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Bitchbox Rally - Finding A Bitchbox Car

"How the events of buying a Bitchbox car turned into a a double banger"

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Author's Notes

"It's a fine line between pleasure and pain. This story was inspired by another Lush author (My thanks to June - you are a legend)"

It was just one of those hot and humid days that was meant to be.

Viv had been looking for an old car - affectionately called a 'Bitch-box' from here on in.

She needed a Bitch-boxcar that would go the distance... and maybe even make it back.

The rally had a rather grueling course starting in Rockhampton QLD and travelling out west on unsealed roads down through the western deserts of QLD, NSW & VIC, catching the ferry in Geelong across to Tasmania finishing up in Hobart - if the 'Bitch-box' car lasted that distance.

Having found an old gem of a machine from her search on Facebook that looked and sounded like it would meet the rules of the Bitch-box Rally, Viv sent off a request to find out if it was still available.

Until she had the chance to inspect it, Viv was not sure if it needed a little, or a lot of attention to get a roadworthy and rego.

So she figured that all she needed to do was go and make a quick inspection and if it looked suitable, negotiate with the seller to get a price that would ensure it would qualify as a Bitch-box entry.

The rules stated that the car had to be worth less than $1,500.00 on the road, and Viv hoped she could get it home for less than $500.

Having had quite a few phone conversations about the car with the seller, Viv felt that this car had the potential to meet the rules of the Rally.

If the car was not drive-able, there would be a problem as it would need to be towed back home if she bought it. That was another matter that she thought she could work out with her boyfriend later.

But first, she needed to inspect it to see if it was going to be a viable project or not.

After getting directions from Max, the seller, Viv arranged to inspect it on the following Saturday around ten o'clock.

Because she knew that it was going to be a hot day, Viv planned for the inspection to be short and sweet and then either buy it or walk away and get back home before it got too hot and uncomfortable.

To account for the heat she decided against wearing jeans and dressed for the weather in an old denim miniskirt and a short sleeve button front chambray shirt. A shirt which had been modified with a shorter bod that was too short to tuck into the top of her skirt, leaving her midriff bare.

But both the skirt and the shirt were nice and loose and comfortable, and ideal for a hot day. Viv tossed up whether to wear a bra or not, then decided that she should. Rummaging through her underwear drawer until she found a comfortable unstructured cotton bra that was comfortable in the heat, as the day was sure to be hot and sticky.

Arriving early at the address in Craven street, which thankfully was less than five kilometers from her place, Viv gained entry into the back of the property via the side gate as per the instructions from Max.

As she entered through the pool gate she could hear voices and sounds of people swimming, and was a little envious at the thought of being able to cool off in the pool. But she pushed that thought aside and called out for Max, to let him know that she had arrived.

With the gate closed behind her, she continued down the path to the end of the house and found the backyard to be totally transformed into an amazing social area having a designer Bar-B-Q and deck chairs arranged around the in-ground pool.

Viv again called out again and this time got the attention of a group of guys in the pool, who upon seeing her went quiet for half a minute or so as their brains focused and evaluated the female who was standing now at the edge of the pool.

With the sun reflecting off the surface of the pool, it took a while for her eyes to adjust and 'check out' the swimmers.

It wasn't until Max was out of the pool that Viv realized that he was butt-naked, and before Viv had a chance to turn around Max was standing beside her and said to her, "Follow me," as he walked off down the path to the back of the property, as if it was totally natural to be naked.

Viv hesitated for a bit as she looked at Max's naked butt and then back at the guys in the pool, but because of the glare from the sun on the water, she could not confirm if the other guys were skinny dipping as well.

Fuck, Viv thought, as she hesitated whether to follow Max or just turn around and get the hell out of here.

But something encouraged Viv to stay. Maybe it was the appreciation that not only did Max have a nice firm butt he also had a cock that hung halfway down his thigh, and it looked to be at least twice the size of her wrist and much thicker around the girth than her boyfriend’s cock.

Nearly bigger than a pony's cock was not too far away from the truth, Viv assessed.

Fuck, I bet he could please a few with that fucker, was Viv's thought before she came back to the reality of why she was here. Quickly look at the car, assess, negotiate, and leave, if it is a go-a Viv told herself. Stay focused!

Being very broad-minded and generally able to take everything in her stride, Viv thought hell, what the heck - he is only a male with a piece of prime beef - a large piece at that - hanging between his legs, and we, the female gender, know how to manage the prime beef stocks.

