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A Trip To Budapest

"Follow the story of one couple's many first times"

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Chapter One

The whole journey went by faster than I had assumed, the entertainment probably helping the time fly by. We spent the lasting time playing cards and gossiping about our mutual friends.

After a smooth landing, we exit the aircraft thanking the staff. I was allowed a couple more smirks from the flight attendants; who in my opinion were wearing skirts slightly too short, but with the way I noticed Jack was admiring their legs while they were performing the safety procedures, I doubt our opinion to be mutual. 

We leave the airport surprisingly easily. Passing the various shops that every airport seems to have by law; Starbucks, Relay, overpriced bakery, duty frees with enough chocolate to fill Willy Wonka's factory, and more perfume than some entire countries.


After a quick cab ride to our beautiful hotel. We are escorted to our room. The first thing to catch my eye is the mirrored wall next to the neatly ironed queen size bed. Standing in front of a modern fireplace, between complimentary dressing gowns waiting for us.

“I think I’m going to jump in the shower, for some reason I feel a bit dirty,” I say.

“Yes, you’re positively filthy.”


I hop into the best shower I have ever had. I once lived in a studio apartment not much bigger than this shower. A dozen jets of hot water project onto my skin from different angles. Steam fogging up the glass doors. The appreciation of the hard work I have accomplished this past year to get me here pouring over me, as is the water. I coat the complementary lavender-scented body wash onto my smooth pale skin, and Jack enters the bathroom with a chair and a determined look on his face.


“What are you doing?” I ask, my arms crossed over my soap soaked nipples.

“There’s nothing good on TV, so I thought I would come and watch something else I like.” He quickly replies, his feet firmly on the ground and patience in his eyes.

“You’re just going to sit there watching me wash myself?”

“Do you have a problem with that?” he asks rhetorically.


My eyebrows rise as the hesitation pours out of me and my hands fall revealing my wet breasts. I turn to show him the arse I know he adores. I smother my hands in that lovely soap and start to massage my behind knowing that he must be filled with desire for me.

I condition my hair, letting my fingers streak through it just like Jack does to me while we make love. 

The conditioner covers my body like hot butter, making my skin feel like quality silk. I gently bite my lip while staring into his dark green eyes while my index slowly circles my clitoris. The tip of my tongue caresses my top lip, as I imagine Jack’s tongue on my lower lips. I press my bosom against the steamed glass door, kissing the glass.

He sits there without movement, legs crossed and a small smile rising from the right corner of his mouth. Showing off that dimple I have already fallen in love with. Not letting me know how my little exposition makes him feel. He likes to tease me, and I like to be teased. Well to a certain extent of course.


Chapter Two


Jack and I have sat down together in the elegant bar of our hotel, listening to the delightful soul hearted voice and deep guitar melody coming from the local band playing in the corner.  Sat on the bar stools under hundreds of twinkling lights swirling my third glass of red wine and he, his mojito, neither of us is saying much. His hand is on my knee slowly stroking me with his thumb to the beat of the music, while I slowly caress the tip of my heel against his calf. We are both gazing into each other's eyes with the same look that says “I want you”!


I don't know if it's the alcohol, the passionate music playing, or a mix of it all, but I have a deep desire for Jack again. That is the issue with us, the more we make love to each other the more we desire one and other, creating a loop of lust that never ends.

As the band finishes their song everyone in the bar starts to applaud, and I notice a very good-looking couple at the other end of the room. Both in their early thirties, the woman has pale freckled skin, long curly dark red hair, and bright emerald green eyes. I admire her strong cheekbones, plump lips, and a charming laugh I can hear that seems to cut through the music.  She has one hand holding a colourful cocktail and the other on top of a man's hand. The view of their matching wedding rings answering my next thought.


The man is very handsome. He reminds me of a young Orlando Bloom, tall, dressed casual but smart and with a square jaw and a complementary chin dimple. His radiant smile showing perfectly straight white teeth, he has kind but intense eyes and long black hair.  I instantly picture what that hair would feel like going through my fingers as I press his head against my breasts.

