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A Stranger In My House, Chapter 2

"He returns home to try to find his memories"

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Linda took a short walk around the floor for a few minutes to stall for time. She was supposed to be signing some papers and wanted it to look good. In reality, however, she was trying to process what Dr. Kensington had told her. Three young lives, snuffed out simply because they were enjoying the day. Sure they made a bad decision in driving while drinking, but being killed in such a horrific manner seemed unjustly harsh. She wondered what the families of the three young boys was going through. She felt her heart breaking over the thought of such a waste. She tried to put herself in their place - what if it had been one of her children in the car?

The thought was too awful to consider. She decided that Dr Kensington was absolutely right - Steve mustn't find out about the fate of the three boys until they was sure he could handle it. Linda remembered Steve playing with Michael in the front yard just a few days before he left for this business trip. Michael had just turned eight and was getting into baseball. Steve and Michael were playing catch outside, enjoying a rare moment when he hadn't been working lately. Linda began feeling sad - she felt partly responsible for his having to work so hard. Maybe if she had been a little less demanding, he wouldn't have had to take that damn business trip in the first place! Maybe if she hadn't pushed him so hard and complained about how some of her other friends had more money and more nice things, he wouldn't have felt the need to work harder to give her the same comforts as her girlfriends bragged over!

She felt very small and very petty. She walked slowly back to her husband's room, almost afraid to go in for fear that he would see her and read her demeanor. She didn't want him to know she was sad, because then he would want to know why and it would involve letting him know about the outcome of the accident. So she stood at the door for a moment and mustered up a reasonable attempt at a smile before walking in.

"What took so long?" Steve asked as she came in the room.

"Oh I had to sign the papers and then I called to check on the kids." she said quietly. She hated lying to him, but she knew it was for his own benefit.

"Tell me about us. Tell me how we met and about how it's been for us since then. I don't remember anything and it's driving me crazy!" he said with an obvious sense of exasperation.

"Ok, well let's we met. Hmm... Well you and I have known each other for a long time. We both grew up in the same town and went to the same school for most of our childhood. In fact, my maiden name was Wilson so in junior high school and high school our pictures were right next to each other. Our parents thought it was quite charming, the two of us growing up together and then falling in love. We had what everyone called "the storybook love". You was on the football team in high school - a tight end, I think you called it - and I was a member of the cheerleading squad. We went to the prom together...the whole thing. It was almost like a romantic movie or a fairy tale."

"It sounds like it." Steve said listening to the story.

"Yeah, well even fairy tales have their bumps. After high school, you went off to the Navy and I got a scholarship to Washington State University. We kept in touch for a while, but the letters started coming further and further apart until they just seemed to fade away completely. After you got back from the Navy, you tried to look me up, you went over to my old house and my folks told you that I was in Washington. I had found someone else by then and we was seeing each other pretty regular. We weren't engaged yet, but I had hopes at the time. Anyway, you called me one day and told me that you came back to Forest Park, Ohio where we had lived to see me, but I had moved to Pullman, Washington. You got a job there in Forest Park as an advertising agent with AAG where you still work today. I was in class one day prepping for an exam when there was a knock on the door. The professor went to answer it and it was you. You came into the room and walked up to my desk. You reached down to pull me up and into your arms and carried me out of the class just like in a romantic movie, to the applause of everyone in the room - except maybe the professor!" she said smiling shyly.

"Really? I did that? Sounds pretty corny!" Steve said.

"Oh it was! It was delightfully corny!" Linda said grinning broadly "So much so that I dropped out of school the very next day and came back to Forest Park with you. It was a 'proposal' I couldn't resist and we were married about 3 months later. We started our married life in a small two bedroom apartment with the very basic of furniture and belongings - our kitchen table was a folding card table and our front room consisted of a secondhand rocking chair and a bean bag chair. Our bed was two mattresses on top of each other. And we had milk crates for shelves and storage. But it was our place, and we had all we needed. As you got promoted and got better and better assignments, our economic situation improved. A few years down the road and we were able to buy our current house. We had Michael just before we moved - in fact it was because of him we moved...the apartment was too small for all three of us. Then a couple of years later we had Cindy. And that is where we are now. The four of us still live in the same city you and I grew up in. The town has gotten a lot bigger since we were kids, but it's still pretty much the same place."

