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My Sade, The End

"The conclusion..."

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Four days later, we were saying goodbye to the house that I had for so many years. Lots of good memories in that house. But it was time to start a new life with Sade. The day after we bought the farm house, Sade had her horse moved there. Her friends were all worried about not seeing her again, but she assured them that she would be in school there until she graduated. To which they were all so very happy.

Moving day was a rush. Friends came over to help with what the movers didn't get and to help us get all moved into the new house. We got the vehicles moved over there, except the one we drove and soon the house was empty and I was locking the door. Getting into the car, I kissed her hand and we pulled out. Once at the farm, everyone worked just as hard to help us get everything unpacked and put away. I ordered pizza and sent Sade into town to pick it up along with soda for everyone.

When she returned, everyone dug in and found some place to sit and eat. Sade never left my side for long as we ate and I wondered what every one would think. We all separated into groups and had a fun time just talking about everything and anything. It was another hour before everyone started leaving. Although I loved all my friends, I was really glad to see them leave. It meant that I finally had Sade all to myself.

Once everyone was gone, we worked together to get the little bit of dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up again. We walked through and turned out lights and checked locks. I went into the bedroom and looked at Sade. Smiling, she walked in with me without a second glance to her room. Walked right into my arms and again I realized just how perfect she fit. I kissed her and she was greedy and needy.

I stepped back from her and slowly undressed her and then myself. She hopped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I settled my hands on her ass, supporting her as she rode my cock. We were both groaning and suddenly, she stiffened and cried as she came and I was quick to follow her. I carried her over to the bed and we fell together in a tangle of limbs. I kissed everywhere I could and loved how she moaned and groaned under me. She sighed as my cock slid inside her, filling her. Together, we brought each other to orgasm several times. The sheets were soaked in cum. I loved how excited I got her and how much she would cum for me. I loved eating her pussy both before and after we fucked.

We had taken a break and were resting in bed. Suddenly, I needed to eat. I was so hungry for her. Her cum was my food. She was still half asleep and I got between her legs and started licking and sucking on her pussy and clit. Sleep was quickly forgotten and her body arched up and I dug in more and stuck my tongue as far into her pussy as I possibly could. When she came, she came hard again and I lapped up her juice like a thirsty man finding water in the desert. Finally, I relented and jumped out of bed. I went and got out the vibrator. She grinned like a fool when she saw it. Getting back into bed, I took the vibrator and held it over her clit. I grinned wickedly as she convulsed and tried to get way from it. I held it firmly against her clit and watched as she thrashed out orgasm after orgasm.

She was sobbing for me to quit, but I wouldn't. I stuck it into her pussy and began fucking her quickly. I leaned over and kissed her hard. I wanted to see if I could get her to squirt for me. She was sobbing and cumming everywhere. I pumped that vibrator in and out of her quickly. Suddenly, the vibrator started having a hard time getting in. pulling it out quickly, Sade screamed and squirted cum all over my chest.

Slowly, I worked the vibrator into her ass and turned it on high. Lifting her legs over my chest, I began thrusting into her pussy. I loved the feel of the vibrations on my cock. I tried to hold out but the vibrations were so wonderful that we both came together. I took the vibrator out of her ass and turned it off. Looking down at Sade, all I saw in her eyes was love and hope. I reached into the nightstand and grabbed the other box in there. I sat down beside her and took her hand in mine.

“Sade, you know I love you very much. I want to have a life with you at my side. I want to have a family with you. Sade Marie Kenny, will you honor me by marrying me,” I asked and handed her the box.

She looked at me and the slowly opened the box. She gasped as she saw the ring that went with her choker. I looked over her shoulder at the clock and grinned. Perfectly planned.

“Happy 17th birthday, baby girl,” I said.

Sade looked at me and started crying. Horrified, I gathered her into my arms and held her. Wondering what I did so wrong. Through her tears, she tried to explain, but it was all garbled. Finally, she calmed down and placed her hand on my cheek.

“Oh, Ash, how could I not marry you! I love you so much. And it is I that will be honored to be your wife,” she replied.

I leaned over and kissed her. Wanting only to be with her. So happy to know that she would marry me.

