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Katie - Part 3

"Two career girls re-kindle their intense past with erotic results!"

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The business world was coming to terms with Brexit and the clocks had just gone back, when the envelope landed on my desk.  My boss had been acting a bit oddly when I come to think about it, and I opened the envelope with a little trepidation. Life at Vino el Cheeso had been good; I had a full portfolio and we had one of the fastest growing customer bases in the artisan cheese sector. I couldn’t imagine it was anything bad, but when executive decisions were made, you had to go with them. My nerves turned to excitement when I read that I was being moved to Head Office. The top brass had their eyes on me and decided that I was ready for bigger things.


After a few formalities I arrived at Head Office, bright and early on the Monday morning. Head Office was a 30-mile drive from my house, so it was a somewhat earlier start than I was used to and I was in need of a very strong coffee. I was very pleased to see that I had my own parking place in the main car park. I was here. I began to wonder about all the possibilities and opportunities that would come my way. I also thought about Katie.

Katie was now a junior Director whom I would report to indirectly and certainly be working with a good deal. My hackles raised when I saw her name above the parking place, three down from mine.

I checked my make up in my mirror and stepped into the foyer. There was a display in reception of all our latest products. It would be amazing if I could get one of my many ideas in that display. I was overflowing with new ways to market our stuff and original combinations of flavours.

I introduced myself to the guy on the welcome desk and he made a call. A minute later a girl from my area came down and showed me up to my office, which was on the second floor. There were four floors. Ground was admin, first floor was the sales teams and team leaders, second floor was middle management and heads of Dept. and third floor was directors and the CEO himself.

I paused and read the little silver Plaque on my door. ‘Danielle Marsh – Head of Brand development.’ I felt so proud. I’d only ever dreamed of having my name on a door. Now it was real. I was only 26 but already I felt I was on the ladder of a truly successful career. 

I looked out of the window, which afforded a nice view over a park where sea gulls were bathing and squabbling. I looked back at my desk. Everything was polished and shiny. I was so excited – it was a fantastic opportunity that I had been given and I wanted to make sure I showed my bosses that my promotion was justified.

After about five minutes a young guy came and knocked on my door. I had just begun familiarizing myself with the new layout and had powered up my laptop. 

“Hi I’m Graham. I just wondered if you’d like a coffee?”

“You’re getting me coffee?”

“Yeah. It’s written down here,” he said, pointing to a list. “You’re on my morning run.”

“Oh okay, yeah. Please!”

“Right. Americano? Latte?”

“Americano. Double shot if possible?”

“Of course. I’ll see what I can do.”

‘So this was part of the deal! I didn’t have to make my own morning coffee any more. I had minions to do it for me,’ I thought. 

Well maybe minions was a little unkind, but he was like nineteen and out of college. Probably a filing clerk or something. Still, I wasn’t complaining. He came back presently with a nice steaming cup. It was just right. I could actually feel all the corpuscles begin to fire up and the caffeine race around my veins.

That first morning went so quickly. I had a meeting with my new boss, Stephen. He was the Marketing Director and my immediate superior. He would be doing my annual appraisal and had responsibility for my budget.

He called me in just after 11 for an introductory meeting.

“So, Danielle. Welcome to head office.”

“Thank you, Stephen.”

“How do you like your new office?”

“Oh it’s perfect and a lovely view. Ummm… not that I’ll be staring out of the window!”

“No, it’s okay. It is a nice view on that side. I expect you have a lot of ideas that you want to put out there?”

“Oh definitely! I’m full of them, I can’t wait.”

“Well I expect you to be working closely with Katie Ross. She will be able to get your ideas on the shelves.”

The words Katie Ross and working closely sent a little shiver up my spine.

“Ah okay, that’s nice.”

“Yes, I can introduce you if you like.”

“Well actually, we met already, when she spent time at our office a year back.”

“Oh well, there you go then. Katie is very professional.”

“Yes, I know…” I said, trying not to blush.

As I was absorbing this, Stephen acquainted me with some of the routine stuff regarding my job, telling me about the holiday booking system and so on. 

