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A Second Trip to See Miss Cynthia

"Evan returns to the lingerie shop once more ..."

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Using the Bluetooth feature on his car, Evan had called his office and asked to be connected to his assistant, Laura.

“This is Laura,” he heard her pleasant voice. “May I help you?”

“Hi darlin’, it’s Evan.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to call,” she said with an exasperated voice. “What happened?”

“It’s all good news,” he replied.

Laura could see the smile on his face from the tone of his voice. “You got them to sign?”

“Of course I did,” he answered. “Did you ever have any doubt about it?”

“Not with you making the presentation,” she said with certainty. “Does the front office know yet?”

Evan pulled his car off the road and into a parking lot so that he could concentrate on his conversation with Laura. “I have not told them yet and don’t plan to do so until tomorrow morning. The bastards can just sit and wonder for all I care.”

“Is that a wise idea?” she asked calmly.

“No. Not at all,” he replied, “But that’s the way I’m going to do it. Just let them stew in their juices for a while. We did this together … you and me, without any assistance from anyone in the office. They were just so certain it couldn’t be done. Well darlin’, we did it and you were just as much a part of this as me.”

He could hear the warmth in her voice as she answered, “Thank you very much. We are a good team.”

“Yes we are,” he said. “And tomorrow we’ll celebrate at lunch.”

“Will it be a long lunch?” she asked.

“I would think so,” he answered. “Why do you ask?”

Evan could tell that she had her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone when she whispered, “Will it be a long lunch like the one we had on my birthday?”

He was a little surprised by her question and his mind flew back to their lunch to celebrate her last birthday about three months ago. She had taken him to an exclusive lingerie shop where she modeled for him before taking him home to her apartment for an afternoon and evening of wild, unrestrained sex. Until that day he had no idea that Laura had any interest in him sexually, but he found out differently. Now, three months later the subject came up once again.

“Would you like to have a long lunch at your apartment?” he asked.

“I think it’s a very good suggestion,” she said softly. “You haven’t been there for three months and this is the perfect way to celebrate. Do you agree?”

“I certainly do,” he answered with a broad smile on his face. “I’ll let you take care of the details like you did the last time so that we won’t have to be concerned about getting back to the office.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, boss man,” she said with a soft chuckle. I’ll take care of everything. May I assume that you will not be coming back to the office this afternoon?”

“You assume correctly,” he laughed. “I have a few things to do and will be turning off my phone as soon as we hang up.”

“I would love to be in the meeting tomorrow when you give the president the news,” she said.

“There is no reason why you can’t walk into his office with me. This was a team effort.”

Laura covered the phone again, “What do you think this contract is worth?”

“It will be around $90 million in revenue and maybe $10 million in profit,” he told her.

“That is really exciting,” she said. “You will get a nice bonus, won’t you?”

“Let’s put it this way,” he explained. “My bonus will be enough for me to retire immediately, but they won’t give it to me all at once. I’ll get about a quarter of it in a month and the other three quarters when the deal is a year old and still in effect.”

“That is even more exciting,” she said honestly. “If you are going to be a rich man, maybe I should start being nicer to you.”

“You can start tomorrow at lunch,” he said as he remembered the last day they spent together. She had a breathtaking body that she had managed to hide from him for years. Her soft white skin and red hair had always had him intrigued. But when he finally saw her naked he was nothing short of amazed. She had been a tiger in bed. The idea of going back for a second trip already had him aroused and eager.

“Do I need to find something to model for you?” she whispered. Before he could answer she said, “Or maybe I should just wear some of the lingerie that you bought me on our last trip to work tomorrow. Then I could give you a peak at it before we walk down the hall to see the big boss.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Evan responded. “The only problem with your plan is, if you give me a look I might just lock my office door and have a good, close look.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Laura said softly. “I think it would be great fun.”

They both laughed before Evan said his goodbyes and warned her not to let on to anyone what had happened and when he would be back in the office.

As promised, he turned off his cell phone and put it into the console in his car. He was sitting quietly thinking of what he should do next. Perhaps he should get a gift for Laura. But what? He had always allowed her to pick her own gifts.

Just then Evan looked up and discovered that when he pulled off the road to talk with Laura, he had pulled into a parking space directly in front of Miss Cynthia’s Lingerie Shop. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he said aloud. “Some sexy lingerie would be an ideal gift if we are going to spend some time together in her apartment.”

