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Making the First Move

"Sophie finally goes after what she wants."

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Famous Story
“Just a couple more steps and you’re there.” Ryan slid his arm around Sophie’s waist and nudged the taxi door closed. As the car pulled away from the curb he glanced at the veranda of her cottage-style home, thankful she’d left the porch light on so they wouldn’t have to navigate the brick pathway in the dark.

She clutched his hand and snorted. “Someone’s moved the house! I can’t make it that far.”

Ryan smiled and stepped around in front of her. He clasped her upper arms and waited for her blue eyes to focus on him. One of the straps on her slip-like crimson dress had fallen off her shoulder. He tugged it into place, ignoring the spark of desire inside him. “You’re okay,” he said. “You’re a little drunk, that’s all.”

She scoffed and tilted her head to stare up at him. “I am not. I’m nearly as tall as you.”

He laughed as his gaze passed over her. She’d definitely grown over the five years he’d known her. Back when they first met she’d been a bubbly sixteen year old living with her parents, while he’d just started his own landscaping and gardening business at the age of twenty-two.

At the time her parents had hired him to give their garden a complete overhaul. While he worked there Sophie became his shadow, following him around at every opportunity, complimenting his dark hair and the muscles he’d acquired through his work. Although he’d pretended not to notice, her crush on him had been obvious.

After that initial job her father had arranged for him to do regular maintenance and Ryan kept in touch with her family over the years. While he worked on expanding his business and Sophie studied to become a nurse, their friendship grew. Now when he looked at her, he no longer saw that innocent teenager.

Tonight her long brown hair framed her face in a tousled mass and the gloss she’d worn earlier had all but faded from her lips. An overwhelming urge came over him to press his mouth there. He leaned in to kiss her forehead instead. “C’mon," he said. "Let's get you to bed.”

“Wait.” Sophie held onto the forearms revealed by his rolled-up shirtsleeves, swaying as she smiled at him. “I wanted to tell you something that I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

Given the chemistry building between them lately Ryan had a fair idea what she planned on saying. As much as he wanted to hear it, he preferred the idea of her telling him when she had a clear head. He slipped his fingers into her hair and massaged her temple with his thumb. “It's getting late, Soph. Why don't you tell me tomorrow instead?”

Sophie made a soft sound of pleasure, resting her cheek against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed. “Remind me if I forget,” she said. Her dress dipped low in the back and she wasn’t wearing a bra. He couldn’t resist sweeping his hand over her exposed flesh, sliding his palm up and down her spine. Her body trembled and her expression filled with contentment.

Ryan gave an inward groan and scrubbed a hand down his face, deciding he’d had about as much as he could handle for one night. He urged her along the front path and helped her step onto the porch. She fumbled with her key, then shoved the door open and stumbled inside. Thankfully her housemate had gone away for the weekend so there was no need to keep the noise down.

Sophie slapped the light switch and dropped her purse, bracing herself against the archway leading into the living room. From her previous history Ryan knew she’d either fall asleep on her feet, or get a second wind and want to continue on with their night. He chose another option and swept her up into his arms. He kicked the door shut, enjoying the sound of her shocked laughter as he strode with her down the hallway.

He used his elbow to turn on the light in her bedroom and glanced around the space he’d only been in a handful of times. Drapes blocked the view of the street outside and she’d looped some kind of purple gauzy material over the curtain rod. Bright yellow linen covered the bed and a bookcase sat in the corner, so stuffed with well-worn paperbacks it looked about ready to tip forward.

He crossed the room and lowered her to her feet, urging her to take a seat on the edge of the mattress. Ryan knelt before her, glancing up at her as he went about unfastening the tiny buckles on her shoes. “Are you okay?” he asked. He tossed one shoe aside and worked on the other.

“I’m great!” Sophie flopped back on the mattress, letting her arms drop out to her sides. “I’m fantastic.”

“You’re hammered.” She chose that moment to hiccup and it made him laugh.

“I was having so much fun with you. One drink just led to another and…Well, you know.” She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. “Is it officially tomorrow yet? Do you want to hear my secret now?”

