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Rachel and Daniel get to know eachother

"Rachel and Daniel's parents wanted them to get to know eachother, so they did."

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“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.

“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.

She walked in and said “No I’m sorry, I forgot my keys.” Rachel stalked off into her bedroom leaving her half brother at the door confused.

When Rachel reached her room she flopped herself down on her twin bed. What a boring day of classes. When she graduated high school she thought college was going to be easy but she was wrong. She started to feel kind of bad for treating her new brother rudely. It wasn’t easy to share her home and her mother.

Rachel had only met her biological father Andy and her half brother Daniel two months ago. Her mother Ruth presented them both to Rachel, telling and her brother the story of how she ran into Andy and how they had been seeing each other for a while. After only three weeks of being together again her mother and Andy got married in Las Vegas. Leaving Rachel to deal with a new father and a half brother to get used to.

Looking at her father Andy, there was no mistake that he really was her father. Rachel had the same dark curly hair and hazel eyes. She also had some of the same expressions that he had. Rachel also resembled Daniel. He had the same hair and eyes both Rachel and their father had. Rachel thought about the first time her and Daniel met.

When Ruth introduced them they shook hands but Rachel felt an instant connection to him. It was like electricity the whole time her mother blabbed on. She could tell the way Daniel looked her and smiled that he felt the same connection. But both of them had no idea what to make of it, so they did nothing. Rachel thought Daniel was very handsome. He was two years younger than she was, tall, 170 pounds, curly hair that was in a long style, piercing hazel eyes and a killer smile. All the girls loved him!

Rachel quit daydreaming when she heard her mother yelling from the kitchen. She reluctantly dragged herself off the mattress and walked out of her room.

“Yes mother.” Rachel said as she approached her mom. “What is it?"

Ruth looked at her daughter and replied “Your dad and I would like to go out this weekend, Daniel already said he didn't’t want to come, but would you like to?”

Rachel met eyes with her half brother who was standing in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water. They both shuddered at thought of sharing a hotel room with their parents. “You know what mom, it’s OK. You and Andy enjoy the weekend.” Rachel said smiling at Daniel.

Ruth looked at the both of them and asked “What!?” With a confused look.

Rachel chose that moment to avoid a conversation of how she really didn't’t want to be in the same room if her parents were just going to have sex and exited the kitchen “I’m gonna go shower.” She called out heading to the bathroom her and Daniel shared.

Rachel turned on the hot water and let it run while the undressed herself. She peeled of her tight black t shirt then her tight blue jeans. She stood there in her pink silk bra and matching thong admiring herself in the full length mirror. She unclasped her bra and let it slid of her thin body. Rachel was pretty happy with her body. She was 4 foot 11, 130 pounds, long curly hair that reached the middle of her back. Her beautiful hazel eyes were her best feature, she thought. She had a light tan and perfect 34 c size breasts.

Rachel slid off her pink thong and jumped in the hot shower. She thought about sharing the house with her brother for the whole weekend. “What are we going to do?” Rachel wondered. She soaped her body down and scrubbed. She knew she wanted to get to know Daniel better, maybe more than better. That part would depend on him though. Rachel knew that Daniel wanted to be with her, but he was way to shy to make a move. Either that or he was too ashamed. Rachel rinsed herself off and washed the shampoo out of her hair and shut of the shower.

She stepped out on to the cool floor of the bathroom. “Maybe we can go see a movie together? Or even better, rent one and watch it here.” Rachel thought as she admired herself once more through the foggy mirror. She brought her hand to her wet naked breast and played with the nipple a little. “I wish Daniel would touch me like this.” She thought as she stopped. She wrapped a towel around her naked body and proceeded to go to her room.

On her way to her room she passed Daniel’s room. He looked up from his desk and watched Rachel as she passed. Rachel smiled to herself. She closed herself up in her room and clothed her thin body. She choose some black short shorts and a thin green tank top that barely covered her belly button. She smelled food cooking from the kitchen so she hurried and brushed out her long hair and clipped it back.

“Kids dinner!” Ruth called out from the kitchen.

Rachel heard her brother rush out of his room to go eat. Rachel on the other hand wanted to pretty herself up a little before she faced her handsome half brother. She dabbed on a little pink lip gloss and she sprayed herself with a vanilla scented body spray. She looked at her self in her make up mirror and thought “ Not bad.”

Rachel strolled out into the kitchen and took a small plate from the cupboard. By the time she got her food and sat down at the table Daniel, Andy and Ruth were almost done eating.

