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Whisper That You Love Me

"Drew moves, Dana visits, Cheryl gets to take charge."

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The early afternoon sun streamed brilliantly into my new bedroom, illuminating Cheryl’s glorious frame as she lay among the rumpled sheets on my bed. I looked at her, absorbing her features, taking a mental snapshot of her beautiful face, gleaming eyes, and somewhat disheveled dark hair. She had a somewhat self-satisfied look on her face as she looked at me with her head elevated on her arm and propped in her hand.

“Do you realize how good we are together?” she asked in a low, smooth voice.

My reaction was to smile tenderly. “I guess that means you’ve been sexually satisfied.”

Her hand stroked across my chest lightly. She sighed. “For the moment,” she grinned.

It was the first time we’d made love in my bed, recently relocated to the small apartment she’d found for us in a complex just four blocks from where she lived with her husband and in-laws. What had started as a tender session of exploration had developed into an energetic episode of carnal gratification. The two of us had moved from affectionate contact to tempestuous passion, and now lay together in a state of serene, placid recovery.

“Were you thinking about Dana’s hot legs when you were fucking me?” she teased.

“No such thing,” I assured her. “I was completely fixated on you and my selfish desire to hear you scream with passion.”

She had. The sounds and words were firmly etched in my memory. While taking into account her loss of composure due to our furious love-making, the groans of her passion and the words, “Oh, God, Drew! Fuck me, Drew! Yes! Fuck me, baby! I love you, Drew!” would remain locked in my mind for a long time.

“You know what I like about having our apartment together?” she asked, returning me to the present.

“What’s that, my love?” I asked.

“We don’t have to leave. I can make you lunch here.”

I chuckled. “That’s a bit of a surprise,” I admitted. “I’d have thought it was something much more physical in nature.”

She pushed herself up so she was looking down at me. Her grin was broad. “Well, the sex is really great,” she said. “But what we have isn’t all about sex, is it? That’s what you said.”

“That’s what I said,” I reminded her. “I wasn’t so sure about your mindset.”

She laid her head on my shoulder. “I love giving you my body, Drew. But I also want to be able to do for you.”

“And what am I supposed to do for you?” I asked.

“Be here for me,” she replied softly. “Talk with me. Let me do things for you. Stay interested in me. Love me like you do.”

In the distance I could hear the traffic of the busy city. The surreal situation of the normal world intruding on this tiny corner of paradise made me nervous and a bit uncomfortable.

“This is a dangerous place, Cheryl,” I said. “I don’t mean the apartment. I mean the place where this relationship is going.”

“I can do this, Drew,” she assured me. “I can love you during the daytime and be the obedient and devoted wife at night.”

“All it will take is one misplaced word,” I worried, “or a dream in which you say my name.”

“Don’t worry, my darling,” she said. “I’ve already got the cover story. You’re Lisa’s friend and I’m just dreaming about what she said.”

“Oh, great! Then he’ll go to Stan tell him Lisa’s in love with me.”

“Don’t be silly, Drew. It’s just a screwy dream. That’s what I’ll say. There isn’t anything real about it. Trust me.”

“I just hate the idea of putting you in a place where you have to lie.”

“You’re not, Drew,” she said gently. “I did this, and I don’t regret any of it. I feel like my life is really full right now. I have security, love, passion, and a real sense of fulfillment. All I have to do is keep it all in the proper compartments. I know I can do that.”

“There’s a part of me,” I confessed, “That feels guilty about putting you in the position that you have to do that.”

“You didn’t do it, Drew,” she said. “I made this choice.”

“I want you to be sure, though. Tell me if there’s anything I can do to help you.”

She rolled over on her belly and hiked herself up to look into my eyes. “I told you,” she grinned. “Just be here for me and let me do for you.”

I felt her hand slide down to grasp my flaccid member.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Doing for you,” she said.

She slid down on the bed until her head was level with my hips. I felt her hot breath on me, and then the tender kiss on the tip of my cock. It throbbed in her hand; the first indication of a coming erection.

“You don’t have to do that,” I said quickly.

She brushed her hair back from her face so I could see her.

“Shush,” she said, her eyes fixed on my growing rod. “I want to do this for you.”

“For me?” I asked. “Really. You don’t need to.”

Her lips enveloped the tip to the crown and I felt her tongue lick at the underside before she released me.