Thinking back, he remembered Miss Cynthia. She was an exceptionally attractive woman. At the time he had guessed her to be in her early 50’s, but a very well-maintained package. Evan remembered the look she gave him as he paid for the things he was buying for Laura. He recalled her handing him her business card with her personal telephone number on it. She had said, “When you want to see a woman your age that can be equally grateful I hope you’ll give me a call.”

This was going to be fun.

Evan walked into the shop and stood alone in the smallish showroom. He looked around for several seconds before a woman he didn’t know came into the room and asked if she could help him. This wasn’t Miss Cynthia, but she was certainly attractive and had an air of sexiness about her.

“Hi,” he began. “I didn’t have an appointment, but was hoping to find Miss Cynthia.”

Before the woman could answer, Miss Cynthia came through the doorway and beamed a smile at Evan. “Mr. Sanders, how wonderful to see you again,” she said as she walked across the room to give Evan a hug. “To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you again?”

Evan had closely watched her walk across the room and admitted that while his memory of her was fairly good, it wasn’t good enough. Wearing a tight black skirt and white silk blouse, she was an absolute knockout. In her heels she stood about 5’ 10” and was round in all the right places. “I was just in the neighborhood and thought that I should stop in to let you help me pick out something for Laura.”

Miss Cynthia’s hand reached out and ran down Evan’s tie. “Sweet Laura,” she said with a smile, “How is she?” Then she leaned over and whispered, “Is she still trying to hide those gorgeous breasts?”

Evan laughed before answering, “To some degree, yes she is. She still tries to be exceptionally modest in the office.”

Still holding on to his tie she looked into his eyes and said, “I’m so very happy to see you and I don’t mind saying that I’m not disappointed to see you without Laura.” Her other hand ran down the lapel of his jacket and she said, “I assume the things that you bought here on your last visit were satisfactory.”

Evan had to laugh again, “Yes, I can certainly say that they achieved the desired goal. And I will assume that you understood that I was totally taken by surprise with that entire episode.”

“Oh, there was no question about it. But then, that’s one of the nice things that we can do with a shop like this using our private dressing rooms,” she said with devilish smile. “Based on your reactions I’m guessing that you had no idea of what she had planned.”

“Absolutely none,” he assured her. “We’ve worked together for several years and everything has always been very proper.”

The look she gave him left him feeling like she didn’t believe his story, but it didn’t really matter if she did or not. He continued, “We’ve had a bit of a business success and I wanted to get something for Laura … some kind of reward for her work. But, I had no idea what to get until I saw your shop. I’m hoping you can help me out.”

“Of course I can, Mr. Sanders,” she answered with a sensuous smile.

“I’ll need you to call me Evan,” he said softly.

“That’s lovely,” she answered, “And you’ll call me Cynthia. Some of my friends call me Cyn, if you’d prefer.”

“Is Cyn spelled with an ‘S’ or a ‘C’"?

Again she ran her hand down his tie and looked into his eyes. “I’ll let you tell me after we’ve found the right gift.”

Evan didn’t really know what to think of this woman, but unless he was completely wrong she was coming on to him like a freight train. “I’m in your hands,” he offered.

“If I remember correctly,” she said, “You don’t operate on a budget.”

“I do not,” he replied. “You find me the right gift and I won’t care what the price is going to be.”

Cynthia turned around to the other woman in the showroom. “Tammy, I’m going to take this gentleman into the Blue Room to pick out a gift. Would you please be in charge of the store? This may take a while.”

As she spoke to Tammy, Evan had a good opportunity to study her back side. “Wow,” he thought. “On a scale of one to ten, this woman’s ass is an eleven.”

Cynthia motioned for Evan to follow her, leading him down the hallway and to a different dressing room than he had been in the last time. She opened the door for him, and then followed him inside. “This is the Blue Room,” she said after closing the door. “Each of our rooms is a little different. You may remember the last time we were in the Red Room which was, of course, all in red tones. This room is a little softer.”

Evan’s eyes scanned the room before saying, “And this room has a bed in it rather than a large chair.”

She chuckled, “Ah, you noticed. To tell you the truth, some of my customers like to try on some of our sexier things and then have me take a picture of them reclining on a bed. Then they take the photos home and have their husbands or boyfriends pick out the one they like best.” She walked to the bed and fluffed the pillow. “My business is all about marketing, Evan. We do what is necessary to make our customers see the value in what we offer.”

“It doesn’t hurt that you have exceptionally great looking garments,” he added.

“That’s true,” she said with a smile, “But there are dozens of stores that can offer things equally beautiful and sexy. My approach is to give them a sense of ownership in my products and the knowledge that their men will not be unhappy about how much they spent.”

