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Awakenings Ch. 45

"The beginning of an exciting new life continues"

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The next morning, while we were having our breakfast, Jeanne asked, “Do you have any second thoughts about last night?”

“Are you asking me if I still want you to go to Sex Land today?”

“Yes, I guess I am.”

“Have you changed your mind?”

“No Michael, I haven't, but...Oh this all so confusing.”

“Jeanne, I'm convinced that tonight is going to be one of the most exciting nights of our marriage. I haven't changed my mind about anything and yes, I still want you to go to Sex Land today. If you don't I'll be disappointed.”


“Yes, really. I want this just as much as you do.”

“Michael, I'm afraid that I might hurt you.”

“Don't worry, if you do something that hurts me I'll let you know.”

Jeanne smiled. “Okay, so what should we do today?”

“I plan to go to Smithson's Jewelry Store.”

“Micheal, Smithson's is that expensive jewelry store across the street from the Whetmore Building.”

“Yes it is. I intend to buy a very nice necklace for my slut wife.”

Jeanne laughed. “I don't think Sex Land will have a sterling silver chastity cage.”

“And if they did, I hope you would ask to see something a little less expensive. I'm thinking of something made out of plastic.”


“Jeanne, your necklace is going to be gracing your beautiful neck. I'm hoping that my chastity cage will never be seen by anyone but you and me.”

Smiling Jeanne said, “Yes, it is definitely going to be our naughty little secret.”

Smiling back, I said, “I like that, our naughty little secret.”

Jeanne ate the last bite of her toast, took a final sip of her coffee and stood up. “I'd better get going. It snowed last night.”

“I noticed. It wasn't much, but you're right, you'd better get going. It doesn't take much to create traffic problems.”

Jeanne put on her coat, picked up her purse and walked over to me. I stood up, kissed her and said, “Good bye Slut. Have fun at Sex Land.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “Good bye Cucky, have fun at the Jewelry store.”

“I intend to do exactly that.”

“Are you going into the firm today?”

“Probably not. Things seem to be running pretty smoothly there. I plan to make a gradual return.”

“I'd better get going.” Jeanne kissed me again and hurried out the door to the garage.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I decided that I'd better sweep the snow off the front sidewalk. It had been just a light dusting, but it was late January in Minnesota. If I left it on the sidewalk it would gradually turn into a coating of slick ice.

I put on my jacket and gloves walked out to the garage, opened the garage door and picked up a broom. As I was sweeping the snow off the sidewalk I noticed our next door neighbors front door open. Ed Klein stepped out and walked over to me. “Morning Michael.”

“Morning Ed.”

I kept sweeping. Ed and his wife Lois were fifteen years older than Jeanne and me. Ed had been a low level executive for one of the Minneapolis grain milling companies. He was now retired. His wife, Lois stayed home and raised their three children. When they grew up and left she continued staying at home. Lois was the neighborhood gossip. I noticed the curtains in their front window move. I assumed that Lois was watching us.

Ed said, “We got a little snow last night.”

“Just a dusting, but I thought I should get it off the sidewalk.”

“Good idea. You don't want it to turn into ice.”

I nodded.

There was a pause and then Ed said, “You've been away.”



“Nope, just did a little traveling.” I was enjoying this. When I saw Ed come out of his house I decided that I wasn't going to hide anything from him, but I was going to make him pry every detail out of me.

“You were gone for five months. That's a long time to be traveling.”

“It was a good trip.”

“You didn't take the wife with you.”

“Nope, she didn't want to go.”

There was another pause and then Ed said, “Jeanne had a lot of visitors while you were gone.”

“Doesn't surprise me. She's pretty social.”

“Seems like most of them were men and some of them showed up pretty late.”

There it was. That was as direct as Ed was going to get. I could have ignored his observation or I could have told him it was none of his business. Those responses both seemed dull. I'd decided to have a little fun. I knew Jeanne wasn't trying to hide our new lifestyle and I couldn't think of any reason that I should either so I stopped sweeping and said, “Yea, Jeanne's turned into a real slut.”

Ed stared at me. After a moment he said, “Michael, I'm so sorry. Now I understand why you were gone. I assume that you came home to start the divorce proceedings. I know it must be difficult for you, but I understand that staying in the house is wise. You don't want to let Jeanne rake you over the coals in the divorce settlement.”

I looked at Ed and asked, “Why would I want to divorce Jeanne? We've never been happier. You can't imagine how exciting it is to live with a woman who has an insatiable appetite for sex.”

“What are you talking about?”

I love that Jeanne's become a slut. When I got home the night before last, she was fucking a guy in our guest room. I sat in my den and listened. It was the hottest thing I've ever heard.”

“You're crazy.”

“No Ed, I'm not. We're just two happily married people who have found a very exciting new life.”

“Michael, when word gets out about this, you and Jeanne are going to be neighborhood pariahs.”

“Yea, I expect that might be the case. It's too bad that there are so many petty narrow minded people in this world.”

“Well I never.” Ed turned, as he stormed back to his house, he said, “Lois isn't going to believe this.”

Chuckling, I waved at their living room window where Lois was hiding behind the curtain, then I turned around and finished sweeping the snow off of our front sidewalk.

Once the sidewalk was clear I went back into our house and had another cup of coffee. At 9:00 I got into my Escape and drove downtown. Smithson's jewelry story opened at 9:30. If I was going to have any chance to get the pendant for Jeanne's choker necklace engraved today I thought that I'd better try to buy it as soon as the store opened.

