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The Black Card

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Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful, lush green oasis: a Caribbean island at the height of its affluence. Zendea is a beautiful tropical island. It looks perfect on the outside but it’s the underground action that really keeps it afloat.

When Rosa’s head hunter arranged for a special meeting, hinting that a unique employer was interested in her talents, Rosa was intrigued. As it happens, The Black Knight Intelligence Agency had been following her for some time.

“A half a million upfront and then a million when the operation is in full swing,” said the well dressed headhunter sitting across the table from her.

The headhunter pulled a satchel from her file cabinet and let the contents spill onto the table. Money poured out.

Rosa looked at the money disbelievingly and asked, “Why me?”

The head hunter squirmed in her seat, not quite knowing how to answer the question. The magnificently beautiful woman sitting across from her, even made her own pussy wet and she wasn’t even into women.

“Let’s just say you have the experience and skills it takes to pull this off. Your employer would like to remain anonymous, and hopes the money will help stifle any questions or doubt,” the head hunter replied noticing how tight her own nipples had become.

That was six months ago. Since then Rosa had changed her name and became Destiny Parker.

Destiny had many talents. She was a masterful organizer and she knew how to seduce men. The men she chose were tall, built and rugged. She liked them strong and with an air of self confidence. There was nothing more appealing to her than taming a potentially dangerous man. Destiny never hesitated to use all her sexual resources to entice and captivate the men of her choosing. Seduction was an exciting game. She used her ample skills and assets to acquire men for a multitude of purposes. No man is an island. But an island full of studs suited her just fine.

Destiny had everything she could possibly want including a devoted supply of labor to make her dreams and desires come alive. Establishing a transportation system was her latest quest. The roads were now in place and her idea would be realized soon enough. The first car on the island would be a kit car Lamborghini in bright red. It just so happened that was the color of her lushly painted lips when wrapped around a big black cock.

Destiny loved entertaining every little creative or sexually charged thought that came to her mind but she tried hard to not fuck her top staff. Ernest was her one exception. His rippling muscles and powerful cock sent her senses reeling. He had a talented way of pounding her g spot, twisting her nipples, and putting pressure on her butt plug that resulted in a screaming orgasm every time. Born of Spanish descent, her lightly tanned complexion, stylish curly black hair and incredible body guaranteed Destiny a fair share of compliments.

But Destiny was disciplined. Sex could complicate things and create an environment for emotional issues. So even though her right hand man Ernest wasn’t the only gorgeous piece of ass on her staff available to her, he was the one she chose. Ernest knew he wasn’t the only man in Destiny’s life but he felt privileged to rock her world on home base. Besides being a talented lover Ernest was just the kind of man she wanted on her team. Her handsome stud had earned her trust on more than one occasion.

While circling her nipples Destiny thought about the two people closest to her, Ernest and Amelia. She genuinely liked them as people and now they ran the show. Destiny had met Amelia by chance and their friendship had been instantaneous. Before long Amelia became her financial guru, top advisor and best friend. Or so she thought.

Destiny let her fingers trail the length of her soft, firm body. The bubbles in the Jacuzzi swirled around her. She grazed her pert hard nipples, her smooth stomach and tight abs as her fingers moved towards her pounding clit. Destiny closed her eyes and thought about Ernest and how his coarse thick tongue could coax magnificent orgasms from her sensitive pussy.

A knock on the door startled her and distracted Destiny from her delicious thoughts.

It was Amelia.

“Come on in Amelia. I’m just in the ensuite.”

“Mistress, how are you today beautiful, I am sorry to interrupt you, but I have your quarterly results,” said Amelia averting her eyes. “I’ll just put them on the desk in your bedroom.”

Amelia was her charming and beautiful protégé. Their meeting was a chance encounter that over the course of a few months had blossomed into a ripe friendship. Typically when Destiny left the compound she dressed in an array of costumes and disguises so her picture would never be captured and be put on the internet. She spoke to her island residents by way of an elaborate speaker intercom system that covered the scope of the island.

Destiny had hired the trades people needed to build the system after careful research into their identities. Then she coaxed them into establishing a living on her island and becoming residents. That’s how Destiny designed her island and decided who would live there. What she didn’t anticipate is that a revolutionary group would form. If anything she was very particular with details and her security was the most high tech in the world.

Intent on buying her own fruit and vegetables she left her sanctuary every Tuesday morning to shop. That is when she had met the beautiful and vivacious Amelia.

After a few months and numerous conversations, the two women became fast friends. Amelia was both confident and intelligent. Destiny gradually felt comfortable enough to want to include Amelia in her inner circle. It didn’t take long for her to learn Amelia didn’t have any strong connections in her community. Nor did she have a boyfriend.

Amelia had felt like a traitor cutting all ties with Jacob. It wasn’t an option. She couldn’t risk his safety. Jacob meant everything to her. Amelia accepted her role that included living in the sanctuary without outside contact in order to fulfill a greater purpose. Amelia was committed to the cause and it was her main focus.

“These look very good Amelia. There is an impressive list of credit cards that have not been rejected at the six month mark. Keep up the excellent work, my sexy genius,” she said admiringly as Amelia smiled, nodded, then left the room.

Destiny’s fingers trailed to her Brazilian cut turf once more as she thought about her beautiful friend.

Amelia had become so trusted she was also overseeing the CFO’s records and reporting back to Destiny. The transition from fruit seller to confidante had been sudden and swift. Amelia had been swooped up one day while working at her fruit stand and had been taken to the compound. In exchange for her allegiance she was assured wealth and comfort. When Amelia accepted the opportunity two body guards watched and helped her pack. There was no time available to alert her loved ones and all means of communication was monitored. Other than that, Amelia lived in paradise.

On any given morning you could walk along the beach, smell fresh baked croissants filtering through the narrow streets, and observe vendors and street cart owners getting ready to set up shop. Many impressive villas offered a view of waves lapping on the shore and fishermen trapping fish with giant nets. Not only did the residents get a hefty monthly cheque, they could also benefit from any money making enterprises they aspired to. It was paradise.

