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Rendezvous in Chicago - Part 5

"Their week long rendezvous comes to an end, but does their story ... hmm"

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Jill rolled over and as she awoke she was disappointed to find that she was the only occupant of the bed; she had gotten accustomed to, and relished the touch of her lover. She arose and took her beautiful naked self out to the living room to find Dave also without a stitch of clothing, standing at the massive windows sipping on a cup of coffee and just taking in the view of Chicago's lakefront.

Jill quietly approached him from the rear and embraced him from the back pressing her sexy breasts into him, while kissing his shoulder. “Mmmm, how are you this morning? That smells delicious. Care to share?”

“Sure. I was just thinking about all the broken relationships of people down there. How many people go through the motions in their marriages? And questioning myself with some pretty tough questions this morning.”

“Dave, we're both married and having this affair. We obviously have to be asking ourselves those hard questions. The toughest of which is, Is it time to come clean and move on from our marriages?”

“Well I'm sure that you have asked yourself that question all week, as have I. And I keep coming back to asking myself why I don't have the balls to be honest in my relationship with my wife. I know it is primarily because she is a good person. We have simply grown apart. I hate to cause her the pain I know she would feel, if I told her I wanted a divorce. But the magic is gone; I feel so fucking empty inside!”

“Yep, it is pretty easy to hide those facts back under the carpet and just carry on. And, we look at each other and see the fabulous times we have had this week. But what we don't see is the day to day pressures, time constraints, mundane tasks that are part of everyone's life and how we would relate to each other. This week has been like living in a utopia.”

“Well Jill, while you may be right that this week has been fanciful, nothing will ever take away the wonderful memories of spending time with you; particularly making love to you. But even aside from that, the quiet conversations we have had, eating meals together and entertaining each other … it has truly been a dream come true; more pleasant than I had even imagined when we were chatting those many hours on Lush.”

“I would certainly agree with that statement! Dave, this week … you … everything has just been wonderful. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me here!”

“Hey Jill, how about we go down to the fitness center and maybe work o ut some of our aggression on the equipment. I find it clears my mind.”

Nodding towards the bedroom, Jill says, “You don't think we've gotten enough of a physical workout in there?” as she giggles.

“Oh hell young lady, I've gotten more 'physical exercise' this week than I have in years to tell you the truth. I really did mean to help clear the mind; get the juices going, okay?”

“Yes, I guess my kitty can use a little rest and a genuine workout would do me some good, I'm sure.”

So the loving couple started towards the fitness center, but Dave suddenly remembered that when he awoke the phone was flashing with a message, that said there was an item left for him at the front desk. “What do you say we go down to the front desk first; apparently there is an item waiting for me there?”

“No problem.”

When they got there they were handed a small envelope with a note. “Dave, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you at the banquet last evening. Please accept these tickets to today's Cubs versus Cardinals game, on me. You will love the seats; right behind home plate in the second row! The Editor's Husband, Gerald Taylor.”

“Wow! Are you shittin' me? What do you think Jill, would you enjoy going to the game? I hear that Wainwright is pitching against the Cub's new acquisition in the off season, Jon Lester. You know the race has really heated up and, with their new manager, in addition to their other acquisitions, the Cubs are actually still competing this late in the season.”

“Seriously? You know I totally love baseball! And the Cards are my favorite team in the National League. Hell yes, I would love it!” So off they went to their workout and then cleaning up and dressing for the game. Although it was September, it was unusually warm, with the temperatures in the mid-eighties even along the lakefront.

Jill had the perfect outfit for a Cardinal fan. She wore a red and white checked shirt with three quarter length sleeves, very short white jean shorts and red tennis shoes. To arise to her always classy look, she had a white watch with a matching white band and diamond stud earrings of three carat each in size. With her hair pulled back into a ponytail the earrings sparkled and caught many admirers eye. “You know the only thing I didn't pack was a Cardinal baseball cap. I hope I can find one when we get to the game. I saw one that was white with the bright red St L symbol on the front and Cardinals written out on the left side of the bill of the cap.”

