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The Break

"Damon finds the girls he loves otherwise occupied during Spring Break."

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Author's Notes

"A slow build-up to a sweet romance after Damon is betrayed by the girl he was going to ask to be his girlfriend."

Damon Green shifted in the seat of his Mercedes. He was a university student, The university was on break. Damon stayed in New York for a few days to vacate his apartment, preparing for Bridget, the girl he loved, to move in with her friend Maisey. 

Damon decided that he would ask Bridget to be his girlfriend, she had also declared her love. Damon was rich, he had a trust fund, but also had his investment portfolio, so he did not even need his trust fund. His income was touching on seven figures now, in his third year studying Investment Banking. Damon started to understand the stock market at thirteen, hanging out with his deceased father.

Right now, he was on his way to Virginia Beach from New York, where he had rented a home for them for the duration of the break. As he arrived, he saw another car. The girls had come down three days earlier, so he expected they might have made some friends. He immediately recognized the three newcomers when he walked in. They were football players for the university, the quarterback was Kyle.

"Hey, guys," Damon greeted.

"Hey," Kyle greeted, his attitude dismissive as was his usual disrespectful demeanor. Damon carried his bag to the main bedroom and saw someone else had taken it. He walked back out, running into Bridget.

"Hey, Bridgy, miss me?" he asked.


Bridget all but ignored him as she walked past, dodging his hug. Damon frowned as he realized something was up.

"I am taking the master, so whoever has their stuff there will need to move," Damon said after walking into the lounge. He felt irritated.

"That is my stuff, bud," Kyle stated

"Well, I am paying for the house, so I take the master," Damon stated, not backing down for the bully.

"Sure, I will move later."

They moved the party to the pool. Damon tried to connect with Bridget, to no avail, and it seemed she was irritated with his presence. She was friendly to the others, though. Bridget was unaware of the extent of Damon's wealth, he habitually hid the fact from gold diggers. Damon felt the disrespect clearly, angering him. He made himself a coffee, and again Bridget came into the kitchen.

"Bridget, I thought it was just going to be us. Now even you are giving me the cold shoulder."

"Fuck, Damon, stop being so fucking needy!" she snapped.

“Needy?” Damon dropped his voice, fighting for control.

“Yes, Damon, needy. Please do not make this the way you are going to be for the break.”

“I won’t, Bridget. But I did expect some form of respect, that you loved me.”

“Look, Damon, respect my choices. We are not official or exclusive. We are friends.”

“With benefits for you only. I am sorry, Bridget, this will not work for me.”

“Suits me, please leave me to enjoy the break.”

“Sure, Bridgy, I will definitely do that.”

“We can talk later, Damon,” Bridget said harshly.

“No, Bridget, I will not talk about it again. Go have your fun, I will have mine. Get the fuck out of my sight.”

She looked at Damon with shock and saw the hurt in his eyes, then the rage. He could see she was in two minds, but then Kyle called her. She shook her head and left with four beers, making her choice. 

Damon pulled his laptop out. He blocked the credit card he gave Bridget, avoiding the conversation to get it back from her. There was no fucking way she spends more of his money. He sat down, contemplating. Damon would have been content with the visitors if she treated him like she did four days ago, in New York. Maisey came in from the outside, and he followed her to the kitchen. Damon decided that maybe she would tell him what he did wrong. In his mind, Bridget was done in any case.

"What the fuck happened, Maisey? Bridget and I were okay."

“She isn't your girlfriend, Damon, so she can be what she wants."

"I thought that…"

"Damon, you thought wrong. You never asked her, so she is free to do what she wants," Maisey snapped irritably.

"So, I pay for everything just to be treated like shit?" He sighed heavily, "This works two ways, Maisey, she and I are done."

He saw her frown at the statement.

"I would have asked her this weekend," Damon continued.

"They are here for four more days, then we will give you attention, okay, sweetie?" Maisey smiled.

"Did you find an apartment for us?" she asked, realizing he did not think she was funny at all.

"Are you fucking kidding me, after what just happened? There is no fucking way. Jesus. No fucking way," Damon snapped and got up, walking to the bedroom, missing Maisey's shocked look. He picked up his bags, walked to the lounge, and put it on the floor next to the door. He then walked back to the pool. It was clear Bridget was now fucking Kyle in the pool, bouncing and moaning on his cock. Kyle smirked at him again. Bridget looked at Damon and smiled cruelly before her eyes rolled back in her head. Damon turned without a word. He opened his laptop and canceled the booking of the holiday house, sending an email to the agent explaining the situation.

"Damon, I will sort this out," Maisey tried, watching his rage as he worked.

"Too late, Maisey, I get fucked over once only. I am fucking done!" He looked at her, and she saw his tears.

Maisey recoiled at his anger; he had never spoken to either her or Bridget like that. He turned and picked his bags up, then he loaded his car and left. It was after nine in the evening. He drove to Dulles, and did an eeny-meeny-miny-mo on his destination, then picked Miami in any case. He booked a boat for the duration of the break. The next afternoon, he arrived and moved into the sixty-footer luxury yacht with full-time catering.


Back in Virginia Beach, Bridget was woken by one of the guys, and she was met in the lounge by the rental agent.

“Yes?” She was still sleepy.

“Is Mr. Damon Green here?” the agent asked.

“Please wait.”

Bridget walked to the master bedroom, but it was empty. She had slept with Kyle in one of the spare rooms. She returned to the lounge, Maisey also awake now.

“I am sorry, he seems to be out,” she answered.

“Who?” Maisey asked.

“Damon,” Bridget yawned.

“Bridget, I told you last night that he left, he packed his bags and left,” Maisey replied.

“When will he be back?” The agent asked.

“He won’t, ma’am,” Maisey responded softly.

“He won’t?” Bridget asked her friend.

“No, Bridget, I am not sure what you said to him, but he is gone.”

“He was so fucking needy.”

“He was your boyfriend; fuck, Bridget,” Maisey could not believe Bridget. “You said so yourself, then Kyle came. Are you that obtuse?"