I parked in the ramp next to the Whetmore Building, walked across the street to Smithson's and went inside. A man in his early sixties was sitting at a desk behind the counter putting a new battery in a wristwatch. Suddenly I felt a little apprehensive about telling this man what I wanted, but I was here and I'd promised Jeanne. It was too late to back out. Mustering all of my courage, I forged ahead.

When he heard me enter the store the man turned, looked at me, stood up and said, “Good morning, I'm Allen Smithson. How may I help you?”

Still feeling a little nervous, I answered, “I'm looking for a necklace for my wife.”

“You've come to the right place. What kind of a necklace did you have in mind?”

“I'm looking for a choker that can have a pendant attached to it.”

“You're looking for a collar.”

“I guess that's right.”

“How much do you want to pay?”

“I want something nice, but I also want my wife to be able to wear it without having to worry about getting robbed.”

“I have several nice sterling silver collars in the four hundred dollar range.”

“May I see them.”

“Of course.” He unlocked a case, took out a blue velvet box, laid it on the counter in front of me and opened it. Four silver chokers were displayed in the open box. One of them immediately caught my eye. It was actually two silver chains, one substantial and a lighter one under it. The chains were joined in the clasp in the back and at a small silver ring in the front.

I pointed. “This one is very nice.”

Nodding, he said, “I agree. It's beautiful workmanship.” He picked it up and held it out for me.”

As I examined it, I asked, “How much is it?”

“Three hundred twenty-five dollars.”

“May I see some pendants that would be appropriate?”

“Certainly, in fact I think I have one that would be perfect.” He unlocked another case, removed another blue velvet box and opened it on the counter. It contained several rows of pendants. I immediately noticed two silver pendants, one heart shaped and one oval. They were both about an inch in diameter and trimmed with scroll work similar to the heavier chain in the choker.

I liked both of them. After a brief moment of deliberation I decided on the heart shaped pendant. Jeanne wasn't just a slut, she was my loving slut. I pointed at it. “I like this one.”

Picking it up, Mr. Smithson said, “That was the one I had in mind.”

I smiled. “Great minds think alike. How much is it?”

Mr. Smithson held it next to the necklace. It was a perfect compliment. He said, “Ninety-five dollars.”

“How much to have it engraved?”

“What do you want engraved on it?”

And here it was, the moment of truth. Suddenly I was embarrassed. I hesitated, but I'd gotten this far. I couldn't allow myself to falter now. Taking a deep breath, I said, “Slut.” And then I spelled it, “S-L-U-T.”

Mr. Smithson stared at me. After a moment he smiled and said, “Relax, I've sold several pendants with a similar inscription.”


“Yes, the inscription will cost $25.00. How soon do you need it?”

“Is there any chance of getting it this afternoon?”

“Are you going out to a bar tonight?”

Deciding that I'd already committed myself, I answered, “No, her boyfriend is coming over.”

Mr. Smithson smiled. “You and your wife are leading an adventurous life.”

I nodded.

“I'm not busy. I can have it ready in an hour.”

“Thank you, thank you very much.”

“I need you to pay for the pendant before I engrave it.”

“I understand.” I took out my wallet. “Is American Express okay?”

“Of course.”

I handed him my card and said, “Let's settle the whole bill right now.”

“Certainly.” He did the necessary paperwork. I signed it. When he handed me my receipt he said, “There's a cafe in the next block. They have outstanding cinnamon rolls. You can buy a newspaper from the box in front of the cafe. I'll see you back here in an hour.”

“Thank you, can I bring you a cinnamon roll?”

Mr. Smithson smiled. “That would be very nice, but my wife has me watching my weight.”

I nodded in understanding.

The cafe did have outstanding cinnamon rolls. Their coffee was pretty good too. I bought a newspaper and caught up on the local news. After an hour I paid my bill and hurried back to the jewelry store.

A large busted blond in her mid forties was behind the counter. Mr. Smithson wasn't around. I said, “I bought a necklace about an hour ago. Mr. Smithson was engraving a pendant for me.”

“I'm Shirley, his wife. I have it right here.” She turned around, picked up a black velvet tray, turned back and set it on the counter in front of me. The necklace with the pendant attached, was neatly laid out on the velvet tray.

I examined it. It was perfect. Smiling, I said, that's very nice.”

“My husband does excellent work.”

“Yes he does.”

“May I gift wrap it for you?”

“Yes please”

Shirley placed the necklace in a box and then she quickly wrapped it. As soon as she was finished she handed me the gift wrapped box and said, “Your wife is a lucky woman.”

I was a little embarrassed about the entire proceeding, but I maintained my decorum and said, “I think I'm a lucky man.”

Shirley said, “Allen is a lucky man too.” She was wearing a gold chain. She pulled it out of her low cut sweater and showed me the pendant. It read, “Hot Wife.”

I grinned at her.

She patted my hand and said, “I hope that both you and your wife have an exciting evening with her boyfriend.”

Blushing, I said, “Thank you” And then I quickly turned and hurried out of the jewelry store clutching the gift wrapped box containing Jeanne's new necklace in my hand.

When I got to my car I looked at my watch. It was 10:25. The breakfast rush was over and the lunch rush hadn't yet begun. It seemed like a good time to try to talk to Rhonda.

I left downtown and drove up the Summit Avenue hill to Grand Avenue. Ten minutes later I was parking in front of Morton's Cafe. Excited to see Rhonda, I hurried into the cafe. I was relieved to see that it was almost empty. There were only two customers, older gentlemen. They were seated at the counter drinking coffee. Rhonda and Marv were both leaning on the counter talking with them.

