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Cary Complete

"Cary and Kevin are initiated into the group of special friends."

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The tink, tink, tink, of the spoon on the glass brought the gathered attendees to silence.

“Let me formally thank each of you,” Andrea began, “for joining us tonight. As you know, we’re here to welcome our newest members, Kevin, and Cary, to our exclusive little group.”

A small chorus of “Here, here!” arose from the gentlemen.

“You all know that we have had a little formality that goes along with entry into this auspicious group.”

That drew a chatter of giggles and chortles from those assembled.

“It has been brought to my attention, though, that we should be a little more intentional about this, and that we should recognize the dignity of each person, our respect for the primary relationships that each member brings, and confirm that we are individually broadening that relationship to include all members of our little band of friends.

“What is this?” David asked, “Some kind of ceremony?”

“It is,” Andrea confirmed. “And since you asked, let’s start with you.” She held up a little note card that she had prepared. “The first thing is that we all come to this group voluntarily, willingly, and without encumbrances.” She turned to Drew.

“Darling? Would you to the honors?” she asked her husband. She turned to Denise.

“Honey,” she said calmly. “Since you’ve given him to us, it’s your responsibility to make him naked.”

I watched with more than a little anticipation, as Drew untied the neck fastening of Andrea’s halter dress and helped her step out of it. Again, I was stirred by the beauty of her face and form.

Denise grinned, as she removed her husband’s shoes, socks, shirt and trousers. David had come commando-style, and stood in the center of the circle, naked with the beginning of an erection.

“Good,” Andrea said, with a pragmatic tone. “Now, David, do you come to this group of your own free will?’

“Yes, of course,” he answered, sounding impatient.

Andrea chastened him. “Don’t be petulant, darling,” she said. “Think of the benefits."

“Now, do you agree to respect the other members of our group, and to honor their commitment to us, and to each other?”

“Yes,” David said.

“And, do you agree to allow your partner to fully participate in all activities, to bear her no ill will, and to honor your commitment to love and support one another?”

“You mean Denise?” David asked.

“Yes, Denise,” Andrea retorted, “Obviously.”

“Yeah, sure,” he snorted.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’ then,” Andrea reprimanded him.

“Look, I came here because we’re supposed to get laid. I didn’t realize I’d be involved in some sort of marriage ceremony,” he snorted.

“That’s what this is, though,” Andrea spoke softly. “We’re agreeing to love, honor, and respect everyone in our group. Is that a problem for you?”

He seemed chagrined. “No,” he said, shaking his head and looking at the floor. I noticed that the indication of his arousal had disappeared.

“Good,” Andrea told him, with a beaming smile. “You’ve been validated. Now, if you’d do the honors for your lady?”

David turned toward Denise and cocked an eyebrow. She nodded her head, her lovely, long, straight chestnut hair waving. “Go ahead,” she smiled at him.

Andrea repeated the reading of the words of commitment through each of the established members, one-by-one, receiving affirmations in response to each question. When she came to Drew, she handed me the card and simply said, “Hold this,” while she stripped him down. She recovered the card and asked her husband the questions. When she finished she handed him the card and said, “Do me.”

Drew and the others chuckled, and Drew responded, “Delighted, as ever.”

She smirked. “Just ask the questions, smart ass.”

When Drew finished, Andrea collected the card and turned to the group. “Now, we come to the reason why I asked you all to gather tonight. I suggest that we should incorporate Kevin, and Cary, into our group. Does anybody object?”

There was a general chorus of agreement.

“Cary?” Andrea asked. “Would you share your husband with us?”

“Yes,” Cary nodded.

“No, darling,” Andrea grinned. “I mean strip him down for us.”

“Oh,” Cary said. “I thought you meant…”

“We’ll get to that in a minute,” Andrea said.

Cary had me naked in less than two minutes. I listened as Andrea read through the words and answered in the affirmative. She gave me a kiss on the cheek at the end.

“Welcome,” she said. “Now, would you prepare your wife for us?”

Cary was shivering when I touched her. I rested a calming hand on her shoulder. “I love you, baby,” I said, unbuttoning the three buttons on her sleeveless blouse. “This is really going to be fun.”