“Damon should have asked me, now he knows. He needs to stake his claim,” Bridget said irritably.

“As much as I would love to listen to your love drama, I need to inform you that the payment for the house has been canceled, you need to vacate by midday.” The agent was terse as she spoke.

She knew exactly what had happened according to the email Damon had sent her. She did not mention that he actually ended up paying the full amount in any case, so she did not lose any commission. Now she could give another family a dream holiday on a stranger's dime.

“No, I paid for it,” Bridget said. She fetched the card Damon had given her.

“Here, swipe it.”

The agent took out her mobile PayPoint and swiped the card Bridget handed her.

“Sorry, miss, this card has been canceled by the account holder.”

“No, Damon would never do that.”

“He did, Bridget, I saw it,” Maisey said, irritated at Bridget.

“So there is nothing we can do?” Bridget asked the agent.

“No, sorry. Either pay or leave,” The agent ordered.

Bridget watched as Kyle and his friends left without even saying thanks, and she and Maisey left, going home. Maisey had to drive as Bridget was sobbing bitterly whilst trying to call Damon.

“That was the dumbest thing you have ever done, Bridget, inviting Kyle and his buddies to hang out with us. You lost everything you loved.”

“Fuck you, Maisey. I know. How can I fix it?”

“You can’t, sorry.”

Maisey hated the hurt she saw on Damon’s face.


Damon was smarting and angry, he was used to rejection because he was not traditional dating material, being a bit overweight, but Bridget was something different to him; he was in love with her. That night, Damon made a mind switch as he sorted through the intense pain of her callous betrayal. He searched for gyms and found one walking distance from the marina. He started working out.

Damon ignored his phone for the first three weeks, then checked the messages. Most were from Bridget, begging forgiveness. Maisey also sent messages, much the same tone. They would have to move into a dorm now. Damon was feeling far less hurt now, but he was not a guy that allowed himself to be messed around. His phone rang as he was reading the messages. Bridget was calling, she had tried almost a hundred times.

For the next five minutes, she begged and pleaded, but Damon rejected her. Eventually, he had to end the call, he felt himself get angry.

After the call he went to the front deck of the yacht, and sat in the cool night air, drinking a few beers. The next day, he trained twice as hard, working himself to near collapse. His hair was longer, and Damon decided to not cut it.

He stayed partially reclusive for the whole three months of the break. The crew gave him the number of an exclusive escort agency, and he occupied himself with a beautiful brunette called Leyla for the last two months. It was expensive but had no emotions attached. Leyla thanked him for being so sweet and kind, saying if he ever wanted a girlfriend, that she would leave the life for him.

His body was lean and taut now, and he had some nice muscular definition. He bought a motorcycle and rode back to New York, taking his time. His whole demeanor was relaxed now, as he had worked most of the rage and pain out in the gym and Leyla. He knew seeing Bridget and Maisey would make no impact; he was indifferent to them.

Damon checked into a hotel when he reached New York and started hunting for an apartment. He found one in Manhattan with a view of Central Park. The commute would be a little longer, but his class schedule meant he missed rush hour. Damon also found a gym close to the apartment. He decided to fly to Dulles to fetch his car the next weekend. He ran into Bridget and Maisey the first day back on campus, and he was indifferent.

"Damon, wow, you look well," Bridget said.

"Hi," Damon replied coldly.

"I am so sorry for what we did, Damon."

"I forgave you, but we are done."

"So are we not okay?"

"You fucked a guy in front of me. there is no way back."

"But I am sorry," Bridget started to sniff.

"Only because you realized what you lost because of your stupidity. Look, we can be civil, but we are done."

Damon needed to get away from any conversation about them reconciling. He looked at her beautiful face and felt disgusted.

"Damon, I am also very sorry. You have always been kind." Maisey said.

"Can we try to be friends again, Damon?" Bridget said.

"Yes, perhaps in the future," he answered.

"Can we visit?" Bridget tried again.

"Not soon, Bridget."

Damon looked at his watch.

"I have a class. See you guys," he said, then he turned and walked away.

"God, Maisey, I was so stupid. I am standing here, and I know he is the one I want, and I fucked it up," Bridget muttered.

"Yeah, I did not help." Maisey acknowledged, "Damon looks hot now, no flab and those locks."

"Yep, definitely sexy," Bridget mused, the realization of her loss haunting her. 

Damon finished the day's classes and walked to the bike. There were a few admirers around it. He started it and raced away, loving the throaty roar of the racing engine. He rode straight to the gym, changing at the gym. He trained for three hours.

Damon went home and changed into something more formal, then went to dinner. The restaurant manager was a tall brunette, with blue eyes. She was slim-built and was gorgeous. She smiled a deadly smile at Damon and seated him at a twin table.

"Will tonight be busy?" he asked.

"Not really," she answered. Her name tag read Adrianna.

"Okay, I want to just sit for a while after dinner, so feel free to kick me out if you need the table, Adrianna."

“I probably will not, even if we are busy." She smiled again.

"Damon Green," he introduced himself.

"Damon, I like your name." Her smile was refreshing.

"And Adrianna is just as beautiful," Damon responded. "My best friend at school had a little sister called Adrianna. She would be about seventeen now. She is just as beautiful, though."

"Why Mr. Green. Thank you."

"Sorry, I am a little awkward," Damon said softly as he blushed.

"Still, it was a nice thing to say. I have to go and fake smile, but we will grab a few moments later."

"I look forward to it,"

Damon watched her walk away, wondering what drew him in.

Damon ordered steak, and then had a glass of red wine, before switching to club soda. He liked Adrianna, her smile was not fake, as she claimed. She had respect for her customers. Damon felt a little stab thinking of Bridget. He had missed her disrespect, he was blinded by her beauty. He was the last customer to leave and grabbed a few more minutes with Adrianna.

"I live close by, so I will most definitely eat here again," he said.