“Well, presto!” Dave said as he pulled out of his drawer, the very cap that Jill had described. “Knowing our shared love for the team, I had planned on giving you this, just as a reminder of our time together. While I didn't think we would be able to get tickets to the game, knowing the Cards would be in town today, I had planned on us going to Wrigleyville and watching the game in a sports bar. I knew you would look great in this.”

“Damn, Dave you are so thoughtful. Yes, this is it; the very cap I had seen. I love it!” She put the cap on and fished her ponytail through the back of the cap. “So what do you think? Does your girl friend look good enough to accompany you to the game?”

“Holy shit Jill! You look awesome. The question is if I look good enough to be your date?! You always look so young, fresh and just excited by life. I frequently think I'm crazy to think that I should ever be with you.”

“Dave that's bullshit and you know it. You are one very handsome and sexy man! What girl wouldn't want to be with you?”

So having quickly and sufficiently embarrassed each other with their mutual admiration, they set out to enjoy their day of leisure in the Windy City. “I hope you don't mind that we start out rather early. I think we can have a lot of fun in the Wrigleyville area prior to the game. Have you ever ridden the L in Chicago? It's part of their mass transit system that is elevated above street level, but locally just referred to as the L.”

“I really haven't ever; as many times as I've been to Chicago.”

“Well it will give you some local flavor, particularly with the crush of people after the game. And, it stops right at the ball park.”

“Great! Let's go for it!” Jill exclaimed.

Getting directions from the concierge to the closest L stop, away they went. The train clicked and clacked along the rails and swayed it's way north, above the city streets and weaving its way along, with its frequent stops. People got on and exited, giving the couple great exposure to all classes of the local populous. There were people obviously on their way to work, school, shopping, with most everyone keeping to themselves and most of the younger people donning ear-buds hooked into their cell phones.

Soon they arrived at the Addison Street station and made their way down to the street. Although it was almost three hours before game time, the streets were alive with fans; partisans for both teams. They went to several of the sports bars the circled the stadium. At one, Dave enjoyed an Italian Beef sandwich, while Jill feasted on a Chicago style Hot Dog. They washed the tasty food down with a beer and moved on to the next establishment.

They bought a bag of salted peanuts in the shell from a street vendor and thoroughly enjoyed the good-natured ribbing from the local crowds. They had plenty of support in the lighthearted exchanges as it seemed half the people were obvious Cardinal fans. The rivalry between these two franchises is historic.

After having a couple of beers each they made their way into the stadium and took their seats behind home plate. What a glorious day it was! They got to watch the various players mill about and were close enough to hear some of the good-natured barbs thrown back and forth between the competitors.

Even though it had been a glorious day, Jill had brought along a light sweater in case the wind changed and the shadow came over their seats. This item of extra clothing would prove quite handy as Jill kept it over the junction of her sexy thighs. For now they relaxed in the sunshine and warm temperatures, as she sipped on her vodka and lemonade and he nursed another beer.

It was a good game with the score tied at 3-3, when one of the Cardinal players stole home, a very rare occurrence. With the stellar talent on the mound for both teams and excellent defensive play, it promised to be a very competitive and tight game to the end.

Dave just couldn't keep his hands off of Jill's legs, so erotically displayed in those short shorts. But he was not alone in his scheming it would seem. Jill slipped her hand under the sweater and undid the top snap and slowly lowered her zipper. She then gently guided Dave's hand from her thighs into her panties, now made so available. Dave witnessed a knowing little smile form on Jill's face as his fingers began rubbing the length of her moist labia and then parting those aromatic lips to plunge into her pussy.

Neither could believe the events unfolding as they did. Here they were in the second row behind home plate at Wrigley Field and he was sawing two fingers in and out of her throbbing cunt. There is no doubt that the riskiness of their actions heightened Jill's arousal and within minutes her breathing was quite labored as she went over the edge and climaxed right there in front of thousands of cheering fans.

As she regained her composure, Dave removed his hand from her sex and began cleaning her womanly nectar from his fingers. He then smoothly offered to share this treasure with his lover. Jill's serpent-like tongue collected her own juices from her lover's fingers. They then kissed and shared the product of their salacious actions.

