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Awakenings Ch. 47

"Michael meets Abby"

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The next morning Jeanne and I were sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast. She had the front page of the newspaper. I was reading the sports page. After taking a sip of her coffee, she set the newspaper down and looked  across the table at me. 

Realizing that she wanted to talk, I refolded the sports page, set it down and said, “There's something on your mind.”

Jeanne nodded. 

I said, “Tell me.”

“Michael, are we still okay? I mean after last night.”

Smiling, I answered, “Yes Jeanne, we're still okay. In fact I think we're great.“

“Are you jealous?”

“Do I have any reason to be jealous?”

“No, of course not.”

“And I believe that.”

“But Micheal...”

“Jeanne, last night you allowed another man to enjoy your body and I'm quite certain that you enjoyed his.”

Jeanne whispered, “I did.”

“While it was obvious that both you and Jack had fun, I don't believe you gave him either your heart or your soul.”

“No Michael, I didn't. My heart and soul will always belong to you.”

“And my heart and soul will always be yours.”

Jeanne smiled at me.

I continued. “You did something with another man for your mutual physical pleasure. That's all you did.” I paused for a moment and then I quickly added, “No you did more than that. You also entertained your voyeur husband and he is very grateful for that.”

“I loved entertaining him. I hope he will continue to allow me to entertain him.”

“I won't just allow you to continue entertaining me, I'll encourage you to do it.”

We both started laughing. Jeanne finally said, “Michael, I'm so glad you're okay with this new life style.”

“It took me awhile, but now I'm not just okay with it, I'm fully embracing it.”

“We're going to have so much fun.”

“Yes we are.”

Jeanne ate a bite of toast and took a sip of her coffee. After setting her cup down she asked, “What are your plans for today?”

“I'm not going to go back to work until Monday, so I thought I'd treat today and tomorrow as my final vacation days.”

“How do you plan to spend them?”

“Actually I thought I'd work in my shop.”

“You're not planning to go out?”

“Not if I can help it. It's cold outside.”

“Yes it is and unfortunately I now have to face it.” Jeanne stood up. As she took her winter coat out of the back hall closet she said, “Remember, tonight is going to be a special night for you.”

“Believe me, I haven't forgotten that.” I stood up, walked over to Jeanne, helped her with her coat and kissed her. 

She returned the kiss, picked up her purse and hurried out the door, saying, “I'll see you tonight.”

I called after her, “Yes you will, that's a promise.”

Once Jeanne was gone I cleaned the kitchen, poured another cup of coffee and went downstairs to my workshop where I started sanding the table I was building for Jodie when Jeanne announced she was planning to start dating other men. Now that Jodie had a serious boyfriend I was even more eager to finish it.

I'd been working for about two hours when the telephone rang. I picked it up, “Hello?”

“Hi daddy.”

“Hi Jodie. It's  nice to hear from you, but why aren't you in class?”

“This is  my preparation period.”

“I see.”

“Daddy, do you have time to meet with Teddy and me this afternoon?'

“Of course, but aren't we going to get together on Sunday?”

“Yes we are, but Teddy and I have something we'd like to discuss with you and we'd rather not wait until Sunday.”

“All right, do you want to come to the house?”

“Daddy we're pressed for time. Could you meet us at Palmer's Malt shop?”

“Of course, what time?”

“Would 4:30 be okay? Teddy's school day doesn't end until 3:30 and he needs a little time to get organized for tomorrow.”

“We can meet at five if that would be easier for him.”

There was a pause. After a moment Jodie said, “I have a date at 6:00. I need some time to get ready.”

“I gather it's not with Teddy.”

“No daddy, it's not. It's a guy I met at a club last Saturday night.”

“And Teddy is okay with this?”

“Daddy, he's just as excited about it as I am.”

“You're following your mother's lead.”

“Actually mom is following Tricia's and my lead.”

“Yes, I guess she is. 4:30 will be fine.”

“I have to go daddy. My next class starts in five minutes. I'll see you at 4:30.”

Palmer's Malt Shoppe was actually an expansion of the old soda fountain in Palmer's drug store. Several years earlier the discount stores had forced the drugstore to close, but the soda fountain was an established neighborhood favorite. For decades families had been walking to Palmer's on hot summer evenings for ice cream treats, tradesmen had been stopping for morning and afternoon coffee breaks and young teenagers had been gathering there for after school sundaes and their first flirtations.  

When the drugstore closed the youngest Palmer daughter recognized the popularity of the soda fountain. Taking a chance, she expanded it into a malt shoppe that featured cheese burgers, french fries and the quality ice cream treats that had made Palmer's a neighborhood cornerstone for several generations. 

The gamble was a resounding success. Palmer's Malt Shoppe quickly garnered the accolades of the local newspapers and dining guides. In a world of fast food restaurants people longed for a quality cheeseburger, a basket of good French fries or onion rings and a thick chocolate malted milk made with real ice cream and malt powder.

I arrived at Palmer's at 4:29. My old Lexus was parked in front of the entrance. I parked behind it and hurried inside. Jodie and Teddy were seated side by side in a booth. They were both enjoying chocolate sundaes. I slipped in across from them.

As soon as I was settled, Jodie said, “Hi daddy.”

I answered, “Hi Jodie.” And then I turned my attention to the tow headed young man sitting next to her. He was watching me with trepidation. I smiled. He smiled back. 
He had an endearing smile and blue eyes that sparkled with joy, enthusiasm and just a touch of bashfulness.

Immediately liking him, I extended my hand and said, “I'm Michael Nolan, Jodie's father.”

Timidly taking my hand, Teddy said, “It's nice meet you Mr. Nolan. I'm Theodore Franklin, but everyone calls me Teddy.”

“May I call you Teddy?”

“Yes, of course Mr. Nolan.”