All of a sudden, I feel a deep feeling of jealousy towards the stunning redhead. Does she even realise how lucky she is? To be able to share a bed with that delicious man every night. To wake up each morning cuddled by his side, feeling his arms around her slim waist with a sense of his hard morning…

“Hello, earth to Sally.”

“Huh, oh sorry babe, I was in my head.”

“You sure were, I thought that red wine knocked you out for a second, what’s going through that dirty mind of yours?” he asks, with a kinky grin on his face and his hand gripping my thigh.

Something a lot dirtier than you realise, I think to myself. 

“How do you know I was thinking of something naughty?” I ask.

“Because I know you too well! And you have that look in your eye that tells me you want something or someone?”

Damn, I hate it sometimes how much he can read me. 

I have an idea. But it’s madness. Or it could be brilliance. I won’t know that until I try. But do I want to? I don’t think so. But then again, I’ve been telling myself that I need to try new things. Not exactly what I originally had in mind. But it’s certainly new! He would never go for it. Actually, he has surprised me in the past with how adventurous he can be. And how would I feel about him? It could be interesting to see. Or horribly upsetting.


Should I tell him the ideas floating inside my head right now? On one hand, I know he must be attracted to that beautiful woman but on the other, being with another man I’m not so sure.

“Babe, come back to me, you're doing it again what's swirling around in your head? 

I will never know unless I ask! Besides they have to agree to it, and what are the chances of that?

“Honey, you know how we have been making love to each other a lot lately? And we just can't keep our hands off each other,” I say, slowly caressing his arm with the tip of my fingers. 

“Yes, I had slightly noticed that,” he answers, in a smooth cheeky tone.

“And you know how you like to try new things in bed?”

“Obviously yes, but I’m not sure if I should feel excited or scared…” 

“I will let you decide that. You see that couple at the end of the bar?”  I say, nodding my head discreetly at them.

“You mean the dark-haired Legolas,  with the woman with a head of flames? What about them?”

I stare at Jack wide-eyed, eyebrows lifted, my lips pursed.

Luckily, the lead singer of the band is in the middle of a beautiful song using his deep loud voice. Because after a few seconds of confusion on Jack's part, he finally figures out my intention and blurs out in a tone much louder than I would have preferred. “You want us to have sex with them!?”


“Ssshhh! Jesus Jack, yes that is what I had in mind, but maybe keep it between us, and not the first three floors of the hotel!

“Wow, Sally! You do have some naughty ideas in that head of yours, don’t you?”

“I don’t deny it. So… What do you think?”

“I’m thinking,” he says taking the straw of his drink in his mouth realising that it is empty. “Barkeep, can I get another?”

The bartender hands him another mojito while looking at me with a small smile. I feel a little embarrassed but pleased with myself too. He is very attractive, maybe he would like to join us. No! Four in one bed will suffice.


Chapter Three


While Jack is sipping his drink and reflecting on the idea, I gaze at the couple again. I wonder how strong he is, how easily he could lift me up in his arms. How my legs would embrace his hips. What would it be like to kiss her plump red lips? To have them between my legs. Would the touch of a woman's tongue down there be better than a man's? I want to find out.

“You know one of the best things about you? You never cease to surprise me.” Jack suddenly says, coming out of his own reflecting thoughts, cutting my own.

“I do know. So, what do you think?”

“Well to be perfectly honest, I definitely wouldn't mind spending the night with that luscious woman! They do seem like an open-minded couple, but I have no idea about how I feel watching you have sex with another man. Especially one so deviously handsome!” my boyfriend says, in his over-exaggerated feminine voice.

“Well, I am going to have to watch you have sex with her! Besides, it's not like we are going to draw tickets and take turns everything will be simultaneously together.”

“True, true…” he says, swerving his straw around with his tongue.

