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Our Cuckold Wedding Part Ten

"Things get hot with Jen and my father"

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Jen called me after my father had taken her coffee to her and she told me that he was naked again.

She told me that she was going to help my father decorate the Christmas tree this morning.

“In the nude?” I asked.

“Of course!” Jen replied, “I love being naked with your dad.”

She called me back about ninety minutes later and again, she sounded excited.

“I told you that your dad was naked when he brought my coffee,” Jen shouted, “We sat and chatted while I dried my hair.”

“Did he have an erection?” I asked.

“Your father always has an erection!” Jen screamed, “I was sitting at the dressing table, drying my hair and looking in the mirror and I saw him place my phone on the floor by the bed.”

“Why did he do that?” I asked.

“I realized that he put it there to pretend that I had dropped it again,” Jen shouted, “Because that would mean a spanking for me!”

Jen told me that she played along and walked to the bed and pretended to be looking for her phone.

She told me that she pulled the pillows back and he asked what she was looking for and she told him that she was looking for her phone.

“He bent down and picked it up from the floor and said, here it is, you must have dropped it,” Jen said excitedly.

Jen told me that he handed her the phone and told her that she must have dropped it again.

“He said, you know what that means don’t you?” Jen shouted, “I said, yes it means that I have been naughty and I get another beating!”

Jen told me that Jason smiled and asked, “How many did your delightful cheeks get yesterday?”

“I told him they got twenty each and he said, so now it’s thirty on each,” Jen screamed, “I said, I know sir!.

Jen told me that there’s something very sexy about an old man spanking her and seeing what it does to him makes it even more erotic.

She told me that she had finished her coffee and Jason asked if she wanted another cup, she accepted and he went downstairs to get more coffee while she finished drying her hair. He brought the coffee and handed it to her and when she put the cup on the nightstand, she spilled a tiny drop.

“He smiled and said, oh you naughty girl,” Jen told me, “He said, you know what that means don’t you?”

Jen told me that she smiled at Jason and said, “Yes, that means my breasts get beaten as well.”

Jen told me that Jason asked her if she remembered how many times her breasts were spanked yesterday and she told him they got ten spanks each.

“He said, so they each get twenty spanks today and I said okay sir,” Jen went on, “Then he asked me if that was okay and I shouted to him that it was fine, I have to be punished for being naughty!”

“Wow Jen,” I replied.

“Then I said, and I know the final five will be much harder and he asked if that was okay and I said, of course, I must be punished!” Jen told me with a lot of excitement in her voice.

“He asked me what time should the punishment begin and I said at eleven o’clock,” Jen said softly.

She told me that they had breakfast and she had to keep using the bathroom to dry her wet pussy because she was so excited about being beaten again, then they went to the living room to decorate the Christmas tree.

“Trevor, I accidentally dropped an ornament and it broke when it hit the floor,” Jen told me, “Jason said not to worry, then he said, but you know what that means don’t you?”

Jen told me that she smiled at Jason and said, “Yes, another punishment because I was naughty.”


“Then he said, your cheeks and boobs are already going to be spanked,” Jen shouted down the phone, “And Jason said, do you know what that means?”

“Your pussy?” I asked.

“I said, what does it mean,” Jen answered me, “He said, for that punishment, you will be on your back with your legs apart, and I said, okay sir!”

Jen told me that Jason couldn’t hide his excitement as he explained, “If you’re okay with it, I will have to spank your….”

Jen told me that he hesitated and stumbled to find the words.

“So, I shouted, pussy?” Jen shouted down the phone to me, “He said, yes, is that okay?”

“Wow, what did you say Jen?” I asked her.

“I said, it will have to be, I must be punished!” Jen replied, “How many spanks does my pussy get and Jason said, ten!”

“Did he spank your pussy?” I asked.

“I smiled at him and said, I know, the last five spanks to my pussy are harder, aren’t they? And he said, yes, is that okay?” Jen told me, “I said, yes they have to be, I was very naughty and I must be punished!”

