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Le Belle Donne Ch. 03

"Love flows through the Italian valley"

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As the sun began to wander down above San Casciano dei Bagni, the siblings, Alberto and Isabella had managed to run all of their errands, and in Isabella’s case, also a very exciting visit to Florianas.

“I think that was all of it.” Alberto went over the list of things to do in town.

“There’s almost no room for me up front.” The wooden cargo bed on the front of the bicycle was practically full of packages and bags.

“Isabella… Isabella…” Down the street, a panting Ferdinando waved whilst he jogged towards Isabella and Alberto. In his other hand, he held a wrapped box from the bakery.

“Ciao Isabella… ciao Alberto…” The slightly overweight Ferdinando took a few breaths. Though he, of course, said hello to both Isabella and Alberto, his eyes were mostly on Isabella.

“Ciao Ferdinando.” Isabella smiled tenderly. Since that day in the barn, she had thought more and more about him. He had even made appearances in her late-night fantasies. She would lay in bed, sensually rubbing her wet pussy with thoughts of having a big black man on top of her. Ferdinando would be there, naked in a chair with his big belly hanging out. Spurts of cum would shoot out of his meager penis while he watched her in bed with the handsome black man. It was such an arousing and romantic fantasy.

“Ehm…” Ferdinando who had always been so confident around Isabella before had suddenly become much shyer. Before the barn, he hadn’t believed that he had a chance with Isabella, which is probably why he had put up a confident front. But now, after the amazing moment in the barn, he truly hoped that he had a shot with the girl he was so in love with.

“I… baked this for you.” Ferdinando nervously handed Isabella the wrapped box. Not only had he baked a delicious cake, but he had written something on it with red strawberry icing.

“Oh, Grazie, Ferdinando.” Isabella leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. She even surprised herself a little by the tender act.

Ferdinando gulped. Isabella had never really done that before.

“Grazie…” Ferdinando was so taken by the kiss that he awkwardly thanked her.

“Hehe.” Isabella giggled a little whilst she began to open the box to take a peek.

“Erm… You should… probably wait until you get home, it’s… pretty delicate.” Ferdinando felt his heart start to race when Isabella began to open the box.

“Oh, okay.” It wasn’t the first time Isabella had gotten something delicious from Ferdinando, so she was kind of curious about what it was, but at the same time, she didn’t want to accidentally ruin it if it was delicate.

“Well… I have to be going… Ciao.” Ferdinando waved and hurried away. He was so nervous about what he had written on the cake.

“Kissing, huh,” Alberto jokingly teased his sister. He hadn’t seen her so affectionate around Ferdinando before.

“Well…” For once Isabella blushed and couldn’t come up with a witty comeback.

“We should probably get going before it gets dark.” Alberto didn't want to embarrass his sister, though he did chuckle a little.

After rearranging some packages and holding onto some, along with her cake, Isabella was able to sit down on the wooden bed on the front of the bicycle. 

While the siblings headed out of town, close to the center, Giovanni and Daniella were closing up their respective stores.

Having locked up, the two said hello as they awkwardly passed each other on the street. Both of them wished that the other would say something. Unexpectedly, even for Giovanni, he blurted out, “Erm… Signora Mancini.” He said it politely, but nervously.

“Si?” Daniella replied with such surprise and anticipation. She had imagined this moment so many times.

“Erm… I made this rather large casserole yesterday, for my parents. They were supposed to come over, but Papá called and apologized that they couldn’t make it. Mia Mamma had bumped into Signore Fallaci earlier, and he had invited them over,” Giovanni explained.

Signore Fallaci was a good-looking black man in his late fifties. He had just moved back to San Casciano dei Bagni after having spent almost two decades in Rome, where he had been a university professor in ancient literature.

“Oh,” Daniella smiled to herself when Giovanni mentioned Signore Fallaci. She knew that his mother would have had a great time. That wasn’t the only reason she smiled. Signore Fallaci had come over to her table when she had lunch at Cancio a week ago. It hadn’t taken her long, after their short and charming conversation, to enjoy the pleasure of unzipping his pants and taking him into her mouth. She remembered the envious glances from the other women who were having lunch when she began to suck his lengthy black cock. And the impressive cum load he had shot in her mouth had indeed been a pleasure to swallow.

