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Jamie and Donna's Girls' Night Out

"A wife loves her husband for taking the time to be her girlfriend"

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Author's Notes

"I wasn’t sure where I was going to take my concept but it’s as if Jamie said to me, “wouldn’t something like this be sweet?”"

Girls’ Night Out Tonight: Getting ready 

Donna was looking in the mirror, sponge in hand, ready to blend the foundation that dotted her face. She had shaved and moisturized her face; she didn’t need Jamie's help for that. Fortunately, Don’s facial hair was fine and light-colored, so Donna didn't need to cake on too much concealer. Don had tried to use stubble as an excuse to cut these nights short but Jamie wouldn't have it. She knew her husband's face would still be smooth when they went to bed. 

Don and Jamie had been married for thirteen years. Their children, eleven-year-old Bobby (who now prefers ‘Bob’) and nine-year-old Tracy were out visiting their cousins. Some months they might visit one set of grandparents or the other. Bobby tried to go to a friend's when he could when his mom and dad had their date nights. He wasn't some baby, he knew what date nights were, really. 

“Don’t smear it around, use the sponge to dab it all over.”  

Don sighed and tried to do what he was told. Up until tonight, Jamie did all of Donna's makeup. But Jamie thought it was time for Donna to learn so they could each do their own makeup and so get out on the town that much sooner. He had watched her do it in the past so he had some idea, but today he was the one holding the brushes. 

Jamie stood behind Donna and looked at their faces side by side in the mirror. Jamie’s was done already and so she was careful not to go cheek-to-cheek lest she smear both faces. They were both in only their bras and panties, Donna’s breast forms were glued to her hairless chest. Makeup had been applied to blend the appliance with her skin to complete the illusion. Don had long since waxed away most of his body hair and kept it away with his epilator. Jamie kept his back clear, clearing perhaps more than was actually needed. Jamie was right, nobody noticed and if they did, they never said anything. 

Jamie directed Donna to even out the foundation. Donna was handed the different brushes for different tasks, contouring to feminize the shape of her face. She added just a little blush and they were done. Jamie looked at the time and decided to do Donna’s eyes herself. She chose the same subtle gold pallet that she had applied on her own eyes, appropriate for their ages (very-low forty's) but designed to make their blue eyes pop. Tonight, they used mascara (sometimes she used falsies) because Jamie wanted a more natural look on her girlfriend. She stepped back to admire their work. Donna looked years younger than Don’s forty-one. Jamie was going out with a younger woman! 

“Do something with your hair, could you? I’d rather you didn’t wear a wig tonight.” Jamie gave Donna the slightest peck on her cheek and went to get dressed. 

Donna shook her head while she applied her lipstick. A wig is always easier and it adds a mask of sorts to keep people from clocking her or, worse, identifying him. She added just a tiny bit of styling gel and tousled her hair. Jamie always said it would be a shame to cover up such thick hair, and so she made Don keep it long enough to be styled for Donna and yet shaggy-chic for Don. Jamie said it made Don look ‘boyish’ but Don said it just looked messy if he didn’t comb it right. 

Donna looked at herself in the mirror, adjusted her bust with both hands, and blew herself a kiss. “I’d do that,” thought Don as he went to get dressed. 

About Ten Years Ago 

Date night! Baby Bobby was at grandma and grandpa’s house and he was no longer breastfeeding, which meant wine for Jamie! Don had suggested that they go to one of their favorite high-end restaurants but Jamie wanted something simpler so she wouldn’t have to spend time on makeup and dressing. “You don’t need to impress me with a fancy dinner, you’re going to get lucky tonight anyway!” 

They agreed on the prime rib special at the local pub. Jamie wore a rose V-neck t-shirt that showed off the “girls,” which hadn’t yet returned to their original size. Don hoped she would keep some of the increased volume but was smart enough not to say it out loud. She paired the top with a midi-skirt that had a simple flower pattern and which concealed her remaining baby-belly. She had polished her nails with a rose color that matched (close enough!) her top, so she decided on a pair of white sandals with a kitten heel. 

Don wore jeans and a clean, relatively new black t-shirt, and his “good” flip-flops. Jamie reflected that if her husband wasn’t so pretty, she’d make him dress better. 

The food was excellent, as were the mojitos and wine. Don drove them home but he probably shouldn’t have; Jamie’s tongue in his ear didn’t help. They made it safely inside and Jamie declared it to be margarita night, starting it off with a shot. 