“I’m just a little nervous,” she whispered.

When Cary was naked, Andrea went through her questions. Cary looked at me, and nodded each time she answered. When Andrea finished, she said, “Welcome to our family, darling.” She kissed her on the cheek and actually gave her breast a little squeeze.

“Now, then,” Andrea said. “In the past, we’ve had other formalities of a more physical nature.”

That drew laughs and giggles from everybody.

“We don’t want to totally do away with that, but, we do want to give our new members the opportunity to choose some options. This family of ours is based on love, respect, and caring. That should start immediately,” Andrea said. “If we love our new members, we shouldn’t ask them to endure something they are going to hate.”

“None of the ladies looks too traumatized,” Cary said. “Was it traumatic for you?”

“I kind of liked it,” the dark-haired Rachel said.

Denise nodded. “It was fun for me, too. I liked the mystery.”

Jennifer chimed in, “But, I would have preferred no blindfold. I wanted to see everybody.”

“Choice one, then,” Andrea said to Cary. “Blindfold?”

“Do it,” Rachel whispered. “If you want to take it off, we can do that. Right?”

“Absolutely!” Andrea confirmed.

“Okay,” Cary agreed. “Blindfold to start.”

“I guess I need to make sure you know,” Andrea told my wife, “we don’t do pain, scat, watersports, or anything like that.”

“But we do have light bondage,” Jennifer said. “That was awesome.”

“Really?” Cary asked.

“I have to agree,” Rachel said. “It didn’t hurt. It was just a real turn-on to be kind of restricted.”

“So, you all liked the way it was done for you?” Cary asked.

The three women nodded. “I started out scared,” Denise said, “but, yeah. It was good.”

“All right,” Cary said. “Then I want the same. What about Kevin?”

“Oh,” Andrea laughed, “we’re going to take care of Kevin.”

“Are we ready, then?” Drew asked. Andrea nodded.

“I’m going to put the blindfold on now, Cary,” Andrea said. “Okay?”


Andrea tied the light blue silken blindfold around my wife’s head. “Can you see?”


“All right,” Andrea said. “Drew?”

Drew led my wife into the master bedroom. The rest of us followed. Janice held my left arm and Rachel took my right.

The room was darkened except for an array of candles throughout. There was a light aroma of lavender, I think, and the soft sound of waves breaking on a beach.

Drew tilted Cary’s head back with his fingers and planted a loving kiss on her lips. “Do you know how I’d love to reach across your counter at work and do that?” he told her.

“They’d be scandalized,” Cary laughed.

“That’s because they don’t know how wonderfully soft and responsive your lips are,” he told her.

Drew gave my wife another tender kiss on the lips and moved away. David stepped in front of Cary and licked her lips. Cary opened her mouth and tried to capture his tongue, but he was too quick. When David moved, Jeremy stepped in. He tenderly captured Cary’s left breast, leaned down, and licked at the nipple. He then gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Oh, my God!” Cary moaned. “Kevin?”

“I’m right here, darling,” I told her, “And I love watching you like this.”

Rich moved in front of Cary and put his one hand on her right shoulder and the other into her hair. He gently pulled her head back and to the side. He leaned in and placed his lips on the taught musculature of her exposed neck. He licked and sucked until Cary moaned.

Andrea and Drew led her back toward the bed and softly issued instructions for her to center herself. Drew took Cary’s left arm and put it into a silken tie connected to the bed. Andrea repeated the process with her right arm. Jeremy collected her left ankle, bent her knee and slipped a tie onto the ankle. Rich secured her right leg in a similar fashion.

“Oh, God,” Cary moaned. “I’m going to get fucked.”

“Mmm-hmmm,” Andrea hummed. “Everybody here wants you.” She pointed at Drew and indicated he should get on the bed from the foot. Taking me by the hand, she led me to the head of the bed. She pointed to her lips and my hardening meat. I smiled and nodded.

Drew started kissing Cary’s knees, inside her thighs and approached her slit.

“Oh, God!” Cary whimpered. “Who?”

“We don’t tell, darling,” Andrea answered. “Just enjoy.”

She signaled to Jeremy to suck on Cary’s right breast. He made his way around the bed and knelt down to suck her nipple into his mouth. Then she made a similar indication to David.