“And… well… I was wondering… would you… maybe… be interested in having some… casserole with me?” Giovanni asked, more nervous than ever before.

Daniella was about to burst out in a yes but managed to take a moment to calm herself down a little.

“I would really like that, Giovanni.” She smiled happily.

“Oh, you would?” There was no hiding the joy in Giovanni’s eyes when he looked at Daniella.

“Of course, I would, Giovanni.” Daniella decided to take a bold step as well after Giovanni had asked her to have dinner with him. So with a tender, yet confident glance, she took Giovanni’s hand.

“Oh, ehm…” Giovanni gulped when he felt her fingers gently wrap around his.

Hand in hand, with hints of blushing smiles, Giovanni and Danielle walked down the street.

Over on the road between the town of San Casciano dei Bagni and the Martaci Vineyard, Alberto and Isabella passed a young blonde couple traveling in their direction. It wasn’t hard to tell that they were backpackers. Both wore rucksacks on their backs, and the man, who was slightly taller than the woman, was taking a photograph of her with the colorful landscape as the background.  

“Buona sera... Buona sera.” Both of the siblings said a quick hello as they peddled by.

“Buona sera,” the man and woman replied, both in broken Italian, and waved. They were both from Norway, here on their honeymoon. The woman, dressed in a white T-shirt and beige khaki shorts, had two flowing braids in her bright blonde hair that rested down the front of her shoulders. The man, with short ruffled hair, had on a sky blue shirt and greyish khaki shorts.

“Should I pose again?” Silje asked her husband Kristian in their native tongue of Norwegian, wondering if he had gotten the picture of the beautiful view.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind getting another.” Kristian smiled widely. He loved taking photographs of Silje, and since there was still some daylight, he knew that he could get some good ones. And for Kristian, a good photograph wasn’t something that could be rushed, it was art. He was a professional photographer after all. 

In Norway, he had even been published in several magazines, won a couple of awards, and been featured in a gallery. Quite the achievement for someone who was only twenty-six. It was also through his work that he had the fortune of having met the love of his life, Silje. 

“Hehe, okay, husband.” Silje smiled. She loved that she could call him husband now. 

Their marriage had taken place a few days ago back in their hometown of Trondheim, and it had been the happiest day in Silje’s life. The ceremony had been absolutely beautiful, with a quintet playing music, and doves being released outside. And Kristian had looked so handsome in his black tuxedo, white formal shirt and tie, and pair of shiny leather shoes. Following tradition, he had, of course, not worn any pants so his penis was bare for all to see. During the ceremony, Silje had not been able to keep her joyous tears back.

If their wedding day had been beautiful, their wedding night ended up being utterly magical. 

Kristian had arranged for them to spend the night in the presidential suite at the exclusive Blu Garden Hotel. There, outside their room, he whispered into her ear that he had a surprise for her. And after a small kiss on her cheek, he had put his arm around her legs, lifted her, and carried her inside the room. Which had been so romantic.

Inside, next to the king-size bed, Silje’s surprise awaited her in the form of a very handsome and very naked black man. The man was beyond handsome and very muscular, ripped even, with a cock that hung down to his knees. 

Though since it was customary for a groom to arrange for his bride to spend the wedding night with a black gentleman, this hadn’t been “the” surprise. The surprise was that the handsome man was Samson Onyanga, a Kenyan model that Silje had done a photo shoot with and also spent the night with. 

A night she had posted on her Instagram about, calling it the most intense and orgasmic night of her life, which had been something that the romantic-natured Kristian had taken note of.

“I love you,” Kristian had whispered when he had gently put her down onto her feet. 

“I love you.” Silje had been so taken, both by Kristian’s thoughtfulness and by the fact that Samson was there. She had followed his career and knew that he was busy with modeling jobs around the world, so for him to have taken the time to see her had meant a great deal. 

What had followed after Kristian had undressed her in front of Samson, had been a night of pure sweaty orgasmic bliss... 

“Beautiful.” Kristian smiled, having gotten the perfect shot of Silje with the all-seeing sun on the right.

“Can I see?” Knowing Kristian, Silje knew that it was going to be a gorgeous photograph.

“Of course.” Kristian brought up the photo on the display on the back of the camera.