Zendea is very small, inconspicuous and part of a larger chain of islands. Remote is an understatement. Only small airplanes flown by the handpicked residents of Zendea were permitted to land to deliver goods. Items from bigger boats had to be distributed among Destiny’s crew of smaller vessels and sometimes delivered in parts from the closest island to then be reassembled. When arriving after a one day trip on the open ocean, the workers always had to refuel and carry two extra jugs of gasoline with them. They did this in groups of two or more boats in case of a problem on the open sea. It was a long voyage but they would gladly do it for the Empress of the island. The residents appreciated their wealth and the abundance of resources they could benefit from and contribute to.

Tourism was at zero. Social media and internet rumors were spread that the island was poor and largely uninhabited except for wild animals. Monkeys, boars, alligators and a large assortment of lizards was the social media buzz. Truth be told, the vast orchards of exotic fruits would make this island a mecca alone.

The game-hackers Destiny employed were skilled and hand picked. Any suggestion that the island was worthy of a visit was immediately squashed and removed by one of the gamer-hackers.

The police on the island were overt and their allegiance was to their Empress, Destiny Parker, who changed her appearance and image as often as she changed her clothes. No one had a clear picture of what she looked like. When she went out in public anonymously, with body guards at a discreet distance, she was always in disguise. Her airfield was well guarded by her police.

The people of the island worked together to harvest the land and create their own food. Jobs were filled and needs were met. The islanders were issued generous monthly checks along with numerous bonuses for exemplary work.

Destiny was a kind and benevolent leader. She handpicked the population of her island so a congenial atmosphere of happiness would be cultivated. Those who wanted to let their demons do their bidding for them with unruly and unwarranted behaviour were asked to leave and were sworn to secrecy. You wouldn’t think this would work but the power of the gamers was almighty. The residents knew you couldn’t hide from them no matter where you were in the world. The residents didn’t know what would happen, if they disobeyed their mandate and told anyone, but there were rumors. There were enough rumors in fact to fuel the revolutionary group’s fire.

As it happens, most of the missing residents had agreed to live inside the inner sanctum and thus their disappearance was actually of free will. Security was everything to Destiny. Law and order was established and maintained. The residents created their own affluent society. Goods were being brought in daily. The standard of living and sense of fulfillment ran high among the residents.

Jacob couldn’t believe the turnabout of events that had taken place during these last six weeks. Gaming and hacking came naturally to him. He had a mind for it. The oldest of three children, born to hackers, he was keen and handsome but he yearned for his lost lover.

Last week he had pursued and found one of Amelia’s old revolutionary contacts. He confronted him. Jacob learned the revolutionaries were being supported by the secretive Black Knight Intelligence Agency and there was a plan in place to take Destiny down. Using a series of proxy servers Jacob entertained a notion to approach the Black Knight Agency regarding what may have happened to his lost love Amelia. He was experienced enough to bypass the gamer-hackers in his correspondence. Using a complicated system of proxy servers to hide from the gamer-hackers he was able to connect with the intelligence agency. They informed him that Amelia’s whereabouts was classified but as it happens there was a need for an additional special agent to accomplish a unique mission, if he was interested.

Maybe this would be the ticket to finding his lost love. Before her disappearance Amelia was part of an elite group of twenty something’s that were opposed to the civilization they grew up in. He didn’t even know more than a couple of participants in the group. The revolutionists didn’t see the island as an opportunity to create a beautiful life but rather as a prison designed to control and manipulate the population. Through secret meetings and middle of the night boat runs, they were able to remain undetected from the busy gamer-hackers that kept control. His childhood sweetheart had been part of this revolutionary group before she disappeared. Jacob had wanted no part of it, and didn’t want her to be involved but he couldn’t stop her. His heart ached for the woman he loved. Jacob couldn’t help but wonder how things would have turned out if he was in the know. Jacob knew he had to become part of it all in order to find Amelia so he agreed to the mission.

In Jacob’s pursuit in finding out what had happened he learned a few things. Neighbors and friends said she had been engaging in an animated conversation with an unusual woman that wore a lot of scarves the morning of her disappearance. Reports said two body guards were in her home, and then they drove off in the direction of the remote part of the island, never to be seen again. Remembering his feelings made Jacob’s blood boil. He was fit and strong from repeatedly displacing his anger towards his missing love, through hard physical exercise. He suspected the Empress was involved and he hated her for it. More than anything, being part of the Black Knight Intelligence community would help him find out what happened to his beloved Amelia. Through multiply proxy servers he established communication with the rep he knew from the revolutionary group that would sneak him off the island to get briefed and trained in Washington. The revolutionary even provided him with fake id.

When Jacob arrived in Washington he was greeted at the airport by a representative he prearranged to meet. A whirlwind of training over the next two months ensued. It was rigorous and intense. When Jacob arrived back to the island he was ready. The first thing he needed to do was contact Ernest.

Jacob and Ernest grew up together as kids on the island. They would chase girls together and hung around a lot. Their friendship slowed down to a crawl when Ernest had moved closer to the underground compound. There wasn’t very much out there. Jacob didn’t want his friend to be caught up in the middle of this but he had no choice.

Jacob found out from The Black Knight Agency that Ernest frequented a certain show bar with exotic dancers. It was not his speed, but he would do what was necessary. His heart and loins yearned for Amelia. She was the one that made him endlessly hard with her charms.

When Jacob entered the bar the strippers looked appreciatively his way, hoping he would like a lap dance. He was disappointed to find Ernest wasn’t there. One of the beautiful black strippers had a booty similar to his lost love. That night he masturbated to thoughts of Amelia dancing seductively around a pole. Maybe he should introduce himself he thought the next night as he sat at a table biding the time. He watched the hot babe’s tits bounce and their booties sway. Jacob didn’t know how much longer he could abstain without giving in to temptation. Then one night his friend made an appearance.

“Hey, man, is that you?” asked Ernest.

“What the hell, it is you! Nice to see you buddy!” said Ernest.

“What are you doing in a peeler bar on this side of the island? This would be the last place I thought I would ever see you,” said Ernest as the bros exchanged a bear hug.

They were happy to see each other and fell easily into animated conversation. After a couple of hours and many drinks later Jacob decided to make his pitch. He was drunk but he knew what he was doing and he knew to make this work. He needed to persuade Ernest when he was vulnerable.