“Whoo!” Cary whispered. As Drew began to lick her slit, Cary raised her hips off the bed. “Oh, fuck! Yes!” she moaned.

“Can you feel the love, darling?” Andrea asked her.

“Um-hmm,” Cary hummed. “Yes. Oh, yes!”

“I’m sure you’d like to return the favor?” asked her.

“Hmmm. Yes. How?”

“We’ll show you, dear. Don’t worry.”

Andrea took hold of my firm meat and pulled me forward. I had to kneel on the bed to follow where she led me. She pressed my cock down until the tip came in contact with Cary’s lips. I felt her tongue flip across the flesh as if she was trying to determine the size and shape.

“I want to hold it,” she softly moaned.

“Do you want me to release your hands?” Andrea asked her.

Cary gave my cock a couple of quick licks and a soft kiss before she answered. “No. Not yet.” Cary opened her mouth. I could see her tongue lapping at my rigid flesh. I pulled backwards so the tip was just at her mouth. Cary sucked me in, and moaned. I felt the warm, moist, enveloping flesh of her mouth, as she pressed her tongue against me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me backwards. I turned my head and saw the naked form of Denise. She waved toward Rich and smiled gently at me. I returned the smile and nodded. I eased myself away from Cary’s attentive lips and tongue and backed off the bed. Denise hefted my hardened meat in her hand and smiled wickedly. She leaned up to kiss me, her tongue searching my mouth as she continued to handle my cock.

“You’re doing fine, Cary,” I heard Andrea say.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” Cary responded with a little gasp.

Andrea beckoned Rich to take my place. He knelt on the bed holding his cock and placed it across Cary’s lips.

“Who is this?” she murmured. I saw her pink tongue flash from between her lips and tentatively lick around Rich’s staff. She gave it a loving kiss, and hummed. “Actually, I don’t care,” she said softly.

Denise had dropped to a knee and sucked me into her welcoming mouth. I gasped as her tongue dug at the tender spot just below the crown. Denise hummed, and began to slide her lips up and down my length, her tongue pressing firmly along the underside.

The beautiful, dark-haired Rachel had moved beside me. She captured my chin in her small hand and turned my head. Her soft, full lips met mine and I nearly swooned as the delicate, tender flesh of her lips consumed mine.

“Ladies,” Andrea whispered harshly. “Let him watch!”

Denise and Rachel released me from their lip-locks and I turned my attention back to the bed.

Cary groaned, as Andrea gently pulled Rich away from her attentive mouth.

I watched Andrea lead Rich to the bottom of the bed. She tapped Drew on the back and had him back away.

Cary groaned again as the tantalizing mouth was withdrawn from her.

Rich knelt on the bed with both knees and moved toward Cary. He slid both hands under her backside and lifted her ass off the bed. I watched transfixed as his hardened member approached and entered my wife. She let out a deep growl as he filled her up.

“Oh, yeah!” she wailed. “Can you see Kevin?”

“Yes, darling,” I replied.

“You don’t hate me for loving it, do you?”

“No, Cary. I love you. I want you to love it.”

“We all want you to love it, Cary, just like we do,” Andrea said.

Rich had an even, insistent rhythm that just seemed to go on and on. Cary moaned and wept. She kept telling us all how good it felt. She keened through two orgasms before Rich tightened up and unloaded inside her. She begged him to keep fucking her, even as he pulled out. She fussed when he withdrew until David moved into place and plunged his hardness inside her.

“Oh, yes!” Cary cried. “Fuck me, please!”

Andrea looked at me and grinned broadly. I smiled back at her.

“Tell me who, please!” Cary begged.

“Do you need to know to love it?” I asked softly.

“Should we take the blindfold off now?” Andrea asked her.

The only sound was the slap of David’s flesh against Cary’s. “No,” she said, finally. “It’s wonderful and exciting. I just don’t want Kevin to hate me.”

“He doesn’t hate you,” Andrea answered for me. “His cock is like a rock pillar from watching you. I know that he loves you.”

“How do you know?” Cary whimpered.

“Because he’d rather be here watching than leave you. I want him to fuck me, but he won’t come with me.”