“Wow, it is a stunning place, isn’t it?” Though Silje did glance at how she looked, she always looked good in her husband’s photos, her main focus was on the lovely Italian landscape.

“Like there…” She meant to point to the blossoming tree on the display but ended up clicking on the side of the screen which flicked to the next picture.

“Oh.” Silje smiled.

“I didn’t know you took a picture of me and Toby.” Silje saw herself on her knees in the warm lake, the water coming up just past her thighs. She had both her hands on Toby’s thick black cock, tugging its lengthy shaft whilst she sucked the tip.

“Well…” Kristian tapped on the screen and showed his wife that, not only had he taken one photo, he had taken several. All of which showed Silja in various sexual positions with Toby.

“You sneak,” Silje smiled whilst admiring the photos. Her nipples poked out through the thin fabric of her T-shirt when she saw Toby on top of her, kissing her passionately while his big cock was buried deep inside her pussy. She could feel the handsome black man inside of her through the lovely photos.

“You know I can’t help myself when you’re with a black man. You’re just so beautiful.” Kristian glanced lovingly into her blue eyes.

With a tender glow, from her husband’s sweet compliment, Silje leaned over and kissed him. She loved the fact that her husband was such an avid photographer, and took so many stunning photos of her, especially with black men. Some they had even framed at home.

Further down the road, by the sign that read; Martaci’s Vineyard and Inn, Alberto slowed down the bike and carefully turned off from the main road as Isabella held onto some of the goods so that they wouldn’t fall off.

“Hah, I think someone owes me an apology.” Alberto proudly stated when he managed to steer the bike past the small skip in the road without running over it.

“Okay, I’m sorry for saying that you would run into it. But you know you always do it.” It was as if her brother almost did it on purpose when she sat on the wooden cargo rack, which always made her jump. Though he never really did it when they had goods on the rack.

“Hehe,” Alberto chuckled to himself.

Following the grapevines next to the road, they were soon by the villa.

“Papá, mamma, we’re back,” Isabella called out after she delicately got up from the cargo rack.

“Oh good, did you get everything?” Lorenzo came out from their house and had just finished a glass of ice-cold water.

“Yes, everything on the list. As well as a few new orders.” Alberto took out his ledger to show his father.

“I’ll go and help Mamma with dinner.” Isabella greeted her father with a small kiss on his cheek before heading into their house. Since it was getting late, she knew that her mother would have probably already started with dinner. With her, she brought the box that Ferdinando had given her.

“Thank you, Topolino.” Though she was grown up, Lorenzo still used the cute nickname, little mouse, from time to time. A nickname that he had given his daughter when she was little.

“Let’s get these into the cellar first.” Lorenzo picked up the goods that needed to be kept cold, as did Alberto.

“Hi, Mamma,” Isabella put down the box on the kitchen table and went over to the stove where her mother was making some sauce for the evening lasagne, and gave her a small kiss.

“Hi, amore mio.” Corrina smiled and put a few more herbs into the sauce. 

Having made sure that it was properly seasoned, she put the lid back on and walked over to the sink, and soaked a towel. She exhaled lightly when she dabbed her face and cleavage with the cool watered-down towel. Even though the sun was going down, it was still rather hot. 

In front of her, through the open window past the sink, Corrina saw her husband coming out from the cellar. Having watched him dry off his sweaty forehead with his handkerchief, she could tell that he was about to look over in her direction, and decided to give him something to look at.

Hiding a smile, Corrina looked up and began dabbing her chest with the wet towel pretending to be washing off a little. In the corner of her eye, she could tell that Lorenzo had seen her in the window. Though it certainly became harder to hide her excitement when she slid the shoulder straps of her dress down her arms, letting the top of her dress fall to her waist, and in doing so exposing her naked breasts.

Leaning over, she began to slowly rub her soft breasts with the wet towel. By this point she didn’t need to glance over, she knew that her darling husband stared at her. Admittedly, she had intended to tease her husband, but at the same time, the cool water did feel nice and refreshing on her skin. In her mind, a win-win situation.

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Over by the kitchen table, Isabella shook her head jokingly at her mother’s behavior. Of course, she could certainly see herself teasing Ferdinando in the same manner.