He removed her other shoe and gave her feet a quick rub. “I get the feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”

Sophie pushed herself up to a sitting position and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked up at her, taking in her full lips and the way the dimple in her left cheek appeared then disappeared. She leaned in close and pressed her lips to his jaw in a lingering kiss. Her mouth moved to his ear and she whispered, “I think you should have sex with me.”

His heart pounded and a wave of lust rolled through him. He wanted to throw her against the bed and tear that flimsy red dress off her. He didn’t know when he’d started seeing her in a different light. The shift in their relationship had happened so gradually it had snuck up on him. He only knew every time he looked at her now he felt this pull to get his hands on her. “I want you,” he said.

“But not tonight,” she guessed.

Her indignant expression had him wanting to kiss her until neither of them could breathe. “I know pretty much everything about you, Soph, including the fact you’re a virgin.”

She shrugged her shoulders and the movement sent one of the straps slipping down her arm. He couldn’t tell for sure if it had been intentional. “It’s up to me how and when I give it up,” she said.

“If I’m involved I have a say in it, too.”

Sophie lifted her shoulder again. The remaining strap took a slide down her other arm, lowering the neckline of her dress until only her hardened nipples seemed to be stopping it from falling to her waist. “I could seduce you anytime I want to, Ryan.”

“Is that right?” A smile crossed his face and a dozen images filled his mind, all of them erotic. He caressed her thighs, not surprised when they parted beneath his touch.

“It wouldn’t take much,” she continued. “All I’d have to do is let my dress drop.”

She did just that, exposing herself to him. He should’ve expected it, but it still hit him like a punch to the stomach.

Her breasts were pale and firm, the curved undersides begging to be cupped by his calloused palms. Her nipples were small and pink, inviting the flick of his tongue. Goose bumps spread over her skin. Despite her bravado, he heard her shallow breaths, saw the uncertainty in her eyes. He wanted her with an intensity he’d never experienced before now.

Please.” She moved closer to him, opening her legs so they framed his thighs. Her arms snaked around his neck and she sent him an imploring look. “I want to know what it’s like. I want to feel you inside me.”

He closed his eyes to shut out the view of her. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to keep it together. “You’re drunk,” he said. “You don’t want your first time to be like this.” He wrapped one arm around her and hugged her to him.

“I don’t care.” Sophie took his other hand in hers, lifting it to caress her breast. His thumb grazed her nipple and she drew in a sharp breath. “I just want it to be with you.” She placed soft kisses across his cheek, working her way towards his mouth. Her back arched, pushing her breast further into his palm.

His control snapped. He couldn’t help it. A growl rumbled in his throat and he picked her up, dropping her further back on the bed. Her mouth opened in surprise and her breasts bounced as she fell against the pillows. Before she could recover, Ryan moved up her body and grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head. His chest rested against hers, his hips wedged between her thighs. Their gazes locked and he saw the look of triumph in her eyes. Love, lust, desire -he didn’t know what the fuck it was- charged through him.

He kissed along her collarbone, dipped the tip of his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat. She let out a low moan and hooked her ankle over the back of his thigh. His lips caressed the soft curve of her jaw, nibbled at the lobe of her ear. The pull to take what she offered almost got the better of him. He’d pay her back for the torture tomorrow.

“In the morning I’m all yours,” he said. “But for now…I’m bigger and stronger than you.” He ground his hips against hers, letting her feel how hard he’d become and show her just who was in charge here. He leaned down and licked her nipple, taking pleasure in the way her body writhed beneath him. “And it’s not happening tonight.”


Sophie rolled onto her back and stretched, turning her head on the pillow to check the clock on her bedside table. She draped her arm over her forehead and smiled, surprised that she’d slept until noon.

She’d started out sharing a few drinks with friends, but as the night went on the group became smaller. Eventually it had just been her and Ryan tucked away in a corner booth at their favourite pub.

She slipped her hands beneath the sheets, closing her eyes as she recalled the way he’d looked at her in the dim light. With the band playing in the background and the Saturday night crowd filling the bar it had felt like they were tucked away in their own private world.

Sophie skimmed her hands over her bare breasts and frowned, losing her train of thought. She normally wore pyjamas. How had she…?

