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Hawk - Chapter 8

"Back together again, Betts puts her plan into action."

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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 8 of a nineteen part series. In the last chapter, Elizabeth and Tommy had a wild night of wild monkey sex. After a twenty-four-hour break, they get back together with the promise of more carnal exploits."


On Thursday morning, they sat quietly, eating breakfast together. While Elizabeth was making coffee and finding something for them to eat, Tommy cleared off the table from last night. They had been so anxious to get to bed they had left their dishes on the table.

“I have something for you,” Betts said.

Looking up, Tommy watched as Elizabeth stood, picked up something from the counter behind her, and put it by his hand.

Tommy looked at a small box with a red ribbon around it. “You got me a box of condoms?” he asked with a grin.

“No,” she laughed. “I’d need a much larger box if I was going to keep your cock covered. It’s something I want you to have.”

He picked up the box, shook it, and untied the ribbon. Removing the top, he discovered a black object. Taking it out of the box, he looked at Betts with a frown.

“It’s a garage door opener,” she told him with a sweet smile. “I want you to keep that sexy Mustang in the garage while you’re here. There’s something else in the box.”

Tommy looked back in the small box and discovered a key. “And this?”

“It’s a key to my front door,” she explained. “I’d like for it to be the key to your front door too.”

Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, Tommy asked, “Are you suggesting that I live with you?”

“I am,” she whispered as she touched his cheek. “I would like for you to be in my bed every night. I’ve already told you I love you. I want you here with me unless you’d rather I live with you in your apartment.”

“Betts, we’ve only been together for a week. How can you be certain you love me?”

“I don’t need a Master’s degree to know that I love you, Tommy. I’ve loved you since I was sixteen. I’ll love you when I’m one hundred and sixteen. With some time together, I’m hoping you’ll love me too. Living together would appear to me to be the best solution.”

Elizabeth studied Tommy’s face and was unsure of what the man was thinking. “I have to work late tonight,” she explained. “We have a client in town that will expect to be entertained. Why don’t you stay in your apartment tonight and think about my offer? I don’t want to rush you, but I also don’t want to lose you.”

“No chance you could lose me,” he offered.

Her smile brightened. “Do you suppose you could come to my office on Friday? Could you possibly get off work early? I’d like for you to see my business and meet some of my people. My assistant is Helen Snider. I know you’ll want to meet her. She’s tall, beautiful and has fantastic tits. You’ll probably fall in love with instantly, and I’ll have to kill her.”

“I think that could be arranged,” Tommy replied. “I’d like to see where you work. I could probably just take Friday afternoon off and arrive at your office around 2:00. How would that work for you?”

“That would be perfect,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “And then we can have the entire weekend to ourselves.”

“That sounds perfect, too,” he said as he patted her behind.


Around 2:00 that afternoon, Tommy received a text message from Elizabeth. When he opened it he found a selfie she had taken with her phone. The photo showed her from the waist up. Tommy laughed when he read her words and looked closely at the picture. She wrote, “I’m thinking of how you treated me last night.” In looking at the image, he could clearly see her nipples pressing against the fabric of her blouse.

He replied, “I didn’t know you were into sexting.”

Her reply, “I wasn’t until I met you!”

Tommy put his phone down and turned to look out his office window at the steady stream of traffic moving into and out of the airport. His mind drifted away from the job. A mental picture appeared of Elizabeth tied naked to her bed. “Perfection,” he whispered aloud. “Absolute perfection.”

He looked down to see the bulge in his trousers. For a second, he thought of taking a photo and sending it to Betts. Shaking his head, he turned back to his desk. He had some work to do so that he could leave his office early tomorrow.


At 1:00 on Friday, Tommy told his assistant to have a lovely weekend and hurried to his car. He hadn’t spoken to Elizabeth in twenty-four hours, and he was anxious to see her. Tommy had spent Thursday night alone thinking about her proposal for him to live with her. It seemed a little backward that he wasn’t the one extending the invitation, but she had been the one to do it.