They sat on the couch, not watching television, sometimes making out like teens, sometimes just snuggled into each other. Jamie pondered their feet, intertwined on the ottoman. “It’s not fair that my toes look nicer than yours.” She stood, slowly, and left the room. She returned with polish and a bunch of cotton balls. She sat on the ottoman facing her man with his foot in her lap. 


“Yeah!” She pushed his pant leg above his calf. “You can match mine or we could go with that exotic color your jeans have. What’s it called? Oh yeah, blue!” 

Don leaned back. It was good to see her loosen up again. He knew sometimes she felt overwhelmed as a new mom and that his attempts to participate didn’t always work out. He got to go back to work and interact with people when his leave was over and she didn’t. 

Jamie had to overcome the margaritas to stay in the lines. She stuffed cotton between his toes and switched to the other foot. “Don’t touch it on anything it’s still wet!” When she was done, she blew on his toes to help them dry. She snuggled back to him, their four sets of toes matching. “See? You can’t even tell whose foot is whose!” They kissed gently for a bit, and she settled her head on his chest, rubbing on it with one hand. She looked at her nails and jumped up again. “We need to do your fingers!” 

“No. We don’t.” 

“Yesss we dooo,” she whined. She snatched at the bottle before he could and plopped herself in the middle of his lap (and not in a good way). She lifted one of his arms underneath hers and held on by the heel of his hand. She polished one set of nails and then the other. “Now we’re both gorgeous!” She stood up, still holding his hand. “C’mon gorgeous!” she demanded as she drew him to his feet. “You and I have far too many clothings on us.” 

Jamie, for once, fell asleep before Don did. He reached over her to grab the hand towel to clean between her legs. It had been a long time since she had been that enthusiastic. She seemed a little fixated on his painted nails, licking, sucking, and staring at his fingers as well as playing footsie – a lot. He figured if a little nail polish can get her going like that, then he could live with it. How much worse could it get? 


Girls’ Night Out Tonight: getting dressed 

Jamie had decided on a different dress and lost the bra. The neckline and back on her red dress each dove to her waist. The fabric was loose, flowing down to a few inches above her knees. The dress came with a sash, which she had removed in favor of a thin, silver rope. She planned to keep her white wrap in the car in the doubtful even that her bare arms got cold later that night. She was wearing sneakers to travel in but had her silver sandals with 3-inch stilettos ready next to her silver clutch. Her hair was pulled back and tied in the back, revealing her large double-hooped silver earrings with a tiny ruby for the stud. 

Donna wore a sleeveless black dress with a halter top and high waist, whose skirt flared slightly at the bottom, settling just a little above her knees. No butt padding was needed for a dress like that, so Jamie could insist that Donna wear a black thong. Her ears were adorned with black sparkly dangling earrings with a black onyx stud. Don refused (so far!) to get his ears pierced, so Donna used clip-on adapters. She wore a black pair of sandals, sisters to the silver ones Jamie wore. Normally Donna’s shoe size was a half or whole size larger than Jamie’s, but she could usually get away with wearing her sandals. 

Jamie stood in front of Donna and took her hands. “I love you so much!” 

“Well, you know how much I love you.”  

The theatre was in another city (needed to reduce the risk of getting caught) and so they had to start their two-hour drive. Jamie drove just in case there was a police roadblock or something. There was no need for any public records that included Donna. Of course, the drive started with them singing along with Cindy Lauper. They had lots of time to talk and plan. Donna had time to ponder how she got here. 

About Fifteen Years Ago 

Donny and Jamie went on a group date to celebrate their 3-month anniversary. They started with a local baseball game and winged it from there. Jamie didn’t normally watch baseball but enjoyed the dynamics of being a spectator and rooting for the home team. After the game, and a few hot dogs and beers, they walked through the neighborhood and stopped at a bar for a couple drinks. Then there was another walk and another bar and a few more. They were strolling through the warm night and walked past a strip club. One of the guys suggested going in. 

“No way!” 

“Afraid of the competition?” 

“C’mon, girls get in free. I think. I heard from a friend.” 

“I don’t know, I’ve never been to one.” 

“What do they have that I don’t?” 


“It could be fun.” It was Jamie. “I mean, I’d like to see what’s inside. We can get a drink and leave.” 

“Two drink minimum. I heard.” 

The guys and Jamie convinced the holdouts and went in. There was no cover for the ladies and a two-drink minimum. A dancer had just completed her set. Jamie admired how graceful she was as she walked off the runway, swinging her hips while keeping her balance on those shoes. They went to the bar for drinks, the ladies calling dibs on the open stools. One of the guys pointed out open spots by the stage and was rewarded with an elbow in his ribs. 