"I see." Steve said. "So we were born in Forest Park?"

"Well you were. My family moved there from Georgia when I was about six. In fact, that's how we met. My family was moving in when you came down the street on your bike and saw our moving truck. You was talking with the moving man when I came out. Once you saw me, that was it - we were destined to be together!"

"Interesting." Steve said. "So we've been married how long?"

"It will be 10 years this June." Linda replied.

"Ok one more thing that I'm wondering about. How did this accident happen?" Steve asked.

Linda took a deep breath. She had to do this tactfully so as not to say too much, but she had to answer the question to his satisfaction.

"Well you have been working very hard on a big advertising promotion for a huge client. You have put in a lot of extra hours to get this contract. You finally got the presentation finished and approved by your agency and you had to go to Chicago to present it to the client. You had been in Chicago for almost a week and finally got the contract signed. You were on your way home when the accident happened. Instead of flying home like you did to get to Chicago, you told me you were going to drive because the next flight would have been the next day and you could drive home quicker than waiting for the flight. Only you..." Linda choked up a bit as she spoke "never made it home. I was sitting at home waiting for you to come through the door when I got a call from the Illinois State Police telling me you were in an accident. Dad arranged a flight for me to get here - I was a complete wreck - and I've been here ever since. My sister volunteered to watch Michael and Cindy and I have called them every day since I've been here to talk to them."

Linda couldn't hold back the tears anymore and she put her head on his chest and cried.

"Oh Steve, I am so sorry!" she sobbed "I have been such a whiney little bitch! And you don't deserve that. I've been so jealous of the other girls and what they have that I haven't appreciated all that I have. And I've bitched and complained about why we can't have this, and why we can't do that, that it drove you to bust your ass trying to make me happy. When I should have been happy just to have you. I drove you to work so hard and then complained that you didn't spend any time with us. Steve, this is all my fault. If I had only been happy with what we had, you would have never had to go to Chicago and you wouldn't be in this bed right now! It's because of me and my constant nagging that you are here instead of home with me and the kids!" As Linda cried on his chest, Steve put his hand on her head and stroked her blonde hair softly.

"No Linda, this isn't your fault. I probably should have taken that plane home. Then I wouldn't have been on the road that day. You can't blame yourself - you couldn't have seen what would happen. At any rate, I will be fine. My legs will heal and the doctor says in time I will remember everything. I'll have to be in a wheelchair until I can walk again, but it's not like I still play football anyway! And I'm sure I can find some hot blonde willing to push me around!" he said winking at her. Linda stopped crying and smiled as she wiped her eyes.

"Why not - I've been pushing you around for years. I have experience!"

A couple of days later, Linda was taking Steve outside for a walk around the hospital grounds. He was able to get around in his wheelchair and the fresh air was making him feel better. He still couldn't remember anything about his life before the accident, but he was taking it one day at a time and thankful that he had Linda there to help him. As they got back to the room, Dr Kensington came by for a visit and to look in on him.

"How are you doing today, Steve? he asked.

"Not bad. Linda and I just got back from a little trip outdoors." Steve said.

"That's great. A little sun on your face is a good thing. How are the legs?"

"So far, they're still attached!" Steve said with a grin.

"Good to know. And how about the rest of you? Any aches and pains?" the doctor asked.

"No I'm feeling pretty good body-wise. I just wish this snowglobe on my shoulders would clear up."

"Well, give it time. At least the here and now looks good even if your history is still a bit cloudy."

"I guess. But it sure is aggravating not knowing your past. Everyone I meet is a stranger even though they know me. It's an unfair advantage." Steve said with a tinge of frustration in his voice.

"I can imagine. But maybe I can make the day better for you. You are doing well enough now that we can release you tomorrow. You'll be able to go home and finish your recovery there. You'll have to check in with your local hospital once or twice a week, but maybe being home again will jar that memory of yours. At the very least, you'll be home with your family again."

"That's great news." Steve said looking up at his wife.

"The kids will be so happy to have their Dad back home!" Linda said, excitedly.

"I thought that might make your day." Dr Kensington said.

"It did. I can hardly wait to get home and see what 'home' is like. It's either going to make all this make sense or it's going to be just as confusing there as it is here. Either way, I don't see how it could be any worse!" Steve said.

"Well, that's one way to look at it, I guess!" Doctor Kensington remarked.

