas?" he asks.

"Well, we are headed to Topeka to see the Evil Knievel Museum, probably spend the night there. We've put a lot of time in the saddle here, it'd be good to take a break from riding for a day. But then we'll be heading south again. I don't know, probably late Tuesday sometime?" I say.

"Okay, no problem. I have one of my bartenders in a family way and she will be leaving to drop the kid in a couple weeks or so. Your girl would be a good replacement for her. Kim tells me that once the baby comes, she wants to stay home with her. So she isn't taking a leave of absence, she is quitting. And that leaves me kinda short on bartenders. You couldn't have called at a better time! If Angel works out, you will have saved my ass!" Steve says.

"Well, I have seen her work and she is good. And her personality is even better than her bartending skills," I tell him.

"Can't wait to meet her then! Let me know when you're back in Dallas!" he says, and then he hangs up. After I put my phone away, I hear the shower going and I get undressed and step into the shower with her.

She turns around, smiling, "I was hoping a big strong man would come in to wash my back!" she says playfully.

"Well, I'll be happy to wash your back, but then I get to wash your front too!" I say taking the loofah from her.

"It's a deal," she says, turning her back to me. I get the loofah lathered up and begin to gently wash her back.

"Mmmm... Master that feels so wonderful! I love how you take care of me," she says. She leans back and I take the loofah and gently run it over her shoulders, then down her chest, lightly rubbing her nipples and running it around her amazing breasts.

I play with her breasts and nipples for a few moments before she turns around, taking my face in her hands and pulling me into a deep, passionate, kiss. I love the way she kisses me, but this one is different... this isn't just an "I'm horny, let's fuck" kiss. I can sense there is more emotion than lust in this one. But it's still so sweet that I kiss her back as I drop the loofah on the shower floor and take the wet girl in my arms.

I push her back against the shower stall wall and take the hand-held shower attachment in my hand. I switch it to a fast pulsing action.

"Hold those pussy lips apart," I tell her.

She giggles and does as I tell her. I point the pulsing water spray at her pinkness and she squeals.

"Oh, Master!" she exclaims.

As I lean down to take one of her hard nipples in my mouth, my thumb rubs against her clit, and the spray pounds against her pink pussy. She moans and whimpers as the different sensations grab hold of her mind and send it reeling. She opens her legs wider and I slip a finger into the hole adding to her teasing. Her hand comes up to the back of my head pressing my mouth harder onto her nipple and I can see out of the corner of my eye her free hand clawing at the shower wall as her passion rises.

"Oh God, Master, I'm cumming! Oh please make me cum! Make me cum for you, Master!" she cries. And this time I don't deny her.

"OHHHHFUUUCCCKKK!" she screams out as her knees buckle.

She quickly wraps her arms around my neck and I grab her waist, holding her up until she calms, and then I take her dripping body over and sit her down on the toilet as I dry her off. She is too exhausted from the ride and the orgasm to do anything, so after she is dry, I take her in my arms and lay her on the bed.

"I'll be right back," I say, and I go to dry myself.

When I return, she is lying there still glowing from her orgasm. She is so fucking beautiful I almost cry, knowing she is mine. I climb into bed and she rolls over to face me. She traces the contours of my face with her fingertips as she looks at me wistfully.

"What's the matter, Angel? You look like something is on your mind," I ask her.

"Nothing, Master, I'm just so happy right now," she says. We kiss and cuddle for a little while before sleep overtakes us, and with Angel in front of me and me spooning her from behind, we drift off to some much-needed sleep.


A sudden burst of blinding light has me bolting upright in bed. “Hey! What the hell is going on?” I say, trying to get my bearings and sounding grumpy.

“Oh, Master, it’s a gorgeous Sunday morning and I don’t want to waste another minute of it!” Angel says in a giddy voice.

When my eyes adjust to the bright sunlit room, I see my girl all dressed and ready to go. “Whoa, slow down, Angel, we have plenty of time to get to Topeka!”

Scampering over, she grabs me by the arm and drags me from the bed. Angel looks down, giggling at the sight of my morning woody bouncing around from being dragged from bed. “I’m sorry, Master, I meant no disrespect,” she says.

“It's fine Angel, now let me go get ready,” I tell her, calmer now.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I come out to see that breakfast has arrived. “Why, Angel, this was very nice of you to do. Tell me, what kind of tip did you give the young man?” I ask, standing there naked with an erection that needs relief.

“The usual twenty dollars, but it wasn’t a young man this time, Master. It was a girl,” Angel says while handing me a flute filled with a Mimosa.

“Here’s to you, Master,” she says, as we tap our glasses in a toast.

“No my sweet Angel, here’s to us,” I say, tapping our glasses in another toast. “Now tell me, what else did you give her?”

Angel’s cheeks turn a slight red as she looks at me. “Well, Master, I gave her a kiss that had her moaning as I fondled her perky tits with one hand and slipped my other inside the waistband of her pants and panties. I fingered her pussy until she had a nice, wet orgasm. Then I showed her the door and not two minutes later, you appeared Master,” she tells me while rubbing the tip of my cock with her hand.