Re-arranging her shorts properly, Jill whispered, “I think I need to go find a ladies restroom,” giving Dave a quick peck on the cheek. She rose on wobbly legs and hurried to find her relief. Little did Dave realize that it was not just to clean up following their adventure, but she was still so aroused that as she hurried into a stall and locked the door, Jill soon had two fingers working her hot cunt into another frothy explosion while it felt like fireworks going off in her mind! She thought, how fucking naughty can you be you little slut! But she couldn't wait to finally get cleaned up and return to her seat to share with her lover her tale of masturbation.

Jill leaned close to Dave and quietly informed him that the orgasm he stimulated had not been enough and that she had been so aroused that she needed to continue her stimulation with her own hands replacing his.

“Well you dirty little slut,” Dave teased. But the couple was anything but repulsed by their own behavior.

Jill blushed a little and then whispered, “Maybe you need to go take care of your own needs Mr. Blue balls," he giggled.

“I'll be okay. Some of us are actually watching a ballgame here.”

Jill coyly leaned over to Dave knowingly pressing her substantial tits into his arm and “accidentally” stroked the full length of his cock. She kissed him on the cheek and quietly said into his ear, “I would rather feel and lick these balls than watch th ose on the field , but to each his own,” as she dipped her tongue into his ear.

Dave couldn't have gotten out of his seat if he wanted to; well not without displaying the huge bulge in his slacks. He tried to scowl at the sexy woman with whom he had shared his bed last night, but couldn't control it and soon had a grin plastered across his face. God he loved her playfulness; she was just so sensuous and her beauty, wow! “Just watch the fucking game,” he quietly but sternly said through gritted teeth; and then busted out in laughter. This woman had so woven him into her web, he couldn't have broken loose if he wanted to, but that was the furthest thought from his mind.

Throughout the rest of the game he rubbed the insides of her luscious thighs and she returned the favor. They hugged and kissed with each score. The pitching was outstanding on both sides. With the wind blowing out and both pitchers throwing into the seventh inning, it was a baseball lover's game. When the dust settled the visiting St. Louis Cardinals prevailed with a 5-3 victory.

It was a glorious day for the weather, a Cardinals victory, which Jill and Dave both relished, the seats were perfect, but most of all, the company of each other that these two lovers enjoyed was the feeling that overshadowed all others.

As they left the stadium, Dave inquired as to what Jill might like to do that evening, giving her the choice of dining at Harry Ca rey ’s restaurant, returning to the hotel and getting a recommendation for something a little nicer from the hotel concierge or going to Dave's favorite pizza place, Lou Malnati's. Jill deferred to Dave, who could not resist the opportunity to see his lover one last time dressed to the nines and opted for the concierge's recommendation for an exquisite dining experience on the more formal side. They agreed to have the concierge make all the arrangements for a later dinner, with them having time to stop at one of the sports bars, to have one more beer and a little good-natured ribbing of the local fans.

Jill's personality soon had the local clientele eating out of her hand, and some taken with her striking beauty, even questioned their loyalty to the home town Cubbies. They stayed for two beers actually and snuck out the door when a Blackhawk's rally began. They haled a cab and within a half hour made their way back to the hotel. It was only four o'clock when they were informed by the concierge of the details of their dinner plans, set for eight o'clock.

The lovers strolled hand in hand to the bank of elevators and whisked away to their lover's suite. When they entered Dave made a request of Jill. He wanted to see her masturbate, looking down and appearing quite embarrassed by what he felt was somewhat of a perverted request. She lovingly took his face in her hands and smiling said, “My sweet, sweet man … don't be embarrassed. I love you. I would love to show you anything you want. But I think it would be so hot if maybe we both put on a little show for each other. What would you think about that?”

“Seriously? You would really want to see me stroke my cock? That would turn you on? Really?”

“Hell yes, Dave. I think this would be so erotic. I would love to see your cum shooting from your cock and landing anywhere on my body; so hot to feel your cum splash against and run down my hot skin. Would you really do that with me?”

Dave took her hand in his and they entered the bedroom and began a loving embrace and kiss each other with so much love flowing between them. She slipped out of the kiss and gazed into his loving eyes. “I do love you so much Dave,” as she began removing his clothing and he removed hers. “Do you want me to just use my fingers or do you want me to use my toys?”