Not able to hold back her smile any longer, Corrina glanced out at her husband, who was gawking at her, which made her smile even wider. And if he didn’t have his pants on, she knew that his cute penis would be standing straight up.

“Hi.” Through the open window, she managed to get Lorenzo’s attention.

“Oh.” Seeing Corrina looking at him, Lorenzo knew that she had caught him ogling her amazing nakedness. 

“Hi.” His expression was that of a joyful boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

With a lustful glance and a bending finger, Corrina motioned her husband to come over. Once at the window, Lorenzo leaned in as Corrina leaned over the sink, and in the middle, a tender kiss. 

“Ti amo.” After the sweet kiss, Lorenzo confessed his love for his wife.

“Anche io ti amo,” Corrina gave her husband another soft kiss after expressing her love for him as well.

Behind Corrina, Isabella had turned her attention to the cake box that Ferdinando had given her.

Might as well open it now… With no chance of dropping it, which Ferdinando had been worried about, Isabella carefully undid the ribbon that was tied around the box and opened it. 

“Oh, Mamma.” Isabella’s eyes widened when she saw what Ferdinando had written on the delicious-looking strawberry meringue cake he had made. She now realized that it hadn’t been for its delicate nature that he hadn’t wanted her to open it before. He had been too nervous since he had written down his feelings for her. 

“What is it, Isabella?” Corrina turned to her daughter after Lorenzo returned to lifting goods from the bicycle rack. Though he had certainly turned around a few times on his way back.

“Oh.” A warmth of happiness for her daughter showered over Corrina when she saw what it said on the cake.

On the cake, Ferdinando had written with red strawberry icing, Ti amo, Isabella. I love you, Isabella.

A small tear ran down Isabella’s cheek when she looked up at her mother.

“Oh, mamma, I… I love him too.” Isabella felt so emotional. She had never really dared to say it out loud or even think about it. But when she said it, it felt right. Standing up, she embraced her mother with small tears in her eyes.

“Oh, honey.” Corrina took her daughter into her arms. She was so overjoyed for her daughter. Not only because her daughter was in love, but because she had expressed her feelings openly. In the past, Isabella had always been more secretive about her feelings. 

Not far from the emotional embrace between mother and daughter, a sturdy and joyful hug was given between father and son. Alberto had just told his father what had happened between him and Adriana.

“I’m so happy for you, son,” Lorenzo remembered how nervous he had been when he had shown his feelings for Corrina. And given how much like himself his son was, he knew that it had taken Alberto quite some courage to reveal his feelings for Adriana.

“Grazie Papá.” A sense of pride washed over Alberto having told his father that he had confessed his love for Adriana and that she had felt the same way.

“I still can’t believe that she loves me too. It just makes me want to shout out my love for her.” Alberto couldn’t get rid of the smile he had on his face.

“Then you should do it, son,” Lorenzo told his son.

“Really? Here?” Alberto looked around where they stood in the cellar.

“Yes. I'll tell you what. I’ll start.” Lorenzo put his hands up to his mouth and formed a trumpet.

“I love you, Corrina!” Lorenzo called out whilst Alberto overcame his shyness.

“I… love you, Adriana!” 

Inside the kitchen, through the open window, Corrina thought for a moment that she heard her husband call out for her. Since her daughter had gone to fetch a camera, to take a picture of the beautiful cake she had been given, Corrina walked over to the window. And there she heard it again.

“I love you, Corrina!” She suddenly heard her husband’s muffled voice, which made her lips widen with love. Suddenly, however, another familiar voice became clear.

“I love you, Adriana!” Corrina heard her son’s muffled voice. 

Has he told her? Corrina wondered. If so, then this had truly become a joyous day, with both of her children in love.

With a heart as warm as the sun, Corrina returned to her daughter who had now fetched her camera and was taking some photographs of the cake. 

Outside, the sun slowly went down over the Italian vineyards, and by the time Lorenzo and Alberto had finished packing away all of the goods from town, the sky had a pink hue and dinner was ready.

“Looks almost as delicious as a certain beautiful woman I know.” Lorenzo looked over at Corrina when he sat down at the table.

“Oh, you.” Corrina loved her husband’s sweet charms.

Just as the Martacis´ were about to dig into their appetizing lasagne, there was a knock on the door.