“Oh, Kevin, please, baby!” Cary cried out. “Go, honey! Get laid. I’d hate it if I was the only one. Please, Kevin. Go. I’m fine as long as you’ll still love me.”

“Got to love it,” I told Andrea. “I’ve got a super, hot wife.”

Andrea held a cautionary finger to her lips and scowled at me. She nodded at Denise, Jennifer, and Rachel.

Jennifer and Denise each took hold of one of my arms. I felt them tug as we followed Rachel’s deliciously shaped backside toward the door.

“What will happen to Cary?” I asked softly.

“You’ve seen it, darling,” Angela said from behind me. “They’ll go on like that until each of them have deposited their essence inside her. Drew will take care of her.”

“What are you going to do with me?” I asked.

“What do you think?” Andrea laughed. She allowed Jennifer and Denise to guide me toward the guest bedroom. “We won’t tie you up, though. We want your hands free to explore and stimulate.”

She pushed me down on the bed. “I’ll start here,” Andrea said as she straddled my head. “Jennifer is on your left. Denise is to your right. And Rachel; well, Rachel will do what Rachel will do.”

“What will Rachel…?” I started to ask and shut up as I felt the warm lips and mouth envelope my cock. I knew what Rachel was doing.

“Hush, now,” Andrea whispered, “and be good. I love how you eat my pussy.”

I felt her warmth settle on my face and began to lick and suck. I felt both my left and right wrists seized and my hands filled with the tender flesh of Janice and Denise. I surrendered myself to the marvelous fate of being loved by the four women. Eventually, Rachel released my meat from her mouth and proceeded to guide me into her tight, moist, welcoming flesh. With Angela’s delightful pussy covering my mouth, I could do little else other than groan.

Soon the room was filled with moans and whimpers. Rachel seemed intent on reliving the first penetration over and over again. She rose off my cock until it was just touching her vulva. She would then ease back down on me until I was fully buried in her depths. It was excruciatingly frustrating and tremendously erotic. I tried to hum a warning to her through Andrea’s moist and delectable flesh. My hips involuntarily plunged upward as Rachel descended and I felt the telltale burn in my thighs. I groaned hugely and began to spurt my essence into her.

“He’s coming in me!” Rachel cried out. “It feels so hot!”

Her hips crashed down on mine and she thrust them forward and back rapidly, whining, and whimpering a series of, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” cries, until I was spent. I could feel her love canal clasp and release on me in an irregular rhythm, as she experienced her first orgasm on my hardness. At the same time, Jennifer grabbed my wrist and held my hand tight to her, a single digit penetrating her and feeling that same clasping of her vaginal muscles. Jennifer squealed, as her climax swept through her. Denise held her hand over mine and rocked back on forth on my fingers.

“I’m next,” I heard her whisper to Andrea.


I woke up with serious morning wood, and a pretty significant headache. It was, I decided, more about sleep deprivation than the effects of alcohol. Sunlight steamed through the slatted blinds and the thin curtains. Andrea’s blonde head nestled against my right shoulder. Denise had hold of my package and slept with her head on my thigh. Jennifer had my left arm in her grasp. What I had supposed to be a pillow under my head turned out to be the interior of Rachel’s thigh. Her fingers were intertwined in my hair. I was afraid to move, lest I disturb any of the beauties asleep around me.

The session had gone on until about 4 a.m., I guessed. The blonde Denise and redheaded Jennifer were delightful and funny, teasing me about coming up with the formalized initiation. Rachel was intense and serious. Andrea was just Andrea; lustful and energetic. After Rachel and Denise had their way with me, the women gave me nearly an hour to recuperate. Andrea bounced from our room to the master bedroom to check on Cary. When she returned she had a big grin on her face.

“What’s up?” I asked her.

“The blindfold is gone,” she informed me, “As are the bindings.

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She was on her knees with Jeremy behind her. I think she’s having a wonderful time. She had Rich in one hand, Drew in the other, and David was lying on his back while she sucked on him. Drew gave me a big thumbs-up. I was almost tempted to join them it looked like so much fun.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because, my darling, I’m not leaving you alone with this trio of sirens,” she grinned. “They might try to steal you away from me.”