One at a time maybe - but not a group of them she later learned to be closer to the truth.

Following three or four steps behind him watching Max's bum cheeks indent with every step, Viv thought that he must have a good fitness program to keep so toned for his age, which she guessed was late fifties - give or take a few.

Funny, the things that run through your head when you get into situations such as this, Viv thought as she calculated that she would not be able to close her hand completely if she had hold of his cock in her hand!

Added to that, Max was clean-shaven around his pubic, which seemed to make it look a lot fucking larger than other packages she had fondled before today.

With these thoughts running through her head, Viv nearly bumped into Max, who had stopped and turned around to point at the Bitch-box of a car.

"Does it run at all?" Viv asked Max absentmindedly as she was still evaluating his stock of prime beef.

"Sure does," responded a voice from behind her, and turning, Viv found that she was now surrounded by all the other guys. They had all left the pool and followed Viv and Max to the back of the property, and they were all butt naked!

Fuck, I am getting wet. Time to get out of here, Viv told herself.

But as she turned around to leave she found the pathway was blocked by an assortment of hardened or hardening flag poles, which made her hesitate as she assessed their sizes and shapes.

Fuck, fuck, gotta go, she told herself but stayed rooted to the spot.

Viv's normal reasoning was quickly flying out of the window as she wondered if they all belong to some 'Brazilian' club, as they are all clean-shaven or groomed. It was rather unusual to find a group of guys so clean-shaven.

Although none of the guys, apart from one, were able to compete with Max, Viv was sure that they would all be able to pleasure somebody in quick time given half a chance.

Looking back at the car rather than at the additional five cocks priming up into hardened boners, Viv had made up her mind to stay, telling herself that they were all just for show, and asked, "Hey Max, I would like to see its workings. Would you crank her over and let me hear her running?"

"Hey, Barry, would you start her up?" Max asked Barry, as he opened the bonnet.

Barry was also in his late fifties or early sixties but had a bigger frame than Max, and a large cock as well, it seemed, as it bounced off Viv when he brushed past her to open the driver’s door.

She watched, a little mesmerized, as Barry's cock and balls nearly hung down to the floor when he sat on the edge of the driver’s seat and started the car.

Barry cranked the motor a few turns and then got a 'clack, clack, clack' from the engine. "Shit, I think the battery terminals are loose - hey, Jim, would you come and hold the bonnet whilst I get a spanner to tighten the terminals, please?"

As Jim stood there holding the bonnet open, Viv observed that he had a nice frame with well-formed abbs and was a natural redhead with a small landing strip just above his cock.

Hmm, not bad, thought Viv.

Jim was watching Viv check him out as she watched his cock start to twitch and expand.

Then Max was back with a toolbox which he gave to Harry to hold as he selected an adjustable spanner for the battery leads.

Viv had moved in closer to look at the engine bay, and because she was glancing at Jim's jewels, she actually stepped in the path of Max, who as he turned back towards the car with the spanner bumped into Viv knocking her off balance.

Her natural reaction was to throw her hand out to grab hold of something, which just happened to be Max's thigh and brushed his cock and balls at the same time.

Max reached out to support Viv to stop her from falling over and grabbed hold of the back of her shirt, which caused all of the buttons to pop as he pulled her into even closer proximity of his manhood.

Not to make a fuss about the close contact, Viv pushed herself off and away from Max, and as she did so the back of her arm pushed Max's cock into his abdomen. A cock which Viv now watched it start to expand, becoming more than half pumped and now swinging outwards and upwards.

Viv tried to get some distance away from these naked hunks by walking around the back end of the car to knot tie her shirt as best she could, and noting that her panties were getting very wet.

Having tried to calm down a little after such a close encounter Viv started looking at the bodywork of the Bitch-box for any signs of rust and checking that all the doors and windows closed securely.

"Would you have a torch?" Viv asked anyone who was listening, as she found it was getting harder to concentrate, "And a tarp as I need to check the engine and back end seals for oil leaks."

Jim piped up and said, "Hey, lady, you can check out my seals too if you like."

"Shut up, Jim. Hey, Sam, can you go and ask Suzy for a torch for Viv?" Barry shouted out to Sam, who had just walked out of the house.

Shit, Viv thought, now there are seven of them!

Sam turned around and yelled out to Suzy, "Hey Suzy, can you bring a torch out for the lady who is looking at the car?"

