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The Tangled Web - Chapter 3 - A Sporting Chance

"Sara Sam have a near-miss and Sara’s boyfriend David succumbs to temptation... again!"

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Chapter 3 – 1998 – A Sporting Chance

Sara & Sam have a near-miss and Sara’s boyfriend David succumbs to temptation... again! You will understand this story better and enjoy it much more if you read Chapters 1 and 2 first.

The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years, based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories and is a comprehensive revision of a series I first published nearly ten years ago.

After a very positive response to the original publication of Chapters 1 and 2, I became more ambitious and started the expansion of TTW into a much longer work involving more of the characters met or referred to so far. This also meant learning to write from other points of view.

This was my first story with a section told exclusively from a male perspective. I quickly realised that despite 20 years of marriage, I still had a lot to learn about men! You can imagine the difficulties I had trying to extract background information and ‘advice’ on how men think from my husband without him realising what I was doing, or worse, misinterpreting my motives with potentially serious consequences.

This story gives the reader two ‘bites at the cherry’ in that there are two different sex scenes with two different couples, each with its own ‘twist’.

I hope it works as a story and that you like the result. Again, I’m sure a good few ‘girly’ influences crept in on the way but I hope you will forgive them.

Jenny x

Pinned to the guest room bed by his strong, athletic body, Sara looked up adoringly into her brother Sam’s face as it grimaced and contorted merely inches above hers and he began the familiar short sharp uncontrolled thrusts that she knew accompanied a powerful orgasm. She opened her legs instinctively wider and bit her lip hard as he penetrated an unexpected extra inch deeper and the familiar, slightly painful ‘thump thump’ of his erection against her cervix began.

His body twisted and trembled with the strength of his climax. Sara’s fingertips raked her brother’s sides and lower back as began to ejaculate deep within her, grunting coarsely, his cock pulsing wildly, his thrusts driving her bodily up the bed with each powerful stroke until they finally slowed and stopped.

Sam, panting slightly, lowered his sweaty body slowly onto his sister’s soft frame. She felt the pressure of his weight on her hips, forcing her thighs even wider apart as his erection began to fade inside her. She wrapped her legs tightly around his, still wearing her short white tennis socks and trainers, her hands now gripping his tight buttocks as if to hold him inside her forever.

She hadn’t reached a climax herself but it didn’t matter - not as long as Sam was happy. A warm glow spread through her body. Sometimes it was enough just to be with him, to have him so close and to feel his body within hers...

God! How she loved him. She thought she had been in love before but... there couldn’t be any other explanation for the soppy, cheap-romantic-novel-style thoughts that kept taking over her mind. Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck and her lips found his salty mouth.

They kissed softly and lovingly for a long time.

Sara and Sam had actually played a real tennis match that evening and, despite their severe lack of practice, had managed to beat their opponents in straight sets. Apart from the natural high this undeserved victory had given them, their straight sets win meant they still had time to go back to Sam and Lynn’s house and make love. If they were quick...

And they had been quick; the evidence was obvious. Sara’s shirt and sports bra were bunched up uncomfortably under her chin baring her small boobs; her skirt was raised high around her belly button and God alone knew where her panties were. Sam still wore his shirt but his shorts and pants were tangled around his ankles as if neither could afford to waste a single second of their time together.

As they lay entwined on the rumpled bed, their breathing gradually returned to normal but Sara was in no hurry to release her brother – and he showed no sign of wanting to leave her body. They lay together, their bodies still joined at the waist, listening to the sounds of the evening.

“Was it... ok for you, Midge?” Sam asked eventually, tentatively, as if sensing her lack of ultimate release.

“It was... wonderful!” She replied - in her mind it was barely half a lie.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hold back...” He apologised. “There’s something about you that...”

“Shhh!” She said and kissed him again to silence him.

“We could always try again in a few minutes.” He continued after their lips had parted.

Sara tightened her pelvic floor around his flaccid shaft to test the idea. Perhaps it wasn’t as flaccid as it had been only a few minutes ago. She squeezed him again and felt a definite response from his organ as it began to stir inside her.

“I think you might be right, Big Brother...” She whispered, smiling broadly.

She began to stroke his strong chest and arms again as down below her vagina tightened and released, tightened and released, each time meeting more resistance from the welcome invader within.

A short while later he had recovered enough to slide gently in and out of her body once again, slowly at first, then gradually faster as his erection became firmer and firmer. Sara threw her head back with the sweet pleasure and closed her eyes as a warm tide began to wash over her belly and into her chest.

