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The Elevator

"A woman catching an elevator gets more than she bargained for."

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It was late when I arrived at the hotel. My feet were sore from walking and standing all day at the exhibition. My purse was now full of business cards of new contacts that I had met at the cookware exhibition and extravaganza. I was exhausted and took my pumps off and carried them in my free hand as I walked across the lobby to the elevators.

The doors to one of them were starting to close, and I ran to catch it, yelling, "Wait!" to the occupant. The door opened for me, and closed. The only occupant was a young girl of perhaps 18 years. I smiled and thanked her for waiting for me.

I took her appearance in with a quick glance. She was a pretty thing, wearing a denim mini-skirt that barely covered her crotch, and a black leather vest that barely closed over her pert breasts. I was speechless as I basked in the aura of sensuality that seemed to permeate her. I heard her saying something, but wasn't really listening.

I jumped when I felt her touching my arm! "What floor, I said"

"Oh. ummm.. 47th, thank you"

We made idle small talk as the elevator rose. We had gotten in the "scenic" elevator, and the lights of the city spread beneath us as the capsule slowly crawled up the side of the hotel.

Suddenly, the lights of the city began to disappear. From the right to the left, a wave of darkness crossed the metropolis as the power went out! As the wave passed us I felt the elevator lurch. And then stop. I looked out amazed at the darkness enveloping us.

I felt a tremble of fear in the pit of my stomach as I looked out over the moonlit city. A whimper rose in my throat as my long suppressed fear of heights began to return to me. I backed away from the glass, my back against the door. My shoes and purse feel to the floor with a muffled thud. She looked at me curiously. The girl came toward me, almost instinctively knowing I was in distress. Her arms went around me, holding me tightly. I returned the embrace and closed my eyes from the sight of the blacked out city.

"It's going to be okay," she told me. Whispering as if I were a child. I found it comforting and embarrass; me a grown woman of 33 being comforted by this nymph! That is when I grew conscious of our stockinged thighs pressing together. Warmth began to rise between us. I did not pull away or release my embrace...

I was like a butterfly pinned to a board. When her lips sought mine I did not resist. Her soft tender hands stroked my thighs and ass and I melted like a candle to her flame.

"Who are you?" I whispered between feverish kisses.

"Just a working girl on her way to an outcall. And here we are. Funny, isn't it?" My eye widened when I finally registered what she had said, and it excited me all the more.

I groaned as her lips ran down my jaw line and nestled against my ear. My ears are one of my hidden erogenous zones. It is best to keep a few hidden from common knowledge, but she seemed to find them all, this little harlot nymphet.

Her fingers slowly unbuttoned my blouse and soon the silky white garment was on the floor. My brassiere soon followed, along with my skirt. Standing in just my knickers, I closed my eyes as her talented fingers slid past the elastic and along my damp curlies. My head was tossing to and fro in my exhaustion and fear. My legs parted, and I felt a fingernail scraping across my vulva.

Scraping? No... That would have assumed some dryness on my part. And there was nothing dry down there. I blushed in the darkness as I thought about what I must look like. My nipples were suddenly pinched between the fingers of her other hand and my moans filled the small chamber we shared.

I opened my eyes finally. The moon shined in. My body trembled as this... this... whore used and pleasured me. My hands moved to her vest and pulled it from her even as she slid my panties down to my ankles. As I watched, she unzipped her skirt and it fluttered to the floor. Her arms embraced me once again. I could feel the moisture on her fingertips as she ran her nails over my back. Two columns of alabaster in the moonlight shining through the glass of the elevator. My hands cupped her buns as our sexes kissed. The crinkle of our pubic hairs meeting sounded like newspaper being crumpled.

Our lips met again. Her hands caressed my skin and my own roamed over her back. She took my hands in hers and held them against the elevator door, my arms stretched above my head. Her hands moved to my wrists, pinning me gently as her tongue entered my mouth. I responded in kind, my tongue dancing with hers. She bit my tongue gently in welcome.

I felt her releasing my wrists. I left them against the door even as I felt her pulling them, tugging them behind my back. She quickly had my wrists bound together with my own bra. Her fingers coiled in my hair as I stood in shock and lust.

"Down," she whispered in a husky voice far more commanding then I had heard earlier. I closed my eyes and sank to my knees onto the hard tile floor of the elevator.