The description Andrea gave had my meat firming again, as Rachel stroked it tenderly. Jennifer was on my left, petting my chest and abdomen. She noticed my increasing arousal and took my chin in her hand. Her eyes locked with mine. Her pink tongue danced across her lips. She pulled me to her and plunged that delicate tongue into my mouth, searching and sucking to capture my own.

I heard Rachel say, “He’s ready. If you don’t want him, Jennifer, I’ll take him again.”

Jennifer hummed a negative into my mouth, her lips never leaving mine as she straddled me. Rachel’s hand guided me to the warm slickness of Jennifer’s opening. She released me, as Jennifer sank down and enveloped my hardness in her tight and soft flesh.

I felt Andrea’s head stir on my shoulder. I looked down to see her sparkling eyes searching my face.

“Do you still love me?” she whispered.

“Of course,” I whispered back.

“And are you okay?”

“I’m good.”

“You are, and you were. Have I told you how much I love fucking you?”

“I don’t think you have.”

“Well, I do. You are tender and gentle, and hard, and smooth. I love the feeling of you inside me, and the way your jaw tenses up and pulses when you’re ready to come.”

“Careful, now,” I whispered to her. “You’re starting to sound like a lover.”

“Mmm,” she hummed, laying her head down on my shoulder again. “I think I’ve got some pretty stiff competition here.”

“How could I not love Jennifer and Denise’s playfulness?” I asked, “Or Rachel’s intensity. But, you will always be my first.”

Andrea leaned up and kissed my cheek. “Guess I’d better go start the coffee, and scrounge up some breakfast for this crew.” She started to ease out of the bed. I held her back.

“I don’t think so,” I whispered. “You know that pancake place out on four-eleven?”


“My treat. But you have to do something for me first.”

“You’re here surrounded by beautiful women,” she whispered, “Naked, in a soft bed, with the prospect of future, shall we say, unlimited intimate opportunities, all thanks to me. What more could you possibly want?”

“You’re beautiful, smart and sexy, darling. But, you’re not very observant. What I need right now is for you to disengage my manhood from the grasp of the obviously needy lady who has me in some sort of a death grip, without waking her.”

“Why shouldn’t I wake her?”

“Because, my darling, I’m more than a little sore. If she awakens and finds me in my present state, she’ll want some repetition of last night’s activities. While I may appear to be “up” for it, I’m not really up for it, if you get my meaning.”

“Had enough, have you?” she giggled. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

“The libido is willing, but the flesh is weak,” I chuckled softly.

“I’ll have to touch you,” she warned.

“Hmm,” I acknowledge. “I’ll do my best to bear up under the temptation. Seriously, though, I’m about three strokes away from bleeding down there. I need some time to heal.”

Andrea managed to gently pry Denise’ hand from around my manhood. She managed to ease out of the huge bed and stood like a tousled, blonde goddess, beckoning me to follow her. Without waking any of my sleeping companions, I rolled to my right and sat on the edge, assessing my physical condition.

“Should we check on the brazen slut you call your wife?” Andrea asked, as I followed her through the door.

“I’m tempted,” I replied, “But she’s similarly surrounded by loving and attentive gentlemen, I’m sure. What I need most is to pee and another shower.”

“Me, too,” she said. “Can we do this together and respect each other’s space?”

“Worth a try, I guess.”

She took my hand and led me to the guest bathroom down the hall. With no hesitation she sat on the toilet and relieved herself, gently wiping with a few squares of tissue. Arising and pressing the flush handle, she grinned at me.

“Your turn,” she said, turning to twist the handles in the shower stall.

I gently grasped my still-turgid member and aimed at the bowl, wincing as my fingers came in contact with one of the raw locations on my member. Andrea climbed into the shower, as my flow blasted into the toilet.

“There are new toothbrushes for you and Cary in the cabinet,” Andrea called.

I found the unopened packages, stripped the blue-handled brush from its casing, applied a generous helping of Colgate, and vigorously brushed my teeth. I rinsed and placed the brush on the built in hanger.

“Are you coming in or not?” she asked.

“I’m here,” I replied, pulling open the sliding glass door and stepping into the shower.

