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Scarlet Passion

"A young girl pick for a lead role but ended up with something more."

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My name is Stacy, and I am a freshman in college. I am originally from Jonesboro, Arkansas. It was a good sized town by our standard, yet tiny to others. I always wanted to be an actress and was bitten by the bug at a young age (when I had to sing, “Itsy bitsy spider” at a school recital).

When I turned eighteen I picked a college in California, and I figured, between movies and the theatre, I would find a job rather easily. I was excited on my first day seeing how big the nearby city was compared to my home town.

My first day kept me busy with getting everything in order for the next week of classes. While in line one day getting things, I needed for theater, I heard some girls talking: “That little country girl needs to watch herself or Miss Stevenson is going to eat her up.” They walked away giggling, and left me confused by their comment. I wondered what they meant about that and concluded she must be a hard person to get along with. I did not want anyone to take it easy on me. If being a bitch could mold me into being a star, so be it. I was very determined to make it and was willing to do whatever she said to make my dream a reality.

My first day of classes went by slowly, along with the building anticipation of starting my first theatre class. I made a few friends and was lucky my roommate, Kathy, was pretty cool. I was worried that she would be a stuck-up city girl that would give me crap for being from the country. I already met a few that treated me like I was stupid when they heard I was from Arkansas. Kathy treated me like an old friend and, being a local girl, promised to show me around the town. She gave me a weird look and a smile when she learned that I was taking theatre.

“What is that smile for? Is there something wrong with my teacher? I overheard some girls talking about her last week.” I was beginning to worry there was something wrong with her.

“There is nothing wrong with her, but from what I heard she does some interesting plays. She sometimes invites a student to be a part of it. There was a rumor that a girl refuses to do one of her plays, she basically got blackballed. She was given the worst parts and ended up transferring to another college over the ill treatment. I am sure it is not true, but what I do know for a fact is that some of her best students go on with great jobs. She opens doors for them and is well-respected among the local theatres here. My sister's friend Judy took her class and is now one of the leading actresses for the Baxter theatre company. Just to be safe, do whatever role she offers,” Kathy said jokingly with a wink.

I figured she was right. We ordered a pizza and sat around talking about boys the rest of the night. She was a joy to be around, and she knew how to make me laugh. I had a great feeling about this year being a life changer for me. It had already started out well; what could go wrong?


The day I was waiting for had finally arrived. I loved everything about the theatre and wanted to do nothing else with my life. This was the only place that could make me feel so alive. Nothing makes me happier than being on stage! I was a little worried at first about my teacher, but that was until she came in. She was not there when I was in line, but had an assistant deal with her new students. She was a tall and beautiful woman who looked elegant in her business skirt and blouse. Her red hair barely touched her shoulder and the glasses she wore gave her a sexy librarian look.

The days that followed I found I really liked not just her style of teaching, but her as well. She made her classes so much fun that I hated leaving it. When we did sketches she kept picking me to help her. I was glad that she kept picking me. It gave me an opportunity to show off my talent. I wanted at least one of the starring roles in any of our six productions we were going to have that year.

One week of her classes erased all my doubts about her. She was not the type of person those girls were talking about. She was kind and wonderful. There were no signs that she needed to be feared and she felt more like a friend than a teacher.

Her class was the last one I had that Friday. I had some homework to take care of before I could unwind at the club with Kathy. Since I only had the two papers to write and some math problems to solve, I knew it would only take a few hours to finish. My weekend was going to be open for some fun and I was going to take the opportunity before they buried me in tons of homework.

Just as I was gathering my things before I headed back to my dorm for a long night. Miss Stevenson caught me before I left and wanted to have a word with me. We chatted until the room was cleared before she told me what she really wanted to talk to me about.

“I sometimes do plays outside our college and at times invite one of my students to try for a role. I think you would be perfect for it. I do not usually give out lead roles to freshmen but you seem more than qualified. If you are interested in the part it’s yours, but do not waste my time if you cannot commit.” I was so excited that I was getting my first big role that I agreed before knowing what I was saying yes to. She looked at me with an expression that unnerved me. “I take it as a great insult when someone backs out of a role. I would never use them again on or off the campus. If I give my all to someone I expect the same in return. Come over tomorrow night around six for your copy of the script.” She handed me a card with her home address on it before leaving without another word.