“Jill, however you are most comfortable and that which will get you the most aroused. I want to see your pussy flowing with your sweet nectar and I want to see you reach at least one very hot orgasm.”

Jill reached into her handbag and pulled out her vibrator. She climbed on the bed and Dave began to approach her. She held up her hand and said, “No Dave sit back and enjoy. Watch me play with my cunt and let me turn you on. I think while I'm making myself aroused you will get harder and harder and you can then begin to stroke that lovely prick of yours. I want you to shoot your cum all over me.”

She began by licking and rubbing her fingers over her nipples and then, taking her hard nipple between her finger and thumb, began to slightly pull on her aroused nub . Her breathing began to get heavier by the minute. Her other hand lowered to her clit and began running circles around her little soldier . Dave saw the hood protecting her little clit open up and press higher and higher until visibly red and throbbing. He could see little dew drops forming on the lips of her pussy and her breathing was much deeper and labored.

Dave's cock hardened and he began to spread the pre-cum around the head and lightly stroke its full length. Jill loved seeing the purple head repeatedly emerge from the cover of his hand. The very pronounced veins were absolutely beautiful in her eyes.

She first rubbed her whole hand the length of her hot wet cunt, only slipping the tip of her middle finger slightly through the split of her love channel. Her fingers were becoming more and more wet as her pussy oozed it's magical natural lubricant. She noticed how mesmerized Dave was watching intently the most imperceptible changes she made to the stimulation she was applying to her hot pussy. She then brought her dripping fingers to her mouth and extending her tongue she closed her eyes as she loved tasting her juices.

She opened her lusty blue eyes and noticed that the pace at which Dave was stroking himself had increased substantially. It was obvious that his arousal was rapidly approaching lift off.

Jill returned her attention to her pussy, with her lips more engorged than ever and the sloshing sound as she sawed her fingers in and out of her womanly center rais ing the level of sexual excitement in both her and her lover. As she curled her fingers to the front wall of her womb and she wantonly humped her own hand, Dave was nearing his climax.

The display each of these adulterers provided the other pushed Jill over the edge first and she experienced a medium size orgasm emanating from her now drooling pussy and electric jolts shot out in all directions through her legs and torso.

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She arched her back and her eyes rolled back in their sockets while exhibiting her sexy body so erotically for Dave. Witnessing her release Dave felt his balls tighten and his sperm shot up the length of his throbbing cock, soon splattered Jill in the chin and down her right breast.

The heated cum immediately causing Jill to experience a second more powerful orgasm building on top of the first and explosions of fireworks blasted off in her brain, and pleasure becoming more and more intense as each sample of his hot cum struck her other tit, belly and oozed down to run over her clit and coat her hand and fingers as they serviced her beautiful pussy. Both lovers were gasping to catch their breathe as they sought to ease back to some state of normalcy.

Dave changed positions on the bed to lay on his back and beckoned her to bring her quivering quim to his mouth so he could clean the evidence of her release, as she used her fingers to gather his spent arousal from her body and deposit all she could gather into her mouth; she so loved the taste of his musky cum. In her excitement, with Dave lapping at her slit, she bent lower and took his deflating cock in her mouth to clean his tool, both of them now loving the sixty nine position of their bodies.

After several minutes of this awesome pleasure they changed to a normal cuddling position and kissed with tender nibbles and tongue swaps. Each was lost in the pleasure of their post coital loving embrace.

After a short rest it was time to clean up and dress for their last night together.

Dave was dressed in a black pin striped suit and a festive tie with a mixture of bright yellows, reds and greens that brought some life to the stayed but professional appearance of his crisply tailored ensemble.

Once again, when Jill emerged from the bedroom, Dave was overcome with desire for this woman, his lover. She wore a white dress that was decorated with black lace, simple but oh so classy. To accessorize her appearance she wore classic black Louboutin heels and small diamond stud earrings. Her auburn locks were worn down with wavy beach curls. A small black clutch completed her elegant look .

“Oh Jill, you are like a lovely dream. So simple, but elegant and classy. You always are so beautiful darling.”