When they heard me walk into the cafe all four of them turned and looked at me. Feeling a little self conscious, I said, “Hi Rhonda, I umm, I stopped to say hello.”

Marv and the two older gentlemen chuckled. Rhonda said, “Michael Nolan, what a nice surprise.”

I immediately relaxed.

She hurried over to me, grabbed my arm and said, “Come sit at the counter. I'll get you a cup of coffee.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Could we maybe sit at a table for a minute?”

Rhonda smiled. “Of course we can baby. Can I still get you a cup of coffee?”

“No, I'm fine. I just want to talk to you for a moment.” I knew I wasn't being smooth, but I'm an accountant, smooth wasn't one of my strengths.

Rhonda grabbed my arm. “Come on baby, let's sit down over here.” She led me over to a table. We sat down. As soon as we were seated, she asked, “So what do you want to talk to me about?”

Suddenly nervous again, I stammered, “I was wondering, I mean if you don't have anything planned, I umm...”

Rhonda smiled. “Michael, you really are endearing.”

I shrugged.

She asked, “Honey, do you want to get together for a little fun?”

Rhonda really was a sweet woman. I relaxed and said, “Yes, I would like that very much.”

She placed her hand on mine and said, “I'd like that too. When would you like to get together?”

“I was thinking maybe Saturday night.”

“Saturday night? Is your wife going to be out of town?”

“No she'll be there.” I paused for a moment and then I asked, “Will that be okay?”

“Will she be okay?”

“Yes, she'll definitely be okay.”

“Really? Does she want to watch?”

“I think she might. Would that be a problem?”

Rhonda laughed. “Not at all...” But then she hesitated.

I said, “If it's a problem, she'll...”

“No Michael, it's not a problem, I just thought that if your wife is going to be there watching maybe I could bring my husband, Jerry. He likes to watch too and he almost never gets an opportunity. Most guys get really hung up about him being in the room.”

Now it was my turn to hesitate. It had never occurred to me that another man might want to watch me with his wife. Rhonda noticed my hesitation. “Michael, don't worry. It's okay. Jerry is used to being left at home.”

Realizing the hypocrisy of my reluctance, I shook my head and said, “No, bring Jerry. It will be fun.”

Rhonda smiled. “You've never fucked a woman in front of another man, have you.”

Nodding, I said, “You got me.” And then chuckling, I added, “I'm sort of new at this.”

“Sort of?”

I gave Rhonda a brief synopsis of the events of the past five months. When I was finished Rhonda said, “That's a pretty amazing story and it sounds like your wife has become a total slut.”

“She has.”

Rhonda laughed. “And you love it, don't you.”

“I have to admit that I do.”

“So does Jerry.”

“You're implying that you're a total slut too.”

“Michael honey, I'm addicted to cocks.”

“How long have you been getting together with other men?”

“We've been married for twenty-two years. I've been seeing other men for the entire time, but Jerry didn't know about it at first. I cheated on him. Now I'm ashamed to admit that. I loved Jerry. I'll always love Jerry, but I love cocks too. I didn't want to hurt him and I have to admit that I also didn't want him to know that I was a slut, so I kept my affairs secret.”

“But he eventually found out.”

“The first six years we were married, Jerry worked nights. It was the perfect situation for me. I regularly entertained other men while he was at work. One night he got sick at work and returned home without any warning. When he walked into our apartment a guy was fucking me on our living room couch.”

“I see.”

Rhonda said, “Jerry was sick and running a high fever, so regardless of what had just happened he had to go to bed. I felt awful. I loved Jerry and I was certain that as soon as he was healthy he was going to divorce me. It took him two full days to recover from his illness. Amazingly, when he finally did recover he didn't throw me out of the house. Instead we talked and as we talked I began to realize that he was fascinated by my infidelity. He pressed me for details. I decided to be frank. As my descriptions of my adultery became increasingly graphic, I realized that Jerry was aroused by them. I asked him about it. While he was clearly ashamed of his feelings, he admitted having them.”

Nodding, I said, “A Real man isn't supposed to be excited by the image of his wife in the arms of another man.”

“You had the same problem.”

“Of course I did.”

“Are you over it?”

“Pretty much. What happened after Jerry admitted to being aroused by your infidelity?”

“We talked about it for several weeks. It quickly became a sex fantasy for both of us. When we made love Jerry would go down on me while I described an evening with another man.”

“That sounds hot.”

“Believe me, it was. Eventually we decided to do it for real. We picked a Saturday night because Jerry wasn't working. I invited one of my regular men friends over. Jerry hid in the bedroom while my friend fucked me in the living room.”

“I gather that it went well.”

Rhonda smiled. “After my friend left Jerry attacked me with a passion I'd never imagined. It was amazing.”

“The night before last I had my first opportunity to listen to another man fucking Jeanne in the next room. It was amazing.”

Laughing, Rhonda said, “You and Jerry are very similar men.”

“I'm not sure that makes me a good bull.”

“On the contrary Michael. I think it makes you a potentially outstanding bull. You see, you understand.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense.”

“So are we going to do this?” Asked Rhonda.

“I'd love to do it. Jeanne's eager to try it too. Does Saturday night work for you and Jerry?”

“Michael honey, when Jerry hears about this he'll be like a little boy waiting for Christmas. Believe me, if he had to do it he'd skip his own funeral so he could be there.”

“He's eager.”