I was so happy that she picked me that I forgot to ask her what play we were doing. Tons of plays flew through my mind and I hoped she was doing a drama. I loved drama and believed that was where an actor could really shine. I could not wait for tomorrow night to see what play we were going to be doing. My new plan this weekend was to run by Miss Stevenson before meeting Kathy for a night of dancing.


Since I was going to a club I thought about dressing a little more risqué than usual. I wanted the boys to want, yet not get me. I felt like a tease tonight and wanted nothing more than to be desire.

I was wearing a mini skirt that showed off my legs nicely and coupled that with a shirt that had all but two buttons undone. Doing so made my big boobs and belly button visible enough to make any man’s mouth water. Only two buttons holding my shirt together from revealing my breasts to the world. Knowing that and going braless tonight makes the whole thing more exciting. I was not a slut, but in college you experimented with a lot of different things to find yourself and what works for you. I was a good girl back home and never did things like this before. Anyway, I was not planning on sleeping with anyone yet and just wanted to dance with some hot guys. While looking in the mirror and seeing how hot I looked, I was about to button my shirt up before getting my script from Miss Stevenson when my phone rang. Kathy called to tell me she was on the way to the club and gave me instruction on how to get there.


I knocked on Miss Stevenson’s door but suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to button up my shirt. Before I could fix it the door opened and I was showing off my alluring cleavage. She wore a light blue sun dress and gave me a warm smile. If I was not so embarrassed about showing so much of my breasts to her, I probably would’ve noticed the predator likes stare she was giving them. It was too late to correct my mistake and decided to leave it as is. I just wanted to get my script before making a fool of myself any further.

She led me down the hallway to her office as she teased me about how I was dressed.

“Do you dress this sexy for all college professors, or just me?”

She let out a cute little laugh and was swaying her ass as she walked. It was hypnotic and I could not keep my eyes off it.

“Sorry about that! I usually wear something more modest, but I am meeting a friend for a girl’s night out later.”

I managed to avert my eyes from her ass before she turned around. I felt flushed and could not understand why I was looking at her ass. I was not a lesbian and never had the thought of being one before. Ok, maybe a little, but what girls haven’t? It just went as far as wondering about the difference between kissing a guy and a girl. What it was like, how it would feel, but wasn’t that adventurous to want to find out.

“That's a pity. You would get a boost in your grade wearing that in class.”

She grinned wickedly at me leaning against her desk. That was one reason I loved her so much. She had a great sense of humor, but I should have taken it in another way. She was flirting with me, and I was too blind to notice it. She tried to give me the script, but it slipped through her fingers and onto the floor. When I bent down to get it, my shirt opened giving Miss Stevenson a full view of my breasts. I felt embarrassed all over again, but I was glad I did not do that with a guy present. If I did not let my guard down because of the fact that she was a woman, I would not have been in the mess to begin with.

“Stacy I would like to talk more about the play and do quick a scene before you go. I want to make sure I got the right person for this. I am putting a lot into you, and I am sure you will not let me down.” I was not in a hurry and told her I could spare any amount of time she needed. She let out a bright smile. “Good and never say no to a director if you want a future in this business.”

After she was done explaining the play to me, my mouth dropped open in shock. The play was called, “Scarlet Passion” and was about lesbians. To be more exact: a girl coming to terms with being gay. I was to play Scarlet Green who was a young woman, dealing with the fact she sexually desired other women! The look on my face triggered a pause and apprehensive stare from Miss Stevenson. “I hope you do not have a problem with this! Please do not be wasting my time with any moral objections and reasons you cannot do it. We do not play ourselves, but characters and sometimes those characters are nothing like us. This is not high school where you do cute little plays. This is college where we push the boundaries with the art.”

I did not want to upset her by saying that was not art, but porn! My ego did not want to let being a star go even if the price was kissing another girl. I swallowed my fear and lied to her. I told her what I thought she wanted to hear. “I will do it and will never let you down. It just took me by surprise that is all. We never did any plays like this back home, but I am ok with it. There are many actors that can and do these roles with no problem, alright? I can be the lesbian you need me to be.” I tried to sound confident with all this, but came off a little less so.