The vision that struck me first were her sparkling blue eyes under long lashes, dappled with tiny droplets of water. Her hair was pulled back into a damp, golden shroud that surrounded her face. Water streamed down her shapely frame. I couldn’t help but grin and shake my head slowly.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing. You’re just so incredibly beautiful. What a shame I’m in no shape for shower sex.”

“It will happen someday,” she grinned back at me. “Let’s have a look at the damage.”

She dropped to one knee in front of me, grabbed the tip of my member and lifted it.

“Easy,” I cautioned her.

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Implicitly,” I replied.

She inspected me, twisting and turning my meat. She concluded with a tender kiss right at the tip. “Three little places,” she said. “They’re a little red and raw. I’d prescribe bed rest and abstaining, but somehow those two don’t go together with you.”

“What does that mean?”

She kissed me lightly on the lips. “If I put you to bed, I’d want to fuck you. That’s not going to help you heal.” She grabbed the body wash, poured a generous amount in the palm of her hand, and began to wash my shoulders and neck.

After our mutual shower, Andrea and I toweled off and returned to the bedroom.

“There are robes in the closet,” she whispered, “Boys on the left; girls on the right. Grab one for me and meet me in the kitchen. I desperately need some coffee.”

I grinned at the vision of the tangled limbs of the three women still in the bed. It certainly had been a night of creating marvelous memories. I snatched the two robes and escaped before disturbing the three sleeping beauties.

“Seven minutes,” Andrea announced, as I entered the kitchen and handed her the robe. Her head was swathed in a white towel.

“What’s seven minutes?”

“Coffee. It takes seven minutes to brew.”

“Is that what we’re going to talk about?” I asked her. “Coffee?”

“What do you want to talk about, my darling?”

“I don’t know. Love, lust, relationships?”

“Coffee first,” she said, definitively. We stood, watching the dark liquid drain into the carafe.

“A watched pot,” I began.

Andrea sighed and stepped to the breakfast bar, hitching herself onto a stool. I sat with a stool between us, wincing slightly as my meat slid across my leg.

“All right,” she said with resignation.

“I love my wife,” I said firmly.

“So do I,” she replied, lightly.

“What does that mean?”

“I love your wife, too.”

“That’s not what has me concerned.”

“What has you concerned, then?” she asked.

“That you love me.”

She shrugged. “I already told you I do.”

“And that you want me to love you, too.”

“I already told you that, too.”

“I told Cary that it was okay for her to screw your husband, as long as there was no emotional involvement.”

“Are you feeling insecure about your relationship?”

“That’s not it, Andrea. It just seems that our philosophies are polar opposites.”

“Oh, God! Can’t we get some coffee first?”

We sat silently, listening to the coffee drip.

“Don’t you want to love me?” she asked quietly.

“Too late for that,” I responded.

The burbling coffee signaled completion of the brewing cycle. Andrea whirled on her stool and nearly ran to the coffeemaker. She grabbed two mugs off the cup tree, and quickly filled both. She handed me one, and sipped at hers before returning to her perch. She took another sip, looked skyward, and then faced me.

“Good,” she said firmly. “I love you, too. And I love Cary. I love Denise, Jennifer, and Rachel. I love Rich, Jeremy and David. Cary, Denise, Jennifer and Rachel are my sisters, and I love them. Rich, Jeremy, David and you are sort of like my brothers-in-law, the husbands of my sisters.”

“But when you let emotions enter the equation, you’re opening the door for some real problems. It becomes more than just recreation. Relationships develop. Isn’t there a danger that the new relationship will supplant the existing one?”

She stared at me. “Emotional maturity,” she said, with a passion that surprised me. “When you go on vacation, you may love it and have a wonderful time. But there is an ease and comfort when you return home. It is where you belong. You don’t ditch that for the excitement of the vacation experience.”

“There’s always the temptation, though. Avoiding the emotional attachments, the relationship elements would seem to remove that temptation.”

“But it sucks, Kevin. It really does. You wouldn’t know about that. I know you and Cary have been exclusive until Drew and I came along. But I’ve been there. Caring adds a level of desire that really enhances the experience. That’s why I want all my partners to love me.”