“OK, now that we are all here your mother and I are going to set some rules for while we are gone.” Rachel heard her father say as she swallowed her mashed potatoes. “There will be no parties, at all! In fact I don’t want anyone else here but you two. Clear?” Andy said as he pointed at both Daniel and Rachel. Andy didn't’t continue until both of them nodded yes. “Your mother and I left numbers of the places we will be staying at, please call if you guys have an emergency.” He said.

“OK, thanks dad.” Daniel said as he started getting up from the table.

“No stay put for a minute Daniel, I want to talk to you both about something else.” Andy said pointing at both Rachel and Daniel again. “I’m leaving $250 for the both of you. I’ve noticed you two haven’t had very much time to get to know each other and that makes me a little sad.” Andy said shaking his head. He looked at Rachel and said “Look, Rach, I know your busy with school, but I really want both of my kids to get along and actually interact with each other.”

Ruth cut in “Yes that’s true. Hello and goodbye are the most I ever hear you two tell each other. It’s been two months and I know it’s not been easy, but at least try.” She looked at her husband and continued “This money is for you both to go out and have a good time, but not too good of time.” She said laughing.

Andy chuckled a little too and said “We are leaving early in the morning, so we will be going to bed after we finish eating.”

Rachel got up from the table and went to her mother gave her a big hug and said “I love you mommy, I hope you guys have a good trip.” After that she went up to Andy and reluctantly gave him a hug too.

“I love you Rachel.” Andy said squeezing his daughter tightly.

Rachel quickly broke out of the hug and muttered a quiet “Yeah, me too.” She picked up her dirty dinner plate and walked to the kitchen to wash her plate. She heard her mom coming up behind her.

“Would it kill you to tell him you love him too?” She asked placing her hands on her daughters shoulders lightly. “Please honey, please try to love him. Do it for me.” Her mother said sighing as she walked away.

Rachel looked her fathers way and caught him in a hug with Daniel. “Take care of your sister please. Don’t let anything happen.” Andy said shaking Daniel’s hand. Andy came up to Rachel and said “I’m sorry, I’m still trying to find my boundaries.”

Rachel wrapped her arms around her father. “No I’m sorry if I’m rude sometimes. This is still really hard for me. But I want you to know I care for you. Please be careful on your trip.” She said breaking away from her father.

“Thank you Rachel.” Andy said smiling. “Goodnight and I’ll see you two on Monday.” He said heading to his room to go to sleep.

 Rachel then walked over to her brother and said “I gotta apologize to you too. I’m sorry for being rude and nasty to you. Will you forgive me? She asked quietly.

Daniel smiled and said “Of course I forgive you. Better start thinking of some stuff we can do together this weekend.” He pulled Rachel into a hug. “I can’t wait to spend time together.” He whispered in her ear. They stood their hugging for a few more seconds. As they broke apart Rachel felt the hardness in Daniels pants. She pretended not to notice and she backed away and said goodnight.

Rachel went to bed early that night but she awoke in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. She got up and found her robe and wondered out into the hallway. She saw the night light that lit up the bathroom. She went in and shut the door quietly and did her business. She washed her hands and quietly walked out. She notice her brothers room was opened a crack. She didn't’t think anything of it and crawled back into her bed.

She tossed and turned for a couple of minutes but couldn't’t go to sleep. So she just laid silently in bed and looked at the wall that was attached to Daniels room. She wondered if he was sleeping. She didn't’t have to wonder for long because she began to hear sounds escaping from the wall. She got up from her bed and walked over to the wall. She put her ear to it and listened closely.

“Oh yeah…” She heard her brother moan quietly. She wondered what he could be doing. After a couple more sensual moans it occurred to her that her half brother was masturbating. “Oh Rachel, god yes, don’t stop!” Rachel heard as her heart skipped a beat. She began to feel herself getting wet at the thought of Daniel thinking of her while he masturbated. Her hand reached down to her shorts. She slipped off her undergarments and touched her wet lips. She was getting pretty wet listening to her brother jerk off. She found it very sexy.

Rachel brought her other hand to her now naked breast and pulled on the nipple getting it hard. She let out an almost silent moan. “Fuck me, yeah baby!” Daniel moaned a little louder. Rachel caressed her clit softly to the rythym of Daniels moans.

She was almost there when she heard Daniel gasp “Yes, oh yes Rachel you are unbelievable!”

When she heard that she couldn't’t hold her orgasm in any longer. Rachel leaned up against the wall as her body tensed up she released her pleasuring orgasm while moaning “Oh my god Daniel! Yes baby yes.”