“Look man, truth be told, I’m hurtin. I know we all get generous checks each month but my gambling debts are out of control. There is a man who will pound me into pieces unless I get a hold of some real money fast. Either that or I would need to disappear,” Jacob said forlornly looking sadly into the beer glass he was drinking before he took a sip.

Ernest looked at his long time friend and felt sorry for him. He knew exactly how Jacob could disappear as well as make a ton of cash. He remembered that Jacob had been one hell of an outstanding gamer.

“Look, I might have something for you,” Ernest said looking at his friend appraisingly.

After a lengthy discussion Ernest decided to include Jacob and trust him to be part of the crew.

That’s where Jacob’s adventure started. Now here he was with his best buddy from childhood, sitting in a parked car at the Kinarkey supermarket.

“Follow me and keep your mouth shut. Make sure you mind your manners too, okay. The money is huge. You’ll love it and with your skills you’ll be a real asset.”

As Jacob followed Ernest into the inner sanction he had been briefed on, he thought about how he hated doing this to his best friend. When the time came Jacob knew he would protect Ernest at all costs.

They walked through the back door and into the offices. Everything looked as it should until they arrived at the entrance to a room that required a computer code. Ernest entered the code and the door opened. In the next room, a couple of guards stood watch as the men emptied their pockets. The friends put their belongings, including their cell phones in the basket and took the corresponding number tags to their belongings.

A buzzer sounded admitting them into the next room, where they were frisked by three guards. Next, a man punched some numbers into a key pad that opened a door that led into a long tunnel. They walked down a slope for a long distance before arriving at another door. They pressed the buzzer and waited.


Destiny’s little underground kingdom was heavily guarded. It was here where she made her wealth and maintained her affluent economy so easily. It was her credit card headquarters. It was her sure way of bringing lots of money into her country to sustain her economy. It was her ticket, her sanctuary.

Destiny loved having the freedom to develop a new identity. The power she felt in her ability to make things happen was exhilarating and intoxicating. How could she resist the charms of making the world her play ground? She was truly incognito. Of course there would be no trace, no history, no way of finding her. Her gamers made sure of that. The 5'9, 130 lb beauty pulled forward her black hoody over her hair and licked her newly placed lip ring. Her eye makeup was thick, black and caked on. Her sparkling green intelligent eyes still set her apart from the norm. She fit in perfectly in the underground trash bar in Germany. Knowing three languages helped.

Loud grunge music filled the dark crevices around her. Various coloured hair reflected in waves bounced around the walls via the lasers. Cages of erotic dancers inspired the mood, but Destiny was here for one thing only; to attract new customers to supply her growing empire. Her business had been growing almost as extensively as her wardrobe choices. It was a lucrative two way relationship.

“Wie gehts?” Destiny asked the waiter with the hungry look in his eye.

Maybe she would satisfy that hunger. He was latin and sexy. She hoped he knew how to use his tongue because he was just her type. Armondo definitely had been showing an interest in her ever since she had started coming to the bar. He was her best choice of the candidates available.

“Sehr gut! Danke! Zu trinken?” asked the sexy man with sexy smile. He spoke german with an accent.

“Do you speak english?” Destiny asked while posing her delectable body in a flirtatious stance.

“It’s my first language hon. Here let me make you a German specialty, sure to satisfy!”

Destiny watched the attractive bartender pour five different liquors and liqueurs with assorted mixes in a large glass.

After two sips Destiny felt the rush of intoxication. She’d better sip this one slowly, she decided.

Destiny had been staking out the bar for a few weeks now. During that time she became friendly with the staff and tipped generously, feeling them out. Being a waiter, Armondo could easily get the information to further her business. He was her target.

“C’mere babe, I wanna make you spin,” he said in English enticing her to dance on the crowded dance floor while he was on a break.

“Armondo, you tease, where did you learn that,” Destiny said trailing her arms over his strong shoulders. She had taken her hoody off and had a simple tank top on underneath. She knew it revealed her sexy body and felt eyes gravitate towards her the minute she took it off.

“Mmm, you smell nice,” Destiny said taking a whiff of his hair as her lips brushed his ear while dancing.

“One day soon, I will have you,” he said smiling as their dance ended and he made his way towards the waiting customers in the VIP section. They were super rich and demanded excellence when it came to service. Armondo had a charm that delivered.

As Armondo walked away Destiny couldn’t help but fixate on his tight ass that was outlined in his tight jeans. His front looked very inspiring as well: what a package.

Destiny had already decided that today was the day she would make her move. There was no turning back. She already had an ample supply of clients and they kept the money rolling in. It was time to reel one more in. There wasn’t any harm in enjoying the process. Destiny knew there were other ways of securing credit cards, especially since her gamer-hackers were so talented but she couldn’t resist using her power and charms to collaborate with sexy men. She wanted to make sure the credit card numbers obtained were from people with a nice supply of disposable cash to draw on.

As it became close to closing time the patrons dispersed. Groups filtered out. Drunks got in cabs. In a booth in the bar, Armondo caught site of Destiny with her head in her folded arms. It looked like she had passed out in that position. He was the only one left and it was closing time. Armondo could feel the danger signals of his attraction to her but this one was hard to resist. Fucking bar patrons was never his style, but this girl was exceptional. Her wide set eyes and irresistible mouth were hard to ignore.

“Destiny, sweetie, let me help you up,” Armondo said, not knowing that she had left her purse and id at home after paying for the cab with cash.

Somewhere along the night Destiny had taken a sedative to achieve this desired effect. Gorgeous as she was she knew the waiters and bartenders in popular bars constantly had customers hitting on them. Destiny needed to seal the deal. This was her ruse.

Not knowing where she lived, Armondo took her back to his place and placed her on the sofa. He wondered what asshole had slipped her something and made a mental note to find out in the morning.

The next morning the smell of coffee stirred her nostrils.

“Ah, the beauty awakes,” Armondo said as she got up.

“Oh, what happened?” she moaned.

Destiny looked stunning as she took the cup of coffee. Her hair was messed up and sometime in the middle of the night she had taken off her bra and pants. Armondo could see her nipples through her shirt and it was making him hard. As she went to brush her teeth, he watched her ass cheeks sway back and forth.

By the time Destiny came out, his cock was standing demandingly at attention. When Destiny opened the door he grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the wall.

“Fuck, what you do to me Destiny!”