I returned to my own office, feeling happy with my new job and looking forward to my first appointment with Katie. 

It was somewhat challenging to say the least to get on with my work with Katie on my mind. I hadn’t seen her for almost a year, but the memories of our illicit office affair were still there. Back then she was a Sales Rep and I was just a clerk. We didn’t exactly get off on the right foot. She was all bossy – the girl from Head Office trying to throw her weight around. She got up my nose, but she was so sexy and pretty I still couldn’t resist her. One thing led to another and we ended up having an office fling. We would snatch opportunities in the store cupboard and in the office after work. We would deliberately tease and provoke each other, just a little bit at first, but then we got more and more daring. Eventually she got called back to Head Office and it was all over before it had properly begun. I would so have loved to get her in bed and properly make love to her, but it wasn’t meant to be. Now, I was at Head Office and I was full of inquisitive desire. 

Our first meeting was on the Wednesday. I spent two hours the previous night wondering what to wear. Did I go for hot and available with a short pencil skirt with sheer tights and thin silk blouse? If I had too much boobage inside a see through blouse she might think I was unprofessional. Would I be better with confident and business-like with a knee-length skirt and jacket? It was a fine line to tread.  I decided on a navy trouser suit with a push up bra and a pearl-white blouse. The trousers were quite close-fitting and accentuated my bum while remaining strictly professional.

It was a testament to my feelings towards Katie, which gave me so many problems. I wouldn’t normally give two hoots what I wore.  People could like it or lump it. But I cared what Katie thought and I wanted to get it right.

I knocked on Katie’s door at 10am. I waited for the ‘come in’, which was enough to send a shiver down my spine. Her voice was slightly town cum country compared with my own posh, daddy’s girl accent.

There was a short pause when we said nothing. In that second or two I attempted to gauge what if any signals she emitted, but she was typically inscrutable. Pretty and sexy but inscrutable.

I waited to be asked to sit down but Katie walked towards me, shook my hand and gave me a warm hug. 

She looked and smelled lovely. She was wearing a short black skirt and a crimson blouse. Her lovely legs looked amazing in her sheer flesh-coloured tights. I half wished I had been more daring, but what was done was done.

She invited me to take the seat at right angles to hers at the end of the desk. “Well it’s good to have you at Head Office,” she said.

“Onwards and upwards,” I answered, drumming lightly on my portfolio.

“Indeed. Well, Stephen said you’re bursting with ideas!”

“I am. I’ve sketched out a few ideas for the meeting.”

“Oooh… let me see,” said Katie reaching for my ring bound folder.

“They’re in that section there,” I said, leafing through to the right part, enthusiastically.

I moved around to her side of the desk so I could explain anything that wasn’t obvious. As I rolled my chair over she uncrossed her legs. I looked down involuntarily and got a lovely view of her legs and a little way up her skirt. I looked up at Katie and we exchanged an awkward glance as she rumbled my little peek. I have to admit to being a bit of a leg girl and it was her short skirts that first drove me wild when she came over to the old office. The way she looked at me now with her amazing brown eyes made me forget where I was for a minute but somehow managed to drag myself back to the matter in hand.

“I’m thinking of doing all sorts of combos,” I said. “Here’s Crumbly Lancashire and blackcurrant. I tried it at home and I think it really works.”

“Hmmm… what wine does that go with?" Asked Katie.

“Good question.  I’ve tried a few and I think a Prosecco works best. I’d love to get this in our New Year range, if possible!”

She looked up and smiled kindly. “I’ll see what I can do,” she said. “What’s this one,” she said, pointing to another of my ideas.

“Yes, now that’s my Cheshire and orange peel. It really goes with a Muscatel or a Tawny port as a dessert. I’ve left it a bit late for Christmas, but maybe another one for the New Year?”

“Ah… I’d try that one, myself,” said Katie. You’ve got some good ideas here, Danielle.”

“Thank you.” 

I looked at Katie and I felt a combination of relief from her reaction to my ideas and an aura of sexual tension. She was so smoulderingly sexy. I noticed that her nipples had begun to protrude through her top. I wondered if she too was harbouring naughty thoughts of our past. However, work was work and we were both two whole levels higher now and it wasn’t the place for anything appropriate. 