“Oh, right, I’ll get it.” Corrina had an inkling of who it might be, and since she was already up on her feet, she went over to the door. Upon opening, she saw the blonde couple standing there.

“Buona sera, Buona sera,” the young couple said in broken Italian.

“Buona sera.” Corrina had been correct in her assumption. She had seen the note she had made on the calendar, that a couple from Norway had booked a room at their bed and breakfast.

“Ehm. Questo è il…” Silje Hansen paused for a moment. Her Italian wasn’t great, so she had to think about the next word.

“I speak English fairly well if that is easier?” Corrina smiled.

“Oh right, yes.” Both Silje and Kristian felt a bit relieved. They had taken some language classes before their honeymoon to Italy, but neither of them was very good at it. Their English, however, was fairly good.

“This is the Martaci bed and breakfast, right?” Silje asked.

“It sure is.” By this time Lorenzo had gotten up and walked over.

“My husband, Lorenzo. I’m Corrina,” Corrina introduced herself and her husband.

“Silje.” Silje couldn’t help but feel the fragrant aroma from the dinner table while she shook their hands.

“Kristian.” Kristian recognized the welcoming couple from the picture on the traveling site where he had booked the room.

“And these are our children, Alberto and Isabella.” Corrina and Lorenzo stepped aside so the Norwegian couple could see their kids, who both waved and said hello.

“Ah, I think we met them earlier on the road,” Kristian remembered the two from the road.

“It must have been some walk to get here, why don’t you put your backpacks over there, and join us for dinner.” Corrina gave her husband a look, who nodded.

“Oh, we don’t want to impose.” Silje didn’t want to disturb them during their family dinner.

“Oh, think nothing of it, we have more than enough.” Corrina took Silje around the arm.

“Okay, Grazie.” Silje smiled whilst also looking over happily at her husband.

“Di niente.” In a welcoming manner, Corrina said that it was their pleasure.

“Come in, come in.” Lorenzo helped Kristian with one of their backpacks since he was holding both of them.

“I didn’t want to say anything before, but it just smells so delicious.” Silje praised the fragrant food.

“Grazie.” Corrina was more than happy to share her cooking with her friends and guests.

Over the next hour, the Martacis' kitchen was filled with stories and laughter. Lorenzo shared how they discovered their signature wine almost by mistake, whilst Kristian told the story where he had spent an hour talking to a celebrity he was going to photograph, only to discover that he had gotten the time wrong, and he had spent the whole time talking to a stranger.

“Jeg er stappmett.” Kristian sat back in his chair and patted his belly.

 “Oh, sorry, I’m completely full,” he added when he realized that he had said it in his native tongue.

“I know that feeling.” Lorenzo patted his stomach and glanced over at Corrina with a hearty smile.

“You sure I can’t offer you another piece of pie?” Corrina hid a smile when she looked over at the two men who immediately shook their heads, being completely stuffed.

“It was so delicious Corrina, thank you.” Silje, who had also had a bit too much, thanked the Italian woman.

“My pleasure.” From a young age, having watched her mother prepare food, Corrina had been mesmerized by cooking. She loved every part of it. From preparing the ingredients to cooking and eating. Though the best part was perhaps the enjoyment and friendship that was shared amongst everyone around the table.

“Would you like some help with the dishes?” Silje offered.

“No, no, I already have some good help.” Corrina glanced over at her children who had already started to bring the plates to the sink.

“Well, we should probably...” Kristian nodded towards the door.

“Yeah, we should probably get some rest. Thanks again for the dinner, it was some of the best food that I’ve ever had.” Silje didn’t lie. She had truly found it beyond delicious.

“Yes, the lasagne was truly out of this world, thank you.” Kristian even had a hard time standing, he was that full.

“Grazie. Well, let me show you the guest room.” Corrina could tell by the way her husband had unbuttoned the first button of his pants, that he needed to sit a while.

“Thank you.” Silje and Kristian went over to their backpacks. 

“Oh right, I almost forgot to ask. Do you mind if we have some company in our room? We met this handsome and very helpful black man…”

“Toby,” Kristian gently cut in, and looked over at the Martacis' in an inquisitive manner, in the off chance that they might know him. Though it had occurred to him that it had been a bit improper of him to have forgotten to ask Toby for his last name.