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"Now if you two don't have any questions for me, I have to go check on my other patients. I will leave the release forms at the nurses station. They normally release right after lunch is over so by this time tomorrow you two should be headed home."

"Yeah - by plane this time!" Steve said emphatically.

"No doubt." Doctor Kensington said, shaking Steve's hand.

"Thank you Doctor, for taking such good care of Steve." Linda said, holding the doctor's hand in hers.

"You are quite welcome. You two take care of each other and good luck. If you have any questions or problems, you can reach me here at the hospital." And with that, the doctor turned and left the room.

"Did you here that Sweetheart - you can go home tomorrow!" Linda said practically jumping for joy.

"Yeah. It should prove to be an interesting adventure." Steve said a bit apprehensively.

"Don't worry, honey. Like you said, the worse that could happen is that you don't remember anything and we'll just keep doing what we've been doing - taking it a day at a time."

"I suppose I can't stay here forever. It's just strange that I'm leaving the only history I know to go to a place I call home that I can't remember a thing about." Steve said.

"Well, it will all be all right. I just know it." Linda said reassuringly. "I've got to call the kids and then call to see if we can get a flight."

"If we can't get a flight we could always drive." Steve said with a chuckle. Linda didn't see the humor in it and shot him a stern look.

The next day came and Steve and Linda got ready to leave the hospital. Linda packed the suitcases that she brought with her while the shift nurse helped Steve get ready. Linda had to make two trips down to the van that would take them to the airport, but she didn't mind - she was just excited to be headed home with her husband. Lastly, Linda wheeled Steve down the hall to the nurses station to say goodbye to everyone. Then they headed for the elevator.

"It's going to be so nice to have you home again, Steve. I know the kids can't wait to see you. They were beside themselves last night when I told them the news."

"Yeah, I want to see them too." he said.

"I told them that Dad's accident messed up his memory and he might not remember you right away. They seemed to understand. They are just anxious to see you."

"I just hope it won't be too weird for everyone if I get back there and still can't remember them. I mean I still can't remember you except for what we have since being here."

"We'll just have to see. I am sure that everyone will understand and be patient. Word has spread since you've been here and everyone we know wants to see you." Linda said.

"You mean everyone you know." Steve said.

Linda moved around to be in front of Steve and said, "Listen here, Mister. You have a lot of people back home that love you. They have been asking about you since we all got word of your accident and now that they know you're coming home, they will all be wanting to see you. Maybe you can't remember them all right now, but that has little to do with the matter. Your family, your parents, my family, our friends, and your co-workers have all been anxiously waiting for you to come home. So you just accept the fact that you have a bigger circle of friends and loved ones than you can remember at the current moment. They love you whether you remember them or not."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just a little scared and nervous about what will happen when I'm back there. I really don't want to go through life only remembering the last few weeks." Steve said meekly.

Steve and Linda got into the van and the driver took them to the airport. At the terminal, Steve transferred to an airport wheelchair. They got through security with little fuss and found the gate for their flight. Steve and Linda sat there waiting for the plane to get ready for boarding. They were able to pre-board because of Steve's condition and one of the airport staff brought the wheelchair back into the terminal building. Finally, they were seated on the plane and ready to head home. The flight wouldn't be long - only an hour or so - but it had taken almost three weeks to get to this point. A business trip that was only supposed to be "three or four days, tops" had been unexpectedly extended. The plane's engine revved up and the terminal building slowly began backing away. The plane taxied onto the runway and after a short wait got clearance to take off. They were on their way.

The flight was uneventful and arrived at Cincinnati airport right on time. From the airport it was a 35 minute drive to their house. When they arrived, Steve's parents, Linda's parents, Linda's sister, and the two kids all came out to meet them. Hugs were given and received and the tears flowed freely from every eye. Then Linda wheeled Steve into the house using the wheelchair the family had rented for his use, and he was settled into what Linda told him was his favorite chair. After a dizzying array of questions, all thrown at him at once, Linda told everyone that Steve needed to rest and reluctantly, the crowd of well-wishers began to disperse. Linda helped Steve to their bedroom and helped him into bed.

"Do you need anything?" Linda asked.

"No, I'm ok." he replied.

"No memories coming back, huh?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Steve sighed.