"Lick me," she whispered strongly

I opened my eyes to see her sex inches from my face. The moonlight made her skin almost glow and her scent.... her scent drew me to her like a magnet. I leaned forward and kissed her mound just above her slit. She lifted a perfect thigh and placed it over my shoulder.

The harlot then pressed her sex against my mouth. I opened my lips, tasting a woman for the first time. My tongue slithered from between my lips and across her pouting sex. I closed my eyes again and licked her. Tasted her. Ate her. My mouth had a mind of its own as she ground her moist pussy against my face, using me.

With my wrists bound behind me, I pleasured this girl. I didn't even know her name, but I did not care. I felt her thigh tightening around my head pulling me closer and her cries filled the elevator. I tasted her honey covering my face as her orgasm washed over her. I lapped hungerly.


I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was kneeling in a glass elevator and had just eaten the pussy of a girl I did not even know. Not only had I placed my tongue on her, but I had even made her orgasm! Surprisingly, a sudden surge of pride filled me. I looked up and smiled.

She was not looking at me; rather she was applying lipstick and checking herself in a small compact. How she could see herself in the dimness was beyond me, until I realized with a start that the lights of the city were back on and the elevator light was dimly on. I looked around in a panic for my clothing, but could only find my brassiere wrapped around my wrists and the thigh highs I had been wearing all day.

She casually picked up her dress, zipped it around her sexy hips, then retrieved the vest and pulled it on. She buttoned it part way, leaving a fair bit of cleavage exposed. She was a vision who almost glowed in the lights of the city.

"Where are my clothes?" I inquired?

"Oh, you won't need them," she replied tersely.

I began to stammer in panic when I noticed my clothing stuffed into her purse. "Wha... Wha... why?"

She just smiled at me and helped me to my feet. I stood there in the elevator naked, my face glistening with her recent excitement. I could still taste her on my lips. I had never felt so exposed. or aroused... She pressed a button and the elevator began to move.

"What floor are you going to?" I asked

"Why don't be silly," she replied casually, "The 47th, of course..."

My heart began to pound in my chest as she reached down and picked up my purse. She placed the strap diagonally over my shoulder, the leather strap of the Prada highlighting my breasts almost as a good frame would enhance a painting.

The door opened. She took me by my arm and we stepped out.

"What is your room number?" she asked me as we stepped into the thankfully deserted hallway.

I breathed a sigh of relief that no one else was there and told her, "Room 4726. It’s to the right. Please let’s hurry!" She took me by my arm and we walked down the long hallway. The plebeian art that populated every hotel I could ever afford to stay in stared at me accusingly as I was led past the pictures. She looked appraisingly at the lock and looked at me questioningly. "In my purse, side pocket" I squeaked. She quickly retrieved the key card and opened the door and we stepped into the overly air conditioned chill of my room. She closed the door behind us. My nipples instantly hardened in the cool and I noticed her’s did as well. At least I suspected it was from the chill. She stepped to the window and opened the curtains, letting the lights of the city fill the room. It was the only light in the darkened hotel room.

"Have a seat," she told me, and I made a move to sit on the ottoman by the window. "No," she scolded sternly. "At my feet, on the floor. Perhaps you would be more comfortable kneeling."

I slowly sank to my knees into the cheap hotel carpet. "I would think that a classy place like this would have better carpet," I thought to myself as I looked down shamefully. She neatly placed my clothing on the dresser next to my open suitcase, than sat my purse beside it. She turned on the television and flipped the channel to one of the digital music stations cable is so considerately providing these days. Gentle jazz flowed from the speakers and I turned and looked at her apprehensively. To be so young she seemed much more worldly than at first glance...

She opened my purse and went through my belongings. She opened my wallet and removed my driver’s license and looked at me finally. Appraisingly. Much as I had appraised her.

"Sara. Hmmmm That’s a nice name. And your hair is actually listed as red. Nice. Soooo you are thirty three? You look younger, but I believe that more than I believe 110 pounds." She giggled and I blushed brightly. She smiled reassuringly at me and stroked my face with her fingertips.

She turned and walked behind me. I tried to turn and look at her, but she motioned me to turn back around. I looked out the window and heard her sit on the bed behind me. A helicopter flew by, its red and green lights flashing as it took its passengers wherever their journey was taking them. My ears perked as I heard her pick up the hotel telephone and I immediately wondered where my journey was taking me...

Her voice was too low to make out over the hum of the air conditioner, although I thought I picked out "4726" over the background noise.