The DJ encouraged the crowd to welcome the next dancer, who strutted on, wiggling and dipping. She took a quick spin on the pole and returned to the floor, dancing to an up-tempo song. She wasn’t wearing those absurd stripper-heals and appeared to be enjoying her choreography. 

The men tried to look like they were disinterested. The girls were looking around at the room, the other people, their men, and sometimes the dancer. Except for Jamie. Sure, she was glancing around some, watching the waitresses more than the audience, but was mostly paying attention to the girl on the stage. At one point she made eye contact with the girl, who winked. Jamie looked away; glad nobody could see her blush. She fidgeted on her stool and Don asked if she was OK. She covered up by cupping his crotch and telling him that he seemed to be OK. He brushed her hand aside and kissed her cheek while keeping his eyes on the stage. 

They were one drink over the minimum. The two girls had been chatting while Jamie asked Don questions. Did they pick the songs? The outfits? Were strip club DJs always that annoying? 

One of the guys suggested that they all buy Donny a lap dance in honor of his anniversary. His date swatted him and Don started to raise his hands in protest when Jamie said, “Just Don? I thought this was my three-month anniversary too?” They all turned to her. “What? You said it would be a learning experience. Were we here just to watch you jerks drool on your chins and dribble in your pants?”

The women gave her a, “You go, girl!” while the guys flagged down a waitress to make the arrangements. “Lap dances for the happy couple!” 

They were escorted off to the side, semi-private. They had said any dancer would be fine. One of them smiled when she saw a woman sitting there and introduced herself to Jamie while the other one went to Don. Yes, this was their first time and yes, they’re a couple. Don and Jamie were told the rules and the dance began with the rest of their group cheering them on. Except for the part where he was trying really hard not to cum in his pants, Don overcame the initial awkwardness and just enjoyed himself. He never would have done this if Jamie hadn’t wanted to join in. Each of them checked on how the other was doing now and then and at one point started to hold hands. 

At first, Jamie played up the whole, “Hey look I’m a girl getting a lap dance,” thing. Then she got quieter, admiring the movements and rhythms of her dancer. The stripper ground into her, and she was a little frustrated that the right spots weren’t getting hit. The dancer leaned in, chest to chest, and whispered in Jamie’s ear. “Enjoying yourself?” She leaned back again, continuing her dance. Jamie did a quick glance at Don, then looked back at the dancer with a barely-perceptible nod, yes.

The dancer leaned forward again, this time almost touching Jamie’s face with a tit. She lifted Jamie's chin so she could watch the dancer mouth the words, “Want to suck on one?” Jamie’s eyes widened. Yes, she did, no she didn’t, no, it’s against the rules. The performer went cheek to cheek, whispering, “Go ahead if you want. I’ll just tell you to stop and give you a warning.” She dangled a tit in front of her again, and Jamie gave the nipple a little lick, then a little suck, and then stopped before the dancer could say anything. The dancer shifted back and wagged a finger at Jamie, mouthing, “Uh, uh, uh!” 

The dances soon ended. There was a round of applause and generous tipping. One of the girls in the group told Jamie that she saw her suck on that stripper’s tit, to which Jamie replied, “She was literally getting it in my face. I just gave her a warning shot!” 

They all said their good-nights and called cabs to take them home. Don and Jamie couldn’t get their clothes off fast enough. 

They were kissing as they were stripping. Jamie pushed Don away and caught her breath. She didn’t want to look at him in the eye when she asked, “Could we try something?” 

“Sure what?” 


Don leaned to look up at her face. “What?” He was smiling. 

“I want to give you a lap dance.” 

Don’s smile widened. “Sure!” 

“I mean, I’ve never done that and it was so, you know, kind of sexy.” 

“Sweetheart I’m up for it if you are. I mean, literally up for it!” 

Jamie beamed as she raced to prepare. “Get a chair!” she shouted at him as she found a silver thong and sandals with stiletto heels. She messed up her hair a little and added a bunch of eye makeup and redder lipstick. She found some music and stood in front. “Ready?” He gulped and nodded. 

Jamie writhed as she danced for him a little. She leaned over and said, “It’s against the rules for you to go without pants. But since I don’t see any, I’ll let it go this time.” She swung a leg over and sat, gliding her wet slit up and down his shaft, keeping time with the music. She closed her eyes, remembering that dance she got, trying to capture it for herself as well as for Don. “Remember the rules. You can’t penetrate and you can’t cum!” 