“That’s my good slut. Now if you don’t stop, you’re going to get a handful of cum.”

“Oh, but Master, I would prefer a mouthful of your delicious cum.”

“Well then, by all means, slut, suck me dry.”

Going down on her knees, I grab the back of Angel’s head. My slut is a good girl, holding still as I thrust my cock deep in her mouth and down her throat. Pulling back, I thrust my hips forward, shoving my cock back in her mouth and down her throat, again and again. With one last thrust, my nuts empty their thick load in Angel’s mouth and down her throat. Looking down at her, I let my cock slip from her between her lips and watch as she licks my cock clean.

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“Mmm, Master, thank you,” she says with a smile.

“Of course, my sweet slut,” I say, helping her up. “Now let me dress so we can eat, Angel.”

After eating, we check out of the hotel and head out to Topeka. Three and a half hours later we find ourselves at the Evil Knievel Museum.

Entering the newly opened museum, Angel and I view exhibits of his jump bikes. Another exhibit shows the outfits worn for the many jumps he made. There is a collection of endless memorabilia and other items on display. What really catches our attention is where the exhibit explains the physics of jumps and the virtual reality jump experiences. As we exit the museum, Angel says, "Sir, that was fascinating. There is a lot here that I did not know about Evil Knievel."

"Yes Angel, there is a lot to see and I'm glad we had a chance to visit. Now, let's go get a room before going to dinner," I say, helping her up on the trike.

Pulling up to the front of Comfort Suites, I get off the trike, "Stay here, Angel. I'll go and check in, then we'll go get a bite to eat."

"Okay, Sir."

Several minutes later, I have our room secured and we find ourselves sitting at a table in the Blind Tiger Brewery and Restaurant. A waitress comes over and asks, "May I get you something to drink?" while handing us menus.

Taking note of her name tag, I reply, "Yes, Toni, we will have two beers and to start, an order of stuffed jumbo mushrooms."

"I'll be right back with your drinks, sir," she says.

When Toni returns with our drinks, I order steaks and salads for both of us. During our meal, I remind Angel of the promise I gave her and she smiles. "I can't wait, Sir, I've been thinking about it ever since you promised."

"Well, we need to make one more stop before heading back to the hotel," I tell her.

"What stop may that be, Sir?"

"You'll find out soon enough, my sweet," I say. "There is this place I want to check out... something I have heard about from friends back in Dallas. Are you game?" I say.

Angel is uncertain about this new plan, but she trusts me. "Okay, sure, I'm up for something new and different. Let's go!"

After our delicious meal and a couple of beers, Angel and I ride around for a while. There in the distance, I see what I've been looking for, an adult store. The name on the marquee says, "Moonlight Adult Boutique 1."

"We're here," I tell her.

"Master, this is an adult store!" she says.

"Yes, I know. I promised you some games and I am going to find something in here to help keep that promise!" I say.

She gets excited and feels herself getting wet at the promise of things to come. We go in and together we walk around a bit, looking at different dildos, vibes, and other things. She holds up a pair of wrist cuffs "Oooh Master!" she says with a playful smile.

"Yes, those are nice, but I was looking for something a bit... ahh, here we are!" I say picking up a Hitachi Wand. "I have seen these things in movies and on the Internet... they look like fun!" Taking my selection, we go up and pay for the toy and then I ask the cashier. "Listen, I have heard rumors from friends that you have a room in back... a "glory hole" room. Is this true and if so how do we get in?"

"It's true," he whispers, "Come with me." He takes us back to a room in the back behind the video movie racks.

"Sir, what is a 'glory hole' room?" she asks me.

"You'll see," I say. We pay the cashier for the room and step inside. The room is dark, but I find the switch and turn it on.

The room is small and white with only a small nightstand and a chair for furnishings. Angel looks around and notices several holes on the walls at different heights.

"Master, I don't understand," Angel says.

"Get undressed slut," I tell her. She obeys still not sure what is going on. I sit down in the chair and say "See that buzzer? Press it and you'll see what this room is about!"

She presses the button and in a couple moments, a cock appears in one of the holes in the wall. "Oh my God!" she says, looking at me in wide-eyed amazement.

"Go ahead slut. Enjoy yourself!" I say, pushing her gently forward.

Angel steps closer to the hole and the hard cock sticking through it. She squats down in front of it and looks back at me. Then she gingerly takes the cock in her hand feeling its hardness, the velvety texture, and the anxious throbbing. She rubs the tip over her tits, enjoying how it feels rubbing over her hardening nipples. Then she rubs it against her soft cheek before looking at me again as if asking permission.

"It's okay, slut... you can go ahead. But when he cums, I want to see it shoot onto those sweet tits," I tell her.

"Yes, Master," she says, smiling.

Angel licks the strange cock then sucks it into her warm, wet mouth, stroking and sucking him while I watch with keen interest. Soon I can see the cock she was sucking tense, then he cums. Angel points the tip at her waiting tits just before it erupts shooting the hot steamy cream onto them.

After the stranger's cock quits spitting its load on her, Angel licks the last drops from it and then rubs his spunk onto her tits giving "the girls" a treat. Then she crawls over to show me her glistening tits.