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"Is she hot?" was the response from Suzy.

Viv was not sure what she meant by 'Hot,' and was about to say she can do without it when Suzy walked out of the house wearing just the smallest of a diamond-shaped thong bikini bottom, carrying a small torch about the same size as Jim's succulent swelling cock.

Viv had originally intended to have a look underneath the car for rust and oil leaks, but now was not so sure if she should bend down or go under the car on her back with all the naked bodies and stiffening cocks hanging or swinging around.

She assessed her dress attire was definitely not the most suitable for what was shaping up to be a compromising situation.

"Here you go, luv," Suzy said to Viv, as she handed her the torch. "Fuck, sorry about your shirt buttons, but love your tits, luv and the guys do too, I can tell you, as you can see!"

Viv was taken aback and as much as she knew she should leave, there was some invisible force that was stopping her.

"Feels more like a vibrator than a torch, doesn't it? But do not worry about it, as I am sure you will get used to it."

Viv wondered about the innuendo.

Viv switched it on and discovered that it was a vibrating torch shaped like a phallus.

Then Suzy whispered in Viv's ear, "Hey, you look alright, lady - tell me - have you ever had a gang bang or pulled a train before?"

What the fuck, thought Viv, what's next - communal sex?

"JEEZ lady, right now there are a lot of hard juicy cocks here that could and would keep you satisfied."

"Do you think you could handle it? Are you interested in pulling a train? I would be happy to assist," Suzy added.

Fuck, I am out of here Viv decided and was about to hand the torch back to Suzy, when she felt something slip up the back of her skirt and push against her crack as two hands came around her front and tore off the shirt, then pulled on her cotton bra, which ended up on the ground with her shirt.

Now standing half naked in the middle of a circle of cock hard men, Viv's nipples had become hard giving the guys extra yearnings to point skyward.

The unknown cock that was pushed up inside her skirt whispered in her ear, "I can feel your dampness on my cock, little lady, so why don't we finish the car inspection later as right now there are nine of us here who are going to fuck you like you have never been fucked before and rest assured they will give you their undivided attention."

Viv was initially shocked and speechless, as she did not expect to be in this situation and was trying to push the hands away that were squeezing her tits.

"Now drop your skirt," she was told firmly.

"No! fuck off," was her reply, as she spun around to get away from his grip, but at the same time looking down at Max's huge slab of stiff, rigid shaft extending out to a fully primed massive cock that had the widest flared head that Viv had ever seen.

With her shirt and bra ripped off, Viv stood her ground, firm tits pointing upwards with hardened nipples foreshadowing her state of arousal.

Before Viv could protest further, Suzy had moved behind her and deftly undid the wrap around denim skirt and pulled it down over her hips, letting it drop to her ankles.

Now standing in just her panties, it was a losing battle trying to stop the multiple pairs of hands from seven cocks and one pussy - hands that were rubbing and pinching her intimately all over her body.

In a last ditch effort to make them back off, Viv took aim and tried to bat the cock poles with the back of her hands, but this just charged up the intensity of the situation.

Whilst she was able to swat more than a few of their swollen appendages, it was not long before Viv's body became the target for retaliation, as Barry grab Viv and put her across his knee and gave her five hard slaps across her butt cheeks, turning them a bright red.

In just a few seconds her resolve had switched from an apprehensive visitor to become a curious hungry creature that wanted to reach out to hold and stroke Max's swollen shaft.

Which she did.

As soon as she had hold of it in both hands, Viv could not resist and leant forward to suck Max's cock like a lollipop stick.

"Get on your knees, lady, and suck all our cocks," she was instructed by Max as he pushed her shoulders downward.

"Here, you will not be needing this," he said as he tore Viv's panties off, allowing everyone to fondle and pinch or lightly slap her inner thighs and swelling labia lips, upper torso and tits.

"Fuck lady, you sure do have a beautiful body," Max said.

With all her clothing removed, Viv had reached for Max's cock again.

She did not want to let it go.

As she began stroking it, she looked around for Barry's thick phallus.

Viv had never seen such big cocks as these two, and definitely never held two cocks at the same time before.

With everything happening so quickly, it seemed like only seconds and Viv was completely naked with seven primed cocks in a circle around her face. She soon had a rhythm going of sucking and stroking all of the seven cocks, lapping up the precum that seeped out from their tiger's eye.