She sat on the edge of the bed and said, “As I recall, you didn’t hesitate to spend $750 to buy Laura some panties and bras. You could have bought something at Victoria’s Secret less than half that amount.”

“And I would have gladly paid more,” he assured her. “The beauty of your products on my surprisingly beautiful assistant and in that intimate setting … I would have spent twice as much.”

Cynthia smiled and stood up. “I’ll accept that as your approval of my system.” She took a few steps toward him and said, “Now then, shall we start finding the correct gift for your Girl Friday?”

Evan was left alone in the room for almost ten minutes while Cynthia went out to find the items for him to consider. While there he sat on the bed and studied the room. It was about the same size as the Red Room. The obvious difference was the bed and everything in this room was in shades of blue. There was a screen as in the other room and a large full-sized mirror on the wall. There was a waist high table near the mirror and a straight backed chair.

With her hands loaded with an array of colors and fabrics, Cynthia came into the room and went directly behind the screen. She looked around the edge saying, “Now Evan, you just sit down there on the bed and I’m going to model these things for you. I’ve got four things to show you and I believe that you will like them all. I’ll just take my shoes off so that I’ll be about Laura’s height. You’ll just have to think of me being a redhead.”

Thinking of her as a redhead wouldn’t be easy. Cynthia’s hair was past shoulder length and quite blonde. To make the picture even better for Evan, her eyes were dark brown. To him, that was the perfect combination. He said, “Cynthia, you don’t need to model them for me. I’m certain that I would be happy to take your recommendation.”

“Not a chance,” was her reply from behind the screen. “I’ve got you here and I don’t plan to let you go for a while. You’ll look at everything and we’ll decide together.”

Before he could say anything else, she stepped out from behind the screen wearing silk pajamas in a pink and white stripe. She walked over close to Evan and turned around slowly.

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“This color combination would look great with Laura’s fair skin and red hair, don’t you think?”

The fact was Cynthia looked fantastic in the pj’s. In fact, she looked so good that he was really unable to picture Laura in them. “I’m certain you are correct,” he offered.

She unbuttoned the top and let it hang open, giving Evan a good look at her bra and how filled it was with her breasts. “If you want to give a little sexier look, you just open the top.” She smiled as his eyes were glued to her chest. “Good,” she said as she spun around to go back behind the screen. “Now we’ll try a different look.”

Shortly she came from behind the screen wearing a nightie that didn’t quite reach her knees. It had a matching cover. “This color is mocha,” she announced as she walked in a circle. “It’s called a slip, but it’s really a nightie.” She pulled the cover back to show him the lace that ran up the sides. “She would wear the cover like a jacket to open the front door for you before you take it off and toss it on the floor.”

What was obvious to Evan was that she had removed her bra to try on this ensemble. Her breasts were quite lovely in the bra she had been wearing, but were mouth-watering in the mocha colored silk. Her nipples were clearly visible. He tried not to be obvious.

“I can tell that you liked that one. We have two more to see,” she said returning behind the screen.

Liked it?” he thought. “It was unbelievably sexy!”

The third time she came out from behind the screen, Evan had to catch his breath.

“This is the ankle length, full body covering, elegant night gown,” she announced. She walked slowly toward him, turning sensuously, knowing that he was having difficulty keeping his mouth shut. “As you can see, this one has lace around the neckline that is v-cut to give a little show of breast and the back is also lace, down to just about the ass.”

Evan’s jaw was dropped. There wasn’t any question that Cynthia had taken off any undergarments that she had been wearing. The gown held her body like a glove. A mole would have shown had there been one on her body. When she stood facing him she opened her legs to show him that the gown was split up to her hip, showing a long, beautiful leg.

“This would be perfect on Laura’s beautiful body,” she told him.

He was saying to himself, “Laura who?”

Cynthia stepped up to him and placed her hand gently on his cheek. “I can tell that you like this one.” She took his hand and slid it up the back of her leg until it was resting on her ass cheek. “You’ll enjoy the feel of your hand on the silk, but know that your fingers are touching hungry skin.”

She walked slowly back to the screen knowing that Evan’s eyes were glued to her ass. She may have been playing with him, but she was well aware of the wetness between her legs. In her attempt to arouse him, she had managed to get herself heated up as well. He was a beautiful and sexy man and she decided that he wasn’t leaving until she got to know him a little better.

As she was changing into the last option, she peeked through a hole in the screen and saw that Evan was trying to straighten his clothes. It was pretty obvious to her that he had a better than average package, because he was attempting to hide the fact that he was sporting a full erection. She smiled and quickly decided on what to do. “Are you ready for the last one?” she asked him.