“Please call me Michael.”

Teddy stared at me. I smiled again. He grinned and said, “I'll try.”

Still smiling, I said, “That's a start.”

The waitress arrived. I ordered a cup of coffee.

As soon as she was gone I asked, “So what's on your mind?”

Jodie said, “The money you set aside for each of us before you left.”


“Teddy and I want to buy a house. Can we use some of the money for a down payment?”

“Of course you can. That's exactly what it's for.”

“Really?” Jodie's face lit up.

“Have you found a house that interests you?”

“Not yet. We wanted to clear this with you before we started looking.”

“Well, you should start looking.”

“You're serious.”

“Of course I am.”

“Daddy, this is wonderful.”

Smiling, I said, “I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about it too.”

Jodie high fived Teddy and then she said, “If we buy a house, I can have a boudoir like mom's.

Teddy blushed.

Continuing, Jodie said to him, “That means you won't be locked out of our bedroom when I have a guy over.”

Teddy's face turned beet red. 

Shaking her head, Jodie said, “Baby, you don't need to be embarrassed. My mom dates other men too and daddy knows all about it.”

Teddy looked at me. I shrugged. While I wasn't eager to get into a discussion with my daughter and her fiance about our about our mutual sex lives, I couldn't deny the fact that Jodie was correct.

Jodie continued, “My mother entertained her boyfriend last night. Daddy was there.” Jodie looked at me and said, “Weren't you daddy.”

Now feeling a little embarrassed myself, I said, “Yes Jodie I was, but...”

“Daddy, please don't be embarrassed, Teddy likes it when I'm with other guys, but he's still a little timid about admitting it.”

I looked at Teddy. He was staring at his chocolate sundae. Understanding that we actually had a lot in common and realizing that he needed a little support, I said, “I'm still a little timid about it too.”

He looked up at me. I quickly added, “There's lots of guys like us. When I was traveling I met several of them.”

Teddy said, “Really?”

“Yes, really.” 

Teddy smiled.

Jodie said, “Thank you daddy. I suspect it's hard for you to talk to your daughter and her fiance about this, but Teddy needs to hear you say it.”

Chuckling, I said, “it's not the usual conversation a father has the first time he meets his daughter's fiance.”

Jodie and Teddy both laughed. Jodie said, “No it's not, but it might be a happier world if it was.”

Nodding, I said, “The divorce rate might go down.”

We chatted for a few more minutes. Jodie and Teddy finished their sundaes. I finished my coffee and reiterated my support for their plan to use the money I'd set aside for Jodie last summer to purchase a house. Jodie and Teddy repeated their thanks. As we left the ice cream parlor we agreed to talk more at dinner on Sunday.

As I drove home I momentarily wondered about the urgency of this discussion. It seemed like it could have easily waited until dinner on Sunday. Deciding that it might have had more to do with Jodie's desire to help Teddy learn that he wasn't the only willing cuckold in the world, I  smiled and turned my thoughts to the evening ahead. Jeanne had promised me something very special. That was an exciting prospect.

When I turned on to our street I saw a black Mercedes Benz SUV parked in our driveway behind Jeanne's side of the garage. Wondering if Jeanne was entertaining a man, I turned into my side of the driveway, opened the garage door and pulled my Escape into my stall next to Jeanne's Honda.

Both excited and disappointed, I hurried into the house. As I entered our kitchen I was greeted by the aroma of something wonderful baking in the oven. I opened the oven door and found a pan of lasagna covered with bubbling cheese. I smiled. Lasagna was one of my favorites.

As I closed the oven door I noticed a line of rose petals that formed a trail into the dining room. Curious, I followed the trail across the dining room and into the living room. As I passed through the living room I noticed a pair of black women's slacks, a white lace blouse and white lingerie neatly laid out on the end of our couch. I also noticed a pair of black leather spike heeled shoes lying on the floor next to the couch. Now even more curious, I followed the trail of rose petals into the bedroom hallway where it led me directly to the open door to Jeanne's boudoir. 

I paused and listened. I could hear movement inside the room. I noticed a sign on the open door. It read, “Please come in.” Unsure about what to expect, I took a deep breath and stepped through the door.

Jeanne was lying on her back on the bed naked. Her legs were spread. Another woman was lying on her stomach between Jeanne's legs, her face pressed to Jeanne's sex.

The woman was about our age. She had long dark hair, a full round rear and even lying on her stomach I could tell that she had large breasts. 

She must have heard me enter the room, because she sat up, her pendulous breasts swinging as she turned to me with a smile and said, “Hi Michael, I'm Abigail Martin, but you should  call me Abby. I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.” 

I couldn't help noticing that her face was glistening with my wife's moisture. Aroused by the overt sexuality of the situation, I excitedly smiled back and said, “Hi Abby, I'm Micheal.”

“Jeanne tells me that you prefer Michael to Mike.”

“She's correct. I've always been called Michael. I guess I'm just used to it.”

“I prefer Michael too.” Abby had an endearing smile and a captivating twinkle in her eyes. I liked her immediately.

Jeanne said, “Michael, would you like to join our little party?”

“Very much.”

“You're over dressed. Why don't you take your clothes off.”

“I'll go to our bedroom. I'll be right back.”

“No Michael, you can put your clothes on the chair in the corner. That's why it's there.” Jeanne giggled. “At least that's one of it's purposes.”

Abby asked, “Is there another purpose? I don't think there's much casual conversation in this room.”

Still giggling, Jeanne said, “Believe me, there isn't, but I'm hoping that Micheal will occasionally use it as a spectator.”

Abby said, “I've heard that you like to watch. I find that delightfully exciting.”

Suddenly feeling a little sheepish about my predilection for watching, I shrugged.