"I have shifted, here is my schedule." 

Damon was shocked when she handed it to him, feeling it was an invitation to something. Adrianna blushed as she handed it over, knowing what the subliminal message was.

"Thanks, Adrianna, and I will not stalk you."

"I don't like this shift. I have such a slog back to the dorms now," she said, looking worried.

"Shit, I would have taken you. I only have a bike now, with one helmet, I am fetching my car this weekend."

"Thanks, it will be fine," she objected with a weak smile.

"What time is your first class in the morning?"


"Same here. I have a spare bedroom. In the morning, I will get another helmet, then take you back. It is an offer, I also have a spare toothbrush."

"It sounds so tempting."

"I promise you that you will be safe." 

Damon did his best to sound trustworthy. She thought about it as she studied him, and then agreed. Damon waited for her, and they walked to the apartment a few blocks away. He made sure she had towels and gave her a t-shirt and shorts to sleep in. He put her clothes in the washer and made them coffee.

"This is a nice place, Mr. Green," she said with a smile.

"I was supposed to have housemates, one was to be a girlfriend."

Damon gave her the broad strokes. As he spoke he decided that Adrianna was not a one-night-stand girl.

"Sounds like three months on a sixty-footer was a better deal in any case."

"I almost went to Monaco," Damon smiled, "I have not spoken Italian for a while."

"Well, now you can," Adrianna said in broken Italian, and she and Damon launched into a conversation.

"I have a boyfriend, a cheating louse," Adrianna spat the words out, after a moment of silence.

"Why is he still your boyfriend, and how the fuck does he cheat on you. I would be too busy worshipping you to look for a loose piece of fluff," Damon blushed deeply after he spoke.

"He pays for my studies, so yeah, I am bound."

"Shit, that is terrible."

"Yes, I feel like a whore."

Adrianna started to cry.

"And if you got a legit scholarship?" Damon asked.

"I would dump his ass in a heartbeat."

"Show me your stats," Damon said as he handed his laptop to her.

She was all A's and B's, so she qualified without reserve. Adrianna was a very good student. He copied her student ID and sent the email that she now has a full-ride scholarship. Damon was one of four administrators; it was a fund his father had set up, and it handed out six scholarships per year, but all administrators can add more. Her dean would get the message in the morning. Damon had never added a student, this was the first time. He knew it was rash, but felt Adrianna was worth it.

"Okay, Adrianna, you now are the recipient of a Langdon-Green scholarship."

She started to cry as she realized he was serious, then put her arms around him. He felt her move her hips against him. He got hard but did not want her like this. He wanted more, not a quick fuck.

"No, Addy, those days are done. Say thanks, and study hard. If we do get into something then know this, I play for keeps. So make sure. As for now, be a buddy, a friend." 

He kissed the top of her head, feeling himself lose resolve, "If we do it now, it will be incredible, but if we give it time, there might be more. Your choice, Adrianna," he added quickly.

"Okay, Damon, and thanks. Can we try long term?" 

Adrianna liked that he opened that door because she was feeling something good when she looked at him. She studied his crystal blue eyes under his unruly dark mop of hair.

"Yes, Adrianna, I also like that. Please respect yourself, because I respect you."

They watched an old movie, then Damon ironed her clothes.

"You are domesticated?" she chuckled as she made them coffee. He did not miss her sideways glances, her slight coloring as she was caught looking.

"I am rich," he blurted out ."But I do my own domestic work."

"Okay, I am not rich," she laughed.

"You are wealthy, Adrianna, showing class when you were supposed to be down."

"Can I kiss you?" she asked.


Adrianna leaned in and lightly touched his lips with hers.

"Thanks, Damon. I was particularly down tonight."

"Pleasure, Adrianna. And your next late shift, you sleep here."

"I will, thanks."

Damon folded her clothes and carried them to her bedroom, then made sure she was settled. He left, smiling at her. Adrianna smiled back, it came easy. She watched him walk out and felt happy. He was something she never expected from a customer at her restaurant, nice, plus, she liked his lopsided smile. It was clear he was awkward, but there was strength in him. She slept very well, feeling emotionally lighter. She got a text the next morning that she needed to file paperwork at her faculty. She did feel that he might want something from her in the future, but he was a lot better than her boyfriend.

Damon hustled and returned with her helmet, arriving home to a full breakfast she had prepared. They ate and left after packing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. She held on tightly as he raced through traffic. After dropping her at her dorm, he went to the admin building to co-sign the paperwork for her scholarship. She walked in twenty minutes later, and Damon approved. She was looking classy.

"You clean up very nice," he chuckled as they walked out, speaking Italian.

"Thanks, Damon, I cannot believe I am free."

"Now dump him, fucking asshole."

"Yes. Damon, can I sleep over again tonight?"

"Yes, Adrianna. What time do your classes finish?"


"Okay, I finish thirty minutes later, pack a backpack."

"Thanks, Damon, I have no idea why I trust you. Maybe it was because I was available, and you respected me."

"Thanks for that, Addy. We will be good friends, I just feel it."

"I like Addy," she grinned. "Dams, my new friend."

"I like that, just not Damy. She used to call me that. I barely tolerated it."

"Okay, Damy," she teased.

Adrianna laughed as they split ways. She made the call, watching Damon walk away.

"Hello, my slut," her boyfriend answered.

"Look, I am done. I am over your cheating. You have not even tried to hide it from me as if you have zero respect. I am walking away," she said firmly, taking courage from the way Damon treated her.

"Fuck, Adrianna, please don't, we can talk about it."

"No, I am not your whore anymore. I won a full scholarship today, so I am dumping you. Fuck off."

Adrianna hung up and felt free, the act of taking control envigorating her. She turned her phone off as he immediately tried to call back. She felt very good, and it was because someone believed in her, and he wants nothing in return, so she hoped.


Damon walked to class, running into Bridget.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Damy, how are you?" Bridget answered and thought she saw very little of his animosity, hoping it would open the door for her.

"Good. You?"