With those words, Armondo’s tongue found hers and the dance began. Destiny started to grind her hips into his with slow erotic motions. He moaned softly and kissed the top of her breasts undoing her shirt, button by button. Destiny’s turquoise half-bra was soon on the floor as he reached his fingers into the folds of her warm, wet, pussy.

Destiny tossed back her long dark hair and called out, “Ohh, yes.”

She was surprised when he lifted her and laid her down on the bed. He used his lips and tongue to give her a pussy bath she’d never forget. After a couple of very loud orgasms, Armondo mounted the hot beauty quivering on the bed underneath him. She was wet, so very wet, and his cock slid inside her warm wetness with steady ease.

“Gawd, you’re beautiful!” he said watching Destiny’s tits bounce as he fucked her.

When Destiny squeezed her pussy muscles hard, Armondo just about came.

He pulled out, hovered over the entrance to her pussy and started sucking on her amazing tits with great interest.

“Feed them to me gorgeous,” Armondo said, sucking on her nipples with wild enthusiasm.

Destiny slid her beautifully manicured hands up the sides of her tits, forcing them into Armando’s mouth.

Within minutes she felt a current surge through her nipples that sent sensations straight to her pussy.

“Ohh Armondo,” Destiny moaned as Armondo pushed her nipples in with the head of his manhood, then he slid between her perfect tits. Destiny pushed her tits around his hard cock and watched his wet, thick, cock slide in and out.

After a little while Armondo spilled his load all over them. She rubbed his cum all over her tits as he watched, until her breasts and nipples became shiny.

As he watched, Destiny lifted one breast and licked his cum off of it and her nipple. Then she did the same to the other.

“My ass babe, take me,” Destiny urged.

Armondo turned Destiny over and admired her smooth contours. Her back and was long and lean. It was free of blemishes and culminated into the perfect ass. Armondo loved watching his cock slide into a hot little ass. One of such sheer perfection deserved some appreciation. He put his finger over Destiny’s mouth as his other hand maneuvered his stiff cock up and down her gorgeous ass crack. Destiny responded by seductively sucking his finger like a cock. When Armondo parted her perfect cheeks he heard Destiny moan softly. Then she started sucking his finger in and out of her gorgeous mouth, encouraging him to seek his quest further. His cock glistened with fresh cum as he slid into her slowly. She was tight. Very tight.

“Yeah, ooo fuck yeah,” Destiny moaned as Armondo stretched her little hole wide open to take his girth.

Armondo was big and meaty and he knew she could feel every inch of him inside her. Grunting, he pushed and pushed until bamm, he pushed in past his sphincter creating elation from both parties. Then Armondo started fucking Destiny hard. With aerobic ease they fucked like wild animals. He drove into her mercilessly until they were both a hot mess. When they came it was intense and extremely satisfying and primal.

“You fuck my cock so good with that sexy ass,” Armondo exclaimed giving her sexy cheeks a slap.

She had circled and grinded and pushed back into his raging hard on like an Empress. Exhausted they made their way into the shower.

“Make sure you don’t miss a spot,” said Destiny laughing as her lover soaped her gorgeous body. His hands were all over her and inside her. He really knew how to satisfy a woman.

Armondo looked into the natural beauty’s eyes as his finger found her clit. He started rubbing and felt her hand reach for him. Water trickled down Destiny’s gorgeous features as she stroked his hard cock and he rubbed her sensitive clit. Armondo pushed her against the shower wall. Destiny wrapped her legs around him and felt his hard cock penetrate her pussy. They kissed and fucked as the water trickled around them. When they got into Armondo’s bed they were exhausted. After laughing and giggling they snuggled into each other’s arms and fell asleep. Destiny woke up first. They had fucked and slept the day away.

When Armondo woke up from a nap, he could smell the rich aroma of fresh garlic and ginger. The smell of home cooking made his stomach start to growl. Their love making had been intense and they had both exerted a lot of energy. Before long she placed a heaping plate of fresh veggies in front of him with pieces of tender chicken infused with garlic and ginger. Armondo ate ravenously. He ate dinner like he ate pussy; with lip smacking, savouring intent.

“I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself,” Destiny purred.

He pulled her lips to his and kissed her softly.

“Thank you bella, you did an exquisite job, my seductress,” he replied.

It was over dinner that Destiny proposed her idea.

“I just need you to get me the credit card numbers and I can do the rest. You’ll be rich beyond your dreams. If anyone ever questions you, just say it was so busy you had no idea what the person looked like. Armondo you cater to the VIP section. Your twenty something, rich kid crowd drop money like crazy, and it takes them a longer time to report their cards as lost or stolen in most cases. You do go through hundreds of credit card purchases a night, don’t you?”

“Yes I do, but I don’t know if this is a good idea Destiny,” Armondo said skeptically shaking his head. He had always prided himself as being an honest guy who took the high road and did the right thing. He made plenty of cash and didn’t need more. What she was proposing was highly illegal and didn’t sit well with him. Unflinching, Armondo sat and listened.

“You don’t have to do anything but record the slips when you’re doing your cash out in the office, before you hand them in. It will seem like you’re texting when you type in the person’s name and corresponding three digit cvv number into your phone during work. It’s so dark and busy in there you’ll pull it off easily. Plus you’ll have more money than you know what to do with. We’ll space out the timing so the connection with your establishment will be shrouded and eyes won’t be pointed in your direction.”

“I will have to think about it, my gorgeous bella,” Armondo said, unsure of how to deal with her proposal but not willing to let the beautiful woman before him disappear into thin air.

They were lying side by side when she again presented him with the idea. As Destiny started to talk again he pressed a finger to her lips and ran a hand down the length of her voluptuous curves.

“Shhh, bella, for now, we just enjoy,” Armondo whispered as he worshipped her body with his touch.

“Ooohh,” she panted as he proceeded to stir her into an erotic state of arousal once more.

Their bodies fit together like pieces of puzzle. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

Unfortunately the next day Destiny received an alert from one of her online gaming programmers. The text read that a sub code had been discovered that was putting a percentage of the credit card transactions into her controller’s personal account.

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Destiny had always felt that her generosity guaranteed loyalty. But this was not the case. This was something she would need to deal with personally. Destiny left Germany with a very satisfied pussy and another potential gold mine under her wing.

