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A Night Worth Remembering Ch 2

"We can have sort of a show and tell, question and answer session, for you about sex.”"

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It was a lazy Saturday, John and Kandy were sitting in the back yard relaxing. Their neighbor, Jeff was doing some yard work, and had just come over to the fence. “Howdy neighbor.”

John replied, “Well hello, looks like your busy today.”

Jeff admitted, “Oh not really, I am trying to look busy to keep from going shopping with Erin. God I hate to go to the mall with her.”

Kandy spoke up, “Well it seems that you two men have something in common, John hates to go shopping with me too. I have an idea, why don‘t you go tell Erin that we can go shopping together. That way, you two men can hang out in the back yard here, and have a few beers.”

Jeff’s eyes lit up, “Now that is the best idea I have heard all day. Give me a minute to put these tools away and we will be right over.”

Kandy rushed into the house, changed her clothes, and checked her makeup; after all she wanted to look gorgeous even if she was only shopping.

John followed her into the house, went to the refrigerator, and got out a six-pack of beer. When he saw Kandy putting on some lipstick, and he could not resist teasing her.

“Honey, you do not need add anything to that beautiful face. “

Kandy smirked, “Well you know the old saying any old barn could use a coat of paint. Then again, I do not consider myself “old.”

Just then a knock came at the front door. John left the room, and went to answer the door. He invited Jeff and Erin to come inside, and make themselves welcome. Kandy soon joined them.

Jeff asked, “I hope you got some cold beer John, I am in need of some refreshment. Oh hello Kandy, it looks like you and Erin are going shopping. If I know you women, you say you will be gone for an hour only to return four hours later.”

Kandy replied, “Well we cannot resist finding the best bargains, and after all us women need some time away from you grumpy old men.”

John spoke up, “Hey, I will admit to being grumpy sometimes, but who you calling “Old?” After all, I am only thirty nine again.”

Kandy looked at Erin, “Well Erin, are you ready to go shopping, I hear there is a sale on down at the mall?”

“Yes, I be right there Kandy.” Erin then went over and kissed Jeff. “See you honey, you guys have fun okay.”

Jeff kissed her back, smirked, and said, “You have fun, shopping. I know us men will sit back, relax, talk, and drink a few beers.” However, in the back of his mind, he was really saying, “You ladies won’t be here so we can talk about sex, and drink a lot of beer.”

The women looked at each other, giggled and Kandy said, “Men, won’t they ever grow up.”

As they drove away, the men went into the back yard, popped the top off their beers, and sat down to talk.

When the women were about a block away, Erin’s emotions got the best of her. She looked at Kandy and asked, “Kandy, can I talk to you, woman to woman?”

“Sure, we are best friends aren’t we, and you can talk to me about anything. What‘s up?”

Erin confided, “I’m not sure how to say this, but here goes. Well, it’s about Jeff; and his weird behavior lately. We were making love one night, and he asks me a rather disturbing question.”

Kandy spoke calmly, “Just tell me what is on your mind ok. What kind of question?”

Erin answered, “He asked me if other men turned me on. When I said yes, he asked if I would ever fuck another man. I damn near kicked him in the balls, and screamed at him, no way!”

Kandy looked surprised and confessed, “Oh, you know something, John ask me the same type of question. I told him it would be a cold day in hell, before I fuck another man. I wonder what is going on with those two.”

“I do not know, but I think the men are talking to each other about our sex lives in detail. I also think Jeff wants me to fuck John. It also sounds like John wants you to fuck Jeff. Where do men come up with all these weird ideas about what women want sexually?”

“I think you are right, Erin. I over heard then talking about sex, and they were telling each other how many of their friends were into swinging. I told them I did not agree with that at all, because someone always gets hurt, and it is just not exciting to me. They just shrugged their shoulders and laughed.”

Erin started crying, and asked, “Do you think Jeff is cheating on me Kandy?”

Kandy handed her a tissue. “No, I think he really loves you. You can see it every time he looks at you. I think he is just your average male pervert. Let’s stop somewhere, and get some coffee the shopping can wait. I think we need to talk more about this.”

Erin said, “Okay, you are right we need to talk about things, because I really do not know what I am going to do.”

Kandy pulled into this quaint little coffee shop. They got out of the car and walked in. The place was almost deserted, but they chose to sit in the back, for privacy sake, just in case someone came in. They ordered two cappuccinos.