“This emotional maturity, though,” I said. “That’s asking a lot. I mean, there aren’t a lot of folks who are capable of loving in the way you describe it. How do you know Cary and I have it?”

“That’s why our group is so small,” she replied. “In fact, we’ve been very lucky to find as many attractive individuals as we have, with the ability to grasp this concept. The truth is, Cary’s reluctance was the key. The relationship that she and Drew have is breathtaking, based on a mutual attraction that’s nearly electric. She held back because of you, so she wouldn’t damage the relationship the two of you have. You encouraged her, aware that the experience would be fantastic for the two of them, but especially for her. You demonstrated the full, devoted, exceptional love you have for her, delighting in her pleasure even more than your own. We practically had to drag you out of there last night. You gave her wings and delighted in watching her fly.”

I shrugged. “I love her.”

“And I love you, too,” Cary said, from the doorway. Like Andrea, she’d showered, and left her hair in a towel turban. Her robe was a light pink. She stepped up to me and kissed me softly, her tongue lightly licking at my lips.

“Good morning, Princess,” Andrea grinned at her. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“Please,” Cary said, settling on the stool between Andrea and me, her eyes never leaving mine. “You okay?”

I nodded. “You?”

Andrea placed the mug in front of Cary and began the process of brewing another pot.

Cary took a sip. “In the light of day, I’m embarrassed, and maybe a little ashamed.”

“That sounds about right,” Andrea chuckled, “and pretty typical.”

“Is it?” Cary asked, sounding surprised.

“Of course,” Andrea replied. “All of us have been there. None of us knew how much we liked it; how much fun it was. It made all of us feel embarrassed at our own sexuality, and ashamed that we moved from anxiety to anticipation, then into downright depravity. At least, we thought it was depravity. But, it isn’t. It was just our own unbridled lust percolating to the surface.”

“I’m feeling kind of like an unprincipled whore,” Cary said, into her cup.

Andrea poured the water into the reservoir of the coffee maker. “And now you’re afraid your husband will not love you because you let it happen. You think he won’t love you, won’t respect the slut that you’ve revealed dwells deep inside you. Is that pretty close?”

“Pretty much dead on,” she said.

Andrea looked at me. “Tell her,” she ordered.

“You’ve never been loved more,” I began. “I loved watching you. I saw you taking and receiving pleasure. The rapture, the passion, all of it just had me dizzy. I saw the Carolyn I always knew existed turned loose to become the fully sensual being I always knew existed within you.”

“You weren’t jealous?” Cary asked.

“Yes, of course!” I replied. “But it wasn’t the angry kind of jealousy. I was jealous because I couldn’t be you, feel the feelings, and enjoy the experience.”

“You have no reason to feel ashamed, darling,” Andrea told her. “There’s no shame in turning loose your sexual tiger.”

“You just don’t know how much I loved you watching like that,” I added.

“I do,” Jennifer said, walking into the kitchen. “Any coffee?”

“Same place as always,” Andrea said.

“We had to nearly drag him out of your playroom,” Jennifer told Cary. She poured her coffee and turned to face my wife. “He was hard as a girder and rooted to the floor.”

“You liked watching me like that?” Cary sounded unconvinced.

“Didn’t you hear him?” Andrea asked. “He said he loved it.”

“What about you?” Jennifer asked Cary. “Didn’t you love it?”

“She’s embarrassed to admit it,” Andrea told the redhead.

“Oh, well, fuck that! Honey, we all loved it! I had so many orgasms it became like one constant big one,” Jennifer laughed. “I was screaming, and crying, and fucking, and coming. It was incredible!”

“So, you liked it?” I asked with a chuckle.

“See what happens?” she answered. “I thought you were going to love me.” She turned her attention to Cary. “Your husband promised he’d kiss every one of my freckles. I figure it’ll take him a month or so.”

“You can’t have him all to yourself for a whole month,” Andrea said firmly. “Besides, how are you going to keep track of those he’s kissed and those he’s missed?”

Jennifer shrugged. “If he loses his place, he’ll just have to start over.”

That drew giggles from Andrea and Cary. My wife took my chin in her hand.

“So, you’re good with this?”

“Yeah, baby,” I replied. “You are awesome.”