She smiled at my submitted attitude and was please that I was easy to control. “Good, that is what I like to hear from my actors. If you ever want to get far in this business you must do roles that are sometimes not on your comfort level. I promise you this, if you do this right for me and I will give you a starring role in our first class production.” The way she said, “Do this right for me” sound like she was hinting at a double meaning but I was not sure if that was just my imagination.

I barely got what the scene was about before we got started. All she would tell me was that Scarlet was afraid to act on her lesbian desire. She knew a girl in her town with a reputation being one and wanting to talk with her. She wanted the courage to cross the line but fear kept her from doing so. My heart skip a beat in fear realizing the scene was about my character wanting sex but trying to be coy about it. I calm down a bit thinking this is just a play and I was safe. The worst that would happen was making out with a girl and kept telling myself that it’s worth the fame.

The scene opens after I crash her party wanting to talk, and she leads me into her bedroom starting intermission. “So, you wanted to talk? There is no need. I know just what you want from me.” Miss Stevenson delivered her lines with fire in her eyes and passion in her voice. I’ve gotten the same look from guys that wanted to sleep with me and felt like prey. I took a step back and felt the wall pressed hard against me. The fear came over me as I wonder what I got myself into. She was now only inches from me, and I could smell her intoxicating perfume. She clears her throat and reply, “It’s your line sweetie.” She gave me a smile like a cat that was about to swallow the canary.

I felt silly for losing my cool like that. I look to see what my next line was. “What do you mean? I do not want anything...”

She cut me off on cue. “It’s in your eyes, my dear, screaming and yearning to know what it is like.” Every line she said had a seductive tone to it.

I reply with confusion, “What it is like?” I was not acting at this point and I was a little confused where this was going.

Moving closer, almost touching, in a low seductive tone she replied, “This.” She then kissed me.

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My body went numb. Her lips were soft and far more inviting than any man that I ever kissed before. I return the kiss giving her full access to my mouth. I let her kiss me like we were old lovers. I told myself the reason I was doing this was because of the show but did not want to face the fact that I was enjoying her tongue in my mouth.

I went on lot of dates back home allowing only kissing until I dated Ken. He did not only take my virginity but also broke my heart. She was not just a great kisser but was far better than any man I ever dated. They were sloppy and were sometimes ok at best. If they would’ve kiss me like her I would have done far more with them. Our kissing went on longer than it should but I never noticed what she was doing with her hands. I found out when I felt those two buttons, that was holding my shirt together pop open. My shirt opened barely enough showing only a hint of my nipples and I could feel her warm hands on my stomach.

She broke the kiss for another line before diving back in with a series of intense kisses. “And this.” Her hands slid up my chest to grab both of my breasts squeezing them. I let out a moan but was muffle by her tongue in my mouth. I was scared and confused. I was not gay but she was hitting all the right spots to change that. I had a hard time trying to think with her kissing and touching me in the right way. Her soft touches were moving across my most sensitive area of my breasts. It’s been months since someone had touched me and my body was welcoming it. It was like she knew my body better than I did and I was powerless to stop her advances. My moans were now filling the room as she moved her soft lovely lips to my ear. Her voice was seductive and still very much in control. “And this.” She moved her right hand to my inner thigh and was tracing it softly with her fingertips. Sliding her knee behind my legs and nudging it open. It felt like an eternity as her fingers move slowly up. My heart was beating at an incredible rate and my fear held me in place.

When her hand finally reached my panties and started rubbing it. I felt a spasm of pleasure run through me. “You are wet my dear.” I did not knew how soaked I was until she said something. I could now feel my wetness building up between my legs and being soaked up by my panties. I could not believe that I had gotten this worked up over a woman. This was the first time I ever doubted my sexuality.

I was trying to get a hold of myself once again but ended up surrendering to it. With one hand playing with my breast and the other rubbing my aching pussy she kept me in a state of ongoing pleasure. She kissed me up and down my neck trying to leave a hickey to mark her conquest. My upbringing told me this was wrong but my body did not care. I only had the power to let out a few grunt between each moans.