“Yes I am,” he answered in a voice that showed a hint of being hoarse. He looked up to see Cynthia walk from behind the screen wearing something that he would have called a ‘baby doll’ nightie. It was off white, with lots of pleats that kept his eyes from seeing through. It was mid-thigh in length and showed her long, firm legs. When she stood in front of him all he could say was, “Beautiful.”

In a soft and sexy voice she said, “This nightie is called ‘Clouds’ because it gives you the impression that the body is touched by nothing but sheer, white clouds that you could just blow away.” She noticed that he had taken off his jacket and had it draped over his lap in an attempt to hide the bulge.

“This nightie has one other benefit that I think you’ll enjoy,” she whispered. “Now I need for you to lie down on this bed with your head close to the brass headboard.”

Evan could not have possibly refused her direction. He was simply spellbound by her now and would follow any direction. He lay back as directed after kicking off his shoes so as not to leave any marks on the bedspread.

When he was stretched out, she simply said, “Perfect.”

Being completely mesmerized, he simply watched as she moved onto the bed, got up on her knees and placed herself directly over his face. She lowered herself until the bottom of the nightie had covered his head and she could feel his breath against her wet sex.

Speaking in a voice only slightly louder than a whisper she said, “This nightie has one beautiful benefit. You feel like you and your lover are wrapped in a cloud. You can see and taste her skin, you can smell her need for you and you can glance up and see her breasts as she enjoys the caress of your tongue.”

With those words spoken, Cynthia moved her knees a little farther apart so that her hairless vaginal lips softly touched Evan’s mouth. When his mouth opened and his tongue ran through her slit, she took the headboard into a tight grip, knowing that this was going to be a memorable ride.

Evan may have been the victim of Cynthia’s planning up to this point, but it all ended there. At the moment that his tongue touched her sex the power position changed from her to him. Once his tongue circled her clit, she became the victim. As soon as she began to move herself over his mouth and whimper at the feelings being created by his tongue and mouth, he assumed control and she just had to strap in for the ride.

As she began to grind her sex into his mouth, Evan did look up and enjoyed watching her full breasts swaying with her rhythm. After a few seconds of watching he lifted both hands to take a handful of her breasts, squeezing them firmly, but gently. When his thumbs began to rub across her nipples, she cried out in pleasure.

Evan was no stranger to oral sex. He was the first of his group of friends in high school to admit to having gone down on a girl and while he hadn’t made much of it at the time it was apparent to him that his actions would pay dividends for years to come. He had often said, “Let a woman ride your face and she is yours forever.” Now … at this moment, he was practicing his developed technique of bringing a woman to a point of everlasting adoration with his tongue.

Cynthia slid her sex harder and deeper over his mouth as she moaned from the exhilarating feeling he was causing between her legs. His actions would have been enough to bring any normal woman to her knees to beg, but Evan decided to kick it up a notch … Bam!

When she leaned forward just a bit, he took the opportunity to move one hand from her breast and slid two fingers into her very, very wet pussy. In a matter of seconds he found that spongy spot that he knew would have her begging for release in no time at all. He simply let her own movements do the work as he waited for her to explode.

In less than two minutes, Cynthia cried out and locked her thighs on the sides of his face. He felt her body tremble and shake as the orgasm rocked through her body. He might have smiled, but it was impossible with the pressure of her thighs on his cheeks.

When her body finally stopped shaking, Cynthia rolled off of him and lay by his side on the bed. “I thought that I was taking advantage of you,” she said as if she was out of breath.

“Who says you didn’t?” was his reply.

They both began to laugh until he rolled on top of her and they began to kiss. It was as though a second fuse had been lit. Their mouths and tongues were fighting, searching … grasping.

When the kiss finally broke, Evan said, “I’ll take the Clouds Baby Doll. Do you gift wrap?”

Her smile was bright and sincere. “You can have anything you want, Evan. If you promise to give me a little more of your attention, I’ll deliver the damned present.”

He gave her a light kiss and said, “I’m thinking that maybe you need to pay some attention to me first.”

Cynthia lifted herself up and looked down at him. It suddenly occurred to her that this beautiful and sexy man was lying beside her after giving her a mind blowing orgasm and he was still dressed in a suit and wearing a tie! “Where are my manners?” she asked in a loud voice.

In short order she had unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled his belt and removed his trousers. She removed his boxers and looked back to admire his cock. Leaning over she wrapped one of her soft hands around his thick, hard staff and licked the clear fluid that had formed at the tip. She turned to look into his eyes and said, “Oh baby, you do taste good.” She squeezed his cock saying, “And your cock is beautiful. I hope you don’t mind if I have another taste.”