Her heart raced and she shot up in bed, holding the sheet to her chest. She scanned the room, but there was no sign Ryan had even been here in the first place. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed that he’d gone.

She let out the breath she’d been holding and rested her elbows on her knees, thinking back to the final moments from last night. She’d pleaded with him to sleep with her and he’d turned her down. Her cheeks flushed at the memory. If she hadn’t been able to recall what happened next it would have been enough for her to not want to face him again anytime soon.

He’d told her he was all hers. Her stomach fluttered and a smile appeared. She sat and thought about it for a while, trying to decide on the best course of action. She wanted to call him to apologise for her behaviour and thank him all at the same time, but it wasn’t enough. Sophie really needed to see him.

She showered, brushed her teeth and threw on denim shorts and a lavender tank, deciding not to bother with a bra. With any luck her clothes wouldn’t be on for long. She left her hair flowing loose and slipped her toes into a pair of sandals. After one final check in the en suite mirror, Sophie hurried from her bedroom and headed down the hallway, trying to remember where she’d left her handbag and keys.

She spotted them on the floor beside the front door. A feeling of urgency spurred her on and she rushed forward.

“Going somewhere?”

Sophie stopped short, her skin warming at the sound of his voice. He’d stayed. Of course he’d stayed. She moved to the living room doorway, her heart pounding so hard she wondered if he could hear it, too.

Ryan stood in the centre of the small space. He must have used her housemate’s bathroom because his dark hair was tousled and damp and his feet were bare beneath his jeans. He’d left enough buttons undone on his blue shirt that she could see his chest. Her gaze shifted to the couch where she noticed a folded blanket draped over the arm.

“You didn’t have to sleep out here,” she said, moving further into the room. She hooked her thumbs in the belt loops on her shorts and glanced out the window. Sunlight trickled through the pear tree in her front yard and a car horn honked in the distance.

“I didn’t have a choice last night,” he said.

Her attention shifted back to him and the playful gleam in his eyes had her biting her lip to hide a smile. “Sorry about that.”

“No, you’re not.”

Sophie gave up the pretence and laughed. “No, I’m not.”

“Come over here.”

She grinned, caught up in the moment. “Why?”

One dark brow lifted. “Apparently you’ve got some moves. I want to see them.”

The memory of her bragging that she could seduce him came back to her. Sophie decided to rise to the challenge rather than let him get the better of her. She narrowed her eyes and planted her hands on her hips. “You don’t believe me?”

His gaze travelled over her, slowly enough that it had desire swirling in her belly. “The boob flash was one thing, but I have my doubts about your other abilities.”

She walked over to him, fighting against a smile. Her hands itched to touch him, but the anticipation was just too much fun and she didn’t want to give in to the need yet. “You think because I haven’t had sex before it means I don’t have any other tricks up my sleeve?”

“You’re not wearing sleeves,” he pointed out. His hands closed over her breasts without warning, lifting and massaging her flesh with strong, firm strokes. His thumbs swept over her nipples, once, twice, and then he stopped. “You’re not wearing a bra either.”

Just like that he’d thrown her off balance. She ached to have him do it again. Her nipples still tingled from his touch and although he no longer had his hands on her, the heat lingered. “I, uh…”

“See?” He bent his head and took advantage of her open mouth, giving her lower lip a gentle nip. “You talk big, but you can’t back it up.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I begged you to have sex with me last night. You turned me down.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it begging.” He clasped her face in his hands and touched his lips to hers. “It was sexy as hell, but when I’m deep inside you I’d rather have you sober. I want your eyes rolling back in your head because I’m fucking you hard, not because you’ve passed out.”

Sophie wanted to drag him to the floor and tear at his clothes. She yawned instead. “That got me all fluttery inside.”

Ryan appeared as if he was trying not to laugh. “You look a bit worked up.” His hands delved under the hem of her top, smoothing over her tummy, then her ribs. His thumbs brushed the undersides of her breasts. “Are you okay?”

Her eyes drifted closed. Her breath caught in her throat and she let it out in a trembling laugh. “Uh huh.”