Jen told me that she set an alarm on her phone to prompt her at eleven o’clock and they continued to decorate the Christmas tree in the nude.

Eleven o’clock arrived and her alarm chimed and Jason asked what that sound was, so she told him it was an alarm for her punishment. She told me that Jason smiled and he went to the couch to get ready for her beating.

Jen told me, “Jason said that he will try not to spank too hard and I told him that he should spank as hard as he pleases, I have been naughty and must be punished, even if it hurts!”

“What did he say to that?” I asked.

“He said, okay then but please tell me if I spank too hard and I said, it MUST be hard, I have been naughty and MUST be punished.”

“Wow Jen, you like it that much?” I asked.

“Yes Trevor I do,” Jen replied, “I told Jason that even if I scream and have tears, he must complete the punishment, no matter how painful it is for me!”

“What did he say?” I asked.

“He said, okay, I will spank you harder than yesterday.”

She told me that she positioned herself over his lap and he started spanking her cheeks. The spanks got harder as she counted down and by the time that he had reached twenty, her cheeks were burning and by twenty-four, she was biting her lip and he kept asking her if she were okay and she always told him that she was fine and he must continue.

Jen said that when he had completed twenty-four, he reminded her that the final five were going to be much harder.

“I shouted, I know and I’m ready for them,” Jen continued, “The next spank was indeed harder and I winced and he asked me if I were okay and I shouted, yes sir!”

Jen told me that the following three were progressively harder and she did feel tears in her eyes.

“He spanked you that hard?” I asked.

“Yes Trevor and it was amazing.”

Jen told me that the final spank was the hardest and she screamed as his hand found its target.

“Jason said that he was sorry and asked if it was too hard,” Jen went on, “I told him that he HAS to spank me hard! He was so concerned about hurting me and I wanted him to, I liked the pain!”

Jen told me that she stood up and Jason offered to massage in the lotion to take away the sting; she let him and he kept telling her that her cheeks were very red. She told me that she told him that it was okay and it needed to hurt her, she needed to be punished for being naughty!

Jen told me that he spent almost twenty minutes rubbing the lotion into her sore cheeks.

“I took a deep breath and got on my knees and said, okay now my breast punishment sir,” Jen went on, “He asked if I was sure and I said, yes, and don’t worry about beating them too hard, it must hurt me!”

She told me that she took hold of his stiff cock and said, “Do you mind if I hold this while you beat my breasts.”

“And did you?” I asked.

“He said, sure, I like you touching me,” Jen went on, “He said, its ten on each and I shouted, no it’s twenty on each sir.”

Jen told me that he started spanking her firm breasts and again, each spank got harder as she counted down and by the time that he had reached twelve, her breasts were stinging. And when he reached fifteen, she could feel the tears in her eyes and he again asked her if she were ok to which she said yes and for him to continue.

“He stopped briefly and said, but you have tears babe,” Jen went on, “I shouted that I didn’t care and I must complete the punishment and I know the last five are harder.”

“Wow Jen,” I replied.

“He said, are you sure, I’m hurting you? I shouted, yes I’m sure, it must hurt me!” Jen went on, “It must hurt me, I must be punished, I was very naughty! I don’t care how painful it is!”

Jen told me that the next four, stung her breasts like crazy, his hand landed on her left nipple twice.

“He swung his hand on the final spank and I couldn’t feel the pain until my breasts had finished bouncing,” Jen went on, “Then, I felt the pain! Again he asked if I were okay and I shouted that I was perfect.”

Jen told me that she handed him the jar of lotion and he massaged it in her breasts.

“He told me that he could feel me tighten my grip on his penis with every spank,” Jen went on, “I asked him if I squeezed too hard and he said, no it was nice.”

Jen told me that, Jason asked her if she wanted the final punishment and she said that she must!

“I told him, you hand out the punishments and I MUST complete them, sir, no matter how painful they are or how much they hurt me, I MUST obey.”

