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Caught Out Chapter 3

"It happens. How does Jim feel?"

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Author's Notes

"Chapter 3 re-submitted."

Life is never simple. Many like Jim think that life is like mathematics that when you put two things together out pops a predictable result. Certainly, usually, there is a result but unlike mathematics, the result is never predictable when dealing with life and with other people, even with people you think you know.

Jim finished cooking the steaks. He took them off the BBQ, cleaned it down then wandered back into the house. When he had seen Amy and Rod had disappeared from the lounge chair where he had left them he wasn’t concerned. Obviously, Amy would need to prepare the plates and the salad so he had expected them to move into the kitchen. But when he found they were no longer in the kitchen he froze. Where had they disappeared to?

Maybe Rod had gone to the bathroom but where was Amy? Maybe she had gone to their bedroom to freshen up. I’ll give them a few minutes, he thought but then before one minute had passed he started to panic. Maybe they had slipped off together. He set the streaks on the table, covered them up and headed to the master bedroom.  Not there, he thought. I’ll try the bathroom. If Rod is there I’ll just need to find Amy.

But there was no one in the bedroom or the bathroom. Jim looked down the hallway towards the guest bedroom and a shiver ran through his body. But what was it, a shiver of excitement or a shiver of jealousy? Even Jim couldn’t tell. He remembered all the stories but the one that jumped into his head was the many versions of, be careful of what you wish for.

He walked slowly down the hallway wondering what he should do if they were in the guest bedroom. Should he knock? Should he just burst in on them? Should he walk outside as he had planned to look through the window? Could he do that or would the blind be pulled? By this time he found himself at the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob but stopped, not knowing what to do but then he heard what he thought was a dog whimpering.

A dog? He thought. We haven’t got a dog. He listened intently. He heard it again but this time he recognized what it was. It was Amy when she gets excited, sexually excited. My God, they’re doing it without me there.

His automatic reaction was to open the door and sure enough, Amy was on her back and Rod was driving his enormous penis in and out of her. Her back was so humped that she formed an arch underneath him. She was latched on to his neck, holding on for dear life, holding on as if her life depended on it.

Jim looked at where their bodies met and couldn’t believe how thick Rod’s cock was. How could she take that thing inside her so easily, he thought. I need to get closer but if I do will they stop? He didn’t want to disturb them but at the same time, he wanted to see it up close so he dropped to his hands and knees and made his way across to the end of the bed.

“Oh, Rod, I’m cumming,” Amy called out to her lover.

“Yes, I can feel the heat of your juices,” Rod called back.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oooohhhhhh Ggggooooodddddd,” Jim’s wife screamed as juices sprayed from their joining.

“Oh Amy, you’re so hot,” Rod told her.

It was then that Jim realized that something was not quite right. He had to know so he moved up to the bedside drawer still on his hands and knees and opened it to peer inside. There in the drawer were three unopened packs of condoms. Rod was doing his wife bareback, no protection. It was too much for him. He reached down, pulled his dick from his pants and in no more than three strokes he shot his sperm onto the bedroom carpet.

At exactly the same time Rod let out a roar like a bull yelling so loud that it was likely that the neighbours would hear him, “Oh, Amy, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Iiimmmm, ccccuuuummmiiinnngg,” He screamed.

As he did so, Jim heard his wife tell her lover, “Yes, Rod fill that pussy with your sperm. Give it to me. Make me yours. I want you to fill me!”

Jim dropped to the floor and rolled up in a ball. His wife had deceived him. She had promised that she would use protection. His mind wondered how long had it been since her period ended. Was it a week? No, it was more than a week. Was it two weeks or three? If it was three weeks she would be okay. Her fertile time would be passed but perhaps it is only two weeks. At two weeks there was a very real likelihood of pregnancy.

He lifted himself off the floor deciding that it was too late to worry about pregnancy anyway because the deed was done and it couldn’t be undone. He had wanted this and his ultimate fantasy was that one day his wife, the woman he loved would risk pregnancy anyway. It was just that he had not expected it with Rod on their very first time together.

He peered at their joining and realized that Rod was still embedded inside her holding the sperm inside, increasing the likelihood that his sperm might find her egg. Then a thought popped up in his mind associated with a feeling of panic. My God, he thought, now that he has had her bareback he will want it every time. I need to take charge here.

Jim rose to his feet and with a croaky voice said, “You didn’t use the condoms?”

Amy smiled up at him over Rod’s shoulder. “Hi honey, I didn’t know you were here. Did you see us?”

“Yes, I did,” Jim answered, his voice breaking more than it did the first time he spoke.

“Did you like it?” she asked him.

“It was okay but you didn’t use a condom.”

“Yes, we got a little carried away and we forgot. But it doesn’t matter because my period is due in a couple of days.”

“Yes, but what about next time and the time after?”

“It’s okay, honey, stop worrying. Did you cook the steaks?”

What the hell, Jim thought, she has just been fucked bareback and all she can do is ask me if I have cooked the steaks.