“Then we’re going to have to figure out how you can keep your promise to my sister over there.”

“Your sister, huh?” I said, looking at Andrea who beamed a smile back at me.

“I told you,” she said.

Andrea and Jennifer went to rouse the sleeping crew for showers and breakfast, leaving Cary and me alone in the kitchen.

“So, how do you feel?” I asked lightly.

Cary stared at me. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to feel. How do you think I should feel?”

“Do you feel loved?”

“By you?”

“Of course by me,” I grinned at her.

“Yeah, I guess so. But I’m kind of conflicted.”


“You turned me loose with all those men. What was that?”

“That’s for you to decide, I think. Did you enjoy it? Did you have a good time?”

“Will you hate me if I said I did?”

I shook my head slowly. “Not at all. I thought that was the whole point.”

“You know, I never, ever, thought about doing something like that before,” she said. “The thing with Drew was bizarre. But this? This was overwhelming.”

“But it was good, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t want you to stop loving me. I need you.”

“You still love me, don’t you?”

I saw tears start to trickle down her cheeks. She nodded. “So much.”

“Tell me the truth, though. Did you think about me at all last night?”

“You know I did,” she snuffed. “I thought how disappointed you’d be in me.”

“Come here,” I said, pulling her into my arms. “I am not disappointed in you. I am thrilled for you. You’re all right, Cary. You still love me and I still love you. This exercise, this entertainment; it doesn’t replace anything you and I have together.”

“But, Kevin,” she was now weeping into my shoulder, “I fucked them all. I fucked them and I liked it. I loved it. I came, over and over and over again. It felt so good!”

“And I was here,” I said, holding her to me. “I knew about all of it. I even watched you for a little while. You were beautiful, excited, and thrilling to see. I loved you so much. And, believe me,” I said, taking her cheeks between my hand and looking into her eyes, “I was delighted for you.”

“So it didn’t bother you that I did all that?” she sniffed.

“No, darling. It didn’t bother me a bit.”

“And, that I liked it?”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“What’s going to happen to us?”

“Not a thing, my love,” I assured her. “Except that we have a new circle of friends and partners to enjoy.”

“You want me to do it again?”

“Whenever you’re comfortable with it.”

“And you’ll still love me?”


Cary wiped the tears off her eyes with a corner of her bathrobe. She managed a small smile. “I know they had you, too.”

I nodded. “That’s true.”

“Why am I not jealous? If you’d come home and told me you’d fucked any one of them, I would be hurt and jealous. But I’m not. I’m not even jealous that you want to kiss every one of Jennifer’s freckles.”

That made me laugh. “Sexually charged hyperbole,” I told her. “I doubt it will ever happen.”

“I should be jealous.”

“You don’t have to be. I belong to you.”

“I know that.”

“You can share your favors with anybody you want, as long as your love belongs to me. The same goes for me, I guess. I’ll never sneak around on you.”

“I guess it helps that they’re all married, too,” she said, taking a sip from her cup.

“All that stuff we said last night? It means we surrender each other to the group, and in return, they respect our relationship in the same way we respect theirs.”

Cary stood up, twisted sideways and planted herself in my lap. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. “Thank you, my darling. It was wonderful. I love you.”

“And thank you, my love,” I replied. “You’re amazing to see, and wonderful to hold. You are and always will be my Cary.”

“Words out,” Drew said, stepping into the kitchen dressed in plaid shorts, a white Polo shirt and sandals, “that you’re treating for breakfast at that diner out on four-eleven. You guys need to get dressed.”

“That may be the first time,” Cary said to me, “that Drew hasn’t been trying to get me out of my clothes.”

“He’s right, though,” I smiled at her. “We’re treating and we need to get dressed.”

“What have you guys been doing?” Drew asked.

“Closing the circle,” I told him. “We’re all in.”

Drew nodded, looked at Cary and smiled. “You’re gorgeous in the morning. No wonder I love you like I do.”

“And I’m betting Cary hopes you’ll be waking to this vision many mornings in the future, don’t you darling?”

“That’s true,” Cary said, standing up to peck him on the cheek. “I just love early morning sex with somebody who adores me.”

Written by aldenbradley
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