Erin looked around took a sip of hers, and said, “Thanks Kandy. I do not mind telling you about my sex life, because you will understand me better than any man would. I love sex, but I wasn’t that well educated about it, before I met Jeff. Plus my mother always told me sex was dirty.”

Kandy looked at her and answered, “Erin, my parents taught me that sex should be fun and exciting. I love sex and always have.”

“Jeff is great though, he really knows how to treat me when we are in bed, and drives me crazy every time we make love. Oh god, does he know how to eat pussy! However, I am reluctant to suck his cock, because I do not really know how. I am also afraid to try new things. So I put up a front, and tell Jeff, I prefer to do it behind closed doors, in the bedroom.”

Kandy took a sip of her drink and shifted in her chair, all this talk was making her horny. “John really knows how to push my buttons, and it seems like I can never get enough of his cock. I love turning the stereo on and doing a strip tease for him. I sometimes masturbate while he watches and jacks off. It took me awhile to learn how to suck his cock too. I love sucking his cock sixty-nine style. I tell him that I will only fuck him one on one, and no body else, because I am afraid of what will happen next. I have heard about couples who went into swinging, and they ended up getting a divorce.”

Erin giggled. “Why Kandy, you are a dirty ole woman. I am glad you are telling me about your sex life. Maybe I will learn something. ”

Kandy teased, “Well if I am a dirty ole woman, you are too. Now, I have an idea, you tell me your fantasies, I will tell you mine. I promise you what we talk about stays between us. If John to heard about it, he will think I would do almost anything.”

Erin replied, “Well, I think women should have to have some secrets, the men in our lives do not need to know everything. One of my favorite fantasies is dressing up like a hooker. I wear this leather mini skirt, a see through blouse, garter belt, nylons, and four inch red heels. I apply my makeup in such a way to make me look the part, with red lipstick, and thick eyeliner. I’d walk into the living room, and say, “Come on big boy, let’s go to a bar.”’ I bet if I really did that, Jeff would faint right on the spot, and cum in his pants.”

Both women busted out laughing; they hadn’t been so relaxed since the incident at the Jeff’s house last weekend. The tension around both homes has been elevated, and everyone was grumpy. It was good that the two women could go out somewhere and talk openly.

Erin spoke first. “To tell you the truth Kandy, I think your husband John is sexy as hell. I would not mind seeing what he has in his pants, and just what he would do with it. I will admit that I am afraid and shy around men. I am always afraid of rejection.”

Kandy looked surprised. “Why Erin, I did not know you were so perverted?” I will let you in on a little secret, every time I see Jeff’s tan body, blonde hair, and blue eyes, my skin crawls with desire. I bet we’d set the sheets on fire if we were fucking.”

Erin looked at Kandy. “Oooh he is handsome isn’t he. All this talk about sex is making me hot and horny.”

Erin didn’t consider herself bi-sexual. She did however wonder what it would feel like to be naked, and alone with Kandy in a private setting. After all, she could then hear Kandy’s fantasies, and see how turned on, and wet she really was. In addition, maybe she could help her learn a few things about the woman’s body.

Erin suggested, “We had better go shopping soon, or I am going to climax right here in my panties.”

Kandy smiled, and in the back of her mind, she was thinking about Erin. She wanted to find out what turned her on, and just how hard she climaxed. She would love to be sitting on a bed naked with her, letting Erin watch her masturbate. Maybe they could teach each other some new things, and not be so afraid to broaden their horizons.

She confessed, “You’re not the only one hot and horny, I’d fuck John right now if he walked through that door. I have an Idea. What would you say about us getting together next Friday for a girl’s night out, no men allowed evening?”

Erin replied, “Sounds like a lot of fun. What would we do on?”

Kandy answered, “Well I was thinking that maybe we can meet somewhere private, like a hotel room in a neighboring town. That way, I could teach you a few things about sex. I’d show you how a woman responds, and what a man likes during sex. Sort of a show and tell, question and answer session, for you about sex.”

Erin almost dropped her cup. “Oh my god, I think that is a wonderful idea. Do you think we can pull it off without the men catching on?”

Kandy giggled, “Oh yeah, just leave it to me. Ok?”

Erin asked, “Ok. What do we do about the situation with the men? Go along with it or just keep telling them no.”