Abby continued, “But tonight I hope you'd rather participate. Jeanne told me that your girlfriends in Arizona used to do what they called a tandem blow job with you. Were hoping that tonight you'll teach us how to do it.”

As I unbuttoned my shirt, I said, “I would love to do that, but there's actually not much to it and it's really not a tandem blow job.”

Jeanne said, “We know that. You, Amy and Mel told me all about it and I told Abby. We still think it would be really fun and it's a good way for you to get acquainted with Abby.”

After tossing my shirt on the chair, I kicked off my shoes,  pulled off my socks and unfastened my trousers.  As I pushed then down Abby looked at the tent in my boxer shorts and said, “Oh he appears to have a very nice cock.”

Jeanne said, “Believe me, he does and he also knows how to use it. He's one of the few men I've met who can dance.”

Abby raised her eyebrows.  “Really, he can dance. Most men lack the self control necessary to dance with a woman. Michael, will you dance with me tonight?”

Feeling a little flustered, I looked at Jeanne.

She said, “Michael, Abby is a wonderful dancer and a very good friend. I hope you will dance with her tonight.”

As I pulled down my boxer shorts and kicked them off I took a deep breath and said, “Abby I would love to dance with you.”

Abby said, “Jeanne, look at his cock standing at attention. It's so proud, so beautifully arrogant.” She stood up and walked over to me. As she knelt at my feet she looked up and asked, “Michael, may I touch it?”

Feeling even more flustered, but unbelievably aroused, I managed to choke out, “Yes please.”

Abby once again smiled her endearing smile and then I watched as she caressed the shaft of my erection with the fingertips of both of her hands. Her touch was soft and delicate. I remembered the afternoon Mel taught me to appreciate the beauty, mystery and excitement of genitals. That's what Abby was doing now. She was enjoying my cock.

Jeanne said, “Michael, I think that Abby is the most sensuous person I've ever met.”

I had to agree.

Continuing, Jeanne said to Abby,  “Abby honey, you're going to get to enjoy many nights when you have my husband all to yourself, but not this night. Tonight we share.”

Standing up, Abby said, “You're right Jeanne. I'm sorry. When I encounter a really nice cock I sometimes get carried away.”

Jeanne laughed. “I understand. I have the same problem.”

Abby wrapped her fingers around my cock. Using it as a lead, she said, “Come Michael, excitement awaits us in your wife's bed.”

Chuckling, I let Abby lead me to the king sized bed that Jeanne had purchased for her boudoir. We both sat down.

Jeanne said, “Michael, if we're going to do a real tandem blow job you need to lie down on your back.”

“Yes I do.” I lay down.

“Abby, I know you're eager to suck Michael's cock, but I'd really like it if he could taste you first. Will you start out sitting on his face.”

“I would love to do that.”

As Abby mounted me, Jeanne said, “Michael she has a wonderful pussy.”

I smiled. At that point that was all I could do.

Abby sat down. She was wet, very  wet. I extended my tongue and tasted her. She felt it and giggled. “Michael, you devil. Jeanne, your husband is licking me.”

I was already loving this woman. While she was mature and worldly she had managed to maintain a youthful exuberance that was absolutely charming. 

As Jeanne slid down to my hips she said, “Honey, you're cunny is plastered against his face. What did you think was going to happen?”

“This, but I like to talk dirty. You do too.”


I felt Jeanne wrap her fingers around my cock. She squeezed, but her grip was gentle. She was treading that thin line between stimulating me and making me cum. I was relieved. At that moment it wouldn't have taken much to make me cum. 

“Abby, I'm going to start sucking his cock. Slide your hip forward and ask him if he'd like to lick your asshole.”

“Would he like doing that?”

“Every bit as much as I like doing it.”

“Oh, he's just as nasty as you are. I love it.”

“And you too. You love licking my ass as much as I like to lick yours.”

“I can't deny that. When we switch places can I lick Michael's ass?”

Jeanne was suddenly silent. I felt her let go of my cock. I understood. This was one of our secrets.

After a moment Abby asked, “Did I say something wrong?”

There was more silence. Finally Jeanne said, “No, you didn't say anything wrong... it's just that...Michael can I tell her?”

I quickly considered the situation. Abby seemed trustworthy. It also appeared that she was going to be a regular playmate with us. The risk was also minimal. If friends or ours found out about our secret game it really wouldn't be all that devastating. I also had to admit that the idea of including Abby in our game was exciting.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “Yes, you can tell her.”

Abby asked, “Tell me what?”

Jeanne said, “Abby, you know that since I started dating other men I've become quite a bit more adventurous in bed.”

“Yes, you've turned into a real slut. I think it's great.”

“So do I and so does Michael.”

Abby was still sitting on my face. I nodded. She giggled and said, “It feels good when you do that.” We both laughed.

Ignoring us, Jeanne continued. “Anyway, when I flew to San Francisco I did some things with Michael that we've never done before. I licked his ass, he licked mine. I deep throated him and I let him fuck my rear.”

Abby said, “All fun stuff.”

“While I agree, Michael isn't quite as enthusiastic about them. He worries that they might make me feel uncomfortable.”

“Your husband is a prince.”

“He is, but you know very well that we both enjoy all of those pursuits.”

“Pursuits? I've never heard anyone call deep throating a cock a pursuit.”

“Abby! Be serious.”

“Only if it's required.”


“Okay, I understand what your saying and I still think Michael is a prince.”

“I don't argue that. He is a prince.”

I was still lying under Abby, her cunt pressed against my chin, her ass covering my nose.

She wiggled. I licked the space between her ass and her cunt and then I kissed her asshole. She giggled. “Michael is a prince, a fucking magnificent pussy licking, ass kissing prince.”

Jeanne sighed. “Would both of you please be serious. I'm trying to explain something important.”