“Are you okay, honey,” she asked him when he just stood there and stared at her. He looked at Rod whose but was still rising and falling about an inch at a time as he recovered. He’s going to go again, Jim thought, the bastard is not happy to ignore our agreement he is preparing to fuck my wife again without even recognizing that I am standing here watching them.

“Are you okay, honey!” Amy asked him again in a much sterner voice. Jim’s eyes snapped back from looking at Rod’s humping to look at his wife.

“I guess so,” he mumbled then stated the obvious, “he’s going to go again.”

“Yes,” his wife agreed, “Isn’t it wonderful. He made me cum so much. I wish you could do that for me, honey. I’ll want this every day now. Pull up the chair and watch us.”

“I’d better get the food ready,” Jim mumbled as if in some distance place trying to ignore what was happening around him.

“No, don’t leave me, Jim. I want you to watch us, to learn.”

Fucking learn? Jim’s brain told him, I’ve already learnt. Rod can’t even acknowledge that I’m there. What sort of friend fucks your wife with your permission then ignores you as if you don’t exist, he thought.

“Jim, are you okay?” his wife shouted at him as if she was scolding him for something that he had done wrong. Just like she did when I backed the car into the letterbox and like she did when I hit the cricket ball through the window, Jim thought. I’m not in the wrong here. I let them do this but they have broken the rules. This is not my fault!

“Jim, Jim, are you alright,” she yelled again. Finally, Rod turned his head to look at him. Jim stared back. He said nothing but just stared.

“Jim, either take a seat or fuck off,” Rod told him in a much sterner voice than Amy had used.

“You didn’t wear a condom. You made a promise to me,” Jim told him.

“It wasn’t up to me, mate. You know how it is. If the woman wants to be fucked bareback, you do like she says.”

“You’re my mate and you promised me,” Jim snapped back at him.

“Now just hold on, cobber,” Rod stated as he withdrew from Amy. “You knew that it would eventually happen so why not now when there is no risk. Amy knows what she is doing, Jim. She is in control. I’m just here on your invitation to service her.”

A torrent of sperm flooded from the space that Rod’s withdrawal had left. Jim’s eyes were fixated on it as it cascaded across her rectum. He couldn’t take his eyes off it. How much has he pumped into her? he thought, And how much has he stretched her? Will she ever be the same? Will I ever be able to feel her again? He slumped back into the chair against the wall feeling as if he was totally and absolutely beaten. What have I done, was the question in his mind.

“Are you okay, honey,” Amy asked him again. This time she said it with love in her voice.

When Jim didn’t answer her and just sat there, Rod assumed that Jim wanted them to continue so he moved back into position and directed his huge cock back into her. Amy didn’t stop him but kept looking across at her husband.

She didn’t understand why he was acting like he was. She didn’t understand that what she saw was a man who felt that his whole married life had been directed to achieving this very moment, believing that somehow it was going to be wonderful, exciting and loving for him. Jim had believed that this was something that would endear his wife to him for giving her something that he couldn’t but in fact, it was a flop, a disaster not because of the event itself but because it was associated with a feeling of betrayal.

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Jim was feeling no love and he couldn’t see any love here, in this room. All he saw was a man taking advantage of his wife’s sexual desires. The woman he loved was being used as a sex aid. To Jim, it was horrific, depraved and despicable but the really horrific part was that he had encouraged it. He was behind it. He was responsible for this.

Jim heard the loud, flap, flap, flap, the ongoing, flaps, that characterize the second sexual event of a man and a woman only intent on their achievement of that orgasm that they know is there but they have to work hard to achieve. Jim watched for about five minutes before he stood up and walked towards the door.

“I’ll prepare the salads,” he told them to be once again ignored. He slammed the door but even that didn’t take their focus away from what they as individuals wanted, their next orgasm.


Jim washed his hands in the bathroom. He wandered down the hallway hearing the continuous flap, flap, flap, in the background. Even as he washed the lettuce leaves the same pattern invaded his ears. He cut the tomatoes but stopped as the background noise changed. Now it became a chorus of, “Oooohh, aaahh, oooohh, aaahh,” of alternating male and female voices with an occasional, “Yes, oh yes, I’m cumming,” to tell Jim that they could be joining him shortly.

He plodded on as if in a dream. His feeling of disgust with himself was slowly leaving his mind as he focused on getting the three plates prepared for the evening meal. As he poured the best red that he had to hand, the one that he once put aside for this very special event he felt his wife’s arms encircle him from behind. It felt wonderful and he turned towards her as she raised her face up for him to kiss.

The kiss was sweet and wonderful but the taste, what was that? Oh, he thought, she has cleaned her lover. Despite what emotions he had just gone through over the last hour there was a stirring in his groin at tasting another man within the sweet taste of the woman he loved. Maybe those feelings were misplaced after all?

He held her tight against him as a tear slowly formed in the corner of his eye. The woman that he loved, the woman who he had invested his whole life in since they met at nineteen years of age was no longer solely his. He had given her to another man to use for his pleasure and she had accepted him with open arms. Again something stirred in his groin.

Amy looked up at him. “You’re getting horny.” He heard it as a question but she was making a statement.

“Yes,” he replied. “I could taste you when you kissed me and I can smell your juices. I can detect the odour of your orgasm as well.”