“Honey, he is so eager.”

“My wife will probably want to play with him.”

“While they're watching us fuck?”


“This just keeps getting better. You're describing Jerry's fondest fantasy.”

“To be able to watch you with another man while a beautiful naked woman is playing with his cock.”

“That's right.”

I laughed. “It is a pretty hot fantasy.”

“Do you really think your wife would be willing to help us make it happen?”

Chuckling, I answered, “Jeanne loves sex games. I'm fairly certain that she'll be even more excited about this than Jerry.”

“Michael, I'm so glad I met you.”

“I'm glad we met too. This is going to be fun.”

“Yes it is. What time do you want us to come over?”

“How about 7:00.”

“That's perfect. Do you still have my cell phone number?”

“Of course.”

“Text me your address.”

“I'll do that.”

The door to the cafe opened. Two men dressed in business suits stepped inside, looked around and made their way to a table by the front window. As they sat down Rhonda said, “The lunch rush is starting. I'd better get back to work.”

I stood up. Rhonda kissed my cheek and said, “I can't wait until Saturday. We're going to have so much fun.”

“I'm excited about it too.”

“See you Saturday.” Rhonda turned and walked over to the two men seated by the window. They were both studying the menu. When she reached their table she said, “Hi guys, can I bring you some coffee or soft drinks?”

As I walked out of the cafe a man and woman followed by two more women were approaching the door. I held it open for them. The lunch rush was definitely beginning.

My next stop was the car wash and then I went to Danny's Mobile and got my Escape serviced. After I left Danny's I stopped at the grocery store where I bought a bag of ready to eat salad and the ingredients for a chicken casserole.

By the time I returned home it was almost 3:30. I spent the next half hour preparing the chicken casserole. Jeanne wasn't going to get home from work until 5:30. Jack was due to arrive at 7:00. Jeanne and I were both going to be excited. Having a simple dinner in the oven was going to make life a little bit easier.

After I put the casserole into the oven I went down into the basement. I hadn't been in my wood shop since the night Jeanne announced that she was planning to go on a date with another man. The pieces for the table I'd been making for Jodie were still laid out on my workbench. I took some time to remember what I was doing with the project and then I put one of the legs into my lathe and started working on it.

The time passed quickly. As I was finishing the second leg I heard the garage door open. Jeanne was home. Excited, I turned off the lathe and hurried upstairs.

We met in the kitchen. Setting her purse on the kitchen table, Jeanne said, “Hi Michael.”

I answered, “Hi Jeanne.”

“It's so nice to come home and find you here.”

“I like being at home again.”

“Something smells good.”

“I made a chicken casserole. With Jack coming over tonight I thought you might be a little stressed for time.”

“You really are the perfect husband.” Jeanne looked at me. After a moment she asked, “Are you having any second thoughts about tonight? We don't have to do this. I can call him and cancel.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Michael, I want you to be happy. That's all I want.”

“Jeanne, I am happy. When I told you this morning that I was just as excited about tonight as you are, I was telling the truth.”


“Yes Jeanne, really.” I smiled. “I bought you a nice gift today.”

“The one we discussed last night?”

“That's right.”

“Can I see it?”

“After dinner.”

“You're teasing me.”

“Maybe a little.”

“I bought you a gift today too.”

“The one we discussed last night?”

“Yes, but I also bought you a second gift.”

“A second gift?”

“I'm hungry. How soon will the casserole be ready?”

“I'm sure it's ready now.”

“Let's have dinner. I'll tell you about the second gift while we're eating.”

“Now you're teasing me.”

Jeanne smiled, “Maybe a little.”

While I dished up the casserole Jeanne opened the bag of salad, filled two bowls and added some ranch dressing to each of them.

As soon as we were seated and eating, I said, “So tell me about the second gift.”

“You're a little impatient this evening.”

“I think it might be more accurate to say that I'm a little excited this evening.”

“I am too.” Jeanne was grinning.

Grinning back at her, I said, “Are you going to tell me about the second gift?”

“Sex Land has an exotic lingerie department. Most of it's pretty cheesy, but some of it was fun. I bought a black garter belt and a pair of black nylon stockings.”

“That will add a little spice to this evening.”

“I didn't buy them to wear tonight. I bought them to wear for you.”

“I think you should wear them tonight. A garter belt and nylon stockings under a hockey jersey will make you look really slutty.”

“Michael, you're not listening to me. I bought them to wear for you.”

“You will be wearing them for me. I'm going to be right there with you and believe me I'm looking forward to this show. I think it will be like watching a live porn movie staring my wife.”

“You would like that, wouldn't you.”

“Yes I would. I can't wait.”

“Okay, I'll wear the garter and stockings tonight.” Jeanne laughed.

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“It's a good thing they weren't very expensive.”

“Why is that?”

“Jack can get a little rough with clothing. Be the end of the evening I doubt they'll be in useable condition.”

“We can afford to buy more.” I winked at Jeanne. “Maybe before the next hockey game I'll go to Sex Land with you. I think it might be fun to help you pick out the outfit you're going to wear for Jack.”

“Michael you really are getting kinky.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Not at all.” We both laughed.

After a moment Jeanne asked, “Did you have any success with your errand?”

“I did. Actually I had a very interesting day.”

“I want to hear about it.”

I started by telling Jeanne about my encounter with Ed Klein this morning. When I was finished, Jeanne asked, “You really told him that I was a slut?”

“Yes I did, was that okay?'

