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Snow Bound

"Maybe your Guardian Angel pays more attention than you think..."

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The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  

Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She always thought she was a part of that dream until a couple weeks ago when she found him fucking the coat check girl at her company’s Christmas party.  It was at that moment she decided it was time to go home.  

Her mother had warned her of the pending snow storm approaching but when have weathermen ever been right, besides she grew up braving the mountain snow storms, how bad could it be?

“Ha,” she mumbled, “Of course Blizzard Bob had to be spot on with this storm.”

The snow was falling in the biggest fluffiest flakes, it was mesmerizing.  Everything was white which is why she didn’t see the guardrail until the last minute.  She hit the brakes and turned the wheel trying to avoid it but it was too late, her car crashed through the guardrail and down into the deep embankment.  Her car stopped so suddenly that her head flew forward hitting the steering wheel, making her lose consciousness.

She first heard the thump of her still running windshield wipers as her head began to clear.  She sat up with a gasp, then winced in pain, as she felt a warm trickle down the side of her face.  She reached up to rub where the pain was coming from, felt the stickiness and quickly pulled her hand back to find her fingers covered in blood.

“This is just great,” she sighed deeply.

She grabbed some fast food napkins from the center console and pressed them to her head.  She looked out her windshield to a vast landscape of nothing but white.  She grabbed her cell phone and saw there was no signal.  

“Really?” She questioned, looking up.  Hope was convinced at this point in her life her guardian angel was a drunk.

She sat, contemplating her options when she saw a bright light, followed by a loud crash and her car suddenly lurched forward.

“What fresh Hell is this?” she grumbled to herself.

Turning to look out her back window she could see a soft glow through the snow that blanketed it.  She went to open her door but found she was unable to open it.  

“Bang, bang, bang,” against her passenger side window made her jump with a scream.  

“Are you okay?” she heard a man yell from the other side of her window.

She quickly reached over and pulled the handle to open the door.  He pulled the door open the rest of the way and bent down and looked inside. Her eyes met a pair of the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen.  He smiled, she felt herself flush and had to look down.

“You’re hurt,” he said with a panicked tone.

“It’s nothing,” she said, “Just a small cut, it’s stopped bleeding now.”

He climbed quickly into the passenger seat and grabbed her face, inspecting her wound.  “It’s not a deep cut but needs to be looked at.”

She swallowed hard with his face right in hers, it had been a while since a man had touched her so tenderly.  Even though she was with Ned for the last six months, he always had to work late and just didn’t have the time for her.

She smiled at him and held up her cell phone and waved it, “You wouldn’t happen to have a signal, would you?”

He looked at her curiously and then she saw it register on his face.  He quickly reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his phone. He swiped the screen and was met with no signal also.  

“I’ll be right back,” he said and went to get out of the car.

What was only ten minutes seemed to be hours when he finally opened her passenger side door and climbed back in.  He was totally covered in snow and shivered, shaking off the cold.

“No luck,” he said and I’m afraid we are too far down this embankment to get our cars out.

“Now what?” she asked.

“How much gas do you have?” he asked.

She looked down at her gas gauge and it was just above an eighth of a tank.

“Not much now,” she looked back over at him.

“We can’t stay here, the storm is going to get worse.  I have some blankets in the back of my truck.  We can walk along the road, there is a little town not far from here or hope someone comes along.”

While the thought of trudging through a blizzard didn’t exactly excite her, especially with a hot looking guy who had eyes that seemed to look deep inside of her, she knew he was right.  He got out of the car once again, grabbed the blankets from his and opened her door back up, “Ready?” he said with a reassuring smile.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she smiled back and crawled across her passenger seat and out of her car.  He wrapped a blanket around her and they started up the embankment to the road.  She was surprised how much snow had fallen since she first went down the embankment.  

As they reached the top of the embankment, he reached out his hand and pulled her up.  She stumbled and fell into his arms.  He grabbed her, keeping her from falling over and when their eyes met, they were face to face.  It was like time stood still and a spark flickered in his eyes.  She quickly looked away and pulled herself free from his arms.