I soon found out that there were three spots on my body and if you touch them just right I would be yours. She was hitting all of them and even I did not know my weakness, but was not sure how she did. She knew she had me and I knew I was powerless to resist her. I was now her slave to command and was willing to do whatever she asked to keep this feeling of pleasure going.

From the sounds of my moans I almost did not hear her. “Would you do anything for me my dear?” Her kisses may have stopped, but her hands were still pushing me to the edge of ecstasy.

All I wanted was this feeling to go on and said whatever popped in my head. I could feel my first orgasm coming “Yes! Yes! Yes, I would do anything for you!” I could feel my orgasm building and let out a long moan.

“Would you eat my pussy?”

I was too far gone to comprehend what she was asking me to do. Unable to think I let out multiple, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” My heart sank as she stepped back stopping everything.

“Deliver on your promise my dear and I will give you the best fucking you ever had.” She stepped back removing her dress and tossing it aside. She was not wearing anything underneath, but a body even a young girl would be Envious of. She was old enough to be my mother but her body seemed ageless. There was a thin patch of hair between her legs and I started feeling self-conscious about my thick bush. I wanted her to like it and that was something that would not have crossed my mind an hour ago. Now she is not my teacher but a beautiful woman I wanted to please.

She sat on the love seat spreading her legs and giving me a lustful glare. I've never had oral sex before and did not know how to do it. I was practically a virgin besides the few things I did with Ken. He played with my tits and pussy long enough to let him fuck me. 

The whole thing never lasted long and only happened a few times. This was the only chance I had to walk away, but something inside me would not have it. My legs found new strength and moved me closer to her. I got on my knees as she slid both of her hands in my shirt to guild it over my shoulder to the floor below. My big perky breasts stood firm with hard pink nipples. They wanted to be touched again and ached for it. “Those are one of the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen. I am looking forward to sucking them later. Do what you feel is natural to you, and let your instinct takes control. You will learn to eat and love pussy. If you need it I will guide you through it but now show me what you can do.”

I was so happy she liked my breasts that I straightened my back and pushed them forward with pride. I had never been that close to another woman’s pussy before, but I found myself wanting to get closer. I could see her juices dripping out of the lips and could smell her arousing scent that was coming from it like a flower. I eased my tongue through the moist lips that made my taste buds erupt in a new sensation and filled me with a new kind of hunger.

I could not get enough of her pussy. I kept on licking. The juices that poured out did not satisfy me. It only made me hungrier. I was like a beast that was going on pure sexual instinct. I learned from her moans and screams that I was doing the job right. She grabbed my head to keep me focused on one spot until her orgasm hit. Her screams left my ears ringing and my heart filled with new desires. I wanted to keep on tasting her sweet pussy, but my own was aching to be fucked. Ken never gave me an orgasm. I felt like I was past due for one.

I got off the floor and stare into her eyes mentally saying “My turn”.

“I knew the first day in class that you had the perfect mouth for eating pussy. You never disappoint, do you Stacy? I bet you will be eating pussy again pretty soon.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her to shut her up. I did not want to hear how right she was. My hands weren’t idle for a moment, moving up and down her body. I found her nice juicy ass and gave it a squeeze. She took hold of my breasts giving them a playful squeeze before taking them in her mouth. She sucked on them with expertise that only a woman could have. Ken sucked on mine in a rush before moving on. Miss Stevenson took her time and gave each one of them the same love and attention they deserved. She knew how to unlock things in me and the right buttons to push to make me scream. 

Where men fumbled, she rose and achieved where only a goddess could. She had the most wonderful mouth and I could not wait for her to eat my pussy, but she had other plans. She broke our contact to retrieve a long purple strap-on from her desk. Ken was not any where near the size of this thing. His was five or six inches but this thing was at least twice that size and a little thicker? I watched with enjoyment as she puts it on.

I removed my skirt and pulled down my wet panties. I could smell the scent of my pussy in the air. It was not a bad smell but a sweet odor. I felt my legs go a little weak as fresh air touch my swollen pussy. My pubic hair was damp in my juices and I was in a desperate need to be fucked. Tossing my panties aside and feeling my body burn with lust I never knew before.