“I want to,” she murmured, “For you and for me.”

Her lips enveloped me and I could feel her tongue explore the flesh of my shaft as it began to swell and grow. Only then did she look into my eyes and I could see the twinkle in hers as she began to suck me into full hardness.


The knock on the door startled me. It was Saturday morning. The only one who knew where I lived was Cheryl and she wasn’t free on weekends. I slid the chair back from my computer desk and moved to the door.

My surprise turned to alarm when I heard a key being shoved into the door’s lock. Cheryl had a key, but I knew it wouldn’t be her. I looked around for a bat or other weapon I could wield in defense. The only thing I could find was one of the chairs at the dining room table. I picked it up and held it aloft as the door swung open.

Silhouetted by the morning sun, the figure of a woman stepped into the apartment and shut the door. She turned to face me.

“Are you planning to offer me a chair?" said the shapely Dana, the rental agent who had negotiated the lease for this apartment.

I dropped the chair to the floor. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “And why do you have a key to my apartment.”

“I’m the agent,” she said as if it was obvious. “I’ve got keys to all the properties.”

“You could have called for an appointment,” I blustered.

“Check your lease, Drew,” she said, her eyes scanning the visible portions of the apartment. “We’re allowed to make spot checks of the property for damage or illegal activity.”

“I’ve been here a week!” I stammered. “There’s no damage. And I’m certainly not engaged in any illegal activity!”

“Let me check the bedroom and bath,” she said. “Then I’ll be on my way.”

“No,” I said, chagrined at my own reaction. “You’re right. I should have checked the lease. Let me at least offer you a cup of coffee.”

“Really?” she laughed. “You’re going to bonk me with a chair and now you want me to stay for coffee?”

“Of course,” I said. “I’m sorry. I thought somebody was breaking in.”

She stepped toward to bedroom door. I noticed she’d worn some fashionable heels that accentuated the curve of her legs. She saw the mussed bed I’d left just an hour or so before, sniffed, and then turned to inspect the little bathroom.

“Okay,” she said. “No damage and no evidence of nefarious activities, unless you count screwing a married woman in your bed.”

“You want a cup of coffee?" I parried, turning toward the tiny kitchenette.

“Sure,” she replied. “Here at the table?”

“If you like.”

“I could sit in the chair in the hallway you were going to hit me with.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, pouring a mug of the hot brew for her and refilling my own cup. “I couldn’t find anything else for my defense.”

She sat at the table and I pulled the chair back from the hallway and sat down. I looked at her, raised my cup. “Cheers,” I said.

Dana was attractive, no doubt about it. Her dark hair was gathered across her left shoulder and she wore those obnoxious but sexy hoop earrings. The blouse and jacket she wore looked fairly professional except that her endowments were pressing them tightly. Her hands looked delicate and the rings she wore on the left hand looked costly, elegant and classy.

“So, do you want to be honest with me?” I asked. “What are you doing here, really?”

Her full lips formed around the rim of her mug and she sipped. She set it down firmly before looking at me. Her smile was coy.

“I noticed you checking me out as we climbed the stairs the other day. In fact, as I climbed them today on my way here, I got a little tingle remembering. And,” she went on, “I know what you’re doing here. Cheryl told me she was helping out a friend. When I saw the two of you, though, I knew you were more than friends. She wore rings. You didn’t. She’s married, but not to you. The two of you are intimate, though.”

“Cheryl needs some love and affection in her life,” I said. “Something she doesn’t get at home. But she’s committed to her marriage, so we needed a place where we can escape for a few hours each week.”

“Who doesn’t?” Dana replied.

“Surely not,” I asserted. “You’re a woman of quality and beauty. Someone undoubtedly loves you deeply and provides you with the very best.”

“It’s hush money,” she said emphatically. “If I don’t bellow about his various excursions then I get to buy things.”

“I see.” I nodded. “Still, in your line of work you must meet a variety of prospects who would be more than willing to pursue you.”

“Husbands who want to cheat on their wives? I already have one of those.”

“So what do you want?” I asked.

She sighed softly. “I don’t know. I just thought…Oh, hell. I don’t know.”

“Something made you come,” I chuckled at my own double entendre. “I mean, you had to decide to drive over here, get out of your car, climb the stairs, and put your key in the lock. What were you thinking?”