Jeanne grinned at me. “It was perfect. I wish I could have been there to see his face when you told him.” She stopped. “No I wish I could have seen Lois's face when he told her.”

“I'm sure she was watching from the front window.”

“I'm sure she was too. Michael honey, this is priceless. What else happened today?”

“You won't believe what happened at Smithson's Jewelers.”

“Tell me.”

I related everything that occurred. When I reached the part where Mr. Smithson told me that he'd engraved several medallions with a similar message Jeanne said, “I told you.”

I looked at her.

She said, “Last August I told you. This is a lot more common than most people think it is.”

Chuckling, I said, “I'm finally figuring that out.” And then I quickly added, “But you still haven't heard the best part.”

“I'm listening.”

“When I went back to pick up the necklace and medallion Mr. Smithson wasn't available. A woman was working behind the counter. As she showed me the necklace and medallion she introduced herself. She was Shirley, Allen Smithson's wife. While she was gift wrapping the necklace she commented that you were a lucky woman.”

“She's right, I am.”

“I told her that I thought I was a lucky man. She said that Allen thinks he's a lucky man too and then she pulled a necklace and medallion out of her blouse. The medallion was inscribed, 'Hot Wife'”.

Smiling, Jeanne said, “Life just keeps getting more interesting, doesn't it.”

“Yes it does.”

Jeanne stood up. “It's time to clean up the dishes and go to our bedroom so we can start getting ready.”

“You're excited, aren't you.”

“Damn right I am. I'm about to get some really hot sex while my husband is watching. Aren't you excited too?”

“You know I am.”

“So let's get going.”

“Something else happened today. I need to tell you about it.”

“Can you tell me while we're cleaning up?”

“Of course.” Jeanne and I stood up and carried our dishes over to the sink. While we loaded them into the dishwasher, I said, “After I left the jewelers this morning I stopped at Morton's Cafe.”

“Did you see Rhonda?”

“I did.”

“Are you going to get together with her?”

“She's coming over Saturday night. Is that all right?”

“That's fine. Do I have to go out?”

“No I told her that you'd be here. She cool with it, in fact she's eager to meet you.”

“I'm looking forward to meeting her too.”

“Since you're going to be here she asked if she could bring her husband, Jerry. He likes to watch.”

Jeanne turned and looked at me. After a moment she said, “I'm fine with it. David and I have been watching Ruth together for a couple of months, but are you going to be okay with it?”

I took a second to consider Jeanne's question and then I said, ”I think so. Unless Amy, Mel, Maureen, Ruth and you are all lying to me, I'm a halfway decent fuck.”

Smiling, Jeanne said, “Sweetheart, you're an outstanding fuck. You have good staying power, a nice sized cock and you're a sensitive lover. Rhonda is going to have a wonderful time and Jerry will be impressed.”

“I'm not worried about impressing Jerry.”

“I know that.”

“Sex isn't a competition.”

“Which is why you're such a good lover. You're more concerned about mutual pleasure than asserting yourself as a stud.”

“But you do occasionally enjoy a man who asserts himself as a stud.”

“I admit it, I do, but those men are just a thrill ride.”

“Rhonda may be looking for a thrill ride.”

“She may, but I suspect that like me, she enjoys variety and can appreciate a skilled partner when she finds him.”

“You think I'm a skilled lover.”

“Michael, you have always been good. It took me twenty-five years to fully appreciate that.”

I shrugged.

Jeanne added, “And Amy and Mel turned you into a virtuoso.”

“A virtuoso?”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “Maybe I'm a little biased, but you've definitely gone from good to really really good. Rhonda is going to be very pleased and Jerry will be impressed.”

“If you're teasing me...”

“Baby, I am not teasing you.”

“If you are, please don't ever tell me.”

“I'm not teasing you, so that won't ever be a problem. Come on, it's 6:15. Jack will be here at 7:00. We need to start getting ready. I'd like to take a shower.”

“May I join you?”

“Definitely, but no hanky panky. I'm now Jack's girlfriend and will be for the next several hours.”

“If he allows me to shower with his girlfriend Jack must be an open minded fellow.”

Giggling as she pulled me toward our bedroom, Jeanne said, “He's not, so let's not tell him.”

“I can live with that.”

Jeanne and I showered together and while there wasn't any overt hanky panky, we did take turns washing each other and both of us paid a little more attention to certain key places than may have been necessary.

After we showered we dried each other and then we walked naked into our bedroom where Jeanne said, “It's time for me to put on my makeup.”

We were both excited. This was the first time I was with Jeanne when we knew she was getting ready for an evening with another man. New Years Eve in San Antonio we both thought it might happen, but we weren't certain. This time we were certain. San Antonio had also ended disastrously. We were both anticipating that this night would turn out to be everything we hoped it would be. I nodded. “Yes it is.”

Jeanne stared at me. After a moment she said, “We can still call this off.”

“That wouldn't be fair to Jack.”

“Michael honey, I told you earlier, Jack is just a momentary thrill. You're the only man I care about. If you don't want to go through with this, then I don't care what he thinks, we're going to call it off.”

“Thank you Jeanne, I appreciate that, but I don't want to call it off. During the past five months I've learned a lot. Regardless of how many other sex partners you might have I now do understand that I'm the only man you love.”

“That will never change.”

“I believe that Jeanne.”

“Thank you Michael, thank you for believing in me. I know that at times I've made that difficult.

“You also did what you needed to do to make it happen.”

“After my initial foolish mistakes I tried, I really did.”

“I know that Jeanne and your efforts helped me understand that this wasn't about love.”