She looked around at how peaceful it was.  While the snow was coming down heavy, everything seemed still.

“Always drunk when I need her,” she mumbled.

“I beg your pardon?” he asked.

She let a laugh and said, “My guardian angel, she seems to be in a drunken stupor for the last year.”

He laughed and said, “I think I’m on my second, so no judgment here.”

She looked up at him, smiled and sighed to herself, “He has a sense of humor, too”

“I’m Jack, by the way,” he said.

“Hope,” she said.

“Hope,” he said with a soft smile, “Nice to meet you.”

As they walked along she told him why she was on this road and he told her why he was.  They both had the same kind of year in their personal lives and picking the pieces back up.

It seemed like hours that they were walking.  She was cold and shivering. They weren’t even sure they were still on the road.  When out of the corner of her eye she saw a small light.  “Jack, she said, “what’s that?”

“A light,” he said with excitement, “Come on.”

They made their way to the faint little light and found themselves on the porch of a little cabin.  They both pounded on the door desperately but got no response.  

“Stay here,” Jack said with a stern tone.

He disappeared into the storm. After about fifteen minutes the cabin door flung open and she was quickly pulled inside. She screamed being startled and fought the figure tugging on her.  

“Hope, it’s me, Jack,” he said gripping her shoulder making her look into to eyes.

A sigh of relief flooded her and she began to cry.  He pulled her close and hugged her tight. She felt the skin of his neck on her cheek, it was warm and inviting.  He held her there for a moment then pushed the snow-covered blanket from her shoulders, swooped her up in his arms and set her on the couch.  He grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her.

“I’m sorry,” she sniffled.

He reached up and took her face in his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs, “Nothing to be sorry about.”

Her eyes looked up and met his and suddenly there was a butterfly village fluttering in her tummy.  She quickly broke the intense stare between them and looked down.

“Right,” he said with a deflated tone, “I’m going to get some firewood.”

When he left the cabin, “What are you doing?” she mumbled softly under her breath when an eerie feeling came over her.  It was dark in the cabin, there was no light but they saw a light through the heavy snow, it’s how they found the cabin.  

Her tummy began to grumble and she realized she hadn’t eaten since lunch.  She gripped the blanket tightly around her shoulders and fumbled around the cabin in the dark.  

She took her phone from her pocket, still no signal and switched on the flashlight.  The cabin wasn’t much but was shelter from the storm.  She searched cupboards for something to eat.  She found some cans of baked beans and thought to herself, “These should warm things up,” followed by a giggle.  

She searched around and found a can opener and a pot to warm the beans.  At that time, Jack was coming back in with a tote full of firewood and began starting a fire in the fireplace.  Soon there was a warm glow falling over the inside of the cabin.

“Most impressive,” she said watching him stoke the now roaring fire.

“Guess being a Boy Scout has some advantages,” he said with a grin, “What do you have there?”

She giggled and said, “All I could find.”  He looked into the pot, laughed, took it from her hand, and hung it on the hook over the fire.  

“Get yourself warm,” he said as he went off searching the cabin.  He came back with quilts and pillows and made a bed on the couch in front of the fire.  “That should keep you warm, tonight.”

“Me,” she said, “What about you?”

“I’ll be fine here on the floor,” he said as he pointed to the pillow and blanket on the floor.

She sighed inside and said, “Jack,” but was quickly interrupted.

“I think the beans are warm now,” as he grabbed the mitt off the mantel and removed them from the heat.  

They ate in silence. When they finished the beans he set the pot aside and said, “There is a makeshift porta-potty through that door,” he said and pointed, the window opens so you can just dump it out.”

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“Splendid,” she said with a sarcastic tone, “You want to go first?”

“Ladies first,” he smiled.

She didn’t want to argue because she really needed to go.  She got up, went into the little room, did her business and came out.  “Next,” she said with a smile when she came out.

Jack got up and went into the little room.  Hope took off her coat and boots and curled up on the couch.  When Jack finally came out she giggled and said, “I was just about to send in a search party.”

“Beans get me every time,” he chuckled.

He removed his coat and boots and laid down on the floor.  He looked up at her and said, “Warm enough?”