In two months, we were married and honeymooned in Jamaica. We were back before school started again and Sade took me as her date for prom. She just told her friends that she didn't want to go with any of the boys and wanted to share this special day with her uncle. I held her close and twirled her around and around the gym floor. The dress I bought her was very low cut in the back and I was able to slide my hands down and cup her ass. After several dances, they announced the king and queen.

I asked Sade if she was upset because she didn't get nominated. Laughing, she wrapped her arm around my waist and told me that she was already a queen because of me. We left shortly after and I had just settled her in the car and leaned down to kiss her, when Marcie called out. Leaning my forehead against hers, I groaned. Turning towards her, I politely said hello.

“Hi, Ash. The girls and I were wondering if there was a possibility if we could get together day after tomorrow at y'all's farm. We have missed Sade so much,” she said sweetly. I looked at her and decided why the hell not. I told her that it was okay with me if Sade didn't mind. Sade laughed and said it would be fine with her. With that Marcie ran her hand down my arm and said that she would see us the day after next. I sneered as she walked away. That kid was nothing but trouble.

I got into the car and eased her temper. I knew that she saw what Marcie did. I knew that she was pissed. I pulled her to me and kissed her. Then I reassured her that everything was okay and that I wouldn't ever leave her. Pulling back, I started the car and headed back home.

Once home, I opened her door and grabbed her up. I carried her into the house and kicked the door closed. That dress had been bothering me all evening. Setting her on the bed, I lifted her leg and took off her shoes. Kissing her feet as I freed it from her shoe. She giggled and demanded that I worship her feet. Laughing, I did just that. Sucking on each toe and kissing all over her feet up to her ankle. Then I slide my tongue up her leg to the junction of her thighs.

Pulling her upright, I slowly kissed her shoulders and untied the dress. Keeping her pressed against me, I allowed the dress to fall and pool at her feet. I pulled the pins from her hair and shook it free. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her passionately. My lover, my wife was everything I ever desired. She was a wonderful woman and very passionate in her affections and eager to please both herself and me. My lips traveled the path her dress made and her body shivered at my touch. I know I will never get tired of that reaction. I laid her on the bed gently and started running my hands over her. I paused when I ran over her tummy.

Normally so smooth and tight, it was rounded out just a little. Not enough for anyone to really notice. Shoot, I hadn't noticed until right then. Splaying my hand over her tummy, I looked up at her. Grinning and laughing, she nodded her head to my silent question.

Warmth spread through me as she confirmed what I had thought. We were going to have a baby! I made love to her so slowly and tenderly that she was weeping with joy and love. After, I was propped up on the headboard and she was laying against me. I had my hands splayed over her tummy, marveling at that thought that our baby was growing there. I was going to be a daddy.

Daddy always told me that money could make me temporarily happy. That it would also give me fun and adventures, a great house, and anything I wanted. But there was a few things that money would not ever give me. Money wouldn't give me a great woman who I would love and would love me. Money would also never give me a family. Looking at the picture of my sister, her husband, and Sade; I smiled. Angel had everything that she wanted to be happy. Through my own sister, I had finally found the one woman that could tame me and make me forget my tomcat ways. I had everything that I ever wanted and needed. I had found the greatest love of my life. We were having a baby. My world was now complete. We slid down and fell asleep wrapped around each other.

The next day, we spend the day getting her room ready for her friends. Trying hard to make it looked a lot more lived in then it really was. For the first time, we made love in her bed and then like two naughty kids, made the bed hastily, and ran out of her room. It was to potent of a place! It was the only room that we hadn't initiated yet. Then, I made her rest and started cleaning out some of her things from my room that was suppose to be in her bathroom. Geesh, I was running ragged trying to make her room and bathroom look like it was used daily.

After I was through with her room, I returned to our room and sat at the end of the bed. I rubbed her feet and smiled when she sighed. I ended up giving her a full body massage. I kept working the tension out until she fell asleep. I ordered dinner and after it arrived, brought everything up to the bedroom, switched on the television, and sat with her and ate. I took the empty containers and silverware downstairs and went back upstairs. I pulled her back into my arms and we fell asleep.