She inhaled and held it for a long moment. She exhaled and began talking.

“All right. I was halfway curious if the two of you were really doing each other. That’s why I decided to drive over here. I wondered what I would do if she was here with you and the two of you were, you know, in some state of undress when I got here.”

“She can’t meet with me on weekends,” I noted. “Her family responsibilities prevent us from getting together.”

Dana nodded. “So her husband doesn’t know about the two of you?”

I shook my head slowly. “She doesn’t want to leave him. I think she really loves him. But he’s been inattentive, mostly because he works himself to exhaustion. What Cheryl gets from me is attention and affection that she doesn’t get at home.”

“That makes sense,” she said. “At least, I can understand that.”

“So, what were you thinking as you came up the stairs?”

“My stomach was in a knot, really. I was preparing an elaborate excuse for being here if I found the two of you together. Then, I thought, if you were alone, would you even consider having sex with me. I was kind of surprised when you didn’t answer my knock.”

I grinned at her. “I didn’t have any clothes on. I was trying to locate a pair of shorts. When I came back I could hear you working the lock. That’s when I grabbed the chair.”

Dana laughed. “Ah, yes. The chair. If nothing else, we will always have the story of the chair.”

I chuckled as well. “But surely you didn’t expect me to just slam me into my bed and ravish you.”

“A girl can hope,” she said, smiling coyly over the top of her coffee mug.

“All right,” I said, sitting back in my seat and extending my arms so my hands still held my coffee. “You’ve been honest with me. I’ll honor that and do the same.”

“Is this going to hurt?” she joked.

I shrugged. “A little bit, maybe. The truth is, I do find you extremely attractive. I’m also touched by your story. I wish I could help. If I did, though, I believe it would hurt Cheryl’s feelings. I’m not prepared to do that.”

“How long to get you prepared?” she quipped.

“You’re funny, too.” I replied, shaking my head. “Honestly, though, I really do care for her. I know we won’t ever be a true couple on a full-time basis, but that’s just something I’ll have to deal with. And one of the things that makes our relationship special is that Cheryl is not just one of a list of women with whom I’m having sex. She’s the only one.”

“Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for me?” Dana asked. “I feel like a complete fool.”

I smiled at her with compassion. “You just went out to explore possibilities. Actually, I’m flattered.”

“Actually,” she said, mimicking me, “I’m jealous. I want what Cheryl’s got. I wonder if she’d let me use you when she’s not available?”

That drew a laugh from me. Not unsympathetic, I leaned over to touch her hand. “Don’t expect me to ask her,” I laughed.

Dana leveled her eye on mine. “No, of course not. It’s obvious that you’re devoted to her. Maybe that’s what makes you so attractive to me. I’d really like to have some of that devotion.”

“I’ll be your friend, Dana,” I replied, “If that’s what you want. I can always offer you coffee and a chair if you want to come talk.”

That caused her to break into a beautiful, broad smile. “Hopefully not waving over your head like this morning.”


“What’s this?” Cheryl asked, holding up the little card she’d found on the tiny table just inside the door. It held a bowl for my keys, and I rarely even looked at it. Cheryl waved it joyously in my direction as if she’d caught me in some peccadillo.

“I don’t know,” I confessed. “What does it say?”

“Dana Mattang Lee,” she read. “Property Agent.”

“Oh,” I said, somewhat surprised. “She must have left it there.”

“She’s been here since we moved in?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, casually. “Saturday morning she came by to inspect the place. She can do that, according to the lease.”

Cheryl’s eyes sparkled. “Inspect the place, or inspect the tenant?” she chided joyfully.

“It’s really kind of a funny story,” I responded, easing myself into one of the large chairs in the sitting room. “I heard the key in the lock and couldn’t find anything to protect myself with, so I picked up one of the dining room chairs, ready to crown whoever was breaking in.”

“A chair?” she laughed.

“I couldn’t find a bat or a pipe.” I shrugged.

“You didn’t hit her, did you?”

“No,” I chuckled.

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“I offered her a cup of coffee to make up for almost assaulting her.”

“Did you get another look at those sexy legs of hers?”

“It wasn’t like that,” I said. “We just had coffee and talked. She’s got a pretty sad story.”

“Do tell,” Cheryl instructed.

“Apparently her husband is a player. He pays her to keep quiet about it. She’s not happy.”