Her eyes slowly lifted and met his, she felt a spark as she looked into his steely blue eyes and said, “I’m good, are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” he said and broke their stare.

They laid there in silence for a while when she said quietly said, “Jack?”

“Yes, Hope,” he answered.

“Did you notice there is no electricity here,” she asked.

“Kinda hard to miss, Hope,” he said, “Why?”

“Nothing, never mind,” she said.

Jack cocked his elbow and rested his head on his hand and said, “What’s wrong?”

She lifted her head, cocked her elbow, rested her head on her hand, and looked down at him, “Where did the light come from?”

He paused for a moment and she saw him thinking about it, then said, “Maybe your guardian angel had a fireball.”

She laughed softly and said, “You’re no help.”

“Get some sleep Hope, we are going to have to trudge out of here in the morning,” he said and laid his head back down.

Hope laid her head back down and tried to sleep.  Her head was swimming with thoughts of Jack, his steely blue eyes and the cheeky grin.  She heard him shiver and leaned over to look at him but went a little too far and toppled over onto the floor with a thud.

Jack jumped, “Are you okay?” he asked with a start as he rolled over to her side and looked down at her.

“Mmmhmm,” she said with an embarrassed grin.

He stared down at her with his bright blues eyes that sparkled in the glow of the fire.  He slowly reached up, brushed her hair from her face and gently ran his thumb below the cut on her forehead.

“We should have tended to that,” he said softly.

She reached up, her fingers gently touched his, she felt that spark and said, “It’s fine.”

He stared down at her for what seemed like the longest time, his eyes never leaving hers as if he was studying her intently.

“Hope,” he said.

With a deep sigh, “Jack,” she whispered.

Without notice, his lips aggressively met hers in a deep passionate kiss. She felt the passion flow through her whole body, she wrapped her arms around his neck and let herself go.

The room exploded with desire and an urge neither one of them could control.  When he finally broke their kiss, his lips traveled down her neck like a hungry wolf ready to devour.  She tilted her head back to give him free access.  Her hands tangled in his hair as he kissed down her neck.  

He aggressively began to tug at the bottom of her sweater.  She arched her back off the floor allowing him to pull it free over her head in one swift motion.  He didn’t hesitate to bring his lips back to her freshly exposed flesh.  He kissed down her breastbone causing a lustful moan to escape her lips.  That moan spurred him on.  As he kissed and nibbled at the top of her breasts above her bra, his hands came up and slid the straps off her shoulders.  She quickly raised her arms freeing the straps.  

He grinned at her and slowly pulled the cups down, exposing her breasts to him.  His mouth was still greedy as his lips wrapped around her hard nipple and began to suck.  Her whole body trembled, feeling the hard draw on her nipple causing her back to arch, offering herself to him.  He growled a low growl as she did.  Her hands gripped his head tightly as he had his way with her breasts, taking turns sucking them while he pinched the other between his fingers.  

She kept her back arched because his mouth felt so good upon her skin.  She could feel his hard cock through his jeans pressed against her thigh and her hips began to lift, rubbing her thigh hard against his cock as her pussy began to ache to be touched.

He moaned against her skin, feeling her thigh tease him. His hand slowly began to slide down her rib cage, over her tummy and down her jeans between her legs.  He rubbed her aching pussy up and down through her jeans causing her to whimper loudly.  Her hips began to match the rubbing of his hand in a synchronized motion.

“Please,” she whimpered, needing to be touched.

He reached up and kissed her long and hard before he got up on his knees. He gripped the bottom of his sweater and pulled it swiftly over his head.  

She admired his firm chiseled chest in the glow of the fire as his attention quickly focused on her jeans.  He undid the button and pulled the zipper down.  He grabbed either side of her jeans and pulled them off, tossing them aside as quickly as he removed them. He grabbed her legs behind her knees and pulled her to him.  She could feel his hard cock against her and she moaned uncontrollably.  

He looked down at her smooth pussy and his fingers reached out and touched her.  Her hips bucked, lifting herself to his fingers.  

“Mmmm,” he moaned, “You are so wet,” as he slowly slid a finger in and out of her, making her squirm like crazy.  