She wiggled farther up his lap so that her pussy was up against his belly, his cock poking between her butt cheeks. Don was grateful for the move; he was about to break the rules. Jamie lifted a breast and rubbed his lips with her nipple. “Keep your hands and your mouth to yourself, sir.” She kept rubbing and dancing, remembering when she took the stripper’s tit. “Never mind the rules. Open your mouth!” Don did as he was told, sucking on the offered nipple, sometimes licking as he caught his breath. 

“Yeah fuck the rules!” Don shouted as he stood, lifting her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He sat her on the edge of the bed and plunged into her. 

Don pumped and pumped as Jamie cried, “But sir, the rules, the rules, the oh, my, gawd!” He drained his payload into her as she screamed. He pulled out and she just sat there, catching her breath. He was out of breath as well. Looking down, he saw his jizz start to run out of her. He caught it in one hand and cleaned her with the other. 

“I’ll be right back. I need to wash this off.” 

Girls’ Night Out Tonight: The Theatre 

Jamie and Donna arrived a little earlier than Donna had hoped. The two tall women (five-nine and five-ten respectively, without heels) turned some heads as they walked into the theatre. Donna tried to make herself smaller and less noticeable, but Jamie told her to stand up straight. “We’re a couple of well-dressed women about to enjoy a show. Nothing more. We’re OK!” 

Donna sighed and worked on her posture. She knew Jamie wouldn’t lie about this, but she felt like she’d never get used to going out like this. Why couldn’t they get here a little closer to curtain time so she could hide in her seat? Jamie asked, “do you want to get a drink, baby?” Donna was about to say no until she saw someone. It looked like someone Jamie worked with and he had a woman with him. She turned away, and glanced back. Yes, Don had met them at one of Jamie’s company functions. Shit! 

“Um, yeah, a drink sounds good. Pinot grigio for you, right?” Donna scurried for the bar and realized that she had never been so far apart from Jamie before while they were out, but figured it was better to be adventurous than it would to be caught. 

Jamie didn’t have a chance to answer. Well, look at my girl being all bold like that! She was pleased to see the gentle wiggle Donna had developed, even when she hurried. Jamie was thinking about whether she should follow when she thought she heard her name being called. She looked towards the bar in case it was Donna, and heard it again coming from behind. It was John from the office and his wife, Patty. She looked towards the bar again, realizing why Donna had escaped. There was nothing they could do now but roll with it. “John, Patty, what a nice surprise!” The women air-kissed and John simply said hello. 

“Is Don here,” John asked? 

“Uh, no, he’s um, at a bar at home pretending to have old football injuries.”  They laughed at her little jab and asked if she came all this way alone. Jamie sighed to herself. “No, no, I’m here with my cousin, Donna.” 

Jamie and Don had worked out a plan in case they were ever trapped in the wild. Donna was Jamie’s cousin. Never Don’s family as people always look for family resemblances and they might figure out there’s a little too much resemblance. She was from a little town in northern New York. She’s divorced, no children, and loves her single life. 

“We’d love to meet her,” said Patty. 

Shit. Of course, you would. “I think she’s getting drinks.” They all looked towards the bar, where Donna had just turned around with a wine in one hand and a beer in the other. She froze, seeing that Jamie was not alone. Jamie gave up. “Donna! I’m over here!” Jamie loved that Don did this for her and always made sure they took all the steps they could to keep their outings private. They had talked a lot about how to act like a woman. Ordering wine was one thing. This, Donna’s first time having an actual conversation, was another. 

“Donna, this is my co-worker, John, and his wife, Patty.” 

Donna handed the wine to Jamie. She could do this. Soft voice but not necessarily quiet, upper register. Donna offered a hand to Patty, twisted at the wrist, “Nice to meet you, Patty.” She turned to the man, repeated the gesture, fighting the need to establish handshake dominance. “John,” with a nod, a little smile. In her head, she curtseyed. It helped. She took a long (lady-like) sip of her beer, wishing she had chosen something stronger. 

The four of them chatted, mostly Jamie and John complaining about work. They asked Donna a few things about herself. Donna kept the answers short and Jamie butted in as much as she dared. The lights flickered to tell the audience to get to their seats. Thankfully their seats weren’t close. They exchanged goodbyes and headed inside.  Donna cursed herself for getting a beer. She’d been in women’s restrooms with Jamie before but she knew Patty would join them if she brought it up. She decided he’d keep her legs crossed and try to beat the crowd at intermission. 

“Hey, did you see John check you out?” 

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“He did not check me out,” protested Donna, secretly pleased. 

Ten Years Ago, Plus a Couple of Weeks 

Jamie couldn’t stop thinking about Don wearing the nail polish. It was so girly. He was so girly. Why was that so hot? 