“Think about my proposal,” said Destiny as the attractive couple parted ways.

“I will,” Armondo responded. Days later when the magic of their experience had trickled off, Armondo went to the government and told them what Destiny had said. A special high ranking undercover agent was assigned to the case.

“Tell her you’re interested, and do exactly as she says,” said Remy the Australian agent assigned to the case.

He had been hearing numerous reports but to date, it was all hear say. Now it was time to take action. Somehow the private and very secretive Black Knight Intelligence Agency was involved. It just made sense. Encrypted messages about an island and a credit card ring had been intercepted. Rumors about the covert operations of the Black Knight Intelligence Agency were becoming more and more frequent. The beautiful seductress Armondo described intrigued Remy.

Destiny hoped she had successfully recruited another continuous supply of credit card numbers to max out at her discretion. Destiny knew every opportunity like that was a goldmine. Most jumped to the chance. If they didn’t and reported her to the authorities there was no way of finding her. Destiny traveled the world, never visiting the same place twice, or she existed in her inner sanctuary.

Finding out that her controller Ernest, her sexy island fuck toy, was skimming, was disheartening. His long black Rasta hair, with streaks of blond, strong chiseled features and stamina made him a perfect fuck buddy. Besides he liked being her Pet and there was nothing she liked more than a devoted and obedient sexual partner. His tongue was long, and thick. Her handsome Pet eagerly spent hours licking her pussy coaxing one orgasm after another.

Now she would need to find a new man. To find one so skillful in the art of passion might be a challenge. Destiny wrestled with herself. She didn’t know what to do. Tonight she would be sleeping with the enemy for the last time, or maybe she would spare him and forgive him. But she would make Ernest pay with a lesson in obedience in the bedroom for trying to deceive her. It was always her intention to smooth out the wrinkles to retain or regain loyalty when dealing with people. It was the more bees with honey idea. Even though he was skimming his allegiance could be won. Couldn’t it? His big black cock definitely fit inside her perfectly she thought squirming. A part of her was entirely too satisfied with her perfect fuck buddy.

Ernest greeted her with a smoke and a smile. Destiny greeted him with a mind blowing blow job. Then they said hello.

“Irie, so good to see you, my hot number, you have been gone so long, I’ve missed you, I want to grine you gyal all night,” he said admiringly looking at Destiny’s sexy curves.

“Hogony, my friend. I caught you. You fuck real good my friend but you gotta stop skimming and make it up to me,” Destiny said.

He was a man worth forgiving.

She looked around at his finished house and noticed workers in the yard in the back putting in a pond. They cost money. Steel bars protected his beautiful home. If it wasn’t for her he would have nothing and he knew it.

“Word has it that you’re taking a little too much money for yourself and making decisions for me, like hiring your own gamers. Are you doing that now? Those are decisions I make, and no one else! Don’t forget that!” Destiny said demandingly.

Destiny had her hand on his crotch and could feel his cock growing nice and big under her hand. There was something about the absurdity of forgiving him, fear of having to let him go; mixed with her anger that was making Destiny incredibly horny. Her intense anger had aroused all her senses. She decided she would deal with him later. What she really needed was to have her cunt stuffed with his gorgeous cock. Her aggression was making him hard. Destiny looked up at the handsome black man with long Rasta hair and said two words, “Fuck me.”

Ernest didn’t need to be asked twice. His hard cock needed release and her perfect little ass was where he wanted her. He was in trouble and knew he had to perform like never before.

“You want some Hogony, a little rough sex for you my Mistress!”

He ripped down her dress taking it off roughly and quickly, then he threw her against the wall and started biting the back of her neck, gently, but roughly. He spread her legs with his knees and held her small wrists above her head against the wall with his big strong hand.

His other hand spread her delicious little ass cheeks. Then Ernest reached around and roughly man handled her labia sending soaring sensations.

When his huge cock entered her tight hole she started to scream. It had been awhile.

“Mistress am I hurting you?”

“No, don’t stop, make me scream my Pet,” Destiny moaned as he pushed into her tentatively.

With those words of encouragement he pushed in all the way and started pounding her against the wall. Then Ernest reached around and stroked her gitty ball.

They fucked wordlessly in that position for a long time. Only gasps, moans and sighs could be heard.

Afterwards they soaked in a tub. Destiny’s gorgeous body was in her lovers arms as soap suds surrounded them. Now that the sexual tension between them was released, they both relaxed. Ernest agreed to mend his ways and do the right thing by her. She agreed to forgive him.

“What about your friend? Can he be trusted?” Destiny asked.

“Oh my sweet babe, no worries, please don’t be mad. My friend needed help and I cut him in. Everything will be okay,” he said reassuringly.

Ernest positioned himself on top of Destiny in the big Jacuzzi tub and slid his thick, hard cock into her tight pussy. Then he kissed her passionately and let his big tongue and big cock silence her concerns.

She was underneath him feeling the effects of his huge black cock ripping into her tight pussy as they spoke. It was a neutral playing field. She took him in and responded by tightening and rebounding to the rhythm of his thrusts.

“Can he be trusted?” she asked again, feeling her body respond to every slow soulful stroke.

“Yes, he is my childhood friend,” Ernest grunted between strokes.

“Okay he better be a good gamer, but Ernest, this will never happen again. Do you understand me? If you want more money, talk to me but don’t you ever, ever betray me again, and let me hire the gamers, got that!”

She kissed him hard and wild emphasizing the point.

I’ll think about your punishment Pet,” Destiny said with a glint in her eye.

Ernest couldn’t believe she forgave him. He knocked himself for being so greedy when he had it all. In his mind he knew he would make it up to her.

They towel dried each other’s sexy bodies as they exited the bath and made their way to the big bed. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

The attractive couple rolled around so Destiny was on top now. She had his hands pinned mockingly as she rode his big hard cock.

“How do you think you can make it up to me my sexy Pet?” she asked.

He looked up at the beautiful woman taking in every inch of his big cock and loving it. A thin veneer of sweat covered her body as she fucked him aerobically for a long time. She had stamina. Ernest became transfixed with the way her tits bounced as she fucked him.

“My gorgeous Empress, I will do anything to gain your favor once more,” Ernest said.