Tommy had decided that it only made sense for him to live in her home if they were going to co-habitat. She had a large house and a housekeeper. He didn’t see how she could be comfortable living in a one-bedroom apartment. Tommy had chuckled at the idea of having enough closet space for her clothes.

He had never spent more than five full days with a woman. The five days had been in Mexico when three couples rented a home for a week outside of Cancun. The first three days had been great fun, but his vacation date became ill, and he brought her home early. “What would it be like to wake up each morning and see that beautiful face?” he wondered aloud.

As he maneuvered his car onto the expressway heading toward Dallas, Tommy wondered what it would be like to see that fantastic ass every morning. How would they ever get to work on time?

Tommy took highway 183 toward Mockingbird Lane. He had decided that at this time of day, this road would have less traffic than Stemmons Freeway. He got off where Elizabeth had recommended and began looking for her building on his left. She had told him that it was a white office building, and there was visitor parking on the upper level of the parking garage. Tommy had assumed the visitor spots would not be covered. He knew the old saying in Dallas, “The best parking spot was not necessarily the closest to the door. It was the spot in the shade.” Tommy also knew that to be the same in the winter.

In the lobby by the elevator, he found the directory listing Bonner, Towney, Inc. on the eleventh floor. He stepped out of the elevator and faced the glass doors to Elizabeth’s company. Looking around, Tommy found that there were no other doors and determined that Bonner, Towney must have the entire floor.

Stepping inside, Tommy was greeted by a beautiful young woman.

“I’m here to see Elizabeth Towney,” he told her.

Looking down, the young woman said, “You must be Thomas Hawk. Let me get Ms. Towney’s assistant.” The receptionist made a quick call before saying, “Helen will be right with you.”

Thirty seconds later, a tall, auburn-haired woman stepped into the lobby, flashed a warm smile at Tommy and held out her hand. “Mr. Hawk,” she said. “I’m Elizabeth’s assistant, Helen Snider. Please follow me to her office. She’s expecting you.”

Tommy walked behind the woman and couldn’t help but notice her spectacular ass twisting as she walked in front of him. To keep himself from staring, he moved up beside Helen.

“I understand you work at the airport,” Helen said.

“Yes, I work for the company that owns the airport. We’re not actually located on the airport grounds.”

“Years ago, I worked for Southwest and flew in and out of Love Field,” the woman told him. “I’ve seen enough airports to last a lifetime.” Just then they arrived at Elizabeth’s office. “Elizabeth,” Helen said. “Your guest is here.”

Quickly getting up from her large desk, Elizabeth almost ran to Tommy. When she reached him, Betts threw her arms around him in a hug. “Thank you, Helen,” she told her assistant. “I’ll try not to make too much noise when I have sex with this handsome man on my desk.”

“Then perhaps I should close your door?” the woman asked.

“I’m not going to jump him just yet,” Elizabeth laughed.

As she stepped out of the office, Helen said, “Call me if you need any help. That’s what an assistant is for.”

“Isn’t she just gorgeous?” Betts asked Tommy. “Are you ready to toss me aside to get her?”

“I think I stay with you,” he said with a grin.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Elizabeth said as she kissed his chin. “Come in and sit down.”

“I love your office,” Tommy told her as he sat in a comfortable chair across the desk from her executive chair.

“It was Bill’s office,” she said as she sat down. “The doors are wider than normal to handle his wheelchair. The office itself was built to suit his needs. I moved into this space when Bill was in the hospital for the last time.”

A man came into the room saying, “Hey boss. You wanted to see me?” The man spotted Tommy and stopped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to burst in.”

“That’s alright, Bryce. I need you to help me out for a bit. Let me introduce you to Thomas Hawk. He’s just about my oldest friend in the world and my dearest friend.”

Tommy stood and pushed his hand out to Bryce. “Hi, I’m Thom Hawk. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Taking Tommy’s hand, Bryce smiled. “Good to meet you, Thom. I’m Bryce Adkins, Elizabeth’s ranch foreman, so to speak.”