“So, does he ignore her?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t tell me.”

“She wants you.”

I chuckled. “Honey, I made it very clear and I wasn’t available.”

“That doesn’t matter. Officially, you’re unattached.”

“I’m not, though. Official or not doesn’t make any difference to me. I consider myself in a relationship.”

Cheryl sniffed disdainfully. “So, did you screw her?”

“No!” I protested loudly. “I told you. We talked, drank coffee and then she left.”

“That must have been when she left the business card. Why didn’t you screw her?”

“Because, I’m not going to do that to you; to us.”

“If you do her, I don’t want to know.”

“Stop it, Cheryl,” I demanded. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Come to bed, then” she ordered. “You need to fuck me.”

Our session together was brutal, visceral, energetic and exhausting. As we lay together afterwards trying to catch our breath, Cheryl hiked up on an elbow to face me as I lay on my back gasping. Her fingers traced delicate tracks across my chest and down to my navel.

“You probably need to fuck her,” she said softly, still panting a bit.

“Cheryl, stop, please.”

She shook her head. “She needs you, Drew.”

“She’s got plenty of other options.”

“None of them are like you. You’ll do her right. You’ll be tender when she wants it. And when she wants to fuck you like we just did, you can do that, too.”

“I don’t need or want anyone except you.”

She leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. “I can’t be with you all the time,” she said. “That’s not fair. So, when I can’t be here, Dana can get her small piece of heaven.”

“Why do you care?”

Cheryl rolled away and lay flat on her back. She looked at the ceiling and raised her right arm so that the back of her wrist lay across her forehead.

“I’ve been where she is, sort of,” she said. “She wants someone to care for her, to desire her, just like I did. I could share you with her. Just don’t tell me.”

“Cheryl, my love, I’ve told you. I have no intention of having sex with her. I was just checking her out, you know? I wasn’t comparing you to her. She was just nice to look at.”

She twisted her head toward me. “You’re not going to stop loving me if you screw her, are you?”

I chuckled. I was surprised that she cared if I loved her. We’d avoided that discussion pointedly.

“No, Cheryl. I’m not going to stop loving you.”

“What if she’s a better lay than I am?” she asked.

“I doubt that,” I laughed. “She might be different, but not better.”

“I’ll still be afraid she’ll take you away from me.”

“And that’s another reason why I’m not doing it.”

“Just don’t tell me if you do. Promise?”

“No need to make that promise, Cheryl. I’m not.”

“Promise me,” she insisted.

I sighed. “I promise.”

“Good,” she said, sounding perky once again. “Now tell me what we’re doing Wednesday.”


“No lunch in today,” I told Cheryl as she climbed out of our bed on Wednesday morning. “I want to take you out and be seen with you. Besides, I got a big check Monday. We should celebrate.”

“So I shouldn’t get my hair wet." She grinned at me.

“Up to you,” I told her. “If you want the recently-fucked looked, I’m good with that.”

“Uh, I don’t think so.”

We rode the bus together down to our little park.

“I remember this,” Cheryl said. “It seems like months ago. How long has it been, really?”

“Just two weeks.”


I nodded and took the last two fingers of her right hand in the last two of my left.

“Ooo!” she murmured softly. “I remember that!”

“You said it was sexy,” I reminded her over a little chuckle.

“It is. I like it.”

“Me, too.”

“So, where are we going?”

“This little hole-in-the-wall place I know about. There are like five tables in the whole place, but the food is really, really good.”

“You know, I’ll have to punish you if it isn’t?”

“Promises, promises,” I laughed. “What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know. Tie you up and have my way with you?”

“You know that’s not punishment,” I said. “It’s more like a reward.”

“Well, if the food is as good as you say, you could get a reward.”

“Do you want to tie me up and have your way with me, Cheryl?”

“I might. It could be interesting.”

“I can’t imagine there’s anything you’d want that I wouldn’t.”

“I’ve got a couple of ideas.”

“Like what?”

“Take me to lunch and back to our apartment and we’ll find out.”

We headed toward a crosswalk to cross over toward the tiny bistro I’d found. As we stood waiting for the light to change Cheryl gripped my arm tightly, and looking straight across the street said: “I’ve never seen you wear a tie. Do you have any ties?”

“No,” I replied. “I don’t wear them.”