Then it came to him. He remembered the card that seemed to have an endless limit. It was the infamous black card. He was sure that’s what it was.

“I found a special card. You will like it, I guarantee. I will monitor it and see what happens. I know you’ve always wanted a bright red Lamborghini my Empress. I want to be the man that makes your dream come true. Paying for the car in cash will arouse suspicion but when using a black card, questions are never asked. This will be my gift to you. I will have Jacob monitor the card to make sure it’s safe for you to use.”

He didn’t recall the source but it was a card that just kept on giving and giving. The last deposit had been ten thousand and the card still hadn’t been canceled.

They fucked and fucked.

“Ohh, ya mon, I’m going to cum now, Destiny! Sweet darling! Fuck ya!” Ernest called out as he began pouring his seed into the condom.

It was then that Destiny squeezed his cock as hard as possible, giving Ernest an even more powerful wild orgasmic release. For added potency she had one hand around his throat in a mock choking hold while the other fondled his ball sac.

They rode their mutual orgasms together with a wild energy that captivated them both. Afterwards they lay in each other’s arms again, totally relaxed.

Destiny stayed in Zendea a week and then resumed her search for new credit card recruits. That’s when she met Remy. They found each other in a secluded night club in Australia. It was a unique high end club that catered to a sexual crowd. For a fee private rooms were available at the back of the club. Destiny was impressed with the club’s appeal and clientele. The prices indicated that credit cards with a high limit would be needed. The look that Destiny chose for the evening was straight brilliant red hair, with a matching silk lingerie dress and soft makeup. As she sipped her drink from a location in the back she studied the landscape looking for a suitable prospect. On her scan, her eyes kept connecting with an attractive scruffy outback type in tight jeans. He was sitting alone at a table.

Remy returned her gaze with interest every time their eyes met.

“No, you have to concentrate,” Destiny told herself. She was unable to look away. The man reeked of animalistic passion.

A half an hour later the attractive scruffy man looked at her with a slight grin while twirling one of the back room keys in his hand.

Destiny felt her mouth go dry and her pussy get wet. This wasn’t her usual style. She was the one that usually did the choosing. Throwing caution to the wind, Destiny gave in to calling of her randy pussy and approached Remy.



Jacob kept following the path of the descending tunnel. The passage led to another door with another attendant. When Ernest pushed the buzzer a grated eye area slider moved revealing two steely eyes. The swat team would never be effective in this situation. Destiny’s fortress was too heavily guarded. When they entered the little room, they were directed by the attendant to a steel grated elevator. After descending for a few moments Jacob finally got to see what all the security was protecting.

It was a control centre like you might see at NASA. There were hundreds of people sitting at computers. Later he found out that each section was responsible for their part. Some wrote down the incoming credit card numbers. There were gamers and there were webmasters. The operation was huge enough to administer and create a thriving economy. Destiny had created an affluent cash flowing society and what he saw before him was her means. Credit card companies lost billions due to the massive operation Jacob saw in front of him.

“Follow me,” said Ernest.

Jacob found himself led to his very own little cubicle in the gaming section. He was introduced to a number of gaming websites that were created and managed by a section of the huge underground structure.

The first game Jacob was introduced to was Ripoff Rally. He created a user name and learned the rules of the game. A pop up message appeared on his screen telling him the specific room to enter in the computer game. In that online room were his fellow money-laundering gamers along with some marks that were known to buy and sell game items. Items would be bought and sold until a credit card was pulled.

Jacob’s first account balance was $1000, but he had $4000 in items for sale he bought from the credit card gamers who made thousands of fraudulent credit card transactions a day. They would spread out the purchases over a number of weeks until the card was no longer valid. Before long a message popped up.

“Hey, I saw you have the coveted yellow hat. I’ve only ever heard of them. I understand it automatically unlocks all the doors and puzzles. Tell you what, I’ll pay you $200 for it,” the enthusiastic gamer said.

Jacob agreed. They arranged to do a bit coin transaction for the exchange.

It was his first transaction of many. There was also an online store where headsets and other gamer items were available for sale. In some cases they would purchase an entire lot of an item with the fraudulent credit card numbers, then drop ship the items at a reduced price using bit coin. The bit coins were sold and the money was now free and clean.


It was a brilliant operation with one minor flaw: the power of love.

Jacob continued to learn more and more about the business until he had a good of sense how every part of it worked. Then something happened that changed everything.

“Empress,” Jacob said knocking on the door to her private room.

The sight that greeted his eyes was the last one he would ever have suspected. There was his beloved Amelia sitting across the table from Destiny. She was doing Destiny’s nails. The two beautiful women were talking animatedly like they were the best of friends.

When Jacob saw Amelia his eyes popped.

“Amelia!” he cried out.

“I’m afraid you must be mistaken. My name is Stephanie,” she answered boldly, almost defiantly.

“Please forgive me,” Jacob muttered looking down. What game was she playing? He knew it was Amelia.

“Well what is it that you want?” Destiny asked expectantly.

“Ernest said the time was right. I’ve used the number for months now and charged high amounts and it still hasn’t been closed. Ernest told me to bring you the number Empress, to use as you will.”

“Whoa, this is good news. Do you think I would look good behind the wheel of a brand new Lamborghini?” she asked jokingly.

“Paint my nails candy apple red, to remind me of my new car,” she instructed Amelia.

Jacob stared at Stephanie hard. He knew it was Amelia but why wasn’t she admitting it. Was she living in this compound fulltime? Is that why she was no where to be found on the island.

As the days went by Destiny nourished and obsessed over the idea of owning a Lamborghini.

Within a few days the idea was strong enough that she threw caution to the wind and arranged the purchase with the coveted Black Card: the magical endless supply of cash. When the purchase went through she was thrilled. She would have her dream car.

Destiny highly anticipated the arrival of her new Lamborghini. The port was far away. The labor to put it together was time consuming, but each day she looked forward to owning her dream car.

Over the next two months she waited. The crate had arrived three islands away. It was the nearest island with a big enough port. Tirelessly her small boat crews moved the car parts from island to island until they were all safely in the skilled mechanic’s specialty garage in Zendea. The specialty crew in Zendea worked tirelessly on the assembly.

When her beautiful new car was completed it was Jacob who received the phone call. He immediately knocked on Destiny’s door to share the good news. Over the last two months Jacob had worked his way up the ranks and had became second in command after Ernest.