"I am well, just miss our chats."

"I told you I will not resist being friends, but it will not be intimate. We can figure out what can be salvaged Bridget, just not love." 

He realized Adrianna had tempered his anger at Bridget a lot.

"Can we have lunch together?" she asked.


Damon greeted her and walked to his class. He ran into Adrianna after his next switch, told her of his lunch plans. She seemed sad at the news.

"Uhm, Addy. I eat out every night, so think about a place for dinner tonight."

"Wanna dance?" she asked, happily.

"I could be persuaded." Damon looked pleased.

"I called him, then dumped him. God, Dams, it feels so perfect," Adriana gushed her happiness at being rid of a toxic relationship.

"Good, now heal."

"Till this afternoon?" Adrianna asked.

"Till this afternoon."

Damon looked at her walk away and realized how perfect her body was in his eyes. Lunch conversation with Bridget was easy, which surprised Damon. He decided that it was because of Adrianna. He wished Adrianna was with them, and the longing made sense to him because she seemed to have the same values as he had.

He picked Adrianna up from her dorm after his last class, and on the way out, he saw Kyle and his buddies drive into the parking lot, but he was hammering the bike a little, so he paid them little attention. He felt Adrianna tighten her grip as he sped up rapidly. He drove to a bike shop and bought them inter helmet communication devices.

"You are spending some money on someone you have known for less than a full day," she said warily.

"I would have done it in any case, be it for you or a future girlfriend, or…."

Adrianna saw the tinge of sadness and assumed it was because he missed Bridget.

"Right now, it feels like you are a catalyst for a lot of decisions I am making, but not for access to you. It will always be your choice."

"So, if I ask you to take me back and never speak to me again?"

"I will respect you. Do you want that?"

"No, but I am nervous, Damon," she said, her voice soft.

"Please be, and do not hesitate to ask me, Adrianna. I do good things and I love it. I saw the immense change in you today, and I love that I was part of it."

"Okay, and thanks for being honest."

They rode to the apartment, chatting to test the devices. At the apartment, Adrianna and Damon immersed themselves in their studies for three hours. She looked at him as he often flashed her a clear blue eye through his long hair. They dressed semi-formal and used a cab, Adrianna directed the driver to a rooftop restaurant that was intimate in size. They danced as well, returning to the apartment just after ten. To her, it was a perfect date. She saw Damon had changed into training clothes as she was considering coffee.

"And now?"

"Hitting the gym, I need to decompress. Lunch with her still sits in my mind."


Adrianna watched him, wondering about the segmentation of his mind regarding Bridget.

"I will be quiet when I return in maybe an hour. I just need some pain," he said.

"I could get us some whips?" Adrianna cocked an eyebrow and smiled a bratty smile.

Damon had realized they spoke Italian almost all the time now, even on campus. He left and hit the road running hard, using the two miles to the gym to warm up. The number of people out in the city training in the middle of the night amazed him. Damon wondered how many of them were fighting mental issues as he did in Miami. He trained hard for an hour and then walked back to the apartment. He saw a man stretching at a park entrance.

"Hey, awesome night for a run," Damon said.

"Looks like you had yours. Josh." He stuck his hand out to Damon.

"Damon," Damon answered as he shook Josh's hand, "this training idea is a new thing for me, started in Miami after a breakup. Now I love it."

"Yeah, I hear you. My wife and I are on reconciliation counseling. She was screwing my best friend."

"How do you feel about it?" 

Damon was surprised at the personal information, but he decided it was because he was a stranger.

"Angry," Josh replied.

"Yeah, I think the worst for me was that my masculinity took such a hammering."

Josh lay down, and Damon instinctively leaned on his leg to help him stretch.

"That is the worst. She says I am fine, but that fucking voice of doubt." Josh switched legs.

"Perhaps tell her. Trust is a big thing, but the problem is that they try to get you to trust them, but they do nothing to help you restore your trust in yourself. I have been on the receiving end of some disrespect."

"You don't look it," Josh smirked, Damon was a handsome man.

"Yeah, not now. I was about thirty-five pounds overweight four months ago."

"No, you are a nice guy."

"Yeah I am, but jocks with big cocks always took my girls."

"Damon, thanks for the chat. I will think on the masculinity and self-trust, but that made sense."

"Cheers, Josh, meet you on a dark street somewhere."

Damon heard him chuckle as he jogged away, then walked home. Adrianna immediately made him hot chocolate as she hummed tunelessly, and he told her of Josh.

"So, is that what you are struggling with?" she asked.

"Yes, I have gotten myself damaged because of my decisions. And I have no idea if I am man enough for a wife."

"Shit, Damon. I understand." 

Adrianna mulled it over, understanding what would be required of her if anything happens with him.

"Thanks," he replied.

"I also have to find my self-respect now." 

Adrianna waved her phone around with a shake of her head, "He is begging, then swearing, calling me a whore, slut."

"None of which you are, Addy. Stick with me, I can help you with that."

"I believe you, and I will help you too, my friend."

"Thanks. Another thing," Damon said and Adrianna smiled, he was always thinking.

"If the dorm gets a bit crowded with your ex, move here. You can contribute if you want, rent, or food. You choose. You are good company."

"Thanks, I will consider it."

"Yes, and the respect will remain."

"I know."

Adrianna lay in her bed later, she knew his offer was good. She was lonely, as was he. The thought of them being more played in her mind. Damon was nothing like any other guy his age and she wondered why he seemed so responsible. Adrianna lay back with a sigh. She would need to heal first, but hoped they could do it together. She woke up with a settled mind as she heard him start the coffee machine the next morning.

"Damon, if the offer still stands, can I move in?" she asked with a little trepidation as they ate breakfast.

"It stands, and I will arrange movers, no need for you to go back, really."


"We do it on the weekend, okay. I have a bigger backpack, so you can get more clothes today."

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"Thanks, Damon. Why are you doing this?"

"Just, well. I want to," he looked at her, "I might have told a fib."