“We’ll have to stop at a cheap women’s shop for some scarves, then.”

“Whatever for?” I asked. “I’ve never seen you wear a scarf.”

“Not for me, silly,” she said joyously. “To tie you up and have my way with you.”


I stood naked in our bedroom, my cock fully engorged and my hand extended in front of me. Cheryl, also naked, was intently concentrating on wrapping my wrists together in one of the cheap scarves we’d purchase less than an hour before. She twisted the fabric around my wrists and looped it through itself.

“It looks like you know what you’re doing,” I chuckled. “You must have done this before.”

“I haven’t,” she assured me, “Which makes this all the more exciting. Sit down on the bed.”

I sat as instructed.

“Now lay across it with your head in the corner,” she directed. I had to smile at how serious she looked and the incongruity of her naked beauty as she held the scarf in her hands and moved around the bed. She bound it to some protrusion on the frame. I couldn’t see because she’d pull my arms over my head and was, in essence, tying the fabric behind me.

“You’re enjoying this,” I accused her jokingly.

“So are you, judging by the way your dick is standing up.”

“You look sexy when you’re naked and taking charge,” I acknowledged.

She stood over me, just above my head so that I could see her face above your delightfully full breasts. “Will you behave if I don’t tie down your ankles?” she asked.

“Probably not,” I teased her.

“Fine,” she stated, moving toward the shopping bag and withdrawing two more scarves. She wrapped one around my right ankle and then disappeared from my sight as she knelt to secure it to the bed frame. She repeated the activity with my left ankle and I was securely bound to the bed. She stood at the corner, between my legs. I could just see her over the crown of my own cock as she surveyed her work with a self-satisfied grin.

“Now what?” I asked.

“Now,” she said, with and evil grin, kneeling between my legs and crawling up the bed, “I’m going to have my way with you.”

“What does that even mean?” I asked with another chuckle.

Cheryl leaned down and planted her lips over mine. I felt her tongue probe into my mouth and the warm air of her breath escaping her nose and brushing my cheek. She pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“What that means,” she whispered huskily, “is that I’m going to kiss you, and suck you, and lick you until you can’t stand it anymore.”

I shook my head. “I can’t imagine you’ll ever get me to that point. You have to remember, I love you. I’m going to love everything you do to me.”

“That’s the idea,” she replied softly. “You’re my prisoner and I will have you.”

Her lips attacked mine and her tongue drove deeply into my mouth. For many long moments she continued to kiss and lick my lips, sucking my tongue into her mouth, breathing hard and occasionally moaning.

“God, I love kissing you,” she finally gasped into my ear, her teeth biting at my earlobe.

“You remember how afraid you were to kiss me the first time?”

“I wasn’t afraid,” she protested. “I was afraid I would love it; that I would love you.”


“Shush, you. I’m not done yet.”

With that, her lips began a tortuous journey across my body. There wasn’t an inch she missed. She kissed my neck, shoulders, across my chest. She lingered a long time, biting and sucking on my nipples. She kissed and licked her way down my torso, across my abdomen. My cock tangled in her hair as she moved from one side of my belly to the other. I ached to feel her lips surround me, but she teased me incorrigibly. She kissed the projection of my hips before paying any attention to my throbbing hardness.

I gasped when she cupped my balls in her hand. Her face hovered over me, watching my rod twitch before she grasped it with her other hand. She smoothed the skin down the length, looking lovingly at the projection before she planted at tender kiss on the tip. I wanted to scream.

“You know this belongs to me, now, don’t you?” she murmured.

“Yes, my love,” I groaned.

“Good,” she replied, and began planting tiny kisses up and down the length of it. Her hand cradled it tenderly, stroking lightly as her lips pressed time and again into the flesh, tiny licks of her tongue flicking at it.

“Please, Cheryl,” I pleaded. “I want to kiss and lick you, too.”

She paused. “You do?”


She released her grip on my member and rubbed a forefinger through the precum that had oozed from the tip. Then she extended her finger toward my lips.

“Kiss and lick me here,” she ordered.

I nodded as she pressed the damp finger to my lips. I sucked it in and licked it, tasting my salty essence.

“Have you ever tasted your come before?” she asked throatily.

“Not like this,” I admitted.

She withdrew her finger and rubbed my cock again, putting it back to my lips. I sucked it in and licked furiously.