Jamie knew why it was hot – she was 90% straight and happy to be that way but there was also that little bit in the background that she ignored, or tried to ignore. Sure, she made out with girls a couple of times in college, but it was always on a date (with a guy!) and always after a dare. Sure, she was always the swing vote before they got married when someone suggested the strip club. Sure, she never got another lap dance no matter how much she hinted while at the club or back home afterwards. Sure, she didn’t like hairy macho guys (sorry Donny, but you’re sexy as fuck). But she was 90% straight and happy in her marriage and family and would never, ever suggest anything otherwise. 

But she got to thinking maybe it’s dropped to 85%? 

It would be a risk that Don wouldn’t like that side, but she had to tell him. And she had a plan. Maybe she could do his nails and add a little makeup. Not much. And maybe some panties to bed. She decided they needed to talk tonight. 


They ate dinner after Don got home and she brought him a beer (and got herself some more wine) after Bobby was asleep. 

“Can I tell you something?” 


“It’s weird.” 

“Not surprised.” 

She snuggled in next to him on the loveseat and told him what she felt, not wanting to look at him as she spoke. 

“Is that it?” 


“No kidding.” 

Jamie sat up and quizzed him. “What?” 

“It’s OK. I mean, I’ve noticed that you, hmm, have those tendencies, but then, I’m always trying to figure you out.” He took a sip. “You’re not asking to go somewhere or do something without me, are you?” 

“NO! No of course not!” Don’s relief was obvious and Jamie gave him little kisses all over his face. “But I do have a little thing I want to try with you, if you’re game.” 

Don hugged and held her. “Anything you need, my bride, anything you need.” 


Don walked into the bathroom where Jamie had filled the tub and lit some candles. Two glasses of wine were close by. She gave one to Don and they sipped together, and Jamie set hers aside. She had a towel wrapped around her, which she slowly dropped to the floor. She undressed Don, taking her time. She climbed into the tub, sitting up, and asked Don to join her. He could smell the oils, He sat between her legs and she wrapped moist, warm, almost hot towels around his face and on his chest. She used a cloth to tenderly bathe him. All the while, Jamie would pause to stroke Don’s cock to make the experience as pleasant as possible. She’d leave him alone if she sensed he was getting too close. 

She took out a single-blade safety razor and shaving lotion, applying the lotion to one leg. She carefully shaved one, and then the other leg, rubbing oil on them afterwards. She repeated the actions on his back. Don wasn’t very hairy and his soft hair was easily removed.  

She shifted so that Don’s back was against the tub and she was in his lap, facing him. She put in a new blade, removed the towel from his chest, and shaved it smooth, occasionally rubbing her slit against his shaft. 

She shaved his face and neck with another fresh blade, sensually removing the stubble of the day. She finished and leaned against him, dropping kisses on his face, neck, and chest while increasing the pressure on his cock. 

“Baby, I’m about to cum...” 

“It’s OK, baby, let it go, it’ll clean up.” Don let it all out into the warm water, and Jamie rubbed his seed between their bellies. 

After their bath, Jamie patted him dry and caressed his body with lotions. She wrapped a robe around him and had him sit.  

Jamie had a tray of makeup with their tools and brushes. She must have looked at a hundred male to female transition videos to plan what she had to do to make her man's face look like a woman's. Contours and colors tricked the casual observer. The jawline was softened, the nose looked smaller, and the skin was made to look smoother. Thank goodness his brow bone wasn’t prominent. She plucked stray eyebrow hairs and smoothed them into a womanly shape with an eyebrow brush and mascara. Jamie would have loved to shape the brows but that would have gone too far. 

This was a date night, so Don’s (Jamie had started to think of him as ‘Donna’) eye shadow presented a smokey look in shades of gold. She applied eyeliner along the waterline as well as the lid and curled the lashes before applying mascara. Donna didn’t have full lower lashes so Jamie spent extra time slowly painting what was there. Lastly, she chose a brownish-red lipstick and discrete lip liner to trick the eye into seeing lips that were plumper than they were. 

Jamie attached a pair of pearl drop earrings (so hard to find pretty clip-ons) before putting on the wig. The color matched Don’s. It was short, hanging just past the jaw, with wispy bangs. 

Jamie’s heart pounded as she gazed at Donna. “Do you want to look?” she asked her model. 

Simply, “No.” 

Jamie smiled knowing that this was so very far from Don’s comfort zone. “Is it still OK that we do this?” 

Don smiled back slightly and went to kiss the artist. Jamie gave him a quick peck. “Don’t mess up our lipstick.” Another peck. “Yet.” 