“You wanted him to spank your pussy, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Yes of course I did,” Jen shouted

Jen told me that he finished massaging the lotion on her breasts and he suggested that they go to her bedroom for the final punishment as she will need to be on her back.

She explained that they went to her bedroom and she laid on top of the bed, near the bottom so that her legs were draped over and her feet were touching the floor and she asked Jason, how he wanted her to lay?“He said that he wanted the soles of my feet on the bed and my knees bent,” Jen went on, “And he needed my legs parted as wide as I could get them.”


“I said, yes sir,” Jen replied.

Jen told me that she got into that position and he helped adjust her body until she was exactly how he wanted her.

“He saw you that intimately?” I asked.

“Yes Trevor, my pussy lips and clit were very visible. My legs were spread wide open!”

Jen told me that again, Jason asked if he should continue and Jen shouted that he needs to!

“I told him that he MUST complete my punishment and to spank as hard as he feels necessary,” Jen went on, “I told him that I was very naughty, I broke an ornament and the pain should reflect my crime!”


Jen told me that he positioned himself and carried out the first spank to her wet pussy. The first one was not very hard at all and after his hand had made contact with her pussy lips, Jason asked if she were okay and she shouted that she was fine and he should continue.

“The next four got harder and harder,” Jen told me, “Then he said that the final five would be harder still and I shouted, okay sir, I’m ready.”

Jen told me that he changed position to get a better aim.

“He asked me if he was hurting my beautiful vagina!” Jen laughed over the phone, “I shouted that it has to hurt, it’s a punishment.

She told me that the next one, number six, made direct contact to her clit and she whimpered.

“I shouted, I’m okay sir, continue,” Jen went on, “He asked if he was going too hard and I shouted, not at all, it has to hurt!”

Jen told me that the next spank was a lot harder and she whimpered a little louder and again, Jason asked if she were okay and she confirmed that she was.

“Spank number eight hurt more and I gritted my teeth as I prepared for number nine,” Jen went on, “Number nine hit right on my clit and lips and it stung!”

Jen told me that my dad then asked her if she were ready for the final spank and she told him that she was ready.

“I said to him, this one is going to hurt, isn’t it sir?” Jen went on, “He said, yes I believe it will and I’m sorry to do this to you.”

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I said that it’s not your fault, I was the naughty one and deserve to be beaten,” Jen went on, “I told him that he MUST spank me hard when you punish me! I don’t care whether it’s my cheeks, my breasts or my pussy, you MUST spank hard!”

“Did he say anything?” I asked.

“Yes Trevor, he said, okay then, get ready because this final one is going to sting!”

Jen told me that Jason pulled his hand back and let rip and it was hard, very hard!

“I screamed and pushed my hand to my pussy,” Jen went on, “That final one hurt a lot and I climaxed at the same time!”

Jen told me that as soon as she screamed, he pulled his head in between her breasts and hugged her waist and cried that he was sorry. He saw that she had tears running down her face and he wiped them for her and again, he apologized.

“I told him that I was fine,” Jen went on, “He said, I have hurt you and I shouted, you HAVE TO, it’s a punishment, it HAS to hurt me.”

Jen told me that he sat back up and looked down at her pussy.

“Jason told me, it’s a little red and again he apologized for hurting me,” Jen went on, “

Jen told me that she grabbed his cock and squeezed it and said, “Please stop apologizing, the beatings have to hurt, they HAVE to!”

Jen told me that Jason just sat there looking at her naked body and finally he asked why she was still in the position for her spanking?

“I told him that, you never told me that I could close my legs,” Jen went on, “He laughed and said, you are just too darn cute.”

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Jen told me that he asked if the position that she was in was comfortable and she told him that it was very uncomfortable after a while because having her legs apart for a period of time does cause her groin to ache.

“He said, because you whimpered, I want you to stay in this position, okay?”

“What did you say, Jen?”

“I smiled and said, okay sir.”

Jen told me that she asked him to massage the lotion into her sore pussy and he jumped at the chance.