“Empress, I know you don’t usually like to leave your fortress unless you are in disguise but I was wondering if you wanted to come drive your new Lamborghini. It’s ready for you,” he said smiling.

A part of him felt remorse for this beautiful woman whose company he had enjoyed for the last couple of months. Destiny was a kind, caring, generous and entertaining person. A generous and kind employer you might say. She had meant well but her corruption needed to be accounted for.

When Jacob knocked on Stephanie’s door after being summoned, he was puzzled. She had clearly avoided him the entire time, hardly ever looking in his direction and here she was calling a private meeting in her office.

When Jacob shut the door to Amelia’s office she walked sexily over to him and put her finger over her mouth indicating for him not to make a sound. She went over to the computer to double check that the wrap around feed was redirecting as it was designed. She then did a sweep for listening devices. She picked them up, wrapped them in Kleenex, and then walked down the hallway. When she returned Amelia was smiling.

Her black skirt and white top were immaculate and showed off her fine curves.

How he wanted to grab that sexy ass as she turned around and locked the door.

“Fuck I need you,” Amelia whispered. He saw her nipples and the circling motion of her hips as if lust was raging inside of her.

“Amelia?” Jacob questioned.

His question was silenced with a demanding and needy kiss. Amelia kissed Jacob hard with the familiar intensity they both thrived on. It was his Amelia without a doubt.

Jacob’s body responded quickly. There had really been no one since Amelia that could arouse him like she could. This hot, sexy bitch was his true passion. Their hands started to grope and feel all their familiar hot spots making each other wild. He kissed her behind her ear and licked his way to the gorgeous curve of her full breasts. They jiggled for his tongue as he pressed into her pinning her to the wall. They gyrated ruthlessly then fumbled their way over to the desk, never releasing their embrace. She landed on the office desk with a thump.

“Oh, Jacob, I missed you so fucking much. Now that Destiny’s Lamborghini is ready I was given permission to brief you on the mission. I didn’t know whose side you were on and where your allegiance was, until this morning. Please forgive me. ”

“I understand my sweet Amelia. My allegiance is and always will be with you, my love. Never doubt that. I’ve missed you so much my sweetheart, let me show you how much.”

Amelia moaned softly when she felt her torso slide down on the desk and her legs get lifted over her Jacob’s shoulders. Oh, fuck this man knew exactly how to ignite her passion. His tongue circled her outer pussy lips softly then he started flicking her jumping clit. Jacob teased her by circling her clit then he started sucking on it and flicking it up from the bottom the way she loved. As he licked he moaned and grunted like an animal, driving Amelia wild.

Amelia responded with soft moans and bucked her gorgeous body in sweet release over and over again.

When he saw she was totally satiated Jacob helped her sit up. Amelia remained in her state of deep relaxation as Jacob took out his raging manhood and approached her beautiful mouth.

Amelia teasingly nibbled and stroked Jacob with a slow seductive style. Then suddenly as his head leaned back she swallowed as much of him as she could in one single robust effort. His groans increased.

“Shh,” she said lazily licking and kissing his girth.

“Suck me babe!” he said panting.

Amelia took Jacob in and out of her sexy mouth with lightening speed, while playing with his balls and squeezing his tight ass. It didn’t take long for his wet creamy sperm to slide down her throat.

Jacob did everything he could to cum quietly to not alert suspicion. As he sat on the desk she licked off every drop of hot cum from his cock. While she licked him, he got rock hard again.

Amelia sat on Jacob’s lap with her legs wrapped around him. They kissed with great longing.

“Oh sugar, I missed you so bad,” Jacob said. The longing was evident in his misty eyes.

Jacob reached over and sucked on one of her pert nipples. He circled Amelia’s nipple round and round with his thick tongue then sucked her nipple really hard making her cry out.

Amelia arched her back and enjoyed the mastery of his roaming hands as they painted a picture of pleasure on her well toned sexy, hot body.

They kissed, deep and lovingly. She reached for his cock that was rock hard once more. He was wet and slick from her mouth.

“Oh, Amelia,” he said. “How I’ve dreamed of this moment,” he said lifting her on top of him.

Her pussy was extremely tight from abstinence but she was so wet with desire. As she slowly slid down his stiff pole, Amelia widened to accommodate his thick, pounding man meat. Slowly she started bouncing on his cock etching down further and further. They stopped and kissed luxuriously. More and more juices released in her pussy. This combination of love and lust couldn’t be beaten. She wanted all of him inside her and felt her pussy accept more of his girth. Soon he was inside her impossibly deep. They fucked slow and steady, then fast and wild. He was thrilled at how amazingly gorgeous her body was. Watching her tits bounce while she fucked him made him even harder.

“My turn,” Jacob said turning her suddenly.

Before she knew it her legs were on either side of his neck and he was pounding relentlessly into her pussy.

“Don’t you ever leave me again,” he said demandingly as his cock thrust in and out of her.

“Babe, I’m so sorry,” Amelia said responding to his every thrust with an intensity that created a slapping sound.

“Promise me,” Jacob said, fucking her even faster. He was tireless. Their bodies crashed together with their pent up need.

Amelia squeezed around him, over and over again.

Jacob started rubbing her clit back and forth as he fucked her. She grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him deeper inside her with every stroke. When they started to cum they looked deeply into each others eyes sealing the deal.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” Amelia screamed out as they both erupted with a hot sweaty surge of passion.

Amelia wrapped her arms around her long lost lover and looked up at him pleadingly. Then she started to explain to Jacob the entire operation.

“Please understand Jacob. I couldn’t get you involved. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I love you so much. I know I hurt you and let you down. I only hope you will forgive me in time.”

Jacob looked at his beautiful Amelia and a tear came to his eye.

“We’re together again. That’s what counts. The pain will heal,” he said scooping her up in his arms. They kissed and talked until it was time for Destiny to come back from her shopping trip.

Amelia put back the listening devices and reinstated the office surveillance equipment. They were one step away from the gamers finding them out, but so far they had been able to succeed in their efforts.

“Look, for this thing to work. We need to get Ernest on board. Do you think he will agree to help us,” Amelia asked her lover. It would be hard to disguise her desire. She would have to be sure not to look at him when Destiny was around.