Ryan chuckled. He caressed the sides of her breasts and ran his palms over the tips. She shuddered and leaned closer, surprised at how little control she had over her own body. He pressed his lips to her brow, left a warm peck on each cheek. He kissed her eyelids and nuzzled the soft skin beneath her ear. His voice deepened, she heard the huskiness creep in around the edges. “That was pure torture last night,” he said. “I’ve never wanted anyone so much.” His hands swept around to her back, sliding up and down her spine.

“I know the feeling,” she whispered. Her breathing turned shallow. She wanted everything from him and at the same time felt as if she couldn’t take any more.

He gave her a long look and pulled her against him to claim her mouth. A sigh travelled through her and she relaxed in his arms. His mouth was so sensual and thorough as it moved over hers that she lost herself in the kiss. He swept his palms over her back, pressing her close. Her senses heightened and she threaded her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to kiss him back.

Her limbs trembled. He touched his tongue to hers and it took her a moment to realise that the whimper she’d heard had come from her. His tongue delved further and her stomach quivered. She’d been kissed before but never had she felt as if her knees would buckle under her.

He broke the connection and pulled back, then leaned in again to give her mouth another soft kiss. “Come to bed with me,” he said, his breath warm against her skin. “Let me take care of you.”

Sophie pressed her lips together to savour the taste of him, taking in the features she’d grown to love over the years. His eyes were a cool blue, his lashes thick and dark. The damp ends of his messy hair glistened in the early afternoon light. His tanned skin and the whiskers covering his jaw gave him a roguish appearance, the sudden quirk of those sensual lips only further adding to his appeal. Her affection for him overwhelmed her. “Let’s go,” she said.

Ryan gave her a smiling kiss and swept her from her feet. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he walked with her to the bedroom.


“I can’t believe you’re in my bed.” Sophie had already stripped off her shorts and shoes and now knelt on the mattress wearing a thin cotton tank and a skimpy pair of panties. She’d opened the drapes just enough to let a sliver of natural light into the room.

“Neither can I, but I’m quickly getting used to the idea.” Ryan lay sprawled beside her fully clothed, his hands clasped behind his head as he regarded her with amusement. Seeing him lying here all masculine and gorgeous against her buttercup yellow sheets had to be the most enticing thing she’d ever seen.

“I’ve been around naked male patients at work,” she said, climbing over him and straddling his body, “but when it comes to this kind of thing I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

“It’s okay.” He shifted his hips until his erection nudged her in the most intimate of ways. “I’ll just grit my teeth and try to get through it.”

“I appreciate that.” She wanted to laugh at his humour, but the idea of finally being close to him in this way had her fingers trembling as she reached out to unfasten his shirt buttons. “I’ve even watched porn for tips, you know.”

He smiled. “That’s my dirty girl.”

Her heart thudded and something sweet unfurled inside her. She stopped working on his buttons and drew in a long breath, letting it out slowly in an effort to calm the emotion that had crept up on her.

Ryan curved his hand around the back of her neck and urged her closer. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

She traced the faint scar in his eyebrow and kissed his cheek. “If I’d been doing this with anyone else right now I think I’d be scared,” she said, “but it’s you. I’ve wanted you from the moment we met and…well…” She looked into his eyes and moistened her lower lip. “It’s you.”

“Aw, Soph.” He clamped her to him with one hand at her hip and the other tangled in her hair. His mouth met hers and the intensity of his kiss left her breathless. He broke away and brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “With the age difference between us and all those warning looks your dad used to give me, I didn’t start thinking of you that way until recently.”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “I’m just happy you see me that way now.”

He held her close and gave her a deep, searching kiss that made her skin flush with heat and her body pulse with pleasure.

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The more he touched her, the more difficulty she had controlling herself. She rocked her hips, slowly, rubbing herself against him, feeling his rigid length through her panties. Denim rasped her inner thighs. His hands moved to cradle her ass, his palms warming her skin. He slid his thumbs along the cleft, massaging her cheeks, pushing her down to meet his shallow thrusts. Sophie gazed at him while his strong hands guided her movements.

“You’re so hard,” she whispered. “I can feel you right…there.