"Oh?" Adrianna steeled herself for the sexual demand.

"I might need a plus one at times, with no ulterior obligations. I get invited to a lot of black-tie events. I have seen your class, so I would like it if you went with me. As my friend. I will never present you as anything else."

"Okay, but I do not have formal clothes."

"I have a credit card. It will be birthday parties, charity launches, etc."

"So, no hanky-panky?" Adrianna asked, her eyes teasing as a smile played around her mouth.

"No." Damon grinned at her, liking this side of her.

"Damn," she muttered, then laughed at him, as she got his lopsided smile.


"Maybe." Damon smiled again, he would RSVP this year if Adrianna was with him.

She talked constantly on the ride to the campus the next morning, and Damon smiled happily in his helmet. She would be a good friend as she complimented his silent demeanor without being pushy. They had half an hour to spare before classes, and she quickly packed more clothes, then gave him the backpack.

Damon separated from her. Their lunch schedules did not match, so they only met up at two, after his last class. He did have lunch with Bridget again, and she commented that he seemed relaxed. Damon went to the gym early that afternoon, as he had no real class projects to do. Adrianna ordered in for dinner. He arranged for her to be moved in that weekend.

"Your car?" she asked Saturday evening as she unpacked. He was sitting on her bed chatting. She felt guilty that he held off on his plans for her.

"Next weekend, we fly out Friday afternoon, then we come back via a lodge on a lake."

"Ooh, romantic getaway."

Damon chuckled, getting used to her teasing now but was surprised that inference did sit well with him.

"That was the thought when I bought it, but I have no idea if it is that," He grinned, "I just like that I have someone I trust that I can show these parts of my life."

"Did your ex ever go to your formals?"

"No, somehow I never thought she would fit in. She was nice and sweet, and pretty, and that can be a vicious crowd. Now I know she would have been right at home."

"What does she look like?"

"Four inches shorter than you, slim build, same size breasts. She has long straight blonde hair and mostly soft brown eyes. Her lips need no lipstick, and she has a natural blush."

"She sounds stunning."

"Yes, blindingly beautiful." Damon looked at Adrianna, "And you are better, Addy, seriously."

"Thanks, Damon, Those are sweet compliments."

"Only if you believed them, right?"

"I believe them from you."

They easily found a domestic routine, Damon would eat at the restaurant when Adrianna was working, taking his classwork. Adrianna realized that Damon was known in some unexpected circles as she saw the types of people that greeted him.

At Dulles the next Friday, Damon had to get help starting his car, it had not been run for almost four months. They drove the two hours to a forest, then into what was a holiday lodge, with a few cabins. Damon drove to the biggest. Adrianna saw a sign that read Private Property. A caretaker walked up.

"Sam, long time," Damon greeted friendly.

"Damon, four and a half months," Sam replied.

"I was here just before the break, making my mind up about the ex," Damon explained to Adrianna, “But it does feel too long, Sam.”

"Then she made your mind up differently," Adrianna said, looking around. It was a stunning area.

"Where is Lexi?" Damon asked.

"LEXI!" Sam shouted then coughed, Adrianna saw the concern on Damon's face. A screaming blonde streak erupted from behind a cabin, and the girl ran full speed into Damon, almost bowling him over. He lifted her, Adrianna guessed her about ten.

"Oh hell no, sweetie, no no no," Damon said, and he seemed to inspect her, lifting her hair, turning her around.

"Damy, stop being silly." The girl giggled.

"I am looking for the other Lexi because you are far too beautiful."

He kissed her head, and Adrianna watched as he gently pulled her in, and held her tightly. When he looked at her his eyes were wet. It was clear he loved this child, and it also became clear why he hated it when the ex called him Damy. It was Lexi's name for him.

"This is Adrianna, Lex, she is nice, not a girlfriend." 

Adrianna felt like he was telling the child to not attack.

"Hi, Adrianna." 

Adrianna felt vulnerable as the child was studying her. She turned to her father.

"Dad, I am staying with Damon for the weekend."

"Sure, pumpkin." 

Damon carried the bags in, and soon Lexi arrived with her bag too. She dumped it in the main bedroom, next to Damon's.

"She sleeps in your room?" Adrianna asked, in shock.

"Yes, I met her when she was seven and whenever I am here, she is my shadow. I would not have it any other way. Please, Addy, there is nothing remotely sexual about it. It is just weird from the outside. You will understand soon."

"Do you…?" Adrianna needed to hear his affirmation of the relationship again.

"No, god Addy. Sleep with us tonight, but know she is very protective. We will make a family bed, and talk a lot of nonsense."

"I noticed that she is protective."

"Damy, where is the blonde bimbo?" Lexi asked as she joined them. Adrianna could not help but snicker, and part of her saw why Damon loved Lexi so much.

"Found someone else," Damon said and Lexi smiled happily. She definitely approved of Bridget being out of the picture.

"And you, what are your intentions?" 

Lexi was now directing her full attention at Adrianna. Adrianna felt as intimidated as can be by the child, who held her gaze.

"I just came out of a bad breakup, and you know how kind Damon is."

"Will, you also use him?"

"No, I hope not. But you can call me to make sure," Adrianna said, and Lexi nodded, clearly giving her assent. The lodge was full of guests, but they were isolated slightly. Adrianna and Damon sat on the deck overlooking the lake that evening, Lexi laying back against Damon’s chest as she told him of her life, what he had missed and what he needs to know.

Adrianna felt drawn into the conversation. There were no strange nuances, no innuendos. It was effortless and hilarious as Lexi started to tell her all about Damon's ex-girlfriends. Adrianna also realized that Lexi was acutely observant regarding Damon and that he probably brought her so Lexi could give him an opinion.

Adrianna felt that Damon did see her in his future, and it settled her a little. That evening they all slept in the master bedroom, Lexi between them. The nattering between Adrianna and Lexi was soothing, and Damon fell asleep long before they stopped chatting. The next morning was a real shock for Adrianna, as she saw how good a man Damon was when she heard him and Lexi speak. It also cleared up why Damon was so responsible, and who it was that was in his mind when he gets sad.