He obviously isn't keen on the idea of me having sex with another man, which isn't surprising. He can get crazy jealous sometimes. To be fair, so can I. But right now the idea of seeing him with another woman is somehow intriguing.

“Ok fuck it, let’s do it!” he exclaims, slamming an empty glass on the bar.

“Really? Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured into this!” I say taken aback, now realising that this might actually happen.

“Yeah I’m sure, what’s the worst that can happen? We came on this holiday for new experiences, didn’t we? I mean sure we were thinking more on the lines of sightseeing and food tasting, but this is one idea way better than any museum tour!”

“Great, so how do we do this? Just walk up to them and say, hi strangers, fancy having sex together?” I ask, my foot jumping up and down.

“Maybe something a little more subtle.”

“We need some sort of plan,” I say taking another sip of wine while admiring the bartender again.

“We could sit here and come up with a plan of action, or…” He jumps off his bar stool, walking straight towards the couple.

“Jack! Jack get back here!” I whisper as loud as I can, trying to get his attention, but he took no notice. 


He seems to be introducing himself, suddenly he turns around pointing at me. I bury my blushing face into my drink.

Jack walks back to me, “Ok all good, come on,” he says in his most casual tone, gesturing me towards them.

“Wait, wait! What have you said to them?”

“I just said we are new to the area; here for a few days, looking to meet new people. So they have invited us to join them.”

“As simple as that?” I reply, raising my eyebrows.

“I thought it would be best to have a couple of drinks, before revealing our intentions.”


Chapter Four


I stand up feeling the red wine staining my teeth and rushing to my head. Walking towards the unknown couple, my eyes fixate on the gorgeous man who has obviously noticed me. I blush, asking myself what the hell we are getting ourselves into?

“Hi guys,” Jack exclaims as if talking to his best friends, instead of two strangers he wants to jump in bed with. “This is my girlfriend Sally, can we sit with you?”

“Of course. Please join us.” His perfect teeth seem to shine under the lights, “I’m Richard and this is my wife Rebecca.” He gestures to the stunning redhead next to him.

“Happy to meet you,” Rebecca says in a strong Italian accent.


We sit down as they put out their hands to greet us.  I shake Rebecca's hand noticing the shade of her expensive nail varnish matching her hair. She smiles at me, I return the sentiment with a sudden idea of what to do with those lips.

Jack takes her hand gawking at her like a 14-year old, fixated not on her nails but the elegant black sexy summer dress, and imagining what is underneath I'm sure.

I shake Richard’s strong and smooth hand when a picture of having him tied up naked in my bedroom appears in my head. I hope our plan works out. I’m dying to know what his penis looks like. And feels like. 

“Let’s order another round.” She puts her hand in the air. “Charles, can we get four rum and limes please?” she says to the bartender apparently named Charles.

He places four glasses on the bar and fills them with dark rum and lime wedges. We all grab one each raising them together.

Rebecca: “To well-earned vacations.”

Jack: “To this beautiful country.”

Richard: “To meeting new people.”

“To new experiences,” I say.


We cheer with the clinking of glasses, and each takes a sip. I never drink this much. I can feel the alcohol go straight to my head.

“So where are you guys from?” I ask in my best attempt to make casual conversation.

“I’m originally British and have lived in Amsterdam for the past twelve years. Which is where we met,” Richard says, caressing his wife’s thigh under the table.

“I was born in Italy, and have travelled around Europe my whole life. We have lived together in Amsterdam for almost five years.”

“Waow a lot of culture in one couple. We are both from the south of France, and have been together for about four years now,” Jack smiles at me with that look of compassion in his eye I always admire.

“We try to travel as much as we can, but this is our first time in Budapest, and surely won’t be the last.”


We spend a good hour chatting, drinking, and laughing together. They are kind, clever, and passionate people. She seems very intelligent, and he is definitely the funny one in the relationship. The conversation is nice, but Jack and I both know what we are really here for. I can’t get the thought out of my mind, “Do they know? Do they realise our naughty expectations?” 