Jamie parted the bottom of Donna’s robe and slid her feet and legs into a pair of simple cotton panties, making her lift up off the chair to pull them on. Don’s penis stirred at the activity but otherwise behaved. Jamie retrieved a floor-length satin nightgown. She decided it was best not to show him so she had him stand with his back to her as she removed his robe and dropped the gown down over his shoulder and to the floor, placing the spaghetti straps over his shoulders.  

"Done.” There was very little conversation during all this as Jamie picked up on Don’s cues. She walked past, gave Donna another peck, and dropped her own robe. She was wearing a red G-string already and wiggled into a red satin baby-doll, low front and knee-length, with black lacy trim. She lifted her hands palms-up as if to say, “ta-da.” Don silently clapped in approval. Jamie took Donna’s hand and brought her to the living room where there was more wine, some cheese, grapes, and chocolates. 

They settled on the love seat. Don sat with his knees spread. Jamie lifted one of his legs and crossed it over the other, smoothed the gown, and sat beside her, tucking one of her legs underneath. She rested her head on Donna’s bare shoulder, caressing the satin gown. 

“I must look awful.” 

Jamie sat up. “No, no, you look beautiful! I adore you for doing this for me but if you want to stop, we can jump in the shower right now!” 

Don sighed. “I can do this. For you, I can do this.” He took a very long sip of wine, and Jamie poured more back into the glass. He noticed the lipstick stain he left behind. “I can’t possibly look ‘beautiful.’ YOU look beautiful! You’re sexier every day.” Jamie kissed Donna’s shoulder in response, then continued the kisses across her chest and up the other side of her neck. Jamie turned Donna’s face to meet hers and they kissed. She ran her foot up and down Donna’s leg, savoring its smoothness. 

They talked. They ate cheese and drank wine. Jamie placed a grape in her mouth and fed it to Donna. They smiled at how sensuous that was. The two of them had enjoyed their romantic moments like this many times before, but it was different this time, Don’s attire notwithstanding. Jamie was chatting with her mate as she would another woman. This wasn’t girl-talk. She was conversing girl-to-girl, talking with her girlfriend. Her girlfriend

Jamie pulled Donna’s gown up above her knees, then swung around and placed one of her knees between Donna’s legs. She wrapped both arms around her head and kissed Donna hard, feeling her hair fall against her face. Jamie sat up on her knees. The lovers stared at each other as Jamie lifted the straps off of Donna’s shoulders and pulled them down across her arms, exposing her recently-smoothed chest. Jamie kissed her neck and then across her chest, loving how silky it was. She closed her eyes and tentatively licked a nipple, waited, and then did it again, pleased that there was a reaction. She moved to the other side and suckled the other nipple. 

Donna found this to be surprisingly pleasant and fidgeted a bit in her seat. She pulled Jamie’s face firmly onto her chest.  Don’s cock had decided it didn’t matter how she was dressed, and became impatient for his turn. 

Jamie stopped, crossed her arms across the hem of her gown, and lifted it over her head. Donna, in turn, kissed Jamie from her neck to between her breasts and selected a nipple. Jamie gripped the back of Donna’s neck with both hands, moaning as she ground herself against Donna’s leg. 

Donna took charge and set Jamie back onto the arm of the love seat. She pulled Jamie’s G-string aside and gave her a long, loving lick from the crack of her ass to the tip of her clit. Jamie shuddered and collapsed. Donna wiggled Jamie’s G-string down her legs and resumed caressing Jamie’s pussy with her mouth and tongue. Jamie ran her fingers through Donna’s hair and then gripped her head as she felt her climax wash across, wave after wave. Panting, she repositioned herself to straddle Donna’s lap. She left Donna’s panties in place and ground against her hidden parts; Jamie’s juices wet Donna’s panties. It was Donna’s turn as she spurted above the waist of her panties and into the bunched-up nightgown. She moaned as Jamie engaged her in another passionate kiss. They crashed, drained, and content. 

“Let’s head to the shower,” Jamie suggested. Donna stood and Jamie removed her wig and jewelry. Don stepped out of the gown which had slipped to the floor. Jamie pulled the panties down and left everything there as they headed to the bath. 

Don got the shower going and they both climbed in. Jamie took a makeup remover sheet and wiped off the first layer. She proceeded to eliminate all traces of Donna while spending most of her time “washing” Don’s cock, which had easily come back in all its glory. Jamie squatted and licked it from ass to tip. She squeezed out a drop of pre-cum and smeared it across her lips before engulfing it. Uncharacteristically, Jamie said, “No need to warn me this time.” She had a broad smile as she returned to bathing her wonderful man’s wonderful, pretty cock. 