Sam’s strokes quickened. Soft wet slapping sounds filled Sara’s ears as her brother’s cock churned their joint juices. He was moving faster now, the warm glow spreading from her chest up into her face and down into her thighs. This time she would make it... this time she would...

Suddenly the sound of a car door slamming very close by filled the room. Sam stopped his thrusting suddenly. Sara whimpered beneath him.

“Oh Jesus! She’s back early!” Sam half choked on his words and leapt to his feet, pulling his hard cock unceremoniously out of his sister’s vagina with a slurping sound. Sara yelped in surprise and pain.

“Shit Sam! What shall I do? What shall I do?” She hissed, rolling off the bed in panic, warm stickiness from their first coupling running down the inside of her thighs.

“Into the bathroom... Go on... I’ll go down and... Oh God!” He urged her and within seconds she was gone, the bathroom door slamming behind her.

Sam pulled his pants and shorts quickly up over his sticky groin and frantically straightened the bed as downstairs the front door opened , hoping against hope that there would be no obvious wet patch on the covers for his wife Lynn to see – if she came upstairs. He smoothed down his clothes as best he could then half ran down the stairs quickly to greet and, if possible divert his lovely wife’s attention.

As his footsteps faded, Sara locked the bathroom door, turned round and, raising her skirt, sat down on the toilet. Calm! Be calm! She told herself as she fought to control her panicked breathing. You’ve just brought him back from the tennis. You needed the loo. There’s nothing to be suspicious about. Calm...Down...

Wiping herself carefully between her thighs with bathroom tissue, she began to feel cleaner and calmer – better still after wriggling her sports bra uncomfortably back down over her sore boobs and smoothing her tennis shirt over the top. Standing up, she inspected herself in the bathroom mirror. Her face was flushed from her near-orgasm but then it would have been anyway after a hard tennis match. Her hair was a mess though. Looking around she saw with relief one of Sam’s combs and dragged it painfully through her tangled locks. Not great but it would do!

She turned round to inspect her back in the mirror. The shirt and skirt were badly rumpled. That would take some explaining if Lynn noticed and... Oh no! There was a wet patch on her skirt at the back where she had leaked onto it.

And where the hell were her panties?

The sound of calm voices downstairs reassured her a little. She silently opened the door and slipped onto the landing. Sam and Lynn were chatting in the kitchen downstairs, quite normally. She tiptoed into the bedroom and searched frantically for her panties but without success.

Oh God! She would just have to brave it out. She couldn’t take any longer in the loo or Lynn would think she was unwell. Taking a deep breath and very much conscious of her lack of panties, Sara flushed the toilet in the bathroom went nervously downstairs to join her brother and his wife.

“Straight sets! That’s fantastic Darling!” Lynn was saying as her sister in law quietly joined them in the kitchen. She kissed her husband proudly on the cheek.”And you too!” She added doing the same to Sara. “I knew all that training would pay off.”

“There was a fire alarm and Lynn’s class had to end early.” Sam told Sara in something of a stage voice. Sara was trying not to move too much in case of further leakage and she absolutely must not let Lynn see the back of her skirt.

“How about a glass of wine to celebrate?” Lynn asked, crossing to the fridge and pausing with her hand on the door, Sara felt panic overcoming her.

“I’d love to...” She said a little too quickly perhaps. “But... um... Dave’s cooking for us tonight. I really should be on my way.” She backed to the door.

Lynn looked genuinely disappointed. “Well, if you’re really sure...”

Sara could feel a small trickle beginning to run down her inner thigh.

“Next time for definite!” She said and backed into the hallway before almost running to the door.

Sam followed close behind. As Sara opened the front door she turned towards him, a look of desperation on her face. He looked reassuringly at her and bent to give her a brotherly peck on the cheek as Lynn waved from the kitchen doorway.

“A close shave but we got away with it.” He whispered, pressing something soft into Sara’s hand.

“Sam I couldn’t find...” She began to protest but he shushed her quickly and nodded downwards to her closed fist.

“It’s sorted!” He hissed then much louder. “See you next Tuesday for training?”

“Right!” Sara responded and left the house.

Once the front door had closed behind her she walked carefully to the car and, making sure her skirt did not ride up, slipped into the driver’s seat. She opened her fist to see her panties rolled into a ball.

She breathed a deep sigh of relief then, not for the first time, drove away without underwear.

On the way home she stopped in a lay-by on the ring road and pulled her panties back on with a great deal of difficulty. They were cold and damp but she mustn’t let that distract her.

After all, David would be a lot harder to fool, she thought as she pulled into the car park of their block of flats.