“Well, I’ll have a look at what I can do and get back to you,” she said.

Still, I was prone to day dreaming and her lush dark brown hair and her sexy scent was enough to drive me crazy and I imagined running my hands over her top and around her bum cheeks, squeezing all over her gorgeous body.



“Oh yes sorry, what?”

“I said I’ll look and get back to you.”

I won’t lie. I blushed and glanced down awkwardly. I don’t even know where I’d been looking. The previous five or six seconds had been a haze of heavenly fantasy.

“Yes, of course.”

Thankfully, Katie giggled, not unpleasantly My first meeting and I had already lost it. I always thought she had been better at holding it together than me, but I was determined to test her resolve.

Despite my somewhat faltering start I had a good first week and began to settle into my new office, acquainting myself with colleagues and properly getting my feet under the desk. I had enough on my plate to deal with and I didn’t become preoccupied with thoughts of Katie and our next meeting was on the Friday, when she had said on an email that she would give me feedback on my two show-stoppers. I decided – this being a Friday that I would chose something a little riskier to wear. She had grabbed my attention big time at the last meeting, I intended to return the compliment.

My second meeting was an hour before lunch. I had discarded any attempts at modesty, which had caused a stir around the company that morning. I was decent of course but dressed in a way that turned heads. I ditched the business suit for a short pink skirt and jacket. I had a bum that wiggled when I walked and my skirt just emphasized that particular feature. My blouse was white with a lacy yoke that revealed just enough of my cleavage to be tantalizing yet remaining on the right side of propriety.  I felt confident when I was sexy and I was ready to turn on the charm.

At 11 o’clock I arrived for our meeting. Katie was writing in the notes margin of my folder and hadn’t looked up after telling me to enter her office.

“Morning, Daniele, I…”

Katie paused and her eyes drifted down to my legs and then up to focus on the exposed part of my top under my jacket. It was exactly the reaction I had hoped for. 

“I was just looking at your portfolio,” she continued.

“Do you like what you see?” I said, ambiguously, with a deliberately coquettish hint to my voice.

Instead of sitting down, I walked around to look over her shoulder and bent down to read the page that she was on. She looked around, which inevitably brought her eye line in level with my boobage.

“I’ve been talking to Martin and we really like your orange Cheshire. We’ve looked at sourcing and we think this could go in our premier range. We’re already talking to two major retailers.”

“Wow! Really?”

“Yes, it’s a good one, Danielle.”

“Thank you. I have more ideas in the offing.”

“Well keep them coming. If this goes well, we’ll all be in for a good bonus.”

“Got to be good. I thought it would complement our Stilton and black olive, as a savoury sweet combo.”

“Ah yes, my thoughts exactly,” said Katie.


I sat down to continue the meeting, as we still had ten minutes in the calendar.

“Yes, actually, Danielle, while you’re here. I wondered what you thought to this thing that’s come up.”

“What thing?”

Katie hesitated and seemed to be in deep thought, doodling on her pad.

“The thing is, next week, there’s an industry conference at Brighton. Martin’s asked me to take someone along, to explore some networking opportunities, while I tap up supermarket top brass. I suggested you. What do you think?”

I was surprised and delighted to be asked.

“Well yes. It’s an overnight thing then?”

“Yes, that’s okay, isn’t it? It’s Tuesday afternoon travelling down, come back Thursday morning.”

“Of course. I’d be only too happy to come along and be whatever assistance I can,” I said, trying not to reveal my bubbling enthusiasm, too much. I was still a little unsure how things stood with Katie, and I didn’t want to say the wrong thing, no matter how much I wanted to get in her pants.

“So, do you have many of these overnighters?” I asked, casually.

“Now and again.”

“So not leaving your girlfriend all alone too often then?”


“Yeah, I thought you must have… a girlfriend.”

“No, Danielle.” 

“Oh I see,” I said with a bite of my lip.