Abby said, “Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just realizing that while you're fun and a really good friend, you and your husband together are amazing.”

“You now understand why I'm so deeply in love with Michael.”

“Hell yes! I only met him twenty minutes ago and I'm already in love with him.”

“Will you let me finish explaining what I'm trying to tell you?”

“Okay, but I think I kind of get it. There are some things you enjoy because they make you feel really slutty, but are hard for Michael because he loves you and can't enjoy anything that might be causing you even a little bit of discomfort.”

“That's right, that's exactly right.”

“So what's the problem? Jack and a lot of other guys enjoy those kinky pursuits; do them with those guys.”

“We've taken it a step further. Michael isn't like David. He isn't a real masochist, he doesn't want to be humiliated or abused, but he does enjoy being a cuckold and finds a little mild denial exciting.”

Abby said, “Now I get it. You're playing a sex game. You're  pretending that you won't do some of the things for Michael that you do for other men.”

“That's right, it's a little denial game, but it really isn't hurting Michael because he doesn't want those things anyway.”

“I love it. I want to play too.”

“Michael can Abby play this game with us?”

Abby leaned forward so I could talk. “I guess so, but I still want the game to stay between the three of us.”

Abby said, “I can be very discreet. It will be our little secret. Can we play now?”

Chuckling at Abby's exuberance, I said, “I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't.”

Jeanne said, “I'll start. Cucky, lick my friend's asshole.”

“Cucky? Did you just call Michael Cucky?” Abby was clearly surprised. 

I flushed with mild embarrassment.

Jeanne said, “Oh dear, that just slipped out. I'm sorry Michael.”

Quickly collecting my wits, I said, “No, it's okay. If she's going to play the game with us we might as well play the entire game.”

Nodding, Jeanne said, “I agree.” She looked up at Abby. “We both have names in this game. Michael is Cucky and I'm Slut.”

“I love this too. I want a name.” Abby thought for a moment and said, “How about whore? Can I be whore?”

Jeanne shook her head. “Whore has negative connotations.”

“So does slut.”

“Not like whore. A slut is just a woman who's easy.”

Abby giggled. “We're both definitely sluts.”

Jeanne continued. “A whore refers to someone who sells his or her integrity.”

“Like a prostitute.”

I said, “No, people can be prostitutes without selling their integrity. And whores don't have to be sex professionals. A lot of businessmen are whores. They sacrifice their ethics for power or money.”

Abby said, “Okay, I understand. I definitely don't want to be whore, but I do want a name.”

“How about Trollop?”

“Trollop, I love Trollop. What do you think Jeanne?” Abby giggled, “Or should I say Slut.”

Grinning, Jeanne said, “In this situation I prefer Slut and I think Cucky's suggestion is excellent. Trollop is an outstanding name for a woman with your sexual proclivities.”

Abby laughed. “I am a trollop. I always have been.”

“And you love it, admit it.” Jeanne was now laughing too.

“You know I do. I love it just as much as you love being a slut.”

“Hush now, my husband is right here.”

“And he loves it just as much as we do. That's why you now call him Cucky.”

I smiled. I had to admit that Abby was right. I really did love having a slut wife.

Leaning back, Abby wiggled her rear against my lips and nose and said, “You do love it, don't you Cucky.” 

She leaned forward and raise up so I could answer. I said, “Yes I do Trollop.”

Abby giggled. “I love that name and I love this game. Let's play. Cucky, lick my pussy while your slut wife strokes your cock. You do understand that she's not going to suck you. She only does that for her stud lovers.”

Jeanne sat up and said in a voice laden with concern, “Michael, is this okay? Are you going to enjoy this game? We don't have to play it.”

Abby raised herself up again. I said, “Jeanne, I've played this game many times with Amy and Mel and always enjoyed it.”

Still holding my cock in her hand, Jeanne said, “This was part of cuckold boot camp, wasn't it.”

“Yes it was. The cuckold games helped to placate my fears about being a pervert wimp.”

Abby said, “I hope you're still a pervert and I don't believe that you could ever be a wimp. I just met you, but I've heard a lot about you and I have the impression that you're one of the strongest men I've ever met.”

Jeanne nodded. “He is.”

I smiled.

Abby quickly added. “And I want to meet Amy and Mel. They sound like very interesting women.”

Jeanne said, “I want to meet them too. I feel like I know them because I've talked to them on the telephone so many times, but I want to finally meet them in person.”

“I'm sure we will eventually find a way to make that happen. Now I'd like to get back to this game we were starting to play.”

Sitting down again and rubbing her cunt and ass into my face, Abby said, “Michael honey, you are a pervert and I think I might be falling in love with you.”

“Hey that's my husband.”

“I can still love him. I won't try to steal him from you.” Abby laughed. “It's pretty obvious that even if I wanted to try I wouldn't have a chance.

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Jeanne, anyone can see that the man is deeply in love with you.”

“And I'm deeply in love with him.”

Pushing Abby's gorgeous rear up, I said, “And Trollop is right, I love you too, so let's get down to some kinky sex.”

“Jeanne, I mean Slut, that's the reason I'm in love with him. He's just as perverted as we are.”

Abby sat down and wiggled her butt. I gave her asshole a quick lick. She shrieked with delight and exclaimed, “Oh yes, I really do love this man.”

Ignoring her friend, Jeanne said, “Okay, how do we play this cuckold game?”

Sliding off of me, Abby said, “Yes, what do you want us to do?”

I sat up and shrugged. “At heart, I'm a voyeur. Do you ever talk about the sex you have with the different men you date?”

Jeanne and Abby looked at each other and laughed. Jeanne said, “Only all the time.”

I said,  “I'd love to hear some of those conversation, just as a listener.”

Abby said, “If I'm sitting on your face and you're licking my ass all you'll be able to do is listen.”