He smiled back at her. “Take all you want, Cyn. I’m not going anywhere.”

She stood and slipped the nightie off, laid it across the headboard and said, “I don’t want to take the chance of getting anything on your purchase.” She quickly turned back to his waiting erection and took it into her mouth.

As her head began to bob up and down on his staff, he was able to study her naked body for the first time. He had to admit that for a woman her age, she had an incredible body. Every part of her was still firm and tight. She obviously took the time to keep fit.

The other obvious thing was that she knew how to give head and it was quite clear that she enjoyed it. She stopped and looked back at him. “Did you have any other plans for this lovely thing?”

“Actually, I do,” he answered, “But I doubt that this bed was made to handle it.” He got off of the bed, tossed his shirt aside and pulled her over to stand in front of him in front of the full length mirror. His hands cupped her breasts. “These are quite exceptional,” he offered as he held them firmly.

“They are the best that money can buy,” she told him as she looked at his face in the mirror.

He let one breast go and let the hand drop down between her legs. He watched her eyes close as he ran his fingers through her wetness. “It would be a shame to waste all of that lovely wetness,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh, it would be,” she answered without opening her eyes, but opened her mouth in a silent gasp when his finger slipped inside her.

He could see in the mirror that she was watching his hand as it moved between her legs. Moving his mouth beside her ear he whispered, “I’m going to fuck you now in front of this mirror so that I can see your face and your beautiful breasts while I do it.”

Cynthia leaned over, grabbed the straight back chair and moved it in front of her. She leaned over the back of it as she spread her legs apart. “And I will be able to see you,” she said.

Evan stepped forward, placed the head of his cock at her wet opening and pushed in until he was completely buried inside her.

“Oh yes,” she said with a loud sigh.

Evan was much too excited to calmly go about seeing to it that she was being taken care of. His stroke in and out of her dripping hole moved quickly to a rapid pace. Her body was amazing. He watched her breasts bounce when he pushed his cock into her depth. He could feel the coolness of the skin on her ass as his body smacked into her. And he could hear the none-too-subtle sounds coming from her mouth letting him know that she fully appreciated his hard cock.

“Oh yes!” she said again and followed that with, “Oh, Fuck, Yes!”

What an incredible view in the mirror. What a heavenly feeling around his cock. He watched the expressions on her face in the mirror and knew beyond a doubt that there was nothing fake about this woman’s moans and sounds of enjoyment.

Cynthia looked at him in the mirror and said, “I want you to cum inside of me, Evan. After you are gone I’m going to masturbate thinking about you fucking me and I’ll want to put a finger inside my pussy and taste you.”

He gave her three more hard thrusts, pulled her tightly against him and exploded in her depth. He gave her all of the cum that he had been building up since she stepped out from behind the screen in the silk pajamas. His orgasm seemed to go on forever. Finally he pulled out of her and took a step back.

Cynthia quickly spun around, dropped to her knees and sucked his dripping cock into her mouth, moaning around it as she sucked all of the juice off of it. When she finished, she sat back on her knees and looked up at his face. Still holding his cock in her hand she smiled and said, “It’s all about the marketing. You are happy with your purchase and I’m delighted to have helped you make the decision.”

“And here I was thinking I was special,” Evan offered as he pulled her up to her feet.

“Oh you are special, Evan. You are very special,” she said with a smile. “I’m hoping this wasn’t a one-time thing.”

He gave her a broad smile saying, “You know, I have some sheets that are chocolate brown. I’m thinking that you would look quite excellent lying on them naked.”

“I like the idea of being naked with you,” she said as she moved up onto her tiptoes and kissed him lightly. “Maybe some evening soon we could try it in some place a little more intimate than a dressing room.”

“I can arrange that,” he told her. “Do you prefer white or red wine?”

“I’ll drink whatever you pour me,” she replied. “It’s not the wine I’m interested in, it’s the naked.”

Fifteen minutes later he was dressed, the gift was paid for and wrapped, and he was in his car headed home. As he drove he thought about his time with Miss Cynthia and the promise of more of the same to follow. When he stopped at a traffic light he checked his phone and found a text message from Laura.

It read, “I’m hoping that lunch tomorrow will be very long. I’ve been anxiously awaiting a replay of my birthday adventure.”

Putting the phone back into the console he thought to himself, “Evan, you lucky bastard!”

Written by JefferyB
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