Katie looked thoughtfully and gave me a cheeky smile. I hadn’t seen that look since I had come to work at head office. It gave me a little tingle and a shiver. 

“How about you?” asked Katie.

“Me? No, I haven’t got time for sex.”


I blushed, realising I’d got confused.

“I meant to say for a relationship. A relationship. I’ve got time for sex, obviously!”

“Really!?” said Katie with a smirk.

“Ummm… you know.”

“I think I do!” she said, with incredulity.

I flushed with embarrassment from my faux pas.

“I think it’s probably time for lunch,” said Katie.

“Yes, good thinking. Lunch. Well, I’ll be seeing you later then.”

I turned and left her office, hoping that she was checking out my bum.

I was a bit fuzzy for the rest of the day, beyond excited for the forthcoming conference. I knew it was work but at the same time, it was an overnight stay. That created any number of tantalizing possibilities. It could also be a source of frustration, but I was determined to stay positive. I had the weekend ahead of me to relax and get myself in the right place for some serious seduction Danielle-style. 


The beginning of the next working week was a bit manic as I did as much background work as possible, thinking of the most relevant questions and looking down the list of delegates on my target list. I was keen to make sure I was useful and not just extra baggage.  Whatever the romantic outcome or otherwise, a contribution with unavailing results wouldn’t impress Katie. I only saw her in passing and didn’t go out of my way to bother her, as I knew she would have a mountain of work to do, given her position. 

Before I knew where I was it was Tuesday and I met Katie in the car park around tea time, as we were travelling down to Brighton in her car. By chance, or so I assume, we had independently gone to work in rather short skirts that day. It was soon very clear that her skirt as well as mine were a whole lot shorter when sitting down.

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I like to think I have nice pins, but I was completely distracted by Katie’s beautiful legs, as she drove, and it actually took self-control not to just slip my hand inside her skirt. I will assume that Katie was focused on the driving, but I would like to think that she was harbouring equally naughty thoughts.

She hadn’t mentioned my little Freudian slip from the other day and our working relationship had continued smoothly. We talked work for a while and then I thought I would turn the conversation towards other things, to test the water, so to speak.

“I wonder what the bedrooms are like?” I said.

“Ummm… don’t know, not been to this place. The accommodation is normally nice.”

“I hope they have nice firm pillows.”


“I sleep better. I don’t like pillows too soft.”

“Planning on a lot of sleeping then?”

“Well, you know… bright-eyed and bushy tailed.”

Katie glanced at me and then made a point of looking at my legs between watching the road. She looked ahead and smiled and at the same time slid her hand across and stroked the inside of my right leg. I shuddered and was overcome with prickly excitement. At first I thought it was a friendly tap on the knee, but her hand was well and truly up my skirt. I was taken aback and also moderately miffed. I had wanted to be the one to do the seducing and here she was – true to form, taking me by surprise. I wasn’t complaining and any indignation dissipated as her hand ruffled my skirt enough that she was stroking my inner thigh, right at the top! 

Neither of us spoke for a few seconds and I was the one to break the silence.

“I thought my feelings were all one way,” I said, when she had both hands on the steering wheel.

“I’ve just been waiting for the right moment,” she said.

“Ah, well you took me by surprise and some!”

“I just couldn’t resist. Your legs just look so good,” she admitted.

“Whoo thanks,” I said, giggling.

“So, I need an hour at the hotel to send some emails and shower and then I’m all yours.”

The words ‘all yours’ were music to my ears.

“All mine as in…?”

“How horny are you feeling, Danielle?”

“Now? Very!”

“Me too,” she said, as we pulled up at the hotel, the gravel on the car park crunching under the tyres.

She switched off the engine and leaned across, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I put my hand on her neck and twirled my fingers under her ear as I pressed my tongue into her mouth. It was our first kiss for over a year and the feelings of elicit romance came flooding back. Yes, we were out of the office but we were still technically at work and it was very naughty!

“Ooh you are horny!” she remarked.

“Hmmm…” was all I could say, as my cheek brushed against her lips.

“We better check in,” she said, sensing that I was getting worked up.