After she made sure that Don knew she was glad that he was Don again, they went to bed and slept. Jamie got up early that morning and cleaned everything up after seeing to their baby. She wondered what Don would have to say about their game last night. She loved him for giving her this chance and wondered if would ever be repeated. 

Girls’ Night Out Tonight: Dinner 

The show was entertaining and, to Donna, happily over. No bathroom breaks were needed and she was ready to go to dinner. John and Patty caught up with them on the way out, dammit. They chatted about the show when Jamie mentioned they were headed out to dinner. Donna glared internally, but only blinked rapidly externally. 

“Oh, where are you going?” 

Jamie told them.  

“We know that one. Very nice!” 

“You should come along.” It was out of Jamie’s mouth before she realized what she had done. 

“We shouldn’t ….” 

Donna considered letting Jamie fumble but instead said, “You should. I’m sure they can fit you at our table.” 

“Great! Thank you. This will be fun!” 


In the car: “Now what?” 

“I don’t know. I’m so sorry, sweetie!” 

Donna sighed. “We can do this. They seemed OK that I’m not much of a talker. You should steer the conversation towards work when you can, maybe some girl-stuff with Patty, but I don’t know, maybe Patty would expect me to contribute to girl-stuff.” 

“You’re an interesting person, you should contribute.” 

“Yes, but the most interesting thing about me right this minute is that Donna has a secret in her panties!” 

“You’re right, we shouldn’t talk about that.” Donna scowled and Jamie smiled. “Relax, hon, you’ll be fine. Remember your mannerisms and, I have to tell you, you’re nailing the voice tonight.” 


“I mean it. All breathy and husky. You’re getting me hot!” 

“Don’t get me hot. There’s not enough flare in this dress if my surprise breaks free of its thong!” They remained silent for a moment. “I wish I wore a wig.” 


Dinner went better than they had hoped. Donna decided not to drink just to be safe. There were no deep discussions so she didn’t have to contribute much beyond the show they all saw the topics of the day. Donna went to the ladies’ room with the other two. She didn’t want any one-on-one time with either of them and especially with John. Being told you’re being checked out can be flattering, but she had caught John more than once during the evening. She’ll have to talk with Don about his behavior as well, and shook her head at the way that was phrased in her head. “I’ll have to watch my behavior,” he corrected himself. 

There was one conversation that could have gone badly. Patty had asked, “Whose cousin did you say Donna is?” 

“Mine!” Jamie said almost too quickly. 

“That’s what I thought you said. It’s just that I only met Don a couple of times over the past few years and I thought I saw some similarities.” 

“I hope not!” Jamie exclaimed. “I’d hate to be married to a cousin!” They all laughed. “I mean, think of the children!” 

Perfectly deflected, Donna thought, my wife, is a genius

They ended the night soon after, wishing each other safe travels. The women exchanged air kisses and John shook Jamie’s and Donna’s hands, holding Donna’s a little longer than she was comfortable with. 

They still had the two-hour drive home. It was strange to feel like playing the role of Jamie’s girlfriend was getting back to normal. That was why Donna had practiced that voice and mannerisms. She wanted her beloved to get everything she could out of the game. So of course, they talked about John (“I wonder if HR has a file on him already?”) and what a sweetheart Patty was. She seemed oblivious but maybe she was just used to it. They made fun of the choice of clothing some of the women made at the theatre. “I don’t know what’s worse, some young woman raiding her grandmother’s attic or some grandmother buying her dress at Forever 21!” 

They looked at each other and said as one: “Forever 21!” 

Donna giggled (it takes practice!) and Jamie said, “I love you.” 


Jamie kicked the car door closed. She was barefoot, carrying her sandals, sneakers, doggy bag and purse, with her keys dangling out of her mouth. Donna followed, carrying her purse. They got to the front door and Donna waited. With her teeth clenched tightly holding the keys, Jamie said, “Coo you geh duh dar?” Donna enjoyed intentionally not being chivalrous and took the keys and opened the door. “Gee, thank you,” Jamie added as she dropped the bag and her shoes and her purse by the door. 

Donna placed her clutch on the kitchen table and undid the sandal straps. “These are really comfortable. I should get my own pair.” She turned back and was greeted with a passionate kiss. 

“I forgive you,” Jamie said. She reached up to kiss her again. The cloth of Donna’s thong was getting stressed. They were close to her reward for being such a good girl, but she had to wait out where Jamie’s fantasy took them tonight. “Let’s swim.” Jamie trotted off to get a suit, stripping down the hall.  