The band is still going strong and starts to play something a little more energetic.

“My ass is falling asleep on this stool let’s go dance.” Jack takes my hand without giving me any choice in the matter and indicates to Richard and Rebecca to follow.


We start to dance in front of the band. The lights shining in my eyes while Jack twirls me around. He is a good dancer after a few drinks and his anxieties have faded away.

A dozen other people are dancing around us. I have my eye on our new friends, and I can see they are just as drunk as us. I gaze at Richard’s body, he knows how to move his hips, and the way he’s holding her makes me envious and impatient. His lips seem delicate, his eyes are eager. He spins his wife around and suddenly looks straight at me. He sees that I have been admiring him, and time seems to stop as we stare into each other's eyes. I do not dare to look away; I want him to know that I want him. I slowly bite my lower lip, but before I can see his reaction Jack pulls me towards him.

“You’re getting impatient aren’t you?” He smiles with a double raise of his eyebrows.

“I can’t deny it. Well, I could but you wouldn’t believe me anyway.”

“I never do. Come on let’s make this interesting.” He takes my hand moving us to them.

“Wanna switch!?” my boyfriend yells indiscreetly to Richard, nodding to his wife.

It won’t be the last time he asks that tonight.

Richard studies me from head to toe as if I were a piece of meat in a butcher’s shop.

“With pleasure,” he replies, without looking at his wife.

Rebecca didn’t seem to mind by the way she snatched Jack away from me, and let him take her by her waist.


I cannot tell if the feeling in my stomach is the alcohol or simply butterflies. He smells of Hugo Boss and lime. We dance together side by side our hot bodies touching each other. He is a fine dancer, and you know what they say about a man who can dance. I look down to see the size of his feet, but they move too fast.

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He keeps taking me by my hips, and I swear his fingers get closer every time. I can feel his warm breath on my neck giving me goosebumps. I notice he keeps turning his head to check on Jack. The masculine jealousy overpowering the focus on what is in front of him.

Jack sees none of this, for he on the other hand is highly focused. They are holding each other tight. Their faces so close they are practically kissing. I would expect to feel a sense of jealousy in the pit of my stomach seeing my boyfriend so heavily involved with another woman, but not tonight. It is actually quite interesting to see how he is with someone else.

I hope he feels the same way seeing me with Richard who cannot keep his hands off me.


As the band starts to change tune into something a little more smooth, and we are all out of breath ( my feet are fucking killing me.) We sit down in a leather booth laughing and gazing at each other.

“I think we’re about ready to call it a night,” Richard says.

I slightly nudge Jack’s knee giving him a look that says, “it’s now or never!” When all of a sudden Rebecca says, “ We are going to head up to our room. Perhaps you would like to join us?” 

Chapter Five

Jack and I look at each other in astoundment realising they had the same plan as us all along.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I say quickly before I have time to think.

“Splendida, then what are we waiting for?” she says in her strong Italian accent.


The four of us head to the elevator. Richard pushes the button for level 4. The doors close and the typical elevator music starts, no one is saying a word.

Either what I believe and intended to happen is exactly what is about to happen, or they are just inviting us for a nightcap, and we have completely misread the situation.

We will find out in a minute, and are there any rules? Have they done this before? Do they believe we have done this before?

Before I figure out any answers I hear a ding and see the number 4 light upon the panel of buttons, and the door slowly opens.

“We are in 407, just on the right,” Richard says as we exit the lift.

Walking down the hallway, my breath quickens and a tingling sensation invades my legs.

Jack takes my hand and looks at me with a look of excitement and fear at the same time.


We enter the room, and the first thing I notice is the king-sized bed with perfectly ironed white sheets and more pillows than two people could possibly need. A scarlet coloured sofa on a white fluffy rug to my right, and a small kitchen area to my left. They obviously went for one of the most luxurious suites of the hotel which makes me realise I didn’t ask what they do for a living.