Watching Angel at the glory hole, I am hard as a rock. Angel's eyes are glazed with lust as she comes back to me. I know she wants to relieve my "condition," and I would have gladly let her but I notice another cock poking through a different hole in the wall.

"You have another customer my slut," I tell her.

Angel bounces over to where this new cock is and this time she doesn't hesitate. She rubs the head over her tits, then stands up and rubs it up and down her wet dripping slit. She kneels down to take it into her mouth, but after only a few strokes he too cums. Apparently, he got too excited, having this hot sexy thing sucking him like this!

But the word has spread that there is a willing mouth in the glory hole room and Angel has another volunteer cock almost immediately.

"Come on baby, share your cum with me... feed me, I'm so hungry for cum!" she moans to the stranger behind the wall. She bends to suck hungrily on the large fat cock.

Soon that cock is throbbing and pulsing a load of hot cum into her mouth. Angel swallows as much as she can, but just a little escaped her lips and runs down her chin. She looks like such a slut.

Angel is so hot and excited she can hardly contain herself as one more cock pokes through a hole. This one is a big black cock and Angel looks at me. Once I smile, though, she squeals happily. She grabs the monster with both hands and runs her tongue around the tip. She stands up and runs this enormous cock between her dripping pussy lips, then she guides it inside her hungry hole, pressing her ass back against the wall. The stranger drives his cock deep into her and I can tell how good it feels to her by the way she is moaning and tearing at her tits.

"Oh, God, it feels so good... I feel so full... fuck me harder and faster!" she says. Then I see his hand reaching through the other hole. Angel backs up and lets him finger her clit as he pounds away at her pussy.

I can't take it anymore. I move to Angel's face and she immediately goes to work without a word, sucking my cock down, licking and stroking and sucking it like there is a time limit.

Suddenly, I hear a deep low groan from behind the wall. "Mmmmphhh," Angel says, her mouth full of my cock. I know that the guy is cumming in my Angel's welcoming pussy.

As quick as he pulls away, I spin Angel around, plugging my hard aching cock into her freshly fucked pussy. "You're my little slut, aren't you?" I ask her as I fuck her hard and spank her ass.

"Yes! Yes, Master!" she says, as I pound her and I fill her pussy with cum once again.

After we get cleaned up from the glory hole fun, we head back to the hotel. Angel tells me how much fun she had, chattering and giggling like a schoolgirl talking about her latest boyfriend.

Once we are back in our room we lay down on the bed and rest for a bit. I roll over to Angel. "You remember my promise?" I ask.

"Yes, Master, I remember," she says, sparking up and grinning.

"Well, you took care of a lot of hard cocks back at the glory hole, mine included. I think it's time you have your turn, don't you? Go get the toy we bought and let's see how it works on you!" I tell her.

Angel scampers over to the table and retrieves the box the Wand comes in. I open it and examine how to use it and the attachments for a minute as Angel squirms on the bed next to me.

"Okay, we'll try it out just like this for now... we can try the other attachments and gizmos later. Now lay back and let's see that naughty little pussy!" I tell her.

In a flash, she has her pants and panties off and is laying back with her legs spread wide for me. "Now this is going to be pretty intense, I just want to warn you!" I tell her.

She nods her head, then reaches up and grabs the headboard in preparation. I turn on the vibrator and move it over her inner thigh to start with.

"Mmm, Master, that feels nice!" she says.

I run it up and down her inner thighs for a moment so she can get used to the buzz. Then I move up and trace circles around her areola and over her nipples.

"Ohhh!" she moans, arching her back as the vibes make her nipples hard and stiff. She closes her eyes as the wonderful sensations course through her.

"Okay, it's time my little slut. Are you ready?" I ask her. She looks at me and nods. I move the Wand over and touch the head to her pussy. And she ignites.

"OHHHMYGODDD!" she screams as her hips involuntarily buck up against the vibrations. I hold her down with my free hand, having to lean on her pretty good as she flails around under the vibrators attack. I push the round buzzing head into her pussy a bit until it sits right against her entrance and up against her clit.

"Oh Master! Oh my God! Oh, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she cries.

I guess the excitement at the glory hole is still fresh in her mind (and her pussy) because our new friend quickly brings Angel to her first orgasm. But she is a long way from done. I hardly let her catch her breath before I click the toy on again and she is off once more climbing Orgasm Mountain. It's a shorter trip this time, but no less intense. She thrashes and flails around just as hard the second time. And the third. By the fourth orgasm she is getting tired and after the fifth orgasm, she is pleading for me to stop. I give her one more for good measure and then let her calm down.

When she regains her strength she goes in and takes a shower then comes back and falls onto the bed totally drained and sated. She sleeps for a couple hours until I wake her to go to dinner.


Stay tuned for Chapter 7


The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

I want to thank Master_Jonathan for his collaboration on this story and without whose help it could not have been written. His patience, ideas and inspirations are greatly appreciated. I have enjoyed working with such a talented writer.


Copyright ©2017 All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Banes1.










Written by Banes1
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