“It never was Michael and it still isn't.”

“I now know that and because I know that I'm just as excited about tonight as you are.”

“Michael, while I believe you, it's still difficult for me to understand that.”

“I'm not sure that I will ever understand why, but the idea of sharing you with other men is now unbelievably exciting for me. Jeanne, I want to be your cuckold husband and I want you to be my hot wife. All of my sexual fantasies are now about you and other men. At first I felt guilty about that, no, I was ashamed of it, but I'm not anymore. Amy and Mel taught me to stop being ashamed.” I laughed. “Hell they did a lot more than that, they convinced me to stop trying to understand it and just accept it.”

“Michael, I've had slut fantasies for years. I was so ashamed of them, but sometimes I couldn't control myself. I actually used to masturbate while I was having those fantasies.” Jeanne sighed, “Afterward I felt so guilty that I'd cry.”

“We certainly were an inhibited pair.”

“At least you allowed yourself your magazines and movies.”

“But I was still ashamed of them.”

“Sometimes I would sneak into your office and look at your magazines. I would imagine that I was one of those brassy women spreading my legs for every man who bought the magazine.”

“Brassy women, I like that. Jeanne, are you a brassy woman?”

“Michael, I'm a brassy slut.”

“I love being married to a brassy slut.”

“And I love being married to a man who enjoys being my cuckold husband.”

“I am Jeanne, I am your cuckold husband and tonight I'm going to watch you make out with your boyfriend.”

“Michael, I'm a slut. I'm going to do much more than make out with him.”

“Are you going to let him feel your tits?”

“Yes I am and while he's playing with my tits I'm going to rub his cock.”

“You are a slut.”

“That's not all I'm going to do.”

“Tell me.”

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“More than you can possibly imagine.”

Jeanne laughed. “I've gotten pretty kinky. I can imagine a lot.”

“I want to hear it all.”

“I'm going to unzip his pants, take his cock out and give him a blow job.”

“To give him a proper blow job you're going to have to get his pants off.”


“If you're really a slut, you'll want to lick his balls.”

“Will that be okay?”

“I'll be disappointed if you don't do it.”

“I wouldn't want to disappoint you.”

“I also hope you'll...” My voice trailed off.

“What do you want me to do? Tell me, don't be shy.”

“I'm pretty sure you want to do it.”

“Is it slutty?”

“Really slutty.”

“Then I know I'll want to do it. Tell me.”

Taking a deep breath, I said, “I hope that while you're sucking Jack's cock you'll lick his ass.”

“Do you want me to do that?”

“I think you'd like to do it.”

“No tell me. Tell me that you want me to lick Jack's ass while I'm playing with his cock.”

Suddenly feeling very bold, I blurted out, “Tonight while you're sucking Jack's cock I want you to lick his ass too.”

“I'll do it Michael, I'll do it just for you.” Jeanne grinned. “Baby, why weren't we doing this twenty years ago?”

“I never imagined it was possible and I don't think I could have admitted that I really wanted it.”

“It's hard to overcome our inhibitions.”

“You couldn't do it either.”

“Not for a long time, but I finally did do it and when I finally did it, it took all the courage I had.”

For a moment I stared at Jeanne and then I understood. I said, “Last August.”

“Yes, the night I told you that I wanted to start dating other men I was terrified, ashamed and incredibly excited. I so hoped you'd understand.”

“But I didn't.”

“That night when I came home after my date and found the note and your wedding ring I was devastated.”

“I'm sorry I didn't understand.”

“I don't know how you could have. I just dropped it on you without any preparation. I should have spent a year as your personal slut.”

“That would have helped.”

Jeanne said, “Actually, I'm not sure it would have.”


“I know, that's a contradiction, but think about it Michael. Do you really want me to be your personal slut? Go lie down on the bed. I'll deep throat your cock, lick your asshole and let you fuck my ass right now.”

I smiled. “I'm starting to get it.”

“Michael, you're a voyeur. You want me to be a slut, but you want me to do it for other men. You don't want me to lick your asshole, you want to watch me lick another man's asshole.”

Suddenly I felt very ashamed. I whispered, “Yes, I get it. I'm a pervert.”

Realizing how I was interpreting this, Jeanne cried, “No Michael, you don't get it. I'm the woman of your dreams. You're the man of my dreams. I don't ever want to give that up. I love that you want to lick my pussy and my ass. I never want you to stop making sweet gentle love to me. I love it when you dance with me while we're fucking.”

“But I'm not your fantasy.”

“Yes Michael, you are my fantasy, but I have another fantasy and so do you. You're not David or Paul. You don't want me to stop letting you fuck me and I wouldn't ever agree to that, but you also don't want me to be your slut, you want me to be your loving wife, a loving wife who loves sex.” Jeanne paused and then she said, “That's what I should have been for the past year, but I was too eager to experience my kinky fantasy.”

And I understood. After five months I finally understood. I smiled at Jeanne. “I do get it, I really do.” I laughed. “I even get the chastity cage.”

Jeanne nodded. “When I'm another man's slut you want to be an asexual observer.”

“Yes, I think that's exactly right.”

“I still wish that I'd been your passionate wife.”

I shrugged. “Water over the damn.” And then I added, “But I think it was a good trade.”

“Tell me.”

You're right, we both have secret fantasies that as it turns out are mutually exciting, but these fantasies inherently involve others. That was a big hurdle. We had a lot to overcome.”

Jeanne said, “And understand.”