“Orgasms,” she said.

“Sorry,” he replied not understanding why she had corrected him.

“They were orgasms, multiple orgasms, continuous orgasms, one after the other until he was spent. You did this for me and I will never be able to repay you for allowing me to have so much pleasure. I love you more after this than I ever have if that is possible.”

“I love you too, honey.” He looked around feeling an intense feeling of wellness in his chest, “Where is he?” he asked hoping against hope he had died or something similar.

“He’s asleep. He dozed off so I left him to come out to be with you. I hurt you didn’t I? I’m sorry, honey. I just needed him at that moment and you were out cooking so I led him down to the bedroom we had set up. I should have waited for you to join us but it was that moment that everything came together just right for us to do it.”

“I was stressed to know you had left me out.”

“I won’t leave you out again. Do you want to take me to the bedroom?”

“Dinner is out.”

“Yes, I know but I want to give you the opportunity to reclaim me like in those videos we watched and those stories you read.”

“The videos are shit. They are not real. Tonight was real and tonight was nothing like in the videos. Even the stories didn’t translate into the reality.”

“Yes, I agree. Tonight was much better than any video could ever be.”

Jim was shocked. He was trying to point out how disappointed and hurt he felt but she stated exactly the opposite. “You liked it that much?” he asked her.

“Yes, it was good before you came in but seeing you there on your hands and knees trying not to be seen made me cum so hard that I felt my brain would blow the top of my head off. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. The man I love watching his friend have sex with me. That is nasty, magnificently nasty, real mind-blowing shit!”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Then when you opened that drawer and saw the condoms not used you came, didn’t you?”

“Well, I did cum but….”

She cut him off. “I saw your cum on the carpet beside the bed. You thought I was fertile and it made you cum. That thought must have blown your mind at that time. I love you, husband of mine. I’m so glad that you talked me into this. I was frightened, really, really, frightened but now I know that it is okay. Come to bed with me. Show me how much you love me for doing this for you.”

Jim knew he was caught. He had started something that was now his fear but his wife had now adopted this as their future. He now had some idea of what the stories were really about. Be careful what you wish for, was the title of many a story that he had read but at the time he scoffed at the title and only absorbed the sexual content. He loved the sexual content but now he had to contend with what the author’s message really was about. Now he understood. He understood that he had started an avalanche of feelings that was about to rush down towards the depths of despair and he was caught up in it because he had asked for it.

Jim placed a cover over the meals as his wife held his hand and cuddled up against his arm at every opportunity. It was as if she had taken some love drug that made her so affectionate that all she could do was hold on to him. He walked towards their bedroom moving across behind her to put his free arm around her as he did so. They entered the bedroom and as an afterthought, he slid the lock across.

“Why did you lock the door,” she asked?

“This is our time, honey, just for you and me.”

“But what about Rod?”

“Rod is a big boy he doesn’t need us to look after him.”

Amy giggled at that, “Yes, he is big, isn’t he, very big?”

Jim picked his wife up and laid her down on the bed then lay beside her. She rolled on her side to allow her to kiss him. After kissing for a time she asked him, “Are you going to look at me?”

“I am looking at you.”

“No, I mean, down there,” she nodded downwards towards her crotch.

“Do you want me to look?”

“Well, I thought, you know, in the stories you showed me the husband checks his wife out after and reclaims her.”

“Do you want me to look and to reclaim you?”

“I think it would be very erotic. I liked reading that part in the stories.”

“We only read two. Only one of them had that moment where the husband reclaims his wife.”

“I’ve read more.”

Jim chuckled, “You admit to reading porn stories?’

“Yes, I knew you were reading them for some time now so I snuck into your office when you had downloads happening during the day and read your files.”

“And you liked that part of the stories, did you?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes, I always imagined it was you.”

“Did you now? So I had better play my part for you.” Jim moved downwards towards her crotch but she held him with her hands on both sides of his head.

“I’m very messy down there,” she told him as if to prepare him for a shock.

He looked up at her across her sizable breasts and with a smile he told her, “Yes, I can imagine.”

She still held him as he went to move so he looked back up at her, “Will you clean me, you know, lick me clean?” she asked.

“Ah, so this is what it is about. Yes, if you want me to I will.”

He felt her close her legs around him, squeezing his body as she said, “Oh, that is so erotic.”

He moved further down, undid the tie around her waist then lifted her nightgown back from her crotch. She had replaced her panties but they were soaked in sperm. He could see Rod’s sperm through the thin fabric. The ammonium odour of sperm almost overcame him but he found the sight highly arousing.

“I’ll need to remove your panties,” he told her, “Lift your bottom.” She complied while watching his every move. “You are a mess, aren’t you? I can’t believe how much you’re gaping open.” He stood and removed his pants and underpants. Instead of lowering himself back to her crotch, he moved up the bed and without saying a word pushed his cock into the mess.

There was no actual feeling of resistance just a squelching noise. Undeterred, Jim worked away to the repulsive squishing and farting noises issuing from his wife’s vagina as she held him so tight that he thought that she may throttle him.

Just as Jim was about to cum there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Written by goyse
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