Donna sighed. This was going to take some doing. Normally, their nighttime swims were done naked, but to keep the illusion and game going, they had to wear swimsuits. And swimsuits meant special attention was needed as to how smooth the front of the suit bottoms needed to be. Donna pushed Don’s instinct aside and broke out the tape. Usually self-discipline and tight panties were enough. For this, she had to take special measures.

First, she had to take her mind off some things. She thought about what a chore this was going to be. Donna had a special taping method and as she prepared her extra appendage gradually lost interest. She grabbed hold, taped, tucked, and taped it back before it knew what was going on. Then she put on a different thong, this one a size smaller. She checked her breast forms and decided they were still on tight. She looked herself over, happy enough with the illusion of a woman in front of her. She wasn’t satisfied with the shape of her midriff, even though the belly was quite flat, and so always wore a one-piece suit. Donna ran her fingers through her hair and opened the bathroom, finding Jamie out there waiting for her. 

Jamie was in wonderful shape at forty-two. She was wearing a tiny red bikini with a keyhole top and tiny bottoms. She had a little belly that showed a maturity that both Don and Donna found sexy as hell. She would never wear this suit away from the house, she’d say, but she loved wearing it for the two of them. 

Donna took Jamie’s hand and pulled her along. “Let’s get swimming!” she said, hoping the water would cool things down enough to stop straining the tape. They grabbed the pitcher of margaritas that Don had prepared earlier that day. He’s such a nice guy! 

It was a good thing that the coolness of the water helped settle things down because Jamie splashed over and started making out, rubbing her chest hard against Donna’s. At this point, Donna did all she could do and if the tape ripped, so be it! But she knew she did a good job, she had been training herself a while, and she knew the night would be fine. She pushed her hand into the front of Jamie’s bikini bottom and started gently rubbing her. Jamie pushed her hips into Donna’s hand, grinding along with the massage. Jamie moved her hands to Donna’s face as they passionately kissed, disregarding how sloppy the kisses were as the pool water washed it all away. One hand rubbed on Donna below her belly button, careful not to go too far between her legs and spoil the illusion. As their hands and mouths explored each other’s bodies, Donna felt her climax building and pressed their bodies together with Jamie’s hand between their sexes. Jamie felt the pulses as Donna emptied herself into the back of her suit, despite the tuck. 

Donna pushed Jamie towards the ladder, untying the bikini bottom en route. She lifted Jamie onto the deck and buried her face in her wife’s pussy, licking and sucking and drinking in her juices. Jamie drew Donna’s face up for an eager kiss and then sent her back down for more. Jamie tried to hold onto the moment but abandoned the effort as wave after wave crashed through her body. 

Jamie slid back into the pool and they kissed slowly, gently, as they caught their breath. “Is the night over?” she asked. 

“No, let’s go to bed, I have a surprise for you.” 

Donna sent Jamie into their bedroom where she found a sheer negligée. She stripped off her top and toweled off before sliding the nightie over her head. 

Donna had gone into the bathroom to prepare herself. She removed her suit and carefully removed the tape. The unhidden appendage remained soft, for now, free from its entrapment. She checked that her tits were still secure and slid on her own nightie. As she touched up her makeup, Don’s cock was rising in anticipation. She strode into their bedroom, where Jamie was in bed. “Is that a strap-on I see?” 

“No, tonight I have a double-ended dildo so we can fuck each other silly.” Jamie laughed and raised her arms beckoning Donna to glide into bed next to her. They kissed and sucked and played with each other's bodies before Donna rolled herself onto her back, leading Jamie on top. Jamie easily slid onto her end of the ‘dildo,’ closing her eyes as it penetrated. The rocking started slowly but they quickly began bucking, driving the phallus as deep as it would go. Jamie arched her back and almost fell over as she came. Even before it subsided, she rolled onto her back. Donna faced her and Jamie crossed her legs around Donna’s ass. Donna thrusted over and over until they both came a final time. Donna collapsed, used up. She lifted her head and kissed her mate on the lips, the chin, the neck, all the way down to her drenched pussy. She licked up their combined juices and made a return trip to her lover’s face, kissing and trading the fluids and tastes of their desire. 


Donna awoke first that morning, as had become their custom, and left, allowing Don to take over his place a few minutes later. Jamie woke up a little after and smiled. “When did you get home?” 

“Not long ago.” 

“I missed you.” Jamie pecked his lips and reached between his legs. Girls’ night out was over but they still had time before the kids came home. She was so glad her man was here. 


Written by dronette56
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