“Bryce,” Elizabeth said, “Thom came to see the office and visit with me, but I have a call coming in any minute from Daniel Sikes. Would you please show Thom around while I take care of a little business?”

“Sure thing, boss,” Bryce said with a grin. “I’m always glad to give the fifty-cent tour.”

Just then, Helen’s voice came through an intercom. “Elizabeth, Daniel Sikes is on line two.”

“You boys go ahead. I’ll be with you shortly,” Elizabeth said as she picked up the phone.

Following Bryce out the door, Tommy was interested to see Elizabeth’s company.

“We’ve been in this building for about fourteen years now,” Bryce said as they began walking. Bill Bonner picked it for its central location. We started with a relatively small office on the third floor and moved up here about nine years ago. We grew pretty quickly and needed more space.”

“Do you have the entire floor?” Tommy asked.

“Yep,” Bryce laughed. “Bill wanted plenty of room to grow, and space was available. He negotiated a good price, and we moved in. At first, it was a large echo chamber, but, as you can see, we managed to fill it up.”

As Tommy looked around, he could see that there weren’t any empty spaces. The people working there didn’t seem to be cramped, but there wasn’t a lot of area going to waste. He noticed that offices were lining the outer walls, each with a private door. There were no cubicles, as was now so common in most large offices.

“This is my office,” Bryce said as he stepped inside. “The joke about me being the ranch foreman is really an inside joke. That’s what Bill used to call me. I started with him about a week after he opened the firm. I’ve been here since then and have never thought about leaving.”

“This is a great office,” Tommy commented. “It’s rare to find this kind of space for someone other than a CEO.”

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“That’s true,” Bryce confessed. “Bill wanted it that way. You’ll see that most of our private offices have almost this much space. Bill was very concerned about the well-being of his employees. He was a fanatic about all of us being stress-free and thought a bright office with windows and nice furniture was necessary. Our turnover is almost nonexistent.”

“So then, I suppose the pay scale is satisfactory,” Tommy suggested.

“It’s simply off the charts,” Bryce laughed. “There’s a line of people wanting to work here.”

“You obviously enjoyed working with Bill Bonner. How do you feel about working for his young wife?”

Bryce grinned at Tommy. “That might not be a question I’d want to answer, but the truth is, I love working with Elizabeth. Bill Bonner was a genius. He was beyond comparison. When he brought Elizabeth into the firm, most of us were concerned because she was so young. But we discovered in short order that she was beyond brilliant. Bill took her by the hand and brought her to his degree of intelligence within a matter of months. We were all stunned but encouraged because we knew that Bill’s life expectancy was limited.”

“I don’t know much about your business,” Tommy told Bryce. “Is she really that good?”

“Absolutely,” Bryce said as he nodded his head. “She might even be better than Bill. Her knowledge and insight should not be possible at her age. In addition to her excellent abilities, she’s also a damned good boss. She studied Bill’s behavior as the leader of a successful company and accepted all of his standards. The people who work here love her. She is out of this world smart, as well as kind and compassionate. Add to that a generous paycheck, and you have a winner.”

“Everyone is well paid?”

“You bet,” Bryce laughed. “I’d guess that every position in this company earns at least twenty-five percent more than in any comparable employer. Add to that a gentle hand on the tiller and excellent working conditions… you have an unbeatable combination.” Putting his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, Bryce said, “You’ll have to come to our Christmas party. It’s been known to last for forty-eight hours.”

“Damn!” Tommy said. “I’ll have to work on an invitation.”

“The word around here is that Elizabeth has a new special friend. I’ll guess you would be the one.”

“Word gets out quickly,” Tommy suggested.

“We don’t keep secrets here,” Bryce admitted. “We are all very pleased for Elizabeth to have someone in her bed. As I told you, Bill was very concerned about his staff being overly stressed. He was confident that sex was a major stress relief. I think we were all concerned that stress would get to Elizabeth after Bill passed.”