“Believe me, that will make me very happy.”

Jeanne said, “We get pretty graphic.”

Chuckling, I said, “I hope so.”

Smiling, Jeanne said, “We really are your personal porn stars.”

Abby clapped her hands. “Oh yes! I've always wanted to be porn star, but I'm a little too shy to appear in movies. This will be perfect.”

“Abby, a month ago you and I were at a party with at least twenty-five other people. We all watched a guy you'd  never met before fuck you on the carpet in the middle of the living room.”

“And I still have rug burns on my ass. He was an animal.”

“But you're not exactly shy.” 

“Fucking a guy in the middle of a party isn't the same as appearing in a porn movie that's going to be sold world wide on the Internet.”

I said, “She has a point, but as long as we're talking about it, I'd love to hear more about this party.”

Abby  giggled. “Returning us to the topic of the evening. I think I'd better mount up again.”  She straddled my face and sat down. As soon as she was settled, she said, “The party was at Rex Montel's house. He's a real estate developer and a close friend of our employers.”

Jeanne said, “He's been married and divorced four times and he's a notorious sex fiend.”

Wiggling her butt against my lips and nose, Abby said, “Our favorite kind of guy, rich and horny.”

Jeanne quickly interjected, “Michael, we only care about rich because those guys can afford to throw really good parties.” After pausing for a moment she added, “But while I agree that our favorite guy is rich and horny, I would have to add, well hung.”

“Definitely.” Abby leaned forward and ground her cunt into my face while I madly licked her. Gasping with excitement, she said, “A really big cock is an important attribute.”

Squeezing my erection, Jeanne said, “But he has to know how to use it.”

“Oh yes. Your boyfriend Jack is well hung, isn't he.”

“Michael saw it last night. He knows.”

“And Jack understands how to use his big cock, doesn't he.”

“Hell yes, and he has attitude.”

Still grinding her sopping cunt into my face, Abby cried, “I love guys with attitude!”

Now madly rubbing and squeezing my cock, Jeanne said, “I do too. Last night I licked Jack's asshole and deep throated him. That man could make me do anything for him.”

“I'll bet you let him fuck your asshole too.”

“You know I did, but you also know how much I love taking a big cock in my ass.”

Suddenly I felt the familiar warm glow building in my loins. I could have tried to control it, but I didn't want to do that. At that moment I was unbelievably excited and I wanted to cum. Still licking Abby's luscious rear, I closed my eyes, recalled the vision of Jack fucking my wife's asshole and let myself go. The orgasm was magnificent.

Abby laughed. “Damn Jeanne, your husband makes an impressive series of spurts.”

Licking my cum off of her fingers, Jeanne said, “He loves hearing sex stories.”

“I think he loves hearing sex stories about you.” Abby was still laughing.

I was smiling. They were both correct.

Jeanne said, “He does and that's one of the nine million reasons I love him so much.”

“Jeanne honey, I envy you. I wish I had a man who loved hearing about my exploits with other men.” Abby smiled. “But even more, I wish I had a man I could love as much as you love Michael.”

“I'm lucky, and believe me, I know it.”

Sighing, Abby said, “You're very lucky.” She rolled off of me.

I sat up, my face glistening with Abby's moisture and looked her. “I just met you, but I'm already quite certain that I'd like to be your friend.”

Abby stared into my eyes. After a moment she asked, “Really?”

“Will you tell me stories about your sexual adventures with other men?”

Jeanne and Abby both burst our laughing. Abby said, “Jeanne, your husband is priceless.” And then she smiled at me and said, “Yes Michael, I would love to tell you about my exploits with other men.”

“And I would love to hear them.”

Jeanne said, “Michael I have loved you since the day I first met you, but I don't believe that I have ever loved you more than I do right now.”

Smiling at Jeanne, I whispered, “I feel that same way about you.”

Shaking her head, Abby said, “This is getting me so worked up I think I might burst, but I  have to admit that I'm also hungry and I can smell that Lasagna we put in the oven. I definitely want to play some more, but before we play I have to eat.”

Jeanne stood up. As she walked over to her closet, she said, “Me too.” She took three white terry cloth robes out of the closet. She tossed one to Abby, one to me and kept one for herself. Abby stood up. As she put on her robe I noticed that Abby was embroidered on the upper left part of the robe. As I put on mine I noticed that Michael was embroidered in the same place.

I watched Jeanne. Her name was also embroidered on her robe. 

Noticing my observation, Jeanne said, “Abby found these on the Internet a few weeks ago. She spends a lot of time here, so we both decided we needed them. Hoping that you'd soon be returning home we ordered one for you too.”

“Thank you, I like it and I'm glad to hear that Abby spends a lot of time here.” I looked at her and said, “I hope that will continue.”

Abby grabbed my arm and said, “I do too. Now lets go have supper.”

As the three of us walked through the living room I thought about what had just happened in Jeanne's boudoir. I was excited, unbelievably excited. While including Abby in some of our cuckold games had been a risk, it was a risk that had added a whole new dimension to those games. I already liked Abby and it was obvious how much she meant to Jeanne.

I thought about Abby. It was easy to understand why Jeanne liked her so much. She was kind, thoughtful and sweet, but even more important, she was adventurous. She appeared to be a true sexual free spirit. She reminded me of Amy and Mel. It was obvious that Jeanne was emulating her. That was fine with me. Abby seemed like a good role model for my aspiring slut wife.

As I considered all of this I realized that Abby offered Jeanne and me an opportunity to explore our sexual desires together. She was more experienced than either of us and she didn't appear to be at all judgmental. I remembered my visit to the cuckold club in Florida. While Amy and Mel had helped me recognize, acknowledge and finally accept my cuckold desires. The visit to the cuckold club had inflamed them. I now knew that I wanted to embrace and fully explore life as Jeanne's cuckold husband. 