“He rubbed my pussy for ten minutes before he stopped and said that I may not close my legs yet.”

“You had to stay like that with your legs apart?”

“Yes and he asked me if the spanking was okay and I told him that I enjoyed it,” Jen told me, “He said, so did I and if you’re naughty again, we’ll have to do it again, you know that don’t you?”

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I said, yes sir I know and the number of spanks will be increased by ten!” Jen went on, “He said, that’s right, even to your vagina!”

Jen told me that she then worked him off and within three minutes he was shooting his cum over her breasts and some flew onto the bed and Jason told her that she was naughty for getting some of his cum onto the bed.

“I asked him does that mean another punishment and he said yes!” Jen went on, “He said that the next spanking would be at three o’clock and my cheeks will now get forty on each!”

Jen told me that she smiled and said,” Okay sir, I know the rules.”

Jen told me that her body only had three short hours to recover before her next spank.

“He spanked you twice on the same day?” I asked.

“My cheeks and breast had already recovered,” Jen told me, “It was just my pussy that had to recover and I still had three hours to go before my next spanking.”

“Did he spank all three places again?” I asked.

“Up to that point, I only had one punishment,” Jen went on, “But like I said, I still had three hours to go.”

“Wow, Jen.”

“He kept me sitting like that for another thirty minutes before he asked if the position was painful yet,” Jen told me.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I told him that it was now very uncomfortable and he smiled and said, well you did whimper.”

“He kept you like that?” I asked.

“For a further twenty minutes, my groin was aching like crazy but he liked looking at my open legs.”

Jen told me that finally, Jason told her that she could get comfortable and she carefully moved to sit up on the bed.

Jen told me that they went downstairs to get a sandwich for lunch and while they were eating lunch, Brian called Jason. It appeared that he had tried to call Jen but she had left her phone upstairs in the bedroom. Jason passed her his phone and she had her chat with Brian.

When she ended her call, Jason smiled and told her that she was a naughty girl for leaving her phone upstairs.

“He said, you know what that means don’t you? I said, yes sir, another beating to my breasts.”

Jen told me that he informed her that her cheeks are already going to get forty spanks and now her breasts get another thirty.

“He said, we still have two hours to go, there’s still time for your beautiful vagina to earn twenty,” Jen went on, “I said, I know sir, I’m trying not to be naughty.”


Jen told me that the next hour went smoothly; they finished decorating the tree and started to clear away the boxes that held the Christmas tree decorations.

Jen told me that she picked up a small box that still had a few decorations in it and as she picked it up, the bottom fell out of it and the surplus decorations spilled on the floor.

“I shouted, shit! I didn’t know that box was open at the bottom,” Jen went on, “Jason helped me collect the ornaments and smiled,”

“Don’t tell me, another punishment?” I asked.

Jen replied, “Jason said, I’m sorry Jen but you know what that means and I said, yes sir, you beat my pussy twenty times.”

Jen told me that Jason was sorry and said, “I’m so sorry Jen but I have to.”

“I told him not to be sorry, you HAVE to beat me, I was naughty,” Jen continued, “He said, I hate to do this to you babe and I said, don’t be silly, you HAVE to. I HAVE to be punished and it HAS to hurt.

“Wow, Jen.”

“Jason said, that’s forty spanks to your cheeks, thirty to your breasts and twenty to your vagina and I said, yes sir and don’t worry about hurting me, it HAS to hurt.”

“Wow Jen,” I said.

“He told me that the punishment begins at three o’clock sharp,” Jen went on, “I also told him to call it my pussy and not my vagina.”

“Did he?” I asked.

“Yes, finally,” Jen went on, “And he told me that this spanking was going to be harder than before and I shouted, okay sir!”

Jen told me that her alarm went off at three o’clock and she climaxed as she knew what was about to happen.

“You like spanking that much?” I asked.

“God yes, it’s amazing!” Jen shouted.

Jen told me that she went to the living room and told Jason that she was ready for her beating.