"Daddy is getting bad, Damy," Lexi said softly.

"I saw. How bad?"

"Months, I am so scared." Lexi turned into him and started to cry softly.

"I am Lexi's godfather Addy," Damon said, "Three years ago, they arrived in a broken pickup, a father and daughter. He told me he had cancer, but he needed to care for Lexi. I gave him a job as a maintenance supervisor on the spot. I did not know that I would become so absolutely wealthy, getting to know and love Lexi."

"I assume he was in remission?" Adrianna spoke softly, knowing she was discussing someone these two loved deeply.

"Yes, but we knew it would come back, so he made arrangements. I overheard him arguing with his sister, who did not want another child, so I begged him to allow me to take Lexi. Sam cried that day because he knew I loved Lexi almost as much as he did."

"So you are going to be a father soon?"

"Yes, we need to find a bigger apartment."

"Okay, I will help."

"We have time, Addy, so let's make sure. I will get the legalities settled, so Lexi does not need to struggle with that too."

"Damy, are you sure you want me?" Lexi asked with tears in her eyes.

"With my whole heart, my angel, I want you with me."


"And we will come back here a lot, and tell stories of your dad, good stories. He will live inside us, my baby. Okay."

"I know."

Adrianna and Lexi explored as Damon and Sam spoke later, after breakfast. Damon knew by the way Adrianna was spreading her wings over Alexandra that he had no problem getting into a relationship with the beautiful brunette.

"Adrianna has a gentle heart, even Lexi likes her," Sam remarked, Adrianna and Lexi were walking in the distance.

"Sam, I will adopt Lexi immediately, she will know she has a home if there was any doubt."

"There wasn't. Damon, these last three years." Sam paused as his voice got heavy with emotion. "You gave me so much time with her, I was free of worry."

"I will come back very often, Sam, I will miss you as a friend." 

Damon started to cry. He hated cancer because you watch your loved ones slip away, and there is nothing you can do.

"I will bury you here, so we can visit often, Lex and me," he continued.

"Alexandra will like that, the peace. She said that this was where I was happiest, and I was."

The girls returned, and life became somewhat normal. That evening, they slept together again, Adrianna holding Lexi close as she also cried softly for the child's future pain. Sunday afternoon, she had to drive because Damon was sobbing for almost an hour. That week, he told her how he had watched his mother die of cancer when he was twelve.

They started searching for a bigger apartment with a nice view the following week. Damon also took Adrianna to a birthday party after he bought her an evening gown. Adrianna felt beautiful in it, and Damon's reaction told her it was justified. He was true to his word, which also meant a lot of the bachelorettes saw him as available. Adrianna also danced with others, but none felt like Damon. The touches were suggestive, a little too low, a little too tight. Damon did not do that at all. She was starting to see how different he was.

They drove to the cabin every second weekend in the months following, and Adrianna watched as Sam, who had become her friend too, faded away. It was heart-breaking at times as her life started to intertwine with Damon's.

He had a formal event almost every week, and Adrianna loved going with him. There was speculation in the gossip pages, which made Damon and Adrianna laugh.

Three months after meeting Lexi, Adrianna decided that time was running out for them to make a smooth transition for Lexi possible. She sat Damon down for a talk.

"Damon, I will move out. You love the view, and you love Lexi," she said as she looked at him, and saw his face drop, the sadness as he heard her.

"No, please, Addy. No," he almost begged.

"Why Damon?"

"I love coming home and you are here. I love when you walk through the door and smile at me. I love you singing out of tune as you make me hot chocolate." He stopped, looking at her and she waited.

"I…" he started, "I love you, Addy. Sorry."

"Why are you sorry, Damon?"

"I promised you, no strings attached."

"I do not feel any strings, Damon." 

Adrianna leaned over and kissed his lips softly, then again.

"I love you too, and I chose it, Damon. You have never made me feel any need to repay you. You just became more generous, and I now know it is your nature. You restored my self-respect by giving me purpose. When you look at me, I know I am a woman of value."

"Then do not move, Addy, I will be desperate for your presence."

"I won't. The apartment three floors higher is a four-bedroom, Damon, but the rent is almost double."

"Take it, I can rent the whole building and not blink."

"So, what do we do with the two extra bedrooms?" she said, smiling softly as she saw his face change to contentment, then surprise as he caught her inference.

"We only need two, ours and Lexi's," she continued, chuckling.


She watched him blush brightly, and she released her heart, her love burst into her being.

"Yes, Damon, I want you in my bed," she whispered as she kissed him softly, “I love you, maybe I have since the day we met because you pressed all my buttons then."

Damon pulled her body against him on the couch and held her close. If they went to bed it would be incredible, but both knew there was no urgency, eternity just became inevitable. They secured the apartment the next day, and Adrianna moved her stuff into the master bedroom. Their first night was also the first night they made love.

Damon stripped her slowly as his lips followed his hands on her body. Adrianna understood what he meant by worshipping her body, as he expressed his admiration and marvel at every part that was revealed to him. He opened her legs and kissed her mound before licking her clit. Adrianna exploded like she never has before, bucking hard, he stayed in her pussy with his tongue, working her into another mind-blowing orgasm. He rose and undressed. Adrianna saw his muscles ripple, his six-pack was hard, and his cock harder. He moved over her and kissed her softly, but there was no mistaking the intense passion he had as she saw him look at her hungrily.

Then he pushed in all the way, before holding and kissing her deeply. Adrianna could not believe his control as he kept a steady rhythm, using his whole cock. He made love with precision, studying her as he moved, changing his angles until her face told him he had found what she needed him to find.

"Damon, oh fuck. You are so good to me," she moaned loudly.