Harry left the circle, grabbed a pillow out of the back seat of the Bitch-box, and lay on the ground with his face propped up between Viv's legs lapping at her juicy, wet, shiny, swollen cunt.

He was very soon rewarded as he continued to lick and suck all over her juicy cunt from rosebud to clit.

Whilst this activity was a little unexpected, Viv was primed more than she had ever been in her previous sexual activities and for her first time ever, she squirted her girlie juices over Harry's face.

Just as she recognized Jim's red landing strip, Jim grabbed her head and pulled her forward telling her, "Open your mouth, lady, and suck my cock like a good cum slut should."

Jim's cock was pressed against Viv's closed lips and as Viv tried to resist she received a slap across her tits, and the immediate stinging sensation caused her jaw to open in protest which allowed Jim to shove the primed mushroom head deep into the back of her mouth until he was pressing against her throat causing Viv to gag.

"Now I am going to face fuck this pretty little face of yours, my sexy little slut. I am going to fill you up with plenty of cock." He then began to face fuck her and call her a lot more slutty names.

Viv nearly choked from the invasion of Jim's cock, but after some adjustment and gagging in the process, Viv was able to accept the head of Jim's cock into her throat passage and began deep-throating his cock until his balls were slapping against her chin.

Whilst Jim was ramrodding Viv's face, someone began pinching her nipples until her tits were swollen with anticipation.

Then she felt her nipples being squeezed and pulled by someone who had attached some nipple clamps on a chain.

Jim soon shot his first load of cum juices into Viv's throat and mouth and with a hard slap on her arse cheeks told her to swallow it all, but there was too much for Viv to swallow and the remainder flowed out of her mouth, past Jim's cock and down over her tit's.

Any resistance that should have been there had been replaced with a submissive posture kneeling on her hand and knees doggy style as four cocks began to give Viv a bukkake shower.

Max was behind Viv spreading her bum cheeks apart, causing her labia lips to pout and become more engorged,,

Max gave her bum cheeks a hard spanking with at least ten to twelve hard slaps whilst she was sucking on Jim's curved shaft, leaving her cheeks a bright pinky glow, her labia swollen and her cunt tingling.

With her knees spread apart and her puffed-up pussy lips on display Max pushed his rigid cock deep into the wet folds of her purring pussy.

Viv did love to be fucked doggy style.

After the fourth or fifth cock had been sucked and emptied of its second load, Viv felt her arse being slapped hard again causing her pussy to tingle and juices to flow, then her butt hole was lubed and penetrated with a vibrating butt plug of some sort.

But it was not a normal butt plug, it was the torch that Suzy had brought out from earlier on that looked like a cock.

For the next hour, Viv had every hole in her body filled with cocks, vibrators, dildoes, and butt plugs sometimes all at once.

When she was not being serviced in some way, she had her face pushed into Suzy’s cunt and told to eat her out - more than once during the afternoon.

She was told to stroke the cocks and get them primed as they were waiting for their turn to fuck one of Viv's holes.

"Jane and I are going to take you inside and fuck you girl-on-girl after these cocks are all finished with you, so get ready to suck and fuck some juicy cunt juices after this, you little cum slut," Suzy told Viv.

Viv had been covered with more cum than she thought possible, jizzum was plastered in her hair, running down her face and neck onto her tits.

The first and best bukkake experience she had ever hoped for.

Fuck, these older men sure know how to fuck a lady past multiple climaxes, thought Viv, and we have not even finalized a deal on the Bitch-box of a car... yet!

Well, that's another two items off my bucket list Viv thought to herself, having always wanted to have a bukkake session and a gang bang but never thought she would get them both together or on the same day - that is almost better than riding horses!

Viv was ever so ready for a lot more fucking as the combined cum juices flowed out of her arse and cunt, dribbling down her inside leg, but it seemed like the guys' tanks were now running on empty!

Viv looked around to find what condition Barry was in, and when she saw him she crawled over to him on all fours to find his cock was limp but still nice and fat.

Taking him easily now into her mouth, she sucked and licked his shaft, sucking on his balls before sliding down a little further to lick his peridium. Her efforts were rewarded and the large, fat, meaty cock was about to give Viv another dose for some more action. When she pushed her thumb deep into his rectum, Barry blew his load.

Viv could see that Jim, the youngest in the group, was well primed again and ready to fuck her some more, but Max told Suzy to take Viv inside and, "Have some girl-on-girl time with you and Jane before she has to leave us."

Written by QUE_BIC
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