“He said, that’s a good girl and I went to get in position over his knee,” Jen went on, “He reminded me that my cheeks get twenty on each.”

Jen told me that the first ten spanks were mild but then he increased the power and by number fourteen, her cheeks were stinging. By number eighteen, she had tears in her eyes and the final two made her scream.

“He kept asking me if I were okay and I kept telling him, yes carry on, don’t worry about my screams or tears, you have to hurt me,” Jen went on, “I told him that I’ve been naughty and I must be beaten.”

Jen told me that after he had finished spanking her cheeks, she stayed in the position that she was in and he gently stroked her cheeks as he told me that her how red they were.

“When he finally told me that I could get up,” Jen went on, “I wiped my tears and kissed him gently on his lips.”

“Wow Jen, you kissed his lips?” I asked.

“Yes and I thanked him and he asked me why I was thanking him,” Jen went on, “I said, for beating me hard.”

Jen told me that he smiled and she handed him the lotion to massage into her sore cheeks.

“Then he said, okay now it’s those beautiful breasts of yours to be spanked and I said, yes sir!” Jen went on, “He said, I like you calling me, sir, or maybe, master, yes I like, master better.”

“Oh God, now you have to call him, master?” I asked.

“I said, okay master, and got on my knees in front of him.”

Jen told me that she asked if she could hold his cock while he spanked her breasts and he allowed it.

“The first five were mild but the next five brought tears to my eyes,” Jen went on, “By number twenty-eight, I was screaming and the final two hurt like hell!”

“You still had your pussy spanking to come yet!” I shouted down the phone to her.

“Yes, and after he had finished spanking my breasts, he said, you are a good girl, naughty but good and I said, thank you master, and you are a good master to me.”


Jen told me that they went back upstairs to the bedroom and she got into the same position as before, ready for her pussy spanking.

“He asked me how many my pussy should get and I told him that it’s twenty,” Jen went on, “The first one was soft but the next five were much harder and I jerked when his hand found its target.”

Jen told me that he made direct contact to her clit at least five times and the final five, he raised his hand up at least three feet before his hand came down on her pussy.

“I had a lot of tears in my eyes and he wiped them,” Jen went on, “He said, I’m so sorry to do this to you my sexy little slave girl, but I have to, you were very naughty.”

“Wow!” I shouted.

“I said, that’s okay master, I was naughty and needed to be beaten, I deserved the beating,” Jen went on, “He took the lotion and rubbed it into my clit, pussy lips and pubic hair area.”

Jen told me that she stayed in the position that she was in and he asked her again why she hadn’t moved yet.

“I told him that he hadn’t given me permission to move yet,” Jen went on, “He looked at me and said, okay, I like you showing your intimate parts, stay like that for a while and I replied, okay master.”

Jen told me that he stood up and stood next to the bed by her arms and asked her if she would relieve him?

“I said, of course, master, with my hand? And he said, what else could you use, your mouth? I said, whatever my master wants,” Jen went on, “He said, I would like you to use your mouth and I said, okay master.”


“You sucked him off?” I asked.

“Yes Trevor, I sucked your father off and I swallowed him,” Jen went in, “And he made me stay in that exposed, vulnerable position for a further hour, my groin was aching like crazy but I HAD to stay like that.”

Jen told me that Jason told her that, even when I’m there next week, she will still get punished but they’ll do it in private.

“So, you’re my dad's slave girl now?” I asked.

“Yes, Trevor and I’m thinking that I may drive over her during the week for a couple of days from now on.”

“To be in the nude?” I asked.

“Yes and to be beaten!”

“So, you’ll be in France every weekend and at my father’s house for two nights a week?”

“Yes, it’s not like you and I can have sex is it?” Jen replied.

“We could!” I teased.

“NO we couldn’t,” Jen shouted, “You gave up that right at our wedding ceremony, you know that.”

“At our wedding?” I asked.

“At mine and Martin’s wedding,” Jen teased.