When Amelia gave Ernest a note explaining how she had been undercover for over a year, he was surprised. She cautioned him not respond verbally in her note. Every place in the building was bugged but not necessarily video taped. That was reserved for key entrances, exits, and specific offices.

Ernest reluctantly agreed to go along with the plan after Jacob and Amelia pointed out that his participation in the organization would be forgiven in exchange for his help. The place was going down and he could either be a part of it or he could go down with it.

When the day arrived for Destiny to pick up her Lamborghini Destiny packed a small suitcase. It’s an emergency bag she said to her trusted employees. It actually contained some of her most prized possessions.

Ernest drove the limo. He thought about how he Lamborghini’s appeal shrouded her senses and left her vulnerable. She rarely left the compound without security guards and here she was with just a small suitcase. Normally Destiny wouldn’t leave without a disguise but today was an exception. This was the opportunity that Amelia and Ernest had been waiting for. It was a rarity to get her alone.

After an hour of driving the car stalled, sputtered and stopped at the side of the road.

“Amelia call for help,” Destiny said with one hand firmly on her suitcase.

“Yes, Empress, I’m on it,” Amelia said talking into her phone.

“Target is ready for transport. Set your coordinates and pick us up asap,” said Amelia.

The crew made sure Destiny’s back was turned when the helicopter touched ground.

“Here Empress,” said Amelia, putting her coat over her Mistress’s head to shield her from the wind caused by the propellers.

Destiny was unaware that the helicopter they were riding in belonged to the intelligence agency until it flew past her heliport landing area.

“What the hell? Where are we going!” yelled Destiny in apparent distress.

“Pilot, turn this helicopter around right now!” she demanded as a sinking feeling went over her.

The helicopter landed on United States soil. A limousine pulled up and the driver got out.

“I’ll take it from here,” said the rugged outback scruffy driver. His accent was Australian. He looked more like a detective than a limo driver.

The Australian stud flashed his federal badge and nodded to the men that their portion of the mission was over. He put the bag in the back seat beside Destiny.

“Destiny, you hot little tart, I can’t wait to taste that sweet little pussy of yours,” said Remy, her favorite Austrian stud once they were safely in the car and on the road.

Destiny spread her legs in response, effectively hiking up the hem of her little black dress to reveal her creamy white thighs. She looked at his sexy eyes in the rear view mirror as she licked her two fingers and slowly and seductively reached down to her panties sliding them over with her thumb. Then she dove her two fingers aggressively into her pussy while her gorgeous body bucked. Destiny came with a sigh and licked her fingers.

“I thought I would get nice and juicy for you,” said Destiny laughing at her Australian stud’s need to fuck her.

Remy increased his speed and quickly drove down back roads in the heavily forested area until he arrived at a secluded area with homes far in the distance. His cock was rock hard and throbbing painfully in his jeans. Remy remembered his adventure in the room at the sex club last time they met and so did his cock.

The debriefing was important and highly anticipated. The air was fresh and invigorated their lust as they talked and debriefed. When the last words were recorded and the flash drive was inserted into his computer, Destiny fell into her rugged lover’s arms. Their bodies pressed together.

Remy kissed Destiny softly, admiring her fortitude and drive. Destiny jumped up on the hood of the limo and lifted her short dress a little higher. Many months had passed since they hammered out their little deal in the back room at the bar in Australia. He had explained how the government had been watching the covert operations of the Black Knight Agency. Remy told her that the Black Knight Agency were the ones that had supplied her with the cash the head hunter had given her. When they swooped in and took her away she had to make it look good in front of her friends.

“I feel bad for Ernest, Jacob and Amelia,” said Destiny expressing concern. “Please make sure once the government takes over and moves in, they will be spared. They believe what they are doing is benefiting the world and have no idea about the Black Knight Agency’s covert intentions.”

“Ah, my temptress,” said Remy, scratching the inside of her leg slightly with his facial hair as he preceded to adjust Destiny’s black lace panties and lick his way to her heart once more, “Please don’t worry. I will protect your friends my love,” said Remy.


“You know it’s really sad in so many ways. She was a decent person and treated all of us well. I’m sorry that there was no other choice,” said Amelia, a tear running down her face as her frustrated friend went off screaming in the arms of two strong soldiers. She was sorry to see her friend go because she truly liked her. Amelia decided to stay with the operation as it moved forward.

Within hours an announcement was broadcasted to the residents of Zendea.

“Residents of Zendea your Empress has been arrested and put in the custody of federal agents. Don’t be alarmed. You are free to live and work as you always have. The only thing that will change is your monthly check. You won’t be receiving one. Zendea is very affluent and established businesses will get incentives to hire more employees. With hard work your present standard of living can be maintained.”

This was the message heard by the general populous. The gamers and employees of the inner sanctum were the only ones aware of the credit card income scam. Amelia and Jacob were put in the charge to restore order and reorganize the structure of the new Black Knight Facilities. The inner sanctum employees were promised they would not be prosecuted, and would receive support establishing new careers so long as they signed a document stating they would not utter a single word to anyone about the credit card scam operation.

The Black Knight Agency moved in with ease. Bakers baked. Children attended school. Police kept order. From outside appearances everything looked similar to what life was like under Destiny’s empire. The residents were use to new faces appearing around them so new Black Knight Agents and their families were greeted with respect and welcomed into the sleepy little community. The revolutionaries felt vindicated since Destiny was ousted and their ally the Black Knight Agency was now in control. The revolutionaries achieved their purpose so they dismantled their operation.

It didn’t take the intelligence agency long to set up their own top secret mecca. Amelia and Jacob managed the reorganization and had their hands full. They allowed Ernest to stay on as a lead organizer. As time passed they used the programmers unique set of skills to hone a top notch surveillance operation. From their remote location they were able to spy on the world.

It was two am when the stealth operation began. Hundreds of planes dropped off thousands of parachutes’ under Remy’s lead. Zendea would soon be under government control. They couldn’t have a better set up if they had planned it themselves.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank, JLCC, who is an extraordinarily talented and gifted editor, for taking the time and putting in the effort to help me organize and develop my blunderings into something better. I’m truly grateful and appreciative of his kind hearted efforts.

Written by sweet_lusciousdesire
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