He groaned and kissed her. “Tell me where.”

Their mouths were so close their breaths intermingled. “Mmm…my pussy. I feel you against my pussy,” she said. Sophie moved her hips a little faster, pressed a little harder. She couldn’t get close enough to him.

“God, you’re sweet.” Ryan’s lips met hers again and their tongues delved and explored. His fingers dug into her buttocks, kneading her flesh. “Take off your top,” he said. “Let me see you again.”

She kissed him a while longer, grinding her pussy along his hardened length. His thrusts had denim abrading cotton and her panties riding up. Sophie flicked her tongue over his lower lip and leaned back, crossing her arms over her torso. She gripped the hem of her top and need surged inside her as she peeled it from her body.

Her long hair draped over one shoulder and the warm air caressed her bare breasts. She tossed her top aside, seconds ticking by as she watched him watching her.

“Come closer,” he said. Sophie leaned forward and glanced down as his mouth closed in on her. His tongue flicked out and swiped the tip of her nipple. Before she could recover from the initial contact he drew the tingling nub into his mouth and gave it a firm suck.

Oh.” Her back arched and pleasure rushed through her. Ryan held her in place with one hand on her buttock, the other sliding over her ribcage to cover her breast. He alternated between suckling and licking, bringing her nipple to a taut, aching peak. His attention shifted to her other breast. Sophie sank her hands into his hair and sighed. With his mouth caressing her nipple and his hard cock beneath her, he’d pushed her to the point she wanted to explode.

Ryan tugged the front of her panties down and slipped his hand inside. He brushed his fingertips over her pussy, dipping into her warmth. He caressed her swollen clit, massaging her sensitive bud in slow circles. She let out a breathless moan as his mouth tilted to meet hers, his lips warm and damp from the attention he’d given her breast. She kissed him and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, pulling the last one free so she could tug the two sides apart. Her palms swept over his broad chest, skimming his hardened nipples.

Ryan groaned and thrust his tongue into her mouth, slowly pushing two fingers inside her at the same time. Oh, God. How had he known she needed that? She gave an inward sigh of relief and sank down to meet the deliberate glide of his fingers.

Sophie leaned closer, her breasts brushing his bare chest while he teased and aroused her. Her hips moved in time with his hand. His pace increased, his pressure firmed. He seemed to know exactly what she needed before she did.

She broke their kiss and rested her forehead against his, drawing in quick breaths. “You’re going to…” Overcome with sensations, she could barely think let alone form words. “You’re going to make me-“

“Show me, sweetness.” Ryan slid his fingers steadily in and out of her warmth, rubbing her clit with the heel of his palm.

She couldn’t hold back any longer. Her eyes squeezed shut and a strangled moan tore from her. Her hips jerked against him, her belly tightened. She clenched her thighs, fisting her hands in his hair. Sophie rode his fingers and pressed her mouth to his. Their tongues tangled and she let out one long, throaty cry as her orgasm took hold. Her body shuddered against him and her world spun. She had to hold onto him to steady herself.

Her breath left her in a whimper and their kiss gentled. Ryan massaged her pussy with slow, languid strokes until she stopped trembling. He finally broke the connection, pulling his hand from between them. He dragged her against him and wrapped his arms around her. “Fuck,” he whispered. His breathing sounded almost as shallow as hers.

“Is that good or bad?” Sophie laid her hand on his chest, feeling the thump of his heart while she waited for her own pulse to settle.

“I almost came in my pants.”

She laughed and felt his arms tighten around her. She nuzzled his throat, pressing her lips to his warm skin. His erection nestled between her splayed legs and she wriggled against it, still wanting more. She doubted she’d ever be able to get enough of him. “The way you touched me,” Sophie said. “The way you moved your fingers inside me with your cock all hard underneath me…it made me want you so much.”

Ryan tilted her chin and kissed her. “It made me want you, too,” he said.

She lifted herself off him until there was enough space to slide her hand down his body and give his cock a firm rub. “I can tell,” she said. Sophie caressed the bulge in his jeans and the surrender in his expression made her want him all the more. “You have the most beautiful body,” she said, gently kissing his lips. “I want to touch every part of you with my hands and my mouth.”