“Yes, and understand. I also don't think we could have done it gradually. Last August you forced us to jump in and now were there.”

“So what do we do now?”

“Your boyfriends going to arrive in a half hour. It's time for me to become an asexual observer while you put on your makeup and get dressed.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I'm very sure.”

“Michael, this is so kinky. Just thinking about it is making my pussy tingle.” Jeanne picked up a lavender shopping bag that was on the floor next to her makeup table. She took out a pair of black nylon stockings and a black garter belt and held them up. “When I used to look at the magazines in your office I always imagined wearing lingerie like this.”

“That's because you've always been a slut at heart.”

Jeanne nodded. “Deep down inside, I always wanted to be a slut.”

“When I looked at those magazines I always imagined you wearing things like that. Tonight you're really going to do it.”

“Yes I am.”

I smiled. “But you're not going to be wearing them for me, are you.”

“No, I'm going to be wearing them for my stud boyfriend, but you get to watch.”

“That's what I want to do. I want to watch. That's all I want to do.”

“That's all your going to get to do.”

My breath caught. Jeanne glanced at my cock. It was sticking straight out. She smiled and said, “You like this game, don't you.”

Breathless with excitement, I said, “Very much.”

“I think it's time for us to take the next step.” Jeanne reached into the bag and took out the chastity cage. It was encased in a plastic package. She took a scissors from her make up table, opened the package and removed the pieces. Together we read the directions and figured how it went together.

Once we were ready to put the cage on me, Jeanne looked at my erect cock and laughed. “This isn't going to work, this isn't going to work at all.”

She handed the chastity cage to me and hurried out of the bedroom. I waited. A moment later she returned with a plastic bag filled with ice cubes. She placed the bag of ice on my testicles and said, “Hold this here until that bad boy of yours gets soft.” And then she sat down and started applying her makeup.

I set the chastity cage pieces on the bed and held the bag of ice in place.

The ice cubes worked quickly. In just a few minutes I went from being fully erect to what is often called swimmer's shrinkage. Jeanne finished putting on her eye makeup and turned around. Her long eyelashes were thick with mascara and she'd applied a much heavier amount of eye shadow than she normally used.

I said, “You look like a slut.”

“Thank you Cucky, that was my intention.” Jeanne looked at my now flaccid penis and said, “Oh yes, this is much better.” She picked up the chastity cage u ring pieces from the bed, tried several, selected one, fitted it under my ball sack and asked, “Is this comfortable?”

I nodded. “Yes, it's fine.”

Next she slipped the two half rings into place. As she attached the locking pin, I said, “This isn't easy. It almost requires an engineer.”

“We have to find the correct pieces so that it fits you properly. If it's too small it will pinch and if it's too big it might fall off.”

“We wouldn't want that to happen.”

“Hey, this was your idea buster.”

“Yeah, you're right.”

After we finished selecting the correct pieces assembling the chastity cage went quickly. Once it was in place Jeanne asked, “How does that feel?”

Chuckling, I said, “It feels pretty weird, but it's not uncomfortable.”

“Can you stand wearing it?”

“Oh yes.”

“Then it's time to lock it. Are you ready?”

I nodded.

Jeanne slipped the brass padlock through the hole in the locking pin, snapped it shut and said, “There, now you are just an observer.”

I looked at the chastity cage and then I looked at Jeanne. The heavy eye makeup she was wearing made her look like a slut. Grinning, I said, “We're now Slut and Cucky.”

Giggling, Jeanne said, “I've never realized that sex could be so much fun.”

“It just takes a little imagination.”

“Michael, it's a quarter to seven. Jack will be here in fifteen minutes. I have to finish putting on my makeup and get dressed.”

“May I watch?”

“I'd feel bad if you didn't”

Jeanne returned to her makeup table. After quickly dabbing some blush on her cheeks she picked up a tiny bottle, dipped a thin brush into it and started coloring her lips a deep shade of crimson.

Curious, I asked, “Aren't you worried about getting lipstick on Jack's clothing. He is going home to his wife tonight.”

Shaking her head, Jeanne said, “This isn't lipstick, it's lip gloss. It dries quickly and doesn't smear. It's kiss proof.”

Chuckling, I said, “The wonders of modern science.”

Jeanne giggled, but then she added, “What I can't do is wear perfume.”

“You love perfume.”

“I do, but if I put on perfume Jack will reek of it when he gets home.”

“That might raise a little suspicion with his wife.”

“It definitely would.”

“You need to have a weekend away with Jack.”

Jeanne spun around. “Wouldn't that bother you?”

“I don't see why it should. It wouldn't bother me if you took a weekend trip with a group of girlfriends.”

“But I wouldn't be going with other women, I'd be going with a guy.”

“Your boyfriend.”

“Yes, my boyfriend.”

“Who is going to be fucking you in this house tonight. Jeanne, you're a slut. You let lots of guys fuck you. It really doesn't matter if it happens here or in a hotel room in another city. Wouldn't you enjoy being Jack's slut for an entire weekend.”

“I'd miss you.”

“And I'd miss you too, but we just survived a five month separation. I think we can handle an occasional weekend apart.”

Jeanne was silent. After a moment she said, “Jack takes a golf trip with two of his buddies every February. He's suggested that he'd like it if I could find a way to go with him.”

“Spending the weekend with three men in a luxury golf resort, I would think that might be an ideal vacation for a slut. Do you think Jack would share you with his friends.”

“Not like you're sharing me tonight, but he has hinted that a couple of his friends would love to meet me.”