While Abby appeared to be the perfect playmate for my sexual exploration with my wife, I realized that meant that it was implicit that I had to trust her, totally trust her. She needed to know about the chastity cage. 

As I followed Jeanne and Abby into the kitchen I asked myself, Why wouldn't I trust her about that? Why was it even an issue? Why would it possibly matter? What difference could it make? Our neighbors already knew that Jeanne was a slut and I, at the very least condoned her behavior. They were already convinced that we were kinky perverts. 

Abby might slip and tell Ruth and David about my chastity cage, but they were even kinkier than we were. 

The worst case scenario was that Abby might let one of Jeanne's boyfriend's know that I was wearing a chastity cage, but that really wasn't very likely and even if it did happen it wouldn't be all that calamitous. Last New Years in San Antonio Jeanne had demonstrated her loyalty. If one of her men friends started to be abusive I was certain that he would quickly be shown the door.

I smiled. While trust was a core ingredient of all serious relationships, it was even more essential in a cuckold hot wife marriage and I trusted Jeanne implicitly.

It quickly became apparent to me that the risks of exposing all of my secrets to Abby were minimal and the potential rewards of including her in our fantasy games were profuse. 

In the kitchen, Jeanne took charge. “Abby you take the lasagna out of the oven so it can cool and then set the table. Micheal, open a bottle of Chianti for us. I'll prepare three bowls of salad.

We went to work.  While we worked I gathered my courage. As soon as we sat down to eat I blurted it out. It was the only way I could do it. “Last night, while Jeanne was entertaining her boyfriend, I wore a chastity cage.”

There was a moment of shocked silence and then Jeanne exclaimed, “Michael?”

Abby paused, a forkful of salad halfway between her plate and her mouth, and watched both of us.”

I shrugged and asked Jeanne, “Is there any reason she shouldn't know?”

Jeanne stared at me. After a second she smiled and said, “No Michael, as long as you trust her there isn't any reason at all.”

“You trust her and I trust you.” 

Jeanne nodded.

I continued. “There are lots of reasons to trust her. She's your friend and after meeting her, I hope she becomes my friend too. I'd like to share our games with her, all of our games.”

Still holding her forkful of salad, Abby said, “Thank you Michael, I'd also like to be your friend and I would be honored to be included in your private games.”

“Okay, so where do we go from here?” Jeanne was looking at both Abby and me.

I said, “As soon as we finish eating let's go back to your boudoir and start playing again.”

Abby took another bite of salad. After she swallowed it she said, “I'd like that, but could we maybe include the chastity cage in our games?”

Shaking her head, Jeanne said, “No, this is Michael's night. I don't want him to spend it locked in a chastity cage.”

“I think spending a little time locked in a chastity cage watching you and your lesbian lover make love to each other might be pretty exciting,”

Laughing, Abby said, “Jeanne, I love your husband's imagination.”

“He is pretty special. Is that really what you want Micheal?”

“Hell yes! That's right out of voyeur fantasy land.”

All three of us burst out laughing. Jeanne said, “Okay, let's finish eating, clean up the kitchen and go back to my boudoir for a little girl on girl sex.”

We ate quickly and then we got busy. Three people working together can clean a kitchen in a very short time. 

As soon as we were finished Jeanne said, “Abby, would you pick up Michael's clothes from the chair in my boudoir and bring them to our bedroom?”

“Of course.”

“Michael when I put that chair in my boudoir I hoped that one day you would be sitting there watching me.”

“Jeanne, that's been one of my fantasies too.”

Jeanne and Abby both started laughing. Abby said, “We can tell.” I looked down. My erect penis was sticking out of the front of my robe. 

Jeanne opened a drawer and took out a plastic sandwich bag. As she filled it with ice cubes from the freezer she said, “We'll have to tame that naughty boy before he'll fit into the chastity cage.”

Abby said,  “I could just suck him off right now.”

Shaking her head, Jeanne said, “That kind of defeats the purpose of the chastity cage. The whole idea is to keep Michael on a sexual edge.”

“I know, but...”

Jeanne grinned at me. “Abby is an insatiable slut. She's just looking for an excuse to suck you off.”

Abby said, “It takes one to know one. Micheal, I'm not the only insatiable slut in this room. Your wife is now a certified blow job queen.”

A little thrill rippled through my loins. Hearing another woman describe my wife as an insatiable slut and a certified blow job queen was amazingly exciting. It also made me chuckle.

Seeing me chuckle, Jeanne winked at me and said, “I have to admit that she's absolutely right.” 

As another burst of excitement rippled through me Jeanne grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the kitchen. “Come on, let's go to our bedroom. We need too get that stiffy you're sporting under control so I can lock it safely in it's cage.” 

Abby said, “I'll get Michael's clothes, but wait until I get to the bedroom. I want to watch you put the cage on him.”

While Jeanne pulled me through the dining room I called to Abby, “Don't worry, we'll wait.”

As soon as we reached our bedroom Jeanne handed me the bag of ice and said, “Michael, sit on the bed and hold this against your testicles. I'll get the cage.”

I sat down on the bed, opened my robe and pressed the bag of ice against my balls. It was cold, fucking cold, but of course that was the idea. I chuckled to myself, actually it was antifucking cold and it worked. As Jeanne was getting the chastity cage out of her dresser drawer my erection wilted and shriveled up like a cheap hot dog that had been left on a roller cooker for the entire day. 

Abby walked into the bedroom carrying my clothes. She took one look at my limp, wrinkly penis and shook her head, “Damn, that ice caused one hell of a metamorphosis. It seems like a shame to waste a perfectly good erection.”

Smiling, Jeanne said, “Just think about the fun we're going to have re erecting it.”