Kandy recommended, “Let’s keep telling them we do not swing okay. Maybe soon they will forget about it, and things will return to normal. Now, let’s see what is on sale at the mall.”

Erin looked at Kandy and grinned. ‘Charge it, is my favorite word. It is time to go shopping and forget about our troubles.”

The two women left to go shopping, and enjoyed it to for a change, as the men were not around to complain about how much things cost. Little did they know, what lay in store for them, that weekend at the barbecue?

Kandy and Erin returned from shopping, walked into the back yard, and told the men that they found many bargains. They insisted that their husbands see what they bought. Therefore, Jeff and Erin went home and John and Kandy went into the house.

When Kandy got into the kitchen, she told John how much fun they had shopping. She then tried to keep her cool, and not to blush when she said, “We even planned a girl’s night the following Friday. That way we can talk, have fun, and spend some time away from you guys.”

John’s eyes lit up, he looked at Kandy, and said, “You know honey that is a great idea. Will you be ok with Jeff and I having a men’s night as well. We will invite a few guys over to play some poker, maybe watch a game, and drink a few beers?”

Kandy replied, “No, after all you men need some time away from us ladies. What better ways to do that then play poker, watch sports on TV, and drink beer.”

The next day when John was at work, Kandy phoned Erin, to see if she told Jeff about their plans.

Erin told her; she just informed Jeff that the two of them were going out that following Friday, for a girl’s night out. He seemed pleased with the idea. She told Kandy that she was also nervous about packing for there little outing, and would wait until Jeff was at work Friday to do so.

“Erin honey, don’t worry, you will do ok, just leave the rest of the details to me, and I will pick you up Friday around 5pm.”

Erin replied, “I am sure we will see each other before then, and if I am still worried, we can talk about it.”

When Erin hung up, Kandy then called an out of the way hotel, and booked a room under an assumed name.

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She then went about her normal routine waiting for Friday to arrive.

Finally, it was Friday and Kandy waited until John left for work to pack a bag. In it she placed her seven-inch vibrator, an 8-inch vibrator, a x-rated sex education video entitled, “How to make love to a man. Plus a couple of sexy hot nighties, one red, the other blue, suitable to fit either women. ”

She then called Erin, and discovered she was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. Erin told her she was just too nervous to pack a bag, and knew that her actions would make Jeff suspicious. Plus she was having second thoughts about going out.

Kandy assured her, “Erin, just relax. I will be right over and we can talk about this. I will bring the bag I packed with me and you can pack what you need in it. After that we can stash it in the trunk of my car and no one will notice anything odd.”

Erin replied, “Ok, I was worried about how I would slip a bag past Jeff, without him asking questions.”

Kandy went over to Erin’s home and they talked about the night out. Kandy told Erin to try it, just this once and if she did not like it they would just go out to dinner and gossip from then on.

Erin agreed to try it and gathered the things she wanted to take with her and placed them in the bag. “Thanks Kandy, I am going to drink a beer, take a long bubble bath, and calm down. See you about five pm.”

Erin kissed Kandy’s cheek and told her goodbye. She then drank a beer and took a relaxing bath. After drying off she lay on the bed thinking of everything, and was so relaxed she almost fell asleep. She decided to set the alarm for 3:30 pm, that way she happened to doze she would wake up in plenty of time to get ready for the evening out.

Erin woke with a jolt when the alarm went off and got out of bed. She was so anxious about what would happen that her nipples were hard and her pussy was wet. She decided to take a quick, cool shower, to cool down, and wake up. She dried off, and got dressed in blue jeans, her sexy western style blue blouse, and tennis shoes. Combed her hair, applied her makeup, and checked her outfit out three times in the mirror.

She then walked down stair, went on to the porch, picked up the newspaper, then walked back in, and sat down on the couch to read it.

Jeff came home as usual and inquired if she was ready for her night out with Kandy? Erin told him she was and that to make things easier, Kandy was picking her up in twenty-five minutes.

Jeff kissed her and said, “Well you girls have fun now. I will see you later when you get home.”

Erin told Jeff to have fun at John’s. Then advised him not to get too drunk that they could not fuck later that night. She then heard a knock on the door and when she looked there stood Kandy.