Blushing she said, “Well sailor you're not exactly chopped liver yourself. I love being on the arm of such a handsome and sexy man.”

“Well shall we?”

They made their way to the elevators and exchanged a number of very arousing kisses as the car made its way to the lobby floor. The concierge had arranged for a car and driver to whisk them away to a lovely restaurant on the north end of the city.

Upon entering the cozy upscale restaurant, they were immediately escorted to a secluded table where they were able to flirt unabashedly to their hearts content. Jill wasn't shy in the least as she gently fondled Dave's well endowed package, under the cover of the beautiful lace tablecloth. And of course Dave's hand appeared to be more and more of a permanent fixture stroking the tender inner thighs of his lusty damsel.

The conversation was light and pleasant. Dave was distracted thinking, I can't remember the last time I spoke so easily with my wife over a wonderful dinner in a fancy restaurant.

Jill offered, “You seem distracted. Can I ask what you're thinking?”

“Quite frankly Jill, I was just thinking how pleasant our conversation is and how I quite frankly cannot remember when my wife and I had such an easy and pleasant exchange over dinner. This is really very nice, as has been all of this week. I want to thank you for our time together.”

“Dave I could never in my wildest dreams imagined how well this week has worked out. You are a wonderful man; so handsome, such a pleasant personality and our intimate moments have truly been of epic proportions.” She leaned in and kissed him tenderly. Then bringing her left hand behind his neck and running her fingers through his hair, with her other hand tenderly taking his cheek in hand, said, “I do love you my dream man. I am truly going to miss not spending all of this time with you; you are so considerate and kind.”

Their order was taken and from all outward appearances, they seemed the ordinary couple, although they continued their under table stimulation of each other, while sipping their cocktails and engaged in conversation. They enjoyed their meal. They enjoyed their surroundings. They enjoyed each other's company. But most of all, they simply enjoyed each other. There was nothing put on; no secret manipulative agenda on either lover ' s part; no suspicious inquiries; no moments of awkward silence . It was truly one of the most delightful dinners each of them had enjoyed in some time. It was filled with fabulous dining, delicious cocktails and loving admiration of each other in how they spoke, how they flirted with each other and how they were so drawn into the other through their eyes, the windows to their souls.

They returned to the hotel and as there was music playing in the lounge decided that they would love to dance and have some beverages before retiring to their suite. The lounge was full but not overcrowded and they found a comfortable table for two. For the next couple of hours they enjoyed the music, discovered each other's true love of music and admired the manner in which they danced together, like they had done so for years. They especially loved the slow numbers, holding each other so closely.

About eleven Dave suggested that they call it a night, after a particularly steamy session on the dance floor when there were three slow songs in a row. With their heightened state of arousal, Jill retorted to his suggestion, “Mister you may want to call it a night on the dance floor, but there is no chance that this night is going to end anytime soon. I'm going to use that sexy body of yours, that you have been teasing me with all evening long, into the wee hours of the morning.”

“Jill you certainly didn't hear me say anything about sleeping did you? You will get a chance to use my body and I will be ravaging yours my dear,” he matter-of-factly stated as they boarded the elevator. Hand in hand, fingers entwined and looking more into each others eyes than the direction they were walking, they proceeded to their enclave for the night.

They walked to the windows upon entering the living room and stood with Dave behind Jill, his arms wrapped around her sensuous body and they enjoyed the moment, and the view of the lights of the city. Defined by the sharp darkness of Lake Michigan bordering the ribbon of Lake Shore Drive, with cars moving north and south, it was truly a beautiful vision. Dave broke the silent revere, “You know it is just the two of us, surrounded by millions of people, but the solitude and peaceful feeling of being alone with you my love is overwhelming. I love holding you in my arms. I wish we could enjoy this feeling forever.”

“Dave you have no idea how you make me feel, while in your embrace. I feel so loved, so protected and so peaceful. Thank you so much for making this week a reality.”

“It has been wonderful. You are wonderful Jill; more than I could ever have imagined. Do you think we might be a little more comfortable in there,” nodding in the direction of the bedroom.

“Comfortable? I don't know about comfortable, but I do know that is where I want to make sweet love to you my darling. Shall we?”