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The phone was hung up and I hear her tell me "stay where you are until I give you permission to turn." I stayed still and did not respond. The bra straps digging into my wrists seemed to silence my soul. My mind was whirling. "Oh my God, this little whore is bringing her client into my room! Please no... I don’t want a man tonight, I want her!" The realization struck me like a locomotive; I was not going to have her. Tears ran down my face as I stifled the sobs that were attempting to burst from my throat. I started to whirl in surprise when she stepped behind me and wrapped one of my Hermes scarves plucked from my luggage around my eyes, blindfolding me.

"We’ll just wait now, ok pretty one?" she whispered breathily

We waited. I assumed she was doing her nails as she listened to the soft jazz, as I could hear the sound of a file.

It seemed like hours but was probably only fifteen minutes when I heard a soft rap at the door. I heard her stand up and walk to the door, and after a pause (looking through the peephole, maybe?) the door opened. I heard two sets of footsteps enter the room and the door close. I heard the as she closed the security locks. My ears were perked up, trying to find out something about the guy who would be fucking her. Anything! ...when I heard a voice. It was not a man’s voice, I immediately realized! She had a strong contralto voice that was oddly soothing as they discussed something that I could not entirely catch.

They negotiated, or at least I assumed they were negotiating, for a few minutes until finally the unknown voice said, "Okay, seven hundred and fifty dollars it is." My heart skipped a beat when I realized I had been sold like a cow or perhaps a valuable parakeet.

The next thing I heard was a soft moan. I listened intently and realized that I was listening to the sound of them kissing. Unable to see, I imagined the scene in my mind. The rustle I heard was certainly a blouse being removed, and a thump was transformed into a shoe being tossed to the floor in my mental vision. The zzzzzzz I heard was definitely the girl’s skirt being unzipped. The moans grew in intensity as I imagined them kissing behind me. I wished I could watch, but instead knelt silently. The springs of the bed compressed squeaking as I pictured them lying down on the clean bedspread.

"Mmmm yess baby," I heard the stranger whisper. "There’s where I like it..."

"Oooo, you taste fantastic," the girl cooed.

I knelt. Listening. My sex growing ever damper as they made love three feet behind me. For a long time they rolled and moaned and made erotic sucking and squishing sounds. Hours perhaps. I had no reference for time.

My hands slid down my back and I leaned forward slightly. I found I could barely brush the bottom of my vulva if I extended my forefingers, my knuckles brushing my tight rosebud. I gasped at my own touch, but was unable to even slide a finger inside myself. I squeezed my thighs together and felt my clit being stimulated by the pressure. My own groans joined theirs... I was lost in my own little auditory world.

Suddenly I felt a hand grasping my hair from behind. "It’s time you joined us, Sara." I swallowed hard.

I felt myself being pulled backwards and up onto the bed. Soft fingertips traced my skin as I was rolled onto my tummy on top of a pillow. A single hand on my back held me down as I felt my stockings being stripped down my thighs. I felt the nylon being looped around my ankles, and before I could resist, my legs were spread wide and tied to the frame of the hotel bed! Then, the bra was removed from my wrists; to be immediately replaced by a pair of handcuffs.

*click* *click* went the cuffs around my wrists, binding them securely behind me. I tugged helplessly, finding myself quite immobile.

I felt bodies moving and shifting around the king size mattress and the girl's voice said huskily, "Sara, say hello to Diane. I think you will like her."

I had opened my mouth to reply when suddenly I felt legs being placed over my shoulders. I began to speak again. "Hello..." Only to have my words stopped by the scent and touch of a woman’s sex being pressed against my mouth. “Hemmmph” was all I was able to speak.

I tentatively welcomed the visitor with a lick along the length of the slit. I knew immediately that it wasn’t my elevator nymph simply from the scent and taste. Her sex was sopping wet from her earlier exertions. I began to lick her with gusto, my tongue and lips working from the bottom of her pouty lips up to the top. I took her clit in my lips briefly, then returned to her labia. Her taste was different. Musky and tangy as opposed to the sweet honey of the girl. I enjoyed the contrast as I ate my second pussy of the day.

Of my life.

As I licked the total stranger, I felt hands running over the back of my thighs and along my rump. I flushed, realizing that I was completely exposed and dripping "down there." I felt her fingertips tracing along my slit, parting my lips. I gasped as a finger entered my pussy and began to finger fuck me slowly. I closed my eyes behind the blindfold and continued to pleasure the stranger named Diane. A moan escaped my lips as a second and third finger were inserted into me. She roughly finger fucked me faster with her thumb (I guessed it was her thumb) rubbing on my clitoris.