“I guess I never thought about this kind of work being stressful,” Tommy admitted.

Bryce smiled. “In this work, we are playing with other people’s money. If you guess wrong, someone is going to lose it. Sometimes you can lose a lot of money. We are hired to make money for our clients. When we don’t do our jobs correctly, they’ll let other people know. Our reputation is all-important. As my Dad told me years ago, a hundred ‘attaboys’ can be whipped out by one ‘ah shit.’ And he was correct.”

“So, you just go home and have sex?” Tommy asked.

“I suppose that would work. Bill would even let us have our spouses or special friends in the office for a quickie. Our market analysts don’t have prescribed vacation time. When you start to hit the wall, you just tell Elizabeth you’re leaving and will be back when you’re able. There are no questions asked. We have to stay fresh.”

“That’s quite interesting. Do you suppose Bill learned that concept in the Army?”

“I never asked him,” Bryce said. “But you know that soldiers have a limit to the amount of combat they can endure.” Bryce patted Tommy on the back. “Come on. I’ll show you around.”

As they walked through the company office, Tommy asked. “You said that Elizabeth was as much a genius as Bill. What has she done to make you think she’s that special?”

“For one thing,” Bryce said, “It was her idea to expand our clientele from individuals to corporations. Mostly small to medium-sized companies that don’t have the staff to advise them in terms of investments. We doubled the size of our clients in just two years. We also doubled the size of our staff. Elizabeth invested in some superior computer software that’s made our decision making less guesswork. It was damned expensive, but it’s paid off for us big time.”

Tommy noticed a woman coming out of one of the private offices who appeared to be buttoning her blouse. He thought she looked a little flushed. He turned to Bryce with a crooked eyebrow and an unspoken question.

“Yes, that happens here. Elizabeth removed all company policies concerned with company romances. That woman is one of our junior analysts. She’s been getting some mentoring from the guy in that office. She’s also giving him something to reduce his stress if you know what I mean.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

“Not really,” Bryce laughed. “But, as I said, we have no secrets here.”

The men came around a corner and were standing in front of Elizabeth’s office. Bryce peered in to see his boss hanging up the phone. “We’ve done the tour,” he told her.

Smiling brightly, Elizabeth came out of her office. “Thanks, Bryce,” she said. “Did you try to recruit Thom to work for us?”

“I hadn’t reached the sales pitch yet. I’m sure you can make Thom a better offer than I could.”

Putting her hand on Bryce’s arm, she said, “He seems to be very attached to his employer. I don’t know that he would enjoy sitting at a desk and staring at a computer monitor all day.”

Bryce looked at Tommy for a moment and asked, “I remember a young man named Hawk who played baseball for Dallas Baptist. By chance, was that you?”

“That would be me,” Tommy admitted.

“You were a hot-shot third baseman as I recall. Why didn’t you go pro?”

“Before the college world series my senior year, I tore up my foot,” Tommy answered as he shook his right foot. “I guess I could have gone into coaching, but business caught my eye, and I’ve never regretted it.”

“You’ll have to come to coach our company baseball team,” Bryce said with a smile. “The boss here isn’t much help in that category.”

“Absolutely no help at all,” Elizabeth laughed. The only baseball I’ve ever seen was when I was in high school.”

“Did you watch baseball in high school?” Tommy asked.

“Of course I did,” she said with a smile. “Our school had a hot-shot third baseman who was the sexiest guy I’d ever seen. I saw every game I could.”

“She used to bring her little sister to our games,” Tommy told Bryce.

“Your head was too big back then for compliments, so I kept quiet. Besides, my father would have grounded me if he knew I was watching sports and not studying.”

Turning to Bryce, Tommy held out his hand. “Thanks for the tour, Bryce. Let me know when your company baseball team needs a coach. Maybe I can help the boss out.”

“I’ll do it,” Bryce said as he shook Tommy’s hand.

When Bryce was gone, Elizabeth took Tommy back in her office. “What did you think?”