Linda kissed him gently on the forehead. "It's ok, baby. I have you. We'll just make some new ones."

"Yeah." he agreed and closed his eye to rest.

The next day was Saturday and Steve was sitting in the front room watching TV. Michael was playing in the back yard and Cindy was in her room having a tea party. Linda was in the kitchen fixing lunch when the doorbell rang. Linda went to answer the door. It was Mr. Jenkins, Steve's boss from work.

"Hi Steve. I had heard you were back from Chicago. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing a lot better than I was a few weeks ago." he said.

"I can imagine. I'm glad to see you back. I wanted to come by and talk to you about this whole thing."

"Uh-oh - that doesn't sound good." Steve said hesitantly.

"No, no. Nothing like that. It's just that since you were still technically working - you were on a business trip - I have some forms for you to fill out for our company insurance."

"Oh, I see. Ok." Steve breathed a sigh of relief. "Excuse me for asking, but who are you?"

"I'm Bob Jenkins, your boss at work." he said.

"I'm sorry, but the accident wiped out my memory and I have to learn who everyone is all over again." Steve explained.

"I had heard something about that from your wife when she called from Chicago. I didn't know you were still having troubles. I'm sorry to hear it." Mr. Jenkins said.

"We have someone at work handling some of your smaller accounts while you are out. But not to worry, you are our star player and your job will be here whenever you can get back to it. You just concentrate on getting better and don't worry about work. It'll keep until you are ready."

"Thanks boss. That takes a load off my mind."

"That's quite all right. And that vacation I promised you is still good whenever you want to take it too. Just don't take it until you are fully back to work - you don't need to waste it when you should be on medical leave!"

"Ok, thanks."

"If there's anything we can do to help you or your family out you let us know. We're here for you, Steve."

"Ok, I'll remember."

"Well, I'd better go and leave you to your lunch. I just wanted to stop by and check on you and bring those papers. I'll stop back by on my way to work Monday and pick them up. See you later, Steve, Linda."

"Ok, Thanks for coming by. And thanks for the support."

After Steve's boss had left, Linda sat down next to him. "What's this about a vacation?"

"I'm not sure but I think it had something to do with the big account I was working on. I will have to find out what it is all about when I am back at work. But he sounds like a good guy. Am I happy working there?"

"Well I don't remember you complaining a whole lot. I mean it is work and some days were better than others. But you never really hated your job. Of course, the last few months that you were working on this big contract, you weren't in the best of spirits, but that's my fault." Linda said.

"I told you, the accident wasn't your fault and my working so hard lately wasn't your fault either. I wanted nice things too I am sure. So I can't let you take all the blame."

"Well, whatever. I just know that I've learned my lesson. I am perfectly happy with our life the way it is. If we don't get the latest whatchamacallit, then so be it. We have each other and that is enough. I had to almost lose you to realize it, but I won't forget it."

"Yeah, but I hope you don't mind if I try to better our lives somewhat. I mean, I'm not going to go crazy and spend all my time working, but a new TV here or there and maybe a better car isn't a whole lot to ask. From the looks of things around here, our house could use a little TLC too."

"Just so long as you remember your family, Mr. Williams!" Linda said with a flirty smile.

"Oh, trying to be a wise guy huh?" he said playfully and he started after her with his wheelchair. She squealed and ran into the kitchen and Steve turned back to the TV again. Soon Linda came out with lunch and put it on the table.

"Kids! Come and eat some lunch!" she hollered. Michael and Cindy came and sat down at their seats and Steve wheeled himself up to the table. Linda was passing out the sandwiches and chips when she noticed Steve looking strangely at the table.

"What's wrong, Steve?"

"I..I don't know. It's like a I've been here before."

"Really? You think it might be a memory?"

"I'm not sure. But when you hollered for the kids and they came and sat down, it was like I had seen it before. Or I think I had. Or maybe I saw it on TV. I don't know, it's so hard to sort out."

"Well maybe your memory is trying to come back. Just don't push it and let it happen. Remember what the doctors have told you. It will come when it's ready."

"I guess. Anyway, let's eat."

As everyone dug into their meal, Linda paused to watch them for a moment. Her family was once again whole. Their first real meal since the accident. It was such a blessing. She could feel a tear well up inside her. But she quickly pushed it back down and enjoyed the meal with the rest of the family.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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