It was a typical hotel chain type hotel, but to be honest my mind was elsewhere. After we went through the formalities at reception we settled in to our rooms. Katie’s was conveniently close and I was all of a fluster after the recent turn in events. I took out my clothes for two nights. I had covered all bases, bringing my shortest and laciest red nightie, which barely covered my bum cheeks. I laid it over the chair and took out my scarlet brassiere and matching red panties. It was still early evening, but it was already dark and might as well have been bed time. 

I was full of pleasantly nervous anticipation just thinking about Katie. I turned on the TV and switched onto a music channel and turned it down just to provide a little soft background music. I ran my shower using up the sweet-smelling body lotion that had been provided. I turned the sprinkler onto a fine spray and aimed the nozzle between and around my breasts, which made my nipples instantly hard. As the steam caused the glass to mist up, I indulged myself with the luxuriant soap and loafer was almost ready to give way to my aching urges. But I was saving myself, and was ready to give myself to Katie.   

The room was nicely warm, Katy Perry was kissing a girl and I had a sexy glow after my shower. I blow dried my hair with the obligatory pink, hotel hair drier, dabbed on a little perfume and slipped on my panties and bra. I had just sat on my bed and there were two gentle taps on my door. My belly did a little flutter and I got up and let Katie in. She was dressed in the hotel robe and she looked at me, pursing her lips as she studied my body.

“Wow! You look amazing!” she said.

“Thank you.  And what have you got on under here?” I asked.

“Why don’t you pull on this and find out,” she said, offering me one of the ends of the cord that was tied at her waist. 

I pulled as invited and watched the bow slowly unravel until it released her robe and revealed a tantalizing glimpse of lingerie, underneath. I didn’t have to use my imagination for long though, as I slipped my hands under her dressing gown and eased it off. I gasped with amazement. Katie was dressed in black hold-ups with matching bra and panties. Her soft mounds of cleavage were just too good to ignore and I slipped one finger between her warm boobage as I planted a kiss on her lips. I felt something melt in my middle and a similarly yearning sensation between my legs as we kissed. 

I drummed my fingers against her sexy midriff as I surveyed her fantastic body. She looked so incredibly hot in her lingerie and I just wanted to unwrap her slowly.

My hands traced a route up her legs, until I found the point where the lacy hold-ups met her flesh. One hand lingered there, as the other continued to the gorgeous sexy crease of her gluteus fold. Our tongues played and danced around each other’s between deep smoochy kisses. I felt as if I was in a girly dream, as if it was too good to be real. At last, Katie was in my bedroom and I could do with her whatever I wished without fear of interruption. I wanted to savour every moment.

I pushed her towards the door and ran the back of my hand between her legs as I nibbled her neck. My heart was thumping and I had almost underestimated just how aroused the situation was making me. I rubbed my panties against hers and put my arms over her shoulders. We moved towards the bed but remained standing. I detected her hand follow my spine with a feather like touch until her fingers stretched the fastener of my bra, as if it would have no choice but yield to her touch. I now had both my hands on her bum and I was enjoying the pleasure of squeezing her plump cheeks through her panties, as my mind began to explore where my tongue wanted to go. 

Being rather fulsome in the boob department there was a little more tension on my bra than even Katie’s deftness could overcome and I had to help her with the clip. My bra fell away and the times I had seen her undress me with her eyes in the office were now brought to life.

“Your boobs are amazing,” she said, fondling them with both hands and a look of elation in her eyes.

I knelt on the duvet and she cupped my right breast in her hand, bouncing it in her palm playfully and then leaned forwards and took my nipple between her lips. I sighed with the wonderful sensations of her lips suckling my breasts as my pussy got a little bit wetter.  She kissed and sucked one breast and then the other. She seemed to be fascinated and in love with my boobs the way that she suckled them so lovingly. I ran my hands through her tresses of brunette hair and tickled her ears. She could have continued all day, but she clearly sensed that I wanted her lips again. It had been a while since I had felt a girl’s lips against mine and Katie’s kisses were so sensual, I just couldn’t get enough of them.    