"I love you," he whispered and then moved again, stroking her deeply. Adrianna came twice more, then she felt him cum hard. He held as he caught his breath, then started again. Adrianna could not believe it, it had always ended when her ex came, normally ten or fifteen minutes after slamming into her. Damon made sure Adrianna was moaning loudly and he often bent down to kiss her perfect nipples. They made love for almost three hours, once stopping for some wine and chocolates. Adrianna woke up sated and tangled into him and kissed him awake.

"I still love you, Damon, you know that."

"I know, Addy. I love waking up next to you like it is a perfect sunrise every day."

They decided to drive to campus together, and have breakfast in the cafeteria courtyard. The first familiar face was Bridget followed by Maisey. Their shock was unmistakable, a complete overreaction in Damon's mind.

"Oh hell, Maisey, Adrianna?" Bridget gasped.

"Yes, you know her?"

Bridget started to laugh, Maisey joining her.

"She is your ex?" Adrianna asked, also shocked.

"What the fuck, guys, seriously," Damon grumbled, realizing he was on the outside of a shared secret. Adrianna kissed him softly as she chuckled.

"Kyle is my ex, darling."

"Oh, shit. We never mentioned names." Damon smirked, the poetic justice was amusing him. He also looked at Bridget and knew he won the lottery with Adrianna.

Adrianna touched his face, kissed his eyes. Damon was feeling the pang of Sam's imminent passing frequently now, and Adrianna saw it every time and she would acknowledge that she was with him by touch. Damon looked in her blue eyes and it settled him. Since he told her he loved her, he has not stopped falling in love.

"I think we must take time off after the funeral, my love, let's go to Monaco," Adrianna said softly.

"Yes, Lexi homeschools and our grades are above average."

"Wait Monaco, as in the principality?" Maisey asked.

"Yes, we can rent a yacht there," Damon said. Adrianna kissed him again.

"I am co-signing the adoption, Damon, please don't talk me out of it."

"Are you adopting Lexi?" Bridget asked, then her brow wrinkled as she realized the circumstances, "How bad is Sam?"

"Very bad. I suspect he will be moved to a hospice this week, so we need to be ready, Addy."

"I have our bag packed in the car," Adrianna said.

"DAMON! OVER HERE!" Damon turned his head and saw the photographer, paparazzi. He had been getting very little attention, but one of the most eligible bachelors with a girlfriend is news. He felt his ire that his peace will now be disturbed by the tabloids again.

"Piss off, Clark!" Damon yelled, then shook his head, "Sorry, my love, you are about to be front-page news."

"In your arms, I do not care." Adrianna kissed him to prove her point.

"Why is he taking pictures of you, Damon, are you famous or something?" Bridget quizzed.

"The 'or something'. Damon is part of the New York elite," Adrianna explained

"As in the movie stars and rich people?"

"Yes, he is rich, fucking rich," Adrianna said softly as she caressed his cheek with her lips, "But I am wealthy because he gave me his heart."

"I cannot believe the twist," Maisey said, "You being Kyle's ex."

She avoided the elephant in the room, the fact that Bridget lost out big time. Maisey decided that she will pursue a friendship apart from Bridget.

"That was not a relationship, he held Adrianna hostage to him because he was paying her studies."

"Damon gave me a scholarship through his foundation, and set me free, except I did not want to be free from Damon," Adrianna said, looking straight at Bridget.

"Babe, we need to visit your parents," Damon said, and saw her face fall, "Please, you know me by now, my angel."

"I know, it is just…" Adrianna faltered

"That they are human, and by the look of you, they did the best they could."

"My dad is proud, Dams."

"Good, then he will be so proud that his baby girl has her self-respect back, and is dating someone who is absolutely and desperately in love with her. I guarantee you, the money is the last thing he will care about."

"Okay, let just get the other things settled."

"They would want to know you are becoming a mom, you know."

"Oh my fuck Dams, a mom. To the most beautiful ten-year-old kid in existence. I am going to be a mom."

Damon watched in pleasure as Adrianna savored the thought, a small smile on her lips.

"Imagine, she calls me mommy, Damon. I swear, that day I will ugly cry."

"You and me both." 

Damon looked across the table at Bridget. She was sad, and he knew it was because she was realizing how much she drained out over Kyle's cock.

"I have a class now, darling," Adrianna said.

Adrianna kissed Damon softly, then got up, kissing him again, "I cannot wait for this afternoon."

She walked off, and Damon watched her perfect ass sway slightly, and then she pronounced it, making him laugh out loud. She turned and blew him a kiss.

"She is so much prettier now," Maisey commented.

"She has self-respect now, and believes that she is the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes."

"You said that of me, and I never believed you. I was such a fool."

"We all were," Maisey added.

"Kyle meant nothing for me. Just a fuck."

"The problem is that it was everything for me, Bridget. Men and women do things that for them mean nothing, but for their partners, it crushes their worlds."

"I know that now," Bridget answered.

"I never called you a slut, or a whore, did I?"

"No, but you were angry."

"No, hurt. I took two weeks before the break to decided our future, and I wanted to be with you. At the holiday house, I realized you did not see me in your future, not the same way. I look different, but inside, I am still that guy that wanted to be with you then. Now I am with Adrianna, and I know we should not have been together, Bridgy."

Damon walked to his class after getting up. At one of the switches, he saw Adrianna and drew her to the side, kissing her hard.

"You are so fucking beautiful. I want to push up against this wall and fuck you crosseyed," he whispered and saw her pupils dilate as she considered it, his face right by hers and his eyes burning into hers. She felt her pulse race and her whole being consumed, then he brushed her nipple and she shuddered, her orgasm close. He grabbed her against him as she convulsed. He kissed her gently.

“I love you with my whole being, Addy." 

She just nodded, shaking her head.

"How the fuck did you do that?" she asked.

"I made you know, without any doubt, that you are the most desirable woman I ever need."

"Job well done."