“I was impressed,” he told her. “Bryce is a great guy. I assume he’s your right-hand man.”

“He is,” she said as she sat on her desk, letting her skirt ride up to expose the inside of her thighs. “When I was at the hospital with Bill, he kept the trains running on time. He is a friend as well as a most valuable ally.”

“He hasn’t helped you with your stress levels?”

Elizabeth frowned before she understood what Tommy was asking. “No,” she laughed. “That is your responsibility now. And I’d have to say that my stress levels are quite low because you’ve been doing such an outstanding job.”

“If your skirt gets any higher, I may have to give you some stress reduction right away.”

Elizabeth looked down, smiled, and wiggled enough to get the hem of her skirt to lift another two inches. “Do you need more than that?”

“Should I shut the door? He asked.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Betts said as she reached out, grabbed his tie, and pulled him closer. “Why don’t we leave here and go to your place where you could give me a proper fucking?”

“Not your house?”

“No,” she answered, looking into his eyes. “Maria will be there until 5:00. I want to be able to make a lot of noise. Why don’t you go home and turn down the bed covers? I’ll be there as soon as I have a talk with Helen.”

“I’ll leave the front door unlocked,” he said sweetly as he leaned over to kiss her. “Leave your knickers in the car. You won’t need them.”

“Yes sir,” she said, her lips touching his.

When he stood back, Betts looked down. “Don’t let Helen see that bulge in your pants. I’m not into sharing.”

“Roger that,” he said as he gave her a salute. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

“Not a chance,” she growled at him. As Tommy walked out of her door, Elizabeth called Helen into her office. “I’m going to leave early,” she told her assistant. “Tommy has offered to reduce my stress levels, and I’ve accepted his offer.”

“He’s a hunk, Elizabeth,” Helen said with a wicked smile. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to let me give him a test drive.”

“I don’t think so,” Elizabeth laughed. “If he saw you naked, he’d leave me in a heartbeat, and I’m not willing to give him up. If your stress levels are up, I suggest you give Chad a call. He’d probably be willing to come over and fuck you on my couch.”

“You aren’t ever going to let me live that down, are you?” Helen said as she put her hands on her hips.

“Nope. That’s not going to happen. Besides, I rather enjoyed watching you riding Chad’s cock.”

“You’d probably like to watch us again,” the assistant suggested.

“I wouldn’t mind at all. You are both beautiful people, and both enjoy sex.”

“Yes, we do,” Helen said with a nod. “I hope you enjoy Thom as much as I enjoy Chad.”

“He makes my head spin,” Elizabeth laughed. “Please make a note on your calendar that I need to call Daniel Sikes next Wednesday afternoon. I need to do some research for him, and I told him I’d call back when I had it finished. I plan to wait until Wednesday to let him think I had to work at it. Oh, and close my door when you go out. I need to make adjustments before I meet Tommy.”

When her door was closed, Elizabeth pulled up her skirt before she pulled off her panties. She stuffed them into her purse and started to leave. Then with a second thought, Elizabeth unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra. It wouldn’t fit in her purse, so she dropped it in her desk drawer. Rebuttoning her shirt, Elizabeth decided to leave the top button undone. Looking at her reflection in the window, she turned from side to side. “I hope you’re ready for me, Mr. Hawk. I don’t plan to let you rest until Monday.”

Elizabeth opened her door, waved to Helen, and was out to the elevator. She was in a hurry.

As she drove, Betts considered the past two days. She remembered their wild animal sexual desires. Tommy had now seen her office and had a better idea of the kind of work she did. And now he was considering living with her. This was step two of her master plan. This afternoon she would make sure that her man understood the meaning of the word ‘bliss.’

“Can I persuade him to live with me?” she asked aloud. “Can I convince him that he will be an equal partner?” she thought. “Tommy is too proud to think he’s a kept man,” again she spoke to her car. “I know I can do this. I know I can!”




Written by JefferyB
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