“Oh yes, I did.”

“Trevor, I’m Martin’s wife now, you and I were married for eight hours, then I married Martin and you will never see me undressed or touch me sexually, ever, you agreed to that at our cuckold wedding, when I married Martin.”

“I know Jen I was only teasing,” I replied, “I know that I’ll never see you without all of your clothes on.”

“No you won’t, you know that I could never let you see me with ANY of my clothes off,” Jen replied, “I just couldn’t, I would hate that.”

“I know Jen.”

“I am your dad’s slave and you are mine! Remember that.” Jen shouted in authority.

“Are your cheeks. tits or pussy marked?” I asked.

“No, luckily the swelling and soreness went after an hour,” Jen replied, “I’m not sure how long it will take when the amount of spanks gets higher though.”

“Forty spanks to your ass is a lot though,” I replied.

“It’s only twenty on each,” Jen replied, “Like my breast, it was only fifteen on each, The pussy is the worst, its straight in my pussy with each spank.”

“You could tell him not to spank your pussy,” I replied.

“Are you kidding, I LOVE it,” Jen shouted, “And, he decides where I’m beaten, not me.”

“Tomorrow is going to be the last day that you can be punished,” I replied, “Brian will be home all day on Saturday and Sunday.”

“I know, but we’ll still have Monday and Tuesday,” Jen replied, “You don’t get here till Wednesday.”

Jen called me the following morning to tell me all the details of her night of sex with my brother and I asked her if she was going to spend the day naked again; she was!

She called me again at eleven fifteen and told me that my dad got to her bedroom as she was getting out of the shower and he gave her a good-morning kiss on her lips.

Jen told me that she sat on the bed to drink her coffee and she had her legs stretched out and crossed. She asked Jason if she were okay sitting like she was and he asked her why she asked that.

“I said to Jason, I know that you like me sitting so that I’m showing myself, so I asked if you mind my legs being crossed master,” Jen went on, “My job is to please my master.”


Jen told me that Jason said that he appreciated her words and asked her to raise her arms up above her head because he likes how her breasts look when she does that. She did as she was asked and sat like that for almost ten minutes for him.

Finally, he told her that she can get comfortable again and finish her coffee, which she did.

“He said, I would like you to sit like you do when I spank your pussy for a while and also have your arms above your head,” Jen went on, “So, I got into that position with my open pussy on full display and he thanked me.

“I said, is this position okay master?” Jen went on, “He said, yes that’s perfect; I like to look at your pussy.”

Jen told me that he started touching her pussy and gently massaging her clit and she started breathing heavy and panting and he asked her if she was about to climax.

“I shouted, yes master I am,” Jen went on, “He said, do NOT climax!”

“Trevor, he was masturbating me so beautifully, it was so difficult not to cum,” Jen went on, “I was desperate to cum and he kept telling me not to.”

Jen said that he would bring her to the point and she would scream before he stopped for a second and then start again.

“It was torture!” Jen went on, “I needed to cum so badly but I knew that I mustn’t.”


Jen told me that he then started touching her right nipple with his finger while he was masturbating her and she screamed with pleasure and again he shouted that she must not climax.

“Trevor, I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I had an amazing climax and screamed,” Jen went on, “He asked me if I had climaxed and I said, yes master, I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop it any longer.”

Jen told me that he said that she was a naughty, naughty girl and asked if she knew what had to happen.

“I told him, yes master, you beat my cheeks fifty times,” Jen went on, “He said, yes and I’m sorry for having to do that but I must, and I told him that I understood, I must be punished.”

Jen told me that Jason asked if she were uncomfortable yet, being in that position and she said that it was beginning to hurt her groin.

“He just smiled and said that he was going to get us more coffee, then he went downstairs,” Jen went on, “I had to stay in that aching position until he came back and then for a further thirty minutes. It was torture!”

“When did you get the other spanking?” I asked.

“That is scheduled for tomorrow,” Jen told me.

Next part coming soon.


Written by Trevor807
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