Adrianna saw his face change and that look return and sure as fuck she felt her pulse react. She was sure he would make her cum with a look. She was looking into pure desire, and all of it was focused on her core. The world disappeared around her. His lips touched hers, then he brushed her other nipple as his mouth opened and she screamed into his mouth, this time orgasming violently against him as he held her. She calmed down, and the world returned, to about twenty spectators. Adrianna was not embarrassed, she felt like the queen of the world because her king has not taken his eyes off her yet.

"With every part of my being, Adrianna, I have no idea I could ever love this much." 

She kissed him softly, and he stepped back to applause. He just pointed at her. Damon had no idea that her reaction would be that, but he also saw the absolute restoration in her, that she now knows she is a desirable woman, not a whore.

"See you later, my love," Adrianna said with a blush. Her whole being had opened up and she was wrapped in a cocoon of his love. She walked a few steps, then turned back.

"HEY DAMON!" she shouted to him, "YOU ARE MY WORLD!"

She watched with satisfaction as he blushed, then smiled that smile that had been her downfall. She grinned and walked to her class. She was surrounded by a few girls.

"Come on, Adrianna, you have a vibrator in there."

"No, I swear. His desire for me set me off, I have heard of it, but fuck. That just happened to me, and I cannot believe it."

"We always thought he was this weird nerdy guy."

"He is the bravest man I know," Adrianna grinned, "And he loves me, fuck."

She sighed like a lovesick teenager, watching them shake their heads, all still hung up on the fact that she dropped Kyle for Damon. She also realized she needed to talk to Damon because there was no way she could concentrate right now. One orgasm in that state she could understand, but he gave her two. Then she started dreaming about her and Lexi, and the fun they will have.

Damon sat in his class. He was still falling, and he felt silly crazy. Damon knew, in that corridor that he was going to marry Adrianna. The way she orgasmed validated him as a man. He endured sideways glances of the girls in the class, probably wondering if he would have that effect on them, had he been dating them. Damon shook his head, it had to do with the way he saw Adrianna. Damon could not believe where he was, from Miami, where he was shattered to knowing without a doubt he was someone's forever man. He was completely distracted, the look in her eyes as she orgasmed, the incredible knowledge that nobody else mattered. And the pleasure of seeing her feel like a woman. He knew today the trip home will be with two changed people in the car.

They had lunch together and he straddled the bench, facing her. She also straddled the bench, hooking her legs over his. The other students watched as Adrianna fed him, following each bite with a kiss. They had no care, not even noticing three more paparazzi. Damon was lost in her eyes. The roles reversed and he fed her, and she saw as he watched her lips move that he was as horny as he would ever be. She decided to not embarrass him with a mess in his pants, but the fact that he was on the edge made her feel complete. They finished their classes with no more orgasms, but Damon pulled her on him in the parking lot and plunged into her after ripping her panties off. He came hard as her butt hit his thighs, and she also orgasmed.

"We are just beyond horny today," she whispered into his neck.

"You are the sexy one," Damon chuckled, "I blame you."

She got off him and dropped down, licking his cock clean, she used a wet-wipe to clean herself as they drove out of the parking lot, then they started giggling. At the apartment, Damon spent two hours making her moan in pleasure, then left for the gym. Adrianna made them dinner. She looked in the mirror and liked what she saw. The face looking back at her was absolutely beautiful. Damon came back and took one look at her naked body. He dropped down and ate her pussy. Then he stood up and kissed her softly, she saw his love again. They ate, Adrianna still naked and Damon staring at her a lot.

After dinner, he carried her to the bedroom and proceeded to make the sweetest love to her. The next morning they took the bike to the campus and found themselves celebrities. They made five tabloid front pages. They switched to Italian as Damon got them two muffins, and they fed each other again, oblivious to the selfies being taken with them in the background.

"It will blow over," Damon said to her with a shrug. the tabloids were fickle.

"I know, shut up and feed me, peasant." 

Bridget and Maisey joined them again. They chatted easily, Damon and Adrianna sometimes still switching to Italian. Sam went into the hospice that Wednesday and passed away the following Sunday. Damon and Adrianna never left Lexi for a moment and they let her cry whenever she needed it. They organized the memorial and spread Sam's ashes over the lake, keeping some to bury at his favorite fishing spot with a plaque.

Lexi went home with them and settled her into her room. She slept between them for a while, sobbing often. She went to campus with Damon and Adrianna daily, doing her school work with them, sitting in class with them. She was not disruptive, and once the professors heard her story, none complained. The paparazzi got one of the most beautiful shots Adrianna had ever seen. Lexi was on Damon's lap, she had cried and the photographer called Damon. Adrianna saw his angry face, with Lexi's tear-streaked face. It showed the man she knew.

'Is Damon Green Dad Of The Year?' was the headline attached.

Adrianna loved the photo so much she bought the original and made it into a lifesize canvas print. Lexi was never away from either, and it was accepted that Adrianna had an adopted daughter now, which Lexi loved. Kyle was interviewed as the ex-boyfriend, but the vitriol he spouted gained no traction. Damon and Adrianna made a deal with Lexi, she can crawl in later in the evenings

"I know you want to have sex, so I will allow it," Lexi stated, then laughed happily, “As long as I get brothers and sisters.”

Six months later, Damon and Adrianna got married, Adrianna's dad walking her down the aisle with pride. He also accepted Sam's vacated position at the lodge, her mom taking up an admin position in the offices. They loved their granddaughter immensely.

Adrianna had her ugly cry on campus when Lexi came out of class with Damon.

"What are we eating, mommy?" she asked with her crystal clear tone.

“Mommy?” Adrianna whispered and pulled Lexi to her.

“Yes, I always wished for a mommy as nice as you. Is it okay?”

“Yes, baby, it is okay.” 

Adrianna started to sob, explaining that they were happy tears. Damon also cried as he watched his wife and daughter bond. This was more than he had ever dreamt of.

Damon and Adrianna kept working very hard on their marriage, shaping their passion around the three more kids that followed.

Damon never lost the ability to make his wife orgasm with a mere touch, because he never lost his desperate desire for her.

Written by CuriousProbe
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