“So there is a chance that all three of them might end up fucking you.”

“Yes, but not at the same time. It wouldn't be a four way.”

“It would be more like you'd be in a hotel room and they'd take turns visiting you. It sounds pretty hot to me.”

Jeanne laughed. “It sounds pretty hot to me too. Are you telling me that you wouldn't mind if I did something like that?”

“Will you promise to call occasionally and update me about what's happening?”

“Of course I will.”

“Then I think it could be a fun adventure for both of us.”

“Oh my.” Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, “I think I'll wait until Jack brings it up again.”

“I think that's a good idea. You want to be in a position to set some ground rules.”

“Yes I do.” Jeanne stood up, picked up her new garter belt and said, “And now I'd better finish getting dressed.” She quickly added, “Unless you plan to watch the hockey game wearing nothing but your chastity cage you'd better get dressed too.”

“What does a cuckold wear when his slut wife is entertaining her boyfriend in their living room?”

“I would suggest one of your long sleeved knit shirts and a pair of khakis.” Jeanne was smiling.

“That works for me.”

While Jeanne fastened the garter belt around her waist I grabbed a clean pair of boxer shorts and a pair of socks from my dresser and selected a knit shirt and a pair of khakis from my closet. As I dressed I watched Jeanne role the nylon stockings up her legs and attach the garter stays to the lace welts on the stocking tops. Knowing she was doing this for another man made my heart race. I also felt my cock swelling inside the confines of the chastity cage. While it wasn't painful, it certainly created a strange sensation.

I continued watching as Jeanne checked herself in the full length mirror. When she turned to look at me my breath caught. The garter and stockings made a perfect frame for her shaved pussy.

She asked, “So what do you think?” She did a slow pirouette.

I said, “You're gorgeous. I think this is the first time I've ever seen you in a garter belt and nylon stockings.” As soon as I said it, I regretted it.

Jeanne looked at me with a puzzled expression. “The night I flew to San Francisco I wore a garter belt and nylons.”

Suddenly remembering, I said, “You're right. Please forgive me. I'm pretty excited right now.”

Jeanne frowned. “I still think I should be wearing them for you.”

Scrambling to make up for my gaffe, I said, “You did wear them for me in San Francisco and now you're wearing them for me again. Please believe me, tonight I'm going to enjoy them just as much as Jack.” I quickly added, “And this weekend we'll go lingerie shopping, just you and me and when we get home you can do a lingerie fashion show for me.”

“I love that idea, but do you think we could include Abby and Ruth? The three of us could do a lingerie fashion show for both you and David.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea.”

“We could all meet at the mall right after work on Friday. We could go shopping, have dinner and then go back to our house for the fashion show and maybe a little hanky panky.”

“I love hanky panky.”

“You can watch Abby and me tribbing. Do you know what that is?”

“I watched Amy and Mel do it.”

“Of course you did.”

“But I'd still love to watch you and Abby do it.”

Jeanne smiled. “And we'd love to do it for you.”

“You've learned a lot during the past five months.”

“So have you.”

“We've certainly changed.”

“Is that okay?”

“I'm happy about it.”

“So am I.”

“Are you ready for your present?”

Jeanne giggled, “I'm so excited that I forgot about it.”

“I almost forgot it too.” I walked over to my dresser, took the package out of the top drawer and handed it to Jeanne.

“They gift wrapped it.”

“It's a gift, a gift of love from me to you.”

Grinning, Jeanne carefully unwrapped the package, opened the box, removed the necklace and held it up. “Michael, it's beautiful. I love the two chains and the medallion is gorgeous. The outlining scroll work matches the larger chain and it says 'slut'. Michael, it's perfect. Thank you so much.” She handed it to me. “Will you put it on me?”

“Of course, as your cuckold husband I think it's my duty to do that.”

I placed the necklace around Jeanne's neck, fastened the clasp, kissed her behind her ear and whispered, “I hope you will always be my slut wife.”

Turning around, Jeanne stared into my eyes and answered, “Yes Michael, until death do us part.”

“I love you Jeanne.”

“I love you too Michael.”

We kissed. It was a slow passionate kiss laden with love. When we finally broke apart I said, “I could spend all night kissing you, but we have a guest coming and it's almost seven.”

Jeanne nodded. “Yes, you're right.”

“You'd better put on your hockey jersey. Are you going to wear shoes?”

“With the garter belt and nylons I think I need shoes.”

“They would make you look even sexier.”

“Got any suggestions?”

“Black patent leather spike heels. You have several pair.”

“A pretty kinky choice with a hockey jersey.”

“You're a pretty kinky girl.”

“I am and I'm proud of it.” Jeanne was grinning at me.

Laughing, I said, “So am I.”

And then the doorbell rang. Both Jeanne and I looked at the clock on her makeup table. It was two minutes to seven. Simultaneously we both said, “He's here.”

Quickly putting on a pair of loafers, I said, “I'll get the door.”

As I walked out of the bedroom, Jeanne grabbed my arm, pulled me to her and whispered, “Michael, I love you. This is just fun and games. Please don't forget that.”

“Don't worry, I won't. I love you too and I'm enjoying the game just as much as you are.” I kissed Jeanne hard on the lips one more time. She once again kissed me back with passion. After a moment we broke apart. I said, “It's cold outside. I'd better let him in. We don't want him to freeze to death. Make a great entrance.”

As I turned and hurried out of the bedroom Jeanne laughed and said, “In this outfit how could I not?”

Written by goodhusband
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