Waking in the morning, I wondered what could have waken me that early. Then I heard the sounds of retching. Running to the bathroom, I found Sade on the floor, huddled over the toilet. She looked up at me and smiled weakly. Boy, did she look green. I knelt beside her and took a hold of her hair to keep it out of the way. My heart ached as I watched her getting sick. After a few more minutes, she was done and slowly got to her feet. I kept my hand on her and helped her back into bed. I remembered that Angel was often sick while pregnant with Sade.

She always laughed and said that crackers worked wonders on morning sickness. I told her I would be back and returned quickly with crackers and some water. She smiled and ate slowly. Her face lit up when her stomach settled. I made her stay in bed a little longer and went to greet her friends when they arrived. I settled them in the family room and went to the bedroom.

I told Sade that her friends were there. I also cautioned her about being careful of what all she did. Placing her hand on my cheek, she said that I was overly worrying and that she would be careful. I knew that I was probably over doing the protective thing, but I couldn't help it. She was my baby girl and I didn't know what I would do without her. I asked if there was anything special she wanted to wear. She told me to just grab her a pair of sweats and a shirt.

That today she felt awfully bloated and pregnant. Laughing, I rubbed her belly and told her that she WAS pregnant. Laughing at me, she threw a pillow in my general direction. I wasn't gone but a few minutes and when I returned with her clothes, she was up and staring at herself in the full length mirror. She was turning this way and that, looking at her figure. I handed her the clothes and whispered that I loved that she was having my baby and that nobody could ever separate us. I patted her belly and kissed the back of her neck.

I went to the stable and allowed her time with her friends. She didn't need me hover over her. Plus, if I was around her, there was no way I would be able to keep my hands off her or her belly. I went to her horse and made over her. Telling her that her mistress was going to have a baby and she wouldn't be able to ride for a while. The horse seemed to understand. I was giving her another sugar cube when someone grabbed my ass. Turning, I saw Marcie and sneered at her. Grabbing my shirt, she pulled me to her and kissed me. I pushed her back and spit. This was absurd.

“Don't you ever think of doing that again, Marcie. I cannot believe that you did that. What in the hell has gotten into your head, girl,” I growled.

“You know you enjoyed it, Ash. You wanted it just as much as I did. I can give you more. I know that you are married, but I have never seen you with anyone but Sade. It seems like your wife is leaving you alone to much. I could warm your bed,” she said and rubbed against me. I had enough of her. Pushing her away from me again, I snapped.

“I have a wonderful wife. She is everything that I need and would ever want. Plus, you are a CHILD! I want you off my property right this instant. I will not have a tramp on my land. I don't tolerate this kind of behavior from a child at all,” I sneered and walked away.

I stomped into the house and went to the bedroom. Jerking my clothes off, I jumped into the shower. I know it was all in my head, but I couldn't stand to think that Marcie's scent might possibly be on me. Stepping out of the shower, I dried and dressed. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and searched out the girls. Looking out the window, I was relieved to see Marcie's car was gone.

I found them in the family room and I honed in on Sade. She looked pissed and it was directed at me. She jumped up and stomped over to me. Jabbing me with her finger, she reamed me out good about kissing her friend and all this other shit. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to me and stared down at her.

“First of all, that little slut kissed me and threw herself at me. Saying that she wanted to warm my bed because my WIFE must not be doing her duty. To which I told her that my WIFE was all that I needed, wanted, and loved. I cannot make you believe me if you don't choose to, but I will tell you this. I love you more than my own life, Sade. Why in the hell would I want a damn tramp when I have you? Why would I suddenly want to leave you knowing that you are carrying my baby, our baby,” I said loudly.

I wasn't screaming, but I certainly wasn't being quiet. Then I tilted her head up and kissed her. Noticing the tears in her eyes, my heart ached. I kissed each tear as it rolled down her face. My baby girl was hurting. When I released her, she laid her head against my chest and apologized. Telling me that she knew in her heart that I would never want someone like Marcie.

“Wait a minute! Sade, you are pregnant,” Sally squealed. Shit, I had totally forgot about her friends being in the room with us.

“Wow, you mean...

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Written by SoithWaya
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