“You two make yourselves comfortable while we go and freshen up,” she says kicking off her shoes.

They both enter the bathroom leaving the two of us on the sofa.


“Holy crap this is actually going to happen!” Jack says practically jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning.

“I know I'm so nervous, my stomach is doing flips. What do you think it will be like?”

“A lot of fun! That's what it will be like!”

“Should we make any ground rules or something?”

“No, let's just do what we are comfortable with and make the most of this night. If you're ok with me doing whatever I want with her then the same goes for you and him.”

“Sounds good to me.”


All of a sudden we hear the bathroom door open. We turn our heads seeing Richard and Rebecca walking out together hand in hand, completely naked.


As we both sit in awe, they start slowly walking towards us. My eyes are on Richard's delicious body, my gaze instinctively goes to his semi-hard penis that I can't wait to feel. I am pleasantly surprised by my arousal for Rebecca, she has amazing plump breasts with cotton candy coloured nipples and thick soft looking thighs. That beautiful red hair will turn anyone on.

“Now it's your turn,” Rebecca points in our direction. 

Jack and I look at each other with a gaze of nerves and keenness. We start to undress while the two strangers watch us, Jack seems to take off every bit of clothing in seconds due to his excitement. Whereas as I slowly take off my dress, my body shaking with excitement and timidity as all three of them watch me in silence. 

Years of prejudice for my imperfect body fading away as I see the pride in my boyfriend’s eyes. Not only does he have the luck of having me, but now he gets to show me off to others. The gleam in our new friends’ eyes gives me a sense of confidence I have always desired, making my pussy wet with anticipation.

My body covered in nothing but my lavender coloured underwear, Richard comes close to me and says, “Why don’t you let me help you with that.”

His firm hand approaches my shoulder, delicately placing his fingers under my bra strap, I look to my side to check Jack’s opinion on the matter at hand. Fortunately, he seems more intrigued and curious than anything else, so I do not protest. 

Before I know it, Richard has his lips on mine kissing me softly. A concoction of excitement and anxiety overflowing me as I taste the rum on his sensitive lips. He kisses my neck and the sensation of his warm breath sparks a tingle down my spine. He works his way down to my chest and starts sucking my nipples. I am taken aback by my nudity, I hadn’t even felt him unclip my bra. I slide my fingers through his long soft hair.

I look to my left, Jack is staring at the man pleasuring his girlfriend with a look of anger and eagerness in his eye. Afraid of a bad reaction from his part I open my mouth to say something not knowing what yet; but before the voice comes out of me, Rebecca places both of her perfectly manicured hands on Jack's cheeks kissing him passionately. I could almost see the tension leaving his body.


I would expect to feel jealous watching my boyfriend’s tongue being wrestled by another woman’s but no, what I feel right now is satisfaction and pure envy!

As Richard gently takes off my knickers with his teeth, I take him by his chin, turn behind him and push him onto the sofa.

“Let me take care of you,” I say, grabbing his erect penis while kneeling in front of him.

“Oh what a good idea,” Rebecca says, doing the same as I. 

She seems so comfortable, this is evidently an evening they have experienced multiple times before. Even as I have her husband sat naked in front of me waiting for me to pleasure him, I still have this strange feeling of envy towards her.

We both kneel down in front of our lovers, sitting on the sofa waiting to be pleased. We seize their throbbing cocks into our mouths as if we were mirroring each other. The feel of Richard’s penis is different to what I have become accustomed to. Not only is he circumcised, but he is also long and slightly curved to the left. His fingers start threading my hair; massaging my scalp and pushing my head down, wanting his cock fully in my mouth. I comply. 

I cannot help myself from observing them. Her tongue is licking my boyfriend’s penis like a cornetto. Whereas my work is more involved with my throat. I stare at Richard while the tip of his cock is tickling the back of my throat. He seems pleased to say the least.