He groaned and shifted under her. “You can’t say things like that and expect to keep your panties on.”

The huskiness in his voice had her stomach filling with butterflies. Sophie sat back on her heels and raised her eyebrows. “My panties come off as soon as you lose your shirt,” she said, “and your jeans.”

He pushed himself up to a sitting position and flicked his tongue over her nipple. “Fine by me.”

She didn’t know whether to feel amused or turned on by his surprise attack. She always seemed to feel a combination of both in his presence. Sophie used her hands to shield her breasts and waited him out.

Ryan’s eyes glimmered with humour. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He slid his shirt from his shoulders, giving her an unobstructed view of the broad chest and lean muscles that had starred in many of her fantasies.

Her gaze roamed over him and she swallowed. He really did have an incredible body. “I’m not sure about anything around you.”

He gave her a quick kiss, then tossed his shirt aside and lay back to work on his zipper. Sophie shuffled backwards on the bed. He lifted his hips to push at his jeans and she helped pull them off from her end. The more she tugged, the more she revealed of his navy blue boxer briefs and the erection hidden inside them.

She wanted so much to touch him, to press her lips to his hard flesh. She had to let out a long breath to regain control. Sophie flung his jeans off the mattress and rose to her knees, slipping her thumbs into the sides of her panties.

“Stand up while you take them off,” he said. Ryan gave her a leisurely once over and his expression filled with warmth. “Make it nice and slow.”

Her heart thumped hard and she gasped. Desire rushed through her, making her pulse skip and her skin flush. She somehow knew having him inside her would be the only way to satisfy the ache. Sophie rose from the bed and stood over him, one foot planted on the outside of his thigh and the other between his legs.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” She tried to keep her smile from wobbling.

He curved his palm around her ankle, smoothing it over her calf. “Yeah…I’m sure.”

She held her breath and slipped her panties past her hips, pushing further until they dropped of their own accord. Sophie felt his eyes on her as she stepped from her underwear and kicked it aside. Her legs were slightly parted, her body completely on display. She couldn’t hide from him. Despite the tremor running through her, she didn’t want to hide. “You’re turn now,” she said.

“In a minute.” He stroked her leg and watched her for a while. The tension in the room built to an unbearable level and her breaths left her in shallow little puffs. She’d never felt so charged with energy before, so filled with emotion.

“You’re beautiful,” he said. The look in his eyes made her feel like sinking to her knees and throwing her arms around him. Ryan pulled himself up to sit before her, bringing his mouth in line with her pussy. He kissed her there, a prolonged touch of warm lips to smooth skin that made her sigh deep in her throat.

Sophie parted her legs further and threaded her fingers in his tousled hair. He curled his hands around the backs of her thighs and drew her closer. His tongue made one long lick through her slick heat and a moan left her as she gazed down at him. His eyes closed and his mouth and tongue moved over her damp lips, pushing her arousal to its peak. It wouldn’t take much to send her flying again. “Ryan, that…ahhh…that feels amazing.”

He hummed his agreement against her pussy, flicking his tongue firmly over her clit. She almost doubled over at the pleasure and he gripped her thighs to steady her. Still sensitive from his earlier attention, it wasn’t long before he had her clinging to him all over again.

One of his hands left her thigh to slip between her legs and stroke her there. Rather than dipping his fingers inside her as he had before, he teased her with feather-like touches that made her mouth drop open and her hips undulate.

The release came gently this time. Pulses of desire rippled through her. Sophie tightened her fingers in his hair and pressed her pussy against his mouth. Her orgasm moved through her at a languorous pace, swirling in her belly, jolting her limbs. Her head tipped back and she let out a drawn out “Ohh” as her body trembled above him.

It took her a few moments to come back down and when she did, Sophie realised the only sound in the room was the soft sobbing coming from her. Ryan pulled her onto his lap and his arms went around her. He hugged her to him and buried his face in her hair.

Sophie needed time to recover and curled against him while her breathing slowed. When she finally got her all her senses back, she pressed her lips to his throat. “You keep taking care of me but you’re not letting me do anything for you,” she said.