Erin grabbed her purse and kissed Jeff, “See you later honey. “

Jeff greeted Kandy, and walked them both out to the car. He waved goodbye. The minute they were out of sight, Jeff locked the house, and ran over to John’s house, and grabbed a beer.

Erin and Kandy drove off towards a small restaurant near the hotel. Kandy spoke up, “I though we would stop for a bite to eat and talk. That way if you’re still nervous Erin, I can try to help you relax. Then we can go to the hotel for Sex 101 class.”

All through the meal, the way Kandy talked and told jokes had Erin laughing. It was then that she was beginning to realize everything would be fine.

On the way to the hotel, Kandy spoke up and told Erin that she could wait in the car while she went inside and checked in.

Kandy pulled into the hotel, stopped the car, went inside, and came back with the key to the room. She then pulled the car around to the space in front of the room and parked. She then handed Erin the key, and told her to unlock the door, while she got the bag out of the trunk.

They entered the room, when Kandy looked at Erin; she saw she was white as a ghost. She walked over to her and put her arm around her. “Take a deep breath, just calm down, and sit down on the bed okay. You’re here to learn about sex, not cheat on Jeff.”

Erin confessed, “I know, but I cannot help it I feel nervous.”

Kandy instructed Erin to just listen and follow her directions. She was there to help her and answer all her questions. That seemed to calm Erin down. However, by that time Kandy’s juices had soaked clear through her panties. Sex always excited her, and the thought of talking sex with another woman, and seeing what turned another woman on, intrigued her.

Kandy kicked off her shoes, laid the bag on the bed, and opened it. She took out the two nighties one was baby blue and the other one red. “Erin, pick the one you want, then strip, and put it on. After all, we might as well look sexy, as I teach you about sex. “

Erin smiled. “Oh god, I love red. Give me a minute to put it on.”

Kandy watched Erin change as she herself put on the sheer blue nightie. She licked her lips and said, “God girl, you are a knockout in red!”

Erin looked at Kandy, and shivered. “Kandy, blue is definitely your color it accents your red hair and green eyes.”

“Well then, let’s begin Erin.”

She reached over into the bag, lay the vibrators, and the video on the bed. Kandy was going to sit down on the end of the bed facing Erin. That way Erin could watch her and do exactly what she does.

Kandy sat down, lowered the top of her nightie, until her breast were in full view. She pinched, and pulled each nipple hard, until they stood out like bullets. She watched Erin as she did the same thing. She did not consider herself bi-sexual, but she tingled as she watched Erin caress and pull at her nipples. She wondered what touching Erin nipple would feel like.

Erin watched Kandy and was not sure why, but felt sexually excited. She wondered what it would feel like to touch another woman’s breasts.

Kandy asked, “Are you aware that playing with your own nipples like that turns you on more? That will also turn Jeff on more, because men love to see women playing with their tits.”

Erin blushed, and replied, “Yes, I play with them all the time; Jeff loves to watch me and slowly stroke his cock. It’s really turning me on now too. My pussy is dripping like a faucet that I cannot turn off.”
Kandy confided, “Good, at least we know you’re not frigid. Now spread your legs and show me how excited you are, and pretend that I am Jeff.”

Erin spread her legs, pulled apart her labia, and let Kandy see her pussy glistening with moisture.

Kandy quivered, and said, “Oh honey, your pussy it’s dripping. Now how do you feel about touching yourself? Men love to watch women masturbate. When I do it and John’s cock gets so fucking hard.”

Erin admitted, “I do masturbate, but I don’t feel comfortable about doing it in front of Jeff. You think I should?”

Kandy suggested, “Yes, you should. Try it the next time you two are having sex and watch his reaction. I guarantee that you both will like it, and he will fuck you harder.”

Kandy said, “Now are you ready for lesson number two? It involves using toys, like one of these vibrators I brought with me, pick the one you want to use.”

Erin licked her lips, trembled, and replied, “I’m as ready as I can be, I’ll try the small one if you don’t mind.”
Kandy handed Erin the small seven-inch vibrator and took the eight-inch one. “Now, watch me, I want to show you how good it feels to use a toy, and how it can make you experience a harder climax.”

Erin watched as Kandy spread her pussy lips, ran the buzzing toy around her clit, and into her hole. She could tell she was really enjoying it, because Kandy’s pussy juices were running down her ass. Erin turned on her toy, placed it on her clit, and shook so hard, she almost fell off the bed, Oh god did it felt so good.