She heard Daniels door close and she heard him fumbling to get his clothes on. Rachel wondered if he had heard her. She didn't’t mind if he did hear her she thought flopping onto her soft bed and instantly falling asleep naked.

The next morning Rachel woke up confused to the smell of pancakes. She looked at her alarm clock it wasn’t too late in the morning. She got up to find a note on her dresser from her mother telling her “Goodbye, Have a great weekend, and when did you start sleeping naked?” She smiled and thought “If only she knew what I did last night.” Rachel walked slowly over to her closet to pick something sexy to wear for the day. She chose a low cut, tight, light blue long-sleeved shirt with a tight pair of dark blue jeans. She put on a navy colored lace bra and matching panties underneath. After that she went to the bathroom to style her hair and put on a little makeup. When she was done she looked at herself in the mirror. “Today’s the day…” Rachel thought to herself.

She headed to the kitchen to get something to eat and when she got there Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table eating. “I made pancakes for you. I know they are your favorite.” Daniel said looking up from his plate.

Rachel looked at him making sure he noticed her, and smile. “Thanks Daniel you really didn't’t have to.” She said as she put two pancakes, with syrup on her plate. She walked to the table and sat across from Daniel, wondering if he heard her touching herself the night before. “So, what do you want to do today?” Rachel asked as she stuffed her mouth with the sweet bread.

Daniel grinned at her like a 5 year old boy and said “Well there is a circus in town that should be cool, after that I would like to take you out to eat then after that we could maybe rent a couple movies and watch them here?”

“That sounds great! What time is the circus?” Rachel asked finishing up her pancakes.

“In about an hour, I going to go get dressed and we can get a coffee and head over there if you would like?” Her half brother said getting up from the table.

Rachel also stood up from the table taking her plate with her. “Yeah, sounds like a good plan bro.” She said patting him on the back.

She heard Daniel run to his room to change as she scrubbed her dish in the sink. She finished and dried her hands on the small towel on the counter. Rachel strolled out into the living room and sat on the easy chair, after a few minutes of boredom she got up from the chair and headed to her room. On the way she noticed Daniel’s bedroom door was open a small crack again. She stopped by and peeked in. “A small look won’t hurt.”

Daniel’s back was turned to her as he was putting deodorant on. He was naked except for his black and red boxers. “Damn he looks good!” Rachel thought as she admired his body. Then without warning Daniel quickly turned to look at the door. Rachel stepped back rapidly and headed to her room for her purse. She sprayed herself with her favorite perfume as she stepped back into the hall way. There she met up with Daniel who was barely exiting his own room.

“Ready Rachel?” Daniel asked looking as if he knew a big secret.

Fuck, he saw me! Rachel thought her heart raced as she looked at Daniel. She managed a small smile and said “Ready when you are.”

Daniel led the way out of the house and to his car where he opened the door for Rachel. She stepped in strapping on her seat belt. Daniel hopped in the car and did the same. He looked around the car and sheepishly said “Sorry it’s so messy in here.”

Rachel had hardly noticed, she was too busy staring at her brother. She let out a chuckle and replied “Trust me I’ve seen way worse!”

Daniel laughed and started the engine. Within 5 minutes of the siblings talking about school they arrived at the small circus. Again Daniel rushed over to the other side of the car to open Rachel’s door. Rachel was loving the attention Daniel was giving her.

“Rachel, can I ask you a favor?” Daniel asked. Without waiting for an answer he continued talking. “Lets forget about being siblings, just for today. Can we please just think of each other as friends. I really do want to get to know each other. It just would have been way easier if we would have met a long time ago.”

Rachel started walking along with Daniel. She thought for a second and said “Of course. That’s kind of perfect actually. Lets do that.” She gave Daniel a big smile as they walked in to view the circus.

For the rest of the day the two siblings talked and laughed like they had known each other for years. After the circus Daniel kept his promise to take Rachel out to eat. He chose a nice romantic restaurant. While they ate they discussed passed and present loves. Even though Daniel was only 19 he had a lot of heart break. But then again so did Rachel. It was then that both Daniel and Rachel’s feelings began to change for each other. As they were leaving the restaurant Daniel reached for Rachel’s hand.

Rachel was a little surprised when he grabbed for it but she didn't’t pull away. She thought it was nice. After the restaurant Daniel drove them to a special spot by a nearby river. It was to cold to swim but it was pretty to look at. They both got out of the car and found a place to sit...

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Written by DeliaStar05
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