Diane’s fingers combed through my hair and across my ears, pulling me tighter to her soaking wet cunt. I began to moan and whimper, the vibrations of my lips and tongue as I cried in pleasure enhancing her excitement. Her own moans began to fill my ears, joining my own. Her swollen lips felt so erotic on my mouth and her juices began to run down her cunt to pool at her ass.

Her hand forced my head down until my nose was nestled in her pussy and my lips were directly in front of her anus. "Go ahead, Sara slut!" she urged me.

I extended my tongue and felt her puckered ring against the tip. I tasted her pooled juices and began to circle the rose and clean her slowly. I had done this before with men, so I was no stranger to the taste, but hers was different and tastier. I pushed my tongue forward and felt it part her ring and slide inside her ass. I tongue fucked and licked her bottom with pleasure, only emitting a small grunt when I felt my nymph slide a fourth finger into my stretched pussy! She held my head in place and urged me to eat her faster. My nose was filling with her cunt juices as I licked and rimmed her asshole.

*click* The handcuffs released! I left my hands in place, rather enjoying my predicament. Diane took my hands in hers and wrapped them around her until I was embracing her body as I ate her.

*click* the handcuffs went back on, binding me to her.

*SLAP* A hand spanked directly onto my bare left bun, making me yelp in pain. As her fingers sawed in and out of my moist sex, my nymph whore was spanking me like a schoolgirl! I tried to twist and turn to escape, but it was impossible to avoid the bare handed blows raining down on my defenseless bottom. I heard them giggling as my ass reddened.


I began to squirm in added excitement as I was spanked. I hardly even noticed when the girl folded her hand against her palm and pushed her entire hand inside my cunt...

I groaned as her fist pushed inside me. My mouth opened to scream, only to be immediately covered by Diane’s juicy sex. My pussy expanded as the girl pushed her hand deeper between my walls. She began to slide it slowly out, only to push it in again still deeper. I couldn’t see, but I felt like a log was being shoved up my cunt. Her head descended and her pointed tongue flicked across my clit.

I began to cum.

My body surged and thrashed against my bonds with no control. My hips writhed as her fist shoved in and out relentlessly. The pleasure washed over me endlessly as I ignored the pain.

I ignored the ropes holding my legs spread wide.

I ignored the cuffs biting fiercely into my wrists.

I ignored the pussy that was slowly smothering me.

I only knew the most intense pleasure I had ever felt in my life.

I fainted

I awoke to find myself unbound, un-blindfolded and being embraced by the girl. She smiled at me and kissed my lips.

"You did well, darling. Now kiss me and wake up," she said with a smirk.

I was still groggy as she kissed me and I began to remember the events of my evening. I looked over at the nightstand and saw that the money was still there. The alarm clock told me that it was the wee hours of the morning. 2:37 AM. I parted my lips and tasted her tongue again. I could still smell Diane’s musk on my face and my own flavor was on the girl’s lips.

Our kisses increased in passion as we held each other and rolled about on the wet sheets. Our bodies pressed together and she parted her alabaster thighs, letting my own legs press against her lightly furred mound. I moaned in lust as my sex pressed against her leg as we kissed. We rutted against each other in a frenzy, spreading our legs wider until our pussy lips were kissing. She unwrapped my arms from around her and held my hands, then laid back and ground her sex against mine. I gasped in pain as our pubic bones rammed, then reclined on my back and held her hands tightly.

Our pussies thrust together, our juices mingling and squishing as our pace increased. I held her leg against my breasts and threw my head back in pleasure. Her cries of joy began to sound like music to my ears as I felt my own climax rising.

We spasmed together, our juices soaking the sheets anew as our orgasms merged into a long thunderous orgasm.

We lay together. I idly ran my fingers through her hair, combing the long strands. We didn’t say a word to each other. Just looked at each other and smiled. I lay my head back on her arm and looked at the ceiling as her hands stroked my skin. Across my breasts. Up to my throat. Back down, brushing through my pubes. Finally she spoke

"Are you ready, Sara?" she asked in a breathless whisper

"Ready for what?" I replied in a whisper as well...

"For me to eat..."

I smiled, thinking of that delicious mouth on my sex again.

"Yessss," I answered.

She smiled broadly, exposing her long fangs. I moaned as her teeth sank into my throat.

I began to cum again... and sleep

Written by noosey_slt
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