“Please, Jack,” she whimpered softly.

He lifted her legs, placed them over his shoulder, and moved his hands under her. He lifted her so her pussy was right in his face. Her whole body quivered with anticipation.  He inhaled her scent and she could feel his hot ragged breath across her lips.  

She let out a loud gasp as his tongue made contact with her lips.  He slowly dragged his tongue up and down her before maneuvering it inside.  Her hips lifted up and down, grinding hard on his face, feeling him bring her to the edge.

“Oh yesss, Jack,” she cried.

“That’s it, Hope, cum for me,” he growled against her wet lips.

He made useful use of his tongue as he circled her clit.  Her hips began to move faster and faster.  Her moans were a constant echo around the room until she finally cried out in pure desire, “Oh God, yesss!”  Her body jolted hard as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her, her thighs clamped tight around his head and her nails scratched hard at the floor.

Jack kept his tongue buried in her and rode out her orgasm.  When she began to subside, he softly licked the sweet juices dripping from her as her body quivered.  He gently laid her hips back on the ground and set her feet back on the floor.  He removed his jeans, moved and hovered over her, looking down at her face.  

She smiled up at him and grabbed his neck and pulled him down, kissing him deeply and tasting herself on his tongue.  She could feel his cock head bouncing lightly against her sensitive pussy and needed him bad. She lifted her hips slowly up and down teasing him.  She broke the kiss and nuzzled her mouth against his neck, biting it, softly trailing up to his ear.  When she reached his ear she whispered against it, “I need you inside of me, Jack.”

His cock twitched hard against her and a deep moan came from his chest.  He nuzzled her lips against his ear before raising it and looking into her eyes.

“Tell me again what you need, Hope,” he said.

“I need you, Jack,” she said not breaking their stare.

He moved his hips lining his cock head up with her entrance and slowly pushed himself in.  They both gasped and moaned in pleasure together.  His hips began to move faster and faster.  Her arms slipped under his and gripped his back.  They moved together in perfect harmony, the desire building faster and faster.  

“Fuck, Hope, I’m going to cum,” he grunted.

She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deep inside of her and whimpered, “Yes, give it to me Jack, I want it!”

He groaned loudly as he began to fuck her pussy hard, her nails dug into his back and her hips lifted to meet his thrusts.

“That’s it, Jack, give it to me, I need it,” she purred.

Her last word was still hanging in the air when he grunted loudly and cried out, “Oh fuck!”

He thrust hard against her, burying his cock deep inside of her with every rope of cum he pumped in her.

When he finished, he rolled over onto his back taking her with him.  She laid there with her head on his chest, listening to his lungs gasp for air.  When he finally seemed to fill his lungs.  She rested her chin on his chest and looked at him.  He looked up and smiled at her and stroked her hair.

She pulled the quilt back over them and they snuggled through the night and kept warm in each other’s arms.

In the morning, he woke first,  he leaned down and kissed her forehead, then slowly moved out from under her.  He got dressed and went outside to see how difficult their walkout was going to be. The snow had stopped falling and everything looked fresh and new,

He walked back in and found her up, dressed, and on the couch, “Good morning, beautiful,” he said with a smile.  

“Good morning,” she said and smiled back at him.

“The snow has stopped,” he said.

They tidied up the cabin, left some money, a thank you note, and headed out.

When they arrived at their cars a tow truck was waiting. As he pulled their cars out, Jack gave her a piece of paper with his number on it, “So you don’t forget me,” he said with a wink.

Hope clutched the piece of paper tightly in her glove.  

“Now get going before your mom has the whole police force out searching for you, I’ll take care of the tow truck driver,” he said.

She turned toward her car and opened the door, turned and look back at Jack, smiled and climb in her car.

Jack watched her drive away and wondered if he’d ever hear from her again when his phone dinged in his pocket.  He pulled it out and noticed a text from a number he didn’t recognize.  He swiped the screen and read,

Merry Christmas, Jack…. Any plans for New Years?  My guardian angel needs a drink.

Hope :)


Written by MyWildfire
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