I hear Jack moaning by my side evidently enjoying every moment of this unexpected thrill, when suddenly, “Mind if I have both of them for a minute? Richard asks looking at Jack.

“Go ahead, I’ll watch,” Jack replies hesitantly, hearing the rhetorical tone in Richard’s voice.


Rebecca sits to Richard’s right side and me to his left. Jack sits in an armchair facing the sofa, his penis in his hand watching like a peeping tom.

She grasps her husband’s testicles with her delicate hand while kissing him tenderly, as I continue blowing him.

Jack is caressing his penis up and down while watching the three of us. With a strong look of arousal and concern.

For a few minutes, nobody speaks, we let the actions speak for themselves.

With his penis deep in my mouth, I look up. Richard’s eyes meet my own, he stares with a slight smile on his face and an animal-like look in his eyes. I feel him shudder just before he says, “Now the two of you switch,” 

We follow the command without question. I place my hand on his thigh, my lips onto his, and without warning, I feel my boyfriend’s wet tongue on my clitoris. Performing the usual movement I know and adore so well. 

Jack’s knees press against the soft carpet and his face is between my legs in a posture of worship.

“Patience is not your virtue, is it Jack?” Rebecca lays on the floor next to Jack. Her nails gently grazing my legs.

“Can you blame me?” he replies, taking his tongue out of my pussy.

The absence of flesh inside me and the sound of macking, tell me they are kissing each other once again. I place my hands on Richard’s cheeks, feeling his 9 o'clock shadow on my palms, and twirl my tongue against his. His fingers tightly around my ass cheek, I receive a sudden slap that seems to awaken the others.


“Let me show you how he likes it,” Rebecca says not so subtly pushing me out of the way. She grabs her husband by his chest, sits on his lap taking his long cock inside her wet vagina moaning with pleasure. 

Wanting the same sensation, I put out my hand to Jack to lift him up and push him onto the sofa next to the couple. I climb onto his body copying Rebecca. I put my tongue inside his ear as he grips my hips. I bite, suck and pull his earlobe, whispering to him “I want you inside me.”

I know hearing those words always drives him crazy, and tonight is no exception. He takes my left breast with one hand and my right buttock with the other. I place my hand on his hairy chest. 

I can feel his heart pumping with anticipation as I gently tease him by rubbing my crotch on the tip of his cock He has no patience, he squeezes my arse, inserting himself in my warm wet vagina. He goes in slowly but deeply. I can feel every inch of him, his foreskin moving inside of me. I am already so wet, he barely has to move. 

All of a sudden Jack simultaneously pinches my nipples and slaps my arse while still inside me and says, “Girls, kiss each other”

Rebecca and I lock eyes, place our hands on each other's cheeks and tenderly kiss. Which isn’t easy considering we both have our partners inside of us moving uncontrollably. 

I am thoroughly enjoying myself. The feel of her plump, peach-like lips kissing my own had yet to be discovered.

The sight obviously pleasing Jack; he starts thrusting inside me, faster, deeper. Richard doing the same as if they are in competition with each other.

The two of us screaming with pleasure in each other's faces, our eyes focused on one another. I suddenly feel something dripping on me. It is Rebecca, she is cumming, squirting onto Richard’s lap while he continuously makes love to her.

She grabs my hair and kisses me once more.

“Come on, I want to see you do the same!” she says, stroking her fingers on my clitoris.

While my boyfriend is intensely fucking me and this beautiful Italian woman is desperately trying to make me cum, my eyes are deeply set on Richard’s. He is watching me. Watching the three of us like a teenager gawking at porno on his laptop.

He lifts his wife off his throbbing now wet penis, I notice he hasn’t cum yet. Good, I will take care of that!


Chapter Six


With Jack’s cock still inside me and Rebecca’s perfectly manicured fingers rubbing my clit, the gratification and self-indulgence I feel is amazing. This is exactly what I wanted, what I needed! I can’t stop moaning. I feel an intense orgasm rising inside me, inches away from bursting. Every time I sense Jack hammering my G-spot it gets closer.