“Turn around and embrace yourself on the desk. You are going to enjoy this greatly and before I am done you will never look at any woman the same way again.” I embraced myself on her desk and did not realize how right she was. She teased me with the head of it before easing it in. I was so wet my pussy put up no resistance and swallowed the fake cock with little effort. A ripple of orgasmic-like energy surged through my body. My pussy became so sensitive from the heat of my lust that a slight touch brought pleasure. The rest of my body was the same and my nipples were harder than they ever were. The air vent was over the desk and the cool air was caressing my breasts like a lover. Slowly she began fucking me until my moans grew louder and filled the room with their echoes. She picked up speed with each thrust and sent more pleasure crashing against me. I never knew one person could receive this much pleasure. She liked fucking girls fast and hard, and did not hold back on me. I nearly lost my balance with the force of the fucking she was giving me. My boobs were bouncing with the rhythm of my moans and my knuckles were turning white from the gripped I had on the desk. I was screaming obscenities that I had never spoken before to anyone, whether they were in my bed or not. I went from “Mmmm” to screaming “Fuck me harder!” followed by a few more curses words. I was a good girl from a small town and now I was acting like a slutty lesbian beast.

The orgasm hit me and was followed by three others. My limbs went weak and I collapsed on the desk. The orgasms were so powerful that I was dazed and seeing colors. I could only say, “That was...... uhh... That was...was." I did not have the energy to finish, but she knew what I was trying to say. I knew she just ruined me. How could I go back to men after that? I fell to the floor from my weak legs and when I had the strength to move I could still feel the echo of my orgasms.

“You were great. I can tell that you will go far. After that work out I will need a shower before my friends get here. You can see yourself out when you are done or keep my friends company. We both know you have the talent to do so.” I started grabbing my clothes and before I could pick up my damp panties, Miss Stevenson grabbed them. She tossed them in a drawer that was filled with other girls’ panties. “I must not forget those, and to the victor goes the spoils my dear. I’ve got to have something to remind me of you.” She went off to take her shower and left me to comprehend what just happened.

I pulled back the drawer and counted at least a dozen other panties before shutting it again. I realized she was seducing her students for a while. The realization of what I just did came down hard on me. I just let my teacher fuck me and did not put up a fight. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I let myself be tricked into lesbian sex so easily. Of course I enjoyed every second of it, but I did not understand what it all meant at that moment. I began to fear the role was a lie just to get me here to be seduced. How many girls has she promised a role just to end up fucking them? I felt I should be angry that she used my dreams against me but I was too confused to think straight. The emotions I was feeling mixed with the pleasures of sex kept my head spinning. Feeling both hate and love for Miss Stevenson made how I should be feeling confusing. I was a good girl, yet now I felt that part of me slipping away into the abyss. My future seemed more uncertain now, coupled with the fact I may no longer be straight.

I got dressed as fast as I could and did not want to get caught in my vulnerable state. I did not care that I looked like a mess; I just wanted to be gone before her friends arrived. I did not want to be seduced by anymore women tonight and felt vulnerable at the moment. These new feelings will take time to get used to. I was not sure what my sexuality was anymore. There were so many things to think about for the coming days. Did I really want to give up on men on one night of great sex? I grabbed my script because part of me wanted this to happen again and ran toward the door.

I opened the door, but only to be stopped by one of her friends. A pretty girl in her early 30's with dark sunglasses and long blonde hair. She gave me a smile and I realized I forgot to button up my shirt in all the haste. She could see my breasts and felt my embarrassment return. I ran passed her buttoning it up while running to my car. I drove a few blocks before stopping to fix my appearance. I did not want Kathy or anyone else knowing what I had been doing until I figured it all out for myself.

I was not sure if I could face Kathy tonight and needed time to think. I tried to think of something to justify not showing up when I got a text from her. She was sorry but she met someone and ran off early. I was relieved something went right and texted her back saying, “It’s fine. Hope you have a good time!” I drove off to find a quiet place to think to figure everything out.

Written by seductivebeast76
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