Kandy watched Erin then instructed, “Slide it into your hot whole honey. Like this, see how I am fucking myself as if the toy was a cock. Oooooh fuck, if I keep this up, I am going to cum soon!”

Erin mimicked Kandy, and shoved the toy inside her pussy, fucking herself as if it was a cock. Watching Kandy was really turning her on. She then wondered what it would feel like to be the one shoving the toy into Kandy’s pussy. She was just too afraid to ask or say anything.

Kandy then decided to do something that might help Erin come out of her shy sexual shell.

“Erin, stop for a moment. I want to play a game with you. Let’s pretend that I’m Jeff, and sliding the vibrator in you. That way you can really experience what happens when he wants to use a toy during sex.”

Erin giggled and teasingly replied, “Ooooh god, please do it. Fuck me, Jeff!”

Kandy placed her vibrator on the bed and moved closer to Erin. “Now, just relax. Lie down and spread her legs wide I am going to look at your pussy, and do what Jeff would do, with a toy okay.”

She waited until Erin told her to go on, because she did not want to frighten her. Kandy then spread Erin’s pussy lips, and squealed, “Oooh god, your clit is large and swollen, and I bet it is as sensitive as mine.”

Erin just nodded her head and Kandy continued. Kandy then ran the toy around Erin’s clit then all the way down to her puckered asshole. She paused to watch Erin’s reaction and noticed, her eyes were closed, and she was moaning. Kandy licked her lips, and felt her own clit throb with desire, as she shoved the toy deep inside Erin’s pussy. She begin fucking her as her free hand started rubbing Erin‘s clit.

Erin began licking her lips and purring as Kandy tantalized her with the toy. She pretended that it was Jeff doing everything to her, and it wasn’t long until she screamed, and climaxed hard.

Erin looked at Kandy, and exclaimed, “WOW, I have never climaxed like that before! I will certainly get me a toy to use; you think we could stop by somewhere and buy one on our way home. Can I do the same thing to you? I want to see how a woman reacts, and make you cum too.”

Kandy giggled. “OK, fuck me John.”

Erin mimicked Kandy’s actions. First, teasing the woman’s clit, and then sliding the toy inside her hole, fucking her deep and hard, Then took her hand and began to rub Kandy’s clit. She paused for a moment, and asked. “I never did this before, am I doing it right Kandy?”

Kandy screamed, “Ooooooh my God! Yes you are doing it right! Fuck me harder yes, just like that! Don’t stop, keep it up, Aaarrrggghhhh,” and climaxed all over the toy and Erin’s hand.

They both collapsed on the bed exhausted. After a moment Kandy said, “Well Erin how did you like lessons one and two?”

Erin excitedly replied, “I liked them, are their any more lessons? “

Kandy answered, “Yes, Lesson three is a video. It will show you how to make love to a man. It will even instruct you how to properly suck a man’s cock. I thought it was suitable since you told me you really did not know how to suck Jeff’s cock. Want to see it now?”

“Sure, I want to learn more on how to make love to Jeff. Especially how to suck his cock, and swallow its load, without turning green, and wanting to throw up.”

Kandy slid the video into the player, and sat back on the bed, so she could watch Erin’s reaction.

Erin sat there memorized for a few minutes then turned to Kandy and asked, “I like this movie, may I take it home with me, it will help me learn how to really make love to Jeff. Oh Kandy, you are a lifesaver. “

Kandy thought for a moment, smiled, and asked, “What no popcorn with the movie? Yes, you can take the movie home, but I am coming over to watch it with you. Who knows, I might learn something.”

Kandy looked at Erin with a devilish smile and suggested, “Let’s keep the men in suspense until the night of the barbecue. I’m sure they have a sex party planned. Between you and me, let’s just go along with things and see what happens.

“I hope I can keep a straight face, I am not as good as you are Kandy about keeping secrets. However this is one, I will do. I’m dying to see their reactions.”

“Erin, look at the time, we’d better get home, before the men send out a search party.”

Kandy walked into the house around eleven pm, saw John watching the news, and walked over to him. “Hiya sexy, how’d your night go?”

“We had a blast, how’s your go?”

“We had a great time, and will do this often, Erin is a lot of fun to be around.”
Written by Kandikiss51
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