When they entered the bedroom, Jill reached for the zipper of her dress, when Dave in a low sexy voice said, “No wait dear; may I?”

“By all means.”

So Dave slowly lowered the zipper, exposing her sensuous back, while kissing and nibbling a trail in hot pursuit of the open teeth of the fastener . He lowered one side of her dress from her left shoulder, kissing her soft skin and taking delight in her taste. He loved the scent of her body and the tenderness of this woman. He repeated the process with her right shoulder and soon the garment dropped to the floor. As she stepped out of the dress now around her ankles, he turned her and kissed her deeply and sensually. While doing so, he unhooked her bra and lowered each strap down her arms revealing her lovely breasts. He kissed each shoulder and along each collarbone to the base of her long neck. His hands were lost in the rich curls of her auburn locks, as he continued his attention to her neck with kisses and his tongue tasting this goddess before him.

Jill was so aroused by his pleasurable and loving actions, she closed her eyes and felt weak at the knees, so caught up in the manner in which her man was embarking on this night of love making. She raised her hands and interlaced her fingers behind his neck. She whispered, “Dave, I am yours. My body is yours; my heart and my soul are yours. I love you Dave … and I give myself to you totally.” With that she began to undress him and soon their clothes were discarded without care; there was only one thing on the lovers mind; to become one in a perfect union.

There was no hurry in their gentle and tender pleasuring of each other. In pleasuring each other, each became overwhelmed with the emotions that they were feeling. Their arousal was a direct result of being with and giving themselves to each other.

Dave touched every inch of Jill's sensuous body with his hands, his lips, his fingers and his tongue. Jill reciprocated and their bodies were writhing in pleasure given and pleasure received. After pleasing each other with their oral ministrations, Dave with his chin, his lips and his tongue awash in her womanly flow, raised up over her oh so aroused and sexy body. They locked eyes. No words were necessary. The love that flowed between the two was like a hot wire, so electric, so hot and so inspirational.

He took his cock in hand, hard and throbbing, and ran the head across Jill's clit and through the channel of her quim. Coated with her nectar he brought the purple mushroom to the maidenhead of her sex.

Jill, filled with lust, said, “Yes please lover … I need you in me. I need for you to possess me. I am yours. Give me that cock. Take me. Fuck me, please fuck me … mmm!”

He took one more teasing excursion through her hot valley and then plunged fully into his lover's contracting pussy; he felt his balls slap against her perineum. He stopped. He was fully embedded in the cunt of this woman for whom he felt an overwhelming love. They had become one. They were unified in the chase of a dream every person has; the total and complete surrender of oneself to one other person, to become the love of that person and that person one with them.

They locked eyes and without a word spoken, realized the greatest love that either had experienced ever and actually, one that, before this night, neither could possibly imagine being fulfilled.

Dave began to move in and out of the succulent pussy of his lover. His speed began to build and as it did, Jill thrust in perfect timing with his love making efforts. This was far more than just raw sex. This was the embodiment of pure selfless love. As their arousal built and built their tipping over the edge was paramount. As Dave reached his climax spewing his hot sperm into the fertile womb of his lover, a tsunami of wave after wave of pleasure radiat ed from her core. He made one final thrust into her aroused sex and stayed frozen, as did Jill, with them appearing like a human sculpture of love.

Together, as their ragged breathing returned to normal, they held their tight post coital embrace.

Suddenly, Dave broke out into a fully sobbing crying spell. Jill tried to calm him, “what is wrong? Why are you crying? I don't understand.”

“Jill I am overcome with joy and at the same time a deep, depressing sadness. I love you with all of my heart and I love consummating our love, but I am thinking about our parting tomorrow and I really don't know how I am going to go on with my life as it is.”

“Oh honey, I love this. I have loved this week. And I love you! I don't want to leave tomorrow, returning to a life that involves just settling far short of love, but full of duty and responsibility. But Dave, this week has not been reality. We both know this. I don't want to come out of this fantasy any more than you. We both know we must. Do you think this is the end? Will we never be together again?”

“We can get together again Jill. But it will be with a continuation of living a lie; of hiding our relationship from everyone; of sneaking around just to talk with each other. I want more. I want you. I want us!”