“How is it?” she asked.

“It’s all right,” I replied, “But what I really want to taste is you.”

“Oh,” she said, removing the finger from my lips and sliding it between her labial folds. She put it back to my lips. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” I groaned, sucking her finger rapaciously and tasting her essence on my tongue. “But I’d really like to taste the source.”

“You want to eat my pussy?” she grinned coyly. “Is that what you’re asking?”

“Yes!” I nearly shouted.

“Tell me what you’d do?”

“I’d lick your pussy, suck your juices, and tongue your clit. I want to tongue fuck your love hole and make you come.”

Cheryl giggled. “You’re such a naughty boy,” she chided me. “Would you eat my pussy if you had me tied up like you are?”

“You know I would,” I groaned.

“Should I make you eat my pussy now?”


“I was making love to your cock,” she said, straightening up to kneel beside me. “I’m not going to stop just because you’re eating my pussy.”

“Make love to my cock,” I told her, “And let me make love to your pussy.”

She grinned evilly at me and twisted around to kneel across me. She backed up my frame until she was positioned perfectly. She lowered herself until her pussy lips were pierced by my extended tongue. I felt a little quiver shudder through her as my tongue sought out the hardened little nub of her clit, and then groaned when she leaned over and engulfed my steel-hard rod into the soft tissue of her mouth.

My arms strained against the tie. What I really wanted was to wrap my arms around her thighs and pull her to me. But Cheryl had secured me tightly. So I pushed my face into her and did my best to turn my tongue into a small prick to tease, lick, taste, and fuck her tender flesh. For her part, Cheryl pushed back against me. She continued to lick and stroke my cock, kissing it, sucking it, drawing her lips up the length and plunging her mouth down and enveloping me in the soft, warm flesh of her mouth.

The room was filled with our moans of passion and delight. My head was swimming in the multitude of sensations for many minutes as we orally entertained each other. Cheryl surrendered first, quickly rising off me and swinging her body around. Her hands planted on my shoulders and her hips sought out my rod. She looked into my eyes, her own glazed and smoky with desire as she lowered herself on me. I felt my cock absorbed into the warmth of her love canal.

“You fucker,” she snarled at me. “You made me want you so bad. You’re wicked. I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

“Never going to happen,” I said firmly. “I’ll never beg you to stop.”

She leaned down and kissed my still-wet face, driving her tongue into my mouth. “I love tasting me on you,” she said. “And I love making you taste your cock in my mouth.”

I laughed easily. “I don’t care, Cheryl. Everything with you is wonderful.”

She raised her hips and slammed down on me.

“I want to fuck you so hard,” she growled.

“Whatever you want,” I grinned. “All you’re going to do is make me come.”

She shivered. “Oh, baby, you know I love it when you come inside me.”

It didn’t take very long for her to coax the come from within me. Happily, she’d had at least two crashing orgasms, including the final one that coincided with my own release.

After we’d exhausted ourselves Cheryl lay on top of me, her head next to mine, and my cock still lodged within her. Her breath was hot on my ear. I was panting toward the ceiling as we tried to recover from our energetic lovemaking.

“That was really, really good,” she gasped. “I liked that a lot.”

“Hmmm,” I agreed, too exhausted to verbalize anything more.

“Are we really that good together?” she asked, “Or is it just situations?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I’m not sure. But, I’m certainly willing to explore a variety of possibilities.”

“Like what?”

“Like whatever turns you on, baby.”

“What turns you on?” she asked.

“You do,” I answered truthfully. “Just looking at you turns me on.”

“That’s sweet.”

“Not really,” I confessed. “I’d like you to wear more revealing clothing when we go out.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Something that shows off how really hot you are.”

“That might be fun. We could go shopping together.”

“Sure,” I replied. “I don’t want you to look like a slut, or anything. Just wear something a little more revealing.”

Cheryl snuggled me. “We could do that. We’ll do it together.”

“All right,” I agreed.


“Yes, baby.”

“Do you like me, or am I just a good piece of ass?”

“You’re so much more than that to me.”


“I’ve told you, Cheryl. I’ve told you how important you are to me.”

“I can still feel you inside me.”

“I know. Feels nice, huh?”

“Tell me, again, Drew. Tell me now.”

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me. Just whisper it. Whisper that you love me.”

Written by aldenbradley
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