“Now that is a stimulating thought.” Abby was hanging my clothes in my closet.
As soon as Abby was finished Jeanne said, “Let's get this cage on Michael. I'm ready to play.”

Abby walked back over to the bed, sat down next to me and said, “Me too.”

Jeanne carefully slipped my cock and balls into the retainer ring. While she attached the plastic cock sleeve Abby asked, “Who do you think invented this contraption? I'll bet it was a woman.”

As Jeanne snapped the lock shut she said, “I'll bet it was a man, a man like Ruth's David or Trisha's Paul.”

Nodding, I said, “I agree with Jeanne. This is something a masochistic man would create.”

Abby considered this. After a moment she said, “A sadistic woman might do it.” She smiled. “Or a sadistic woman's slave, compelled to comply with her cruel demands.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “Now that's kinky.”

“Kinky? I love kinky and you do too.” Laughing, Abby grabbed Jeanne's hand.  As she pulled her toward the bedroom door she called to me, “Come along Cucky, you can watch me rock your wife's world.”

Jeanne looked back at me and licked her lips. “Trollop really does know how to rock my world.”

Excited, I stood up and followed them to Jeanne's boudoir. The pressure of my penis trying to expand inside the confines of it's plastic cage spoke loudly to me. I was now Jeanne's cuckold husband and I loved it.

When we reached Jeanne's boudoir Abby pointed to the chair at the foot of Jeanne's bed and said, “Sit there and enjoy our show Cucky.” 

I sat down. It was clear that Abby had now taken charge.

She removed her robe, sat down on the bed and looked at Jeanne. “Take off your robe Slut.”

Jeanne slipped off her robe and let it fall to the floor. Abby said, “She's beautiful, isn't she Cucky.”

“Yes Trollop, yes she is. She's very beautiful.”

“I'm going to enjoy her.” Abby patted the spot on the bed next to her. “Come sit with me Slut.”

Jeanne sat down next to Abby. Once she was settled Abby placed her hand on Jeanne's cheek and gently pulled her face to her's. They kissed. At first it was a tender kiss, just a light brushing of the lips, but as they kissed their passion quickly grew. Soon they were pressing lips together and intertwining tongues with salacious abandon. As they made out their hands began freely exploring their naked bodies. While they were intensely aroused, that was unmistakable, their hands moved slowly. They carefully fondled each other with deliberate patience. 

I noticed that each of Abby's touches caused Jeanne to shiver with excitement. It was apparent that Abby knew exactly how and where to touch my wife. I smiled, this wasn't the first time Abby and Jeanne had enjoyed each other like this. 

Seeing my wife this aroused caused my own excitement to escalate. If I hadn't been locked in the chastity cage the urge to masturbate would have been irresistible.

As they kissed and fondled each other Abby slowly pushed Jeanne down to the bed. Once Jeanne was on her back, Abby rolled on top of her. She kissed her neck and then she slid down to Jeanne's large breasts and sucked one of her nipples into her mouth.

While my caged penis throbbed with desire as I eagerly watched Abby suckle on Jeanne's breasts, the thrill mushroomed when she moved lower. Abby's tongue momentarily probed the depths of Jeanne's belly button, but that was only a temporary stop. She quickly resumed her downward journey. My breath caught as I watched my wife wantonly spread her thighs, place her hands on each side of Abby's head and push her face down to her glistening sex.  

Abby responded by painting Jeanne's cunt with butterfly kisses. Jeanne closed her eyes and writhed in ecstasy. The previous evening's sex with Jack had been exciting. Powerful and at times savage, Jack was a potent lover. While tonight's sex with Abby was different, it was every bit as intense. Sitting at the foot of my hot wife's play pen bed with my cock securely locked in chastity, I breathlessly witnessed a union of sensual bliss.

After giving Jeanne several orgasms Abby reversed her position and scissored her legs with Jeanne's. Jeanne eagerly moved forward, pressing her sex against Abby's sex and then they fucked.

I'd watched Amy and Mel do this many times. That was exciting, but watching my wife of twenty-seven years do it was unbelievably erotic. 

Mesmerized, I stared as Jeanne, eyes closed, wantonly ground her pussy against Abby's pussy. I saw her shudder and immediately recognized that she was having another orgasm. I marveled at how easily she now climaxed.

After her orgasm subsided, Jeanne opened her eyes and smiled at me. “Michael, I love to fuck.”

Grinning at her, I answered, “And I love watching you fuck.”

“I'm so glad. I can't begin to describe how worried I was that I'd destroyed our marriage.”

“You didn't. You made it better.”

“Thank you Michael, you have always been a wonderful husband and now you're even more wonderful.”

Abby said, “Cucky, why don't you join us on the bed and kiss your wife while we fuck.”

I stood up and took off my robe. As I climbed on to the bed and crawled up next to Jeanne, I said, “That's an invitation I'll happily accept.” 

I kissed Jeanne. She kissed me back. While we kissed I felt Abby's fingers exploring my inner thigh and then I heard her say, “We need to remove the chastity cage. It's time for Cucky to become Cocky.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “I couldn't agree more. Michael, now I want to be the voyeur. I want to watch you fuck Abby. Will you do that for me?”

“I think I can be persuaded.”

Jeanne rolled her eyes and mimicked me. “I think I can be persuaded.” She shook her head. “You're not fooling me, I know you. You're dying to fuck Abby. Hell, you're dying to play with her big tits.”

“I was trying to be coy.”

Abby was unlocking my chastity cage. She stopped for a moment and said, “Coy? Isn't that a kind of fish you find in a Japanese garden?”

Looking at Jeanne, I said, “You were fucking a comedian.”

“Damn right, I love to fuck comedians.”

“Slut, get real. You just love to fuck.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “Oh that's right.”