Sara and her boyfriend David had graduated from University and now lived together in a modern flat in the south of the city. Sara had started accountancy training with a local firm and David was training to be a teacher, working in a local secondary school. They both enjoyed their work and were, on the whole, happy together - but now each had a dark secret.

David, despite genuinely trying, had found it impossible to remain faithful to Sara. She had always suspected him of having had ‘flings’ with other girls and, but for her own continuing incestuous affair, would have left him months ago. However she now saw him, in addition to the ‘good’ aspects of their relationship, as being a useful way of deflecting attention away from her deepening involvement with the man she increasingly believed was the true love of her life – her brother Sam.

It would not have crossed David’s mind that his girlfriend Sara had also been ‘playing away’. Her lack of libido alone was testament to that.

That evening, David had been working late at school, supervising a five-a-side football competition – or at least that was how the evening had started.

He had not been home for long when Sara returned – a little earlier than usual - with a pink flush on her cheeks and chest – as if she had been exercising hard all evening.

As the front door opened unexpectedly he hurriedly flicked shut the case of his mobile phone and turned on the television as Sara entered the room and made a bee-line for the bathroom apparently without noticing him.

“Hi Babe!” He greeted her. Sara turned round suddenly - almost guiltily to face him, her back pressed close to the wall.

“Oh... Hi...” There was something a little... odd about her manner, he thought but he was pleased she hadn’t overheard him talking on his mobile as she came in.

“Was it a good evening?” He asked her. “Did you make it?”

Sara looked thunderstruck but tried to act casually “Mmmm?”

“Did you make it through to the semi finals?” he persisted.

“Oh! Yes. Yes we did!” She sidled along towards the bedroom, her back still to the wall. “Straight sets too! It was tough though. I’m worn out!”

She looked anxious, he thought.

“Oh! Straight sets? So what did the two of you do for the rest of the evening?” He pressed her.

“We... we played each other.” She replied. “Actually it was very hard work.” She continued, her voice now sounding a little irritated.

“You must be tired.” David suggested, hoping she would contradict him.

“I’m whacked, Dave! I’m going to have a bath and go to bed.” She announced and backed out of the room.

David, unsuspecting, had followed her through to the bedroom and, as usual, had tried to interest her in a little lovemaking. Also as usual, he had failed. He always failed on Thursdays and knew full well that this particular Thursday he had nothing to complain about. But David didn’t handle rejection well. He had gone back to the kitchen and poured himself a beer.

"Bloody Thursdays!" he fumed to himself. "Bloody tennis! And "Bloody Sam!"

He sat down on one of the kitchen stools and sulked. There was something perverse about Thursdays. Why was it that Sara would never have sex with him on the day he always seemed to want it most? Or, he laughed hollowly, was it really the other way round? Why did he always want it most on the day he knew she would refuse him?

Well at least today there had been Paula. Paula who had probably never said no to him in her life. He knew he had done a bad thing today but, well if Sara never found out and it didn’t happen again...

But deep down he knew it would happen again.

David was, on the whole, happy in his relationship with Sara, especially now that things in bed had improved (apart from bloody Thursdays), but for reasons he could not understand he still could not keep his eyes, his mind and, as today had proved, his hands - off other women.

Before their holiday in Spain last year he had convinced himself he had at least part of an excuse. After the thrill of their early months together, Sara had gradually become less interested in sex and he had found that aspect of their relationship very frustrating. After all, with a cock the size of his, why wouldn’t a girl want to have him as often as possible? It did not occur to him that his painfully huge size and lack of sensitivity were a major cause of Sara’s declining interest.

One look at the pained expression on Sara’s face after an hour in bed with David in one of his ‘wham bam’ moods would have given him the answer but he was not the sort of man to notice this.

As a result of his frustration, he had ‘occasionally’ weakened and found sexual solace with one or two of their friends or even girls he had met through the school. Single Mums were particularly easy to seduce if you were as good looking as he was, but these had been mostly one night stands and, to him, had meant little. But he knew for certain that, if discovered by Sara they would have meant the end of their relationship and right now, David did not want that at all.

However, since their holiday and the terrible row they had had that one night, sex with Sara had certainly changed for the better – when it happened, that is. Almost from the next day she had become more confident, more self assured, much more sexually aware and more in control of their relationship. This was new to David who was used to being the one in charge and had taken quite a bit of getting used to, but now he could see the benefits.

Well, apart from one big fly in the ointment - he was really beginning to resent the amount of time Sara spent with her brother Sam, especially now that they were competing in their club's tennis competitions.

Jealousy was a...

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Written by JennyGently
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