“You think this isn’t doing anything for me?” He took her hand and guided it toward his erection.

She rubbed him slowly, trailing her fingertips over his hard length, curving her hand underneath to cup him. He let out a quiet groan and smoothed his palm up and down her spine. She stroked him, revelling in the sound of his deepening breaths, the feel of his taut thigh beneath her. “I want to do more for you,” she said.

Sophie turned in his arms and kissed him, tasting her own muskiness on his lips. It reminded her of the intimate touch of his mouth between her thighs and further heightened her excitement. Her tongue slid against his and she flattened her palm on his chest, giving him a gentle push until he fell backward on the bed.

Sophie tumbled against his chest and straddled him, kissing him hard. The time for teasing and gentleness had passed. She wanted to know what it felt like to have him inside her. Ryan groaned and thrust his tongue into her mouth, reaching between them to pull down his boxer briefs. He raised his hips and shoved his underwear out of the way, the movement pressing him against her pussy. Sophie felt him without any barriers for the first time and her desire for him surged. “I want you so much,” she said.

“Are you…" He kissed her and stroked her temple. "Do we need a condom?”

"No, I’m on the pill.” She reached between them and touched his cock, trailing her fingers over him. His skin was so silky smooth, his shaft so unbelievably hard. Her thumb swiped the moisture gathered on the head. The urge came over her to touch him with her mouth, experience the taste of him on the tip of her tongue. “I want to kiss you there,” she said.

He rolled her onto her back and kicked his boxer briefs all the way off. “Next time,” he said, holding her face while his lips moved over hers. “God, next time. I won’t last if you do that now.”

Sophie parted her thighs and felt him settle further between them. His cock nudged the entrance to her body and his chest came to rest against her breasts. She curved her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him toward her. She kissed him deeply, her tongue venturing into his mouth as she shifted under him to get closer.

Ryan began guiding his cock into her. She knew the waiting must be torture for him, but despite all his efforts to ready her for this moment, it still didn’t go easily. Her body tightened and shut him out of its own accord.

“Try to relax, Soph.” Ryan kissed her throat, working his way up to her ear. He nibbled on her lobe, his husky voice reaching inside her. “I won’t hurt you.”

She drew a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Sophie reminded herself that she was with the man she loved and this moment had been a long time coming. Her nervousness would ruin it all if she didn’t let it go. She slipped her arms around him and her thighs unclenched.

Ryan swept her hair from her eyes and gave her a quick kiss. He watched her expression as he eased inside her. She bit her lower lip and raised her hips to meet the slow glide of his cock. The further he penetrated, the fuller she became, her body stretching to accommodate him. She didn’t think she could take him all, but he kept pushing, kissing her and whispering soothing words, until finally he was inside her completely. The sigh that came from him sounded like one of relief.

She moistened her lips and met his gaze. “All I can feel is you,” she said. “We’re a perfect fit.”

“I know.” He kissed her and withdrew partway before thrusting slowly back in.

Despite the lingering pain, Sophie arched her back and held onto him, pulling him closer. She wanted the weight of him pinning her down, wanted to feel every flex of his muscles. He nuzzled the space under her chin and plunged again. Her mouth opened and she let out a moan, still sensitive from the previous times he’d made her come.

Ryan rested on his elbow, slipping his other hand beneath her. He lifted her hips, his gaze moving over her as he filled her with one controlled thrust after another. She’d finally got used to the sensation of having him inside her when he dipped his head and made a sound against her throat that was somewhere between a laugh and a groan. “You’re so tight,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt you but I can barely hold back.”

Each time he pushed inside her he moved with greater ease, and with each retreat Sophie felt surprisingly empty. “I don’t want you to hold back,” she said, running her fingers through his hair. “I’m not fragile. You won’t break me.”

The sound he made this time was all groan. His restraint snapped and his lips met hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth just as his cock thrust into her body. Sophie wrapped her legs around him, linking her ankles together. She gripped the underside of his straining biceps, loving that he let her see this side of him. He’d always been so relaxed and at ease. It made her stomach flutter to see him lose control.