“Dave, I'm sorry, but you need to understand the different stages of our lives. Your children are young adults. I have four young children. I just can't put them through the emotional roller coaster with which most adults have difficulty. So, yes, I will put on a happy face. I will pretend to be the perfect wife and mother in a perfect home. I owe that environment to my children. Lover, I also want us to continue. I also hate the lies, the guilt, the sneaking around, but this is self-imposed. I will not foist the emotional damage on them.”

“Jill I understand that those little ones are your life. But there are plenty of children of divorce that do just fine. There are plenty of children living in a home that has no love, and they are damaged by that environment.”

“Dave I'm sorry I am just not at that point where I can possibly consider the action you are asking me to take.”

“I get it Jill. I had to press the issue. I just could not leave this place without letting you know how much you mean to me and trying to make my ultimate dream become a reality.” Dave leaned in and Jill joined him in a most salacious kiss. They cuddled together and felt the peace that comes from making love with a person with whom you have bonded so completely.

They fell into a deep sleep in each other's arms.

The next day came early and was mostly mechanical, with each going through the motions of dressing, packing, a normal breakfast; each trying to keep their emotions in check, knowing that their separation was eminent.

They drove in almost total silence to O'Hare Airport , parked the car and made their way into the terminal. Jill proceeded through the check in process, checking her bags and then the reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. It was two hours before her scheduled flight, but she just couldn't go through the security check and part company with her lover. She simply wasn't ready. So they found a seat short of the security check and sat comfortably in lively conversation. Each had moments of flashback over the awesome time they had experienced over the last few days. But each made an extra effort not to bring any melancholy into the conversation.

Time passed quickly as it always did with Jill and Dave. Soon it was just an hour before her flight. “I really should get down to the gate.”

“I know. Please just one more kiss of your sensuous lips.” They kissed like the lovers they had been all week and embraced tightly. “Okay my sweet sexy Jill. It is time lover. Go now, but please let me know when you land safely. We will talk.”

Another kiss and Jill entered the que for her turn with security. Dave watched her remove her Louboutins and thought, mmm so sexy! And he watched until she had passed her inspection, waved to him, bravely smiling, all the while her heart was breaking. Dave blew her a kiss and she was swallowed into a sea of people making their way to their flights.


From O'Hare Dave drove the hundred miles to his home, with his mind continually distracted from the drive, thinking about his adulterous lover. He pulled into the garage; turned off the engine; and mechanically got his suitcase from the trunk. As he walked through the back door, his wife of twenty some years was standing in view in the kitchen.

“Hi dear.”

“Hi dear? How the fuck could you do that to me, to our family, to everyone we know?” she screamed.

Still distracted by thoughts of Jill, he tried to quickly regain his bearings. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You fucking well know what I'm talking about you bastard. You know I hate baseball, but during yesterday's Cubs game your brother's wife, called and told me to turn on the game. And there you were right behind home plate. You and that whore! Who the fuck is she? Did you spend the whole week with that hussy?”

“Okay! So it's out there. Now you know. I won't deny it and I will not have you call that wonderful woman a whore or a hussy. Have you noticed that over the past ten years or so, we make love rarely? Have you noticed that you haven't given me head since the first year we were married? Have you noticed that we have absolutely none of the same interests ? Well, sweet lady, I have had enough! My bags are already packed. I will be out of the house within fifteen minutes. It is fucking over! Over, you hear me! I'm done pretending and I will not settle for an empty relationship any longer. I would rather be alone than to live another day without the affection, trust and support of a lifetime partner who truly loves me. You will hear from my attorney, but I want out. I want a divorce.”

Dave gathered a few meaningful items and blew past his stunned wife, out the door and to a motel. What followed over the next few months was a divorce, but not a bitter divorce. His wife had come to realize just how on the mark Dave was. They no longer loved each other. They had grown apart and had virtually nothing in common. She had come to embrace this new freedom as much as Dave. They realized that they could work together toward finalizing this uncoupling and in doing so, actually became closer as friends. They also worked together to make the ir kids accept their divorce. It was over.

Written by oz99
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