Abby removed my chastity cage and said, “All right Cucky, your big boy is free again. Now it's your turn to fuck a comedian.”

“That's another invitation I won't decline.”

Sitting up, Jeanne reached across the bed and picked a condom out of the bowl on her bedside table. I noticed that she sifted through the magnums to find a normal sized one. Surprisingly that caused a little shiver of excitement to ripple through my loins. My wife liked to entertain men of exceptional size.

Jeanne tore the wrapper off of the condom. After carefully rolling it onto my cock she said to Abby, “Okay, he's ready. He's all yours.”

Jeanne slipped off the bed and stood up. “It's time for me to sit in the chair and become cuckold slut wife.”

Abby fluffed up a pillow, lay back on the bed and spread her legs. “Okay Cucky, let's see what you got.”

Shaking my head, I said, “That's a bit intimidating.”

“Sorry sweetheart, when I'm excited I get carried away. I already know what you got, a great big heart and a sweet, loving disposition. Honey, you cannot fail.”
Abby held out her arms, “Come to mama, it's time to mount up and ride.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “I love it when she talks like that.”

I moved into position. When my condom covered erection was hovering over Abby's glistening sex I felt Jeanne wrap her hand around the shaft.

Jeanne said, “I've had this fantasy for a couple of months now. Michael, I want to slide your cock into Abby.”

Chuckling, Abby said, “I love it. This is so kinky.”

I moved forward. As I moved Jeanne guided the head of my erection to the lips of Abby's cunt. I entered her. She was wet, very wet. Jeanne slid her fingers back, but kept them wrapped around the base of my shaft. 

Abby whispered, “Jeanne, knowing that you're putting Micheal's cock into me is so exciting.”

“I can tell. Michael, I wish you could see Abby's clit? She's really aroused.”

Abby wrapped her legs around my hips. I said, “I'm getting that impression.”

Releasing her hold on the base of my cock, Jeanne rolled off the bed and stood up. “It's time for me to sit in the chair and become cuckold slut wife.”

“Michael, it's time for us to fuck. Jeanne told me that you know how to dance with a woman. Not many guys have enough control to be able to do that. Dance with me Michael. Drive me wild.”

I was suddenly nervous. Drive me wild? I was an accountant. Prior to Amy and Mel I'd had sex with Jeanne and two other women. I wasn't exactly the Don Juan of the upper Midwest.

Sensing my anxiety, Jeanne said in a soothing tone, “Micheal, relax. Just do what you did with me the other night. Start out with a slow waltz and build from there.”

Her words calmed me. What Jeanne was suggesting was easy, It was something I'd done many times with Amy, Mel and Maureen. My confidence restored, I started a slow waltz tempo. Abby responded by moving her hips in time with mine. She was an excellent dancer. 

We waltzed and then I tried a two step. Abby caught on immediately. After we'd two stepped for several minutes Abby asked if I could Rumba. She giggled with delight when I slipped into a slow quick quick rhythm.

On top of Abby, my arms wrapped around her, her legs and arms wrapped around me, we laughed and giggled while we fucked to an imaginary rhythm. Suddenly Jeanne said, “This is wonderful, but I can't just be a bystander any longer.”

Abby looked up at me. “This was wonderful, but it's time to change the game. Rollover Michael.” And then she rolled me onto my back and ended up straddling me while still managing to keep my cock embedded in her cunt.”

Shaking my head, I looked up at her and said, “That was pretty slick.”

Abby said, “This isn't my first rodeo or my first dance.”

Jeanne said, “That's the truth.”

“Hey, be nice. I just created a spot for you. If you sit on your husband's face we can make out while he dances with both of us.”

As Jeanne mounted my face she said, “Now this is kinky.”

I said, “It is and this is also a true tandem blow job.” And then Jeanne sat down and I was muffled.

Fucking another woman while your wife rides your face is one of those fantasies that many men dream about but never even imagine might become a reality. It is intense. Jeanne and Abby swayed their hips in concert. While I couldn't see it, I was certain that they were making out.

I felt Jeanne shudder and then I felt Abby shudder. They both had small orgasms. That put me over the edge. I felt the familiar warm glow building in my loins.

Above me I heard Jeanne say, “I think he's cumming.”

Abby stopped moving. I felt her cunt tighten its grip on my cock. For a moment all three of us were still and then Abby shuddered and said, “Oh fuck, I'm cumming again.”

I was sucking and licking Jeanne's engorged clitoris. She was rocking back and forth on my mouth. When she heard Abby orgasm she yelled, “You slut! But then she 
suddenly went rigid, cried “Oh fuck! I'm cumming again too!” and started to shake. 

That was more than I could take. My cock exploded. Our mutual orgasms were colossal.

Jeanne and Abby both collapsed to the bed. I wrapped an arm around each of them and pulled them to me. Abby nuzzled her face into my neck and whispered, “Please don't ever let go of me.”

Jeanne laid her head on my shoulder and said, “Michael, I'm so glad you're home. Please don't ever leave me again.”

I whispered, “I won't Jeanne, believe me, I won't.”

I don't know how long we lay together. It might have been minutes, it might have been an hour. Finally Jeanne said, “We need to go to bed.”

I said, “We are in bed.”

Shaking her head, Jeanne said, “No Micheal this bed is for fucking. We sleep in our bed.”

I glanced at Abby. She was watching us. I said, “What about Abby?”

Jeanne asked, “Can she sleep with us in our bed?”

I smiled. “Yes, I'd like that very much.”

The three of us quickly showered together. After drying each other we climbed into our bed. I pulled the covers up and opened my arms. Abby cuddled up to one side of me, Jeanne to the other side.

As we fell asleep Abby whispered, “I don't think I've ever felt as safe as I do right now.” 

Written by goodhusband
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