He took over with his strength, overwhelming her with the heat in his kiss. He drove into her again and again, gaining momentum with each plunge. He pulled his mouth away to draw a deep breath. The force of his body made her close her eyes and tilt her head back in pleasure. The need for release built again despite having been there twice.

His pace increased and she jolted beneath him, gasping for breath. His chest rubbed her tingling nipples. He bent his head and moved his lips over her throat, leaving damp kisses on her skin. Sophie dug her fingertips into his shoulders, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts. She felt his clenched stomach muscles against hers, his strong arms either side of her. She smelled the soap on his skin from his shower.

Her climax took her by surprise. Her thighs clamped around him and her body twisted. A husky cry tore from her and she thrummed with pleasure, quaking beneath him.

Ryan swore and gathered her into his arms, pressing his cheek to hers. He slammed inside her over and over, breathing hard against her flushed skin. His intensity thrilled her, his thrusts bringing on little aftershocks that trickled through her. He held her so close she felt the rumble move through his chest. He jerked against her and the rumble exploded into a loud groan as he came.

His belly tightened and his body shuddered with the effort. He collapsed against her, his heart thumping and his laboured breaths filling her ear. Sophie unhooked her ankles from around him and let her legs relax. She ran her hands over his back and let the quiet settle between them, basking in his closeness and the warmth of his body.

“Is it always like that?” she asked, stroking his damp hair.

He turned his head and kissed her, his lips soft and warm. “I’ll let you know when I can think again.”

Sophie smiled and moved beneath him to get more comfortable. He remained inside her and she wasn’t in any hurry for him to go anywhere. “It wasn’t…It wasn’t what I expected.”

He propped himself up on his elbows and a lazy smile hovered at his mouth as he looked her over. “Are you criticising my performance?”

“No.” She laughed and then sobered when she thought back to everything he’d done for her. Her fingertip traced his collarbone, her eyes following the movement. “No, I’m just glad I waited and had my first time with you. You made it unforgettable.”

Something in her expression must have given her away because he said, “I feel a ‘but’ coming on.”

She couldn’t look at him just yet. There were probably better times to have this conversation but if she put it off it would only make her more nervous. Her heart felt like it was pounding in her throat. “I feel something for you - more than something - and I don’t want that to be my last time with you.”

He placed his palms on either side of her face and kissed the tip of her nose. His mouth touched hers and his thumbs stroked her cheeks. “I don’t either,” he said.

She smiled and closed her eyes feeling a weight lift off her - figuratively. She could handle the literal one staying right where he was for as long as he wanted. “Don't feel too smug," she said. "It's only because of your impressive body."
“Uh huh.” His kiss was slow and deep, a leisurely meeting of lips, a soft flicker of tongue. “I believe you.”

The rasp in his deep voice had her drawing a steadying breath. She always seemed to feel light-headed around him. “I already know you on the inside,” she said. Her eyes opened again and her hands skimmed down his spine, curving over the bare ass that was hard and muscled like the rest of him. “Now I want to get to know you better on the outside.”

“That's fine with me.” Ryan pressed a lingering peck on her lips. “Stacey’ll be home soon,” he said, referring to her housemate. “Come back to my place. Stay with me tonight.”

Sophie lifted her arms above her head and stretched. Her breasts squashed against his chest, making heat flash in his eyes. “On one condition,” she said, pleased with the reaction she’d stirred in him.

“And what's that?” He lowered his head to nibble her neck.

“You let me give you that kiss I wanted to give you earlier.” The groan that vibrated against her skin told her he appreciated her forwardness.

Ryan wrapped his arms around her and rolled onto his back, taking her with him. “I’m glad you made your desperate, drunken move on me last night,” he said, curving his hands around her hips.

Sophie sat astride him and their eyes met. A smile played about her lips as happiness flowed through her. “And I’m glad you turned into a prude and made me wait until today.”

He reached up to cup her breasts and she felt him grow hard inside her all over again. The connection, the feeling of intimacy between them, warmed her from the inside out. Her hips moved slowly back and forth, a sensation of lightness spreading through her as she watched him.

She held onto his forearms, feeling as if she was about to take the ride of her more ways than one.

Written by Lisa
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