Rebecca approaches my face placing her sweet lips on my neck giving me goosebumps all over my body. She repeatedly kisses me softly moving upwards from my neck to my cheek, I shudder as I feel her moist tongue on my ear. “Cum for me Sally,” she whispers.

My god she makes my whole body shiver, my legs are like fresh dough. Jack is still going strong. He never lasts this long in the same position, oh god it’s coming…

I turn my head seeing Richard watching us while stroking his still erect penis. I stare into his eyes, Rebecca bends her head down, pulls out her tongue, and licks my clitoris.

I scream. I scream so loud I wonder if Charles the bartender three floors down can hear me.

Her tongue was the trigger. I cum so hard Jack’s penis falls out of me. I don’t think I have ever had an orgasm like this before, so intense, so exhilarating.


The boys stare at each other with intensity. The tension of masculinity competition between them, all of a sudden they mutter together in sync, “Switch.”

I realise that I am about to get penetrated by another man. I have not had the pleasure in years, I guarantee he will not disappoint.

“I want you to sit down on the armrest so I can fuck you from behind,” Richard says to me as if we have been in this spot together a thousand times before. I do not argue.

As I sit on the cold leather rubbing my labia; I see Jack gripping Rebecca’s body, inhaling deeply while appreciating her warm smooth skin against his chest. His erect penis pushing against her freckled buttocks. He grabs the back of her hair while kissing her neck, she takes it all focusing on the moment. She seems to be the type to do whatever she is told by a man in the bedroom. That is where we are different.


The both of us now laying on the sofa’s armrests; the boys again gaze at each other as if preparing for a race, giving each other a nod of approval and insert themselves into us.

Richard places the tip of his penis to the opening of my vagina and slowly inserts himself but only the tip, giving me want for more. I move backwards in envy, searching for him. Before I turn my head to look at him he shoves his whole cock inside me. 

My body evidently has become accustomed to Jack, because this feels completely new and different and my god it feels so good. He thrusts inside me deeper every time, I honestly have no idea how long he had me, what was probably minutes felt like hours. His strong hands holding my hips pulling my arse towards him with the occasional light slap on my right cheek. I slipped my finger on my clitoris, rubbing clockwise as I do when I am alone.


I turn my gaze, my eyes meeting Jack’s. We see each other fucking and getting fucked by these people we did not know a few hours prior. We smile at one another and laugh. I do truly love him, never would have I thought that this is what it would take to remind of that.


“I’m gonna cum,” Jack exclaims. She quickly pulls herself away from him, turns around taking his cock in her mouth. The moment he feels her tongue touch his frenulum his ejaculate soaks the inside of her mouth. She grasps his balls as she feels the warm sperm pouring down her throat trying to get every last drop.

Seeing the pleasure on Jack’s face I decide I want the same. I thrust forward and turn my body on the armrest, looking into Richard’s dark sensual eyes, I say, “Cum for me Ri-”

The moment his hand touched his penis, I heard a loud moan and felt his orgasm splashing onto my chest. I can feel it dripping down my already hard nipple. Rebecca approaches me, takes out her tongue still stained with my boyfriend's cum, and licks her husband's semen off of my breasts. She kisses me with her white stained lips and rests on my body. Jack and Richard both looking exhausted, collapse next to us.


There is an odd silence ( apart from heavy breathing) in the room. I don’t know what to say; what do you say to your boyfriend and two strangers you have just had sex with?


“Nice to meet you both,” I say, attempting to relieve the tension.

“The pleasure is ours,” the husband and wife say simultaneously. We all laugh together.


We each took our turn in the bathroom to wash up and get dressed, we said our goodbyes and our thank you’s. Jack and I exit their hotel room shutting the door behind us, we both look at each other and Jack says, “That was definitely better than a museum!”



Written by DavidFriend16
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