Silje lit up when her husband mentioned the handsome man who had bedded her by the lake earlier.

“No, I can’t say that it rings a bell…” Corrina glanced over at her husband who also shook his head. Though just as she was about to mention that they could have guests over, she remembered a conversation she had a week ago. 

“Oh, wait. I think I remember Mrs. Detti mentioning that her husband had hired a young man to work in their vineyard. And I think his name was Toby. I remember since Mrs. Detti told me that he had given her quite the workout in the evenings.” Corrina’s eyes lit up a bit when she thought of the incredible stamina that black men possessed.

“Well, he sure gave me a workout.” Silje giggled as did Corrina.

Whilst the women giggled, a meager bulge had formed in both Kristian and Lorenzo’s pants. The two men had similar thoughts about their respective wives. Kristian imagined Silje in bed with Toby, riding his lengthy manhood whilst moaning heavily. And seeing the black man enjoy Silje’s naked body, slowly fondling her soft and perky breasts. Lorenzo, in turn, imagined Corrina on her back, with her legs spread, looking up at the big black man who was plunging his thick black cock deep into her pussy.

“Elskede… Elskede?”

“Oh, sorry, what?” Kristian, having been lost in lustful thoughts, suddenly heard Silje call him sweetheart in Norwegian.

“Hehe.” Silje smiled to herself. It wasn’t the first time Kristian had drifted off like that. It usually happened when she and her girlfriends discussed some handsome black men. Sometimes she even noticed a wet spot on the front of his pants, something she found so lovable. Since it meant that Kristian had just come thinking about her with a black guy.

At the same time, Corrina had noticed that Lorenzo was daydreaming, or in this case, evening dreaming, like Silje’s husband, and gave him a subtle and loving nudge.

“Ehm…” Lorenzo snapped out of his wonderful thoughts, and with the beautiful and knowing expression that his wife had on her face, he could tell that she knew what he had been thinking about.

“Corrina just told me that we are welcome to have guests over. Especially black men.” Silje decided to tease her husband a little more.

“Oh, great, I mean, thank you, I mean…” Kristian’s penis pushed hard against the inside of his pants, so it was a bit hard for him to think of what to say.

“Hehe.” Both Silje and Corrina looked at each other with knowing smiles. It wasn’t the first time they had seen their lovable men like that.

“Well, let me show you your room,” Corrina told her guest, while she leaned over and whispered to her husband.

“Try to hold it until I get back, okay, amore mío.” Corrina had gotten rather aroused herself, and wanted to have some fun when she had shown the Hansens their room.

“Okay.” Lorenzo gulped in anticipation.

Over at the kitchen sink, Isabella and Alberto were about to start doing the dishes when Alberto looked over at the clock.

“Isa, would you mind doing the dishes? I thought I would head over and say goodnight to Adriana. I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.” Alberto looked over at his sister with puppy dog eyes. He had hoped to say goodnight to Adriana, and since it was already late in the evening, he didn’t want to wait until they had finished the dishes.

“Well…” Isabella looked at her brother. Though washing the dishes wasn’t the most exciting thing to do, she wasn’t going to tell her brother no, knowing how much he wanted to see Adriana. However, she was going to try to sweeten the deal a bit.

“Okay, but how about you do the dishes tomorrow, and the next day?” Isabella sneakily smiled whilst adding another day.

“Deal, Grazie Isa.” In Alberto’s mind, being able to say goodnight to Adriana on the day he told her he loved her was worth much more than two days doing the dishes.

“Papá, Mamma, I’m just going to head over to the Abruzzos and say goodnight to Adriana.” An elated Alberto called out as he hurried past his mother and the Hansens on his way out.

“Okay, just don’t be too long.” Corrina managed to say while her excited son rushed by.

“I won't.” Alberto turned around and waved.

“And it was nice meeting you.” Being the polite man that he was, Alberto also waved to Silje and Kristian.

“You as well.” Silje and Kristian weren’t sure if he heard them since Alberto seemed to be in quite a hurry.

“He and the girl next door are in love,” Corrina proudly revealed to the Hansens’. 

“That will do it.” Kristian smiled, and at the same time looked at Silje with love in his eyes.



To be continued…

Written by eeric_stories
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