At last she sat next to me on the bed and we snogged each other passionately. French kissing was one thing that really got me going, particularly when I was into a girl as much as I was Katie. I undid her bra as I looked into her eyes and it slid down allowing our boobs to squish together. Her nipples were erect and I placed a hand to tease one as my lips began to make a slow journey down her chin and her beautiful sexy neck. Our petting was heavy and urgent but unrushed and as I kissed her, Katie seemed to be occupied with slipping her fingers inside the back of my panties to tickle the cleavage of my bottom. 

We sat there kissing and nuzzling each other’s neck and ears in a gently amorous fashion. Her lips meandered down my collar bone and up to my shoulder while her fingers were busy easing down my panties. She urged me to roll over on to my tummy, and she immediately set about rolling down my undies.

“Yum!  You have the best bum, Danielle.”

“I do?”

“You know you do!  It’s so peachy and lovely.”

The next thing I knew I could feel the warm touch of her mouth on my bottom. She made little kisses all over, accompanied with the soft sound of her lips. Her tongue began to make circles over my pert buttocks and then I was treated to the moisture of her saliva drooling down my crack, as she lapped along the length of my bum. She really did love my ass and her intimate anal caresses were attended by her satisfied murmurs and I knew she was pleasuring herself as she pleasured my little pink starfish. If I was a leg girl, Katie was definitely a bum girl. I couldn’t see but I’m damn sure she had her hand down her panties as she kissed my rear.

When at long last, she had had her fill of my bottom, she snuggled against me and wrapped her legs around mine. 

“Lie down and let me give you a tongue bath,” I said.

“Hmmm… that sounds nice,” she agreed.

She lay back and I straddled her body, my eyes inevitably lingering on her panties and the treasure that was awaiting. I considered rolling them down there and then but I wanted to make her wait.

I moved on all fours and kissed her breasts with my hair spreading all around her body. She made little murmurs of delight as I sucked on her succulently erect nipples. She wanted to touch me but I pressed her arms back onto the bed. I intended to be in charge for a while and have her enjoy the pleasures of my tongue. I continued to kiss her breasts, flicking her nipples with my tongue and bit them gently, which drew sharp intakes of breath. I held her hands down as I kissed her face and neck with soft pecks of my lips. Her skin was hot and so soft and I loved the way my lips made a little mark each time I planted a kiss.  

I moved down her body, moving inch by inch along her sexy front, between the mounds of her breasts and along the hollow of her stomach. She trembled with the way my lips caressed the taught supple flesh of her belly. I didn’t stop until I reached the waistband of her black panties. I gripped the top between my teeth and began to draw them down over the mount of her sex. I did enough to reveal the short dark stubble of her recent trim but left the best parts covered. Instead, I nuzzled my nose against her pantie crotch.  Her moisture had soaked into the gusset and I used my tongue to massage her vulva through the fibres and sucked on her sex. Her scent was rich and sexy and Katie whimpered in response. I knew how aroused she was and I was now ready to give her pussy the love it desired.

I rolled her panties down and dragged them off her feet. Her pussy lips were swollen and moisture had formed along her inner lips.  She opened her legs wide and I kissed along the length of her thighs briefly, and I wanted to taste her. My right hand strayed down the front of my own panties and between my legs as my tongue entered her pussy. Her whole body vibrated as if she was wired to the mains. She must have been super sensitive and now I was bringing exquisite relief. Her vagina was so wet, her juices coating my tongue and lips as I licked and delved into her pussy. I lapped at her nectar and ran my tongue upwards to flick her nub as I fingered my own little quim. I lifted her hood with my index finger to expose more of her cute little button, so I could let my tongue dance around her girlie garden. 

I pressed my face into her opening, rubbing my nose into her moisture and followed with my lips making a furrow in her labia. I varied the speed of my oral pleasure until I had her writhing and moaning. I was taking her to the height of ecstasy and keeping her there as I rolled my tongue over her clitoris. Her pussy was so hot and I wondered how much teasing she could take before she had her orgasm. Katie answered my question.

“I want you, Danielle. Let me taste you.”


I dipped two fingers into my pussy and fed them to Katie, giving her a little taste of my sweetness. I shivered from my own touch and I literally ached to be kissed down there. I shuffled along the duvet and lowered my body until I was close enough for her to sample a little of the dew that was waiting for the embrace of her tongue. I brushed her lips with my velvet, a shudder of pleasure hit me and I had faint spasms deep within my pussy. Katie’s tongue poked hungrily as I gaped my pudenda with my fingers giving her full access to my soft centre. The pleasure was so deep and the sensations were welling up inside, but I wanted to share the experience with her.

I kissed her on the lips as she lay on the bed and rolled a finger over her bottom lip. I guessed that she read my thoughts that the best way to pleasure each other was in a sixty-nine. I sat up and backed up, positioning my pussy over her face. I hooked my arms around her legs and resumed my licking of her sexy cleft as Katie’s tongue found mine. I was so wet now and I’m certain that her groans were a combination of my tongue work and from the enjoyment of eating my pussy. 

I was in heaven, nuzzling her pussy, with Katie returning the favour. There was nothing more sensuous and intimate as the pleasure of this position. As Katie was underneath I knew she wouldn’t resist licking my little bum hole with her tongue. It was both tickly and amazing at the same time.  As she licked my bum, her she kept me teetering on the edge of my orgasm. I was experiencing waves of pleasure, her fingers thrusting into my pussy, rubbing me wonderfully. I was reaching little peaks and I was gasping as mini orgasms crept over me. I responded, sucking on her juicy pussy and rubbing my palm against her clit. I swirled my tongue around her puffy lips, as I began to feel woozy with sexual pleasure. 

There was a hiatus in the mutual licking as we turned around and I rolled over on to Katie and kissed her deeply, sharing the taste of our sex. I wanted her so much and wanted to come when she did. Katie’s kissing was breathless and passionate. We were in the sexy zone now and we just moved from one position to another; our bodies were so slippery with our perspiration.

I got Katie to lie on her back with one leg straight and the other bent, so I could sit astride her and mash my pussy against hers, bearing my weight into her. I leaned forwards and squeezed her nipples between my fingers as Katie fingered my bum. I could feel the wetness between our vaginas as we both moaned in unison.  I held Katie’s hand as I put my head back and positioned myself so that my petals were in perfect alignment to her own little flower of love. I began to have little tremors down my tummy as we worked each other into a pre-orgasmic frenzy.

We were so close to coming with our tribbing, but I knew what would give me the most intense orgasm. She held me so tightly and as we kissed, Katie opened her legs and I held my body against hers. Katie kissed my neck forcefully, drawing me towards her and I began to grind my pussy on hers. This position was so intense, our bodies becoming hot and worked up with the movements. I was completely lost to the sensations as my building orgasm began to overwhelm me. My pussy was beyond aching now. Katie sucked my breasts as I pressed myself into her. Her eyes were closed as she mewed with pleasure and our pussies became fused in an abandonment of lesbian sex. Katie was ravenous, her lips devouring my ear lobes as her body was wracked with her climax.

 I moved my body harder and faster, our entire bodies soaked with perspiration, and we were gliding into a blissful, mind-blowing orgasm. We both came together, our bodies jerking and trembling uncontrollably in our love-making. I collapsed into a beautiful sweaty heap on to her and kissed her lustfully.


“The best ever?” I asked, when we were snuggled under the duvet watching the TV,

“Did you ask me that before?” she said.

“Maybe many moons ago, when we were messing under the office desk.”

Katie giggled.

“How did we get away with it!” she said, reminiscing.

“I don’t know. I always thought we would get rumbled sooner or later.”

“We probably would have eventually, but we went separate ways, didn’t we?”

“We did, but I’m glad we got together again.”

Katie kissed my nose.

“So am I,” she said.

I reached onto the bedside table and picked up a little flat box.


Katie looked at me and beamed a smile.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

We shared some chocolatey kisses and amused each other small talk and little jokes. There was an intensity and a connection between us that I hadn’t known with anyone else. It was going to be fun, working with Katie.


Written by DanielleX
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